A ---------- EDUCATIONAL. It you wish to be successful tend "Dad and can 'trot' some, 'specially: when we breakfast on Malta-Vita." ~The KID. he ile. , mas untold wealth CANADA'S HIGHEST GI subjects thoroughly taugh competent eXperienced te Day and night classes. Bo any time. tes very mo 'Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, Preside an light near J. E. CUNNINGHAM, Sec treasure ship is sup- CYEVIIVIIISPIIY h very was made last Mon-| Yo ils two fishermen were out trawling, vy deep-sea lead was taken along and between fishing the lead was sunk to sat their cur osity o the depth water. The chest cover whs brought to the sur- face trailing two pieces: of rope ends and o broken spar. A close inspection & . It's best for tired muscles and brains--keeps you "going"' all day. It is malted wheat-flakes; dainty, brown and crispy-- easy for stomachs to i Queen's Unive KINGSTON, - ONT Under the regulations Ontario Education De) - digest --delicious to eat. . An} art and Tyeun the nature of the junk, nd Courses, fog :-- en street. "around fo i i a selection of | hours wi i a The best cercal that ever went a: Ciess Public Sd i the {ing up. A later venture proved that to order" : ' Beer, the sunken gold ship was: lying in one fish, coal, potatoes hundred fathoms of water. | ri ----_-- Be Xs The Germs Of Catarth. = ° Amdug «the callers . for "imstruc | No only attack the passages of the _jtians™ were: A doctor, a nurse, 8 [head and throat, but finally whach the outo a table. II. High School Certific: III. Specialists Certifica First Sessiom open Oct For Calendar, address ( Chown, Kingston, Ont. 10c, all grocers. corn chanfler, a fish = porter, lungs and cause comsimption. Noth carriages and motor -cabs for several I catazrh rs aickly us eospttetittttee Lo Es fragrant healing Catatrhosone, which IMPROVE YOUR EDUC and There pever was such a busy time | hieves the cough, sto - . § » ps, the dis}. in Abbey street, Bermondsey. The |charge, takes all Ci from the : | spent all his|throat. 'I consider Catarrhozrone has 3 --TT INCREASE YOUR EA Day and Evening Classes Frontenac Busi College, time explaining that everybody had |po equal asa cure for catarrh and been hoaxed. Hach tradesman, as be |jung trouble," writes James FE. Wath: i erell, of Brighton. "It eured me alter ittle further down the street and |many good doctors. failed te even re. bwatehed the others arrive. Newcom- | jjeve my trouble," Catarrhozone cant Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Wi pi : i { i { F HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. | cesostttttbee RAST | ers were at a Jom to matiersthng the fail to cure--it's. guaranteed, . Two oy even sumbered section of Duminion S City Arr. C curious groups barrows a vans, | months' treatment, $1. trial size. 25¢ ands wn Manitoba" or the North-West Pro a Cle . oa doa i Bracelet Jignhy, sich a muy lough went a. I Deincaeuied" by any pérsca tbe smi head pare = 8.50 - plain 8 round as they knocked at the door Lansdowne Fair Good. (& a family, or male over 18 years of age, to T. N. STOCK) pom, 3 ot will be worn more this aa. the most amusing case nas Lansdowne, Sept. *. 28.-- Lansdowne the extent of one-quarter section, of 180 acres, 'Phods, 680. ] a Billingsga' porter. who oc. was a successful one. The attend- Rs Application for homestead entry must be Re pid) season than ever before. drew up as near as he could with a bead ie the largest yet. The 3 pr St. 3 | made in person by the applicant ne CFFFCIIVSIIIIIN andbarrow and : a wa yet. #~ Baking Powder." { of the locat Agent or S gent. Entry by -------- except UR $5.00 Bracelet i de iy r an enormous quanti- |.shibits in every class were more nu- Eo 2 "T never inmy life | roxy may, however, be made on certain con. ply to 3 1s ma IX of winkles. He was inclined to ar | merous and of "a very high quality. BP 7" saw an article make | @itions by the father, mother, som, daughter, § of solid gold, and can be gve the point with Thames street [Considering the hackward summer the friends like St. George's." ee hee Ta a 2 supplied either in the oval or emphasis. In the mince of it all | vegetable exhibits were exceptional "It seems as if every order I J | ly at amv Sub-Agént's office may be : i some one upset the winkles all over|fine, The show of horses was excel get calls for this Baking Powder." { wired to the local Agent by the Sub-Agent, at round shape. the road. and the man's wrath knew | lent, and much interest was shown in * And no wonder ! } the expense of we applicant, and if the land SEALED TENDERS A no bounds. = he speed trials. Th il 3 | applied for is meant 'on receipt of the tele. tu ne the widersignud, wi the speed trials, ere was. a mie jp gram. such applicanon is to have priority and ath { P 3 leader tor Southampton V JT i quite heavy and the finish | A man who came to make prelinfin- [foot race also 100 yard dash, and St Geor 'e's | the land will be held until the necessary pa sows," will bo recerved ut 1 * and workmanship is the } (I arrangements for a marquee . to|other minor attractions. The Ladies' . B I a ie $6 SranSation Wie wSetived tl Friday, October 35, 190 ] . hold a wedding party of fifty, and a [Aid of the Methodist church served In case of "persomation" the entry will be I summarily cancelled and the aumbcant wail he Bruce County, Out finest possible. musician who called to suggest a pro-|lunch on the grounds, and they were forfeit all priority of ciaim. Baking Powder a os gramme for the Blue Hungarian band, well patrowized. In the hall, the ar . - An application for inspection must be made ing to a pian awd speciticat VE encloseitin a fine velvet were among .¢ victims of the hoax- {ray of musical goods, furs, furniture, is made of Cream of Tartar that is 99.00% eR Bm, a applicant must be eligible mesh ut ihe offices 1 Sa lined case for $5.00. er, who had also circulated printed | dairy goods, harness and wall papers, its full strength till the can is empty. It never disappoints--but BE uly) Re Mrplication Bushing, Forontu : H. J. 1 we about "the reception: on the was very much larger than in former 7 always makes the baking light and whe." Cageaey feidiial until that application has been dis Reswlent Engineer, London, Send for our Catalogue. wa. years, and gave the spacious building | ¥2 "Look at the result --everrone delighted, and ordering el on : plication to the Postmaste 15, : The police managed to pet the place {a very vieh appearance. Outsidé, asthe § 5. Cream oi Tartar Baking-Powder again and again." SR TR ow hotesteadsr those ShiLY Anim good wand: Pm, Unt ik a, "14 b ll | clear at last, and they are now search- | carnages and machinery seemed end- May we mail you a copy of our new Cook Book ? All the newest ject to approval of Department, relinquish it lenders wil not be consi Ryrie Bros. {ing for tne man who organized the less. Only one accident marred. the recipes of famons chicls--w th practiest suggestions, weights, mn gavor oh Jahen et, Jon, daughter, made on the printed jorm is h, a age ¥ " es. ec ~ 1 i i ge N. . ys W ible, but to no ene igued with the actual sig {joke. The bride and bridegroom were | festivities. Mr. Connolly, Toggmto, re merging H, if you wile to TRE Ratlosal on hung decl Sige . n i : . . & CuEeMican Co, oF Cax 2 ung declaration of abandonment. "rs. Ei Eimited = ° | married yesterday. presenting the Mason & Risch piano, Pyro ha te CaX4na, Limited, Montreal Lh here an entry is summarily cancelled or de er accepted cheque on i jumped off a box and ffactured his Yes {yoluntarily abandoned, subsequent to imstitu- bauk, payable to the order 184-138 Y S : leg above the ankle. The value of You! of cancellatioh Brocet@ings, Os, Spplicant curable the Minister of =P onge St. { : Balm For Losers. local option was well d trated lof et bei -ue to prior right for four thousand dollars "> Kincardine Review. en hts 8, we Tae i SL ats. Tor. inspection. must state dn must accompany each tend < MORONTO |" Young man--be warned in time, Let 2° outside of afew instances, there ticulars the homesteader 1s in default, will be forfeited if the pers hu i " #0 one--uob even - your own selien- | WOS nO drupkenness. and the . streets, : if su tly the statement is found te decline the contract or fai Hi gi y : were quiet and orderly in the evenin . ¥ incorrect in material particulars, the apphi- the work contracted for, ar tice you to scek a public office or 9 y ning. pd ae al will los¢ any pner right of reentry turned in case of non-accepta What is commonly oalled a govern- Tahould the land become vacant, or if entry The Department does not {ment job. In this age, when vour life Your Blood Needs Iron, been granted it may be summarily cane acopt the lowest or any to iis young and your health good, and {| The iron in your blood takes the {when an indcpendent' competence | oxygen from your lungs and with it 1 waits any man who hat snap, some | destroys harmful waste matter that , ond a willingness to | otherwise will poison vou. If your fe Id be a fool blood lacks iron some of th isons od 5 BY proba Re Reb ALE HE bose bya agi lie Dapuot ge The Best is The Cheapest. | thousand office-scekers in Canada, de | ease. Escape disease and be strong Duties--A settler is uired to perform the FRED. GF sondisions under one of the following plans: -- { 5 At least six months' residence upon { end cultivation of the land in cach year dur- | mg the term of three years. | (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a Homesteader resides upon a 'farm' in<the vicinity of the land entered for by such homesteader the requirement as to Department of Public Work Ottawa. Septembe Newspapers will not be § advertisement if = they inSe authority from the Depart: {pend upon it that 40,000 of them 1 well iching ' vour 3 dence may be satisfied by such ¥ - it A ave | and well, enriching vour blood with e May satis y such persom re | sorry for being in the list. The other |iron. Use Wade's Iron Tonic Pill: . : UAE JT Ds athe or other os tet { C. H. Pov | 1600 are med who get the few public | (Laxative). They 'are a great nerve We carry in stock three grades: of OIL, | donee upon farming land owned By him in : ts thut are worth while, or are | strengthener and blood maker. Iv N and will deliver to any part of the city, the best American Oil that is manufactured," for 20c. Per Gallon. men who were broken down in health, | boxes, 25c., at Wade's Dmg Store or had been relegated 10 the shell. | Money back if not satisfactory. {The average public office is not a pui- x - | vate suap. Make no mistake about Coal Port Going Ahead. ore. making application for patent the ler must give six months' notice m_ writ fe Dus Loanty . 103 Ragla icini f his homestead, the ui 2% sa shed by residence LE ene £ ' Carpenter and Rg Bh R% - N 2 .. . | SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING r RA uUsSH i From Jie Jury tien Show in rush- | Liverpool, Sept. 30.--Boston, in Lin - REGULATIONS. v ------ at ANY IANTITY. { or a vatan ice vou might sus- 1 ire, is pier to the tin Joon= { Coal--Coal mining rights may be leased for MAXIM'S MAL NAN Peat hat 1 So hie Tn mes | colushite, in Soming to the frant in fou Try the Brilliant. a Se eli ge dy Je Jewel to; rs rental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2,580 {how soon it turns into Dead Sea fruit | ping trade. 1t is now handling between | acres shall be leased to one individual or com- Modest Claims Often ! or apples of Sodom. Once you t it rE . . ee epee eee a ------------c------ A } a sinks, closets, drains and o you get it, 110,000 and 20,000 tons weekly, being yo pany. A royalty at the rate of five ¢ per Wany thee purposes. A can von are measured with red tape. If | the nearest shipping port from the cok on shall be collected on the merchantable Gouviction Twa Los equals 20 pounds SAL SODA. J 1|0F, TF YOU soul's your own Some |lefies, and also to the continent. --A eighteen years of age, or NE nt hore : | ind fr reminds you that a change ® ver, having discovered mm in place, may placeds his gun belore a x -- 'ocate a claim, 1,500x1,500 feet. judges, he stated its ce of government Will see your finish. | BATE | r i: { When you take sick, two score of your | Bad breath is a most offensive ail- friends will be after your job with the | ment, irritates you as well as your | "characteristic fury" you warmly friends; Hollister's Rocky Mountain {displayed when vou were after it, Tea takes the bad taste from - the u you recover they will all be sorry. mouth, removes the cause, parifies the The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must. be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder ini lieu thereof. When $500 has been expena- ed or paid, the locator may, upon having a survey made, and upon complying with other i P the land at $1 per 39 77 Prine S o be considerably below Telephone, 35. - 77 Princess St. to be considerably below result of the trial was th umph of surprise instea pointment as it might he had overestimated h {1 you died, thirty-nine of them will, breath, 35c., Tea or Tablets. Ma-| "=" The patent provides for the Jeayment of a e ency. Our claim regarding s based on act CY ity of 2 1-3 per cent. on the sales cabot sett reretes sts atensttntsititettetee ee | PRY ining Clanns generally are 100 feet square, entry fee $5, renewable yearly in the course of a monih, ret vo! ood's Drug Store. death, and curse voar ie Ya Gold is nearly twice as heavy as the man who appointed him. silver; thus a cubic foot of the far ee" sit, don't do it. Uf you would mer weighs 1,210 pounds and 'the same a man among men--if you would | uantity of the latter 655 pounds, retain your ambiti your a Joseph Mayhew, formerly a resident liance, 'vour i : trek north. [of Renfrew, died in Waileybury from picide facts, Ii a living germ is cau to fall out -its the most to kitl that germ. Newbro's Herpieide do An applicant may obtain two leases to fredge for gold of five miles each for a term »f twenty years, renewable at the discretion + the Minister of the Interior. The lessee ~T0~ =» ai er 18 . Bo . wanl w a government job is va. 'appendicitis, last week. He leaves an _ i ed : 1! { ] bd i o\ RB fy, / w IL = ON ' & cat in the south, Job is va tite of $30,000. BAYES for ech 2 mile of Hyer leased Royalty at the and ectnally.: Destroy y ' HE . -- The people who insist upon it (hat ll y W. W. CORY : Yomicrg, the sii, 1 |v > . : - Sold by leadmmg drugg ty of the Minister of the Interior, N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this ad- yertisement will not be paid for. 13 FY E ' : Going One Better. there isa difference hetween forgetting at | 4 packet Ji. ee Course Te ter and forgiving are not long on for- 1 Alived Wood, Movtreal merchant, | 811" in stamps for sample to Co., Detroit, Mich. 1 and $1. G. W. Mahood, } : » . : ¥ wa 00 shoots J] | Was travelling in the west i A merchant isn't necessarily. dishon- PAD Ta Lapin in tb wet se She oh rt of I tel hu KNOWN INVICTUS SHOE » munity of Vermilion, which is not so outside his store. av red as it is named. One of the citi | savosiits, cRecERs cence svonss 8°) rtook to inform Nir. veiw RRA s | a Lp pata Tar 2h he ghtaing progress the town had eum atism "Look at that." he said," pointing .- Hata Up Strengin . mull to a shop, a house, and a half-erecied Racks the Joints . = -- -- hall. Just a year ago that was noth- Prevents ficep PE ; 1 s -- SUMMER WANTS : ng a vito foe on EED . The Invictus Shoes ENTITLED 10 PA » oy wonderful, Siastly onder CHECKED.--It Finally Strikes wear better than most TITL Scrsen Doste nig Yindeiss, Joo ry. -- ae, Materner. |. the Heart and . Kills Ig Victim. all ae They I g op Fee Th other day I was over in Warman and | ge OU} specific of AKL forms of look better. They are Rader nut NO TRAGHAN'S, | 110 a pio Tobe ar] So | Mem 17 hve wih . They ar 3 9% cop Compe RE ANS | passing a certain corner. A few hours t solvent for uric acid and a the most comfer € oi 2 P y ountes Com tt Intge, 1 retutved to that same corner spite stimulant for the kidneys and i. fitting shoes. i $ Barseperifin; See = , if you'll believe me, a handsome | wo" : F - . 2 3 . { R ix, and take tes TRAVELLING. two-storey building 'had been erected No remedy is so succesful an Perro. Nothing but the best grades of leather used. , 3 minder bedtime, & out of that lumber 1 near id one. a nile ta gute, 3 '$ Highest class workmanship in every pair of them, Makes You Happy eo ove rip! by auch enthusiatn. *ONrAEe: lease in the blood. It neutralizes the We have ih Vial Bids. Bos dour $F found invaluable in th ave Waits , . | urie acid poisons, quickens the slug- e have them in Vici Kids, Box and Velour gf "ha knowied tok 2 kiduey, bladder and ve 7.30-9.15 ER a (20 J. Too Much Skirt. . Fish Groulation, and relieves the sys- Calf, Gun Metal and Patent Colt. iQ coal is AoWledge Jaa ins g od fineasnt arising 1 15 wom. 1 pa. | Chief William Hill, ex HOLECTVRY distrecsing or Sier.. | gs Tn | ® have a good. effect on your $ 2nd lumbago, and we BER IRRRED | scien of the Batters bear ae obo, moe oka rom, 5, Ve $4, 4.50, 5 and 5.50 for Men dispose $ poh ar ali gum. | partment, declares : x relieved of their pain. o disease 2 12 2. : ea | WE'LL RNI 3 > If there's anything dangerous to | will mot return if once cared by Fer | : y FURNISH THE COAL 3 We $3.50 and 4 for Boys. $3.50, 3.75, 4 and 4.50 for Women. *All'the Newest 'Fall Styles are now ready. or; Pa | be tentracted and - picked up. lovely | rozone, which does its w. o i The eit will get it with Her skirts. |ly. Ns curgs are rc thoreagh | pn. city She nearly free of mosqui-| Unlike other treatments, Ferrozone! toes discoveredl that the latest {does not depress the heart or deaden crop of pests had been 'brought | the Merves. It rebuilds the system 4 into town by women who chase about | promotes better 'health, establishes | country fields for daisies and jim-| good appetite. sound deep and free-| son Meets; One woman with skirts of | dom 'from weakening pains and' aches. | ordinary fullness can bring into town | The perfection of all rheumatic rem- at least' 3.000000 mosquitoes, some | edies is found in F , It is ind E-Rate | Abernethy i ! , | to carry, teed Ne, { 4 Cc S One of the 'eusiest 'things in the | costs only 50e. bok. ora =| a Y That will insure you not only happiness, but economy at the same time. Good measure and good coal. '¢ TheFrontenacLumber ~ and Goal Company. $ A. CHADWICK, MANAGER. p obtained from the use Pare due to its direct a ee ah pasa b tery > - and -cids the bloo } same in the urine, an } time restoring the kidn } condition. P @ He further states th p fering from afflictions p will it to be very suggests that it be giv aad 00060000000 000000 00000000000000000000060000000000000000008000 0000080000000 000000 0000000000000 000000000 00000030000 00000000000 Salk AALS LSSS > > v PHP PIPPDIPIIDIID GPITS , ' di 9 Successors of The Rathbun b ford is to be Kind to a pretty wo- |for $2.50, at all druggists; don't fail | : oad » sm Company. Fhans Ne. §7. HAMSISIII Ye ¥ A '0 ten Ferrozone, Whe bak $0000800000000000¢00000000000000000000000000¢° ARPT IVILLLS 0000 N »