win CL ------------------ RECEPTION AT Y.M.C.A. New Secretary is Welcomed dy Petertoro, 8,000 at 12ic. to 12 5-16c. . 800 at . , 685 at 12 3-16¢c. to 12§¢: Monday Clarence street wharf, + Diamond threw him on reosption { se- ground twice, and kicked him. He The peep YMCA, Nr. Nelle, had been selling uts, and wos in relat} « evening, was the company a young newsboy. hay + di Vilalta Olive § vie Babs UR EE RES FY at 208 pay for when you By the Members of the First Con- mew colored shirts for gregational Church--He Was a for ; Former Worker in That was good, and of a representative » Woollen Top, ru cter, and the spirit of comrade "Ishup. anf' fraternity reigned. Mr. sth) Hendry, who returss to his native Withicity, atter an absence - fata ive years, during which period he has bad beT | hiw residence in Riverside, California, Wi various members of the congregation, that he was by no means iotgotten by them. , Si in the years of Ins young manhood he had taught in the Dumiay school, to others his presence in congregation at this time be- jailed for a year for|comes the reminder of his efforts with thumb. Serves|ihem in their childhood to train their ting to bite algift for sacred song. He was an inde 0 . . [latigable worker in almost every de- ) The government tug Loretta is inipartment of church work and particu- Davis' dry doek for repairs. She had fiarly in the Sunday school and choir. her wheel and . rudder broken by an| It was remarked that the present . er with a log up the Rideau. organist of St. George's cathedral is bys" 25¢. hosiery. appreciative in his remembrance of Hon. GP. Otaham is to get an|those early day®, and of the kindly . from Queen's; the tories gave lmusical guidance given to him by Mr. the same in other 8, | Hendry, who, as organist of the t stood for "leather lunged d--1." | church, twenty-five years ago, revealed | ayaeello towers i he to him some of the mysteries of that 0 rece coat pamt, mighty instrument--the organ. Mr. othetwise repaired. They | Hendry has lost none of Bix ardor as needed xing g up, very mnch| a church worker. The Congregational : {church at Riverside finds in him a for 280.; 2 pairs [ready and useful = worker. The hope = et as sgh cori : g 3 G PEER EREAT EER GREAT GOLD MINE. Coins FERRER ERAENERE . Death Of John Kane. A Another sad death took place, this morning, at his Jote residence, 57 Cal- , . James Kane, this city, passid away. Deconsed had mal for Over a your. He was ican in religion, a mem Ao Canadian Oier of Chosen Fri also a member of the Carpenters' he came in contact. He two ers to mourn. His brother, R. James Kane, formerly of Winnipeg "fof Montreal, us in the city, to attend the funeral, which will be of a private nature, on Monday morning, at ten o'clock. . « See our iw iip corset, with hose ters, B0c. We sell all the differ- ,| ent makes of corsets, ready-made or ,fotdered. New York Dress Reform. ne | The millionaire tells us how to get lite {tch~Dut it isn lake dial Yo lead un wa, grounds. treacher-| When a crowd of women have ubso- lutely nothing to talk about, they start in saying anything about every- It is true that a good woman may lift a man from the gutter, but it is the may who pretends that he doesn't mind being bowlegged or red-haired. cents for a good hair brush, . | at " - A day like to-day puts a: double emphasis on the out : garment question. ; A big stock of Fine Import- ed Woollens, such as we are Sisiaying, leaves it largely a ¥ r of taste what you shall $ select in 'weave and "shade," § but you may depend on ex- 3 clusiveness and highest qual- nign. He was greatly beloved by all | back y from his ows private hyaling |& cmt Mrs. 0 so. There §¢ no liar on earth equal to {should i Hi i : a4 = i ir usually better to ask a policeman to te bay. d : £ 1 ; 7 John Campbell, a driver, . He saw the two boys, and said ohn Kane, second [that he noticed the younger lad throw of [a stone at his companion. Witness saw the accused kick at sthe boy, but could not say as to whether he was or not. Roche, t to the boy's mother, said that he reétived a severe bruise on his , one that must have been caused a. 1 all children. fath oy . Cdn. aid. ho did : ¢ Wo sm . 2 ames in hot © see er, mother, five sisters broth- | the accused kick the boy. Charles Diamond was sworn. He » but now {said that he was on the cab stand, Sole, "0 Ly lads engaged other, a ki was larger than the and the younger one was being x. Witness fu to the scene, but > rotin hs Ad trod Rituselt. | + Ee tness iy getting into trouble. 1 oe of witnesses who were in a position to gee all that occurred, stated that the accused did not kick He held that his client had interfere, and the be dismissed. the Magean. Farrell said that he with Mr. Riguey, and dis cetaaker got- trouble," said the vourt. case. "It Was a case of a ing in BE, Jeremiah 'were torn. Ray was $5 damages. i I 7 E : fe E : » te ¢ 31 be had been beaten. information against ' charging him with stealing »" rr farther sated that the horse it Tad sued a. a Society. ac cused the witness of trying to. shield | from Pe avidin of Dr. Nicholls wont 'to Farrell found __Pollité ihposed n fis of 83 and reested, "charge of assaulting his case was enlarged for a old-timer gave evi- most emphatically, or strack the boy. He & ha boy i the shoulder, and oh ground. gid Hanley, said that he saw the ccused take hold of the boy, but did not see him kick him. In the mixup, Ma- is case of William Pol- iltreating a horse, McCallum, was re 'testified ns to having the horse with a un sent down for two throw. | Walking around with a pagfal of dyna- ASIII case h called y ves populace. And nobody was game en. |%08 expressed last evening that as BEAT THE WHITES. Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 27.~W. F, M. King, deputy minister of labor. after studying the oriental labor question makes the sur- prising announcement that orientals are not employed because they are cheap, but he deslires they have super- seded the the whites in sawmills and like work be- cause of their sobriety and efficiency. He found some Chinese employed in saw at wages of four dollars a day. ill play their return match with the Wi at the ericket field to afternoon at three o'clock: The game should be a good contest gs ; 2 5 i : i i ATEN EERE ER Have youf eyes tested by an ex- pert, dt Best's. Two men terrorized Hamilton by | mite and threatening to blow up the : : Nr. Hendry was once more "At lh to hit them with the leg of a Home" in Kingston, he might be Bibby's special $2 derby. tempted to remain, but it is under hii A of flence-lined ort ec draw- stood that business and fellowship in ers to match, 2c.; extra strong cash- his adopted city demand his return mere stockings, 25c. See our stock of |» 2 few weeks. He is the guest of his and ar. hosiery 'and ta. We rather, J. A. Hendry, King street. + = 6 programme ast evening was Jaks 4 Wecialty. Nev. York Dress Re- | quite informal. To a few musical William Barrett, who aided in the |il®™S: participated in by the choir, eanture of Thomas. Tawlor. on Wed: | 4% Hetiugion nd Nr. Hetty, He 3 . astor a a few remarks of greet- nesday night. was stabbed in the hand 00 and. Weleomio. 10 .soveral: neW-doms ° {ers, who have recently become mem- bers of the congregation. | A0 PROHIBIT IT. * Ottawa, Sept. 27.--The x , . -- gov tis taki to wp Could Not Make Him Go to consideration the question | , School. of the exportation of pulp- ¥| The case of a Ywelve-year-old golor- wood, and it is expected ed boy is the latest to come before that at the next session of 3 the magistrate as a truant. liament a measure put- "He will not £6 to school, and 1 Poe a stop to the sale of think the best thing to do is to have 60 | in EY Towels To~-Morrow Morning From 9 Until Noon. It will repay you to see these Linen spe- cials To-morrow, as they are much below regular prices. _ he lots are not large and cannot be had again this season at the prices. -- Hemstitched ends, 40 inches long by 20 inches wide. Good value at 25c. or $3.00 per dozen. Yours To-morrow Morning from 9 until noon, ' -18¢. Each ; 2 for 35c¢. 1 9 Yards Red & White 5 Checked Glass Linen | Good quality, 20 inches wide, regular 12ic yard. Yours To-morrow from 9 until noon, 8c. Yard. These are put up 2} yard pieces. such wood outside the Nc him punished," said the lad's guardian country will be passed. } Slum she brought him to the police court. olin | And now the lad is being detained -|at the police station, to await the de by thie prisoner. The wound was not, Cision: of the magistrate. very serious, but was intended for af It has been suggested by some that more vital spot when the hand was the boys who play truamt be given a put up to dodge the blow. |few hours im the cells, but the majority Take "Short Stop" for that cough. [of boys would only laugh at pynish- t never fails anc hy gay If 1nd. ] Ps. A costa ibm 1ou., ati Ol ated to-day that there is Bibby's new $1 shirts are swell. platy of work for a truant, officer, The annual athletic sports of the|and that it would be a good thing if Royal Military College will take|ONe was appointed. In Ottawa, ome of place, on Wednesday next, at 9 a.m. | the police officers act as truant offie- and 2.30 pm. Admission will be by |r. and every boy who fails to go to complimentary ticket, which can be |8chool after receiving a warning, is obtained from members of the staff| brought before the court, and com- and from Fenilemen cadets. Officers | Pelled to go. Parente go before the and soldiers in uniform are alwavs | magistrate with the bovs, and if they welcomed at such functions at the | are found to be neglecting their duty, R.M.C., undergraduates, ete. they 100, are given a reprimand hy the court. EEEREEREXEESR EFEXER PERSONAL * At Our Music Counter. vemen "Pe ple-- Whit "Jolly Jingles" march, two-step, a pe te - Tut A Doing. |MeV¥ ineation. by ih -- 4 Renf ia oiatid + C. , méet Gilyn, ow; ia visiting Phenom oil] - Snocees from coast ~ in the city. : . : ol Herbert Hulbert, Jones' Falls, is in | format mori, to oy end the city, on business. "Moon Face," march and two-step, To-Morrow Will be a good time to secure your FALL COAT. We are now showing a very large range of the : VERY LATEST NEW YORK MODELS . and even if not prepared just yet, come and see these, You can have a choice now, and place aside any Coat until required. W. G. McCullagh has been appoint |. Ape Olman, is a musical creation 4 . J. 0. Walker, a former Kings-| . > UpsC » : , tary doe an Be pean an LR 8 vou Lake View hospital, at Kenora. Non Bong conteipiag 2hy-tvo Mr. Mahon, of the Bank of Com-| ; "ype latest songs, including merce, has been transferred from the |g. 01 Days," "Dreaming," "Some- Lindsay to the Kingston branch. body js Waiting for You," "Love Me Prof. Patchett, of Quess's, returned | 10% 4' Wiha is Mine! eic., Sc. a to 'the city, on Th 3 Engla Now classic folios for piano, popular ursday, returning Mrs. P. Cameron, residing for somé |; 1, 5 for violin, cornet, mandolin and rhonths past at the Glendower mines, | . a Te is in the city, 'undergoing medical | Sun tai pr or ros. 260 Prin Rev. Francis Clark, D.D.. is to at he ken v. Francis Clark, D.D,, is to at- Ha od Luck. tend the C.E. vinoial gathering in ' . 2 a Mon! on 30th, 31st and E. K. Purdy, of Cataraquei, is all . smiles to-day. At fw nehip fai: Novem! Meo ] CS. M. Bristol, injured at thajon Thursday he seciped fist pire for Royal. Military: College, a few his J "call, ry 1s i he 0, i% improving daily, and: will be won at the fair las Jor his ex- and before: 1 : hibition of butter. TI | cal was of- Mr. and Mrs. John Pittman and lit fered. as a prize by W. F. Nickle, tle son, Ford, have returmed, after two weeks' visit with Mrs. James Pears ! Pears ! Pears. Pittman. Fellows. They also attend-| Edwards & Jenkin, 274 Princess St. re. 1 Vatratiord and Miss Bertha | Let me of at Bibby's. Stratford, have returned to Kings-| At Meaford, Ont., Hou. A. G. Me- fon, after spending several days as| Kay, provincial liberal leader, received the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard|a hearty recoption. on Thursday even- ¥ ing. Mr. McKay gave an address at George ve the opening of the Meaford and Si. claims to be the Kingston boy | Vincent agricultural fair, : +not the - ey children. New York Dress Reform. "Tn a tin box," seidlite ed "temporary clerk in the post office, [jon of melody, and will live forever; | =u " ws to fille vacancy. 15¢. = copy. 'COLLEGE For' Ladies p __ Everthing comfortable. Low heels, low euty ¢ wide mannish shoes. We have them in Black Oalf. y Patent Leather and Vici Kid at $2.00, 3.00, 3.50 and 4.00, : College Shoes for Men «! Our Fall Stock ot New Goods avé all here. Calf Blucher Lace Shoes, with double soles at $3.00 and 2 3.50. Shoes that will wear. A f Sth ton Hoar: ne assortment of Gibson's Red Cross drug store, t The Lockett Shoe Store. Our facilities for remakin and repairing Furs are une celed, We have a large sts of experts, exclusively ep } ployed in thir department. We are able this season | turn quick and satisfacto: work at reasonable prices. EXPERT ADVICE FREE. Telephone, 489, Our BF . Waggon to Call. John McKay Fur Hous: 149-155 Brock ST. FIRES AT VAN LUVEN Just received, Turner's Fruits, Wines, in bottles, ¥ berry, Grape, Red Cherry, I Cherry, etc., also KOP'S ALE Non-Alcoholic and guara pure. A delicious #tempe beverage, slightly stimula nourishing and healthful. BUTTER ! BUTTE Dairy Butter; ~Cteunery Bn We aim to secure the best ti produced. Butter of this qu is getting scarcer and dearer, have our supplies for this 1 and for the next few days w sell at lower nrices perhaps we shall have to ask later o all times we shall do 'our to satisfy both in quality price. F. W. Van Luver Phone 417 = 246 Princes FREE EXHIBIT Original Water Co and Oil Painting ° BY MASTERS OF THI ENGLISH, FRENCH AND IT) SCHOOLS OF ART. HAAN ANNANAAAAANANS pH The undergigned is p ASS) sod an importation of HIGH Cl COLORS apd OIL PAINTINGS ORIGINAL work of ARTISTS are prominent in the ART CHEN1 EUROPE. The, gollection is now dis Art Gallery, on my premises NO. 159 PRINCESS STRE From 9 a.m., to 9 p.m. mud to dispose of them "quickly at PRIVATE SALI layed 1 have marked the prices excel I urgently desire that ail adanit Art should see these c as it is an exidbit, de ronage. Whether you a 1 not ypu wil be WELCOMI M. Kirkpatri Art Dealer, - 159 Princes -- E. BREN, Roproson ------------ ------ -- »Valuable: Propétties For Sa RINGWOOD, magnificent gv ORE LANN, beautiful resi des and grounds, also other residences, at Various prices. infomation at SWIFT'S Estate and Insurance Agency, treets, Xing . agnd_Ularence s! "TO-NIG HOCKEY MA' 'Roller Rinl TAKE NOTICE. 1 ho best ne of Heal: ME en } an 'enormous : Furniture, that 1 want to disPo very low prices, as 1 want the J Heaters. TURK'S Second-Han 898 Princess street. - ' Never hreak gusranteed s ods, 83, $3.75 and ups Routley's. 173, 175 Pere and 3% King street. WE Dent's gloves, $1.25. Bibby' t