HEADQUARTERS 7 NOR Seal Skin Sacks Porsian Lamb Jackets W. F. GOURDIER, EXCLUSIVE FURRIRR 767 78 and '80 Brock St. 3 "Phone 700, 4 3 i ! ! ¥ Optical Work Carefully and amy ex- eouted new style, mounts and specially shaped lenses made to order. Repairs of all kinds: Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, + 'I'he great Uterine only safe ne Montile can on w de aevond, ate {re 10 degrees stronger, $3: Will be the best time ) select your New oat for Fall and Win- r wear. Our stock is YW complete, but will ot be very long, as any ladies already are sting longing eyes at 3 me of the lines, They % nnot be duplicated in is city at the low ices we are quoting Are ip. «evidence this ek. Piece after piece the very latest Paris- | pos are now in % - Ck ready for your ¥ y pection. * : \Il kinds to SE. suit all} "Stolen Frade Fis sweet."--so™is " Malta- Vita foi Malta-Vita freshs life gives health-- z 'makes 'muscle---furnishes brains without tax- ing' the stomach. And then--that crispy" Yreshness--and that "nutty" flavor is always delicious. The best cereal that ever went .onto a table; 10c, all grocerbia The easiest wa y to remove ashes from a range is with an ash pan--the Pandora method (see illustration). Such an éxtra large ash pan is provided with the : «Pandora that it will contain more ashes than will 7 w+ accumulate in one day. 7 All the ashes are in. the: pan; too, because they are guided there by Burges attached: to either end of te fire-pot. Easiest, cleanest, eke is 'the Pikdors way. With the scraper and pan 'provided with every Pandora it's merely a matter of a minute or @ to clean out the dirt in the Pandora flues. Less dirt accumulates in Pandora flues than in ordinary flues, because they are wider and deeper, with' no belts, projections or crevices toicatch the dirt, consequently you need not clean them otit so often. Savesa lotof labor, does the Pandora. 1f your local dealer does not sell the Pandora write direct. for Free Booklet. - LEMMON & SONS. i: Sader,' Babbitt, Etc ouR EXHIBIT, TOR~ $08 Site ebay. Canada Metal Co., Ltd. Forster Sat. We have received this week alls our "New Fall Hats." They are all in Show Cases now. Daron, Specials': "The Waring" ~The Best $2.00 Hat it is Possible to Buy. "The King Hat' at $2. B50. = This Hat is now famous in Kidgston, apd we'll g Fuarantes I i it %o give good satisfaction. a g 'Fhe Knickerbocker Hat? at $3 f + This Hat has an admirable featiine of: Btting the 'head com- fortably at 'once. There's a something about oui Has that some people call §& B individuality" and '"'character'--We say ifs the "know how" [§ i in buying and the excellence of the ma prial that Rives them the distinctive air that all well-groomed men demand Like to Show You the New Hats. ; 1 ne e Mostler for George tproprietor of the Arlington hotel, and [there is an absolute mit § in lighting by Wil- |incandescence. empl {Howe Isla company "Aeompleted and although the water is A Two Headed Cannot other "W Tase Settled. | Sept. ace = ope ae Sonne to, oh aaship, on an and 'was =x until Friday, was seitiod outtof | loxk For An- i the: Young men guaranteeing to crease i - the sum. Gf $10 ro fy ue" Ge 'offence. ° 3 rest. of! a young 3 man charged with ian arrested worked in town last o Gruge, name then as Harry give Kis for some time past Jiamsén gud "has Ison 'on Chief Rapkin, of Belle- rville; having located his man in this goetion communicated 'with the local canstabulury and bo Friday afternoon Chief Ryan and Constable gpotted their man entering McDonald's barber shop on King street. . Chief Henkin was at once notified and des- tohed "Bengeant Patrick Ayre to con. duet + the prisoner Back to Belleville, {His "weal + mame is said to be Harry { Symonds sand his home to be in the {vicinity of Napanee. | Uonstable John Thompson bas' heen {appoisted truant officer by the board of education. The repains which have been going oh under the direction of the Watér Power have mot as yet been expected iny for use by the middle of noxt week, «it is possible that it will be wu week Jonger beéllgre work can 'be resumcd in the town'faetories, The steamer Ameriéd, with a large excursion party on hoard, passed by in pight of the town this morning but on account .of some difficulty she had with. government officials could not call. ! Rohert Allan, Osborne street, has disposed of his residenee there to John Gray, of Lesds township. Mr. Allen, who hogs resided here for some ten years, purposes leaving about the end of the month for New Westminster, 4B.C.. to ldeate it Mrs. Themas } Stervett and family, who have been = visiting her sister, Mrs. William Bulwer, James street, left in {her : auto-oar for Montreal and Quebec {where she will take up her daughter, Miss Edna, aud travelling companion. Whi pirecetlod: der hy a cotiple of weeks. Hone 8. 0. Wood, of Torotito, spent a short Aine iin town during the 'nast. weak the guest of his daughter, Mrs, ©. V,' Ketchum, at their sommer resi- Jddence on the r ver front, 'just west of the town. Mr. and Mrs. David A. | Nabbe; Brack stoeet, whe hime yesitled hare for several years past, deft during qthe pest few days for Guelrh, where Dodds hae aceented a sitnation. | ion Ann Tulloch, Fim street, "is shend'vg a short timd «in Toronts with friends, .. Wesley Bolton, r who hws been. spending the summer here with friends and' relatives. left. on Friday for San Francisco, where he has heen Toeatrd for several years past. The Misses Maude and Leura Harris, Stone etreet morth, are spending» week with friends in Toronto and Niagara Falls. | Record Of Murder. Harper's Weekly At present we are having about nine thousand murders a year, which is from eight fo "twenty-five" fimes. as many in proportion, to poplation as such coun- tries as England, France, Germany and i have. Why all this uwmauthorized killing? - We have about nine million negroes - and a grest many newly im- ported foreigners.. The negroes kill pretty. freely, Out of 7,380 persons charged with homicide in this country in 1800, 2,739 were roes and 1,213 foreign-born whites. ese Wo groups did foug-sevenths of the murders. That left 3,165 murders to be distributed org about forty-five millions of peo- t will probably be found that the ratios of 1890 were maintained in 1900 In recent years we hayé had a large im- migration of Italians, including, it would seem, a good many that are not desira- ble. The Italians are very useful, and the god ones very weléome, But aver: age Italians do not help much in keeping down the murder ratio. They have very obstinate ideas on that subject. We read that only one European country has ever had a .worse murder record than eurs, and that is Italy. Called It Tedious. Louisville Courier-Journal. Teges, a little town in Clay county, Ky., got' its name in rather a curious way. When a new post-office js to be established it is customary for Bb gov- erpment to permit thé people who are interested to choose the dame. 'KA meeting was called for this purpose and pames suggested, harking" away back to Grecian mythology and oon to Mary Ann, and the crowd was still quar- relling over a choice when the count tho odin up and remarked : "This is too 1 2 is 11 o'clock 'and I'm going hom hat is Re very mame we want," shouted several in. a breath. "We will call-her: Tedious." And so it was agreed, and the clerk of the meeting was insppucted to so id- | vise the postal authotities. He did so, it "Teges." Price's ahasolates - are made iresh ov- Adden--¥ ractories 3 a Gourt [the e gi "Some little excitement was 'egused in) we Ve can town on Friday afternoon hy the ar-|€ reasing perature wh degrees this temperature Grindstone and | lamp consists 0! 4 day's belief in the reasoning' but being. a Fhometie pelier he wrote ps radiates a variety of of these 'are long a waves, the tempetdture cath. kifow fhe way to t by incandescence fhe efficiency of in- rature. a certain tem- A of visible thorse-stealing. he wisdeamennor Was {perpetrated about a year aga at o- ilo be me oo to ville 'and the horse sold. The yung ade: But even at efficiency only" amonnts 10 about. "8 per tet, so that, The familiar. electric. . incandescent ment of carbon en- he carban filament is heated by the ric. current and forms our Hot, Now, carbon is rently the 1 refractory of all tances. its oh ng paint being" about Centigr: Unfortunately "We cannot ise such a high temperatire-in the carbon "incan- descent famp, or 'otf Tift "is not the boiling. point "but the temperature at which the evaporation' becomes so great as to limit the life of pur lamps, The temperature at awe work carbon in our s is about 1800 degrees. The acy of the car atent lamp can. therefore de. increased by using a material which has a Jower - vapor ten- closed in vacuum, sion at a. higher t rature, Nernst was fhe, first to devote his at- tention to the problem and brought. out the well known Nernst amp, e fila- ment CONSIStS Prin of Sirconia magnesium oxid al! ans 7 small amount of the oxide of the on 4d group. Great hopes e 'Shiertainéd when the Nernst lamp appeared ou' the nrar- ekt, but these haye not been realized, for the lamp had a great disidvantage which has nevér been guereonie, namely, the filament does mot!' conduct "and conse- quently does. not light up at ordinary temperatures. The success of these experiments led scientists to turn their attention. to other rare metals, of whic the following have He " SE ja Tyo,» uieful on es A FE AROUND TT ul. light rays in- [poys WHO CAN WORK WANTED, on, Hort Theobald, La strect. TRAMILY, El Pony. Ro st? near Flin ERT IN MAIL il APY MALE ST, WHO CAN READ . Goo ¥oice pegui out full cut Jamiiy, re wired, {aad Re illing to, work. None ie first-Class man weed apply. D. Alan' Bladk. S AN OVERCOATS TO FALL | Nuls ARP.O 10 ad or and work dont Son Galloway The Tailor, mm Be, nexy "to Bibhy's Livery. + . : STORDS, OFFIVHES, ' SHOPS, FAC foxion ad Dwellings. Me 51 street. LE MERE et A COUPLE OF OFFICES OY bY NW. OLS OVER She. Ularence St. AppLY $0 J. Bo: DWRLLINGS. Nosh iy AND 4 424 rincess St., one other small, © * bath, y - Apply 240 Brook street. ROOMS FURNISHED ed, or any part of the yo house-gfeping. Apply to St. opposite University Avenue. UNPUR Ws Prades : GENERAL TOUSE- ne we TE - Bre _amusie, oho an Bhat gh log full. Address ey iL GIRLS TO ORE IN a : po Aibly' 0 iy ur ORNTS--ST, LING BousmoL Mitehell, 78 Nrotk » img og. Sal = 3, SR YOUNG LAbY #0 QEERATH a DELL sion. og] te mmokine, mt itane. oe tic 3 ramioed. "ox = Sareful, wth, giiumeking | | fo coh: Br FARM HAND. MARRIED MAN, NWT : od Eo Sot oui: ha _wtreet, A amatrans OLIL as i - om oo EE ours Sor? LADY EF be | een SHR | coumontovs BRICK A EE = ol Ey na i ey pate WANTED---GENERAL. ¥ BY A YOUNG ° MAN, FURNISHED room, in Mon Hutte. Address Bo 2 Ha care: Wei office A 3 OLBANING ASHES | ouT oF oa ER FAT or Fond or Shares roo! or out 'board. poly Box FA, ol 3 BRICK DPWBLLENG; NO, 281 DIVISION: twelve rooms, 'extension been used with success: ta sten, zir conium and iridium. The tantalum lamp has so far been the most successful of all metallic filament lamps and thousands are now in use in London alone. ere is no doubt that within a very short time we shall bave at our comuiahd metallic Mament famps which from*x practical 'point of view will equal the presént.carbon lamp and have an efficiency of 1 watt per candle. This willbe a great achi¢vement, but it will not be the lamp of the future. For as shown in the beginning of this article we are absolutely limited as long as, we. cling 10: incandescent, bodies for light production, "Heat, although capable of making a liquid or solid incandescent, cannot | make a gas i at, merely in- ereases its, We ¢an, however, set gas pa at po vibration by chemi- cal reaction qr eléetric stress, such as is done when 'an elect: leu ent is passed through a vacuufi* Theoretically, there is no fimit to the efficiency of a luminescent Within the last few years: good" oot eibiecies have been obtained with the Moore vacuum tube illumination, and 'this method of light production. has' ad great future be- fore it. The light of the future will be a lamp giving hight withest heat and the probabilities are that. this will be cither a luminescent gas Of ¥APOL., EXILED PRINCE PARDONED. PRINCE IA Joachin. Albrecht... Whe Wed Actress. ? Vienna, Sept. 3+~The New Freie Presse states that the kaiser has pardon- ed Prince Joachim Albrecht, whom he recently banished to German Southwest Africa, to punish him. for his love affair with the actress Marie Sulzer. The prince is to return to Berlin in September. Immediately after the au- tut manoeuvies he will be reinstated as a major in the army. The full details of the amazing love affair of Pririce Joachim, Albrecht with Marie Sulzer were' published last No vember. In order to make herself "noble" and a fit partner for the 'kifiSer's cousin, she first married Baron voir Liebenberg, a needy Austrian aristocrat, in a Brixton registry office. The baron was to re- ceive $3750 for the marridge, and a further $3750 when a divorce, which was arranged, bad been obtained. When the evidence against the baron for a' divorce had been 'obtained, a nmr- riage broker, who' had 'thw business _in hand, refused to. pay the baron. The kaiser was very ry, and. ordered Prince Joachim Albte to. proceed to German Southwest Africa. N Sagacity Of An Arizona Dog. A correspondent sends the, following interesting bit 'of testivhorfy ¢ "In conriection with "the '#nimal con- troversy' being discussed by the promi- nent nay raligts And RAE of the country, would like to cite the fol- owing case itt support of 'Dr. Horna- s of animals. | that they do reason. m cause to effec Sr. Ww Filliam Rot Beal stage & {rom here to Fonriaile who accompanies him on his the dog gets tirelk pf runni side the stage he ju nps in ejves the betweesr the sedts. r is moving slowly, he jumps rom 'the side, just clea y po wheel, but when the stage/is" "moving swiftly he jumps; froma p n a little to the rear of the wheel, rear wheel, and the" brain, 4s it mot too muc lop presume 10 amlyze that of an ani 2» amen Weekly. Lg Madame Emne Fa the £, was rtuted a | a fit de absolute i ign Storey, the artist, Togalrom. Justice Mogschs i N.Y.. 5 > y het i | in to olef B4L gm an the estimatéd expenditure ing om and Kitchen. hee ---- 3 Ammediate Ap ply to Frederick Welch, No. 179) tung- Divislon street. | FOR SALE OR TO LET. PREMISES, CORNER KING. AND Queen streets, used as Sarriagy fac: sections wait over, to 'work © hr lector, Nght Hor, good ao Apply Oberndorfiers , ler, St, city. IMAKE $as BOYS AND ig 34 YRARS AND WIERLY SELLING "N Law o nancial S Toh that tells how to cond -- minke Peduckary Press. jog, Uldcago, U.S.A. ORES WET CHOP this connegtion ant the department fins. THE P On the other hand, the estimated J ; fevenue was £38,320, awhile the income Ireceived was Alas above that sum, ESTIMATED AT OVER THREE BILLION BUSHELS. ------ {Nearly Three Hundred Million Bushels Less Than, Last Year--- Canada's Production Set Down As 93,500,000 Bushels. New York, Sept. 2.--Thé Sun has re- ceived the following cable despatch from Buda Pest: The official estimates of the world's production of wheat iw 1907 gives the grand total sat between 3,100, 130,000 and 3,205,550,000 khushels. By coun: tries the amounts in bushels are as follows ; Great Britain Hrance ...... . Germany Austria Italy Holland .. arrvs ann a Switeerland LL. ae Belgiom ...... . Denmark .. Sweden Norway Spain. on Portugal .... Greece HRypt o.oo conic namin Hungary (including Croatia t and Slavonia) 130,000,000 Bosnla and Herzegovina... ~ 2,270,000 Russia and Huroponn Asia 555 "500,000 Romania ... 53, 170, 000 Bulgaria and EB East "Rou- ARLE voces corinne .. 31,170,000 Seryia i Abana anh odie 11,000,000 Tarkeyy European Asia. ... 47,670,000 Fast India .. 311,960,000 United States $41,670,000 Canada Age snilina hile ..... Uruguay co corse Australia .... Algiers ... .o pis Tunis Tripoli... Mexico ...... Japan MONEY IN RUBBISH, Its Sale. How: money 'may be made from the offal and rubbish of a city is' shown in the annual report to the cleansing com- mittegrof Glasgow corporation, | of Su- perintendent McColl, of that city's garb- age 'department. At the outset, of £142,145 whi 'exceeded 'by £20062, an inérease redlly due to three items, the chief of which was created by the exceptionally heavy snowfalls. The extra wark in a , aod other vesults of i Ta They cormat the cham aad digroy 5 +8 evil condition. Ming iatment savin and dats all dlp abln, Mira Blood Tonic end Mira Tablets cleanse the biped ond invigorate sgmach, diver, }iingys ond bowels, Oimtment wd Tablets, each - 50c. - Blood L000 mainder, valued at £4661 3s. Glasgow Gets Good Income From Mr. McColl states that ¥' which was reall do the Bo revenue derived 1 rom hea sera 'fron, "owing those of a yee he gs : sition. and stable mi are were ently n ex- thought of tivoursdiy cess of the estimate. in he ean will surely become just. The , refuse, manure, rubbish, and thought. Believe street sweepings collected ambunted to 255,040 tons, or an average daily quan- as mean as your that 'your 'are ' godd, will be the natural baer of of youn tity of 1,200.52 tons. Food unfit for thought. Fix your eyes upon the consumption was destroyed, amounting |fuirest vistas of life that present : to §5 tons. 3 ews, comprising fruit, | themselves to you, and your vegetables, beef, tin meat, biscuits footateps toward the highest mou, ; and eggs. The en lone weighed 39 | tain of the ideal," Learn - tons 1432 ¢ ughly means {opi of yiussdl as one high oe that fully hada alton -- were dis= posed of as wnfit for human food. From the sale of clinker, waste paper, bottles, scrap-iron, and galvanized fron, and from tins and galvanized iron, no less than £4,184 2s. 1d. was added to the revenue vof the department. On their estates the crops of produce sold yielded £1186 1as. 10d, pe i used in the stables of the cleansing an other departments in town or on the farms. The value of the heritable pro- perty of the department is £204 8s. 11d., and of the movable £70788 € 6s. 5d. 1 tn ------ Trial catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on Feist, by Dr. Bhoop, Racine, Wis. These tosts are proving to people--without a | penny's cost--the great value of this scientific prescription known to drug gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Ca- tarrh Remedy: Bold by all dealers. holy, and ~ high and holy you will' surely become, : Address, Mr. Casson for free litera= is the food of health and strength. It is Shredded ' Whole" Wheat, compressed into a wafer, and is immeasuralily superior to white flour bread, or pastries. It is delightfully satisfying as a toast. Delicious with cheese. MORE WHOLESOME AND NUTRITIOUS THAN MEAT. All Grocers--13c. a carton, 2 for 28c, 5 BEDDING SUPPLIES "THIS WEEK. Bras aad Tron Bedtend, Ss Fa007 Designs. We are. sllngs of at Special Prices cath, Fopther 'Pillows, in the best of Goose, Duck and Chicken Tonics, .¥ Es srl ay poss BE dares and goodness