Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1907, p. 1

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1 Sale of , Goods Day, From 9 Until 6. particularly good lot Dress » much below their Value fer tomorrow. ls Fancy Tweed . Suitings. this fall and just the thing suits and paticularly well s Falland Winter Dresses. 0, 60c yard. )3¢C. a yd. -- » English Vene- tian Cloths. eys,. These are considered nd make for Fall Dresses word. SC. a yd. isplay of 1 Interest horoughness we've gotten "all and Winter Coats that 1 reasonableness of price igston. LONG b the cold and at the same h appearance. $7.75, 8.50, 75, and on up through a Choose To~-Morrow. Why ? The range of sizes on each style of Coat is complete, This will be impossible to secure later. YOU NEED NOT Buy it now if not prepar- ed, but can have your Coat or Skirt or Suit placed aside until required. Try this plan. : ~~ lca he best value you ever oots at $2.00, either in at are regularly sold for ~ Dongola Kid ot for every day wear, solid, don't forget that , it Shoe Store. (= YEAR 74. NO. 235, 4 It Will Be a Big Attraction" This Week. o 4 4 4 i ¢ i ¢ i ¢ SS SOAS KINGSTON, ONTARIO, [RSS MADEIN.CANADA FAIR |. 550" A a ; eo | Northern Ontamie railway above New! : 4 A A Ge T I D ption of h P tty Sc : . k fifteen foo OW! ciety, but 1 know something about it. lave constantly being told, is in a nerd SCY t re ones I; Liskeard hag jest foe {tis not -an unknown thing. in Toron- {formative _stato.. We are building up AY, OCTOBER 8, 1907. WORD TO SOCIETY PITH THE NEWS, Over The World. | The Canadian Club of Boston will] a5 wor The Excessive Use of Liquor is a National shows large ingdeases in imports and' | exports for Septembe: | Joseph Ga father of R. R. 'Ga-) | mey, ML.P.D,, at his home in Gore! Menace. Bay on Saturday night | > * Nght, ut ot. Ratt . oh} SIR A BAY " y A portion of Peaskamiog andls Foronto, Oct. &.~*1 don't go much [that conscience. We are on the edge io into what is humorously called so- lof a great danger. Our country we Dr. William Jones bursar and! kot p i SW i i i i 3 {vogistrar of Trinity Coll to society for young men to drink |a new nation, and if this nation is to is dead, after three we ihoronto, | themselves at dances and other en- {be strong, and enduring, it must be, Riss. Joan. Earle G wt. Tate aly rrlatuments into 4 state in which (as the lesson of all history, ancient | correspondent. pfithe Toronto (Hobe nt they are not fit {for the company of {and modern, indicates, self-ruled and | Rome, died, Friday, at Leek hospital [respectable women and refined homes, [not self-indulgent. I Stafiord, Ene. ol stand a state in whic h they are only. fit i In an address, in which a note of Yon J.D Rolland, at the burigquet 1° be 'chucked out," 'even from a bar: | decided warning was strongly uttered in the Place Viger in. his honor on room. : : { throughout, Canon Welch, on Sunday, Saturday 'night. was strongly > urged to "The women of society, asx they ave | addressing the men of the corps 'of hecomie a candifiite for the mavoralty callgd in "Toronto, could stop this if {Toronto garrison, and the Boston Ar- of Montreal ' | they chose: There are not many of [tillery company, mustered more than | ¥ X | them here, or I would have something 12,800 strong within the walls of Mas- (te | Assizes against' Engineer | tion with the wreck at the diamond re- | crossing, in August, 1906 : 4 ; 4 \ ® ; the Armouries---The Booths are Tas i ¥ . ' 2 d Under Good Ma 2 | and Under Go nagement. 3 : : 4 1 y | An idea, a consultation, a big meet, den of the master of the house, and X ' ing, and the Woman's Aid of thel|into the washable "homespuns," which | A > | Kingston General' Hospital launched a| Fashion has smiled on so sweetly. 5 x jscheme seeming almost beyond the | Upon curtains and such she darns a A + [carrying ut. But enthosigsm, that} pattern; the lily "of -Franee finding st 1>-| blessed fire which often brings even to a| great favor, inte dresses she 'weaves a | A ¥ | poor cause success, sprang up, and, | stripe, and oftentimes, if it's a delice \ x | to-day, there is, on Montreal street, in| green she wants in the dye, she gets 4 3 | the Armouries, a monument to that |it with onion juice ! 4 ! | which a few women, in whole-hearted A railing with bathrugs 'hung the 4 > zeal cay do--the Made in Canada fair jon cuts off this exhibit from the very | 4 *» for our most worthy and most needy | attractive booth where girls in scarlet \ ¥ city hospital. Complete in every de-|and white give you delicious ice cream A de. | tail, it is small wonder that the | and sponge cake such| as you 'used to A | president of the Aid, Mrs. JJ. Co Con- get at home." "Flags and flowers deck | "4 45 | ell, said she was most grateful to all [it (not to mention the ornamentation 3 x | those who had helped the work, and the fair maids themselves supply), and 3 | most satisfied with all that they had | small tables are arranged cosily. ¥ » | done. Across the space at the main en- ® Now for a glance 'at what . the lone- | trance, as an offset 'to the ice cream, | We wish to call the atten- © | ftnllied of fair is. And first let it be | Rebekah at the well, in white, witha | 4 tion of the most critical 4 observer to VUR display ' of k | said that everybody is requested to{ fillet of gold bound in her dark hair, | A Fine Canadian Furs, at the p> enter the Armouries at the north end, | sells lemonade, flower seeds, and sev- 2% Made-in-Canada Exhibition ¥ { the main door being the way for visi-|{eral other things, being resourceful, | % now being held in the Arm- | tors to get out. Once inside you find | like the maiden of Syria, a beautiful 4 ouries, and to bring before x {a very capable Intelligence depart-| gander, his feet planted firmly in a % the public the fact that our ¢ | | yellow. tulip bed, looks proudly on, : Bahibit is not onlv made .in I | | while his wife, with much gabbling. 2A Canada, but, is the product ql | sticks her head out through an open 4 of our own Workrooms, de- » ing, and, for ten cents, yields up ( treasures from her interior 4 signed and manufactured in » i Next door to the bird made famous ¢ Kingston. | | R { : : i <4 + | | by its connection 'with the golden egg 3: EE -------------- ¥ and the siege of--Sparta, or where ¥ | | was it 7--is the: chafing dish booth, an | attraction verily, where maids, of the | very species that make chafing dish cookery so charming. will give vou the most toothsome dishes which this John McKay Fur House, 3 149-153 Brook 8r. | aid to domesticity ean accommodate Premier Gouin, of Quebec, savs there | is no truth in retent rumors affecting | his cabinet. He will fill the vacaney caused bv Mr. Prevost's resignation in good time. Mrs. Mary Jane Holmes, Rochester, N.Y., the well-knpwn authoress, and | contributor to many magazines, died} Monday morning at her home in Brockport. Monroe county ie bills were found at St, T 8 "w 1 : : Thoma to say -to 'them. They know they [sey Halk urged that the increase of Murra | ould stop it ii they chose. The ¢ intemperance in Canada, as signifi | Ste hens for nslaugl te bg an coule op 1 i" ey ¢l we, he con- { 1 ¥ era \ n ¥ nA n, A gol It I my ghter in. connec] ance of the community needs to bejcently set forth in official statistics of laroused, and every man should take | his - share: _in attempting to arouse OFF I'OR NEW YORK. {List of Those Who' Went on the | He Ranks High in the United Excursion. { The annual New York excursion left, this morning, on the stébmer America, for Cape Vincent, at 5.45 o'clock, The | Rev. George Jackson 1A. pastor|excursion was very largely attended, | of Sherbourne Street Methodist church in Toronto, will at the close of his | ets are good retyrning until October [office until appointed chief executive i three years' ministry at his present charge, return to England, The coroner's jury at Caledonia West found that the recent run off there was due to the unscientific con dition of the track and the incom pentency of the engineer and conduc tor Mayor Bonnett of Fort Dodge, Ta. who recently gained fame by issuing a ukase that all bachelors in the city must wed within a year or pay a fine, | : was taken at his word by Nolan Snow a chaunffenr, who eloped with the may or's daughter, Mabel, The elopers were wed in Fort Dodge and fled to Des Moines. J. Behan and wife, Mm. Mary | larger than last year. The tick: © 18th. The following is a list of the passengers from the city and vicinity. hose whose addresses are not given | are from the city: Havden Viliiers, Thomas J. Hennes- | sy, Mrs. Phippin (Sydenham), Edward Switzer (Sydenham), Miss Alice God- | win, William Duffy, Dv. H. 8. Rey-| nolds and wife (Picton), Miss Frances | H. Palmer, James Smith, Annie C. | Scott, Henry Stanton and wife (Pic-| ton), H. NM McQuoid (Picton), D.| Noxon (Picton), Mra: W. H. Ackerman | (Meton), Albert © Noxon (Bloomfield), B. N. Lysman, A. W. Watson, J, c.| Bennett and wife, Mrs. Mary Adams, J alice courts, be checked by public moderation. - GOVERNOR OF HAWAII States Service Judge Walter Francis Frear, gover- of Hawaii, was born at Grass Valley, Cal, on October 20th, 1863, He was |J made chief justice of the supreme court of Hawaii in 1900 and retairied that 3 IITITIVITTY vere vereery "OLIVES! | | We were fortunate in buying a large | stock of Olives before the recent heavy | advance in price, and for the present our customers can have them at the old prices :-- | Olives at 10c. per bottle, | Olives at 15e. per bottle, | Olives at 25c. per bottle, | | | The cooks here are frocked in white, with fetching aprous, threaded with | scarlet, and wear mob caps, some with | scarlet, some with white bows, and they were busy as bees on the opening | afternoon. What will they be when the fair is started in earnest. | | +. A Substantial Tea. | Will be given every night this week, | | from hali-past five to nine o'clock, . . " and on Wednesday and Friday it is to LIE ERNOR CLARK, [havea New lLngland flavor. The stall Olives at bottle, Who comes from yoone, to open the | wil scl hut ou fants and fifty Péc- Olives at 7Be. I bottle. | ple, and there will be room for the i TT overflow in the anfiex, where you ean And a full gallon bottle at $3. { ment, where, if you are economical, | at quick lusich for ten and fifteen | you can buy, for seventy-five cents, al (nts cake added to the sandwiches | " | badge icl i it v p > Jas. Redden hy Co. | Dndge which wil admit you ai week. | und ten, demanding the last-named 1 ill be wise to get one, for you), ca A part of this booth is devot- Olives at 85¢c. per bottle, Olives at $e. per bottle, ealistic Ar city On the red roof of a most t a farm house, « 0. pitch of hay hanging out of its door, IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. | Will certainly want to go more than! uq to a gallant yachtsman and his nebo i 1 ein cote comm 3 MADE IN CANADA iis in two vies. "Re the soot, ino ev, "A he thon ne do | 00, BI PoE. hn with the ye nated, are sold outright for the hos EXHIBITION cross on the parchment cover, and | iia benefit, and the big-hearted | names of conveners and members of ound: in ten . 1 es » » if » charac- | " . . committees, the names of the charac While circling round the edge of the Evening : |A programme is indispensable. Here} j : : 7 2 i , 1 looming large is the sig Doors open at 7.80 o'clock. [ are also, the quotation enlendars of dle and looming la ge i N¢ on 7.45 Reception of Licutenant-Governor | baste ork. olor voli 3 - and formal opening of Exhibitions. and printed on rough-edged parch Farm Products ment, with a beautiful or a strengthen 0. F ; f each quotation sent in by people we | barn. It GRAND MARCH. | all know, and doubly valued for that. | » erude r ar p : | a pitchiolk thrown up in the RE CK. hung some crude rubber, with the fin-| an v WARD FOR PLU | ished article, black and shiny, be-| mow, as the farmer man does when vea is Conductor Boog ec Boy | door. Angrove chose sporting goods | breakfasts, too, to be seen by the for his exhibit, and Mahood takes up | close observer, up there. Bitter-sweet | twice, you'd never see the/ half or the wares--Sir Thomas Lipton and his | within cuts of Kingstoh, and the sportsman lets them have also every Programme for Tuesday joomn ; the. : {ters in the historical march, and so on. | fair one keeps an' eve on the mid- Music by Hand of .4th P.W.O.R. which we have heard so much, bound | bil by Canton - Kingston, No. 6. L ing thought for every dav of th year) Near here the Rubber company has | I neath it. Abernethy has shoes, next | he's in a hurry. There are cow's Brockville, Ont., Oct. 8--Oun July his space chiefly with lovely glass. berries, and cornstalks, carrots, red 4th last. Conductor Joseph C. MeCul- fq, gold watch and chain, which is | peppers, lots of things, trim it, and] lough of the B. W. & N. W. R., at the | 0 FO" oreone who guesses its | within it holds an abundance of the risk of his own life saved a boy from | mer, ticks cheerfully and tempting- | products of orchard and field, and being rushed to death by the wheels lv in its case quite close, and then | garden, which bears testimony to the of a moving train. Saturday after-| "oo the stuffer' most truly made in| generous way our farmers e of noon he was" publicly presented with a | cupada, and nowhere else. | their store to help where there is need bronze medal, granted by the Cana-| dian Humane Association. Judge Me-| Donald presided, and Mayor Fulford | pinned the medal on the breast of the | recipient. DAILY MEMORANDA. Amusethent advts., on Page Three. « Mede-In-Canada' Fair, at Armouries. | Roller Rink every altermoos and even | hers in charge had to beg space for | the dairy products, in the corner, near Away down in the. "lower prov-| the candy stall, and here were honey, | inces," where the habitants dwell, | oh ! so clear, and butter, as fresh as | The Homespuns. | they never lost the art of spinning | the breath of spring, aod eggs and weaving as did the unwise ones | "strictly," and the nector of the gods, | of the upper reaches of . and so, to-day. we get from there | glass that it wouldn't have exchanged tufis made by the French-Canadian for any other refreshment in the build | peasantry, in their quaint old homes, | ing Besides the quantity sent in g- A | Wonderland . Theatre, = afternoon and | hich cannot be surpassed any where | these two booths, Mr. Welch has beer marble works, much evening. % > re | . tl Now Princess Theatre, afternoon and in the world, The habitant shears his | selling, at his 1 evening. : | sheep, and then his good wife pre- | that was brought in through the week, > dye | and several large gifts have gone di At the Bijou, to-day i "Pitfalls ot the | pares the wool, dyeing it with : ? Pierre | rect to the hospital. Bravo, farmers | Stage. | grown in the strip of land her : : This day in history i--lteserves Joalled | (alls his "farm." and she weaves it {of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, out in England, 18YD5 Battle of Torres portieres and rugs, afghans and | it's the generous souls you are {Continued on page 3 Vedras, 1810. . edras, 18 bath mats, and cushion covers for the ) IS AFTER A SITUATION rp -- WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Busigess Office. 229--Exditorfal Rooma. 292--Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. Tbe Daily is always on sals at | Gibson's Drug #Store, Market Square-- | Open till late each evening. . - ' STUDENTS | Woman's Work. a | Oswego, N.Y., Oct, 8S. Desiring to | cept me, especially as { am a person take advantage of the scarcity of ser- {of feminine feature, manner and na- frase a + : 1 : 1 | ture and perhaps voice, at least T am vant girls in this and surrounding {| told so, and 1 have been selected to cities, Charles Scofield, a porter at act as a woman in amateur theatri- the Redstone hotel, here, has « flered | cals, and would not object to dress- to don skirts, and, as a woman, do |ing as a woman if an employer . de- general housework in Buffalo. A few | sired it, and consider woman's garb | davs ago Scoficld answe red an adver- {much more graceful and becoming for | tisement for a general house-worker | the house than mans can ever be. I lin a Bufialo paper, declaring in his | am thirty-eight years old and a Chris- communication, to the employer that | tian, I hope. he would play the woman's part will- | Mr Scofield declared, to-day, that Ap extract from Scofield's' let- | received |as a woman ' WE HAVE THE STUDY LAMP YOU WANT. Neat Solid Nickle, with a green shade. Very easy on the eyes, and will make your work a 'pleasure. No smoke. No smell. Don's ruin your eyes. ingly : ter, applying for the job, w A ------------ | house girls being scarce you might ac- ; ' * {day members of the Black Hundred di-'}. Curlette, | people, it's a barn, with a loft, anda] | 80 much bad this stall that the mem- | our country | buttermilk, of which, the Whig had a} "Is Required in a Number of unloading of dynaniite at the town of Charles Scofield Offers to Wear Skirts and Do =i:ti: ox iivasion by hiriy-oc he was perfectly willing to masquerade | W He is confident that he | time gpent in success. He was born | A band of North-West Mounted Pol- | Geddes (Wolfe Island), C. H. Boyes; | lice have just arrived in Winnipeg from | Mrs. Jane Lowry (Napanee), Miss | | north of Fort Churchill. They have w Naomi Dwyer, Miss Nellie Dwyer, E. | vere experiences to tell, such as an |C: Walsh, J. V. Gleeson, Mrs, Hilli-| eicht-daye' tramp in an arctic sotrm ard, Mrs. William Seth (Picton), M.| five daye of which they were without T. Grady, Miss F. Zeigler, John Me- | | food, hut declare that the full-blooded Galland wife, A. Lyons (Railton), B.| | white map can stand anything in' the! 9: Lyons," William E. Twigg and wife, | | north than an Indian can. ' { Jolm Gordon, Mrs, John Doolan, At Brantiord, Charles Dunean, aged | Miss' Margret Doolan, Mes. L. Phalen; seventy-five years, afwominent carpets | WS: i [iam Gusman, N. C. Polson, MisgRose (gitod at Ohau college, Honolulu, and furniture merchant, died; Mondav. He | r | wan an ex-alderman, anda member of | Clarke, Miss Kate Chambly, Jobn guy graduated from there in 1881, { the board of trade. His business on- | Symones (Garden Island), Miss Myrtle 'He was graduated from the Yale Law {reer there extended over fifty years | DYMOons. Miss Fva Burrawed (Belle- School jn 1890. Judge Frear marist { Mrs. Cotes, of India, known as "Sara | ville). Reuben Lessin, C. T. Ward and |3rig, Mary Emma Dillingham at Hono- | Jeannette * Duncan, novelist, is al¥!® Jolm Daley (Wolfe Island), Miss {J lu in 1593. Ho was professor at {daughter of deceased. | Rose McGlade, Miss Anna Motilade, Ohau college for a number of years, | Miss Stella N. Rea (Dufferin), F. ¥. 1g, hag written many volumes on law { Black (Tweed), Robert Burns { Poggi. and scientific subjects. Mrs. Gowdy, E. J. Higgavin, ius | Jamieson (Renfrew), Jacob, Zeigler, | : Mrs, E. G. Dawson, Miss P. Dawson, | Was Killed. William Murray, Mrs. L. Langdon, | «. Odessa, Oct. ®--~The unionists of Russell Langdon; Mrs. McDonald, Wife Used Rifle Odessa continued their attacks and | Campbelliord; H. C. Smith, R. B. | Effect. outrages upon Jews on Tuesday. They | Shipman, James A. Stainery, ¥. B.| Wiarton, Ont, Oct. 8.-Mrs. F, first stoned "and fired revolver shots! Wallace, Napanee; Harry Kethson, Evans, who lives in the township of at a party of Jews attending a funeral | Miss Ester Ketchson, John Boyd, Mrs. |Machar, had a thrilling experience service, many of whom were wounded. |}. Ford, Mrs. 8. A. Ferguson, Thom- {with a lynx. She was in bed, suffer | The Jews fled in panic. Later in the gg Ferguson, Miss Given, Belleville; C. ling from a sore foot, when a chicken Dorland: CC. H. Finkle, {flew against the window, and imme- Miss N. Halligan: G. Cor- |diately afterwards a lynx put his paws and head against the pane. Mrs. Waher F_ Frese, ATTACKED THE JEWS. WOMAN AND LYNX. With Good { | |» Police Sergeant Who Intervened | } i tvided themsélves into small groups | Newburgh | and ransacking several Jewish shops. |rigan, Murray; Miss Annie Thompson | mercilessly beat the proprietors A 'Wilton; Mir C. NN Dude, Murray; |Evans took the rifle and shot the police se wnt who attempted to in-| Miss Kate Agnew; Mrs. Hobart El; [beast in the right leg. The animal | torvene was brutally attacked, where-|gper; James Peterson, Thomas Doek- went into the swamp and Mr. Evans upon he drew his revolver and killed urn, A. Down and wife, Belleville; [tracked him to a tree and shot" him one of his assailants. Finally de: | Mix. George Cliff, Miss Florence Hall, |The skin stretched measured six feet. | tachments of Cossacks arrived on the Napanee; Miss Ada Painter, Belleville; | geene, but instead of pursuing the! W. Summers: J. W. Shorts, New- Mob Murders Negro. | Black Hundred, they. laughed at the burgh Misg BE. Brandon, Napanee; | (vm! erland, Md Oct. R.--William | rapidity' with which they made their | Miss Edith Abramsky, Joseph Abram- | urns, a WOIrro dewperado who on {escape vv. A. M. Lonegan, M. A. Lonegan, | Ihuraday night, thot Policeman Au | wma George Clench, J. Redman, Miss Van | oyuq Burge, inflicting a wound from WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH. |Order, Mrs. W. Ravenscroft, J Smith, {which the officer died yesterday morn -- Miss May Smith, Mrs. A. Bennett, ing, was taken from jail by a mob Had Much Money and Jewelery-- Miss A Sullivan, . Mrs, C. Bartlett, | od (hot and kicked 10 death Foul Flay. Miss Emma Franklin: J. H. Cannem, | (Clarendon: N.Y. Cameron, Sharbot | Lethuiidge. Alta, Oct. 8A house {05 Crimea, wile and child, | , on the outskirts of the ety, occupied fp "tc ner Mist Mabel Rea, R>| No medicine for coughs, colds, sore | by a single woman, was burned to the Ww 3 Mel arthy: John avior Latimer { throat or hoarseness could be more | ground on Saturday. When the flames yi.c [1, Walsh, Mrs, Carey Thompson: | harmless or effective than the Dismond subsided the skull and shoulders of alc yf Trotter, Pittsburg: Daniel Cough Remedy Then it is pleasant human skeleton were seen protruding Civaiton, Dufferin: Mrs, James Lether-'| to. take, the dose is small and the | from the debris in the cellar. There is |..1 Miss -Sutherland, Thomas Mar. |price is reasonable, at Wade's a strong suspicion of foul play. The i, and wife, Con. NMiilan, Mrs. Panet, | Drug Store, woman was known to have had sever- | Aix Redden, Miss K. Harty. E. V. | lal thousand dollars' worth jewelry,!(Grazier, 8. C. Thompson, William D Wonovan Elected. nd always kept considerable money flam: R, 1. Corkey and wife, Ports | Brockville, Oct. ¥-~At the provincial yn hand. A Chinese cook lives in a mouth: Mr. and Mrs, Andrews, Mins | byelection, held yesterday, A. BE. | shack close hy. He says he called the ('rothers, Mixes Margaret Ward. R. J. |Donovan, conservative, was elected | woman to supper about 1 a.m., and Hanley and sister: Bert Derry, Ming C, [over W. A. Lewis, liberal, by about mr --- The Bctter Cough Cure. {heard a man's voice. Wilshire, Thomas Mills, | 150 majority. | The police dug out about a thou-| This is the largest excursion to New | mes sand dollars' worth of diamond rings. | York in some years and i% bigger | The only true constipation cure The skull shows no signs of violence. than both dags of last year. | must begin its soothing, healing ac | tion when it enters the mouth, Hbl Rocky Mountain Tea restores -- | OBLIGATORY ARBITRATION. Orders have heen issued by the T. & lister's 3 i | x (. railway to stop the loading and the whole system to a healthy, norm- al condition. 35. Tea or Tablets. Ma- hood's Drug Store. 1 er ---------- { Cases. Cobalt. | The Tague, Oct. 8.--The entire Anglo-American project, providing for : obligatory arbitration, was approved at fost evening's session of the com-~ § {mitt | - ¢ on arbitration by thirty-one WOMEN | measure were Germany, Austria-Yun- | | gary, Switwriand, Belgium, Rou- * | mania, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and C | Montenegro. Italy, Japan and Luzen- ommunion {burg refrained from voting, and one | delegate was absent: The article {adopted establishes two liste, one jeontaining the cases to be submitted {to obligatory arbitration, and the lother containing the names of the {powers that adhere to the article. Episcopal Church. Oct. %.--"There jmonthe Mrs. Laird, who is now at ar Champion, attended to getting things | ready for communion. [Since her ah ------ their nice warm beds rather than the sence the pastor has been obliged to The October Travel Magazine is alglorification of God," said Rev. F. W. attend to these duties along with his special Mediterrancan number, taking Easin, of Trinity Episcopal 'church, [other work. To prepare for early com- {in all the countries one would natur-| Sunday, following his announcement |munion the ladies would be obliged to ally visit on the trip. The calendar | that communion could not take place. [have everything in readiness by 7:45 will give a six months' itinerary of For the first time in the history of lin the morning. Puripg the past few the countries on the Trinity church communion was not days an effort has been made to form north and south coast from Gibraltar observed to-day, the first Sunday in lan organization to atiend to such of filty4wo women Watertown, N.Y, women in this church who prefer G. Cassidy, Max. Gusman, Wiklymeor of the territory. He was edus | i , Service Omitted at Trinity Belloville, Oct. S.~Twerity men, ¥o« There never was a time when women could be dressed more trimly and well for modest. ex< penditure. The splendid new Autumn Stocks illustrate the fact. There is distinction and in. dividuality in every garment, the prices are as reasonable as very commonplace apparel usually costs. Hundreds to choose from. A PRETTY MODEL-Made of silk finished ANOPHER STYLISH MODEL ade of fine ity beaver cloth, made 'tight Biting, double breasted, strapped seats, open in buck to waist, seven-sdghth length, A great garwent at the price, $18.75. " PRETTY TWEED COATS Made of good Tweeds, in checks and plaids of Greens, Bur- gaudy, rown and Navy effects, in fashionable loose fitting models, patch s and cufls, and velvet collar. kvery gariient tho best value, at the prices marked, $12.50 to $20. Children's Coats A Specialty. Call amd see them: You can, choose with perfect con fidence, Steacy's BORN. HASSELKUS. ~In Kingston, Oct. sth 1907, to Mr. and rs, Joseph Husgelkus, a dadghter. MARRIED. : RAVENSUROFT -- Mc COHRMICK, --~ On Monday evening, Oct. 7th, 1907, by the Rev. C. LL. Bikey, Walter [avers eroft, to LilMus Alena, daughter of the late Thos. McCormick, both of Kingston . DIED. HUGHES. ~0n Oct. 7th, 1907, at 86¢ Brock St. Mury Kirkpatrick, heloved wife of John Hughes, agod seventys eight yesrs. Funeral private. BERT J. WEID The Leading Undertaker Phone 577, 227 Princess St s-- Valuable Properties For Sale, RINGWOOD, magnificent grounds i} end buildings. ROSBLAWN, beautiful residence and grounds, also other desirable rewidencos, at vatious prices. Full © information at. BWIFT'S Jteal Vstate and Insurance Agency, Cor. King and Ularence streots. : TAKE NOTICE. I have the best Moe of Heaters ever sad, 1 have also an enormous stock of Furniture, that I want to dispose of at very low prices, as I want the room for Heaters: RURK Second-Hand Storeg 894° Princess street. -------------------- rs For Robbing Orchards. men and children were up lice court, charged with stealing fruit, thoy having stripped two orchards he jonging to Messes, Balis and Stewart, of the Deaf and Dumb Institute stafl, They wera given a severe reprimand, and fines, ranging from £1.50 and costs, Mayor Coatsworth A Candidate. Toronto, Oct. 8.--Mayor Coateworth has announced 6 his friends that he js definitely in the contest for a third term. One of the reasons for his desis sion is the aultiplicity of probable. candidates, which, he considers, maked his own chances better. . A ---- Ar Schl. ia 4 o . | yesterday by: Clsief of Police Richard wile bi years ago im Rutland | toy Jerusalem. This magazine is al the month, Rev. Mr. Easin admitted [duties, but forty 3 Sev them at i a Bn man, and probably | county, Vi. Some time ago he was | gem of art in ile many fine tone illus | that in the rush of all his Sunday | visited had 'some excuse rather than B oo am Tot R tr me oh account | employed by Dr. Mary Walker, by | trations. {duties he had forgotten to prepare the [get up at such an early hour. Robertson 10S. lof my sex, though 1 am thinking that ' whom, it is said, he was always ad- | Some men are sympathetic because wine and service. & To-day's remarks have thoroughly BE .. dressed as "Charlotte," 1 {there is no expense attached to it. | ir. Easin is a westerner, For 'aroused the women of the parish. ® v wor

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