Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Sep 1907, p. 6

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ED 1873 > - CANA ARD BANK Synopsis of Canadian North: HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS ven numbered section of Dor {ds in Manoba of the North Wes excepting 8 and 26, not reserved homesteaded by" any person the sole a family, or male over 15 years of 3 8 a ent of onequarter section, of 160 Selections } i the ex! y : gore or I 20 : ' THE GOLDEN WEDDING. Ray Application for homestead entry mi pa \ pade in person by the applicant at the . - He -- n Lagan of the local Agent or Se feen. Jn The Standard Bank pays interest a ot. make y the father, mother, son, da ins n sister of an intending homes fo suppress its YT. G. Whittier. ad vous wilh What 'was copsidered | With fifty yeas EET ral fable ; i ; : ich] : : ¥ ; lo du rg Bd ganpire 3a Hamilton, a. _-- BoD Jems ie | And sweet as has life's vintage been through four times a year on all Savings peranaily at an Sab Ag ats ofiee Yok xt } widow of Canon: Fessenden, therefore state' was | your pleasant past, LL Ly =k Erol a HeDE by the SUDA j and, = substantial," | owes hte Sure, shu am acct | SU 201 ante mer | Bank deposits. Sr of dot nd | And, Jo! from all the country side come neigh- | - , {i . o | Aor a house old, te wed-| Savings Bank Department in Connection with all Branches. | onde es Aer. ei hue same, files in the long a sich application 1s to have priori §2"land will be held until the necessa rs to complete the transaction are re diways MOONEY'S 5. "pressure by the 'mccount of the ¢ promulgated d | has lav. ly ghowtred upon Sherring and Long- the eka: should oo a Ereater' recogai- || ail. 3 in case of "personatien" the entrys v a. Je ely to who "impelled by public array, light and eyes are gl \ ee summarily cancelled and the appiiCan A f \ PERFECTION byt drum-beats on the re-{opinion, declared thet all' dens should] APd. beers Sie USM, SEC seh d KINGSTON BRANCH foie al priority o i be : setves of our patriotism Have called in before the first fay of the fourth | Aad haply with themSll unseen, old comrades J. S. rrcr, Mao : a apo He 7 inspection must be The have been busking cp ot : "oon Jeers i e 4 for homestead entry, anu only .one appl i COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STS. CREAM SODAS to ore, als A x \ , within your They have been building empires, not Pass, silently as shadows pass, within reputations, --have been for inspection will be received from ar thousands of «idual until that application has bee mere personal s, who lield mass meet- How gladly would I tread again the old-| , rep b c posed of. coax baek 0 cementing millions in the sentimental as assessments to cover the | -- M------ eerie rr A homesteader whose entry is in good aE well as phical unity of the 5a- cost of fighting the 'anti-opium forces. | g Jeme™bertl Poet once more and | roads » BE A at iat Depa ima tian of the highest of civilizations. They drew up. resolutions of protest 10, . look in the dear old. faces y| 900000000000000000008000000000000000000000000 ject to approval ot Department, reling Empire day was founded at Hamilton ge with oh officials, together with And thank you for the lessons your fy * $ * brother or sister, if elfgible, but to " {in18o7, and Mrs. Fessenden was its | petitions jor an extension of the time. For amest lives that jouder speak than half! © : : by 0 ung declaration of shan dou: originator and forceful advocate. The Fhe petitions first asked for an exten- oUF - BOISY pr ni : | ® . HY abandoned, * sabaequant tn city board of education gave the idea its | sion of twé months, then for one month, Bleyings upon you! 'hat you did for each s a Cancellation proceedings. the ap formal support and thereby builded bet- | aud finally, came down to weeks and | py, "fomeless, faint and naked, unto our! @ ! ' . tor inspection will be entitled to prior ter than they imagined. Their example [gov Had they succeeded in getting the mir bn) : ° of entey. co Nl mat a s copied in Toronto, Kingston and | joing postponed one day the force of | Fait fall' upon your pleasant: vales and_on oO * what particulars the homesteader is in ¢ other towns, which were visited by the the decrée would have been broken in ThE TIONS corset of your lives, friends of ® ° and if subsequently the staement is b active lady herald of the new spirit, 10 1the minds of the people and the entire | Tony (arly "days, : ! . Sat" will lose any prier right of 1 give it introduction. It was five yearst,, ement discredited, The leader, how- ¥ ict yeart be added to) 8 . should 'the land become vacant, or if Sif the example spread to England, but {ever who presented the petition and | Ma SY Se vl quiet yun : : bas been granted it may be summaril it bas caught the national fire there also. | offered a bribe to the 'officials, was put And late at last, in "tenderest love, the| 3 : . \ lied + --A 'settler B yequiihd 10 perio While Mrs. Fessenden had' the pride of | ino prison. or x beckoning angel come." here] 8 ° onions Snder one of he following p { addressing a great mass at Hamilton | «\foanwhile the anti-opium tovement Dear hearts ate Rert, dear hearts are there] 3 . 1) At Jeast Six moaths residence % | was spreading rapidly and became high-| our friends are now in either world, and| @ % snd cultivation, of she land y | ly 'patriotic in spirit, appealing to the love is sure of love. ® 3; 8s) If the famer (or mother, if the i oti S-------------------------- i ased) of a homesteader resides 1 newly angiened sense of jpawotism THOUGHTS FROM THE PEN. | ~ . Do the vicinity of the land enter very ue n evidence ge} haw. | Sys Lillian, Coe Hill | o ° by such homesteader the requirement tematic organization oi je anti-opium . Vv : : | ° sidence may be satisfied by such pers forces wus effected and preparations Linie winged WSIS: { : SHOE * pp with the father or jiotner - made for the day of closing the dens. Out in the Jide, wide world, ® eo ' a) it the settler bas | is pecan ) Figiance Sms Were formed and ar nie ess heart ° 3 ne vicinity of his homestead, the requi "oochow was subdivided so that mem- Far off or nem : * The Invictus Shoes mav be satisfied by, residence upon suc : + 2 ot . - 1 » & p oO fi ter bers of the anti-opium societies might Waits for your word of love, ° a Le > : tore making a ation "for _ pater cach look after a precinct, Each dele-{ Hast: i i Bs er bidst : wear better than mos ® ine to the Commissioner of Dominien gate labelled the places assigned to show A pass. fruitless by; : all other shoes. Thev e at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. that they had been ly watched. i inged s ; g or . " ORTH -WES i NY. rs er ea nes Tite widged Siessengers ry | s look better. They are : SYNOPSIS OF SARAUAR SOVTH-WISE ou such a Strong sentiment' prevailed that Little winged messengers, ® 3 » forts b » ® Coal.--Coal mining rights may be lea on Sunday last, thé date Fed for their lS I Ave pagers, ° the ; most comfortable 3 a period of twenty-one years at an Sosioy, 'uot more. tha three ut four) Being lo me Wien tte : fitting shoes. $ Ee Tens 6 op Vo den-keepers ventured to continue their PRES 10.Cay ° 3 . ' > MS oyalty at the rate of five ce business, These mein were promptly | ~~ STEEe 6, femtiag hearts. | ¢ ... Nothing but the best grades of leather used. $ ov, & rors, he te of five co Mistied of Jo gaol, Great Semone Souls that ave wandered wide, e Highest class workmanship in every pair of them. o Sus) EMEA prsin eighteen Years of ons were mace in Celebration of the Light brig where days are dark, | ® ° over, having discovered mineral in plac closing of 'these places." Long 'proces- An gra ° We have the a Vici Kids, Box and Vel . eo locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 feet. sions of students paraded the streets Little winged messengers, ° ¢ have them in ICI Aids, BOX and elour g The fee for recording a claim' is $5. s ' ' be ded Ju les with banners, lanterns and flags, and Fiy far away. o Calf, Gun Metal and Patent Colt. . Ba le Er i won't fail to hundreds of shops were Jixormed with Little 'wiriged messengers, * ® in lieu thereof. When $500 has been ¢ val, bunting and pefnants! ss meetings Brought joy to me, | ® . = or yaiq, the locator way, pom id held th hout the city: Chines: Lines from .an unknown hand ® 4 0 5 a 50 or en . survey made, and upon complying with were i rouge 1 ty; hi e Doan i y Te y R ° requirements, purchase the land at. ! ' ol spoke, and a Edropean address Telling of larger hope | * acre. . TT _____|was actually applanged. Tn zs "Than I bad dreamed, : $3 50 a nd 4 for Bo S 3 The patent provides for the paymen MRS. CLEMENTINE FESSENDEN. 4 A few shops pf will be licensed: to fe Srcw Hore bexutitul . . y. . * TO Ter mining Claims generally are 1 - eal in opium; ofily registered persons - = ° uare, entry fee $5, rencwable yearly, > ps = Now all the vast Beyond {® hat y vo lea is year on the children's great day-- can buy and the quantity granted them Gloweth with light; | ® $3 50 3 75: 4 and 4 50 for Women ° An 'applicant may obtain two le 15000 ure said to have assembled in |will be steadily reduced; the: price will Tove Wat is limitless" 0 | ® Wy Vebaty . . ® Ee RO a mi urn Park--over 10,000 children be gradually raised also. Hundreds of Shines through the wight. ax | © + ) ' 3 of the Minister of the Interior. were being formed into a living flag in opium dealers have changed 'to other Little winged messengers, | ® All the Newest Fall Styles are now ready. : The lessee shall have a dredge in o Sheffield, land. Empire day is be- occupations and land which Jately grew 8 your St 3 i » yubin ied Bg Bandy 10 per ing kept in 17,560 schools in Canada and {the poppy is being diverted to more Far Jaron Hod Sins aT . --_ oe a mile of river leased. Royalty | more in the old land. The Londen | beneficial products." essages writ in love, ° : : ° rate of 2 12 per cent. cillected on the ti 5 ar hi Jor 3 Seba. : Whi od Sheil" SIShi: end? ° : 4 : fier it osceews SIO. |) q on its children this yea ' a ! ° f the Minister of the | Ragutafls and Bags men. nie yeai| ANCIENT LEPER COLONY. zo bo kngweth 'where? * A er et S . m= Dnuortzta" puttin of to central schools bv public subscription, -- fs Through shade or light, ® vertisement will not or. : : How Old Canterbury Stamped Little winged | : | just as the Ontario government has purs| 29 ttle winged messengers. | ® . hal atl ka . + 4 : epee rere hased flags for provincial schools. A Out Foul Leprosy. ' speed your fight! | ® « ps : ' -- folder, illustoating the Union Jack | A10any Church Recard, ©0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and giving its history, the forces it leads, Canterbury is called the "Mother THE COLORS OF THE FLAG. | and the rties it stands for, reac . G. Scott. City" of England. Among the aricient, i Rev. F 3 5 an issue of 10000 copies, but its pro- | Mistorical 'and interesting places in and Wie 3 Pot ihe. Poundless ro . diction has been a loss--to Mrs. Fessen- | about it is the ancient leper hospital of | Where our vessels ride in their tameless pride, " In London the St. Nichohs. Centuries ago, the cage of | And the feet of the wiids are free; den. In mn the lesser 2,000 were rs was part of the work of thé From the sun apd the smiles of the coral isles purchased by the school board as reward {Efe part of the work of the Eng-{""rl 48 188" of itle 'South 'and North. cards. Should not the leader in 3 patri- church as it is now in forcin lands, | With dauntiess tread through tempests dread Otic movement of the need for it having passed: in Eh: n ------ ----- -- SOMETHING NEW POST CARL Greetings from K this order receive he guardian ships go forth, TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL : 3 i land. The name of hospital is used" has a Rp. | public gt h the I ae mach ta a different sense from what it is here, } W hat it she white dn ue, fag, boys? NEW YORK GENTRAL EXCURSION ston, ment. hospitals often being called infirmaries| Which burns in our sight like a beacon light, . . M d 1 " It is agreed that in the development in England. § And stands while the hills shall stand. Life odels Yea, dearer than fame is our land's great name, And we fight wherever we of the empire educational aspects must | , A Picturesque road leads" to Harble- For the mothers and wives that "pray for the not be overlooked; that we must send |90n. a short distance from Canterbury, Qur children forth strong in loyal im-| Where the leper hospital was founded pulses, to win for Canada a still higher {by Archbishop Lanirancl about 1070; the credit, and place; that we should so|Shurch of St. Nicholas, built: expressly teach literary, constitutional and social | fOr lepers, was placed on a hill abave the history; . impart, pride in our laws and Other buildings, If has a large square their obligations and in the: duties of {tower covered with ivy, contains fe- citizenship, that the Canadian life shall {Mains of the original Norman building spring from British nationality and none [37d 2 number of ancient fresco PAIntngs | Thar he send vs men tr bent other. The time is opportune for the Searly al around _ the walls, greatly < As our fathers fought of old. observance of days when our children Rod Na ne: i ie 1 Che a ht on We'll stand by the dear old flag, boys, are reminded of the best achievements [an incline that it might be easly flush Whateyer be said or done, of their ancestors, especially the defence | With water after its use by the lepers. Thoush he Sheth ine Tel, a8 we fare the Slealiignls. NE ; NEWYORK OCTOBER 8 and 9, 1907 $6.00 Round Trip $6.00 Kingston Views. Come in and have a I T. McAule GASOLIN | Put in Your Tanl at Our Dock Of the brave hearts over the sea. What is the red on our flag, boys? blood of our heroes slain, | On the burning sands in the wild waste lands, | And the froth of the purple main; And it cries to God from the crimson And the crest of the waves outrolled, GC = There had been a stone staircase on the Everything suitable in pres- of Canada, the enormous expansion. of outside leading to a hole in the sidé walj| And, the foc be ten to one;-- ar fD a h | > otk o r for either Bride or British sway, its vast responsibilities, and fro hich tl nks preached 16 the Though our only reward be the thrust of a A large st y ry sword, ERED aR Ri ee edi ment holds good, that "the ire of | indication, lepers were' numerous in| VAM, Matters one £05 of fhe iT Britain is the greatest secular atganiza. Shose days. i an dood Iepair, dud : rs 3 e a € , y fn in, fh, void fr, he promtion of 31 ton ge ep | SOA OF THB WARPLEND. timent is being aroused by the neglect of | gardens in front, which have replaced Hm, Ha! ha! for the feast of blood, - the old leper houses. t For i i iri ¥ § i the carnival of ford pe ong oye, 18 She Connected with the haspital isa my-| When' men shall fight, Bay and night, 'From Points in Northern New York (R.W. & O. DIVISION) , TICKETS GOOD TEN DAYS. teries, Spark Plug and ( always on hand. SELBY & YOULD LIMITED. Silyerwace, in 8 or I an * Plate, Cut Glass, China Our Cut Glass Berry Bowl at $5 is good value. Kinnear & d'Esterre, JENI00 Princsre Be g >» OLONIAL te iments. Wade's Ointment gives almost reat meeting, called to impress upon the government the call for a more thorough education in things imperial. The outburst of feeling was enthusiastic. Forget The Itching. Salt rheum and many other skin affections cause more annoyances and suffering than many more serious ail- Hinmedigte relief and - will thoroughly Seum, - containing curiosities and utensils used by the monks--an old oak chest, table and trenchers, ladles and spoons and dishes, real antiquities which few Sold covet. St as here that She Shoe 0 mas a' et was present to Hengy II. whet on his way to Canter- bury to do penance at Becket's tomb. That same shoe was presented to Eras- mus and Dean Colet for the Jame pur. pose--to kiss. The dean, havin, ws of his own about the sanctity of 8 And slay on sea and shore. ill, * "Kill, kill!" is my order shrill, And the mind of man is mad; And the angel of Grace doth hide her face, And the soul of Peace is_sad. The powers of hell will aid me well As I fiercely rise cep; Riches and skill obey my will, The harvest of death The' joys 'that Pesce in a nde Has earned, in 3 day ll take y scream as tan AR Apply to nearest New York Central Tickes Agent for folders giving complete information or write to W. H. NORTHROP, General Agent, Watertown, N.Y. Peassssssansesasess When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH SALAAPABABALLALAALAS eradicate these affections. Invaluable [declined the proffered favor with an ex-] Or the 8 feeble wail? | also a8 a general healing application. | plosion of wrathful rhetoric that aston- | "Var, the ccean dde with blood is dyed, | v t genuil WAY Cures ¢ salt rheum, scald head, [ished Erasmus. Erasmus preferred to] And little I care for the mother's prayer, | . fou ge g YAY cold sores, ervyipelas, miles, ete. Ly Jrop 2 Soin in he hotey box, fastened rq dee her son, lies Soild a pk ests Scranton, as | ; x big boxes, 2c, at Wade's ug [bv a chain to t Spi , NOW a » - or. 99 served in the to oT cing ld SH. ¥ardoss wildly 'bark. handles not hin : ™ ill, now in | a SAE ip 1 beavet appeal Li : else. . . Tree Worship, A well lowér down the hill, knows in| , 24". "Bleis eoy poeal; shed to : . : Sacred trees of India enter largely fter tithes a the Black Pri pan ) ob lhe wp x : 5 PIII SIIIIIIIIY into the religious life of the Hindus. |i Sheed healing ot was 1g ba war-fiead's heel. III -- 2 e f among them is the sani tree aud the trembling peepul. carly. t Nghe hills and rocks in the plains are d to dwell therein. The worshi ip of t ay it. The devout remove their shoes be- |' well, which Was after- Navoleon*was riding late 'over a bat- tlefield, gazing stern and unmoved on the dying and the dead about him, hoy ie tramp { a! ha! for the feast of blood, | When men' shal Reh br day and nigh | m it, { And slay on sea' fog shore: uy i d bear on its 'breast, in the sweet sunny Ob, bow strange that the wind should be gentle and sweet, And whisper at eve, o'er the lake and the sea, To uprise in "ts anger and rage in its wral The Best is The Cheapest. best American Oil that is manufactured, Try the Brilliant. ee lh SUMMER WANT 3 & x Window wned by a temple, shrine or sacred | likely is that when the t Pri ------ s : guresn, Dudes ang Win M Eee nC NT We curry In Hook Gives grades of OTT, yl great spirits of the Hindus are repre- Ye ot a dE ered the "qu a the bright ses, sli tran: and will deliver to any part of the city, the ST RACHAN? morn, ; ' a; The ship, that ere night will be tossed by the | *| Brahma, Siva and Vishnu! Almost | wards given his name at - ye for 20c. Per Gallon. NewNorkChinese Restat every Indian village has its peepul tree, Play of the tempest, the sport of the ¢ with a raised platform or altar around Hero In Tears. Mor. : 83 Princess Street. Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3.00 The best place to get an all . ixy. Meals of all ogo dl English and s Fem suddenly evening bells struck up a To sweep in its madness" o'er mountain an: ee S Shortest, notes. i Kidney Signals. The wheloe paused fo. ten; Re dar en ) 10OTT Vo bere hai Wii + lull | Was softened; memory was 'busy; he strange that proud mortal,.in his man WY ! BROS hen, you have a backache or a dull was nd longer the conqueror of Auster-| noon should ae orth iu Bolt vigor' apa ro * Wm. Murray. ucko Honesty: is the hest policy--only tine , | living waters came gushing Tog it. Bene dao ie snot boy 34 rientz; dismounting, he sea i on the stump of an old tr ue to the astonishment of his st burst into tears. rock was smi and the hen you pay promptly the premium: Band work, nt é Fin deat At eve should Tie prone in the dust of the All Yifeless and dead, like sebr leaf of a tree, But oh! why should we murmur at things We know they're but part of His mierciful n, For we can't drift out of His Fatherly care, or ip life, though it be but a span. The troubles an d sorrows of earth are below, Telephone, 35; - 77 Princess St. > iz ALL GRADES. WRITE THE METAL MAN, sees WILLIAM ST. | Co., Ltd. touctor Ont Solder & Babbitt ~ 27 BROCK ST New Carriages, Cutters, H ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Sat C. H. Powe Carpenter and Jo 103 Raglan

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