ET Fe Tae S08 uaranteed $0 cure of your money Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. spe SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES IEADQUARTERS FOR Seal Skin Sacks ; AND rsian Lamb Jackets V. F. GOURDIER, EXCLUSIVE FURRIER 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. 'Phone T00. - ! Optical Work Carefully and promptly ex- ecuted mew style, mounts and . specially shaped lenses made to order. Repairs of all kinds: Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted. ASISIGISIIIIIISOISES Our | Are moving ott at a apid rate for so early n the season. Ladies re buying early while he stock is. complete ind the range so large. -We care not how nany coat stores you isit, provided you see ur range before buy- ng. We are perfectty-sat- sfied that the purchase vill be made here, as ve show many real well garments that annot be. had in any ther store in the city. See our display To- ¥ wrrow. The biggest $ °° ange of new Dress Goods \ the city. oman & Shaw} ARGININE ¥ BISHOP HOLSEY SAYS: | A © "PERUNATBLE He Declares Pe-ru-na to BelAfts Twenty Years Bondage a Triumph of Medical] to Catarrh Science, He Is Relieved By Pe-ru-na. A Magnificent-and Sovereign] ~~ SERS : Remedy. 2, Having Tried 'Many Reme- dies and Failed to Finda ® % ~ wy s Strong Tribute to The Bishop' 4) Pe-ru-na. L. H. Holsey, Bishop C. M. E. Church, Atlanta, Ga., writes: "I have found Peruna to be a great remedy for catarrh. 1 have suffered with this terrible disease for more than twenty years, until since I have been uging Peruna, which has relieved me of the trouble. "] have tried many remedies and spent a great deal of hard-egrned money for them, but I found noth- ing so effectual in the cure of ca tarrh as the great remedy Peruna. «J feel sure that Peruna is not ¢ BN A only a triumph of medical science, No OPA. but it is also a blessing to suffering A public speaker cannot afford fof { humanity. bave catarrh. Even a slight catarrhal "Every individual who suffers haatstiess of the throat Lecomes in- with respiratory diseases will find tolerable. "'Peruna a magnificent and sovereign "This is especially true of the minister remedy."--L. H. Halsey, Bp. C. M who is called' upon to preside at re-| } E. Church. ; tigious functions of all sorts. a , {header h GANANOQUE TIDINGS] wt Hy SA S---- 3 55 SEVERAL YOUNG COUPLES| Vegetable Theft Case of a Petty Nature--A Bull Dog Had Its Ears Trimmed, But Has Not . Yet '"'Come To."? Gananojue, Sept. 4.--On Monday. morning. at St. John's church, Mar garet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Severe Dovey, Viectori avenue, was united in marriage to John Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bren- Putormed iI owe Rg by . Fa oe. Al terwards a- wedding repast was par- taken at the home of the bride's par- ents, and the young couple left to their honeymoon at Toronto and Niagara Falls. Ganancque; selehienied its its manufieturi and mercantile es- tablishments. Quite a large number from here spent the day in Kingston: Nesterday afternoon at the Metho- dist parsonage, Miss Gertrude Chant, of Chantry, was joined in the bonds of holy wedlock to. Albert WResler, son of Mr. snd Mrs. W. J. Wheeler, Centre street, by Rev. William Timber! lake. "The young couple were attended by Miss Blanche Liddell and William Raker. After the ceremony the young couple left for Watertown to spend their honeymoon, will take up their vesidence here. A third wedding took place last ev- ening, . in Grace Methodist church, when Miss Jennie Knight, youngest daughter. of Mr. and Mrs, CO. W. Knight, Garden street, was united in marriage to Robert Thomson, River? street. The ceremony was pe by Rev. William Timberlake. The young couple were attended .by Miss Bertha Salter and A. L. Knight bro- ther of the bride. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where a repast was partaken of. The bride was the recipient of - numerous beautiful pre sents attesting tos her popularity with double- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. WEDNESDAY, ¢ the closing of all lean be done better than in a wet sea- on returning they |{ ¥ dy Needs ast such a tonic. as Abbey's Salt. 1: geatly regulates stomach, liver and bowels--helps appe-. tite and digestion-- strengthensand invigorates the whole system, wt thewe are many gon, working the-Jand, killing noxious weeds, etc. db Cis. pheponignnt © the amount of people that are short of water. A + feature of the drought is that the weather has = not continued extremely Kot, In fact the season through fgg the most part has. been regnarkal 4 Kaha been and vegetation. them seem K with grain crops, is{ will likely fll come tox meet ¥ have stock winter farmers } out buying * fh. severe, well, 'Wer will not, dwell. any longer on that int. jusl LOW; "care and good management will accomplish wonders, and after all the drought may be p blessing in' disguise. . dead gh with the winter her many friends, After the repast the voune courlé left for their new home a River street. Williain Atkinson passed penceivily away at his home near Sand Hill, Pittsburgh township. on Monday, in the eightieth vear of his age. The fun- eral takes nlacé this Wednesday after noon to the Pine Grove cemetery. Quite a sensational incident tram- spired 'here when a gouple of young men 'from peross the river brought a voung 'bull-dog over to have his ears trimmed they say. They got one of the local medical men to administer chloroform. They then trimmed the dog's . ears. but he has not as yet come to. The animal was valued at ~ BUY BOYS SHOES "Where reason dictates, and you'!l buy them here. There's all the reason inthe. world for doing so. We've the lowest prices, as comparison will show. We are in a position to give you the strongest guarantee for the greatest service. Prices start at $1.25 and run up to $3.50. Reid & Charles, SUCCESSORS TO D. J. McDERMOTT, 111 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 646. -- a -- - OUR EXHIBIT, TOR- ONTO EXHIBITION, MACHINERY HAL L, So £ = Solder, Babbitt, Fic Canada Metal Co., Ltd. WILLIAM ST. Toronto, Ont $5 We have received this week all our "New ' Fall They are all in Show Cases now. Three Specials : : "The Waring". The Best $2.00 Hat it is Rossible toBuy. & "The King Hat" at $2.50. § This Hat is now famous in Kingston; and we'll guarantee = it to give good satisfaction. ¥ Wr pay n <6] <n tots] 9" ] § "The Knickerbocker Hat" at $3 i This Hat has an admirable feature of fitting, the head com- | fortably at omce. : s _ There's a something abo ut our Hats that some people call "individuality" and "character'--we say its the 'know how' | in buying and the excellence of the material 'that gives them the distinctive air that all well-groomed men demand. Like to Show You the New Hats. Hats." | . JENKINS CLO Messrs. George Fales, C. K. Wright, D. Bein and JJ. A. Black, LDS, are spending a week iri the back country mn a hentine expedition. Mr. and Mrs. 'n town during the past week. Mrs George McKiel, of Guelph, an old re- sdent, spent the past week with friends in town. Mr. ind Mrs. J. M. Thomson, Gar len street, are svending a short time vith friends in Uxbridge. Miss Ella Stewart, First street, spent the past week with friends in Toronto. Mrs. G. '. Green, of Ottawa, who has heen the guest of her friend. Miss Lizzie McLennan, Broek street, for the past ~ouplé of weeks, has returned home. Wre. Leonard CO. Elliott. of Broek- ile, who has been snending a counle Mf weeks here with 'her narents, Mr. 'nd Mrs. J. B. Cowan, Maple street, has returned home. John Tavlor, Wourth street, is spendine a short time with friends in Watertown, N.Y. The case against M. and Hugh Rpennan, R. O'Brien and A. Nelson, charged with stealing vegetables from "harles Getige's store, wos settled out ¥ court by the boys agresing to pay Mr. Genge ten dollars. The case seme not to have such a serious look us it did at first, when it wos under etood that the boye had stolen the vegetables "to sell, and had some one vith a waggon to take them away. This wae. not the ease. The bhovs vassing bv on a cart jumped over the ferioe, pulled a bunch of carrots amd ite them on the way to town. The ten. dollar settlement-would more than vav for the whole product of the natch. REPORT ON THE CROPS. in Forty Years. Sharpton, "Sept. 2.--The year 1907 will pass into history as one of the dry years. It is reckoned to be one of tho driest in forty years. The only sears approaching it in this respect 1873 and 1587. There has not a enough rain to thoroughly wet the ground since the middle of May, although there have been frequent light showers the drought continues unbroken, The ground is dry down twe to three feet. The water pever was mach lower or the pasture lpoorer. Unless therd). is good pasture & great of the ck will go intg th sinter thin. 1 is a lot of Fetilh cuttle to sell for heel, but good beef is not plentiful. This year, in 'many respects, is the very reverse of a year ago. One does not wish to be Honsidered pessimistic, but it looks as though the good times for the farm- ers have received a staggering blow. Of course they should be and perhaps many are prepared to meet the pre sent ew smoy. Certainly the dry wether is wot an unmixed evil, for " Non-alcoholic |Sarsaparilla Tohn Garrsh, Jr., Who have beens spending their honeymoon in Mont: weal, have returned to town, R. Kidd. Kingston, visited friends This Has Been the Driest Season b G. Clark had a' horse drop while drawing water from Mud Lake. | Emmons amd § ord are doing a {rushing business with their stone lift ler. Miss Bartley, Sydenham, is the {new school teacher. Mrs. G. MoGowan {and son, Gefirge, are attending the | Toronto exhibition. P. V. MeCcrmack land J. Drumm, delegates of the Odessa and Frterprise lodges respec tively, attended the CM.B.A. conven- {tion at Montreal. Hay has been sold as high as. $20 per ton not _ many [miles from here" Doyle ind Wennv, leity, purchased a drove of heel cattle lin this vicinity. Josph Koen and [wifo have returned after visiting {friends at Erinsville and Tamworth A former. vesident of here. hilt now of Brandon, Man., writes of very poor crops out there, PHILIPSVILLE REPORTS. Concernipg the Crops--Everything = a Failure: Fhilippsyilie, Sept. 2--Apples on SEPTEMBER 4, 1907. {AN atTIV SMA BOY TO ASSIST IN MAL gd ay on Monday ------------------------------------------------ MALE VOCALIST, WHO CAN READ FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS TO -------------------------------------------- STORES, OFFICES, SHOPS, FAC. tories and Dwellings. . MeQann, 5) A COUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE Q.N.W. T TWO BW GS, NOS. 44 AND 424 Q EI one Xi and the smiwll ROOMS FURNISHED OR BRICK DWBLLING, NO. 181 DIVISION street, on - eee eo MHEIDERY aR TE Pinos Bd. SEERA, spr Ps So ¥ Princess Bh Uglow & Ug 141 ogy A BOY TO WORK AROUND BAR shop and learn the trade. J. M. Tesotmi, 397 Kieg position. Appl io Pro Faotory, how St., near Queen street. ad Good SERS oh, Th Stat 1. i Whig offen AT ONCE. _GIRIS | TO a FP and a ule oa © . r w one well, reasonable prices. Galloway, The Tailor, 131 Prot St, ext Bibby's Livery. TO-LET. Brock street. hY Clarence St AIRY to J. Ba Raa other R Somatming bath, Wte. Apply 249 Breck 5 UNFUR- ed, or any part the house for | house-keeping. Apply to, 495 Pr St., opposite University Avenues. - , twelve rooms, eXtensi in room end kitchen, hot water ing y Fa Ween No. Th Division street. NEW HOUSE A COMPARATIVELY furmi Situated, fine beautiful) fruit gosrdens amd orel , bares and stables, hard amd soft water. About fifteen minutes walk from the city. Rent low. Apply during the day to 200 Princess street. : Op bra) Tow. 300 Aled St. Vv. AP-[A XTTOHEN BER || : GENBRAL HOUSEWORK A Apply to TE AL ag 1 = T BOYS WHO CAN WORK STEADILY, 3 x } THE G a A HOuSEMAID APPLY A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH. - : a ' [son awic ------------------------------ MAID, FOR ASENERAL BOUSE- GOOD WAGES. pd i 30 West street. Jeremy Teylor, A ---- : work, washing, murse girl. © Apply 'eher ase, - le Mitghell, 154 street. : WORK IN work H to Mrs. dressmakigg departivent, wd Food Paid. A Mit , 78 Frock . ---------------------------- ADY SERKS GAGEMENT AS L o a mothers 3 or any trust Pt I he YOUNG LADY 0 OPERATE & DELY cate wachine, in . «Must be heat, ful, _earpust, a Parnes, he oleae. Address X.Y. 2." Wig ' LARIES TO x PLAIN AND GH? fe ro he oh i red time, of my firm will pay as defini 11 can devote full time. work calling Mrs. David. son, Deli "K Fi Oo 0. w. HY A YOUNG MAN, FURNIS y room, in WNeluity of Court # Address Box "H.G., care Whig office. FOR SALE OR TU LET, PREMISES, CORNER KING AND Queen streets, as "fae- tory. Will veut in sections to suit tenants. The would it- la boarding, house. Also rei class . u! o + rent. Apply James Latorney: Oar riage Makgr, 390 Princess street: A JOB CLPANING ASHES OUT OF ist, or Det. 10th, aSunishad or twe- of OO or out Low Bg Fo Box 46, office. LADY PIANIST; ALSO LADY Eni uh Jord, or cellars, Stat. . . prices Hight. a ; . A ry Cac, 20 Maier 80, | WM, NRULANDS. ARG die To TTI ROT THOM BET. a ate oa streets. Natrance Phone, 608. - MARRIAGE LICENSES. ; oven, to work Jen oy work, good Wages art. ¢. S. KIRKPATRIUK, ISSUBR OF 8S. Operndorfier's or o Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St tario St. city. m-- - -- m-- passing the junior tion with honors. many of the trees are not bigger than | erab apples. If there is not rain soon th: apple crop "be 4 faihire. Some of the farmérs have a fair crop of potatos; - others will not have quér- | ter a crop and very small potatoes at} that. Silo corn will not be much more than two-thirds 'of a erdp. There will | be very little husking eom. (ows are nearly dry and give from eight to ten pounds on the average. Mr. and Mrs. E. A "Whitmore and | daughter, 'paid Mr. and Mrs. F, Stone | a visit. Mrs. William Laishley, Miss Lena and Master J, Li," were the guests of Mrs, Laishiey's parents, Mr. | and Mrs. W. B. Philps. They returned | home to Toronto on Saturday. Miss | L. M. Blackburn, of Athens, spent o week with her aunt, Miss Phelps. She| was called to Athens on Saturday to! nurse a patient. Thomas Johnson, of Clear Lake, who has bees sick for] some time i= able to sit up. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDonald, who have been she guests of Mrs. M. Alguire for | some weeks, left for Athens last Thursday on their, way hdme to New| York. Edgar Niblock and wils of | Lyndhurst, were the guests of his gis- | ter, Mrs. H. M. Brown, on Saturday. The. {hreshing machines are out again | and they will not take long to clear out the barns this year. | { £4 : a nd i Latimer Doings. } Latimer, Sept. 3.~The farmers have | their crops nearly all harvested and are busy threshing. Some are ent | ting their corn, ae it is drying up. | William Taylor is hauling stones for | is mew house, which he intends | building in the spring. 14 will be of | conerete blocks and when completed | will be one of the fiwst houses in this | district. Thomas Sherwdod spent, | Friday evening at M.'Traves'. A jolly | load of voung prople-took<in the ex- | cursion ameng the islands en Satur- | day last. The load i of Charles Patterson, Norman Bateman, Miss Luella Traves, Bella Sherwood and' ston. Everybodw is as | Sherwood is putting an to | on his barn. Mac Taylor, Mongrey 1, is spending a few days at home, "*S oy | side." Thomas 1. Gibson $ Sun- day at Kingston Mill at ters, | Mrs. John Williams. ly is forwand to the worlll's fal al Tover- | 3 ) | ary. Great credit "id due Thomas | Sherwond and William Traves. for the | way theyohave improved | road | with a new coat of stapes: Til- lian Traves spent lust week visiting | Miss Clara Grant at Pittsferry. Mr. | intends speeial | Latimer for a time. J. | , New Kork, vreached in | Taylor | and | and | ing- | meetings in our church on Sunday. The farmers | are not feading corn to their cows, as they want to keep it for winter use. Picnic Baseball Match. | Lake Opinicon, Sept. 2/--Thé suninl | picnic held Just. Friday, swmsesd i very pleasantly. » 'was the foothall match ween For- | far and Opihicon, 'which ' "was won | by the latter by the score of three to | nothing.' No _ doubi the belter team | won; but the * playi Fi i lads deserved a a ring Thee | wenkness 'lies in tadividual effort ins Sy We extend our {extended visit to Kingston. Miss Delia | Gumblett, | other pioneer and almost the last one | was Captain John | new life in your Kver, and you'll feel off | The attraction and fill it with nutrient that's bound family is enlarged = hy another fair one. Mrs.' A. A. Barr is making an Barr took in the excursion to King- ston by the steamer Jopl. A number from here attended the laying of the corner stone of St. Stephen's ghurch, at Bedford Mills. Mrs. Stanley Free. man, Yarker, at S. Lindsay's; Judson Kingston, and Fdward Stokes, Watertown, at Robt. Btoke's: Harold Fluke, Clark's Mills; N.Y., at Levi Fluke'sy 'Mr. Rogers, Portland at 'Sandy" Teeple's. a-------- A Pioneer. Gone. Stella, Sept. 2.~There passed to rest on the evening of August 20th, Mrs. D. Caughey, Sr., at her home. "Orchard Grove," on Amherst Isle. She had been a great sufferer for over six months from cancer of the liver, All that medical aid could do was of no avail, and death came as a happy relief. Her passing away removes an: of those who could relate much of the early history of the township. She was seventy-nine years of age. A wo- man of sterling qualities, and high character. She was beloved by many and respected by all. The fune-al, a very large one, was on Saturday, 81st, to Glenwood etery. Rov. Jas. Cumberland, B.A., minister, coh- dbcted the services. Her first husband Allen, who was drowned off his schooner, near Dswe- go, N.Y. Four children were born to him. By her second marriage three children were born, All the members of hoth families, as well as a wor rowing husband, survive, to mourn her loss. A Feed New" Power To Tired Nerves That's Why Dr. Hamilton's Pills Win Sick People Back to Health. Worn out, "tired ip the morning, vou lack the energy und ambition to work as of old. This means "nerve decay' --nerves that are starved for the want of good rich blood. ; It's blood nourishment that vitalizes the nerves' Your blood is thin, weak, watery. It's filled with poison, that hang on because your kidneys don't filter properly. See here, fix up vour kidneys, put like new in a month. To do this you must use Pr: Hamil- ton's Pills, they make life look bright and pleasant because they restore har- mony and Vigor to the organs that need Fepair. Dr. Hamilton's Pills warm the blood to build you up, that's sure to your weakness, that invariably make joyops robust good health. Think of it, youthiul sirfagth fats of merve foree, of red blood does leaving examina | Samuel Hunter's | this | aid evegy com or | { Sketch of the Minister From New 1 Brunswick. Hon. William Pugsley, the nex min- ister. af public works, is a native of New Brunswick, and has lived in that pro- vince all his life.' He is about ffty- five years of age, a good lawyer, and of pleasing manners and address. He first entered public life in 1X when 'was returned to the New Brunswick house of assembly, to suc- ceed Hom. Dr. Vail, who died in office. Dr, Pugsley was speaker of the uss | from ¥ | sition to become solicitor-general in the Blair government. In 1892 he resigned as solicitor-gen- eral, and in 1896 ran as an indepe candidate for the house of commons 'in the city of St. John. He re-entered the legislature in 1899, and upon the forma- tion of the Tweedie government, in he became attorney-general. When Hon. Mr. Tweedie was appointed li governog; Dr. Pugsley became premier. He resigned a few months later for the purpose of contesting the city and count of St. John, made vacant by the death of the late Dr. A. A. Stockton. The new minister is a good speaker, an = parliamentarian. He will add streny to the Laurier government on the flodr of the house. It is thought that his appointment will ensure Dr, Pugsley's - election as the member for St. John, thereby gaining another seat: for the Laurier govern- ment. The financial position of the govern- ment faijway System, as Hon. Mr. Pugs- ley assumes its control, is the strongest in the history of the road. Four years ago there was a deficit of wi. An the year following, owing particularly to the severity of winter and the exces- sive snowfall] the deficit mounted to $1,725,000. In 1906, however, with the application of the first instal t of the reforms and economics, promised by the then minister of railways, Mr. Emmer- son, the corner was turned and the road showed surplus earnings of $62,000. For the twelve months to 30th June this year, the record is one with wiih the management good peason 10 pleased, the surghis amounting to $400, 000. . The current Jee, from present in- dications, will be far aml away the most successful in the history 'of the L i ---------- Black Snake Charmed Woman. * Among the snake stories yveceived is one 'fronr Kittanning of a Miss Camp- bell who, while churning, was charmed by a blacksnake, sdys the Indiana Mes- senger. z The tracted the attention of her nephew, who immediately ran to sec what was the matter found his aunt gazing trans- fixed at an enormous blacksnake. The reptile's head, ground, was slowly moving from side to side, while his tongue darted in and out. The boy ran for a gun and shot the snake's off. ; Miss 'Campbell then collapsed and. it was some tine before she recov from her frig t She said she was un- ableyfo moye when she saw the snake's glittering eyes fastened upon her. The reptile was seven feet long. Not A Corn Left. 7 10 1889, and resigned this po- lady" uttered a scream tit at- |. ed two feet from the dug Unitari RRC REV. C. W. CASSON, OTTAWA, The Influence oF Your Act. You will bo more tareful in your life if, you only knew the widespread influence of your every act. The uw, pertorss True an no of contrition can you recall the word or the decd, or stop their influence, Heo careful, therefofe, of your every act. : rien, 2 Address, Mr. Casson for free literas | ture. Entirely New! FOR SALE ONLY BY - D. COUPER 3. 341-3 Princess St. "Phone 76. THE PEOPLE ALL 3 In Chorus Cried, Give Us Newbro's Herpicide. This word of late has heen in every~ one's mouth, and are i what the word igai ls ane has yet been found who w that Newbro's Herpick does Sood log. in» for mam] Co., roit, | a ered | sizes, B0c. aiid $1. G. W. Mahood, al agent, Use Peck's Cora Salve as directed surging through your veins--isn't thi reasen enouch for your using . Hamilton's Pills ? 1 Sold in 2c. boxes Co i gus on feet can be removed without or soreness, In big. boxes, Be, Wade's drug @ ; ; "Early Mouday