ES 2 fit "= g 2 2 ® § Madoc, 1,200 at 12 7-16¢ to 18jc. Ottaws, Y88 at 12 V-16¢. to 12je. 25¢c. C AN OF Hughes In The Lead. Bh OFF TAKE New York, Oet. 4.~The effort to boom Knox, Cortelyou, Root and everything ready to put |Huvhes landslide, have proven fail- § ures and been abandoned. The writer Stain or Varnish, on. is a democrat, always democratic to Stain, in all colors, |the score, but is fair enouch to ac a8 he did ;n probing insurance affairs, who not only can rise above party, he is going to do is never advertised; {for president and is going to be hard to beat. A STRANGE CASE THIS. Condition. no liquor or poison. Into tever position the man's limbs or {head arte moved they remain so until giving no sign of recognition. There is nothing to identify him. Ie is be- : -- thirty and thirty-five ears of Senator Borah Acquitted. Boise, Idaho, Oct. 4.--United States Senator William --E. Borah was ac nitted of the charwe of conspiracy to ud the government of Idaho tim- ber lands. The case was submitted without argument bv the defence and jury whs out just long enough to take one ballot: The verdict was greeted with cheers. and applause, ford. which court officers made no ef- At Washington, 3; fort 10 'restrain. Street bells were i At phia, 4; Cleve- | TUNE and the fire department made a 0. At Boston, 1: St. Louis, 0. spectacular run through the principal | League--At Pittsburg, 0; streets. Threatened Strike Of. street, has received | lock-out of between forty and fifty the "Edinburgh Agreement." Victoriaville, Que., 2,260 at. 12 1-16c. cord justice where tis due. Governor Hughes, your correspondent voted against, but he has proven in office that he is a man of the people, one but perches and remains there. He never. exploits his methods. A thing the result is reached and then over- shadows all. His deeds stand out somplete in a white light, so fully in jus tion that people wonder no other man had done so before. Hughes is going to be the republican, nominee Man Found in a Perfectly Rigid Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 4.-The police have a strange case. A man was found on a street in a perfectly rigid attitude. Medical examination re moved back. His eyes ave staring, 'We believe in combination. It'is combination that makes | "Progress | Brand" Clothing | 80 good, and so satisfactory. combine the shrewdest judges of cloth--the designers--the most expert tailoring corps. work together--hands and brains and enthu- m--to make "Progress Brand" better and bet- « It's the combination that brings perfection. ; Yor Laser THAT ProTECTS. ~ Buits, $10 to 20. : ts, $10 to 20. - aineoats, $10 to 16.50. ro and Overcoats, all styles and prices. i Beaten to Death With Bottle and Torn By Human Teeth-- Plumber Arrested on Suspic- ion ~ Admits Being With Wo- p man. lb New York, Oct. 3.--A victim of a murder of almost unparalleled atroe- in some respects resembling the : ity, | "Jack the Ripper' crimes that stirred and world years ogo. a ellie g woman, believed to be a Guin, who had been a nurse in the ty hospital, on Randall's Island, was dead in a room at 431 East 118th street, yesterday morn- ing. Later in the day George Kra- Riv north. | mer, a plumber employed in the Metro- litan hospital, on Blackwell's Is- nd, was arrested as a suspected per admitted having been with the wom- an in the 118th street house from Fri- day until yesterday, but denied all knowledge of her death. Mrs. Elizabeth Schwartz, who rents furnished rooms there, told the police . [that on Friday afternoon a man and a woman, neither of whom seemed to be more than twenty-five years 'old, came to her house and engaged the second storey front room. They had no baggage, but they were well dress- ed and the man paid $3.75 for a week's rent. They gave their names 'las Mr. and Mrs. Boyle and afterward she heard the woman address her com- panion as George. Since Friday the young woman had left the house only once, and then only for a few minutes on Saturday, but the man had been going in and out constantly, she said, and there were evidences that both were drinking heavily. Boyle, as Mrs. Schwartz then know him, came in early yesterday morn- ing, and for some time afterward Mrs. Schwartz heard him pacing the floor, He kept this up so long that she went to his room and asked him to be quiet, and in response he muttered some unintelligible words. She saw him leave the house at about 10.30 o'clock, carrying a small parcel, but it was not until about an hour later that she went up to the room, from which no sound had come after his depar- ture. Receiving no answer to her knock, she opened the door and saw what sent her screaming down the stairs. ' Lying on the bed was the unclothed body of the young woman. It was feet, and all over it were the marks bottle, the stains upon which told that it had been utilized as a weapon. The room itself was a crimson in which were dozens of whiskey bot. tles. Two policemen were called in, on the case. name of George Kramer a stamp of the Blackwell's Island laun- dry. Inspector McCafferty, in charge of the detective bureau, was info of this, and in a few minutes establish- ed the faet that a man bearing that name was employed in the Metropoli- to let Kramer leave, he sent Detec- tive Curley to the island, and the lat- ter arrested Kramer at five o'clock in the afternoon. Although exceedingly nervous Kra- mer readily told his captor and the other detectives that he had gone to the 118th street house with the wom- an. He said she was Nellie Quinn and that he knew ber about three months. They had met on Friday, at 120th street and Third avenue and had then engaged a room. Since then they had heen drinking heavily, he continued, and he could not remember what had happened except that he had left the house about ten o'clock yesterday morning, leaving her asleep. and in it were found a stained shirt great var. | thousand members of the Boilermak- | and half a d sandles of the kind order | ers Society, has been averted, the a ny aimbaEs, oll of them bear- previous years. | men voting to sign what is known as |ing scarlet marks. planation for this discoloration, but and as soon as Manhatten he was taken before In- gpoctor McCafferty. ---- Bequeathes $50,000 To Fiancee. Philadelphia, Oct. 4.--In the will of died in Paris, $50,000 is left to Mary L. Goodshall of Philadelphia, to whom he was engaged to be married. The will disposes of an estate valued at about $2,000,000, which is devised to relatives. ------ One Year For Desertion. London, Ont, Oct. 4.--Angus Mel- vino Camp, who was arrested a couple of weeks ago, charged with de- serting from the regulars at Wolseley Barracks, was tried 'by court-martial and found guilty. He was sentenced to serve. one year in ihe pentientiary and to be dismissed from the force mn disgrace. me ---- -- Camden Natio notes. sain -- Made Presentation. The students eoniposing {he camp at Redford, presented Prof. McPhail, who military brushes. Prof. McPhail warm esteem for hin. » -------------- witt Shoe Store. Chown's drug store. Try Bibby's great 31.25, gloves, i son, in connection with the case. He covered with bruises from head to of human teeth. A knife had also been used, and on the floor lay a beer and soon the entire detective force of the East 12th street station, under Capt. Walsh, as well as six detectives from the Central office, were at work Search of the room revealed a man's suit of underclothing hearing the the tan hosnital, Warning the officials not In the meantime Kramer's room i London, Oct. 4.--The threatened | (he jgland hospital had been pn He offered an ex- it was not satisfactory to the police i he was brought to the late John W. Woodside, a promi- nent manufacturer of this cig, who Bank Notes Poison Bank Cashier. Camden, N. J., Oct. 4.--Proof that Inere' is filthy is made by the case of ilin Wilson, ving teller in the Dip iT Day. who is con- to his home with blood poison- contracted through a scratch on his hand in the handling of dirty bank wan in charge, with a handsome pair gave the boys every attention... and thoy took this. way of showing their Call Skins. . Make the best fall shoes for ladies or children; men or boys. We have thom in the newest shapes. The Loe ---------- . Chinese Sacred Lily, 10c. cach, at store. t has pot yet been decided as to when the remainder of the R.C.H.A, wigol-yar will be oil in Se. bottles, "Red Cross brand." sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The city appears to be putting ona very busy _ appearance since the stu- dents to college. The classes are in full swing, to-day. and most gf. thous going to attend are already There was an attendance of thirty- seven at the normal classes at the Y.W.CA. last t, "The secretary, Mr.Nelles and P. G. Lockett were in charge. The next class will be held on Thursday evening wext. The steamer America - brought a large load of hemp from Cape Vin- cent, to-day, for the penitentiary. The boat has had full cargoes of this fo the past week, The product comes from the southern states and is used to ' binder twine. Two youthful ilists engaged in a lively scrap on Untario street yester- day afternoon. Just at an interesting point in the third round P. C. Bate- son hove in Sight and the fight was hastily discontinued, to be resumed at a future date. * The residents in the western section of the city are complaining about the crowds of boys sometimes girls that congregate on thé corners at night, with apparently no other ob- ject in view than raising trouble. Their loud talking, lauchine and sing- ing are most annoying to the citizens, and a stop should be put to it. Physical training classes at Y.W.C.A. re-open this week. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening classes; small boys' class Tuesday, 4:30 p.m; Col- legiate girls class Friday, 4:30 pm.; children's class on Saturday. Those wishing to join should make applica- tion as soon as possible. Private classes may be arranged for. LIKE A FAIRY TALE. Vast Capacity of a New York Building. New York, Oct. 4.--Now that the seven tunnels are nearing completion, in two minutes time, compared with son Tunnel company's terminal build- ing covers twg blocks along Church street and north of Cortland street. This structure is being finished and the offices on the twenty-two floors oe- cupied; it will house 10,000 people, equal to the population of many cities. There will be thirty-nine ele- vators in it, apd 182,000,000 persons will pass through the buildine in en- tering the tunnels in the course of a year, The comparison as to accom- modgtions, with 'the greatest yet built, the New York Central depot, is designed to handle 100,000,000 a year, the new Pennsylvania station 146,- 000,000, South station in Boston only takes care of 30,000,000, and Broad street, Philadelphia, 20,000,000. From this terminal building one will be able try; trains running into it will con- neet with all subways and all ig sail. roads. Trains will enter - and depart tending to bed rock, eighty feet below the street. There will be twenty-two acres for business purposes, offices, eto., every one] rented already. ---- 0ld Couple To Marry. : Syracuse, N.Y. Oct. 4.--The marri- age of Rev, James k- Andrews, bho is dent of this city 'and vicinity for seventy-six years old, and widow of Erwin Memorial M. E. church, will trimonial venture for Mrs. Erwin and the second for Mr. Andrews. The re- sidence of a daughter of Mrs. Erwin cottages at Thousand Island Park on he St. Lawrence river, and have spent their summers there for a number of years. At "The Red Star." Three De. packages Kerr's butter scotch (fresh), 10c. Three good Se. cigars for 10c. Fearman's fresh sausage. Fearman's Frankfort sausage. Two 10c. packages Kerr's butter scotch (fresh), 15c. Grapes, grapes, grapes. Watermelons, 5e., 7e., 10c., 13e., 15¢c., 20c. Good sweet oranges. Years, snow and St, Lawrence ap- ples. Edwards & Jenkin, 274 Priacess street. Dr. Osler To Students. to nature's laws, To Purchase A Boat. Toronto; Oct. 4.--The jroyincial de- partment of public works has practi- cally completed arrangements for the Burehase from Messrs. Hiram Walker Co., Walkerville, of the steamyacht Lurline. The craft has a speed of be- tween twelve and thirteen miles au hour, and is eighty-three feet in lendth. She will be used in the Geor- gian Bay and Lake Huron for fisheries protection. al Paper cover novels lished, hy the hest wry Dib, See their attractive booth, pulled off. 'asteless preparation of cod liver? ng-argued in Osgoode Hall, and who {at Welland. PITH OF THE NEWS. i ferries will soon pass into oblivion} millions of human beings will pass| under, instead of over, the rivers, and | twenty-five minutes to-day. The Hud-| to go to most any corner of the coun- thirty feet below the sea level. The steel frame of "the biilding weighs 24,000 tons, rests on foundations ex- vighty years ois, and has been & resi- many years, and Mrs. James Erwin, the founder and first pastor of the take place at Chittenango Falls in four weeks. It will be the third ma- has been chosen as the place. Alter {he marriage the principals will go to Take Charm, Florida, for the winter, Mr. Andrews and Mrs. Erwin both own London, Oct. 4.--Prof. Osler, ad- dressing the students at St. Mary's hwepita , said that success in the medical profession was Joigely 8 Ques. lon of jocd health. In this matter, he , doctors were notorious sin- pets. If they did not work too hard they smoked too much and were in- different about exercise. The best stu- dents seemed to pay the less attention recently pub rg of popular fiction, 50. a copy, on Satgday, at McDermott Bros.', 260 Princess street. "Lougrhboro Day" at Made-in-Can- ada exhbition, Wednesday, October THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1907. . Such is Request to Government, and it is Considered Favor- ably--Police Inspector Gets a Raking Over. Toronto, Oct. 4.--Premier Whitney and Hon. Mr. Cochrane received a de- putation, to-day, which requested that the government extend courtesies other _minefal ine sontioa; The ministers rega ition ' with favor, stating that the visits of British jour te had already had good re- sults. the event of the party com- ing here it was intimated that the government would be as generous in entertainment as they were of the British visitors. 'It' is possible, how- ever, that owing to the lateness | of the season, the visit may be deferred till next spring. Severe comment was made by Jus- tice Osler, in the court of appeals, this morning, in the case of the king ve. Ing Kon, in whose case Police Inspector Archibald seized the stock | stroyed them. The conyiction of Ing] Kon was quashed, and he refused to rant the usual order of protection to r. Archibald. The court of appeal sustained this, and Mr. Osler said that this would - teach police officers to temper zeal with discreation in carrying out prosecutions under the act, Herman = Bartels, the millionaire brewer, of Syracuse, N.Y., who es- caped from the custody of the sheriff of Welland, while his appeal aeainst an order granting extradition was be- was sentenced to three months in | jail, appeared again before Justice Riddell, this morning. The latter, however, did not give judgment on the extradition argument, and pending this Bartels was removed to the jail of the liquidaters of Ing Kon and de- | This season's styles of Coats are said to be the most sensible and serviceable that have ever been worn. 'We Have Now Rea- dy All the Latest Coats that wear well, look well and feel right, which means satisfaction. We invite you to see these Coats. Whether .prepared] to buy or not makes absolutely no difference. welcome to look, and just as welcome to have any coat, suit oy] skirt placed aside until re- quired if not ready to purchase. You are most | Over The World. 8S. Hibernian and Southwark are inward at Father Point. Mary Swan, a little child, was run over by a coal cart on Eastern avenue, Toronto, and may die. salary not to exceed $300 to members of the board of education, Toronto.' secured the contract to cut timber on eight tie berths in the Rainy River district. The steamer Victorian, with Hon. Mr. Fielding and Hon. Mr. Brodeur noon. discovered swimming near Mr. Mc Murrich's island. Bertha Wilson. badly burned at her home, 43 Bald- win street, Toronto. Her husband was also burned in attempting to save his wife. At a dinner given in his honor on the Mississippi river, President Roose- scheme of creating a ship canal from the culf to the ~reat lakes. dwelline, the floor gave way and about {twenty-five ~eople, mostly wo- men, dropped through into the cellar. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt. An investigation into charges made by a principal of a Collegiate Insti- tute against Dr. Embree, senior' prin- cipal of high schools, was asked for by the latter at the board of educa- tion, Toronto. THE TAILORS' STRIKE. William Dunlop, Secretary of the Executive, Makes Statement. A report was sent the rounds to- day, that the tailors out on strike re- ceived no pay from the International Union, and that they would not re- ¢eive any, as they had not complied with certain conditions. A Whig re- presentative called upon William Dun- tee in regard to the matter. "We have not received the money vet," said Mr. Dunlop," but on Thugs. tion from J. B. Lennon, general secre- tary. of the Journeymen Tailors) Un- ion, of America, asking if we = were still out, and if so, to write, and the benefit money would be forwarded by the first mail." . Mr. Dunlop further stated, that the monev due to come to Kingston, would mean a drait of 8500. IRON IN NEWFOUNDLAND. Capitalists Interested in Deposits Of Great Value. Sydney, N.B., Oct. 4.--A number of American capitalists and mining ex- perts are at present interesting them- selves:in an iron ore proposition at Bt. George's, on the west coast of Newfoundland, which in the near fu- ture may develop untold possibilities for the fortunate owners. The mountain of ore runs ipto the a succession of shelves and the ore in place of undergoing the usual mining process, will only have to be quarried away from its present position. Beautiful Pictures. Attention is requested to the free exhibition of water colors" and oil not miss seeing fine works by prominent artists of English, French and Italian schools of art, The ex- bibit is open to-day and Saturday un- til nine o'clock in the evening. Variety: In Vegetables, sky's | i ak The Very Latest Culled From An} Special Housekeeping Bargain To-morrow Morning 9 Q'clock to 12 O'clock. All economical housekeepers should profit by this opportunity. People keeping boarding- houses should take advantage. Trustee James Simpson proposed a | Louis Fisher & Co., Dryden, have | onboard, reached Quebec this after- | A party on Lake Joseph bacoed an old bear and three cubs, which were | Mrs. Malonev of Delaware avenue, | Toronto, was found cuilty of receiving | property stolen by her little niece, Mrs. Ogden, an aged woman, was | velt announced his adherence to the | i During an auction sale in a Guelph | lop, secretary of the executive commit. 320 Sample Linen Towels! All different makes and styles, 10c. 12ic, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢, 35¢, 50¢,-49c, all at 20 Per Cent. Off. Also 86 White Turkish Bath Towels 25¢, 30c, 35c, 49¢, 65¢ All at 20 Per Cent. Off. day evening we received a communica} Hh. fot. sea. The tace of the cliff runs up in paintings at Kirkpatrick's gallery. Do Brussels sprouts, spinach, oyster ant, egg plant, radishes, cucumbers, ston lettuce, celery, wax beans, hubbard squash, mushrooms, sweet corn, string beans, etc, at Carnov- "orm . &vvus PRICE. Fomor -. Nothing Nicer. | othing Better. Fall stock all here open for the inspection of everybody. Calf College Shoes, Button Shoes, Patent Shoes, Common Sense Shoes. All kinds, in all and different N ' \ shapes, widths. Ask for. The Empress Shoe for Ladies, $2.75, | 8, 3.50, 4, 4.50 and 5. 1 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE RRP PRON Ne OPSDOSIES To Wearer D The raw Skins come direct frofa the trapp dressed and made up establishment and re but one step from tra This Store holds fi by having no doubt about its furs. [his is not dependent o furnished by manuf furriers----our knowles the furs themselv avoid worry by only such furs as thoroughly recomme Buying furs is i that requires eood | and careful selectio ought never to be Direct dealing with manufacturers mal directly responsible You run no risk if you come to tl store. John MeKay Fur 149-153 BROCE OLIVE. We were fortunate in b stock of Olives before the advance in price, and for ! customers can have them prices :-- Olives at 10c. per Olives at 15¢c. per Olives at 25c. per Olives at 35c. per Olives at 40c. per Olives at 50e. per Olives at 75c. per And a full gallon bottle Jas. Redden IMPORTERS OF FINE DAILY MENOE Ta le certain of style, Buy your Hat at Camp Amusement advts., on i Roller Rink every afte! ing. oderland Theatre, evening. General Hospital Gove Monday. New Princess Theatro, evening. A4Children's Service, Coc a.m... Sunday. 'Sis In New York" House, 8.153 p.m, br. C. Nash's New opens at 183 Princess Social Five Dance. Whi -Tevening, 8.30 o'clock, nor's Urchestra. The Bijou Theatre, torical aod Romantic vieve De Brabant.' This day in history '-- made governor peral o Battle of Dundalk, 131 pole born, 1717; Cornw This you hear Where ever ¥o "For Hats and Geprge Mills 4 WHIG TELEP 243--Business Office. 229--Bditorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Depart Legal Forms, all kind: The Daily Whig fs a Gibson's Drug . Store, Open till late each eves ------------------------------------ STUDE WE BAVE' TH LAMP YO Neat Solid Ni green shade. V the eyes, and wi work a pleasure No smoke. Don't ruin y -------- See ther Robertso!