Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Sep 1907, p. 1

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1 SEASONS ND 5 Styles. all about it, 'when we oler nights and un olerat- Is its new clothes, and n premise you both. owing of Skirts ie convenient, comforta- very woman loves and form will let her, are 0 9.50. price between. dium or Dark Tweeds, oths, - Colors are Black, vy, Myrtle Green, : ile Skirts 50, 9.50. a Coats k them over carefully, ad tell us about them, - y better the style, the f.such a thing is yossi- your praise or your ou mind to giva, oots Are For kers. 3 will stand theSwear ping Boys -will give this week. All sizes, Horsehide, Cowhide, at Skin, - Shoe Store. Explosion Of a a Soda W Water Tank In New York. z Parents In Terror Flee From From Home And Return - To Find Fames From Tube Have Asphyxiated Baby. ---- HAANAHS a New York, Sept. 5.--While a man 'large cylinders' of carbonic acid 'gas {was being torn to phoees in a little are under pressure of 600° pounds to candy shop and soda water establish- the square inch, and that in the soda {ment in the street floor of 238 Monroe fountains never exceed 200 pounds. |street, last evening, Rosa Mitkin, This was not known to Zuckman, {three years old, slept peacefully in the (who, instead of modiiving the pressure {floor above, but she was killed the lin releasing the gas irom the supply same accident, though untouched by tank as he transtered it to the foun- 2 flying metal which mangled the body tain, permitted 'its full pressure to of Joseph Zuckman, twenty-two years |enter the latter. old, in the store below. Its construction was totally unable Zuckman's. ignorance of soda water [to bear such a strain and it blew up | fountain charging was the immediate {with a violence which wrecked the {cause of the fa tahty, but the police of |store and fountain, cut Zuckman as if the Delanccy streebostation, arrested [with knives and sent the big supply & Louis Schefiman, tayenty-eight years cylinder wpward with suck violence Imperted English Broad= 3 old, proprictor of the place, as an ac- t it passed through the ceiling and cloth Shell. Choice of ga to the death of the Nitkin | dented the oeiling a second floor, Color and Guaranteed child and the injuring of Zuckman, | falling baok close to a crib 'in which who is dying in Gouverneur hospital. thle Rosa Mitvin lay. HAA HANK Lining ¥ * In the heat and humidity of the In the outrush of panic from the X of Hamster, Squirrel or R evening the soda water trade of the { house, a six-storey temement, follow- EH f EAA HAAN ¢ little shop reached a high level and ling the explosion, the child was for the supply of carbonated water in the [gotten for a time. When her parents, fountain was exhausted about nine {who had not imagined that she was o'clock. Zuckman was tending the |in any danger, went to her side they soda counter, and went about re |found her gasping and dying, and be- 2 | charging the fountain, though he ap- [fore medical assistance could reliove | pears to have known little about that (her she died. When the cylinder fell work or its dangers. beside . her bed the escaping gas filled | It" was stated by the police that the 'the room and asphyxiated the child. ii ett matin terete bef ee test PERMANENT CORPS. WROTE NAME ON PAD. Muskrat COLLAR and RE- VERS of Persian Lamb, Alaska Sable, or Issobella FOX. 'Write for catalogue. % John McKay Fur House, 139-155 Brook Bt. Kingston, + Canada. HH HHS AOR Rome, Sept. 6.--A sensation has 6 8 0) Ottawa, Sept. 6.--A wnilitia general | heen caused. in. Venice over the at- Just now housekeepers aré busy th shows the strongth of 3he Corie tempted assassination, on Wednesday with their pickling, and this sea. |'lAn pefmament corps to be about t last of Count Kamarowski. A report a : 3 same as lst year. It is composed of | oF forme i cries for hel son of scarcity and high prices. . aobia & Aas A STING and SPs lor Mp Were y IR P 2X officers and 1,333 non-commission- heard coming from the count's room Special care should be taken - as ed officers and men, making a total | he roam being entered the to the i i the i jent: | strength i 4534. The Royal Cana . 0 quality o ingredients. or BR Rete oi areronh of 7: count was found lying on the floor bleeding from several wounds. The R. C. Nounted Rifles, 774: R. C. Horse oh hy , Our Spices and Vinegars X. ii»y' 'io: ove Canaan curs | ain, bd suooeded in geting {son artillery, 1.021; Royal Canadian rite his name, Nicholas Naumos, on | Engineers, Royal Canadian Regi- Write : Are Guaranteed Pare. | Freimers, 3 . a pad for the police. The count was Panent, 8 Snnndinn P rmanent taken to. the hospital, W he wee rmy Service Corps, a ermanent here Modical Corps, 134; Ordnance operated upon 'and is expected to re: Army © o . Nawmbs was at Ver Corps, 214: Canadian Army | SOV" DS We at das. Redden & Co. Ji Corps, HM, and corps of military? Sin om the" Milan express. He "con . fossed to the attempt: on Kamarow- Importers Of Fine Groceries. | "tuff clerks, 35. ski's life. He said ho had gone ex- Sc 3 presely to Venice for the putpose of Tigh Class Mavis Pictures at settling a most delicate question with (WONDERLAND) the count. To-Day LATEST foil The Assassin of Count Kamato- Number of Men in wi wski in Rome. Standing Army. Canada's o Sc OPPOSES LAW. Will Not Officiate at Marriages Under New Law. Lowdon, Sept. 6.--The Church oi To-Morrow. | England as represented by its bishops a is taking the pmssage of the deceased Fishing Made. LUSTRATED | wife's sister bill in a spirit of open re-| London, Sept. 6.--The negotiations SONGS bellion. The Bishop of London, who | for a renewal of - the Newfoundland | sailed, Saturday, on the steamer ¥ic- | fisheries modus vivendi have practical- | torian, issued instructions to his cler {iy , been concluded and a - new agree: : gy forbidding them to officiate at any mént covering "the present season, Saturday afterncon .{ marriage which the new law author- | probably will be signed within a few TuesGay Children's One Cent Day. izes, and other charch authorities are | days. The delay was caused by re- 5c 5c taking the same attitude A result peated proposals of the Newfoundland which is alrearly apparent is that the | premier, Sir Robert Bond, of a substi- position of the state church is consid: | tute for the modus vivendi, to which erably weakened gnd the campaign for | the American and British officials disestabdishment will reccive a strong | hiwe given every consideration. The RENEWS MODUS VIVENDI. Agreement For This Season's Open aftermoon Open evenings ..... Sailing Yacht "Kathleen." FOR SALE. impetus. { matter has now heen disposed of and Tenders will be received by C. 8. : | Kirkpatrick, Seeretiry Kingston Yacht Sms ------ | an agreement has been reached to re Club), up to THURSDAY, 12th Sept., for! Miss Nora Tisdale, Belleville, and | MeW the modus vivendi, with some the purchase of the 18-rater Sailing | > . } modifications The t important Yacht "Kathlgen' -fdesigned by George John Ryan, a prosperous young busi- | h « . 8 ie Jnoal 2 ' ar Owen for & Syndicate of Kingston ness man, of Brockport, N.Y... were | change relates to Sunday fishing, © a Yuchtsmen and Juunchd, July 17th, married in © Brobkport, on Monday prohibititn of which, it is understood 1907. Dimensions : * Length overall ahout |) Phev Wi pisit 3 ners the United States has agredd to. 32... length LNL. 21 ft extreme |1ast. They will visit in Kingston. « ay Geum, 7 ft. 4 in; desft. 3 it. 3 in; outside eneee------------ lead ballast, about 3 300 lbs. : compl DAILY MEMORANDA. outfit of recing sails ; two majusatls and Hesolved Two jibs : one o. 2 Hh: one spionuber one dalle di Latest pattenns of . e' ht s Onl bronze blocks, cheats ard turnbuckles. I'hat for fine Furs : But Thougt He Wa y a And stylish Up-to-Date Hats Plain Engineer. Campbell Bros'. store has no equal Schenectady N.Y Sept. Nien Golf Tea, to-morrow afternoon > Vs Na X., Sept. Rolle 1 Rink. Wonderland every afternoon and even Miss Elizabeth Stoddard, a society | ing. girl of this city, became. engaged to at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Roller Rink every afternoon and even-| Albert Koressy, 'employed as an elec Fyre EVERY EVENING ing. trical engineer in the general "electric Selett Patronage. MARRIED A BARON. Stoddart Company, Grand Opera re she h nb ides then House. 8.15 p.m., sud Matinee Satur eke, dre : yh 3% hae x b A hen day, 2.80 p.m. at he was a nobleman. | Buy your New Hut at George Mills & It was not until they were in the TAKE NOTICE. | Co's New Hut Store. They have the midst of the marriage ceremony that I have the best None of Heaters I ever Jarges: stock, latest styles wd bes | young man announced to the ok had, 1 have also an enormous stotk of » | ficiating clergyman that he is an Aus Furniture, that I want to dispose of at Weekly Rifle Practice of 14th Regiment very low prices, as 1 want the room for | will te carried om at Pemitendiary Ragge trian baron. ' His bride was almost Heaters. TURK'S Second-Hand Store, | commencing on Seturday, Tth just. overcome with surprise. The young », o > » 1 398 I'rincess street. | PIED. a . . man -had told Miss Stoddard's father day in history :--General La- fayette bopw, 1757: King Richard 1. de | his secret, AUCTION SALE | fented Serdrems, 1191 Maytiawerd sailed, . Gibbons For Washington. Ottawa, Sept. 6.--There is an ipter- esting rumor in political circles here. Bay Mare, 15 hands, kind, single 10620; Great London fire, 1666. or double, J DATURDAY, Sept. Tth. | MURRAY'S 11 o clock, | flarket Square at WHIG TELEPHONES. away, but" the count was able to}. Takes Man to Task Who Insulted Her Name, Mineola, L.l., Sept. 6.--Saying that she would touch girls to defend their own reputations, Miss Freida Horth- ern, nineteen years old, of Mineola, LI, horsewhipped Brodinand Stabb, twenty-six years old, a baker, at the Mineola 'ball growuds, near the Long Island railtoad station, in full view of at least a thousand persons who had gathered to waieh a gamé be: tween the Pocahontas Athletic Club and the Mineola Athletic Club, this afternoc Miss Horthern continued to lash the unresisting baker until she was d away by several of her girl fri Andrew! Horthern, Miss - Froida's "father, until & month ago, had om- ployed Stabb as a baker in his estab lishment, which supplied the wealthy residential afetion 2» Hiheatiey. Hill. month bakery 3 month ugh he sold a A from Man hatlan, who retained Stabb in his em- oy. Two days age Kehiringer told Roy: Horthern that Stabb had. Iasle insulting remarks about her d This was repeated wo Mr. Ho who at once started out to hunt for Stabb. His daughter, however, finally per suaded him to leave de Mabie to her. She looked for S all day, armed with af ip, whi she carried under her cont, She found him ' leaning his - bicyele watching the game. She went to him and laid on about Gffeen stinging lashes before she was interrupted. Deapsiebte From Nor And Distant Places. Tt VORLS TONGS, SIBLE FORM. den Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remefbered. Premier Whitney returned to To- fomte, Thursday wight, from the old he Manitoba government awarded a 'contract for a telephone exchange building in Winnipeg. Baron Loreburn, lord high chancel lor, accompanied by John O'Connor, J M.P,, sails. for Canada at once. President Motiuire, - of the Cobalt Minors' Union, was charged with vio lating the industrial disputes aot. The twelfth biennial session of the Federated Association of Letter Car riers opened at Brantford, on Thurs: day. PRESIDENTIAL PROBABILITY, One of the Leaders of the wif { William John Watts, registrar | "for {Montreal West, died suddenly in his country home in Drummondville, on Thursday night. Arthur McGregor, M.A, of the Ot tawa Young Men's Christian Associa- tion, has accopied a position as Y.M. CA, secrstary in India. The Olivet Congregational church, Toronto, has - invited Rev. A. Mar grott, of Cobourg, Ont, to accept the pastorate of the church. The United States navy department contemplat cs increasing the strengtn of ite Atlantic fleet from' eighteen. to twenty-eight battleships. The barnes of the Macdonald Agri: cultural College, at St. Anne de Belle: vue, Que. 'were struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Justice Fortin, at one time M.P. for Laval, has been appointed the third member of the conciliation board in connection with the V strike. Julins Scriver, ox-M.P. for Hunting don, died in Montreal! at the residence of Kis son, Charles Scriver, Wost- mount. He was in hig, ighty-second Year. Toned as a presidential' Possibility on | the democratic ticket was attorney- general of the United States from January Sth, 1885 until March 6th, 1807. He was born in Hamilton coun ty, Ohio, on February 3rd, 1546. Hel graduated from Denison University and studied law in the. Cincinnati law school, where he graduated in 1569. After his service in the cabinet of President Cleveland, Mr. Harmon re- sumed the practise of law in Cincin nati al his wide route fre quently brings him: before the law courts of New York, and the supreme court in We \shington, D.C. His home, however, is in Cincinnati, and he is recognized as one of the chief leaders of the Ohio bar. He was president of | the Ohio Bar Association during 1897 and 1598. . 2 The Best Two-Fifty Hat. Is the peerless "Piocadilly,'" the hat of perfection. George Mills & Co. ard sole agents Catch the nibbler, gut fish hooks, at J. Routley's, 1%3, 175 Princess street: branch, 354 King street. See Bibby's now £1.50 unibrellas. The United States has taken a five " Jeane of - of next winter the ating dock at | Vladivostok. Messrs. W. 8. Fielding, L. P. Bro- deur, and the French consul at Mon: { treal, active in the trade treaty nego- tiations with France, hope to sail for Q nudes on Tuesday. | The Commonwealth governmdent has | provided that patent medicine import- {vd into Australia shall show on the | label the various drugs and materials | of which the medicine is composed. Thanh Thai, the deposed king: of Annam, has abdicated in favor of his cight-vear-old son; wha now rules Annam with the aid of the regency, consisting of the council of ministers. | Walter Brewer, Winnipeg, nine yoars of age, met with a painful injury at River Park by having one of his arms nearly torn to shreds by wolves in the i menagerie. He war feoding one of the animals grass through the wires. While the Emperor Francis Joseph was reviewing the troops near Lai: (bach, Austria-Hungary, an old peas- {ant with a cane in his hand tried to get near him to present a petition. Ihe confusion which arose at this led {to a report being flashed" abroad that an attempt had been made on the faged emperor's life. WOMAN SHOT BY POLITE MAN Oxford, Pal Sept. 6.~"Excuse me, | I must be going," said Graaville Mai doon, who has been ateused of wan tonly shooting Miss Belle McNeil, at Hopewell last evening. As he left her It is to the eofficct that George C. Libbons, K.C., London, is to he sent to Washington as a Canadian com- missioner to act in an advisory capa- city; on Canadian __aflairs, to Hon. The Daily Whig is always on sale wt | James Bryce, the British ambassador. | 243--Bus Oftice. 229rEditorial' Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Color Printing a Specialty. -- El iu is pen till each evemin : i Hi law .- to the international waterways com- missioners. rested In Chicago. Chiéago, Sept. 7.--Dr. T. Cox, of Ireland, was arrested here, charged | with the murder, five months ago, of | 2 i ner eis Joseph Mueray, at Posport, county Mayo. He fied after being released on £10,000 bail. When Kingston Women Make up their mind to carry through | { | Buyers ! | i | Conservative buyers are in nine cases 'out/ of ten readers of ad- vertisements, and | two-thirds of the re- maining tenth are in- . fluenced by popularity' of a firm, and adver- tising is a sure road to popularity. Any way one is pleased *o | regard advertising, the proof that it pays in every form of mercan- tile endeavor is pleatifully at hand. To believe that your par- ticular case is an exception to St. Petersburg. Sept. --- Warnings the rule is a. deliberate blinding | have heen sent everywhere throughout | of yourself to the possibilities of | the commtry directing the people to your business--a neglect to gain Robertson Bros. Take the greatest precautions against | the best retiifn from the capital cholera. The great apriad; of the dis- invested. ! : cose has itated this actin, It surely adds to a good meal to have it served im good dishes. SEE THOSE HANDSOME WHITE AND GOLD SETS. We are selling at $12, for a compilste sei. sx Rave seen nothing as nice before. fw and the "Made-in-Canada Fair," next month promises to be p great success judging from the interest and enthusiasm it has aroused i Cholera In R {Gibson's Drug Store, Market Square--| yp Gibhons i= at present secretary | any scheme, they are always success- | lying in a pool of blood, which spurt {ed from the wound in her neek, he took off his hat and bade her goo! | afternoon. Miss MeNeil, though seri | ously injured, will recover. The entire countryside is it ia | search of Muldoon, who has left fur | parts unknown. Several searchin: par | ties are out in automobiles, and if he is caught thero is of violets, 1 The Visitor Apologizes--- "You Hae Shot Mel" She Exclaims---*'Have I? - Excuse Me!" : He Replies. get a doetor. ringing in his ears,' he bowed himseli out of the house. - | vertismanent, Lewis said he had learn- Jou Mrs, Mudge, both of Shelton, are | Breas: AN ECCENTRIC MAW. Killed Himsell Because He Failed to Solve Mystery. New Jorb Sept. 8 Fai after years o rt to per Sone who he Dewved mardered "hia father twenty-eight years ago, James Allen Lewis, a civil engineer, a gra duate of the University of Michigan, committed suicide, in his. apartments, No. 383 Third street, Brooklyn, by shooting iat Lewis, who carried his head age | ly to one side, called hi the 'man with the wry neck." ry June |! 18th, iw an ati t to obtain & clue {3 to the murder of his father, he pub- lished the i advertisement in the Herald : "I, the w , being known to many people of New York as the man with the wry neck, have reason to believe that there are in circulation stories derogatory to my integrity and morality, and I am very anxious to get hold of the same. I will eos | teem it a great favor if any person knowing of anything of this kind will be kind eno to communionte the same to me: I also believe that there | § has been circulated a story that re [4 fleets on the character of my mothér, now dead. I wish to State that 1 am prepared to we, and if given the opportunity 1 will prove, that all per- sons who may have in any way aided or abetted in the irsulntigh of such a story are unscrupsilous liars." In explaining his yeason for the ad- murder ed in Atlanta, Pickaway county, twenty-cight years ago. Information reached him which tended to show that his father had been poisoned. Lewis said the men who poisoned his father had hounded his mother from one part of the country to another, and that she died as a result of the constant dread in which she lieved. Her death occurred fifteen years ago in Kansas. It was Lewis" belief that a secret society had caused his father's death. Ho was about forty years old and had assisted in the construction of many of the jargest buildings in Now York. Lewid' body was found, yesterday, by Mew. James Min, his landlady, wi she went to his room noon to make up his bed. fn. SAVES CHUM'S LIFE.' Feather Neck Pieces, Ladies' Leather Belts, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Men's Kid Gloves, Handbags & Purses, : Fancy Ribbons, New Fall Coats, knooking a live wire from the latter's hands, «While playing with an iron hoop in Breed street the McDermott lad hook: ed it over a heavily charged wire from a telegraph pole. Sparks flew, while fifty Ol soreamed and shouted advice. Seizing a club Tony risked his life and steuek the wire from the other's. hands. Yong McDermott wha severely burned ahout the legs and hands. He was hurried to 8t. Joseph's Hospital, where it was said "his recovery is doubtful. He was still unconscious late last night. ------------ -- UNIQUE WEAPON. Stands Of Man With a Pair of Scissors. Beaver Falls, Pa., Sept. 6.--Last ov- | 8 ening as Miss Carmichael, a trained | nurse, was walking on an unfrequent- ad street a man sprang out of an al levway and attempted to catch her. She aluded him, and pulling » pair of glittering = beissors from her pocket! stood on the defensive. ¥ The fellow, evidently thinking the!' woman had a revolver, threw up hist hands and yelled, "Don't shoot!" She then marched him up the et | ahead of her, intending to hand him |' your order for Prisuaking, MADAME RICHARD in over to the police, but when an are ous Tight was reached and the follow saw Grand H . that the weapon held hv Miss Car : TO-NIGHT michael was only a pair of scissors, W. L. Stewart Presets the be fled. Stoddart Stock Co. EAH STODDART in Fifteen Burned To Death. | roe Grau FROM THE GOLDEN Tacoma, Wash. Sept. 6.--Fire de | Ne a Ei ; stroyed tie Webb hotel, at Shelton. | Saturday So-- "THE twenty miles from Tacoma, on Wed | prs si 3 wp ; fif- | Saturday SS COUNTERS nesday night, and it is eign SF toen sons perished. Miss iley N re wists Homer Seats now on sale. % known to be among the Jost. All the other victims are believed to he men. about half a mile away, and Shere 4s physiciais were summoned to just below the ear, and missing all t her front teeth. The wound, tho! serious is mot dangerous. santo Oxford, ret came direct here was absolutely no motive or the team which he had hired from a | the crime that could be learned. { Miss Mc Sel is about thirty-five | What the motive for the crime was a years old, and for the past nine years | cannot be discovered. livery here and quietly left tows. | has been keeping house for Charles | bears 'a spotless reputation, SH eing The wounded woman, was able to drag herself to a neighbor's house, | sistance. It was found that the ballet 1 Hod o th tain sid ns rolied down ~ mountam i had entered her neck on the left yide: land obliterated the Chilean custom {r he {pause at Jineel. This station is on major blood vessels ¢ had come out ihe Argentine frontier, high up in the through her. mouth, knocking out amp (Andes: In the meantime her polite assailant | Hamburg, Sept. 6.--Fire in the dock Wiss McNeil | the | Seven bodies have been recovers. TUESDAY, | oth. Sa 3 Dainty GRACE EAE ot Fifty. Buried Alive. «oy SARE wou Santiago, Chile, Sept. 6.-- Fifty per- Foe ot 00 ay sons are said to have been buried | | alive by an avalanche of snow that {* Little Dollie Dimples™ : |: A Warehouse' Fire. | warchouse district, "here, yesterday, catised damage to the amount of { holt a million marks (8125,000.) A umber of workingmen had narrow es {capes from the flames. | Lafferty, an aged invalid, near Hope daughter of the late Rev. Me- | Indians Sue For $25,000. Any, oe Vg = Board: and § fwell. She was entirely alone in the | Neil, who wad Kpow i ns entire | Mantroal. Sept. 6.--Four actions for £ ty oa. vise Jou : | Lafferty home, and ' this afternoon | country. She ha¥-" never. more than da ty od ing $25.00, | nd aamoWAt asked pot | Muldoon, who has a reputation in | barely spoken to Muldoon previous to ot 2 he wok. X a. HOWN this section, and is twenty-three years old, drove up to the house. change 85 for him. Miss McNeil. got the change, and was just about to | Lafferty, but is a ne ighbor of the Muldoons, | e whinped out. a revolver and 'shot|and that ii she was put out of he | Lp it to him, when; {t is alleged. has the money It is thought by some that Mul who has po near relatives, hee. As she fell to the Hoor she murs} way his famiiy would get i mured : 5 "My God! Yon have killed me! | Muldoon _smilingly answeregl: "Have |! . éxolige me 1" whole community is intensely eo and the deputies wers warned the encounter this afterndon. She stilt! which she got to He asked her if she was not afraid] change his bill with. to stay aloe, so far away from the foad, and later asked if she would | was jealous because he would inherit a small fortune from dbon | dians, who were killed. believed she | t the | % The store 'of big values 'in mona refugfe was dangerous, and all ave ful- | nobby new fall hats. | If they catch. him it will ren him, ly ;armed An. instead ater, with her len to | undo sadoubledly go, bard ontreal court against the contractors of the B company, by the relatives of four In Comparison, mdr Y what proves the Suvetiority : Spend Sunday In Watertown. | our furs 8 that: | 'Tickets goad going Saturday, B§ business grow, Pe am. and 2 p.m., returning Monday. | cular about the Only $1.95 return. of their fur lined --------- lamb jackets are Campbell Bros'. with 'ws. a, i facturing. furricts, Ses Bibby"s new 8c, caps,

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