Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Sep 1907, p. 3

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a Not Buy COAT Aorrow ? rge Lot of New Fall dies and Children n received and ready for MORROW ns a saving and you get a to secure later on. : repared to Buy ot this intericre with you see- ection. You are most wel- ¥ any coat catch your fanc Y, le until required. > Thing 2d of--you will not be vill be urged welcomed if only to New Materials. glish dcloths anted shades. t 235, 1.49. ities are surprising. em not to break e first sole wears ou get style, shapli. pare shoe satisfaction. mad f i : Yor your inspection, ba | This rn 'CHOOSE FROM. Select your Fur Coat now. We will store it for y you EE of charge until . wan te We are showing a beautiful line of 10. now in progress hetween '( Ottawa, Sept waiin port of Honolulu, 1 hoped all'. along that by Negoti KINGSTON, Negotiations. What the British perhaps, it { what. the moh elenrent lations are Jttawa and | t has been | moreover, if trouble this means | Columbiam, would be better did arise ONTARIO. TUESDAY, IT IMMIGRA TION is. What ot Will Be Done By 'Ottawa and Tokio- Have Been Busy for Weeks ---Canada Will See Rioters Punished--- Not Safe to Abuse Japanese. or, to say in that prov- okio for a limitation of 'the Japan- | ince, has seemingly failed to grasp. is C ts. ese immigration into British Colum-| that it is not safe to try the same : bia, whether the, immigrants ~vome| attitude towards citizens of Japan in from Japan direct or, as has been the | this age of the world as one could YOUR INSPEC- case this summer, through the Ha- | amploy toward the Chinese, and that with h Japan over the water, it would be an effectual and safe means will be British Columbia that would itself We make everythin we @ [found of preventing the flooding of | ; ® pens f v g b g ding pay the penalty. sell and guarantee = every- the labor market of the Pacific coast] . thing we make. with Oriental labor. i The Official Report The negotiations ve been i ro- 3 : . 3 : "0 ations have been in 'pro Ottawa, Sept, 101s his report to gress for some weeks, and K. Ichi, of | : 0 C! ur ouse x U1 + the consul-general on the riots in Vas {] the Japanese fore office, is, now in | a Goin whic h there were | this country for the purpose, it is be- | 3 { - RIE WA 30m / 149-155 Brock St. atey for the purpose, it is be- | gach Wr. Morckawa, the local ton lieved. or reaching an understanding sul. said i 9000000000000 00090P0 on the subject. In the meantime Mr. | "0 00 00 . Jee § he damage done to the Japanet Ichi, who arrived in Vancouver on g y i stores is as follows: General stores Saturday: morning, has been studying | |. 1s 4 ¢ Ue on ale 0 urn ure ¥ : 13; hotels, 9; candy and confectionery the question both in the United - i > , a Aa : iad shops, bath hous 2; 'barbers John F. McDERMOTT'S, 8380 King St. | States, Pacific ports, and in British shops, 5: shoemakers banking of { Columbia for himself, so that he mav | o 3 oR - a. ig ol | \ t " OWSPAPE e o 0 Wednesday. Sept. 11th 303 MN be fully seized of all the facto fice, 1; Bey paper office, 1; employment 5 : b 3 The Canadis Bovirnent ight | office, ; restaurant, 1; rice mill, 1; Sofas, in Raw Silk and Hair Cloth, aatian: 5 : . 57°! hatter's shop, 1: tailors'. 2; watch Fasy Ubairs, Rockers, Fancy Tables, | years ago, entered into an arrange- oo 1. Of these hift tores all the Easels, Oil Fein Y Dirissels and aur ment with the mikado's ministers that window abd do r 1 N wa : By 1 x estry Ourpots, Oilcloth, Matting, Cosy | hub. five . 3 ¢ door glass was smashe CE rs ions. Bookcase oni Secre- | not: more- than. fis or six hundred Two Japanese were wounded." tary Combined, Black Walnut Marble | Japanese should be allowed to immi-| © prt S00 G0 Ho FEIT police Top Sideboard, Curtains, Extension prate to Canada each vear. It had |. lid host. us h Toga? Tubte, Black Walnut Hall Rack and |, ¢ heen the intention of the Canadi- fave an Re Po ut there was hit Ta . Black "Walnut A Marte Top x > : ope for relief from tha quarter in Suites: SORES. Mattresses, 6 | an authorities that the treaty of com. | "PC fel 'rom {hat qua Wardrobes, Bureaus, Iron Beds, Mc- merce recently negotiated between us "i : Sux Famous is Huge Tieaer, World's and Japan should in any way inter British Press Opinions. « : ange py Tg y : 8 s Joes nt Rte Rr Work fere with the previous understanding, London, Sept. 10.--Commenting on Machine, Crockery, Gluss and Nasning in regard to the limitation bf Japan | the' demonstration against the Japa wiso fine Family FPheaton and = several ese immigration into this, country. | nese and Chinese at Vancouver, the : a . . . 4 other vehicles and it is confidently believed that the | Times deplores: that "it is not at pre ALLEN, The Auctioneer. Japanese government themselves have | sent obvious how a permanent ameli M8 Sydenham St. 'Phone, 252, no desire to depart from... the agree- | oration of the situation is to be ef ment made in 1899. What the domin- | fected." It attributes the troubles en- jon wants is a bargain that not more | tirely to labor union agitation, and PURE 6000S 8 ONLY than five or six hundred Japs shall | ridicfles the idea that a few thousand be allowed to enter this country | Jape pare likely to turn ] i' : yearly, whether they come from their | British Columbia or California into Just now housekeepers are busy own country direct or from some oth- | Mongolian provinces. er part of the world. with their pickling, and this sea- | lars. The tolerate Are Guaranteed Pure. Jas. Redden & Co. the which course couver in the recent riots, Canadian government will pursued toward the Orientals in Van- | The News says the | may well be concentrated on of the most difficult world has ever seen. not has been and looks | y " vere restriction is gravity The Telegraph says a policy inte Aigent enough of the : Of course, if we wanted, there is no-| situption is emphasized by recent in son of scarcity and high prices. | thing to prevent our withdrawings! sidints which ria be the kev-note to Special care should be taken as|jrom the treaty of commerce with vet nndreamed of, the results to the quality of the ingredients. { Japan after due notice. but this was | of which' possibly will create a world made on our part for the encourage-| pigerant from any we have over Our Spices and Vinegars ment of Canadian trade with Japan | known. The nisdom of all who care which may mean many millions of dol | for the fature of peaceful development this, one proplems the of se for the Jes punishment of the of icy roti . . lenders. 8 prs « n | a A, Importers Of Fine Grgceries. will be expressed for! these outbr {and brutal attacks on the Asiatic i that the authorities in Vancou quite tors is sheer any arehy, The racial ingston ortic tura rs. ard fully punished The NE Yon t] settled by the unregsoning nto and ers . she e enforce Led Society ment of criminal justice, of course, | projudie ot mobs but by statesman- pe itatio A ship and diplomacy under our eco ation, is a watter | SID AN wnt : = saz that rests primarily in the hands of | | The Pribune says Sir Wiliid Yinlar Annual Exhibition the provincial authorities, but if the | rs peremptory message affords la 2 sase fail t pan and China the assurance that local authorities in this case fail to Pa h OF name someone to enforce the law the they may rightly demand that" order federal authorities will doubtless step | be immediately restored and full jus ire and do so themselves. Fruits, Vegetables & Flowers ARMOURIES Wednesday & Thursday, 18th and 19th inst. | tice done for much gegretted i violence WILL BE BUSY IN OFFICES ---- The Cabinet Ministers Getting Ready For the Afternoons and evenngs Special music by the 1dth Bawd. Get prize lists amd emiry forms from the Secretary W. Mclean, 91 Clarence street. -. v Adults, "23¢. ; Children, 10¢ Next SSION. Roller Rink. Toronto? -- Sept 10.- The Ontario idea of some of the ministers is oor cabinet ministers will be busy oJrom {ed outs uw ov i peru i he le Jetober 31st, in under to allow i this time on preparing for the' 'open- lend on Skating Contest and Grand ing of the cielo e, which will take [the accounts and reports to be pre March, THURSDAY EVENING, plac all probability, the first week [pared for the house This will result Sept. 12th, 190%. Pe nua he The big tem will be the n- much shorter sessions, as the first redistribution bill, aml the session {few weeks of the legislature are prac TAKE NOTICE. al Tikely be short, to be followed by tically wasted awaiting the return of a ea est line of Beaters Lever an election next June. If the present the aceounts. a Ve also an enormous stoc oO , Furniture, that I grant to Wispose a at Ee ------ oi "very low prices, as want the room for Headers. TURK'S Second-Hand Stored DAILY MEMORANDA. ! CARRIED. ON SMUGGLING. 39s Nrincess gtrect: Board of Trade, 8 pm | Saal Wonderland every afternoon and even: SD GATITY br oF A PRINCESS. -Shilling Buttons Too Dear Kaiser's Daughter. ) Berfin, Sept. 10. German feminine Aogality has been displayed in exe alted circles at the autumn review of the fleet. The Princess Victoria Louise ordered a pretty naval costume, which pleased her in ®very wav except as to the buttons, which did not seem wor thy of the dress. The dressmaker sug For wested that they chould be replaced by others, which she showed and which were worth a shilling cach. The price appeared to be too high for the young lady, who said must first ask her papa. When the dressmaker re turned in the evening to hear the de sision, the princess said that her fath or would not let hor have the but He said they wore too dear and she tons, that she must not he extravagant. The princess wore . for the review a pretty dress with the "déspiged but tons. 4 up ------ % HEAD OF THE TRUST. The Combination Has Existed for 50 Years, | parents and physicians. If the per: | not themselves produfe Jor aggravate centages recorded by the hoard "of | physical defects, and that school eur health should be maintained through- | riculum be so devised and executed as out the country (and it seems: likely | neither to produce nor aggravate that they would be as adenoids and | them: to study the effect of school en- impaired vision, mal-nutrition, and | vironment, curriculum building, home | defective breathing are found in rural | stody, physical training--upon the | as well as urban schools) thére must | child--and to' teach hygiene. so that [ bo 1,440,000 ilknourished children, | children will themgpelves cultivate hab: 13 000 with enlarged glands, and | its of health. and see clearly the nla: - James B. Duke the head of all the 25,000 with defective breathing in| tion of health and vitality to present big tobacco, gbmbinations in this the United States. In New Yark city | happiness and future efficiency. {country and a leading spirit in the i ie tio { British-Ameriran organization is fifty | vears of age. He started in the tobae FATAL RUNAWAY. PITH OF THE NEWS. ! , where h¢ co business in Durham, N.C was horn and was soon the real POY; er in the big fim of Duke Bros. He is president of the American Tobacco company, He went to New York in 1884 and five years later or ganized the American Tobacco com- pany with a eapital of $25,000,000 His home is at Somerville, NJ, where he has spent millions in creat- ing what jis desoribed |as one of the most gorgeous private establishments '0. SEPTEMBER. 10, 200%, | home conditions of 1,400 school child: | MILLIONS ARE UNFIT Condition of Children in the Schools of United States. Defects of American Children 'are Appalling ---Five Millions Have Enlarged Glands; and Seven Millions Defective Breathing. s New York, Sept. 10.--The re-open nz of the public schools throughout the country is to bie the occasion of a the timated figures are: Mal-nutg: tioh, 15,000; - enldrged glands; 1 ho pod" defective breathine, 230,58 "The large percentage of the defects | veport on the physical condition of | indicated are easily remedied and | school children by a committee of | many 'eduld be prevented by proper promitient educators, headed by Chair-| care, though, except in the case of de man Burlingham, former president of | fective vision, the ca ges ae not nl but also to those of Boston, Chica-| cluding 5 thorough examination of all go and other cities. In general, the re: | children ifigation to parents, the] port shows children in. the United | enforceme; offing' laws, and States are behind their proper grade curing Jrore uthority, where this is because of physical defects that could | not pe ing, to compel parents, who remedied. X synopsis of the report | refuse "to take nécessary stobs; ens says in part : | forcement f existing health, tenement ased on and | hou the n connection with. the ation, of school hygiens futies it shall be to see i buildings are so construet- that they can: ne the physical defects it is estimated of the physical defects attentions from | ed abd so conducted ren of New York city, that 12,000,000 of the children United States have which should receive Wiie of Col. Notting Killed Four | Others Injured. Halifax, N.S.) Sept. 10.--In a run- away actident at Bridgewater, on Sa | The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. | John Wate, Newhoro, was killed by {falling down the shaft of the Hanlan turday, Mrs. T. Notting, aged sixty, mine: in Bur wife of Col. Notting, retired United | ine in goss. 2 States army officer, was instantly A Clevelaml ition, said to have bam killed; her daughter, Mrs, Philip A. Shot by his wife, lied on his -denth- Moore, hdd her wrist broken and sev- | bed to bids. ht her xii. Arthur Barclay, oral ribs fractured; Quitts Moore, aged! kof Fiberin, nos iv She he Tine twp years, ghter in the world. He was married on July 2rd, to Mrs. William Inman, a noted | Georgian beauty, A Living Mouse Nest. | Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Sept. 9. One of the Crossmon house donkeys swal lowed a mouse, Thursday evening and has been ailing ever since. The ani mal was feeding in the pasture and | took in a smail field mouse along with | a tuft of grass. Epsom salts, liniment { and, odd mixtures of gaudy hued | liquids have been poured down the beast"s throat, without any sign of | the recreant mouse showing up. He | wanders about in a stapor, coughing with every and refuses to eat anything. veterinary from a ! ste step, A near by town was summoned amd declan the animal was suffering from sto mach trouble, brought on by th mouse. Building At Dead Creek. Dead Creek, Sept. 7.--~The rains the past few days have about stopped the fore fires which weke raging in ol this vicinity. Mrs, Edward Deline and daughter, Noro, of Kingston, have been visiting friends at. Dead Creek A. Newton," made a trip to Kingston yesterday. trustees of this section have de to build a new school hous impr yWements are needed, imenced on the new Me Dead Creek. School the past week, J, business The cided which Work has thodist church at commenced on August 26th, with Miss Mary Letherland, of Elginburg, as teacher, | Responsible For Death. i Montreal, 10.--As the result of | the coroner's inquiry 'into the circum-| stances surrounding the death of a} cabman, Edward Renaud, early Sunday morning, Raoul Poloquan will | have to answer to a charge of mur-| Sept on eet bree UEEN' 8 UNIVERSITY | Cigars Slipped Over Sides of the| der, the jury holding him criminally Rollef Rink every afternoon and even-| Steamers. responsible" for the death' Poloquan ng. . Montreal, Sept. 10.--An ingenious | was one of a party of five men who Faculty of Ed Education. 0 Lice Rolly iaples. Grand OPT | pethod of smuggling cigars into Mon- | engaged Rena ul to drive them to the Juss: ag history (--King ~- William | tN al, under investigation in the po- | Back = River, Saturday night It is BOARD. | the conquerse died,' 10: Wallace {lice court, in connection with the | claimed that there was a fierce fight Any ome desiring to Board .and Lodge feated the Buglish, 124 {hearing of Maurice Ivamars, who is | and Renaud was thrown from his cab girl 'Students, Kindly advise the under- accused "of having some connection | and sustained such Jefious injuries signed, stating number of double and {with the smuggling, developed. Boxes | that he died before reaching the hos single rooms, and amount asked per _WHIG TELEPHONES. {of cigars, to the number of 10,000, | pital, Wok: G. Y. CHOWN, 45; I asloes®. Oftin {were dropped over the side of incom: | = -- ? + Regist 0--. i coms. i ER oh were 3 ; A Chureh. sh on Department. JR Stee J ee Whih dl 3 Leaves Wiarton Church. a 13 2 Tod ey dab nd | S¢ of rom elen's island anc hg 0.-- Ra 3 - Shaving brushi®, genuine badger Color. Printing a Specialty. {thus reached the hands of Montreal | art th AT oe Rev. Jum. ] ones, are sold at Gibson's Red Cross $ dealers. These goods were brought | hi i Ahe B, pt iat h h store. | pu over from Britith- and foreign ports | yours pastor o he up is chur 3 thy members of the er wegvho evident. | Dore, has resigned to take charg . o nly all-cream ice cream in the city Dar Dinner § meal to have good dishes. w It surely adds to a good it served ly were in the deal. ets London, Sept ~Rev. | istry scheme, at Leicester, w Britain and the {imto one great free in To Federate Churches. BR. Mever {has commenced a great national min- ith. the idea of uniting all the Troe churches in oversea dominions | church federation the church in Renfrew, Ont, Hanged Himself With Strap. Ottawa, Sept. 10.--Hans Christian | Holder committed suicide by hanging { himself with a dog strap at Ottawa East, on 8 \turday. He had been drinking heavily. check a cold quickly get To from You cannot move a mount- tor the empire. Mr. Mever will visit {vour druggist some little. candy cold in, but you can move one SEE THOSE HANDSOME [South Als Australia, and : anada talilets called Peaventics. Druggists rock at a time and in. time FS ys SU RK next year. everywhere are now dispensing Pre have a respectable looking WHITE AND GOLD SETS ! Se ventics, for they are not only safe, pile. There is no excellence : i Crossmon House For. Sale. but decidedly certain and prompt. without painstaking labor. We are selling at $12, for | Alexandria Bay, N.Y., Sept. 10.-- | Proventics contain no quinine, no One. ad. cannot make your a complete set. You have The Crossmon house. the oldest hotel laxative, nothing harsh nor sickenipg future--nor two or three--but seen nothing as nice before. Jion the river, is offered for sale for (Taken at the 'sneeze stage" Preven- like moving a rock at a time, { R100,00. Charl s Crossmon, the pro. ties will prevent Pneumonia, Broce the final It of careful, per- as 3 ' { prietar. de clares that he ix tired of chitis, La Grippe, = pte Hence the severing dffort of the man who Robertson Bros. thoel life and news a rest. Soverdl mame, Preventics. Good for feverish advertises invariably brings " | Prospective huyers have been here, [cHildren, 48 Preventics 25c. © Trial its onjed a Hooking over the property, Lhox ew, Be, Sold by all Sealers, Mrs... had her hip broken, and the driver of Paid ae gta Tote season for « pre K i \ Oo the team was severely cut and bruised. {the French colony of St. Pierro Mis | The party were returning from a drive, | ® Pa ® qualon, has caused great jov. | and, as they - reached the top of a \ foup hill, the husnve iiealte ad the Japosta ro RCE ny She) horse ran away n the way down , l . the iticline the horse collided with: an) fears of _ farther outhrenks of rioting | ox cart, upsetting the waggon, with | 87 &f& So + ! : Prof. Murray McNeill, assistdnt pro- the above result Mrs. Moore is the d : wife of P. A. Moore, manager of the feunoe of mat matics at Neill gos Miomac . gold mine, who owned the | © ne Ao ' 8. hr. In torniout + mathema tics : "| Dr. Kenneth N. Mackenzie, aged $200,000 TO EDUCATION. twenty-three, son of Mrs, George Mac- konzie, of St. Thomas, died in Ot Leaves Fortune to , Schools and: tava of diphtheria. h The James River bank at Frank- Chur: a. fort, 8.D., was dynamited, and the | Boston, Sept. 10.-The will of Mrs. rolgers escaped with $5,000 in cash wgarct E. Lingdell, widow of Prof. 4nd with valuable papers. 3. U. Lingdell, of the Harvard Law | A German at Columbus, Ohio, has School, made public, leaves nearly | jiooovared an anti-toxine that will | £200,000 for religious and educational kill diphtheria germs in the living i purposes. Phillips Exeter Academy £350,000, 0; the aged clergy human organism in three minutes » Harvard ¢ School, the Harvard Law he A collection was taken up in fund of the |. 4 h x thalic churche f Montreal diocese Protestant Episcopal church, So; | yertertos : of the, ne Mark's church, Cold Water, Mich ols . i i S1a.000 Chis. church, this ity, $10. \ shnawnpn hadians killed iurk, of Cassopolis, 000: a fresh-air fupd for outings for In nl mothers and children, $10,000, and the yy 0 oF ated $10,000 toward the 3% at Que Cambridgs hospitals, $20,000, est blishmient of an old people's home, o he to i » - Brothre Was An Undesirable. te controlicd by the Brethren Loudon, Sept. 19.--Annie Lillian! The friends of F. H. McGuigan will | Ellis, a domestic servant deported | he ylad to learn that he has so far| from Canada, was sent to jail at Ro: | recovered from his recent attack of] chester, for three months for theft pendicitis as to be able to visit] from her employer, a police inspector, Memtronl on a business trip. : | Hon. W. J, Hannan has started with | Direct Importers. the prison Iabot committee, : whic h | Another large shipment of hots and | will journey as follows : Detroit, Sep- ps, direct rani England, wag | tember 10th and 11th; Clewwlan py {p 1ssed through the customs, n= | tember ' 12th, 13th and lth; hi dav. for George Mills & Co., the hat {cago, September 16th and 17th: Mil [specialists | wankee, September 18th and 19th. ------ Nate is now advanced all over | | Alida V. Telgmann, B.E., teacher of the. west and later repogts are of a docution and physical culture, For | more cheerful character Exovllent circulars, terms; eote., address 358 | vields are reported from Indian Head, Brook street | Lethbridge and eastern districts Twenty people were killed by -an There was heavy frost in: Northern Al- avalanche in Switzerland. | berta, but damage was very light CIGARE TTES TABOOED Cannot Be Purchased in State of Washington . Under New Act. tee Spokane, Wash, Sept. 0. --Five-dol- fon the night of August- 31st; and | iar gold pieces could not be exchanged | what was left at- midnight, when the ! for a cigarette onvr the counter of "lid" was clamped on, they gave any tobacconist in Spokane of [away or destroyed in the strects, while | throughout the state of Washington; | jobbers. sent their supplivs to Oregon, to-day, the anti-whitestick law, en | fdaho and Montana. It is estimated acted by the last legislature, provid- | that smokers in Spokane' spent from ing for fines up to S300 or not more [four hundred and fifty to five hundred | than _vighty days' imprisonment, . or 'doilars a day for cigarettes hefore the both. being in operation. However, {law went into effect, and, while many this does not prevent | the smokers [probably will smoke pipes and. cigars from getting the "dope." as deglers {in the future or quit the habit, it is at Coeur do Alex Ida., thirty-four declared that at least a hundred thou- miles east of he and Baker Uity, 'sand dollars a year will be spent on Ore., Whitefish, Mont., and other the "sticks" outside the state, as the | towns outside the state have Yaid in law does not prohibit anvome from big stocks, one of them in the Idaho | smoking them. 3 thai several city having invested $50,008 in wapw | There were reports factured © Atos and papés and | the big eastern and southérn factories tohieca in anticipation of a heavy | wold make a ost case in Spokpe® wail order business. hu i has been abandoned, Zfinee Dealirs in Spokane sold their ve lsompetent lawyers declare il maining stock ut hr guar CounUNE xa tew gonstitutional, a the New York Board of Education. | ways easily determined." The enquiry has taken a wide scope,{ A comprehensive plan for Seating | and the observations apply not only | with the physical defects of school to the school children of New York, ! children, is outlinéd in the. report, in- se | { as | the | families of the | | of | The four great essentials - that go to make 'a big busicess. These we keep always before us when making our purchases which gives to our customers ail the new and desirable goods at prices very low in accordance with the high statdand of quality, Our" Dress Goods Just now will interest you Jit you call and see them. The new things are herein The most striking faced cloths, but t are meking a great place, We Are BRITISH LADIES' C All Wool, dn Novy. | Brown, Red, aiso Black, 43 inches FRENCH BROADCLOTUS ia B all the new shades of Browns, fn- cluding the new Marmott and Golden Browns, also Beaver, Fawn, Resedn, Dark Green, Olive, Wine, Reds, also Black, 32 inchvs wide. Special Price, $1, SEDAN BROADCLOTHS--In § all the lgatling shades as mention J ot above. A Fabric of beautiful finish ard fine weave, colors faust, French. Pye, 53 inches - wide, Special Price, $1.25, Call and see them at | BORN. | MURPHY In Kingston, on Aug. 28rd, 1907, to Capt, and Mrs. William J, Murphy, 8360 Bagot street, a son. i DIED. | DAVIS. In Kingston, Sept, 10th, 1907, James Joseph, infant son of Dir. and Mrs. Davis, Sydenbain St., aged eight weeks. TT oeroei, Gutter | Phone 877, 287 Princess st | Eee hear era | .Grand Opera House. TO-NIGHT ° Datutv GRACE CAMERON Supported by AL. LAWRENUE, world's remowned Comedian a ang a great cast of GO people, by |*" Little Dollie Dim | Magnificently Costumed, Rich in Scenic | Feature, Tuneful ete Entire Production Carried by Com any. Boe. 7 Prices, 25¢., ta de. $1, Seats pow : he Tih ISARBL IRVING CO." Pearsall s Millinery » (OF KINGSTON) | Varker Branch (Over Mr. Burns Store.) | Our Fall Millinery Opening in | Yorker will be held on THURSDAY, Sept. 12th | To which all Ladies are cordially invited. Miss Maggie Montgomery in charge. Court of Revision. i TAKE NOPIUE THAT THE COU NTY Judge will" hold a Court for the i vision of the Voters List for the Me ship of Kingston, on. the '23m of ptember, 1907, at the hour 3 clock p.ui., at the Township Hall, Cats: Ara i FW persons tnterested will govern thesa-- ; selves neev "ang, James Smith, 0 , Stratiord, wil jane

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