Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Sep 1907, p. 11

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Deposits of $1 and upwards are receivec, rrent rate of interest is allowed. mifing Withdrawals d four times a year in Connection 'with all Branches, ON BRANCH rner, Madager SS AND BAGOT STS. ECOND ANNUAL NTRAL EXCUR YORK 8 and 9, 1907 nd Trip $6.00 Northern New York 0. DIVISION) 0D TEN DAYS. rk Central Ticket Agent for folder et Agent, Kingston; Ont., for fur- at 5.45 a.m., Oct 8th only, to wing Cape Vincent at 7.50 a m. _ OIL! The Cheapest. three grades of OIL, ny part of the city, the that is manufactured, Brilliant, 77 Princess St. | Beverage A Pale Ale, pslata- ble, full of the virtues of malt and hops, and in sparkling condition, is the ideal beverage. announce its purity, and need look no further. AND, Sales Agent. © Cox i= For ¢8 years, we have applied. brains, ingenuity, and 2 naturkY talent to per fecting helps for theafilicted. We make not ouly Artifi- cial Limbs--but also Spinal ed in any way, write us fully about your case, and we TE ei CL: RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacific Railway cHEAP RATES BABY'S DREADFUL CASE OF ECZEMA Second lng from Kingaion, Sept. lat, | Extended Over Entire Body --Mouth 81st, 1907. --V ancouver, { $46.00 Boat eouy Foovua," hin} Portland. $33.50 opie. Nesom, Row oy -- Missoula, Sal $33.00 fidenm Bitte, Proportionately low rutes to Dither points. KINGSTON 70 OTTAWA lea ¢ Kingston at 12.10 pam, fn Ottawa 4.45 p.m. Direct conne at Reudrew with C.P.R. No . Henfrew at 4 15 p.m. "tor Pew Port Arthur, Winnipeg and Coast points: + Full particulars at K. & P., and C. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass. Agent . . Bay of Quinte Railway onsidt Short He ey weed > i i. 4pm. R | , Kingston. | leave City Hall Depot Ww. DICKSON, Agent B.Q. AREAS REDUCED FARES. Sept. 1st to Oct (lass Colomist Fares Seatt Victoria, Vancouver ar . Trail, I s Spokane . - 43 Anaconda; Butte, . Helena S ake Low Rates to many « Branch Local Time Table. Trains Will leave and arr A Depot, Foot of Johason street. GOING WEST Lve: City 'Arr. City | No. 5 Mall ------_1245am. 1.15am.| © B EXpress .. 2.26 a.m. 3.05 am. | "11 local me 9.15 a.m. UAT wom | 1 Intern') Ltd.12.16 noon 12.49 p.m. 7 Mail ee, 3.19 p.m. 38.51 pan 15 kool mew 7.083 p.ma 7.38pm | GOING Bad: Lve. City Arr. City 2 22 No. 8 Mal) _. __148 am. 4 Fast Exp pther trains daily except Sunday. For full particulars 1y HANLEY, Corner Joho streets. Quebec Steamship Company * LIMITED River and Gulf of St. Lawrence --d Summer Cruises in Cool Latitude Twin Screw Irom SS. "Campian,"" with electric lights, electric bells and all woders comfort. Sails from Montreal vn Momday, 9th and 28rd September, for FPlctou, N.S. calling at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, | Perce, Grand River, Summerside, PEL | and Charlottetown, P.E.L BERMUDA Summer Excursions, $35 and upwards "'Bermua 5500 tons. Sailing from New fan, & York 4th, 14th and 25th September by sea breezes The finest trips of the season for health and by the mew Twin Screw 8S, Temperature cpoled 3 seldom rises alove BO degrees comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec Por tickets aud statercoms, apply J. ¥ SLE BIG GAME SEASON OPENS. yest 4st o2 Naw Brunswick > MOOSE ¥ Sept. 15th. + CARIBOU 3 Quebec % DEER ¥ September 1st 3% ® ' 3 BEAR. Nova Scotia Bens sir ozs Ostober 1st. Write for Publications Containing Latest Information About Fishing and Hunting Week in the Canaan Woods, Hunting Grounds of the; Micmacs, Big Game of the Southwest Miramichi 'Districts ,Guides, Routes INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Montreal Office, 141 St. James St. Toronto Office, 51 King St. East. Central Passenger Depart 1 i ment, Moncton, N.B. Lake On'arlo & Bay of Quinte| Steamboat Co.. Limited. 1000 ISLAND - ROCHESTER ROUTE pu SPIAN . Str. CAS ston Sundays, at/ Islands and leaves at 5 p.m. for Rochester, N.Y. via the Bay of Steamer leaves hing 10.15 a.m. lor Thousand Gananoque. Returning Quinve, calling at intermediate ports. Steamer Aletha lcaves daily excep icton and in-| Sunday, at 3 p.m, for P termediate ports. row J.P HANLEY, Full information GILDERSLEEVE « KIRKPATRIC JAMES SWIFT & CO Ticket Agents. Freight Agents. 20. Oct. Corsleian sails, Fri, Sept. 27; Oct Virginiam esils, Fri, Sept. Tunisian - sails Fri, Oct. 4 Nov: Victorian sails Fri, Oct 11. Nove sy MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, and Corinthian sails Thurs., Sept 26. Oct: 81. | "Tyg Table subject wo : | aoti ur OLICS ile at Oardes Island going to Pretorian sails Thurs. Oct. 8. street. 80 quickly ov we at once called in the doctor. We then. went to another doctor, but he could not help him, and in our despair we went to a third one. Matters be- came s0 bad that be had r 1907, - Second- | 13 00 L nd - © - 2.20 p.m. | ~1.00 p.m. 1.29 p.m. | » 12 Local ---- =7.03 p.m 7.88pm Nos. 1,2,8, 4,5 and 8 run daily, All} to J: P and Ontario HANLEY, or J. FP GILDER- 3, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Ont. | | | ee een ALLAN "v3 LINE MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL . | Sun. Nov. Rates of Pi and full informatio: obtained fro J. P. HANLEY,| Api Fry or Jd. PL GILDERSLEEVE. je from Kingston: Clarence : Covered With Crusts as Thick as Finger Which Would Bleed and Suppurate-- Disease Ate' Large Holes in Cheeks -- Hands Pinned Down to Stop Agonized Scratch= ing -- Three Doctors' Best Efforts Failed to Give Relief, BUT CUTICURA WORKS A-MIRACULOUS CURE -- "When my little boy was six months old he had ezcema. The sores extended the whole body that ar holes in his cheeks, large enough to put a In into. The food had to be given with a spoon, for his m with s covered with crusts as thick asa r, and when- ever he opened the r they began to bleed and sug did 'also his eyes. Hands, an hest, and back, in short the whole body was covered overt and over. -We had no rest by day or night. Whenever he was laid in his bed, we had to pin his hands down, otherwise he would scratch his face and make an open I think his face must have itched "We finally help, and 1 had ma send my wife hoping that the i otherwise he pe put under good medical care there. But, Lord be blessed, matters came differently, and we SOON saw a mir . A friend of ours spoke about We made a trial with Cuticurs Ointment, and Resolvent, and within ten davs or two weeks we noticed a decided im- provement. Just as qui as the gickness had appeared i began to disappear, and within ten weeks the child was absolutely well, and his skin was smooth and white as never before, Hohrath, President of. the C. L. Hohrath Company, Manufacturers of Silk Ribbons, 4 to 20 Rink Alley, South Bethlehem, Pa., 5 RN June 5, If Py a y/ ¢ Pb OF CANADA Company In Canada Over $2,700,000.00 MORE insurance. was written by this company last year, than in any previous year. The expenses were £10,224 LESS than in 1905, while the volume of business on its books was much larger. Is it any worder then that the whole Canadian people have confidence in the wise, con- servativdbusiness management ? And they show their confidence by taking out enough insurance in The Mutual Life to make it the fastest growing company in, the Dominion. L Write Head Office, Waterloo, Ont., or call on 81 S. ROUGHTON - District Agent Kingston. With Dye Maypole Soap With Ease at Home Dye =25 Sure_Results -------------------------- D Joc. for colors, 15C Jor biack. Frank L Bnei & Co. Montreal. , suitable in pres- er Bride or Sterling of ut Glass, China etc > Our Cut Glass Rerry Bowl at §5 is go wi value Kinnear & d'Esterre. Jewelers and Opticians 100 Princess St. Phone 336. ------------ TRAVELLING. TIME TASLE STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER Leave Wolfe island -- 00--4.00 ON. 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1. P. UES, 7.809.156 . 1.00--4.00 p. WED. 7:30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--4.00 p JURS., Breakey's I TRU 6.30--9.30 a.m. 1.00--2.30 ps FRI. 7.30--9.15 a.m. 1 00--4.00 p SAT R.00=9.15 a.m 1.00--3.00 p- SUN 9.00--10.00 a.m. 12.80--5.00 p Leave Kingston:i-- Most: 8.30--11.80 a.m. 3.005.380 p. Tues. 8.80--11.80 a.m. 8.00--5:30 Pp. Wed. 8.30--11.30 a.in 8.00--5.30 p. Thurs: 8.50--11.30 a.m. 2.00 Breakey Bay 3.00--7.00 p.m. Lpet PY 28 80--11.30 a.me 3.00--5:80 Sat. 8.50---11.30 so ot © 9011.30 asm. 1.15--5.30 Sat.--Special trip to Spoor's dock, at 8.30 p.m. ELEPHANT'S MAD TRICK _ "EomaL AT susaue. Marble Tablet to Americans Killed | goisich Journalist's Appreciation of UNIQUE EXPERIENCE IN THE | Tn tre ancient and beautiful Salis: | no > Waster Ry. | Winnipeg at present. Wi India, writes W. G. Fitzgerald, 1 strolled one day inw ols 2 consul + Ports- fices in New Broad street. 1 waited | the United States Soult in the board room a few minutes, isd when my eye suddenly caught a big framed picture in-an-obscure corner. It seemed different from others on the rmal oere- walls, which 'were mere dull designs At the conelusion of the io | "snaps," and also with ges and locos, with plans and gradients on blue linen markable 'photographs, pretty poor technically, yet seeming to me to tell an interesting story They were Toate together in one large frame. could see e an elephant' and a train | GIRL Gl our kindred nations one Yo | driver, or a camp cook. 1f you want | an investment you ean walk in, plank Here," tho "is somethi A ere ought I, "is something ~#In his address to the congregation | down five dollars, the rest to be p off the line. "H and come out a land- worth investigating. 111 ask one of Hn behalf of the American nation Mr. by instalments Reid recalled the incidents of the | owper. And when you hear the | and quick profits made, yO the directors about it." [1 did, but he smiled in deprecation of anything sensational hawvir aver a | 1 his system. wg ever happened on | "yo don "half were stopped here to | have got to @et-rich-qu care little for matters outside our freight of sugar and cotton, silk and ad. "Bring mein that { o t | v ture with Hh Nb rn Re every h » and "the multitudes of | while. Town values are inflated now, he said. And we inspected them wv from all classes | but the time cannot be far distant s." Jett i a ae for" Nagpuf at \ 8.20. There isa big 1ro: \m- | Bode munity here and a crailroad oo "{liese walls endue to that quick com- | timists they are the i munity of feeling which, in spite of until Goilkera Station was passed at | distance and circumstance in our | This is partly the result of 9.15. Between Goilkera and Manhar- deepest sorrow as in our highest joys. | wonderful climate. The pur stations our line enter a district binds us together as almost one great | clear, light prairie air is invigorating family still. We do not understand | and stimulating beyond any I have in the least the terrible event we Te- | ever breathed. After five or six hours that mot | gleep you get up in the mornix found in every respect. All went well known as 'Saranda of the Seven Hun- dred Hills." These hills form the wat- er shed between the rivers Brahminee aid Subanrika. 'They are most heav- ll sheep a ily timbered : > 2 ¢ is | Wie ¢ y timbered and the whole country is Singing still to. a single faith. The SD VO. "poet (John G. Whittier) | They are quite certain in Winnipeg F | 7 that this year's harvest will beat all "Four miles from Goilkera the line, | «+ here Kis. islands Lift records in. spite of the late us vou can. see on the map over 1 know not w Bis. islands |" Phey have no doubt whatever that in there, --passes-- through the Saranda ee ' © ot drift I-only know I cann rr | supply England with all the ! Vshe asks for--at present our require: ment is 230,000,000 bushels a ¥ and have enough over not only to fi Canada, but to export very largely as wild as it can be tunnel, and beyond this is a ndise « 'Beyond his love and care of big game--elephant, tiger Arar bi- EC e------------------------ ' son, spotted deer, and samblur. From the tunnel the grade is 1 to 100 down- wards to the Karo River, on the op- ? City of Glasgow Gets Good Income | gther countries, China and Japan, for | example, as well. There are said to be | some 200,000,000 acres of land suitable posite side of which is a high ap- proach bank ending in a cutting. Now 1 am going to get you our engineer's report." How money may be made from the | for wheat-growing in Manitoba, 8 So saying the director produced' it offal and rubbish of a city is shown | yg; hewan and Alberta om his y in the annual report to the cleansing forin of this were cultivated "] was proceeding steadily down committee of Glaagow corporation, . | yield would be at least ' the grade at 37 miles an hour. 1 | Dupe Aig y | bushels. --Hamilton Fyfe in @ Is The Fastest Growing R from his desk and read it out: she was plowing her way through the J ay loose granite and providentially stop- department $6,365. : 3 vere Visi ped short on the very lip of a bank On the. other hand, the estimated | journalists who were visiting 45 feet high. It was most fortunate : that ra rains WE been falling. and | Come received was $6,290 above that | having traveled over the way was very soft, so that my en- sum. which was really due to the ex- | thro! the wheat growing country gine had no sooner left the track 'than | 18 revenue derived from the sale of served by the Canadian tins, scrap iron, and other material. Railway. Mr. | tacked us was evidently an outcast p.m. 2.00--8.30 p.o 30 p.m change wWitliont THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, "1907. In Train Wreck. JUNGLE OF INDIA. ---- marble tablet im memory of those kill- increased Huge Monster Charges Into Rail- can line boat train 38 persons, most in way Train--Engine Derailed--Nar : ei. iy [ tow Escapé of Orew -- Aniwal ceremony, the impressiveness of whieh -- | Startling Adventure on Dark Night-- BN l ation ight-- when by the derailing of the Ameri- lin June, 1906, to 111,000, according to 1 | : | was y Weighed Six Tons--Fell Fifty Feet | Widows and children of the trainmen'| ;; not J Over Steep Bank killed in the disaster, all in the deep- i om : Jig est mourning, was attended by many i amgermIsh NT pe wiavine business recently in London dignitaries of a | a nipor Tr real re Chota-Nagp Rail and mem! in par road of 4 Cl robes of office, the American Nile, "buys, lots, holds them. for consul at Southampton, Mr. Slam; mouth, Mr. Maim; and a large | make their bit. You can I of Salisbury, through whose gene i | HE WRITES OF WINNIPEG. ur Stomac as last two years it has spent over four millions sterling upon new | swallows up more and more of ry a whi | Waiters, cabmen, newsboys even, all dred thousand pounds' worth or twen- y pounds' worth with equal lasility. 3 very second sho is a ity the memorial was made possible. | myo Singows are Bled with at have feel like aR man, 1 Ee cep tl A A huskies, Mauch Chuak, Pa. Best for "The Dowels. peSunaRe i your money Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or NY. 9 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES mony of the unveiling, for which the | Y tablet was with American and {Jor wanted in all kinds I walked over and beheld si - < reld SIX Te | 5 Wordsworth, dedicated the tab-| let in a short address, with the words: i § f hands and bless it as a token of love | & fann another." calamity by which "of 47 "We are humdrum people," he said, await the final trumpet,"' making spe- | 2 mistake. cial reference to the 'hapless young sitt, daughter of ex-Judg New York), whoie bereavemen « rang a bell. An attendant answer- sgympathy shown on ence to con gether while I listened to"a curious story. sludéd: ach a fitting cli to-day | If believed Winnipeggers. "One Septembe t the "They reach a fitting climax y {7 one believed Winmpegesrs, ne September night the up mail tated jal you are setting up in | might look to quadruple ones capital \is cathedral 10 be a testimony w jle | within-the n cord, yet I am persuaded » even its mystery or awful severity | ness feeling that no Ament A Paradise of Big Game. pi " "Their fronded palms in air; MONEY IN RUBBISH. From Its Sale. 3 : : department. + was a pitch dark night as 1 ran garbage Dail through the Saranda jungles Im- th At the outset, aa McColl states | y mediately after I rod wat the esr expenditure of | care bridge I felt a violent obs X Karo bride felt a violent obstrue- | Tho loco really due to three items, the Mail. ails at first, but a fe See 8 ar | 3 TRIS al hr ut a few seconds later | yo" york in this connection cost the |» revenue was $191,600, while the in- | minion recently arri a axle in | "ijinough showing a decrease from | the party. = A me . those of last year, the sales of both | years ago be hack to see what damage had been a : done. Four cars, inchiding that of in excess of thé estimate. aif Mr. Faulds, the deputy locomotive The refuse, manure, rubbish, and | expressed gratification superintendent, were also derailed, | Street sweepings collected amounted markable developm and our brake van was badly mash. | 10 35:010 tons, of ah average daily ! In the od. as also was one of the third-class quantity of 1.299 52 tons. Food un- striking, ears containing pilgrims. Mr. Faulds fit for consumplion was destroyed, joined me,, and 50 did our guard. amounting to 55 tons 3 ewis., com- a prising fruit, vegetables, beef, tinned A Monstrous Inert Mass. meat, biscuits and eggs. The eggs "We thought at first there must alone weighed 30 tons 141-2 cwis, which roughly means that fully hali- be cattle on the line, but we could see nothing We procured lanterns a-million eggs were disposed of as un- fit for human food. and carefully examined the engine Suddenly I heard Mr. Faulds cry, From the sale of clinker, waste 'Why what's this?" He held in his paper, bottles, scrap iron, galvanized i ip of elephant skin We | iron, and tins, no less than $20,920 was hand a stri r plied our lanterns this way and that added to the revenue of the depart key poin and saw the huge tell-tale pads every- ment. where, and soon found the spot where On their estates the erops of pro- our enemy had rolled over the bank duce sold yielded $5,930, the remain- after the tremendous impact der, valued at $23,306, being used in "These jungle are full oi wild ele- | the stables of the cleansing and oth- phants, and the big tusker who at- er departments in tewn or on the ei that in reached that district, five million pounds. rogue, a fellow of bad temper such propert as terrorizes the villages, lying up in 385, an dense jungle al} day d coming out only at might fed and destroy houses and human life d of the movable $353,925. eee ---- The King's Privileges. in our parlors. find him. He lay, a monstrous inert mass, among the tangled wet under- haps six tons had driven a vast earth. One hind leg hac { and there were three severe injuries i thers t5 the head and shoulders. I judged | © 4 0 " around the coast which lies between |, "0 ;ot take you hole in the soft tidal rivers, such as the Thames, the i stood full in put it to any uproar of the train, ha ] had charged |) ks fit, while theoretically every the track and indeed down upon us, of rific stroke, whic He punished us J tions. h struck him dead yretty severely, how- extent of Rs 14,000 at least. : «1 sent word back to Geilkern, siX iles away and we soon had a gang R at 1 o les awa) at work on the damaged could forbid th printing of any or train We chopped out the fallen tusks, which 1 am sending monster's : vou and made over the mighty carcase of ish dominrons tn Death Rate Among Infants. The Price of a Feast. A small boy Ww hose Found a melon and thought it a frolie, So. he ate every bite, And they found him that night In a state that was quite melonicolie. mer DA voment is to the jplacing of men at railway ste | prod "Has your son decided what pro- return ot cans fession he will pursue?" | more inspectors Ww "No, but it doesn't make any dif- He wouldn't catch up with ment already still farther | seventy ft takes a lot of push to dispose of lings or protruding piles in six jo | wheelbarrow factory. [fourteen days of money 'refunded. 50c. the 'output ot a £. BRICELAND, Managers Pl J British flags, bishop of Salis! +1 ¥ rs are the least abstruse. Boom |s Overdope. you want work, you "May God 'accept this gift at our | yourself off-hand as a rail . -hand, an agricultural engine- as we sat to p 0 " It is bei overdone, of * Sal Sopether ii bis ofive, "and bride" (Mrs. Frederick Henry Oos- | Many shrewd observers think there e Dugro of | will be before long another timber s a o Te t was | break in prices, though not so disas- rent a i Tot LAH specially mentioned in the Queen's | trous as that of 1884. Then those who BPI message ohsympathy. After a refer- | cannot afford to hold on will suffer. ge | But the set-back will only be for a the ambassador = con: | when they will" be double what. they { are to-day. This is a sober estimate. ext two years. Ul § most optimistic. Perennial Story of Harvest. bined with the utmost Comfort. A dations for 1500 guests. SF Check your to B Pier or each Thor 1 st to Norfolk. HARRY WATCHAM, Manager. - THE ONLY, COMFORTABLE WAY to visit the JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION is to stop at EUROPEAN PLAN $1.30 per day. Restaurant; lar Priced h Cafe facing Historic HamptonRoads Add $3.00 for AMERICAN PLAN. Rate provides for re-admission to the grounds at any hour. Concerts by 23rd U. S. Regiment Band. All Conveniences of a first-class hotel, com- Why it will pay you to buy 0 LR BOYS' BOOTS. Large stock, right prices, and second to none. Box Calf Blucher Cut all Youths' Box Calf Blucher $1.25 and $1.50. H. JENNINGS, Kin st i A You touch the button it does SEE IT. You will' ind it a case of "Love at first sight," ds R. C. Dobbs &Co., 2 171 Wellington Street. people of one blood from | cult and that it is a luxury to twenty-five years' time the TRU, froceed the | hat He eeeded by $10,310, an THROUGH THE WHEAT COUNTRY tive shock. I tried to reverse and put oh 'wn tak x on mv brakes. My engine kept the chief of which was created by the ex- | British Journalists Inspect Canadian . ) ceptionally heavy snowfalls. The ex- Northern System. The Government party of ved at Winnipeg, McConkey, chairman of ho visited the west four fore the Canadian North- "1 got do n y hy 1 I got down and groped my way city and stable manure were glightly | ern Railway main line was ¢ one-third of the way to Edmonton, ents of the country interval, and mentioned as a though by no means unique demonstration, the case which tendered the visitors a reception, and presented them { an address, Jom which it was learn- 906, when the thousand bushels of wheat were re- ported, that last year the was five hundred thousand, and this vear it is expected to be seven hun- dred and fifty thousand Mr. ted out that this was equiva- lent to one pound of grain for each man, woman and child in the British Isles, and left on hand a sur Etiquette of Indian Tepee. farms The value of the heritable "If you should ever go into an y of the department is $1,473, dian tepee,"" said John H. Beger, member they have rules of etiquette that are mibre rigidly adhered to than Ki : 7 Do not think they a "It did not take much search to King Edward VIL. possesses MANY | oo" gor they are more extradrdinary powers and privileges It ill f his' layout hich few persons are aware of and Japs. you make fun o 3 » i : . the whole family will remember the bh and his mighty weight--per- which even His Majesty himself prob- | te Hr a lifetime. The seat of hon- growth anc Ee nearly 50 feet ably does not realize. He is the sole an % just opposite ac of proprietor of the betly of all British fire pit. Wait until you are invited 1 béen cut 0 , tha . before you take that seat. you go | Mersey, me Dee, he -J¥de ald w me bolting into. an Indian's tepee and . rush over and take this vacant seat walnable 10 Ind on WPPLY €O.. Windsor, On A leading heal ing the question, rescription to cl Mood 1" priots in & recen! following : i Fluid Extract Dandelion one ounce; Compound Salatone, one ounce ; Compound Byrup Sarsaparills, four ounces. ' Shake well and use in teaspoon doses after each meal and at bedtime. A well-known physician states that these are harmless vegetable ingre- p. dients, which can be obtained from good prescription pharmacy. This mixture will clean the bloed of all impurities. In jast a few days She shin begins to clear of sores, hotly and pimples, It puts vigor energy into run-down de ilitated men and women. For many years Sarsaparilla alone has been idered a god blood medicine. But while it built up and made new blood, the impurities remained within and the good accomplished was only Yamjpet ary. Sarsaper that the big tusker, angered by our RrOUNg ater and or ark also that he big tuck. ME ral | High eer te ad oe ay | S55 210 Lhe dh kind of use which he would like 10 1 houg be dome without cutti ly to be dealt a ter inch of ground in the kingdom be- IS. ving the Wepre 2 Jongs to him and not to the landlords. n nig tue JO]ee Ge Telly Serer Yio the | The King has the ole. right 10 print | betweel mivane 80, Bre. ever, for he has done damag the Bible, the Book of Common Pray- chive fie ar or + in or, and all acts of Parliament in the | the si¢ ho 2 and Diy United Kingdom: and if he liked he the wall on the north side nt . sard before he would viola f etiquettd and pass 9090000000000 000 NVIIIIIOYT all of them anywhere within the Brit | guests and the smokin ee ---- Locomotive Puffs. to the semi-savage Khols : : The cough, or puff, of a railway en- ------------ Dr. McCarry, chief food inspector of "gine is due to the abrupt emission of Montreal, stags that as a result of waste steam up the chimney. tastes were bucolie | the careful inspection of milk cans | moving slowly the coughs ean, : which has been made this year by | course, be heard following each other the inspectors of his department the | quite distinctly, but when speed death rate among children this sum- | put on the puffs 'come ou mer hak "been materially decreased. the other much more rapidly, t ially dme when eighteén coughs a second are t Y they cannot be separately Too Slow. th neh thé purpose of watching the | distinguished by the ear. A locomo- of | tive running at the rate of nearly 1 mn an hour gives out tacilitaf®" the work, bat the improve- twenty puffs of steam every second -- schieved is a very sal that is, ten for each of its two cylin P0000 PPP PNNNOIOT used in bi with GC Salatone and Extract works wonders. This combination idneyé to work to filter and sift out' the waste matter, urie acid, and other impurities that cause disease. It makes new blood and relieves theumatiem puts the ki 9909909090000 farence. pr infactory one. dera. te tet -------- The most northerly railway in the There is something wrong with a world will soon bx opened for trafb Piles Cured In 8 To 14 Days. woman who isn't jealous of somebody on land of Spitzbergen The Pako Ointment .guaranteed to | or something. : : line is about ei n miles long cure any case of itching, 'blind, bleed A graduated rod, which rises y : br falls with the bottom's variations, is now used to chart rivers, BUT THERE IS Somme A-------- ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER sm---- EW.GILLETT 2007 TORONTO, ONT. Jer at the eatrance-- FARMS WANTED. vantage to communicate We want at present a cholos .farm of T. J. Lockhart, Real Estate Agent, 1560 Wellington St, Kingston Ont. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. Investors desiring to know the truth regardin any investment they have made are about to make {(u any Canadian mining company should write tothe Tuquiry Department of The Cans dian, A ting News und they ho receive without charge 5 reliable ath and ad ee. This paper is the recognized mining organ of Canada, contain. ing ali and Larde mines. Subseri, tion $1.00 per year. A sample copy of Mining News will be malled FREE to any address for the asking. Address THE CANADIAN MINING NEWS, 6th Floor news pertaining to Cobalt Lake companies he Canadian Traders Bank Bldg, Tor i w, is and should about the wonder! MARVEL Whirling The Jew Vaginal By Best--Most e font. It ¢ y y. ener Agents for Canada. SAYS THIS IS BEST ills, however, w! Poe troubles. tion of cancellation sor inspection will be ------------ SYNOPSIZ OF CANADIAN NORTH. th journal in answer- "What is the best ean aud purify the t issue the Coal.--Coal mining rights a period of twenty-one snd lame back

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