) CLOTHES RE. a Ee gs isn't built up on single comes back that counts. plainer than this. at - interests we are obliged ishes of our customers. y ie platform of this store to Clothing wins trade and Winter Suits, single and $10, 12, 14.50 and 18. Overcoats, $10, 12,15, 18 0, 12.50 and 15. OP COATS Silk Faced Overcoats. BIBBY C0. E CLOTHIERS, lates G. B. Chocolates. : the Best. ~ rniture Saie cent, and a large selection. See worth $25, reduced to $20. ts worth $48, reduced to $40, ts worth $80 (special), reduced to ages, reduced to $5. anges, reduced to $0.50." all reduced. LEADING UNDERTAKER. ' "PHONE 577. TT BARGAINS S WEEK. ale, in our window, all Women's Oxfords and 1 Patent Colt, Viei Kid ular prices from §3.50 em out at once for w we have placed all nt Colt, Vici Kid; Gan ox Calf High and Tow 'and 5.00Fvalues. For $F Chase & SEAL 'BRAND " {4 Dr. Wa M. Robb of Avonmore, spent | ; \ibstanti rend 9 Shunjay Ta the city with friends: he yi "1 ' id a8 €. W. Livingston, wife and son, are 1 i 'Wuehe Lori Plate eny hve attending the exhibition in Toronto. Saag, on i Tt | A; bets Misses Ethel . and Sarah Gillespie, Thi --. at mibineti are in Toronto attending the exhibi- ue hy 0 tion of tion. circus tances, for which no one. is to William' Craig, of Rochester, a form- blame, failed to, reach the official to er Kingstonian, is visiting in the whose partment ch information city. i' should, , till almost at the very hour X 'Aeriens, Johnston, v EE Nes York duel r. Cooper left on a visit » a At ae filed "in ne ire ny 4 2 x wall ; . } - . iliam x i 5 2 Reeves, general superintendent of the Mrs. Thomas Watson, Earl street, ' i n telegraph % RS a. "A : left 'this morning to visit friends in J Sumpany owing. to =the K E ] § ge eh Tarok " - tei, the Shesedige was not received > CoD = J . a nH ARudol . ere at the works till the middle 'of & : 3 Che? ~--and Fel Wele h-have re HOWARD D.-VAN SANT: + the afternoon of Thursday: wi - : ; ALS Mur rom a pleasant wip up the | quo guint is awnounoed . of | John Sterling -Deans,. the chief en ; ° . [Miss Arvilla BE. Harperg of Lancaster |gineer, to whom it was peferred We and Mrs. A Ww. NeMahon went County, Pa. to Howard D. Van {absent from his office at the time © It Tape Girdles, sizes, 18 to 23, 25¢! . He. orn jo, Sunday' night, to attend |S nt "United States consul at King: | was received, 'and it- was on * 3 ; . : . } . ston. The wedding will take place (his flesk to read ' when he came i Batist, Girdles, with Hose Supporters, 50e. nek Juric, Burt: Hape Spent the | hout the snd of October. Mids Har- | At five oclotk he returned. and i 3 a Long and Médium Length Corsets,. all the best styles of ery x eo Rogua® pet 12.4 mast accomplished Xone {minutes logor N. R. McClire, an in- ; the Leading Manufacturers, 50c., 75c., $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2 Madar 1. W. Shanon, of London, |e" An al in South Ne [tak at SR. opr ] ; ; s ¥ . ; a " in » Ly +» Mr. Van 2 s family in South Néw [arrived i i a 2 Foster s American Hose Support'rs, 25¢., 50c., 75¢. to Ont. spent Sunday and Monday in |Jersey for years. The many friends of Fnemasion. - Sith pestienn $1.50. it Fi nnigan h 1 her d | Kingston's. popular "Yankee consul" bridge. It was then toh late in the ¥ » Miss niga S resu p {wi x te Foo { ions yp Children's and Ladies' Tan Hose, ,10c.. $0 15¢. ties in the ire orci pr Ta Li exfenut nearly . gTaLlatisn, | du _-- Selo mesnge througlt- tas Whe 3 ; 3 < ) » » { Sm mm---- workers sre they i 3 Children's and Ladies' Open-Work Hose; 15¢. to 25c. hut, YotuHon, LM IN "" RURAL POSTMASTERS The fact that hy a he not : 5 s i . Mrs. R. Drape ) 1 -- A to : Children's and Ladies" Plain Hose, 7¢., Sc. and 10c. | Pini" > per ain ins : ice Dra | ; : explicit in advising the calling off of 3 o : ; 88) AT, o] Pe Maple = Lawn, are. visitng | Ave to Receive An Increase in the men pn the structure is assigned y omen's Special Fast Black German Hose, 15c. fritid mn Toone, i | Salaries {as the reason for the failure of othe £ ' r..and Mrs. Fdw rye , Con- " . ' or o r ° Women's Fast Black Cashmere Hose, 25c. SE Le left a Mon Ottawa, Sept. 3.--The scale of wages | oeials Yer fe GCE dang wr Boys" Ribbed Cotton Hose, Bc. and 10. day to vist mative, 50 HSI nth a {wan ne weion of ny. immediate 3 < 'onstable "Nie immerma as | 1 ARS Pp the postmaster n y i _ Boys' Best Fast Black Ribbed Hose, 10c., 12}e., 15¢., 20c., Fotoraet fom ie ssvre Taos and | general and his department. In futur, | danger. \ . 5 ; sizes, 5 to 10: Yh . resumed his duties : | the minimum © Salary of a country i ei x : " £8. 8° Mrs. Edgar Taylor, and Mrs. J [ postmaster will be 235, while at pre-| A STRIKING SPEECH. 2 Gordon, Sr., Glenvale, have returned | Smt the minimum wry is $25. On | : TT ------ 3 SPE NC E 3 S The Leading Millinery J | vm a typ down the river. | the Tirsh 3600 vavenue the yostummmter {Delivered By the Kaiser--A Direct LH dgring, Rote lk now gets forty per cent eroalter he : and Mantle Store demibas HongingS Hey na ge will get fifty per cont. On the first | Berlin, * Sept Appsal. Stanepined We a tor in the city on Labor Day. Si. or all ower 500 and. up tol day that Emperor' William rowed vg ~ Mrs. John Campbell, Colborne street | 10.0 " he nos: gets ony five r= day during his visit to the Muenster TT returned home yesterday, after a visit icent n future ST gut thirty per | Monsum, made a most striking Speech : + at' Sharbot Lake and Bathurst, | cont. on a over ) ) and up to | which is regarded as bein direct A D N i {810,000. At present he is allowed $f | appenl A Eg a dicect - ; At § tr. and- Mrs. A. R. B. Willmmson { > 1 over $10,000, ¢ appeal the socialists to work together returned to-day from Parry Sound, oy pg en he oe twenty: eg ili other classes for the good of the i -- ---- : EM ) . o e he "get twe i ' } o LE. Ni > Ee Pts: of {Sent An allowance for night duty is a. tn hi - of = = ss $ s is t > ¢ paid whe ostmaster has- \ R in the wellare ol aT --} ===t TRC re: Harry Morgan, S86 New Beach, | no% POLS ce , ip ter pap ot slussu. of whatever 'creed or Ry LE arnt, where she will spend her va- la.m., the minimum pay for this being » She es his Majesty said : EC) td a Tipo & {$6 nnd the maximum $60, according |. 1S rited from my gtandiather a ® and Mrs. G. J. Counter. Syden- | the time employed and the we rk a Mission to care for the working peo- - ham street, leave to-morrow for their |g 0 Jt hing mow been decided to pi + and would like to see a concilins pew home in Toledo, = where their | shange the hours to 9 p.m. awl 7 am. tory spirit extend all over the em- Jiire, To whoever is ready to work Z St. 7" Baking Powder." I Z "1 never in my life B77 saw gn article make 77 friends like St. George's." 24, as if every order I or this Baking-Powder." * And no wonder! - Baking Powder 7 is made of Cream of Tartar that is 99.90% pure--it keeps its full strength till the can is e It never disappoints--but . always makes the baking light and whe." Si "a «Look at the result--everrores , ahll offering this uine Creanimf Tartar Baking-Powder agaify in." \ 8 a May we mail you a copy of our new Cook Book? All the newest recipes of famous chefs--with practical suggestions, weights, measures, etc. Sent FREE, if you write to Tue NaTioNaL DRUG & ChEaicaL Co. oF CaNapa, Limited, Montreal, 1 \ 5. § 2000000000000000000080 : GOOD LIGHT = house or twenty ot them,- yeu require good oii. : ; .. Our Best QQal Oil i the hikhes grade mo ¥ -buv. if 1idt already using it, try = PLE LOT. Delivery made to any part of the city. : $ . Whether you have only' omer Tamp in the wy . re 3 3 2 McKELVEY & BIRCH 69 and 71 BROCK STREET. 2 a Er : Thoroughly gud scientifically cooked,' rolled into filmy cakes, and then toasted to-a rich; golden ISANITAS I € TOASTED COR . FLAKES agree perfectly with the most delifate stomach, Tell your grocer to send you a box to-day and 'try if for yourself. "Condor" Japan Tea Ww An extra-choice quality: The very best! : Ask it from your dialer. ed > 4 - THE E. D. MARCEAU CO. Wholesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, | "Personals. TT : ay Weir, Toronto, is visiting in _ Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland are in Toronto. Charles Hall has returned from Tnolida yotrip to Toronto. : James Kennedy, Portsmouth, t the holiday in Watertown, a. "Mrs. -D. Lalonde"and daughter t the holiday in Watertown. we children reside. Thomas Rtherford, of Arnprior, | 21 formerly of Kingston, rendered a solo | in Princess Street Methodist church, |» Sunday evening. Elmer Backer, of Pittsburg, Pa., former Kingston boy, two weeka' vacation id acquaintances. . Miss- Kate Dickson, who has been spending the summer months with her mother on Ordnance _ street, has re | Syracuse. | West, who Red Cross turned to Albert sderk in the Drug store, | the School of Pharmacy. F. A. Remillard and Mrs. Lamire «nd son, A. Lamire, Montreal, ave mjoying a short vacation at A. Re- |N¢ millard's. 87 Barrack street. Sa Frank Lalonde nection with the street "railway and |p lesves to-morrow, for Smith's Falls, Where he has accepted a position. Mr. and 'Mrs. G. A. Begg laughter, of Boston, are visiting and |C has returned home, after a most plea- cr sant visit with her" sister, Mrs. Berm, at Riverview camp, McDonald's | Cove. { Miss Ona P. solfegiate institute, the Bell left to-day for the | of Brockville, af ly summer vacation | ter. spending } vith her parents, F. W. Bell, at |} Sharpton u Mrs. William Rbckwood and som, of | Syracuse, N.Y., has left for home, af- | ter spending a few days in Kingston, the guest of Mrs. W. street. Mire Helena Daws has returned to n fier home . in Montreal, after a plea- sant visit in this city, where she was | the guest of Miss Hattie Ardagh, |) Arch street. i Erwin Knapp, duste in arts, 1905; has been ap-| pointed mathematical 'master of Por- tage La Prairie Collegiate, at an jni- | In ol day, after where they were the guests home in Eganvitle. Miss Louise they will visit chester by My. and Mrs. Frank Green-| Wilton, Barl street, was) operated lan successfully for ii i citis at the General hospital this] morning. , The young man has been | suffering. for some time, and was fore | od to enter the hospital -a few days! ago. "Suuart E. Grant, Wolfe Island, formerly a ? 40 CTS ALE, © Vinegars, 20185 ST. PAULIST.. Canada. 1 + partner with the late R. J. Spoor, died at his family residence on Mon- | day night. . Me . I "® THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, § : ee 5 ieee py fnmnn To Take a {nnd to make the {duty is performed $ a! ing is dow dirget, and is spending a | whén inthreet or Through here, renewing | ward postoflies, The new seale twalve por ent. - for, ditect and the j sane for indincek, forwaml duty. i Ra leaves shortly for Toronto, to attend | W {itoba consid rable has severed his con- | provement, per acre, the reports from the 'north and west reased acreage J. output equal to last year's. | ty-four years H¢ Reid, Queen t is survived by N'A. a Queen's gra-| and one son CONSUL H. D. VAN SANT Pennslyvania Girl Bride. As 0 and the maximum $100. The pre nd scale is ten per cent. on the re mun of the offices for which forward when the forward- five per cent. another for- is NOW CUTTING THE WHEAT. has been head | oq Reports of Yield From Southern Manitoba. innipeg. Sept. 3.--In Southern Man- cutting Has been | done and a fair idea: of the yield ean | jow-men charitably.' During the past two been & marked im "x he 'secured. there, has and the farmers now ot to harvest about twelve bushels insiead of six or eight. Al W eck ntinte to be pessimistic, owing to his [the extreme lateness of the seasan vl nother and sisters, Mrs, wy Begg, { the damage from frost. \ Mrs. Rigg and Miss Begg, Princess | A despatch from Prince Albert sa¥p street | Thirty binders were sold here last vear J. A. McKay, president of the Stur- and'twenty-four thi§ 'scason: 32,000 eyant Publishing company. New [pounds of twine last year, about 30, York, was in the city, on Sunday, [000 pounds so far this year: 140.000 visiting his futher, Capt. R. H. Me- | bushels of wheat were shippdd last < 1 Kay. year, and ylthough the average will Mrs. Bartels, of Woonsocket, R.I./lbe five bushels less this year the in will, make this, year's Duncan Bole Dead. Sault Ste. Marie, Sept. 3. After a ng illness, Duncan, Bole died at his ome on Saturday morning, aged fi The funeral was held auspices, the remains Masonic nder being taken to Meaford. Mr. Bole was the a resident of the Canadian Soo f&r winy vears. It will 'be remembefed some vears ago he fipured pro; in Untarid "politics in con with the famous West Elgin a result of which, he a time in the Indies hat rinently ection 20 He Jeetion, as wirned for Baseball On Monday. Eastern k aruwe--Toronto, 4-2; Roches- } 0-3. Bufialo, 1-0 tial salary of $1,100 . ter, 2:1 3 real, Dr. Edward Ryan,.of Kingston, has | Jersey City, 3-1; Baltimore, 2-2. heen re-appointed grand medical ex-| Americgn lragune--Chicago, 54: De Sie ol she OMB-2. He has re- | troit, 62 I hiladelphia, A Woh urned rom Montreal, where at-{jngton, 3-2. ow York, 1; Boston, IZ tended the convention held last week. | (loveland, 3-1; St Lowis, 2-4. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Gardiner and | National league St. Louis, 6-9; Chi- little son, Rifssell; came home Satur- | cago, 0-0: Boston! 2: Philadelphia, 1 a month's visit in Perth | Brooklyn, 0: New York, 0. Pittsburg, Cincinnati, % x x < Drammen, which requires baptism like o Shauncey md, 5 hy i " Reid, Shauncey Reid that oi Christ in the Jordan. Yester- ---------------- "D&A Corsets They are the smartest mo- dels known to the Corset Manufacturer's art, science and sense having achieved a wonderfu) triumph. RE _ Prices range from $1.00 to $6.00. wil improve Your Figure. minimum allowance | a widow, five daughters Seven Bodies Have Taken + Warning to the Bridge The Chief Engincer To Give a w Wai Out When it Came. Tonder to get Miss Harned in thei} New York, iy 3.--~The telegram | centre of the pigtires, the photo-|§ | sent to Quebec by Théodore Cooper | grapher kept the camera close. to her. | giving a warning regarding the -- She stood. the strain far pictures of bee bridge did not - reach Quebec till the middle ! Thursday afternoon. | with me towards this end pared to givéymy Wand." The Emperor continued' "During my reign of twenty years 1 have often had to endure humiliations, inflicted | intentionally or unintentionally * by | others. When 1 have felt anger over- | coming, ame 1 have asked myself what {was the best, means. of suppressing + The only way I have found was of saving to myself, 'They are all nien, as I am, 'and, although they humiliate me, they have souls illuminated by | heaven, whither we shall all some day return, and in their souls there is a portion of the Creator." Whoever thinks thus will always treat his fel- I am pre: A GREAT EARTHQUAKE, Recorded on Monday at the Isle of Wight Observatory. London, Sept. 3.<Prof, Milne, the celebrated seismologist, telegraphs from the Isle of Wight Observatory that at 4.14 o'clock, Monday after noon, the motion of a 'great earth- quake, which did not reach its maxi mum until 5.01 p.m., began to be re- corded here. The applitude of motion was five millimeters, which means that the disturbance was the greatest re orded nt the observatory im 1907 since the Mexican earthquake. vn Ap: ril 15th. At the time the professor telegraphed, 8.15 p.m., -the duration of the earthquake was already greater than three hours and the shock was still continuing. The distance of the origin of the earthquake is about 7, 000 miles * from FEaogland. There are two great seismic regions in that dis- North Chili to the west, and Sunday Islands, in the Malay hipelago, and the Philippine Islands trict, arc to the east. If the quake occurred: on land great damage must have hwen done. « pear. y land the poets would regret its disap- A Bap TRAIN WEECH: 2 pearance." (The famous singer does From the Debris. Orangeville, Sept. 3.-Word has been recviveed here of the wreck of a special train from Owen Sound, which passed through here at 9 a.m. containing six conches, Five cacs . left the tracks, | deep. She says, ) the ons containing ost. 'of the Jal 1 can say." Mme. Pinkert is very irangeville people remaining on the practical. "The sea," she says, "always track. Seven bodies have been taken . from the wreck: . and brought to | great bridge could be made from Genoa Orangeville. A large number < were | 10 Buenos Ayres, from which. one could injured. Harry Halbert, son of Jame: { admire it." ey a a ballet dancer, and 'Haliert, mightwatchman here, had W.'J. Robison, of North leg broken. f Mrs. 15 AW. H. Muligan. & i ---- n i! : § { lay. formerly of Orangeville. |, was » fiona tol en] Baptized In The Nude. hardly injured, vs were Mp angl- Mrs. querable, untamable. . & pr : " T . e------------ a rm Tels Y AY ac at | Copephagen, Sept. 3 There is. a! Douglas, of Markdale, father and |°® ances ph to as at bia | sensational religious movement - in | mother of A. C. Douglas, Qruggist, Heir To $250,000. ! = 2 "| progress in the Narwegian town of Orangeville. Cincinnati, © Sept. 3.--Edward Good: = er, a pedlar, who has been here some Brought Gasoline Engife. and Clifton Reid, Queen street, left on : Monday Raf Jd, ou attend the Tor-| 48% over fifty people, who were ak : Glenvale, Sept. 3.-A good ynany Canada, leaves for Glasgow; in' short onto exhibition. Befora returning home most naked, were baptized in We {from this sicinity are attending the | fime to obtain inheritance left to him Ningara Falls and | Drammen rivir by 'the fanatics. #xhibition - at Toronto. Dr. and, Mrs. (bY 2 wealthy relative, lately de | $ amounts to $250,- A. Gibson of lows, are spending' a few q Bulfalo. Ii ate inue re * Mis¢' Marie Seerus, of Buffalo, NY land's Lirthrate continues VETY | g,vg at J. .C. Gibson's, Mrs. Boyd, of 000. = has returned home after. visiting her hg Chicago, is' visiting her mother] Mrs. : » ------------ wv » § > - cousins, Mr. and Mire. Joseph Green-| | Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Coul fer re A Railway Promotion. wood. 'She was scoompauied to Hb | turned howe from a trip to [Grindsl Halitwx, N.S. Sept. 3.-W. A. tone Taland. and Clay 3 » ' 3 one Tsland and Clayton. Misst Geor- | Bpown, general superintendent of the gie Amey returned home on Suguiday, x J. C~ Gibson after spending friends here. Mr ser and 'Mr. and her vacation and Mrs. H. Mrs. | attended 5 private pienig-at _Lough- mm, ire boro Lake on Friday, J. Leofiz rd, of 3 | Kingston, is at BC Gordon's. 3lessrs.| Rev. T: C. DesBarres, Anglican 4 Gibson and Gi have purcha sed a!clergyman, died in Toronto on Mon: new | commissioners in every county m al gusoline engine. J. Clark bought a dav, aged seventy-four are srreader. Misses Gertie | Cayter, Mary Hamilton and Kath {Jn and Mikdred Orser and Leonard ed, who ia the wil}. BLE was t i ly night. ~ ness brought on by tak flashlight pictures in New Haven. In Sothern, on a special from _blind- of several the first three acts, and then said that she was too tired to make two more changes of sogtu for the remai two acts of (he play. She went Jo, te New Haven house and went to Early yesterday shé called her maid and said that she was unable to see. Doctors Allinger and Blake were sum- moned, and worked her until three o'clock in the afternoon before she was able to raise the lid of ome eve. It was said that she would be confined to a room for dgys and with care she would recov er her sight. > tprpnem . SWISS POLICE ARREST X ® i ----- - it su Two American Tourists on Wrong Geneva, Sept. 3--Two young Ameri- cans have had a very unpleasant ex- perience of the methods of the Swiss police. A ; e They are staying at one of the leading hotels in Lucerne, and -were given may eat a biscuit and not taste it, but when you think of bis- cuit eatinig you think instantly of other night a_bad 30-lire ($12.30) note. They gave this to a shop , Who handed it to the police when he discoy- ered it to be a forgery, with the result that the Americans were promptly ar- rested and lodged inh prison. After they and their bay had been searched . they were ound to be innocent of the charge and liberated. The Americans left Lucerne at once for Zurich, but they had hardly arrived in an hotel there when they were again arrested on the same charge and taken per, Ww to prison in, spite di their protests, of them was kept in Zurich, while the other was taken under police escort back to Lucerne for a new enquiry. The American consuls in these towns protested, two bank managers assured the police that the prisoners were of go family and had practical unlim- ited credit. in their banks to draw on, but still the police were suspicious. * At'the 'second inquiry nothing more was 'proved, and the Americans .were again liberated with abject apologies. The cantonal authorities at Lucerne also apologized profusely, and dismissed the detective who brought the false charge. It is stated that the Americans will claim a heavy indemnity, HORSE-BREEDING- IN ONTARIO. Report of Inspectors Who Made a Special Investigation. Toronto, Sept. 3~--~The report of the inspectors appointed by the government | to make a special investigation into horse-breeding in Ontario has been lished by the department of agriculture gud i» now ready Jor, distribution. It is argely statisti ves at cohsid- Sie Jength details of the WORE of the province. Opinions gathered in inter- views with private individuals and at public meetings: as to what should 'be done to improve the breed of horses are included. In all the counties the -con- census of opinion was in favor of stal- lions being ed and registered, and the inspectors in their reports favor the passing of an act to that effect. In many counties the horses were not of a good class, and one cause of thedete- rioration of the breeds was held to be the syndicating system of buying and dealing in so-called first-class animals for breeding purposes. At a number of the public meetings held it was arged that more attention should be given at farmers' institute meetings the ques- tion of improving the quality of pro- vincial-bred horses. » ---- Dainty And Pretty Thoughts. An Italian paper has had the quaint idea of asking a number of actresses, singers and dancers what they think of the sea. : | These ladies have entered into the mratter with charming grace, and the result js a perfect collection of dainty and pretty thoughts. Signorina Suzahne Dantes speaks of her own soul and its relations with the sea. "When I wish to see a reflection af lngef I take a mirror, but when I wisi to see the reflection of my soul look at the sea. At the sight of these waves, sometimes mild and sometimes furious, I am not surprised that naive but bold men fear the vagaries of my fascinating but perfidious soul." Lina Cavalieri secks what would hap-{ pen if the sea were suddenly to disap- "How the artists and the lovers not give a thought to the sailors). Mnte. Sallomea Krusceniska is seized at-the sight of the sea by Secling of the "melancholy of the -infmite, of life and of death. i attracts at the same time as it repels." . Mme. , Emma Grammatica is not so "1 love the sea, that is reminds me of seasickness. I wish a Sig. Florentini is et d she says: "The sea? It is like the bal- lerina--irresistible, capricious, incon- time, and formerly lived in Toronte, ceased. The petate Canadian Northern railway, has, it is reported, accepted the position of sw perintendent of the Halifax and South- western railway. years. At Toronto, on Monday, the Te camseh lacrosse team defeated 'Corn- wale hy M to 0. %. Phe bye-elections for Brackyille and { Collegiate Institute. Gordon, are attending the Kington quality second to.none. solid, $1.75. $1.25 and $1.50. H. JENNINGS, KING Three Reasons Why it will' pay you to buy, OUR BOYS' BOOTS: © Large stock, right prices, and Bays: Box Call Blucher Cut 'ail Calf Blucher Gt, Blucher Cit, * Youths' Box Boys' Dongola Snowy Bread come to every home that uses Beaver Flour. It's the greatest help any home cook can have because it is always the same --alwaysthe best for all baking. Queen's University KINGSTON, - ONTARIO: -- Under the regulations of the Ontario Education Department Courses for '-- 1. First Class Public School Cer tificates. II. High School Certificates, 111. Specialists Certificates. First Session open October ist, For Calendar, address Geo. . Chown, Kingston, Ont. St. John will be held on Sept. 26th.