A 5 ' . canal, 4 George A. Robinson and Miss May | *, rd Glasgow puper quotes: from a political reward. a time d Shite » -- ! Rogers are the delegates representing : $10 Paper a transaction whith does | Was a row § hig ation witl De "A Hard Sum. {Grace Sabbath school and Young ! y . not show that the British- Japanese cal men, who were as well qualified, Montreal Herald, {People's Society at the district con- Grosve nor English trealy is of any special merit com- | but the party had to be reconciled to | The avers vention in Sydenham, Monday and | ' 'mercially. The South" Manchuria reil- way needs overhauling, rebuilding and Teaquipping, and it was necessary to secure 5 loan. The money markéts of | the world were not open to Japan ; B | or they were not in a position to give ¥ the sought-for financial relief. England & | oventually sipplicd £4,000,000 at5 % [per cent., for ¢he preparation and &@ |cquipment of the line, = Eng ¥ nd says the Japan Gazette, ¥ | might naturally expeet the consid- % | eration of a share of the %¥ | pounds, in the goods which it could mpply, but, strange to say, the speci- fications debarred the mother country, Japan's® ally, for defensive purposes, ¥ [and gave the order to America. No Z| bid was accoptable unless it came from % | the United States. aS : The wonder grows that this should == | be the case when it is remembered : a : : that there is a British association in Japan, and that its particular fune- Bay Sts. tion is to guard and promoté British interests ahroad. What it is dreaming about passes coneeption. The Japan Gazette is as much non-plussed with its inaction as the British people. It is added that the Japanese national government has decided to spend sev- eral millions on its. national railways. This. money, too, will England, and if its friendship is a matter of so much importance Japan will see that it is vot only wiven equal opportunity for preference MR. BUILDER, ~~ Dear Sm: We have a fine lot of 'well HEMLOC! be raised in |0°Y competition, but go |® government officials who have not : _ A Great Discovery, a i * Premier Whitney has | ed whil ery conspicuous at the, Boren meet: |) CL LL in it. befors, ing in Peterboro. The correspondent | the Canada in the t co y wanted to know if this action of Dr. fon earth, Ieueet. Country Conghlin was consistent with" the call er : of Mr. Borden for & won-partizan civil ... An Awful Dip. ie rent Th Bhai csval Dr. Coughlin, bear in mind, is the | the United Stafes $54 an nn sot Ener hand: pF. the institution, and one | ase an Th | who was given his appointment as a much before, our own Trent Valley i averdge price per mile of trans- the choice, _|Portation on the C. I'. R. last year With his transfer to the Deaf and |V0S 1.75 cents. How nice it will be to! Dumb institution Dr. Coughlin =~ was hs that -- reduced to two cents a | supposed to be out of politics. "H | ! -- | the facts are as stated," says the To} Lots Of Money. | ronto News, "Dr. Coughlin should be | Ottawa Uitisen: { disciplined 'if not spmmarily removed | "The sale of the Now York bond is- | from office. Tt wus the fashion some | foe. 0% 108 would suggest that capital, | both 4 wih "| though timid, is not so scarce as sup- ! vears ago both for liberal and con- posed. It was announced that ' 102 | servative officials to appear on party 'would be. consider, fair, and 103 | platforms and to take part in party |sauidactorh: The latter price was se- | contests. During the last eight or lctent" iN Psd woes ti Ties, suffi. { Men years, hpwéver, the BESS tie bonds: many | 1 A impropriety | times over. of such action has been generally as- | --" An et sorted' and © thoroughly established. | Banks Are Not Airaid. | Any civil servant who now goes upon [Manttual, fe 2. party 'blatlion or Intalocs. | The banks in some quarters are be- party p >¢ interferes in an jing threatened with hostile legislation election 'does so at lis peril and in [because they do not take up issues of deflanee- of "set tied principles of gov- | bonds made bv extravagant munici- ernment, and thereby declares himself | PUES: In others they are blamed it: to hold tical . | Jor not paying higher rates of interest ur : 0 hold a non-political. posi- on deposits. There are tion. | many men in the country to tell bank- Our contemporary remarks, how- fo ow they should bank as there over, that Mr. Borden could hardly le ta. be Who. could tell edi i i have denounced Dr. Coughlin from the | ars how they, should wit, It"Will Never Be. platform. No; but he could have giv- | en the . imprudent principal a word | awa Journal. pointed out | M*- Borden 'says that he has it on of advice, quietly, and % : 4 that he was not doing the cause any |e nuthority of good and not giving assurance of {more about the p non-partizan service under conserva- | vacancies in a devartment than does tive rule. The News expects the Whit- | the minister himself. = However, that kovernment to may be it is pretty well knowy that discipline Dr y 3 Patronage is becom n ie : Coughlin, as he ought &o be: did dnd that . Arepping an pit TT perhavs, when they are in the busi- [count until the service is placed under | ness, they will give attention to oth- |ah independent commission. liberal not entitled to it as much as the peo- | THE DAILY. BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1907, TIRE Me n | And Ran Away From Home With & . - Bn | it won't be finished | ben obtained. | {Tuesday of this week. almost as | First street. stipate oe rovides re is free a mii ron Prosi es a remedy which is free MP. knows with robable civil service benefit are a great (Hoed maker. In boxes drug store, * Intives here. : Pr. Mace, of Syracuse, N.Y, who, | with his brother, has heen spending the. simmer at his residence, near Bostic Island, has left for home. Mrs . Frost and her daughter, Mrs, - Morri- h Toni," of Montesal, ~ who have socupist! eras Mrs. Clark Taylor's residence. Stone 3 street, for the summer, have returned to the city for the winter. Mr. and Mrs, John Parmenter; Rochester. N.Y. are the guests of Mr. Parmenter's p | "The Herald's Challenge. . bush., 93c. to 9c; | RIFLED FATHER'S POCKET | the Hired Man. | Gananoque, Sept. 17.--A man named | iller, from Grindstone Island, came | over to town, yesterday, in search of | | WE WANT TO SHOW YOU were OUR 'Special $12.50 | his son, a lad of fifteen yeurs of age, { and" his hired man-named Chase, who, | between them, had emptied the father's | ° | pockets of what cash he had and left | [for parts unkpown.' It is supposed i {that Chase induced the boy to rifle | {hig father's pockets and leave with | 'him. So far no trace of the pair has | | Rev. William Timberlake, Mrs. 1 i Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Abbott, of Hart- | ford, Comn., spending the past month | with relatives in town, have returned | home. Mr. and Mis. James M. Thom- | son, Garden street, spending the past | few weogks with friends and relatives in Uxbridge, have returned home. Her | burt Moore, King street, spending | sovereal weeks with relatives in Iro- quois, have returned home, accompan- iod by his aunt, Miss Nettie Moore, who will spend a short time with re: * Raincoats. Our New Fall Suits. and Double Styles, $12, $15 and $18. Our New Fall ""Overcoats™ Short Medium and Long Lengths $8, $10, $12 and $15. " Single Breastod rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parmente A Perfect Beauty, for $15, made of fine Black Cheviot, Silk Faced 'and Handsomely Tailored. ~ Don't Miss Seeing Our Great $2.00 English Hats. Easy Way To Get Iron. Any person who is run down. or! who has impoverished blood needs iron. Most iron preparations con or are hard ' to Wad:'s Iron assimilate. Tonic Fills (Laxative) from, agree objections, everybody. These pills They give prompt and permanent results. They nerve strengghener and , at Wade's Mcuey back if not satis [ BIBBY £0." actory, Toronto Street Market. | Toronto, Sept. 16.--Wheat, new, per HE H. D. wheat, red, per over any oountry in the| Ye! ¥ully realized that in accepting {at bush., 93e. to 93¢.; wheat. srring 1 woerd. ces in the public service they have | While, Meas. % : bush, Sie. u3s.; at, spring, - per Se 2 * : oF . o Mx den is busyving himself | 250» SiC. to 0c: oats, per bush., FASHION! LE CLOT 2 ' x 2 I wo Sohuul genveal for Canada, Mr. | "Ot gone out of politics complotely. | pith ying Frcs maslf Ble. pats; new, B= bush., 4%. to | SHI ABLE CLOTHIERS. ¥ ty Nosse, is - ored + i eae. doesn go after his principal i. 2c: burley, per bush., 60c. to 6lc.; | i= RURE SRULY, make an mig Fons in uti . EDITORIAL NOTES. lax" supporter, 'the Herald, for i peas, per bust. 7c. to 6e.; hay, per | oe S. ANGLI & lH bire with Canadi : perial em-{ ome members of parliamens do not | t #8 the simple and' damnable truth {wn wm to R21; straw, per ton, 215 | - ma -- s---- . a oy | s . an manuiactures. He like to be eriticized hy the The {that «Ss late as the general election of em hn sike, No. 1, per bush., T ee al Ee , will have to use his wits to outegener-| roid it i ! * 11904 conservative heelers were armed | © 87 30; No. 2, per bush., $6 ICRI ah me =="al our Americ jun, cwho: thigh uly way ® wo it 5 he act Seat | with corrupting funds" that ""the con- $ re ed bogs, £9 to 0 Nl wif wu anual RR Sh st i ---------------- oT Vi no « 810] y Serv L 0! 2c. to : they . 0 asion for caustic 'servative oontral fund | Nov, i » butt Bagland Chin ese Restaar- ey auld tm a the ground floor i ramaris. Scotia was 875,000," and oe a per The: 24c. to We; creamery, por | : 331 th Sommercial activity, i Some 3) A were hopeless, * in some jib 10¢ : " Se; fowl, dressed, per i 33! Street. : jrmether ey have contributed to its| New York state dogs 'not find it dif: the Out Pouting of money was' very |" a ba 2 bichon, Spring, per | i : PHONE ccess or not. fic lt to tax mor n¥ last great. ¥ b. to digprove these [132 | o b0 19¢5 ducks, pcr lb, 12. to | ! 11 a.m. to 3pm., te. y RE collected . Yew; a os ear |e rants Befote 'he whim- [i Surkags, por Ib. He. to 170.; Po- | Aine thenls o order, ANOTHER LICENSE SCANDAL. i ge ly : a a hall mil-ipers about being besten. Hog Br ush., 60c. to oh cab- | . g Propriete > 8.30 The ik tunes . of the government ons More an in the previous. year : - | BS Je ns ue: to 35¢.; beef, hind- : * | from this source. Some Political Hist. {auarters, ® to 310; forequarters, 35 through the license department, ap- Beltevil ory. to' $6.50; choice, carcase. $7.5 . y ges » ------ elloville Ontario, 2 ay; choice, carcase, ¥7.50 to | pune to be maliplying. The Toroato| Mr. Whitney "has directed. that = en- | Mr. Sodost hos much An isay on the (20 medium, catcase, 36 to Sumy | 3 Boys' Lace Boots, $1.25. 3 explosion; so disastrous from a party | quiry i V s| SUljeat 9 tal purity, but he ia | VM DO DY; vea!, Prime, standpoint, was ho. ewglt of the lioeao scandal. The challenge of B. . nemmey rity Sih respect" ta ovetain (BL S07, F500 SI lamb. pec $+ Box Kip. Lace Boots, $1.50. hai ' , - ! a 3 "v8 used for campaign purposes | a yl Sadie ---- ue .- of the EL Job Moore has had the desired effect. bi the Somer vative Party in which | tau | ." Box Calf *¢ " 2.0082.50 uence License 1 EA names ¢ filliam Mackenzie. of T Rel ; y - "lunduly. The newest exposure of The Boston tea party to be repeat- Mackenzio & Mann, David Rusecll ay 0 EVE tarr | Girls' Lace Boots . - 1.2 wrong-doing comes from the chairman [¢d at the Canadian coast ? What an Hugh Gruham, of the Montreal Star, ! | ' - ; 25. 4 of the North Brun board, who would abadity. And none th ew so bo. 0200S, 400 0 steko won| Spfforers Here [300 « « - =" 1.50. a ay, fine not stand for local misdirection of the [cause it is the suggestion of a liberyl (are prominent features ? It must wot . tai license business, and refused to per- | member of parliament. be assumed that history bas beon for. | A Sufferers Here Can Make/ -- : Spoon, gran graun-- mit the license t to silence : : : v gotten or that political crimes, such | Some Up and Try It An ¥ . me Sepamtmnt; to. Silence | yp. Now York Herald boklly advo. [a8 those committed by the. con Tl As NoHam Con Hear Ek i : R. E. Moore wrote the department Sates the abandonment of the Philip- Pa ut aad Jom any dis- | The coming months will be a har : ¢ aw : : concerning a license, of the issue. of | FI oS Why not try local seli-govern- political parties, © merits of the two |vest for the doctors and patent medt b resect einemanas : ng 4 . ment ? Are the people of these islands HE Cine "manufacturers unless great care ; 5 SUMMER WANTS which his colleagues had made state- Make A Hote Pioase is taken to keep the fect dry, also| § { ments that « he disputed. He secured | affidavits from certain persons, in sup- I port of his version of the case, and | mailed them to {chief of the license department. Mr. | Saunders having denied : _ Screen Doors and Windows, Ice Cream Lawn Mowers CHAN'S | pliéite them, and this was refused. |; Mr. Saunders not only declined to accept Mr. Moofe's version of the prepared to believe that irregularities |™ by the department. . e Headquarters What follows will be fine reading by 5 the members of the government dur- = a you want to buy or sell City |ing their leisure hours. : go : Who | challenges Mr. Saunders to meet him on the platform and discuss abuses 'of the license. department. . He bas béen an active conservative, amd is a conspbvative sill, "but" be ent under abuse." How these. grievances arc to be {hi smothered on the eve of election, Mr. Whitney perhaps knows. 'He boasted' 'i that his was a government which did tics, At St. Jobn. ley be opposed. His advice has been it to Brockville, and a isecond remind- er from the people that they know their business. In St. the party will have to advertise for Mr. Saunders, the | announce that the local at he' re-| But not a word bas he to say about | ber 31st, 1905. Thi n y } Sst, 1905, is shows a remark ceived them, Mr. Moore offered to du-| (he license roport of Mr. Starr. What lable increase for the last year men- case, but gave "a mutlitated state- [28 the ally of ment to the press."" This Mr. Moore Laurier government was liable for the {hen tures gther than for education and regards as '"ungentlemanly and dis- | financial stringency. Why not pile on [to railways. In 1905 this increase ws |i, courteous treatment," and is quite the agony and hold the government | about $5,000,000 as against $8,000,000 gc exist and that they are countenanced |°% and partial failure of crops ? together there would have been some 'municipalitios should go slow in the Mr. Moore d8ubt about whom "the people wanted] Matter of increasing their issue of de- |g, to hear, But Mr, Foster wagted to be | the | the big push in Nova Scotia, and he | bas been practically abandoned. | The Canadian Mhnufacturer is dis- | erudit for his activily in the interbst writes: to the Globe, "I am opposed appointed with Mr. Borden, who js of the party, and, if he has fairly to the rank injustice meted out to me described as "weak and nerveless." He rated the minister's influence with the séldom that the sufferer by the head of thr license departient, { began hi atid unless an ample apology is ten- {adequate protection, but as he ap- the dered to me by it, the government | proaches the west he = becomes silent | Mr. ¥ ; will find that I shall not temain sil- {on the subject. The manufactirers haye | S80TY incident in. the . weighed him in the balance and found | things, and the Chatham case, the at : /| Toronto case, the North Bruce case, | British Columbia Transportation com: | "¢ _ibspectors dismi show how signally he has failed to | pany, take the liquor business out of poli- | river, forty miles north of Hazeltan i The passengers and, crew were saved. This, with the loss of the Mount Royal, and th ci result Mr. Borden recom-|to the steamer Ih ie accidunt mended that the election of Dr. Pugs: | suspends traffic on the river. declined, No tor hia. gvoided' a vies Trains For Commercial Travelers. | consisting of an engine, a truck, for! Ottawa Citizen, | The municipal statistics to [the Ontario government contain alw {table showing the amount of deben- sures outstanding against mupicipali- {ties for the ten years ending Decem- oe of Cuba? The premier of Ontario hastens government telephone report. ly ill consider the - (di . w {tioned. In 1896 the total amount | debentures outstmnding was $59,200, | 0. at 'Woodstock. and | 20. At the ginning of last year the : amount had reached $84,250,000, The CB : _ jamoun 120), th Mr, Borden, said the |chief increase was. in the issue of de. he going to do about it? Mr. Cockshutt, in the previous year and less than sa {83,000,000 in 1903. Moreover, for the |, first time recorded the assets of muni- cipalitics in 1905 were $1,500,000 less sponsible "for the changeable weath- Mr. Foster went cast as Mr. Bor: {than the tot : time. already nisi i 1 | total outstanding debenture [© oy : not already using it, try a SAMPLE LOT don started west. Had they ined "hi | ese are mostly vegetable ingredi- | 3 > 3. oa +1 35d 4 . ad they remained debt. This would suggest that our lenis and. can' be obtaimed fons oo. Delivery made to any part of the city. | bentures, by i SO Easy On Dr. Pyne. | Toronto, News. s th | Mr.Starr does not give Dr. Pyne full | 4) { ica commissioners, he cortainly has great- -toun with reference 10 ly underestimated a Juseratent. The dismissal of astings was an indicent, a ne Pyne cam- |) i not the ohief. fact |' {which shoul "engage public attention. {The chief fact is that a liconse board | paign, but if is m wantig. Iraffic Susperced. {zan administration of the license sys ¥Yancouver, NTA HE item' wa¥ subjected to = partizan pres states © that the eon | sure, and, when they would not vield, owned by the Northern the case was carried to Queen's park, i and active [conservative * workers put into the c | places in he expectation that theiod ears would be open i ty represen: probably, the | {, tions, 0: PAKLY Xepwe has gone down in the Skeena has proved, would become an inarty intrigue N tion." active centre of (is and partv manipula- | it. ba azelion, completely Cagadian Immigration. he Ottawa, pt. | gration Care Town, Sept. 17.--Special trains, into Canada in the four , and a coach with general John and tre accommodation, are being run Imanthe of the suscont Stal sony at Daxiirud_getuis, ag ke' Boi Brockville the. party fight only in|iM Certain parts of Cape Colony for | 0 ith Bini hy mes oh Ah a Hime party fight y the cor tent & ay a [was 153.603, compared with 116,302 in lers at Brg of 825 a day per Pas ; : p senger, KE. passenger is al ve | Unless Mr. Foster turns up presently A of samples. in, allowed ve than had elapsed . up to , rw "| the corresponding od of 1906. | it Fehose artiving by Pe ; bered 196458, which i an increase | of 39.820. The arrivals from hered -- Uslothful" is rather a in ™ {in him, "Lost or Stpayed"' is an unhap- 'its native t 3 dress wurmly. issued by authority and should be heeded by all ney and bladder troubles and especial-| ered by most sufferers an of | from the following simple home pre- | prevent an attack of one can mix : after each meal and good prescription pharmacy at small | native lissues of the kidneys to make even after the first few doses and itis | = | pains are entirely dispelled, {who was pledged to give n nonparti- | Pe comes from a thoroughly reliable | source, it should | afflicted reader, eer cr------------ HAIR TELLS CHARACTER. | and through whom, as the | light hair denotes affecticn and dark the" license 'office | hair constancy. A person without hair licitwde for the welfare of" others, that 17~The total imm;- | baldness otean ports Acide, be Un. | fect." | an in- | Sold by leading druggists, Send 100. | cida Co. a well-known ee -- This is the advice of L000 GOOD LIGHT} Ry ho are subject to rheumatism, kid- | catarrh. While the latter is ecdhsid- | incurable | scase, there are few mien or women ho will fail to experience great relief ription, and 'if taken in time it will catarrh during ® ro ure season. ere is the pregeription which any! Fluid Extract Dande nm one-hali ounce, Compound Kar! ong ounce, Compound Syrup Sar-| parilla three ounces. Shake well in | bottlé ard use in teaspoonful doses | again at bed- | Whether you have only one Lamp in the house or twenty ot them, vou require good oil. Our Best Coal Qil is the highes grade money will buv. If st. | 3 : . Ed m-----. -- atin uz 3 MCKELVEY & BIRCH 65 and 71 BROCK STREET. p DPOLEv IS 080000000000000000000 4 em filter and strain from the blood, e poisons that produce all forms of turthal afiections. Relief is often felt | Gy | ------------ eT ---- ever experi- os a return attack within the year. | his influence with | The prescription makes a splendid | v 1 remedy for all forms of blood disor | ummei urn ders and such symptoms as lame back | > adder weaknesses and rheumatism | As this valuable, though simple, re Reductions from 15 to 20 per cent, and a be heeded by every | OWE stock before buying. | PARLOR SUITS--5-Piece Su'ts worth $25, reduced to $20. PARLOR SUITS--2 3-Piece Suits worth $48, reduced to $40, PARLOR SUITS--1 5-Piece Suits worth $80 (special), reduced to large selection. See olor of Hair Said to Indicate a! 360 Person's ;Temperament. | Many peovle believe that blonde, or! LOUNGES--Our $7 Velour Lounges, reduced to $5. LOUNGES--Our $12 Velour Lounges, reduced to $9.50. Bed Lounges and Davenports, all reduced, R. J. REID, he § not devoid of character:. far from The disposition of the average ld-headed man is to show such so- | LEADING UNDERTAKER. = "PHONE 577. neglects himself. A germ causes -- a NY : TT _ -- Prof. Sabouraud, of Paris, CANADA France, innooulated 8 abit th LIFE ASSURANCE CO*Y HEAD OFFICE How wel have the Ruins oi Foiicyaniaens um sin TORONTO: ONT. Te Satement Of receipts and cxpenditure is a ny Soministured } The following d the scalp of these dangeroiis germs hoa" porSnaization 10 the end of 1906, ressived in plistactory answer : is necessagy to apply Newbro's Her | Pam Policyholders. amd "bene! $56,120,891.90, | Bohs T-TIIIIT stadia | Excess of = eres mene 64,691, 781.53. A cana S409LTSLS.. "Destroy the cause--you remove the . For every $100 received in preminns] hon p stamps for sample to The Herpi- | fi malt Codited thous with $115. Many' years Detroit Mich. 'Sold in tao | taase® "Pipa etn 3 is Market stro, K. 4900060000 060000400 0 I00000060000000000000600000000000000090000000000400000600004 SLE440000608600006061¢ "ANTRITWTT Ro re EDUCATION! ee -------------- poets tbtddtts: & It you wish to 'be sw tend The Kingston Bu College Limited, head of CANADA'S HIGHES business school, B shorthand, typewyrit graphy. and all subjects thoroughly competent eXpericnoed Day and night classes any time. Rates very 'Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, P J. E. CUNNINGHAM, P000000600468 CIPI ee IMPROVE YOUR ED and INCREASE YOUR POWER Day and Evening Cias Frontenac Bu College; Barrie and Ule Fe NN. STO( Phone, 630 GIIIFIIPIIIIY Queen's Ur KINGSTON, - 0 Under, the regulati Ontario Education Courses for :-- I. First Class Public tificates. II. High School Cert III. Specialists Certi First Session open For CAlendar, address Chown ingston, Ont . £ 2. Su un RAs Synopsis of Canadia HOMESTEAD REGU é&ny even numbered sect fangs m Manitgba or the winces, excepuag 8 and 26, n be homesteaded by any pers oi a family, or male over 18 the extent of one-quarter sect wore or less. Application for homestead made in person by the apply of the local Agent or Sub-! proxy may, he , be madi ditions by t , mothe brother or sister of an intend Au application for entry or personally at anv Sub-Agent wired to the loci Agefit by 1 the expense of me applicant, applied. for is acsat on rec gram such application is: to | the land will be held unl | rs to complete the transac By mal, x In case of "persomativa™ t summarily cancelled and th forfeit all priority of ciaim. An application for inspectic in person. The applicant for homestead entry, anda oni tor inspection will be receive eidual until that application posed of. A homesteader whose 'entry ing and not liable to cancel ject to approval ot Departm: m favor of father, mother, brother or sister, if elfgible, else, on nung declaration of Where an ently is summa woluntarily abandoned, subse tion of cancellation proceedin wor inspection will be entitle of entry. Applicants for inspection what culars the homestea and if bsequent!y the state be inc ct in material part cant will lose any preor r showiu the land become wac has been granted it may be ceiled. Duties--A settler is require vohditions under one of the f (1) At least six months' and cultivation of the land i ing the term of three years. (2) If the father (or motl is deceased) of a homesteads farm in the vicinity of the by such homesteader the r residence may be Ratisfied by siding with the father or m (3) If the settler has his dence upon farming land © the vicinity of his homestead may be satisfied by residence Before making application settler must give six month irg to the Commissioner of at Ottawa, of his intention | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOR REGULATIONS Coal.--Coal mining rights a period of twenty-one ye rental of $1 per acre. Not acres shall be leased to one pany. A royalty at the rate ton shall be collected on coal mined. ¢ Quartz.--A reson eightees over, having discovered min locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 | The fee for recording 'a ¢ At least $100 must be tlaim cach year or paid to ti in lieu thereof. 'When $500 ed or paid, the locator ma survey made, and upon con requirements, pur®hase the acre. s \ The patent provides for royalty of 2 1-2 r cent. | » lacer minipg claims gene square, entry fee $5, renew An applicant may obtai dredge for gold of five mile of twenty years, renewable of the Minister of the Inte The lessee shall have a d within one season from the vor each five miles. Rents for each mile of river lease r cent. ¢ lle rate of 2 1-2 Hy $10,000. after it exce Deputy of the Minist N.B.--Unauthorized publi wertisement will mot be pai WIE You touch the b the rest. SEE You will find i "Love at first sig 13. R. C. Dobl 171 Wellingt Standard romod;