Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1907, p. 2

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ties, more than most profitable. the {last year, and everything was of the 8, | for_exhibity, the live stock and poul- ~ {different exhibits well , [Praise given. Some of the ~xhibitors » Romine cof lack of space, hut it is s | medied "7 [building will be erected for the fair wling horse. Foden, hasebadl maeh, he number Mi, exceed] race, of ex auality, Two tentw were pitched being kept out-of-doors. Every was nicely arranged, and the deserved the likely that this drawback will be re- , as it is understood that a . «The "exhibitors would he pleased, if the hoard directors could find their way clear to put up the new building. | A 'good deal of joterest among the farmers, centred in the horses and eat tle, this part of the show being lar better than in previous years. There wag gu fine showing of vegetables and mangolds, The fryit department at every fair is always a great drawing, and such was the case yesterday, Apples were "f much in evidence, and a fine variety was shown, Among the exhibitors were M. M. Fowler, W, .I. Blacklock, R. H. Fair, Glenburrie, W. J. Smith, Cataragui, Archibald Knight, Kingston, John Simpron, Albert Lancaster, Catasra- qui. W. FE. Tovliffle, Glenvale, had a good exhibit of bread, poultry and jelly. The Glenvale factory exhibited some first-class cheese, J, Clogg show: od vegetables and bread. \ A large portion of one of the tents, wpe taken up with the display of ladies' work, and some very clever pieces of needle work were shown. John McKay, of the McKav fur store, Brook street, had a fine exhibit. The races were run off in fairly good time; and provided some good sport. | Svka Direct, owned by C., Horne, Kingston, succeeded' in capturing the open race for the three-minute class, and May Wax, another Kingston horse, owned by W, Carson, had no trouble in getting second money. The track ke in good condition. This race re- wilted as follows : 8 Direct, (C, Horne, Kingston) 1.1. ¥ Wax, (W. Carson, Kingston) 2.2.3. Barm J., (Geo. Dutragh) a m 3.3.4, Nutwood, ( -- 5.4.8, B., (HO 6.5.5, Jim, (W vim $8.0, Ame, 2.864 ; 3.37; 2.88. The threc'minute : class, for the township, was won Happy Wil Hams, owned b A. Doig in t heats, Mountain. Maid wa] Ward, taking second place. best time wax 2,503, running race was won by a horse owned by Patrick Kelly, Glen- burnie, William Blacklock, also of Glenburnie, taking second, and J, Burnett, third. Mesors. McRow and Smith also ran horses, buggy race was won by Top- Ky, owned Ly J. Cordukes, in three straight heats, Mr, Cochrane got sec- fod, and Neil McCallum, Glenvale The officials of the day were: Start er, Samuel Sloan; judges, Dr. G. Bell, Frederick Whitney, and William McGar- vey; timer, Henry Drew, Warden, clerk of course, D. Purdy. A good deal of inconvenience was caused while the races were on, hy people who were not entered for ev- ents, running their horses around the track, and the men in the judges' stand had a very difficult task to keop things in order. They should have been compelled to keep off the track, 80 as to give the racers all the show poksible. Luckily no accidents ocour- In the quarter-mile running race; W. McRow, Cataraavi captured first, H. | Stratford, Kingston, second, and Har- old Bawden, third. o day turned ont so cold, that foothall would have been more appro- Priate than baseball. A picked team of Kingston plavers, defeated Gana- {noque, in an eight-innings game, by a | taragui; first vice-president, C. Jada i eat p of the teams was as fol- ' , Wb. olson, ©. fa HH 'Keyworth, cf; Cowan, LI; bo Daley LiL Hunt, 1b; f.; Nicholson, r.f.; Dick, ¢. te wn 0042008 1-10 vs DEO 1 601 x12 The directors of the Kingston Town- Agricultural Society for 1907 , HJ. Sim , Ca- ship, Willigmevil Tir ly Hliamsville; second vice-presi- dent, W. Pillar, Glenvale, Directors--R. J. Bushell, Williams- ville: J. Dowslev, Kepler; F. Gates, Westbrook; F. Trudell, Collins Bay; F. Knight, Cataraqui; M. Fowler, Glen- burnie; S. Wartman, Portsmouth; E, K. Purdy, Cataragui; W. Shannon, Glenburnie. Secretary -treasurer--J. W. Edwards, BA, MD, Cataraqui. OPENING OF THE BIJOU. Annesley Burrowes Offers the Citizens Amusement. The Bijou Theatorium, which is to open to-morrow afternoon, is most conveniently located, It is situated on Princess street, just above Bagot siecet, next to Powell's photograph store. Annesley' Burrowes, the son of a noted Kingston family, and .a re- tired viournalist, is the proprietor, and that is assurance that the amusement house will he carefully conducted, so as to gain the confidence and patron- age of all classes. Mr. Burrowes an: nounced that only high class Zictures ill be presented. There nothing offered that couid draw eriticism. . The Bijou is a well-arranged little place, Outside, it is brilliantly light- ed, 125 electric lamps over the entrance. The interior {§ finished in There is quite a slooping from the rear to the stage, so that the view of those behind is not obstructed. On the right hand side near the stage are two boxes, for par- ties. The moving picture machine is overhead in the rear and encased in a place that is fireproof. The house has sulficight exits in front, on the side and in the rear of the stage to let out an audience in quick time. Mr. Bur rowes hopes for the sunport of the peo- ple in his new ise. As a singer, he has enraged Edoar Alcock Rush, lately of London, England, WORK FOR LEPERS \ One of the Workers Speaks of It. Miss Riddell, the 'English lady, who for many'years has devoted herself Jud 268 Snow; & to Xho Selist of the 3 apan, rim AS, Georghls hall, on Thursday night. The Dean Ontario was a7 kh chair, Miss R I has established her hos- pital in Kumamoto. Here is the grave of a great warrior, declared by the Buddhist priests to have been cur- ed, by them, of leprosy, and here to a temple come the poor wretches, to pray for relief. Keen as is Japan on all medical and surgical matters, she is utterly careless of the many thousands of lepers in the land, because they are considered to have no soul, and to be the outcasts of the gods. Miss Rid- dell appeals for $200,000 to endow a ospital for them, and also a home where untainted children of lepers nay be cared for. AT THE ROLLER RINK, Toronto Hockey Team to Play Here Saturday Evening. One of the largest skating = crowds ever in the Kingston skating rink, and the largest since it has been a roller rink, gathered there last oven- ing. Over nine hundred people were in the building and six hundred of these were on the floor. Two orchestras from the Jdth band were present, and continuous music was rendered, till ten o'clock. Sevignty-eight couple started in the grand march, but the number was too large to handle properly, so it was called off. . A fancy dress carnival will be held on October 17th and a hockev match between Capitais, of Toronto, and the i ™ will be held to-morrow ~ht. soore of 12 to 10. | good exhibi- | |. Both teams put up a tion, bot the game lacked the usual interest on nocount of the cold weath. or, "Fom™ Ferguson was umpire, and gave fair decisions. ; ? Kinvston made the first tally, hav- ing four chalked up to their credit -in the fourth innings, Ty the third, Gan- snoate changed their luck, and also TE ET If you were to question one hundred well-dressed women Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. C. M. Tibbs, Philip Rodrique, R. Joyce, J. O'Leary, New York: F. W, Foreman and wife, Utica, N.Y. John Reid, Utica, N.Y.: Gardiner Farrell, Oswego; William ~ Croft, Philadelphia; Charles Holiman, Paul S. Ross, 31. D Ross, * Ross, Hallstead, Pa; %. J. T Gould, Baltimore, Jod.; T. R. Nichol son, Chicago; James Robertson, Geo. Williamson, P. Oswald, A. (i. David. son, Montreal; W. H. Martin, W. J Lind. R. A: Dickson, T, H. McGee, A J. O'Connor, ¥. Butler, 0. (. Bissell, Toronto; E. C. Kirby, Hamilton: 0 G. Robb, London; J. N. Youn , Brook. ville; J. W. Norcross, Port 'olborne; W. J. 'Gibson, Mrs, B. Horning, W, J. Stevens and wife, Mrs, T. MN i 3 by innings was as fol- |i es So Limestones to Enter Senior 0. R. F. U, Series--Will Play Home and Home Matches With Ottawa and Westmount. . Kingston, will once again be repre 3 in | senior O.R.F.U, ies. Thin desision - ' was arrived at last even- ing, when a special meeting was held uois hotel. The matter i and this course considered the best one to thke, redid wae BN present bunch wi grouped with Ottawa and Westmount, playing home-and-home games with uch team. This will mean two long expensive trips, but there 'should be no difficulty in financing a senior team in this city. The local regation should make an excellent showing in this group, and with the material at hand, and roper practice, should win out. The tawa team is a new bunch just got together, and Westmount has lost some of its best men, who have gone over to Montreal. The local manage- ment will endeavor to secure the first game here, so as to get a good start. The boys have been working well all week and, .on Saturday afternoon, wil play a practice. game with Cadets I. This will be a good workout for both teams, and will benefit both far more than practising alone. ' Game At R.M.C. To-morrow afternoon, the | Lime- stones and ~ Royal Military College will play a practice. game, on the lat- ter's grounds. The Limestones, will be taken over im "Con." Millan's gasoline launch. The following" play- ers are requested to be on hand, in uniform : Laird, Betts, Madden, Dick, Crawford, Davies, Crozier, Comeau, Marshall, - Bearance, Pound, Gleeson, Moxley, Mooney, Holder, Evans. The R.M.C. team will be picked from the following players : Donnelly, Gib- son, McKenzie, Watson, Smith, Ringwood, Sutherland, Tay- lor, Hutton, Rogers, Tremaine, Morri- ton, Riffenstein, Burnham and Mere dith. The game will be excellent prac- tice for both teams. Queen's Teams At Work. Queen's had twenty men out in umi- form, yesterday afternoon, and a good stiff hour's work was put in. Capt. Williams put one bunch through their facings and Arthur Turner, the crack outside wing man, had command of the other. Queen's I will have a better team than last year, if present appearances count for anything. and, the first line will be far stronger. Many students who never turned out before are get- ting in line this year. ° Sporting Notes. _ President Ban Johnson. has sent ont Instructions to club owners in the American baseball league to use no new players against the four leading clubs. Dr. Irvine, president of the Mont: real club, says that the Quebec cham- pions will have the greatest team this fall that ever stepped into the grid- iron, Thoney's bad shoulder will not per- mit of his throwing effectively, so Manager Kelley decided not to play him in the Toronto-Columbus post- series. The record number of hits made in the American baseball league game this vear is twenty-one, registered by the Chicago White Sox, in Washington on Friday. Ottawa Citizen : The Rough Riders ought to sign Alf. Smith for quarter. "Smithy" has no equal at that posi- tion, and would be especially useful against such teams as the 'Tigers and Argonauts, 'algary and lethbridge were left in the finals for the lacrosse champion- shin of Alberta province, and they' could not agree on dates. Therefore the championship is left undecided. Reyaoide, Port. Hope's vetoran ped- eatrian, offers to wager, against 8500 that he can -- Bort EI Kingston's Famous Fur Store. dilly, Borsalina, Wood- row and Wa These are some of the hats' we sell, and- to the man who knows, every name carries it's Stevens¢ Gananoque; W. T. Lawson, Smith's Falls; cy and Mrs. J. Ww, Campbell, J. C. Cleave, Conwa: py: Mr; and Mrs, Miller, Mrs F. D. Miller, Mrs. C. Wartman, Napanee; B. Toom- ey, Odessa. | $6.00 New York Excursion. The New York Central will ron its 22d annual excursion to New Yor from the R. W. & 0. Division on Oc- tober Sth and Oth, 1907. Tickets good ovly in day coaches will be sold for and evening trains above dates at rate of $6, ood to return until October 15th inclusive. Through special, trains will be run' on October 8th, via West Shore R.R. from Utic. gui ay of trains and ¢ i se obtain: Bont sob wg ¥. . ater- town, NY : ' TW ---- Wiliam Swaine, piano: tuner. Orders own guarantee of correct style and good value. to our new store for. new New How for me. New Umbrellas Nr and ies, ; New Tams for children, New Gloves [or men, New Felt Hats for children, and new Furs of all kinds just roeived at MoAuley's. 'Phone 778, , SEPTEMBER 27, 1907. © Boswell, P Witness : The prospects for MeGill winning the intercollegiate athletic meet to held at Kingston on Queen's University grounds on Thanksgiving day, October lst, oo pear to be pertioularly bright. Last year she had little difficulty in win- ning the trophy from Toronto and Queen's, but these colleges have been | vy hg i Ba ii athletes from t en class, McGill's weak point is un doubtedly in the weights. These events may fall to the lot of Queen's, who has several . sturdy athletes at practice. . Geo! A. Smith of Vancouver, the CALL. commissioner for British Columbia, has given wide publicity to t announcement that all lacrosse tlayers who compete against the Tor- onto Tecumsehs at the New Westmin- ster exhibition will be excluded from | amateur competition in the future. Sir Thomas Lipton's challenge fora contest "for America's cup in 1908, is declined by the New York Yacht Club. Sir Thomas asked for a race of sloops under the sixty-eight-foot rating, and the members of the club based their refusal to race on the general proposi- tion that the America's cup represents a trophy of thé speediest type of vacht that can be produced on a wat- er-line length of ninety feet or under, and that therefore any proposition to limit the size of the boats must be re fused. The members of the New York Yacht Club: at the meeting called to consider ' Sir Thomas' fourth challenge for a oip rage voted unanimously to reiect the challenge after Lewis Cass Ledyard, a former commodore of the club, made a speech. In which he de- scribed the deed of gift governing the cup contests as drawn up by George L. Schuyler in 1887, CITY AND VICINITY. -- 1,000 Islands--Rochester. Steamer Caspian leaves 10:15 a.m. for 1,000 Island points on Sundays. Returning leaves at 5 p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochester, N.Y, J. . Hanley, agent, Accepted A Call. Mrs. (Rev.) G. Munro, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Ken- nedy, 410 Johnson street, will leave early in Oétdber for Oakwood, Ont., where Rev. Mr. Munro has accepted a unanimous call, What Is The Matter ? There seems to be some mix-up in regard to the collection of letters from the street postal boxes. Yester- day, a livery rig, with various post office inmates in turn, was noticed on the rounds. Even Postmaster Stewart was seen aiding in the work. What is the matter? Has the old, reliable Andrew McConville retired ? A Limerick Contest. Attention is directed to a compe- tition, advertised elsewhere in this issue, conducted by the Lipton Tea people. Splendid cash prizes are of: ered, al the conditions are very plain and simple. It will doubtless attract a great many aspirants, 'and afford many an hour of amusement as well as hard thinking. Dealing With The Truants. Reports of truants from the schools are only given to the police when the school authorities cannot deal with them. The agent of the children's aid society at Ss to many. Parents are informed, and instructed to see that their children the secretary. of the Board of Educa: tion has solicited the aid of the police | ents of truants will be fined or lads will be whipped by the police with the cat-o'-nine-tails. | | Special Excursion. : By special request the steamyacht Castanet, of the Capt. Visger line, will} make a special tour of the Islands, Sa. ! turday, September 28th, lcaving| Swift's wharf 1:30 p.m. sharp. Howe | at 6:30 p.m. A grand opportunity for | Queen's students, Do not confound | this with the trips among the Is lands by the larger steamers, which run the main channels only. The show places of the river are The Rift, Needles Eye, Out.of-Sight, Horseshoe,| Whirlpool and Lost Channels, and the Castanet is the only boat that! passes through them. If you have only | seen the islands from a hig boat this | trip will be a revelation to vou. Fare for the round ¢rip, 50c, : Typhoid At Petawawa. _ Some time early in the month an | item was published in the Whig to the | effect that it was thought that ty- | phoid. fever, at Petawawa camp, had originated "from Pembroke water used in the form of soda water and other soft drinks at the camp. Samples were examined at Toronto and the re. ult, showed A to have been con- aminated."' is, Edward Behan, a Pembroke manufacturer, believes re flects upon him, as he did much busi. ness with the camp. The Whig, of course, would not willingly do an in. Justice to any person, and, in this | case, when the item was penned, Nr. | Behan was not even known. We gre! assured that Mr. Behan only handles | goods of the purest quality, that the | water he used was analyzetl before ac. | ceptance and declared clear and good. | , as far as he was concerned, he utilized only the best and safest com- ponents in his wares. Whig un- hesitatingly agrepts Mr. Behan's statement, especially so as on en- quiry we find we were misinformed as to the samples from the camp being analvred in Toronto and found con- taminated. Any reflection upon Mr. Behan in the matter is wil ingly withdrawn, and we regret most sincerely 'that he should have been ag- grieved at what was printed. It was far from our intention to reflect upon him, esvecially as no names were sug- gested to the Whig when the item was written. $1.25 Watertown Return $1.25. Tickets going Saturday, 5 a.m. and 2 pm, rar Monday. a Never break atantesd steel fishing ods. $3, $275 and up to $10. J) 173, 175 Princess street; King street. yi Ss fe go to school. Now that | returning Monday. implied |. EXANPLE OF GRIT BLIND .TROOPER MULLOY TO TAKE POST GRADUATE Proposed That Canadian Pat- riotic Fund Should Bear the Expense--He Will Study at Oxford. * , Montreal | Witness. Trooper Mulloy is off for Oxford. Every Briton knows the story of this brave Canadian volunteer who Jost the sight of both his eyes through being shot at the battle of Rietiontein, on July 16th, 1900; and Canadians every- where will be interested in following ing hie course through life, which gen- uine grit and dogged determination promise to make as brilliant in the educdtional world as courage made in his career as a soldier. "LW. R. Molloy, B.A. as the gal lant trooper is known in college circles was in Montreal, on'Wednesday, call- ing on friends, and he sailed for Eng- land -on the Corinthian on Thursday, 'n company with two friends, N. Mac- donell, a Canadian Rhodes scholar, and C. Laidlaw, who is going to Lon- don to pursue research work in medi- cing. Mr. Mulloy graduated in arts at Queen's University, Kingston, in the summer of 1906, taking the B.A. de gree with honors. As a matter of fact he did the work necessary for the de- gree of master of arts, but his period of attendance did not entitle him to the degree, which he will procee to through extra-mural work. During the pust year he has been at home on his farm at Winchester, Ont., where his mother and sisters reside. Life in the to agree with him, country seems for, when called to' inguise afteg his former conrade-in-in-arms, Mid Dougall, he presented every aphearance of robust and healthy manhood. The inconvenience resulting from his lack of evesight has been largely overcome by the assistance of readers, who go over his studies with him, and his les- sons and examinations are done, so far as writing is necessary, by the aid of a typewriting machine, on which he has lone heen proficient. When it became known that Mr. Mul- lov wished to pursue. his studies at Oxford, financial assistance was pro- fered by several friends, but this he felt obliged for personal reasons to refuse. However, another proposal has s'nce been made which would proba- Liv be accepted by him. It has heen suggested, in influential quarters, that a portion of the balance still remain- ine of the Canadian Patrigtic Fund, which was raised to aid persons who were injured in the Boer war, could very properly be appropriated towards defraying the cost of three years post- eraduate course which Mr. Mulloy in- tends taking at Oxford. This sugpes- of a large number of subscribers and directors of the fund. This being a na- tional fund. raised in recognition of a mational service it is understood that Mr. Mulloy would regard the of- fer of its advantages in an altogether different light from private contribu- tions, The special subicets which Mr. lov intends ta strdv at Oxford volitical seirmee, histor and jurispru- dence in which fields he sees uw pro mising oenine with » nossihle liter arvl or professorial rosition nt the end of the conrse, The cood wishes of Can- adians will go with him. Cheap Excursion To Watertown. Golng Saturday, 5 a.m. or 2 p.m, Ouly $1.25 return. Reautiful hammocks cheap, at Rout- magistrate, it will mean that the par-|lev's. 173, 175 Princess, street: branch, the | 354 King street. 616 12{c. quality, a yard. 69¢c. each. Big snap in Tweed Dress Goods, 69¢c. quality, at 50c. a yard. 10 only Raincoats, samples, all new, this ® were $5, $6.50 and $7.50. clear, $3.50 each, Fou 3 px NV The Seal of Popular Approval \ i Y 2 So far as the ladies season, is a good y full set of sealskins is even better, Myf, Coat and Boa. avimal and his skin is a nice He has no vote but he Pole on election day just the 'same. The ladies are respectfully invited to our Sealskineries and note the garments We have to offer this season W. F. Gourdier, Brock St Stop That Cold for Pn $0 cure it afterwards. be 'will cure even a deeply seated G10 early--at the smecse siage~they break. Eris 's sudely bettey, w! Cook's Cotton Root Compound. tion has met with the hearty support | i { | i le | | | ~ SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE OF Ladies' Walking Skirts Samples, only 72 made in the very latest style, and 4 MORE EXTRAS. 500 yards White Flannelette Mill Ends, SATURDAY MORNING, one price to clear, 8c. Ladies Print Wrappers, $1 and $1.10, odd sizes? to clear at SATURDAY, at one Coats, Some of the swellest Coats ever shown in this city now on saleat this store, prices too. . $4.50 and Up. Children's Coats Newman & Shaw iin Silane SETTLES T NE -- 3 Wr Jn giew of the tremendo through our last Limeri Prizes, and so that our oe riunity of competin, three, weeks, closing 5 500.00 First Priz 2nd b 3rd . 25 Priz 75 Priz in the Winte sealskin Inlet sacque. A The Seal is' an jee garment, gas LO the 6 visit splendid The conditions of thi you have to do is fill in Shown below and then = (with label attached) of Pink, Orange, or Blue 1 Label, which entitles th. may &end in as many Li LID accompanies each 1 LIP By Special 4 our : TO H.] ° : ntics 0 " A " ALL DEALERS The Finest the Packed Onl FOR SALE } Shock early colds or Gripge with "Preveati sure lor To stop a cols Jroventics 1a shier thai to Jot It run SEER 'The great Uterine Tonic, and only sat effectual Monthly on which womon can depend. Soid in three ds Za{ of strength--No. 1. | lo. 2. a : pe LI A lady of Asked a fr She wir "Isat I agree to abide by the \ AND EMPIRE as final 1 Bronze understanding ' |] Statuettes Signal Address bave recently re- ea shipment of HF 0 oe nae a Brome Figures from _ dole i France. The competition will he dec IMPTRE se decisi These are sold either, AND EM} vu : Wiis i o . singly or in pairs, are or, must be addressec Apton's of a good height, amd EMPIRE. Toronto, Ont., ne Rot necessarily expensive, & October 17th. I! you are thinking of A RRC ee "A DIAMOND," SEE OURS. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 866 Issuers of Marriage F you were a grocer- had recommen George's to your « and .they had 1 and had come ba you that'it was B than you said it w --now, wouldn't you s "That's the way I f S Bal in the lot, « [fse St. Ge all at cut prices, $2.50 AND UP. are Every one is a bargain. r Latics PO3e00 300000004 regular 10c. and dainty colorings, regular : HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO > B. E. WALKER, President 4 ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent o Branches: BANK MO 4 $s and under... : Over $5 and not Coats ; "30 > 50 * y These Orders are payable at par (Yukon ; and at the prin They are negotiable at $4.90 to They form an excellent method © and at-small cost, and may be ob KINGSTC CORNER OF F P. C. STE season. Prices price, to sdb dl and at. low Pure Spic USE THE "C 8 you Whe good oki, TRE E. D. MARCEAU CO., Vinegars, 281-285 8T. -- All Sizes.

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