Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Sep 1907, p. 3

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So far as the ladies season, 1s a full set of sealskins is even better, Coat and Boa. The Seal is' an He has no vote but he Pole on election day just F. ol ladies are respectfully to the Ie 'same. invited to garments We have to offer this season n- : Stop That Cold at he Sheck enti Solds or Gripre with h Prevent le Preveniics | a oF no, Safer thai to it ran Hop 6 col wt $0 cure it Sim Je- will cure even a Lm od off ently colds; That's Surely Dette to Why the are called Prevents ed Physic, noth a: Tid fr ng norongtly safe 00. on ,1§ you sneeze. if you ache all over. over ox is Promptness Ly also save i a or Herein > bo lies Preventics' iency. rod es for the pocket, also in 25¢ boxes is Insist si yom M > "ALL DEALERS" Bronze Statuettes We bave ceived a Brome mn N recently re- shipment of Figures from These are sold "It you are "A DIAMOND," SEE OURS. thinking of SMITH BROS, Jewellers & Opticians 'Phone 868 Issuers of Marriage Licenses. PECIAL SALE OF ies' Walking Skirts amples, only 72 in the lot, in the very tosh style, and cut prices, $2.50 AND UP. ry one is a bargain. EXTRAS. e Mill Ends, 1 . ORNING, pa a to 1 a and $1.10, odd sized to clear at oods, dainty colorings, regular s, all new, this season. Prices ATURDAY, at eae price, to Su ko bipgg i) pats, Coats, me of the swellest Coats hown in this city now on this store, and at. low too. 1.50 and Up. ildren's Coats All Sizes, & Shaw " the Winte sealskin sacque. A Mufy, ice apimal and his skin is a nice, garment. The Visit our Sealskineries and note the splendid W. F. Gourdier, Brock St id| Cook's Cotton Root Compound, ae great Uterine Tonic, and i" effectual Monthly IPTON'S THE FAR AT PICTON, we po Was EQUAL T0 ANY OF , Napates SFA, oy AE ding "oh the Ith FORMER YEARS. J at the home of the bride's pa- | irents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wand, Good Displays Were Made--Re- {Coltrack, when theig. only daueiiter sults of the H was unit in mia ge to Arthur Harse Races andl Baker, son of H. A."Baker, Moscow. Other Sports--How the Special Prize Awards Were Made. Picton, Sept. 27.--Picton fair for {The ceremony wag performed by Rev. E. Farnsworth, Yarker, only the im- |fudiate relntiven ol er bial, purty 1907 was one of the best vet. The | ing preset ie bride was ta: {directors of the Prince Edward Agri- ingly attired in white' point J 'cultural Society, in their efforts to [9 silk taffeta with Honiton {After a dainty wating breakiast the To yew of the tremendous interest which hae through our last Limerick, we have = cided 1 Priges, and so that our friends at a dist 0 of competing this competition will Wire, weeks, closing. October 17th, 1 created offer larger may have an cover a period | please district fair goers, outdid them- 1 t he alt 0. 00 My 'salves, The weather, though windy |W IV Wed on. Lua giter- i PRIZES ard cool, was ideal on Thursday, and |2OOR train for ; treal and Quebec. {in the neighborhood of 5,000 people |\MONE the 'beautiful and useful pre [sents of which the, bride was the re cheque for $8500, the {were on the grounds. Excursions came | to town from Trenton, Belleville, De- {cipient, Was a | it of her father. $500 Prize, $150 Cash seronto and Napanee, and by the C. 6s O.R., from baek north- Coe Hill A quiet murrisge took Place an Wed- | Hill and | . Bancroft. fe 3 September, Zh, when Cora - Nini a : \ ron was united in marriage to 66 The exhibition display in the ervstal | R 3rd 25 6 palace, though, perhaps, not as. fall | jArthur Be son, both of Napunee. " i {as some years, was equal in quality. Rave fi; Mis Sin rma Spe core » 25 Prizes of »5 Each. tA particularly interesting and novel Jmany. iss , ey i enn, who spent exhibit was the work in art by the the past year in 8 ornia, returned - » 2 * s . 75 Prizes of $2 Each. pupils of Picton and Bloomfield | "Ne, hme Swath, Sith Sapam > schools. With a larger exhibit the SIMI i") S---------------- |town se hool children captured the ma- 1 visking, hap, 280 cw in Chega. The conditi f tl . {jority of the prizes. Very excellent | {0 Te ant re, nluven, Colton; ions of this competition are perfectly simple. All E al., arrived in Napanee st week you have to do is fill in the last dine of the Emerick which is 4 wh was shown _ by ary Wright, [to visit his 'mother, "Mrs Zara Nan Showy below-una. the sel it Arte TS i | Lawrence Wilson and Sidua Mution, | luven and qther friends. a ald, ere was a good show . \ Be label wttuchud) of a package PhioN $ n A, Gold, fruit, apples. thd Hig | Bs Si Hagler and Mi et Ethel ange or ue abe or N'S COFFEE The floral: exhibit - . . } 'nt to amiitc inst onday, .to Label, whigh entitles the reader to send in one Limerick. ta ore Bales oY neve nd the wedding of Miss ~ Ethel way How igs many (Vimericie as you like so long asa T houguiets of the finest flowers, | Hristal. Mira Maggie Lowre, King- p: wpanies each Limeriek. being shown. Tropical plants: belong- my oa 1, ae EINK after her re. ing to E. C. Garbutt and W. T. Ross Whois al hw 9 attract wl attention The root nd | [Mes Price and fer Harold refarn. & i a" & " . 00 an vesetable exhibit was a small one, ed to Napatiee, Satirday last, after. a bearing ovidence qf 3 Aa, © "s [six months' tour: in Great Britain. waring ovidence of the short crop in i 3 ok i : the county. Th hibit of 'tha lad " {Thee will visit friends hore for a : eC of 'the ladies : J work was, as u L very interesting 1L1OM time before.zeturnin~ to Ouk- part of the "show." China painting tne Cn ri, Shei home o / - : o h » aM Z| Miss Lillian Carmen, Prince" BE By Special Appointment work of Miss Buchanan was of a very | ward spent Task eek the: guest " alle "haracte: \ » a y i. x . Sxpelient Sharas oh 1.163. There were [Xs ant Mes. Willitt Vonnistine. "Mie g OVE p o Ye . re Vere . i. i . i (Dr.) Walker, of Riverside, Cal, and TO H.M. THE KING horses, swine and * sheep was n splen- | Mice : oo {did one. All the best county breeders Mis Bak, batt, ere athe had their eattle an exhibit In the [wiln Ve 1 b (4 T: AR TS: poultry class some of the best fowl IW. Ra atifistine} Centre street. Mrs. <3 ever shown on the grounds were fo be Rose head a few Hays du OL. Soon, Chief of Pulign Habbit was the | 4" reontly, the guest of Mes, 1, oon, yiof of Police Babhit wn hn Ie Dowling. R. Gade and daughter, . chief exhibitor. During Thurs : seronto, started this week The Finest the World Can Produce. ternoon the merry bustling. crowd |X, naimo, B.C tt - - uw . dividnd its attention between the track | fie . Packed Only in Airtight Tins. pong hig Bain | Misa "vn Lott aml der nother, FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERIES. about he track wher * rites wore {Owen Sound, Where they nit the ran oF ¥ : BR. Wopburn. and which has been | very low . condition Jumes Willis, LIMERICK Seung op ony oy the tnt | mother of our well-known townsmen, 3 » all = er, gave an | v Jy 1 A lady of Sault. Ste. Marie hibition ran. The track, however, was with "the an: nee Wills, Asked a Friend from ', heavy and the cold, stiff wind much ? : She wired hack against the mare, so that she only | ARINE NE "Is it Lipton's ? {covered the mile in f.16]- There were | x ws. 2 two trotting events. In she | tem thered. farmers' clas » result was Jose TP 1 8 gs b About . the ithe M, 1.1.1; Medium, Gol- | py ROAM den Prince; 3.3.2.; best time, 1.20. be he , Eovan tug Loretta, is in I agree to abide by the decision of Fe litar of The Toronto MAIL The three-minute event was some- | wis' dey doe undergoing repairs. AND EMPIRE as final, and enter the on that distinct [what of a frost. Three horses en. | The lumber in jh scam ofl the racks understanding. tered, St. Peter, Napanee: Billy Fry. {3t Point Frederi was taken off to- hn ser, Picton; Lady Perle, Picton, each |"2Y: Signature finishing two heats in the order nam the steamers Havana and Tecumseh, af ed: Lady Perle, because of a bad cat [08 their way . to Quebec, called at RAAress i... cocaine sustained, withdrew at the end of the | Kingston, Friday morting, td take on second heat, The first' two horses | | their pilots. $attaes arama csiassaseasias were left: to run. A mix-up ocourred i At Richardson's elivator: Tug Kate The competition will be decided by Editor of The Toronto MAIL [iin the third heat and the judees or- {Geared for Quelxe, with' the barge AND EMPIRE, whose decision must he accepted as final. Enveloves dered it un over again. The Napanee | Maggie, loaded with grain; schooner mut be addressed "lLipton's Limerick," "and sent to il AND hors ¢ refused. First money went to 1 os River, is loading feldspar for EMPIRE. Toronto, Ont., not later than the last mail on Thursday, « Billy Fraser. Best time for two heats, | ariotte. Tt 1.103. Swift's : Rteamer Rideaw King, from Mrs. Charles Wilmot, of Belleville, { Ottawa, last night, om Jest trip 'of sirove her handsome little black pony, | the season; steamer Aletha from bay Satin Silk. It was all decked out |ports, to-day steamer Hamilton, y with the many first prize ribbons it [down, to-night: steamer Belleville up, - o---- S---- = had won. Its graceful, high-stepping | to-night; steambarge John Randall for movement was much admired. During | Ottawa, with freight, to-morrow. the afternoon a vaudeville perform- | At M. T. company's elevator: Steam- anee was given before a packed grand {or Fairmount and barge Melrose, ar F you were a grocer--and you "and be te uy Bras. The fouthell Hived Sram For} Willian, with 140,000 v1 . match, Wednesday afternoon, between [bushels of wheat: steamer assaga, Ya ap snde St had recommended St. Picton and Adolphustown, resulted in | from Fort William, with 40,000 bushels George's to your customers y tie. Score, 0M). "Jack' ry of [of grain; steamer Iroquois, cleared for 5 . . ance refereed, with satisfaction. |Charlotte, to load coal for Montreal: an p a ried 1t-- ! ag : res a nd they had tried : ate receipts for Thursday were | steamer Bothnia, cleared for Oswego, and had come back to tell $1,127.70, which exceeds last year's [to load coal for Montreal; steamer vou thar'ic was BETTER gate ae ; HPairmount with clear for Oswego, to ) Yo The results of the special prizes {load coal for Port Arthurs 4 than you said it was-- were: $15, given by Metropolitan | Mountain View, 97 | North Old lank, for cheese, Waupoos, 4 paints: 3 points. £6, by the New Hat Model. --now; wouldn't you smile? | Ho m pe ~ stead anning company, for "That's the way I feel about af he I nce | Picton Homer White, Bloomfield; C. P. Scott, Picton. $15. hy Standard Bank, for best thoroughbred bull, over one vear, any breed, Col. Mac lonald, Milford, and A. D. Foster, Bloomfield £20, by Bank of Montreal © for best general purpose farmer's team, fi y hands. third vear, J. V. 'Coop- r, Picton: F. Clapp, Milford; Ryrie " Bros., medals, for two best calves: sil- 3 wb vor medal JM. Mallory, Bloomfield; | « [fse St. George's--and smile on baking days. bronze medal, A.D. Foster, Bloom: 154 hands and Ed. Herring C Dr Chemical ar, Oe ot Motte, ney will sen The Misses Dunkley showed very in- eg you, FREE, a handsome cook book, brimful of tor V8 D.Litt. Picton, excellent recipes, work - dope by the Indians | -- id the reserve at Hiawatha, Ont. " 3 oe -- and Is Poriland Berson hat. of The Frenéh: hat pidtarads ¢ Fu dark vibit "many beautiful Cuban sea Atlantic blue velvet, wi eink ol On hilo alto way. the joi satin, Td es THE CANADIAN {Crandall vo machine, which the | bluish gray a vy which inventor, Crandall, of Cherry formed a sort of clom eer the gatire C Valle ates will seeure . the | oP of the hat. sand a Pow 'of vilvet OF OMMER mob absolute secrecy and correctness with Jaw ends? and two Japaness of registration at every election and stickpins at the ba . a 4 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 thus give a death blow to one of the | --- oY present most potent forms of political Some Selby News. B. E. WALKER, President Paid: .ap Capital, $10,000, 000 [tion Selby, Sept. 25.-<X*Zhfmhber Rom ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Rest, - - - 5,000,000 hero attended the lair at Napanee A H Miller. seorge Paul and . of, B IRELAND, Superintendent of Total Assets, - in 000,000 Boles-Miller George Paul and Wis 'fre Ih ' uniled" Sm marriage \ young daughter bas Anderadi's also Wilde's. Mrs, F. alter Newburgh, last Wednesday, arrived at FE. I a young son at W arrived home Clarendon, wer | was the scene of 8 interesting event, srnoon, September BANK MONEY ORDERS [i Yur sfiwioon, Sete St. Barnabas' church, FOLLOWING RATES : H. Smith, Sharbot Lake, joined jn lL. Amey has hog a or soa AT JHE aii 3 cents marriage John Boles' youngest datgh spending Soups of Taira with friends Over $5 and not ex ceeding ceed $10. . G cents i rer, Margaret, to John Miller, Elphin. {at Murvale iss ompson is spend: " Fi an, 09 ve $30.. 1 Sens 87 The bride was gowned in cream a ing a few days with friends at New- "$30 " - $50...... og {de cheme, with chiffon trimmings | her | burgh and Tamworth, Rlutha_lead: These Orders sayabl at any office in Canada 3 a Chartered F ak | sly ornament being a gold watch) and {shaw left, on Monday; for Water (Vukan are] THDIS At Par el OS ior points in the United States. Kain, the gift of the groom. She was {town, N.Y. Dr File and wife, Ameligs- ow $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ire given away by her brother, Robert | burg, and Stanley File and wile, Na- They form ellen od of remitting small sums of money with safety Boles, and was assisted by Miss Jen- Ipanee, spent Sunday with their sis -- an 3c dent metiiod without delay at any office of the Bank pie Kirkham, Maberly, as 'bridesmaid, | ter, Mrs. J. Gonu. Mrs, W. Hunt is - ogetyand zap be "hile Melvin Wilson, Elphin, did the | spending a few dave ' with Mix. M ANCH, # | duties of groomsman. The church was | Hunt, Deseronto, why ic veyveill. Ree . KI1 NGSTON BR tastefully decorated for the occasion: | Mr. I'eck gave a lecture on Mis¥ieuury TS. the bridal party standing under an | work in .St. John's church, Mgne ay CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS S {arch of autumn leaves andl Canadian | evening. . P. C. STEVEN SON, Manager. holly. After the ceremony, the usual | . - ee | font of wood things was enjoyed at -- | in bride's home, and the evening! To Cure A Cold Im One Day. . lspent in pleasuse, ee the young cou- | Take Laxative Browo, fining Tale : fle left for their home. near Elphin. lots. Druggfts refund money if it fails es The bride's travelling suit was of blue to cure, F. W. Grove's signiture is 1 Pure Spic ladies' cloth and picture hat by i | on each box. 25¢ a" Toanne veliot. Both Mr. and Mrs -- ... USE THE "CONDOR. BRAND Inte rai many 'expressions. of o Fa good coking They are it requires less, fteem, as bod™ were well known and Spiud Sunday i Vapturds 5 iyou 1 vd rh o tovand ickets £2 go fe be secured from all first Grocen. vary Bighly etme a {a m, and 2 pam. , returaing Wins. Wholesale Tess, Coffees, Spices. i t me off at Bibby's, "uly $1.25 return, THEE. o Camncsavco. Las» " MONTREAL, Canada. Le y Vinegars, : E iE : iy ihe MAIDS, AT THE GENERAL HOS- Phra. Apply 7 % 9 pam. & GENERAL SERVANT, AT ONCE. AP- ' ply, 187 Sydenham WANTED-MALE - HELP W. ------ | A COMPETENT - COOK. APPLY COATMAKER. APPLY ARTHUR Me | Mrs. W. J. Fair, King street. Chie," Believille, uv A GENERAL SERVANT APPLY TO Mrs. W. H. ron, h St 198 AN ACTIVE, RELIABLE BOY. AP- Lis ply to R. Uglow & Co., 141 Princess street. s word. Misimwn charge for one iw sertion, 25¢ T™ A GOOD GENBRAL ANT, © NO rashing. Apply to Bre. 0. Caron BELL BOY AND NIGHT PORTE ER, AT 375 Brock street. ; x . Base, AY BIO A LEARNERS "AND TMPROVENRS AT 's Dress-making Parlors, Nn Princess street. ete: A MAN TO DRIVE BREAD WAGGON and take care of three horses. Apply r \ : 10 H. Lougher. AT ONCE, A GENERAL SERVANT, 5 t Bagot ee ) SMART BOY, ABOUT 16 YEARS OF A Goch war i YW age, to Clerk in pews: stad, amd tale short route. Apply fa persosi to Thomas Sash, British-American Hotel NewsStand. COOD GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY in evening. ween 7 and 9, to Mrs. J. M. She 8 UH A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO RE cover lost ib . to in this column, Be wise next time. ------ - Finan, y Ave. FALL BUITS AND OVERCOATS 70 _ Take, diso oid ote to, FPAlr and!,uMENIATELY, BY THE WEEK ; well,' Lo) Capel ont temas Apsly, to es ? owt, 18 ohnson The Tailor, 181 Brook ¢ st. -- Bibby's Livery. SPEUIAL SAN A nd EASTERN ust GENERAL SERVANT, FOR SMALL funvly in Jersey Tol . near New FOR SALE. x ---------------------- A QUICK BUYERS CAN GET WN "Happy Home Rauge; 870 Brock street. me ---------------- CONFECTIONERY, 1CB CREAM, BTC, doing 10, av * business, in U ue, company owning 20,000 acres ofl and rr) Wellington streets. aba noy! York. Good wages bard orfstid. TSeel poy. most ay wekly aly, B00 Alfred street. trade, fall particulars, Box 208, ite Luke Brothers, Comp on 3 SOLID BRICK HOUS 77 SYDEN. ARCHITECTS. ham St., south of J omy FOR "NEW St a peight good aking: ARTHUR ELLIS. ARCHITECT. OF So A.B. Cumingtam, "70 TiDOess x i. 5 well dreamed 'youth, io take tickets: fics, Cor. 'Queen and Dagot strests, 1 je ~, -- Ha heth BE a Planist. either HENRY P. SMITH, _ARCHITEOT, BROKEN TO Sg sex, four hours Y datiy, Cull, or write. ; Anchor Building, Market Square had Ad ans away. Abily Box - Sp hone, 343. 100, Whig efiics, 3% HE A i, POWER IR & SONY, ARCHITECTS, MER: | wAGGON SOALE, CAPACITY. Six i jnvestors in a new oil development 'w Bask idling, oc ie aig, | teen 3 nearly new. Apply Susman & Coben, DO YOU TAKE L LODGERS The colleges will soon open on ri avd thousands of young men and women will be looking for Board and Lodg- ng. Have you accommodation for any of them ? If so, insert a little card in the Whig, something like the one below. It will cost you for one day, 25¢: 3 days, 50c.: one week, $1. You will have no trouble in filling the spare room. Try it. ( (SAMPLE ADVT,) COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOM, well Mghted and heated, with or without board. Apply Mrs. John Smith, 30 Broek street -- era i ome pr tent « ---- A NIUE SUITE OF ROOMS, ALSO A LL Fey a pm---------------------------- A COUPLE OF OFFICES Jp » 53 i Clarence ero to J. » gas leases in Uanmda, Tew oll xelia Cor, Ustario and will be put dOWR at once. wo ", BOT, OF , ke two or three hundred WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, A FOUR-LINE ADVI. IN THIS ollars por Week for the next few fice, second floor over Mahood's » Drag coleman for 28c. ona or Bb months working for us. Address store, cormer Princes a Bagot for 3 days. Tt Will « * Russell & Compeny, Room 527 Trad- streets. Entrance on Bagot street. for article you to dispose ers Bank Big, Toronto, Canada. Phone, . of. Try it today. 3 : T A ea is Clergy and Iv eluding " + Gor. store and * dweltioge ; ae orl, al Mats Agent. ONE OF OUR HEAVY nie ThE ROE yn ra. King St. ----k good stable. Apply at 386 Princess street, City. ROOMS, WITH FURNISHED modern improvements, Apply Princess street. which the policybolders have for promptly attended security the unlimited Nability "iE phony ieee 0 the stockholders. Farm and city-jibo- | ! MARRIAGE LICENSES. | perty insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving! x 2A 3 B = loFFicB 0 WADE'S DRUG { | FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH L BOARD. | store, Cor. sug nd "Brogk Sts., hot OUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF] alwo..front parlor. Apply ori water beating. Apply et' a . building and Sonus jaa Quy o ard borne street. 51 Brock ns. Xamine mm at | y Soden Insurance Emporium, Mark- | : T™WO DW 0S, NOS. 44 AND 4&8 ot. Square. | VETERINARY. Pi BH 3 i other bath, ole DR. G. W. BELL, V.S, BAS RE Apply 249 Brock LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE ved to his brick block Fire losurance Company, Available a just above the Pour Sites Office. FOR SALE OR TU LET. assets $01,187,215. In amddition to Calls by Sslephons | or i -------------------------------------- PREMISES, OQORNER KING ANF Queen st. used os foo tory. Will rent in sections suit fenbnta. Tho. house Would: make Ares Alta stating. 'o new business et rates from Strange bouse. rat Ay oe Later Iaturney. | "The Jaeih_sonmmant attention and respect. "The Golden Rule" be has a role |e cxty fitted to his talents in | their best light. He holds the mirror up to nature in such a manner as to poflect the best traits of a nation {which has been caricatured heretofore in most stage productions. of Irish life in America, entitled Golden Rule," has won the distine- tion of being the representative Irish | comdinn of the American stage. The langunge to which he was born and whose fluency shaped his speech, ie the language of Irish comedy. The viva city of action, the cordial grace of wamer and the sense of humor which | are the heritage of his brilliant coun- | d Night Me inheri , | Saturday Matinee An ght. Sit: Jie Jus iwited to suck 4 do i The dtteaction for Saturday, Sep- | tomiber 28th, matinee and night, at s A ER D Corsets | The Grand, is one of more than ordin- ary merit and considerable magnitude, being the third visit of the popular voung Trish comedian, Allen Doone, in They the smartest mo- dels known to the Corset Manufacturer's art,science and sense having achieved his new seetfic: eamiedy drama, "A Ro- {mance hn lyeland in which he is said a wonderful triumph: @ Prices range from $1.00 to $h.on to have nchievad a great success, in a Will Improve Your Figure. {part which is particularly suited to { his peeutis ar talents, and striking per- ---- iii Bibhy's 50c. golf caps ard it FURNITURE. {xonality. The play is' deseribed as a felean, -- told. story of lave and adventare © on the "ould sod," in the NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVERY DAY FOR THE FALL TRADE. The latest design in Artistic Fumi igure, Early ol [vsenthenc century. English, Bird Eye Maple and den Finish. Section Bookcase;/lesk attached, headed glass, in all finishes. Buffet and China Cabinets at reduced price. ; ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Det 230Princess Str e ety & Ht ta. C. 8. KIRKPATRIUK, ISSUER OF ar. C Phone, 508. Aqen i Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. | T . 4 AT THE GRAND. { gren as to fit him paculipvly for those THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT ------ | Irish churaoters which, by bong wit, i in delicacy and humor appeal 'to the in- Ser use] Belly» Tue Golan Lain of refined theatre: ger ke REV. C. W. v." CASSON, OTTAWA. i 3 . n i t the mapner born, Mr. Sully Daniel Sully, who Uppers _ at The x give the proper coloring unt effect Sell-Eetesin. irand to-night, in his realistic reflex ctor i Characterization Nk ox Emerson, the Unitarian " spoke rightly and wisely w the said: "let a man know his worth, and keep things under his feet." Until has yudlized the truth, of this advice, he is not in a ition fo live 5 life aE A deed gnd achieve the Sn best. It is. absolutely necessary for a : man to know his own worth and so awaken to the splendid possibilities open to him. The Unitarian church asserts as its fundamental proposic tion the worth of a human soul, amd so lays the basis for noblest life. Address, Mr. Caneon for free litera: { i Sute. % NATURES HEALTH x - A nealth food that you want to eat, and like to eat, and enjoy every time you eat it. Did you ever of "another Health Food like that? And that's Lyvola Ripe Olives, they are the only ripe Olives ever successfully preserved. The name Lyvola = guarantees' the perfection o- the vi & Fruit. : For Sale only, at D. Coupee s, one

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