r put off until to-morrow what can good advice. nce to our handsome new Clothes, b g a New Suit, Overcoat or Hat, or wardrobe for the coming seasons hile everything is at its best and w The Best vays Go First. feather' than we are now. : prices. oats, at $12 and $15. ~ Suits, $12, $15 and $18. ish Hats. \ "The for me. I suffered with irregularities, back. ache and severe pains all through m; bo gnd was very nervous and blue. 1 think used a dozen different kinds of medicines some prescribed by the doctor and some re. Vegetable Ci d mehan ll the ther medicines epok trae y general health began to improve as soon as 1 began to use the Compound, and in three weeks I was a perfectly well woman." .| When women are troubled with irreg. ular, suppressed or painful ods, weak- ness, lacements or ration, that bea ig down feeling, inflammation of organs, backache, bloating (or fiatulence), general debility, indi- with a oy dizsin ay > ¢ a8. nese, hits, lassitude, excitability, irritabi- es nervousness, sleeplessness, melan- oly, all-gone" and "want-to-be-leit- alone" feelings, blues and hopelessness, hey should remember there is one tried is Iie remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's Com v A pound at once removes No other medicine has sucn a record of cures of female troubles. No other medicine in the world has received this widespread and unqualified endorsement. Refuse to buy any substitute. FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN . Remember, every woman 'is 'cordially invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anything about her symptoms she does not understand. - Mrs. Pink- ham is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham, her assistant before ot Dope. and for twenty-five years since her advice , | has been freely and cheerfully given to every ailing woman who asks for it. Her advice and medicine have resto: to health innu ied {0 hui jan merable women. Address, Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills. t Now ! t » ABLE TAILORS. ITURE. RIVING EVERY DAY FALL TRADE. Artistic Furniture, Early aple and Golden Finish. k attached, headed glass, t and China Cabinets at I J. REID, ture Dealer TE ------ Blues" rganic Derangement in Women f Sufferers Find Relief. mmended by friends, but one bottle of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOB METHODIST FUND IS CLOSE 'Executive Board Begins Its Ses- -- And for every kind of game, Dominion Ammunition is the best. "Sovereign Shells" --are not only waterproofed but are loaded with "Nobel's damp proof Empive Smokeless Powder." All live dealers in Canada sell "Sovereign Shells." If your dealer won't supply you-- J write is-- Dominion Cattridge Co. Lid., MONTREAL. ""Increase' in Receipts «of 38, 000: i Toronto, Oct. :-A most gratifying mecting of the Methodist. Board. of $151,000 for the year, an increase of Canada. ahd in the foreign field of numerons matters' for consideration. | Rev. R.:J. Eliott, Berlin, were elect- Spring. Spring is not the only = season of ling choruses, and as the weeks go on | appealing singers whose music mends | ~ . Makes You Happy § {lows everywhere about him. Possibly | have a good effect on your changing plumage. The lark's cheer is disposition. That will insure you not only happiness, but economy mer silence begins again in September. dose to the listener, but the musician | © Buecess0 of The Rathbun | soon begin, and the almost perfect in- $ mpany. one No. 87. | terpretation of his song is "Fag-away, have resided in New Edinburgh since PEOPSIODIOOVSDIOOOE® far-away." | their ee ------ The song sparrow lets no suggestion | iinocton, where { Ihave found a tried and tested a 1 o 0 fea a, nt td sone of | th 1 si v now ly ki t urh and sings mn evel this deplorable Qisease routs and Sng Dyrmead t T found . last ingredient that frost can .not conquer ps, a' ros! Fan nd Ry er. wl Dr. o's I n tn pee A pendab! A 4 last ingredient, I successfully treated Jnaat, cases of Rheumatism ; but now, at last, it -- -- y cures all curable cases of this heretofore in Rheumatic Blood. seem todissolve Says. y as does suns when added to pure water. Omaha, Oct. 4.--Simon Peter then, when istolved, these poisonous wastes | Roundtree, 106 years old. is defend- gums} is gone forever. Thats ls now Bo ant in bn action for divorce Just ow actual exense 4 suffer a brought at kincoln by Mrs. Amanda | yu Vesela in Roundtree. Mrs. Roundtree is only fifty-eight: ¢ years old. She was mar- is still thére. Mrs. Roundtree says NOT HEREDITARY. Baldness Due to a Living Minute Germ. accept One of these offers. ep ---- Many people, even unto the present Has Left For Sweden dyy of grace, consider baldness due Montreal, Oct. 4 Harold oH Bildt reditary influence. : » Oct. 4.-- » : Yo hereditary mtinenos Stockholm, Sweden, brother of the Nothing is further from the truth-- Baku Fis caused by the onslaught young man who recent attempted of a minute organism Which secretes suicide at the Windsor Hotel, and has itself beneath the scalp and attacks | Since spent some weeks in the hospital the roots of the hair--causing it to | for the insane at Verdun, recently ar: lose its hfe and fall out. rived here. and has since left for Swe: This organism cannot be got rid of den via New York. Young. De Bildt, except by the free and persevering use | whe is a son of the Sw is abibadsn- of Newbro's Herpicide. | dor to Rome, and nephew of the Swe- No matter how bawy the scalp i | dish ambassador in England, was and hair health is restored when Herpicide is applied. Des , pC MOV the | i. : dle ghey the cause you remove. Ws { found, and given medical attendance. Sold by leading druggists. Send . z i 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her- The Plumbing Inspection Question. picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, The tify council should complete tide. and $1. Go W. Mahood, special the passage of the . plumbing by-law schedule © without further delay. The are ent. > ed agen ; matter "has been allowed to lie in y abeyance long enough. The journey- MER AND WOMEY |, plumbers are complaining. En- a Bays for gineer Beckwith says he cannot have ---------------------------------------- arieture. aa orn Comtasten. "Painless, and not ase | tributed until the by-law is completed. Dragiiate, or font (n plain wrapps vacation. ee RRR CURES ALL COUGHS Rowley Still In Prison. ALWAYS, 4° AND C EE S untrue. Chief of Police Armstron~ 27 BROCK ST. friend ol his New Carriages, Cutters, Harness S---------------- ete., for sale. Geoffrion To France. Sale of Horses every Saturda¥.| Montreal, Oct. 4.--Arthur Geoffrion, : ------ : = advocate of 'this city, has been ap- representative in France. | propaganda in France. There was a great swell in Japan, Whose naine' on a Tuesday began; Jt lasted through Sunday, Fi] Twilight on M nday And sounded like sto Stockings, 2 pairs' for 25¢. dress shields, 250; strong hose sup | William rtirs, 25c. New York Dress Reform. | louse of Industry, Athens, on a CR ie iL an can. Il 2 pairs | yvonne dajeyman ol Syracuse, N. « PERSONAL MENTION. BiG SUM FOR MISSIONS. Movements of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Principal Gordon preaches at Apple- UPON HALF A MILLION. |top on Sunday, » Vernon Crawford, Barrie street, re- turhed to college yesterday. George Harrigan, Redan: street, has sions 'in Toronto and the left for Toronto to reside. Financial Statement Shows An H 128 8 g from the Temagami district. Dr. Harold Spence of Warren, Pa., is visiting his parents in this oity: i Dr. 'Russell 'Reid, Princess street, re- announcement. - made" at. the opening | turned home ifom the west yesterday. eet > ' The steamer ~ Castanet makes Missions. in Metropotitan. church here, {fast trip = #0" Kingston from the is yesterday, was a - yecord revenue of (lands on Saturday." ¢ Manes, Kingston, is in charge £38,000 - for the past twelve months. fof Brownséambe's The board has charge of missions in ment in' Uxbridge, Ont. M. M. Armstrong, of Arnprior, has China and Japan, and about a week | arrived in the city, will be occupied in dealing with the | course' in medicine, at Queen's. H. A. D'Arcy, advance agent for De Rev. Dr. Carman occupied the chair, | Wolf Hopper, was in the city yester- and Rev. W. B. Young, Montreal, and |day. He left to-day for London, ¥ McCambridge and Dr. od secretaries, Of the total member- | J. Lalonde, left to-day for New" York, ship of abput forty all were present. | where they will enter the hospitals. Ss -------------- James and daughter, BIRD SONGS IN FALL. Flossie, who have been visiting friends pl-- lin Adrian, Mich., returned home Field . Music Not Confined to day. The "Made:In-Canada' people had a ad-up at the armouries last night. rour drill performers got their bird song. It is the time of- the swel- |The gran 3 4 I" W. I. Bennett, Clergy street, retumn- the choristers become silent one by | od, yesterday, to ry he his ry one until only a few soloists are left | Queen's, after spending the' summer to cheer the fall fields, but they ave | the Great Lakes SON the: heart Ad Smith, general manager of the 5 fo i andqw lark 'sees his own col- | SIC he meadqw dar sees his own col En) ors, thé shading browns and. the yol- | South Chicago, » : & 3 Ye | Mrs. Filson, Princess street, . iL 1 ™ "8 say he' sings hecanse of thie, su estion of | he Mo Star says is visiting his aunt, strike gives the King- thought for an excuse The knowledge that your flattery in the changing of Matis | an no last year's - overcoat coal is of the best, should dress to harmonize with his own Unig oo saying his i s lo. weather, proof. He sings joyfully en- | eferson g . ough in the sunshine, but his noteds |p 0 two weeks" trip to Ottawa, WE'LL FURNISH THE COAL | at the best ~ when the meadows are youtreal and Perth. dim with. rain. = . now entering his third vear in science the blue bird alter a period of sum- | ot Queen's, Mr. Collinson is ; : e Dockerell and L. at Sis Same Aime, 1 Good {It is not the song of early April, but | Armstrong, of the C.P.R.. have arriv- measure and good coal. | a fuller and richer note, that, seems to | o] in the city have ripened with the season. The pany's interests in the *"'Made-in-Can- : ) The FrontenacLumber wong 8 ventriloguistic; the music is { ada" and 0 1 m an . Te . s inate "of William Robinson, of Pittsburg, Pa., O 0a Go p y. | isin the distant field. In the time of {is oypected here on a visit to e {the closing year the blue bird's Song | ants an Stuart street, ahout 2 A. CHADWICK, MANAGER. { has in at something unmistakably ten- | 1. of the month. Nr. Robinson holds | fem is fundamental the superstricture {der and regretiul. His journeying must | 4 fre record as an athlete, to look after the com- his par-| uo peginning, for the seat of sin 1s not Archie Bell; who x : h a the former has been of -thedying year creep into his music. | jitached to the battery staff. * The. cheer of early April is in the late ¥ ' e u m d IS m September song. He loves the fields rhursdav, 3: | that horder the rivers, and he is 10 | ouneest danchter of the late Robert cure for Ren | be found there, till singing, lopg af- | Creighton. remedy that will straighten the | tor = lis friends have fled southward. | ailing for some ti 1 Not Aistorted limbs of chronic crip les, nor turn bony Qecagionally Je stays all the "winter {few months had been confiy i ry month, for i roam. of Miss Fleanor Creighton, me and for the past wd to her this sparrow has a spirit and a song | Messrs. Sweezie and' Lawson, final A WIFE ASKED $2. PER DAY The Husqand Refused and Haled port--The Judge Threw Out the Action. Ottawa, Oct. 4.--~One of the most pe: culiar chses which have ever been dealt with by the Hull superior court has just been disposed of by Judge Robidoux. Joseph Dubois, Avimer, ol red with non-support of his wife. In Dubois Bad refused to live with her husband or keep house for him unless het services. He, therefore, refused that the - wife's claims were absurd, i dama---- And Their Effect They Have cn Rev. M. Wilson, M.A. Acton, HUMAN AILMENTS. ; When.an organ of the body fails to nation of -Jife commonly called disease. alted of all she powers a hwman- being possesses, since it has in its control the renders "this supremacy life fails at the piness, and the resulting stagnation will make itself felt in all the various chan- nels that depend upon it Failure of function is synonymous with disease .in every case, if the action of the heart 1s weak in itself: without' serious impedi- is. in a-state of disease, and so a will far as it is unable to do its proper work. But the chief point is that if there is stagnation and" faint at the fountain head, all tHe streams that issue from it will necessarily be affected It will also infect all the streams that flow near it or mix with it. Hence. the Christian teaching that the whole question of con- duct. is centred "in the will; outside patchwork is of little use and will end in disappointment and failure Begin at in the body, but in the will, "If the re- will be right. If the will is left un- cleansed, the motive, and speech, and action will mecessarily be unclean. "Though I speak with the tongues of men and 'of angels and have not charity I am Betoiie #8 sounding brass, tinkling cymbal... And though - Stow 5 my goods 10 feed the poor, and though 1 give my body to be burned, and have not. charity, it profiteth me noth- ng. ISOLATION. But if mankind were fully aware of this fundamental disease of the will, and all the infection: that streams from it, science students at Queen's, ar- the city yesterday, after | FOUL 2 , lo prescription. "Without | cre, FOR DIVORCE AT 106. |canoeing from the r |its victims above all, others? Now, if | Bediord. Wife Wants to Marry Again, She | the camp made the trip by way | Gananoque. Wallace Cuisick, of Quebec, | year of of | Cures would be «devised for its treat- ; 8 aly arrived | roitment is mot practicable in most in?the city. to-day, to visit his COUS- | paces, because of the difficulty among { . J. Baker, tobacconist. He will | gthers of reaching a correct diagnosis. | be auite an acquisition to local sports, | For the beginnings of this most potent as he has quite a record in this line. [of all maladies, and the most fatal germs the Quebec Ath-|of it, can go on and defy very accurate | { Tle is a member of : 9 Dr Shoop S ried Ro Réndtree ten vears ago. In . . her petition Mrs. Roundtree says that | : Jess than a year after their marriage | Rheumatic Remedy her husband abandoned her and went | to Nashville, Tenn.. where his daugh- | On "ALL DEALERS" ter by a fprmer wife. then lived. ml o n {that in the years he has been away ston from her she has had many offers of | marriage, and she desires a divorce to | ------ THE MINES RE-OPEN. Hundred Thousand Tons to upc the King- | even at the cost of public liberty it would the | not be possible: to- arrive at the truth, | the | and if it were, the cases "would be far from where | too numerous for isolation, In extreme Ste. Marie. | instances, howeves, of advanced decay is the first shipment | and paralysis of the will, the principle The Wilbur | of separation is récognised in a great many forms,-- especially in Christian | co & Pembroke railway moved shipment of iron Wilbur mines to {of a 100,000 ton contract. Mining company is composed of |ronte, Buffalo and Chicago capitalists | countries, --in prisons, reformatories, and they are just starting to open wp | as Jums, and homes o To- installed so that the men can work. night and day. A complete telephone svstem has been installed and a large The wsecre- tary of the company was in the city a conversation the employed is | . i Was | with a leading busines aficeted the Dandrufi surely disappears { traveling for hie Wealth wt the vis {eitv he stated that jo. ue nt mp! bi SNL 8, ig mac | twenty-five men now and would have three gashes in his arm with a ra?or, {{, yp {imes that many in a few weeks. pany would purchase all their will be a good train and crew to do nothin the ore. taking it from divcharg 9, 4 irritations or ulceration | {he necessary forms printed and 'dis all the machinery poisosous, Meanwhile the city is losing fees. This | will be able to load a trainin plumbing inspection question is one by express, prepaid, fe | that should have been settled early in Hater the summer, and perhaps would have been. had the aldermen remained in session, instead of taking four months' BE Ww. J. SINPSON KILLED. Party at Chideeh ahooting can use for their detection, . Winnipeg; Oct. Simpson was accid vesterday, while ou Acciden} to a St. Thomas, Oct. 4.--The report that George W: Rowley, ex-manager of the Elgin Loan company, had been rve- leased from Kingston penitentiary, is while in Kingston, had a conversation ih Mr. Rowley. who said that who-! I --Frrmas---- Wm. Murray. Auctioneer: "ver commenced the circulation of the veport that he was released was no unnecessary, as « a 'gun explosion. head was blown a ------ New Lifeboat For Cobourg. Cobourg, Oct. 4.-F. Gourdeau,, de- | any one puly minister of marine and has notified Capt. D. Rooney, captain of the fOboutk en wos the hands of God and the patient alone. | struction of 'a eto for Cobourg People: ip that are generally |g + ER Ey . und to sincere a norab! station. The builder will be Mr. Do- |; he fully trusted for practical pur-| . I con-1o5ces, and word and action, broadly! struct. the boat and deliver it * at | peaking, are fouhd to be sufficient evie dence upon which to diagnose a case. But minutely speaking, men are so capa- lin the sing ble of setvety an pretence that there ment, ted ave are countless cases, of even very corrupt Medicine Hak. _Altn, Oct 5. William wills; which are regarded: by outsiders | arris, thir em ns Ee po jini as practically sound. ; died yesterday. He days pointed by the department of the in- Cc. H. Powell, {terior as the government immigration Mr. Geof- Carpenter and Jobber, {rion will - make a trip. theouch the I west. in order to get in touch with i conditions there. It is understood 103 Raglan St. | that this presages a lively immigration herty, Collingwood, -------------- Quietly #t the residence of M. Watt, Died From His Injuries. | Lanatk, on Wednesday, his sister-in- {Jaw. Mis" Minnie McLean, became the + of Richard Powell, a prospbrous le : 'Rd nnipeg Maroons. sitting on a hridge somy RL struck by' an ex Tiree go0 be. cigars for 10. as train and thrown to the bottom Edwards and Jenkin, 274 Prin Simpson, at present in 'the | was had been 25e., and |gra 3, peogion: of $20 per |F store. fn : would they not reserve the hospitals for people were really aware of the gravity of the disease some more radical mea- ment, but the suggestion of isolated discrimination. Liberty of thought and speech and action is a very sacred thing, and is one of the conditions of a suc- cessful and happy government, It hangs »n the fact that men are more capable of good when they dre trusted, wher- ever it is found possible to do so. But 18 EVOLUTION GOD? is of a wondrous theme, Ww came to be, n and moon, the stars and earth, The universe arid me. : CLANS ME ABSURD), The su R First, FOR SERVICES. . The mystic hush A centrifugal spree, Before a Court For Non-Sup-| And stars flew East, und the Moon, the Earth, 'will be your opportunity, to fit out our Boys for the winter, We ull the world held sway. $ \ The cooling breath, the motion, light, Awoke to life Al Then Hackel's one-and- Appeared the Monkey cebus. 'was brought before the court} yy ..e reaching up pot far from man ih the evidence it was shown that Mes. |g Pilea oie Told ape. That dimlv dared reflect ws. he paid her two dollars per day for | What wondrous quizzing must have been In this strange creature's soul, and his 'wife leit him. The judge held | When neither man nor ape he was, But half-and-half, not whole. Bright hs gi the largest assortment in the city, and our Boys Clothing is made up 'with a view to giving satisfaction. 3 x for the Two Days, $1.79. \ * trimaned, sizes 24 to 30, regular $3 and $3.25. Special, 32.45. SATURDAY and MONDAY, $385, | i . | .k Boys 3-Garment Suits / Specia jsmissed the case, . and dismi ; But time rolled on, the ma ------ CORRUPT WILLS The hazy mental state was cleared, Came full-fledged you and me! Life. And now, organic unity | Is settled though 'tis late, : }: $3 R o he sages of the ger fare a ed Styles, regular $5 and $5.50. Special, tor Two Days, $3.90. do. its womk. the. failure results in a SWE | All literature and history, The fanction of the will is the most ex av, und a go, All'soul, yea, even regular 74, Special ~ SATURDAYand MONDAY, $2.95. fat supreme. direction of conduct. If it sur-| But in this néw position, now, "Tis found some things offend ; very fountain head of health and hap- | So Miracles, and Virgin Birth, And Atonement, have an end: And prophecy thro' fulfilment's seen, And never was foretold, But rather is an after-thought Of the Jewish mind so bold! 0 r organs of the body it| .. * 3 fi : ment from other organs o y What yrange hallucination must s 3 a state of disease, in so]... he: isciples' mind have filled, that ig wealt'is in a state 01 M45 '| To think the Resurrection of A life that once was killed! And how is personality Of God in all we see, When all things seem to reach an end, In spite of God and me! Tmpers'nal evolution thus Taught some men not t6 grieve. yrought them absolution from "he sins that wouldn't shrieve. Came then the cry, "N } The old will never da. "Twont plumb with evolution quite, The new, we'll live it too. A man took a vacation, brief, From the City Temple came, And set up incubation, quick, In three weeks hatched to fame. But wait, he'll be a His creed a short-lived gourd, When the New-Lights him a scape-goat make, And hie them back to the Word. Is. God, then, Evolution, or Or, God axp Evolution, which? With person, love and rod. The Store That And are men still responsible Will te two big days in our Boys' Department. Parents, On Sale'Saturday and Boys' Two-Piece Tweed and Serge Suits, regular $2.50 Special, Boys' Two-Piece Tweed Suits, Norfolk Style, 'well mace and ¥ Boys' Two-Piece Suits, no better in the city, at §5. Special % weaves, well made and trimmed, single or Double Beast- Boys' Three-Ganment Suits, good heavy Tweed, Single Breasted, 3 'Boy's 3-Garment Suits 3 'Fine Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, tailor-made, Single Breasted, go or Double Breasted Styles, regular $8 and"$8.50. Special, SATUR- DAY and MONDAY, $6.45. Big Cut in Prices on Boys' Over- coats Saturday & Monday. 3 Big Specials in Men's Pants Saturday and Monday. Prices, $1.19, $1.45 and $2.45. . ta 5 Regular, $1.75, $2 and $3.50 goods. RONEY & CO., ~ 127 Princess St. es For deeds, or good or bad? And is there yet a mercy-seat Where grace may still be had? And is there not a' fellowshi In which mau may know God? And is there not a sacrifice, Redemption in His blood? 0, feed my soul with the food that feeds, | And not with the husks of men. Then shall I feel and find Him near, And late He'll make it plain -------- «At Our Music Counter." a copy--"School nw She Was a Grand omebody is Waiting For of the contagion of it there is no room for vice and unrestrained amusement. The Kingston & Pembroke will start. | It poisons the air of the great industrial |age, on 'November lst, and have a special | centres with blasphemies and cursings |tico but 100 horrible for the ears of even ordi- | fur robbery. the | nary respectability. It weakens the suc- 8 ) present they | cess, and. hangs a dead weight to the | the authori are moving 230 tons a dav, ahd when | happiness of men, no matter what sphere | tawa in regard to ... matter. installed . thev | of effort may engage their energies one SYMPTOMS. In the absolute sense, the symptoms are perplexing, even in the latest stages, | production in but much more so 'in the earliest, for | und Sullivan's "Pinal " ] outward conduet in. the form of words | *™ Su l1van.a inafore," as being a wonderful ex mple and acrons is the only scope an ontsider CONFESSION. John| Even in the case of physical diseases shot dead | the patient does not always tell the trut t chicken-shooting | about what he feels, and the medical | Fdward Simpson, | experts are sometimes led astray because | and a party of friends from Winnipeg. | something has been misrepresented or Coroner Mcleod, of Stonewall, exam- withheld. ined the body, and declared an inquest jeath was caused by The back part of his off causing instant Cigars ! Cigars | Cigars ! ¥ Aaa ' ete.--18c. a copy. pies of standaru and classic | music at 5c. a copy. { all descriptions, |strumental selections from the stand: ut are patients of this kind separated [ard lieht plant is being for the purpose of preventing infection? (baritone Well, the ultimate result may be to check{ popular the spread of the disease in question ; | Com but the aim is not exactly to prevent| Thome, infection in the ordinary sense, 1 am |\achs sorry to say A boy is not sent to a | asohin, Lack, etc., reformatory because he infects his com- | Popular marches rades with a thirst for stealing, but be-| ong auccesses ohly 'De. cause the nights of property have to bei. Juv x protected. Bit from the point of view! A, favorite home songs, songs, Bc. a copy. by Chopin, Rubenstein, Beethoven, ungmann, Mendel McDermott Bros, 260 VPrin- } ------ and was bleeding to death. when ny, offic tated t * | for doubt There is a leprous breath The official also stated that the ow about diseased and paralyzed wills which | A req to ite D- | settles upon the souls of those within plies and produce from this city. This | oop of them. Tt is inhaled in low- Eant, ~ 1 nel toned households of whatever fortune, in chants, as a good deal of goods will | high or money, and in Joblie resorts ( Nothing further regard to the petition seeking the re- ose of Jacob Giblipsky, a prisoner in by an official person: d to get further par. lars as to bis connection with the | there has been communication between ties at Washington and Ot- -------- Gave A Fine Production. The Owen Sound Sun speaks of the that town of Gilbert E of what" training {ean do. The players were all children, | Large audiences greeted the perform- hers. + S------ City Officials, Beware ! Some of the civic officials had het or Alderman Gaskin This morning, be {couldn't get into a couple of offices o'clock, and stated that But the parish priest has ter look greater difficulties still than the physical practitioner, for misreprésentations of the inward experience is infinitely more | around nin common. I Gne ould be tre that ye he would make tient is confessing the real motive for sity i § his words and actions, there would be |™ the sity council meeting, no difficulty in arriving at the trae con- ditions of the will, do you think but He author ii Jive JHotive de {can be absolutely sure of it? No, not fsherith absolutely. So that in its earliest stages | the ultimate knowledge of the case is in Leave Of Absence. Leave of absence Tas been granted Taylor, commandant, . FE. Boak, RCHA., {1st to 31st December; Hon. 1 J. Hennessy, RM. e ought {Ca from Sth to 26th Octoher. Croquet Tournament. vw! Canada Life Assuran trange played off the finals lex, in the croquet tourna- A------------------ The Best Are The Jersey. Sweet. potatoes, 'six pounds for 25e., {at Carnousky's fruit store, FALL HATS. How about your ne Fall Hat? You'll ne sh _ one for Sunday sure, 80 : LH S&\ come and try on till you Ia 'y, find the one that suits 2 your fancy as well a your pocket-book. Pars fez ticular attention paid to i " / styles . for mid "py 7 » ladies. 5 HAVE YOU "@ N Gloves, a Veil, a Fea » ther Boa, a fresh Pring, Handkerchiefs or Hosi- ery ? Wesare showing all these things, and for daintiness and low prices 2 9 4 you will not find their, s 7 A equal in town. hi 0 ™™ EP 4 - Walking Skirts, Furs, 4 Ladies' and Children's Coats, Corsets, Waists, etc., all new, CASH COUPONS, Crumley. Bros. "GOOD SHOE] VALUE Insurance in force, (over Assets, (over) - ~ = = =~ - Profits paid policyholders 1905-8, (over) = = = = A general agent wanted for B / : wanted at Kingston. Applications treated titi cess | © Don't be lead. Try te be Apply at the office--18 Market street, © 3. R.'CRQUEART, : | § San ila seed tS