-- REWARD, swe (PAY A REWARD OF FIFTY a the party who > Sn he Ee ownehin of day of September, thot: Ni J. B. CARRUTHERS, NOTICE. Y PERSON TRESPASSING UP- shooting or Ais | Farm will be , | ancially a success except in some rt. A good deal uakit) oo ne tic i Jf, 40 to 1.257 801,598 pounds. The import of forvigm salt during the same him on the leg, causing a compound fracture below the knee, also injuries about the head. Drs. Vrooman and Simpson reduced the fracture and he is doing as well as can be expected. Manage Hotel In Buffalo. Watertown, N.Y., Sept. 30.--Manager u , of the Columbian hotel, usand Island Park, was in the city to-day. He will manage the Hotel Cheltenham, in Buffalo, this winter. Mr. Spangenberg states that thé sea- son at the islands has not been fin- n- stances. The Columbian, now closed, 'enjoyed a successful season, however, -- Pickwick Of The Commons. London, Oct. 1.--Alfred Davies, who for some years was an M.P. and was familiarly known as the "Pickwick of the House," because of his marked re- semblance to Leach's pictorial repre- sentations of Dickens' immortal char- acter, is dead, after an illness caused the shock that followed the death his eldest son, who was lost in the wreck of the Berlin last February. Hr A Fancy Dessert Fruit. Seckel rs are now ripe and are excellent this scason. Carnovsky's. drug store has prompt delivery. nic Pills. "The genuine," at Best's. 3 £3 | eonscious {ill his death. The ¢ was sixty-five years of age, and so as known he has no relatives in is cuuntry. . INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. The | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Good hair brush 20 cents, at Best's. Blue point oysters can now be had at Carnovsky's. "Dyola," the new improved dye, is $04. at _Uibson's ned Cross drug store. is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug Fine scented toilet soap, hox, at Best's. Ontario street, in front of the City Hall, is receiving a cleaning. Princess street will be the next touched. The heavy rainfall made the roads very muddy. Old-fashioned Scotch mints are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230, ' A well-known Kingstonian was in the potato business in dead earnest yesterday. He had a large consign- ment of potatoes shipped to him, and sold out the lot at 5c. a bag. The offering in St. George's eathe- dral, on Sunday, was a little over $160. This was excellent, considering the congregation has just been ean- vassal for several thousand dollars for the improvements to the Synod all. Hillhouse Brown, the defaulting bank clerk of Hamilton, who is at present serving a term in the penitentiary, is an expert organist and plays the or- {gan in the prison chapel every Sun- {day morning and afternoon." He is {an exemplary prisoner. 10 cents a cough. The Chatham engine broke down at the fire yesterday afternoon. She was completely overhauled by Engineer "Shop by telephone," phone 230 for (Sinclair and Lineman Hall last night drug store wants. Gibson's Red. Cross | the men working till one o'clock to complete it. The engine was tested at "195 for 25 cents," Blaud's Iron To- the dry dock this morning and work: ed all right. . The annual R. M. €. sports will be | A in. fores y Fats ogress Brand" is p s better --always Special Agent. Life Assurance Company GVET) = == === = =.= = = = + $115,000,000.00. DIE (aver) = nnn rT 00.000.00. i 1905-8, (over) t is wanted in Kingston district by to the right man. Ee Market street. . BR. URQUHART, 1,420,000.00. this Com- Ld J. 0. HUTTON, Manage: ~lheld at the college grounds to-mor- row. The morning programma will commence at 9.30 o'clock, and in the afternoon 2.30 o'clock. Many new races will be introduced. and the ob- stacle race will have many new fea- tures that will test the skill of the re- cruits. "Tasteless wine of cod liver oil," a splendid | tonic, 75¢. large hottle, at] Best's. 3 v1 Quite a litt)e excitement was caused at the ferry dock, this afternoon, when the mate of the steamer America fell into the water. He was scrubbing mendous strides, which witnessed in fine tailoring, i CLOTHING the best made, a Browder THAT 3 ~ Buits, $10 to 20. a S% ds marked in plai ive. It is aproving -- al- st Wearing, + Look For THE LABEL coats, $10 to 20. Raincoats, $10 to 16.50. Trousers, $225 to 5. oys' Suits and Overcoats, all styles The most convincing example of the tie- de years have _ "PROGRESS BRAND " : we Wee d figures. ECTS. Eo a 5 i 3 along the side of the boat when he missed his footing and went head first into the drink. Arthur Sparham, chief steward of the fleet, was on the scene in a moment and made a gal- lant rescue, pulling the mate out of the water on to the dock. Outside of a soaking no serious damage was done. Fine Paintings. There is now on free exhibition, at] Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery, 150 Prin- cess street, a collection of water col ors and oil paintings by artists of the British and continental schools of art] ers, as they are certainly of merit, and form one of the most ims portant collections of intings seen in this city. The oil paintings deserve special attention, but must be seen to realize what exquisite works of art they really ave. The water colors are beautiful, and when we use the word beautiful? they deserve it. The figure subjects re - Italian artists - are of work, | gems 3 and fine | noloring. The British and oth ler artists' work . comprise land- scape and marine subjects. As the | pictures will only be on view until | Th . , none should wmiss | seeing . Open evenings until nine o'clock: -------------- 'Fall Informations. Brock street, has received imported goods; great var ety, His $18 suiting made to order thing of previous years. and. 66 guaranteed. nb - Vital Statistics. ud "During 'September these vital statis- city 20 iticy were registered with the | clerk : Jirthe, 43 ; marriages, | deaths, 41. » which should be seen by all art lov-|. will likely be practical insteuetion. in will be given. Hay is BOW ton in Kingston. prices were quoted, to-day, and buyers are not at | all pleased at the | prices. A local liveryman secured ith In quantity of hay from Quebec, at a much |tance to Queen's in her endeavor to ) ®0- |jower price. The keeping of a horse make the necessary extensions to {ter the stall. Lami was remove |js a very expensive matter these days [meet the needs of the times, Gra- to the ital, where it was found he | with hay at this figure: © .|duates of other universities will be - {was terribly injured. He remained un- admitted to membership. Following Realized Good Sum. The harvest thanksgiving services of the Salvation Army have just been concluded, and the sum. of $255 was realized, in one week's collection. On Sunday, and on Monday evening, the junior thanksgiving =~ services were held, the junior staff being in charge, Appropriate addresses were deliv and the band rendered a of fine selections. e I The Funeral To-Day. mee x 5 ie The funeral of the late George R. {nan, New Liskeard; Alice: Morlin Cheese Sales. Er knight - fhe road was given fq linson took place on Tuesday | Byrnes, Cobalt; Rev. J. Ji Wright, Loudon, 890 at 12fc. to 12 7-16c. siter at the police station on Mon: morning. Services were conducted at | Peterboro; Dr. A. T funro, Cobalt: Bellavilie. 10 a 43 Ste. to 12}ec. day hignt. CH . the house and at St. George's cathe. |A. Fitzpatrick, Dawson's Point; A. Ww. ey al * Hil, 1.852 ar 126. to 12 h a hi oi « A. Spotts win being dral by Canon Starr. The remains [Beall, Peterboro; J. M. Donnell, Li | ob 2 eu} is afternoon, on the Barriefield were laid in their last resting place at | Haileybury; W. K. MacNeill, - Cobalt; ris t oe te. The new and oved dve, *Dvols," Cataraqui cemetery, Although the | J. T. Fee, Cobalt; 1. L. Fraleck, mine | h ot 12 fide. nd "impr ye, YOIR, "| funeral was of a private nature, many manager, Cobalt Lake; E. Smith, | Watertown, N.Y., 5, at l1djc. to intimate friends of the deceased were | Brockville; ' Rev. M. Pitts.» New |! 15¢. : store. : resent, and the casket was buried in | Liskeard; Proi. G. M. Sharp, Larder . - - It is just a year ago to-day since |floral tributes from sorrowing friends. | Lake; A. McColl, Haileybury; R. J. Compound Facture Of Leg. Res Father. J. D. O'Gorman, the McDonald, Kingston; J. S. Davis, Morven, Oct. 1.--While working on w Hely-known priest of Gananoque, Croquet Tournament Latchford; John Sharp, New Lis- the floor of his drive house, Phe to rest, > Mrs. R, E. Kent having been com- keard; R. W. Haddow, New Liskeard; on bor 30th,' James Denyes, 8 Sumer City of New York|polied to drop out of the semi-finals|{Jessic W. McLachlin, New Liskeard; Morven, on a loose plank, and Houck at the dry dock, to-day, onli, the croquet tournament Mrs. Camp- {Keith V. Gardiner, Cobalt; J. M.| fell amone the sleepers, about ten feet ined way io Montreal, with freight, |g) Strange and Mrs. Herbert Daw- | Young, New Liskeard; Lillian Young, ! below. . The plank, following, struck | pone ot ton. son were 'pitted against each other, in | Haileybury. the city park, this morning, Mrs.' Strange 'winning. She will now play |! Mrs, Richard Hooper in the final sin- gles. To-morrow the finals in the doubles will be played off; the date for the finals in the singles is not yet | set, fi Gave Services Free. The building of the booths in the armouries for the "Made in Canada" fair was commenced last evening. The Woman's Aid Society desires to ex- press very grateful thanks to the fol- lowing contractors and carpenters for their kindness in giving their services free in connection with this work : Hunter & Harold, W. Bruce, Robert Cofice, Robinson & Copley, H. Hub- bell,. Joseph Hooper, W. Maiden, Wil- liam Murphy, Francis Martin, and A. Nichols. Excavation Causes Trouble. The steam roller is finding difficulty in working over the waterworks ex- cavation made in Clarence street, last week, after the board of works had excavation filing. Will the tile pipe in the ground stand so much pressure? The waterworks department takes no blame for making the excaviégion. It had no notification that the board of works intended rebuilding the black in question. It is understood that some gas services have also to be put in shortly in this block. PERSONAL MENTION. | Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing, William McGinnis, Belleville, is visit- | ing in the city. Francis Purdy, Alberta, is city, visiting his pdrents. Henry G. visitor in the city to-day. Corporal Marshall, of Tete de Pont bareacks, is on furlough for a few days. George S. Howard, Mich., is visiting in the stay a week, e Misses J. and F. Ferguson, King street; will give up their house for the winter and board. ~The Whig js asked to note the death of Mrs. J. R. Sewas, aged fifty-four of in Hamilton on Sunday, the "5th Kingston Field Battery, was ins in the of Saginaw, city. He wil ; Capt. J. Malley, Deseronto, pecting the stores. he JS. Tumer has been called to Lhatham, Ont, owing to the seri- ous illness of her father, Mr. Martin. "Miss Annie Jenkins, 63 York street, " poturned from Vancouver, B.C. pe she spent a pleasant vacation her aunt, Mrs, (Dr.) Pine. . G. P. Marsh, Tacoma, Wash. spent two days, last , in Kings- ton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. I L. Smith, 299 Wellington street. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Joywer re arned to Watertown, N.Y, yesterday, after spending a few days with Mr. Joyner's parents on Nelson street. Edward O'Brien arrived home irom the far west Monday and will leave for Denver next week to locate his brother, William, whom he has rot heard from for over a year. Mrs. R. Leathem and little son, ar- rived, Friday, frome New York, and will be the guest of her. sister, Mes. John Hughes, Centre street, for the next ten days. Maj. Fitz. Horrigan, the well-known and popular military man, formerly of Picton, has been transferred from White Horse, Yukén Territory, to Dawson City. This is a promotion for the major. ° Miss May Desrosiers, in Jersey City, New York and Portland, Me, for the last ten months, and who has heen visiting Mr. and Mes. W. I. L. Smith, 209 Wellington street, left. to visit friends in Torowto, Bushels Of Pears. now managing the Fitzpatrick c -------- at Larder Lake, was elected president. High Price For Hay. Prof. Dyde, ; at $17 and $19 a | philosophy" at Queen's, was the pre- siding genius, pose of perpetua of 'the alma mat are the officers : nell, Haileybury, Davis, W. K. McNeill, J. A. Gillies, Dr. Young. Those - present included ministers, programme | doctors, lawyers, and teachers, and W. Dyde, Kingston; C. include the sing, and it graduates | Drive over rown, of Ottawa, was al' || from tions of Alma Maten--Prof. Sharp President--Graduates of Other Colleges May Come in to Fellowship. Haileybury, Sept. 28.--Here in the heart of the pioneer district of New io, a little band of Queeg's Unpi- versity graduales organized them- selves last night into the Queen's Uni- ersity Association of the Temiskam- ing district. The meeting was held at') the residence of Kev. ». A. Donnell, Presbyterian minister, and. Prof, Sharp, one of the faculty of Quten s, < of the chair of mental The new association is for the pur> ing the associations , and to be of assis. Honorary president - Prof. Dyde. President--Prof. Sharp. Vice-president--I, L. Fraleck. Secretary-treasurer--Rev. J. A. Dong Byrnes, 3: A Executive--J, DD. mining engineers, vere as follows : Byrnes, Cobalt; Prof. S. Lillie MclLen- Rev. J. D. Object is to Perpetuate Associa-| The new association is designed to | district of Fastern Nipis- | is believed that Queen's of Western Nipissing will orm a similar association. POLICEMEN, GET"BUSY the Loafers Of Princess Street. Princess Some of the street merch-| ants have complained to the chief of} police about their store the loafers who accupy | b entrances at night, par-| ticularly - on Sunday. They want the! police 16 keep. the entrances clear. | The remedy is easy if the police would only act. Nothing need be said to the loungers, but summonses might be issued to those whose names are! known. The police magistrate could then make an example. The merch! ants are entitled to police protection, | but they don't get it. A couple of the! real live policemen might do them-| selves credit by making war on the! loafers. Let the chief issue the order, and let the beginning of the erusade| You can depend = on Gihson's Red | started te build the road above Wel- De commenced this evening. Let there | Cross cough syrup. lt cures any |lington street. The roller sinks in the . eo more loafing about Princess ! street. AN OCTOBER WEDDING. Nuptials of Miss Mabel E. Wilmot | and John McCallum. i A pretty October siding took place | at the home of P. G. Wilmot, 244, Brock street, at 11.30 o'clock, Tuesday | morning, .when his second daughter, | Miss Mabel E., was united in mar- riage to John McCallum, of Glen-| burnie. The ceremony was performed | by Archdeacon Macmorine, in the pres- | fence of only the immediate relatives of | both parties. The couple were unat- tended. 'The bride wore cream taffeta. Miss lsabella Wilmot played the wedding march. They left subsequently on a trip to Montreal, and upon their return will reside in Glenburnie. Their many friends ex: end congratulations. Among many beautiful gifts was a silver tea set the bride's assoviates in St. James' church choir. Buy Your Furs Now. And we will store them until want- ed. Campbell Bros, Kingston's fur centre, . Underwear, silk, balbriggan, woollen and fleece-lined, all" prices and kinds. New York Dress Reform. Bromo Quinine Laxative is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. It cures colus, The local customs import duties cal- lected during September amounted to $16,314.02, IS YOUR PRINTER FAIR ? When you place your order for Printing with a concern whose price is the cheapest, does the printer tell you that he has figured on the cheapest paper every cheap. Is he fair enough to dy this, and would you be satis- thing more in Printing than the price. Tet us talk with you. about values--high grade wark, prompt service and fair treatment. €O,, LIMITED. For more than 74 years the lead -------------- Have r eyes tested at' Best's .{ Flemish Beauty pear only 30¢. per peck, this: week, at Camnovisky's, Ea wean baie Sw Boga do 84 ing printers in Kingston, pith hata voile | he. can obtain of its class ;| that the ink used will be the! lowest grade that will cover! the surface of the paper, and that the work will be cheap] way, because the price is! fled if he did ? There is some- | To~-Morrow Will Be the Proper Time to Secure Your Fall or Winter Coat All the latest styles are now here and in nearly every size, so you have a choice now impossible to find later, If You Are Not Quite Ready Do not let that delay you coming, as you may select any Coat and have it placed aside until required if you so wish. i The Stylish Up-to-Date Coat This Fall is about 50 inches long, and we have some particularly good values. $7.75, 8.50, 9.50, 11.50, 11.75, 12.75, 13.50, 13.95 and on up to 21.50. These new models .embady the very last word on good style for this season, and should be seen by all intending to purchase a Winter Coat. : REMEMBER you are justas welcome to come and see these whether prepared to buy or not. Children's Coats ! Serviceable and warm and moderately priced. In these also we have all the latest designs. Hs. ~4 i | | { i t { [BRITISH WHIG PUB. } } OFISPPIOIOPIVOBHIPITIOIIOIOOIPPOOIOOIOH ES $ GOOD SCHOOL SHOES FOR GOOD SCHOOL CHILDREN At the Same Prices That You Would Pay for Poor School Shoes for the Same Children. Our shoes are solid, counters, Heels and insoles. If you doubt us, buy a pair and see for yourself. Better values here thai any- where else. § POOP OPROD » D BS YEAR 74. DAA 404480 44820044 MUFF, $ STOLE, | Issobeila Fox is « specialitibs. We skins Raw, Dress i facture them in o rooms, in two bea signs. Come in a our Gemuine Furs. gation to buy. 3 % John McKay F « John McKay Fu 4 y 149-1556 Broo 3 ITITIFIIIFIITIY We were fortunate in stock of Olives before th advance in price, and for customers can have them prices :-- A at 10c, per at 15¢c. per at 25c. per at 36c. per at 40c. per at 50c. per at T5c. per And a full gallon bottle Jas, Redden IMPORTERS OF FINE Auction Sale Furnitu WEDNESDAY, Oct. 2 Grand Union Hotel, Bro Sts., 18 Bedroom Dresse Washstands, Bedding, Spr Parlor Suite, Wardrobes, Tables, Six Dining Tab) Chairs, Stools, Side 1 Faun, King and Lion Hea ting, Rugs¥ Swing Dox Hotel Steel Range, ict and Glasswdre. ALLEN, Th 243 Sydenham St. Tx ------------ ---------- Valuable Properties RINCWOOD, magnif end buildi o ROSELAWN, beaut and grounds, also ot residences, at various information at SW Estate and Insurance King and Ularence sto stn -------- cr os Roller | Skating at 2.30 an BAND EVERY Select Patronage. -------------- TAKE NOT I have the best Mne o had, 1 bave also an enc Furniture, that I want | very low prices, as 1 ww Heaters. TURK'S Seco 898 Princess street. The Bijou Progr . Briou TAEATRE CESS, NEAR Bi Today and this e will he repeated for the magnificent col Pantomime, which b Kingston audiences fi "The Mysterious ( or "Harlequin' With all the gorgeot tings amd acopssores in thesgrédtest thea Th Ton don and Panis. of a Jife-time. To-Mo: Three Clean Bright, C. TOMMY "ATKIN? BABIES W NEIGH "LENA AND THE The first shows bh Boy played nurse ar babies up' : the = the family feud caus noocent boxing mated shows how a good 1» maid played upid afisir of her inistre des THE BIL