Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1907, p. 3

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A ) 3 2 Other Chocolates lack the smooth- ! ness, delicate flavor and sustain z ing qualities of t *D?? 66 | | "GALA-- PETER | J The World's Favorite Chocolate. \ Lamont Corliss & Co., ; Sole Importers, { 27 Common St., Montreal. FOUNTAIN PENS Watermans Ideal. Pens, in all standard sizes. Fitted with "Cup Caps' it" is next to impossible to lose them from the pocket or belt. The to suit all users, anteed SMITH BROS. Jewellers & Optician' 350 King Street. Issuers of Marriage Licenpes. 'Phone 666 points are assorted and guar- BE SURE AND VISIT " MADE-IN-CANADA ay »| Also visit GOURDIER'S FUR STORE. Being so busy, find it im. possible to make an Exhibit in the Armouries. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St "| Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. i v New Carriages, Cutters, Harness | | etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. HSISIICIISIGIGIISIIISIIIIIOICINR BIG SALE OF WAISTS ALL THIS WEEK. i 7 | White Lustre Waists neatly 4 x made with strappings, in front, and also buttons, . tucked back and three-quart- J er sleeve. A really pretty garment, at the price $1.39. Flannelette Waists in pretty patterns of Navy and Red, neatly made, 50c. up. Flannelette Waists, Black, ¢ E with White Polka Spot, very 8 pretty, and only 98c. and A big range of Cashmere Waists, in Black, Navy or Red, very serviceable, made in latest style, $2 and up. A magnificent range Silk, Waists, in Black, or White, trimmed with Lace an sertion, newest sl Priced very Ai $2.50 and up. ---- of reasonable, at z Newman & {Newnan & Shav LLL 06000040004 EDUCATIONAL. It you wisk to be successful at- v Kingston Business Limited, head of Queen street. CANADA'S GRADE business Bookkee| Businses. acho, i riting, graphy, ho 11 ubjests 'thoroughly aon ALFE , President: J. EB. CUNNINGHAW, Secretary. KINGSTON, - ONTARIO. Ontario Courses for :-- II. High School Certificates. III. Specialists Certificates. First Session open. October 1st. | Y.| Have For Calendar, 'addréss Chown, Kingston, Ont. PLP 8 000000000008 3 IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, Barrie and Clergy Ste. r---- Geo. T. N. SPOCKDALE, 'Phone, 680. Principal. Patronize Home Industry. TRADE MARK IMPERIAL MEN'S HOSIERY Ask for Imperial Crown Brand, 74 line Cashmere Sox, made in several styles and colors. The great beauty of this sock is that it has reinforced heel and toe making it al- i | Ss tation in the Real Estate Busines wIPIFIFIIIISIRIPISIID | 201, 10, we have the coldest raw day Queen's University Under "the regulations ot the | tion the liberal success in Education - Department | clection I. First Cliss "Public School Cer- | L tificates. CE ----------------ETEITYR I: | MADE. IN- CANADA FAIR. THE DAY EPIG0DES # (Continued from page 1.) + Close to the big farm quarters is a OCALNGIES 'AND THINGS tiny: booth, unostentations, like the o ¢ IN V GENERAL work it represents and above it is KN : The Red Geneva Cross. 'Occurrences In ° The City And| Here is everything that a patient Vicinity--Other Brief Items of needs, from a ban for a cut fin- Interest Easily Read And (ger, to the sweet-faced nurses, in the 'Remembered. / smartest uniform that ever a nurse ! wore. Wholesale chemists, from out Clugston and son have nearly com- raggi pléted the , painting "of the Martello a a drug te have sowers. ; g this stall which represents the reason J Samgra, the genuine, is sold at {for the fair's being. Every training {Gi son's Red Cross drug store in 25¢.{gohool, in the domimion has sent a {and 50¢. bottles, doll, garbed in the school's uniform, Higher temperature was predicted thera are nightingales and pneumonia jackets, -room slippers, and glass of the season. covers for cups and tumblers in the Menthol and Eucalyptus Tablets for {sjck ' room, Euthymol tooth paste, sore throats are sold at Gibson's Red soaps, clinical thermometers, and a Cross drug store, ; tea tray, laid temptingly. A small; The Whig's representative in the |white, cosy covers the teapot and dainty china and sparkling glass com. plete it all, Back to back with the nurses is Napanee's Wonderful Kitchen. | grand march at the armouries is fit, and like. the paper, up-to-date. In the light of the Brockville elec- the bye- in Kingston shines brightly. | When visitiug the "Made-In-Can-,| Enameled "paper is on the walls, a jada" fair, be sure to see the King- {stove (to' be guessed for, at twenty- ston Hosiery company's exhibit of {five cents a guess) is in its midst, Imperial Crown hrand underwear, tins of all sorts hang on its walls, Virtue hath its reward. In their Krys efforts aver the great fair the governors of the Kingston General Hospital are again" cortally united. no. equal as a prompt and | positive cure for sick headache, bilious- | ness, constipation, pain in the side, | and all liver troubles. Cartgr's Little Liver Pills." Try them. Don't let your dealer fool you by | saying : 'I have something else just | as good." He is working for the ex- tra. profit on the substitute. Insist on { getting what you ask for. | The dredge Sir Richard Cartwright is still faithfully digging up dirt in | the upper harbor, just as its namesake | did in the government preserves in the {"old days. There are enough men of spirit 'and influence ' in Kingston's néw club to revolutionize Kingston, and by con- | certed movement, make it a handsom- [er, tastier. livelier place, The oppor- | tunity is here; make it tell ! The pain in Ma's head has gone, She's "as happy as can be, | Her health is right, her temper hright Since taking Hollister's Rocky Moun- tain Tea at night. The milkman does not sell his glass, towels and dish towels "and dish cloths, and iron holders, hang on its clothes horse, clothes pin, aprons fringe it below, and chafing dish, aprons frigge it ahove, and it con- tains an iron. This iron is worth six dollars, (which costs two cents an hour), it ean be attached to any light, and. it's a fine thing altogether, This branch association of the Wo- man's Aid, deserves all sorts of praise, and it got it too in generous portion from all. The 'flower booth, the fancy work cage, made of bamboo rods, arched up to the centre, and, the wonderful twenty-five cent table, are all perfect of 'their kind, and what they hold is uch to be desived. These will da a rushing trade, for there are girls to give the flowers to use, and there is Christmas not so far off, and fancy work then never comes amiss, Our Merchants' Display. All down the west wall of the arm ouries are to be seen samples of what many of our merchants have for sale Curiously enough the furriers are quite unintentionally, most patriotic. Camp bell chose a background of red, Me- Kay followed with white, Mills wound up with blue. The first named put up fluid ac FRIDAY, Ott. 11th Supported J By ET Cr CL ARK and 75 de. Hoven and Frednie yo in's ic ope " HAF D" Prices--a0c. 50¢., T8¢., $1, $1.50, ng' bea Thy bv of Sie Side Tragked.'* LADIES HOUR a* THE BJOU In to the demand hy Ladies for a short mo jormance during marketi and hours, 'The Bijou Te is OW OjNn from 10.30, until The pre mane will include ict Dm. with Accompaniment, Jasting 15 nrinute the IMustrated Songs Will be TO-DAY "Pitdalls of the 'S! admitted to this play. Wednesday | and Thursday "The Brigands of Macedo ia --AdnusSion, de ba! outted. cNildren not ih Tn ¥ y WONDERLAND " PASSION PLAY" Wednesday and Thursday ARTHUR WW. GEORGE wilt wing' Ihe Holy Ciry and "Shining LI ght.' * The . play lasts for one hour. 10¢. Admission, Panoramie scene of the Hovland, the Crucilixions the mornd after the Resur- ection, the Aso ik iid TaisT Aiwa nie on earth, the sotub of Bethlehum 'as it to<iay, the Manger where (Christ was Born; the Beautiful Church of Aowencia- tion, the Tomb of rist, the Road to Calvary, the Uslebrated Arch of Howe, nn the Garden of Judas Betrayiog Christ, the 3 the Mont, Jesus Pregehing to tude. QUEEN'S FOOTBALL EXCURSION TO OTTAWA Special G.T.R Train SATURDAY Oct 12th. Special train returning wills leave Ottawa, at 8.30 pm, Saturday Fare $1.75 return. Tickets good to wet to Oct, 14th, QUEEN'S IL. vs. RM.C 30 pom. Ecre wt hsemape leaves at 8 am. milkman the same privilege it enjoys. most,' furs or jewels, may see herself Why not give Ald. Toye's light com- in the beautiful stoles, mittee the same privilege also ? The "20S he show is decidedly McKay beli pe , ' as any thinking man can see. From, trapper to wearer ; leal, framed in lights. bear, her. | system of selling water | unjust, comes and goes Above a maple teady pard, glittering leo polar Tiger, grissly timber woll, hang stretched dtt as : | on the city's plan of selling water, | cording to the assessment of the h { house. 1 the city's plan is right it]® looking-glass that lovely woman, | shold pass an ordinance giving the|Who never knows which she cares f | Humorous Chinese Graft | tarper s Weekly. ready { i | . . most impossible to wear out. a A certain Chinese Taotoi (magis- [Togs for the fect of mang Labrador | Over Dr. Chown's Drug Store. See that the above stamp g trate) having told his men to have and silver fox," lynx, and many an- | oan Dita) is on every pair. Refuse two ingots of gold sent to his treas- other skin, are ready to be {ashioned a ns as substitutes. {ury for purchase, the shopmen fin warmth for any lady. & lof Toronto University. Made only by The King- | brought them in, and in answer t Mills brought down his grizzly bear| Every Wednesday at Odessa. ston Hosiery Co. Ltd., King- $ | the query of the taotoi, told him that | to guard his exhibit, and also flank- | ston, Ont. | the price was 80 much in 'tacls, but ed, as did the other fur men, with} REWARD. For sale by all the leading {added : "This is the ordinary price, | moose heads. His chel d'oeunre was : , ENR Men's Furnishi: Stores. | but for your honor we will knoek ofi | an crmine coat, [nan + PA REWARD of RIFTY in ng =! one-half of the price' - Ten the| Specimens . of Laockett's fine haots | ion putticient to Sonvict the pRILY. Wh fagst said to his eerlinge "Ses- | and shoes, his trunks and valises Gll-| shot a colt on my Oak Point 'Far, on ; that they ave to sell . to me at | od in the, space between McKay and | the Front Concession of the Towaship of : M WANTED. | half-price, just give them back | Mills, the whole stall giving out that| j Rinuaton: Sot aah santuniny, i one #hgot of gold, afd put the other | fragrance which comes alone from fine | Kingston, doth, September, 1907. ¥ in my treasury, and thus their ac- | leather. Mitchell showed all sorts of] n. CARRY Thi: RS. EXPERIENCE, SBSOLUTE RELIA- count 'is settled. Good-bye." So the hardware; hardby, and not far off the | - bility and judgment in values | underlings of the yamen 'did so, but| Wormwith company had established a NOTICE. have guined for us an enviable repu | (till ;the shopmen hung around wait- | drawing-room, with polished floor and| - ANY PERSON TRESPASSING UP- ing. The taotol asked them why they and coats and ieves in lots of light, so | rugs of fur, a grate fire and red-shad- SATURDAY, Oct. 12 Queen's + Athletic Grotmd, West Side and Fast Side and DR. C. C. 2.C.C. NASH, Dentist, 183 Princess St. on ar shooting over this Parm will HELP WANTED-MALE, WANTED-GENERAL, BCIA BEE eg te ROOM AND BOARD, FOR MAN AND wife, with quiet family. Address Box "H.," Whig office. aed eee. SITUATION AS COOK IN RESTAUR- ant, Bouse or private home 4 { experience. Apply rs. Ti FALL SUITS AND OVERGO TT Ae old ones to Rhu and : oway, 183 St, pext Mo A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY Low, 169 Union street. andy, 86 eee eb GENERAL SERVANT, AT ONCE. AP- ply, 157 Sydenham street. A GOOD PLAIN COOK. APPLY TO J chmeon street. Princess street, LOST. A GOLD BROOC H, WITH SHALL diamond. Reward if retwenod Se Whig office. poet % A 2 BILL, BELONGS TO A NEWS. # boy, ween Division and Alfred St ou hey TC or University Avenieg Finder leave at Whig office. A JOB C ING ASHES OUT OF Sane. ot Roy s ER TE -- ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITEOT, . fice, Cor. &i0n ASR Ens A GENERAL SERVANT, OR NURSE, |HENRY P. SMITH, SJARCHITECT, for § days. It will bring » custouwes Apply to Mrs. Dawson, 125 King St. ete. Auchor Building, M ot Square for that article you wish to dispose -- "Phone, 345. of. . Trysit to-day. - he THIRTY GIRLS, GOOD WAGKS. AP- ply W. J. Crothers & Co. Wellington POWER & SONS, ARCATRC! Crs, MER. v o street. chant's A PBrock| JQUARE STEVENSON PIANO, IN rs a---- and Welli ng ets. "Phone, 31a. best of order, close price to a quick A GENERAL SERVANT, NO WASH- primar; OWHAr Saving oity. Apply ing or cooking. Apply at 61 Union om, NEWLANDS. ARCHITECT, Of to @¥1 Johnson street. ; street West. - , second cm i p------ GENERAL SERVANT, FOR LIGHT Sheets. Latrance on Bagot treet. housework. Apply to Mra. Hewgill, | one, . 60 William St y A COOK, APPLY TO MRS. D TO-LET. Stewart Robertson, 16, Sydeshani St:, Cor: of. West. : DWELLIN FURNISHED AND UN -- a - furnished, Stores, Offices, ote, Mc LEARNERS AND IMPROVERS AT Cann, B1 Mrock street. Mme. Elder's Dress-making Parlor, | cee «comm ctm-------- 253 Princess street. A PUP OF OFFICES OVER THE G. N. W. Telogra Company's office, AN EXTERIENCED VEST-MAKER; LE St. Apply to J. B, Walkem, to go to Pictom. Apply from 1 p.m. to 8 pm, to F. CU. Maund, Sir. {gppiOB OVER ~ WADE'S DRUG Aletha, Swift's Wharf. store, Uor. King and Brock Sta. hot ---------------------------- Ee BE water heating. Apply at McCann's HXPERIENCED 51 Brock street. vant 45 GC GENERA other plain assets which the st perLy rates. new C. 8 Prince | rel, and the evening. Parlond, security KIRKPATRICK Marriage Licemses, 4 Jdward Columbia exploited her GENERAL Pr. Gi SER- leeve's tr ------------------ aia BOY 8 AND. GIRLS, 10 WORE - A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO RE- wages to start. Apply to S wo. ro: a i aqvarcie. for Pubes dorfler, Ontanio St., City. fn this column, "he Wise pext Ary - pe) FOR. SALE. 3 WR bi shi 5 snes A at amea SOLID EERIE wv AB. Cunha, A FOUR-LINE in column for TADVT. A BARGAIN--P "of Clergy and Cor. stores and pride and particulars see Uso. eal Estate "Agent, PERTY - ON COR. JOMMODIOUS BRICK RESIDENCE, modern improvements, with spacious lot, situnted at corner Johnson amd . Alired streets. Apply to Rexy Snodden, 229 Allred street, ONE OF OUR HEAVY HORSES, suitable for teaming, quite and sound, and in perfect condition. Will sell for $75. Apply to Gould's Broom Factory, King St, fear Queen, ------------------------------ Apply at J, ore St., hetween 7 No washing. 1. SERVANT, madd is kept. cooking. Apply to noe $01,187 915, in the policyholders the ockholders. insured at latter with silver: twined ing hair. Nova Scotian had her sailors Highlanders ad her dine, New Brunswick had fish-wives, harvesters, bearing sheaves, WHERE Mrs, No. 2 Emily street MONEY AND BUSINESS. and 8 in -- ee ---------------- | LIVERPOOL, LOND no! xp GLOBE| Fire losuran A a. | have unlimited Motility of all | ~ ------------------ Farm and city pro- A PAIR OF HOUNDS MARKED WITH lowdst possible Before remewing old or giving business get rates Strange & Ntrw gents. 'Phone, 8. MARRIAGE LICENSES. ISSUBR OF Clarence a | in their flow- and lovely Evange- Island farmers, to show off their asséts? and the Hadson Bay territory wis represented hy mai dens weighed down hy priceless furs, | Manitoba had its clad in | and British | salmon fisher. AN. a] tor) ana | TWO DWBLLINGS, NOS: 44 AND a2) Princess St., ane large, and the other small, con bath, etc Apply 349 Brock st FURNISHED FLAT, » tion, all conveniences, bath and closet. Hent reasonable to right parties Particulars, 208 Wellington street. OUR POLICIES COVER MORE DETACHED FRAME HOUSE IN building and contemis than any ot hat | good repair, in close proximity to company offers. Examine t ma k Cotton Mill, Taney and Front Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Mark: | School. Seven 'rooms. Rent. ot $Y per month Apply to R. Chas Rell, Real Fstate Agent, 1714 Well ington street LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. brad ("H.7) on hips Any person holding after this advi, Will be prove | cuted. F. A. Bibby. BOARD AND ROOMS. CENTRAL LOCA-| VALUARLE PROPERTY FOR SALE- | Double house, on Jolmson street, the \ property of the late Joseph Jamies i son, now used as a dwelling and a +] plumbec"s shop. Apply to Messrs. : Nalkem & Walkew. {CUT STONE FRONT RESIDENCE, hi | No. 87 George St., house 28 hy B84, { brick und portland cement extension A two stories high. (Roof Garden on x | top, containing Witchn, laundry, "1 { cefar, billiard room, or basement dining room, double drawing rooibs, dirdog room, library and seven beds rooms, bath room abd all modern convenience. Stationary Wash Stands and hot and cold waler in bedrooms; house heated by hot water. Deep lot with stabling, carriage house and Manservants' room, Address Wm, Lessiie, on the premises. FOR SALE OR TO LET. PREMIBES, CORNER KING ANpF Queen streets, Ww as carriage fae tory. Will rent in sections to suit | FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH ROARR. also front parlor. Apply 137 Col borne street. the inlaid woods of British 'Columbia, and with specimens of its con], and manned by two nurses, who sell tickets for # ton of coal, the profits: of "which will 'wo ta the cause, And now behold with the hest inten I tions in the world, the half is not told you. Go and see some more, Lines From Lombardy. Lombardy, Oct, 7.Fhe annual fair {held here on Sept. 25th 'attracted the jusual Jarge e¢rowd. The exhibits were {good excepting the grain and fruit, 8 ' 3 . " iD Hh th | were. waiting, when their account hud {ed the shining = surfaces of the up- Progecuted according to law. The Yukon Se. for Fin h i | {which wore not equal fo that of other | i willing to trust Him in the affairs to place any Reel Estate on the| een already settled. Said the shop-| right pianos and the. baby grand, it Kipgeton; 30th a DO REIS. Plause, poi 0 DE hich girls, fvears. Mrs. S. Rabb, Athens, is Vis | of (he present, believing that never ay ig NN ae? ¥ith u - | men: "When did 'your honor pay your | wae a luring spot, from which people | nig x poh 't yd - ing nde iting. hee son, John Rabb. Millord before in the history of humanity wns § We want at present a Choice farm herd {humble S&vants?" "Then the magis- [could only be got away by the pretty | a os ahi A -- zy the Proces- Rabb, Perth, was at his home bere | Goi more of a reality than He is tos = 76 or 100 acres, mear Kingston, also trate answered with a very fierce mir: | girls, with their faces framed in red | i flash of en a a hor oe don a couple of days last week also, day. And with + faith <n the living a large Sairy Jar with good bui ! "Tiao nu ts'all 1" (impertinent slaves). | bonnets, who dispensed, for a. consid- Roller Rink sion, and very ol : led, Ernest Dooher, Lanark, was the | prasence, he trusts God. for strength, ngs Bn Wo I "Did you not say that' these two gold | tion Lowney's chocolates next door. 38) Marta and i al Tran wv ob i id of his parents here last week. | (iiam, and the revelation of all tT. J. Lockhar t | ingots were half-price to me ? Then ou Skating at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Yicted by ane BBR, Sow Tn Tl. James and Frank Dermady gave al,.edful teath. 9 | did I not give you bark one ingot and ' BAND EVERY EVENING ren, ran 3 Narees an a Ol lolly little dance in the village hall foie A ou Real Estate Kgent, 159 Wellington | keep the other, and thus settle your Ka Don Hyiaee. 4 . Joyiag a. ress. Whig. News, Free. On Friday night - last to about fifty | Address. Mr. Cabson for feb litera | i 8s, Kiafiton Ont i account without the least injustice ac Hyia ¢ Kano. Well, you'll go into | Select Patronage. 5 Tickets 81.| Or Rend Bapros of their friends. Frank Dermady re |, oo ' : | cording to your own proposition ? So | the tepee enclosure whether you . see - ~~ J av which. Jedi but 'wo: RO. turned to Carthage, N.Y., on Satur be off with you, or my lictors will that '1 am glad to see you," above | diced 'that she carried 'a portrait of day. Miss Nellie Balfe, Smith's Palls, give you a taste of the scourge ! it or not. You'll leave it till the last, Pearsall S Millinery the member for Kingston in the pro visited the Misses Dooher during the = . ines 'henpent th ¢ ives too, as the chief attraction of the] vincial house. The Kingston Daily past week, Mrs. John Duffield has : It sometines Aanpens that a fresh fair. Picketed by cedar, scarlet berries | News' girl had very cleverly made a been in Cardual for a few days, the ¥ avy Js mista hs cle pn Elenming dn the green, is the replica of | we are showing this week, some | trimming of these "three well-known [BUCH 3: at. he G od Hea. . Risk, 2 | ence $ yv > , uni a wtrick, 48 an oppelwell sper | Contdence in IE go 0 | Mohawk fami, A Cah 0, 5OUM yr. pretty Dress Hats, jn all the |xonle and the Frioman hid a de {WL 0 asa wi Samiie ii : : en ---- totem pole, which fronts the tepee leading shades. The new and very which stands for its publisher's cown- friends. Miss Amie O'Meara and Miss # i Tr ! door, and dusky maidens, in the gaily | Attractive. Feather Ormanmients are ir. I'he two Napanee papers were Iva Byce are visiting friends in' Otta- 5 beaded dresses of their tribe, move in| on display together with Really | very cleverly frocked in their reapoe. wa. Ir. td Ysa. M. & Wille, Misvilie; 3 and out among hraves, gorgeous in| a tive sheets, and though arriving only [Were guests ias week of r. an Li # war paint ay feathers, Above the | Fine French . Fur Felt, Shapes, a few moménts before the procession E. I. Kelly. Jowmes Millar went to R tent, ambushed in cedar, lurk the seer {which you should sec. started. got right in their places, sur- | Watertown, N.Y. last week. Ife ex a esses of the redmen, who read .the fu-| mounting all impossibilities as the | pects (0 dpend the winter there, Mrs, 3 ture and the past for you most rlly. Pearsall 5 Millinery, newspaper person learns to do Robert Marks, Spring valley, was % Within the tepee Oneonta (and toh The closing of the procession was 'the guest for a few days of her nieces, 4be the honor of it all) tells you oy 228 Princess. St. - the trinmphal car, with its horn of Misses Klyne. - / a fascinating story of the things hung | plenty, and its children of prosper- | w 5 there. The tomtom, used in the war ity omen Cooks In Paris. of 1812, and so sacred none but head imen garbed as the were~ hen the ren London Times. of the house might touch it; the reed fleur = lis, and rh Lk , Eng- The C.P.R. In It, : Prosisont Ratficten of She Prendh f= HEALTHY PI PLANTS. flute, the only one of its kind known! land, was on the "lui flo. ted So pleased was the manager of the public is very fone of 'the table, - . and made by the last Indian who had here--~Champlain, a Fron CPR line exhibit, Mr. Dockrill, | though by no means a glutton. When | Require the Most ¢ Careful Atten the art, Abraham Buck; tne waistcoat, | tonne, La Salle, Mc "wer | with the way his beloved North-West Fallieres became president he dismiss: | tion As Well: As Good Soil. stiff with bead work and heavy as try the n, wilh high-bory ladies in pow- | provinees were exploited, that he of ed the famous chef of the Elysee end | Did you evir see n rosehush which chain armour, and the firebags, all der and patehes, afiil beaufifut silks bh mel to give them sheaves of wheat | installed a woman in (the place. The despite the most beneficial environ. telling a story to those who can read land laces, to a' then Sad pany'. and oats, fram his store at the sta-| French were saréastie, declaring no | ment of soil--of smushine and of ate the mystery; the hideous masks, red| Wolfe ledy. © the , English period, | tion, to carry in the procession to- | woman could cook, but. guests at Fal- | mosphere seemed never th achieve a and black, worn hy the Iroquois medi-| with Porch ter, Siufcoe grid Breck | bight! So vhen vou see Manitoba, |lieres' tablo since have had occasion | healthy growth, cine men when healing the sick, and to follow. And then came Laura Se- | Alberta and Saskatchewan Ho by, |to change their minds. | "A ton of manure will not help as at the New Year's dances: long strips cord, the character of this noble | with their golden harvest, you'lknow| A woman cook in France is known i plant that has a canker eating out of headed leather fashioned into those brave wbman, of who antic deed | those heads waved this summer on the {as a "cordon blew," the title having | its heart. things which were the origin of the in 1812 we Canadiana 30 prairies bP OIFcus West, ) 4 come down hom, the fare of du Bar. i You must destroy the cause before otto ahdut onr coat of arms: and little, being taken by gran e. exhibit is a beautiful and 'ri: and the profligate King Louis. he | you ean remove the effect. the saddle, the leggings. the knife, daughter 2 the land a | artistic one consisting of pictures king and his favorite one day had a| You eannot cure Dandraff and Bald. nsec and worn by Louis Riel, in the Secord Dunn, whees : taken along the route, and grain from | discussion as to the relative merits of | ness hy rubbing on hair lotions, find - rebellion --of 1885. To-day. a cushion, with us, in Kingstg eet | the fields through which it sweeps. A men and women cooks. The king con- | rubbing in vaseline, ete. matched only by one other on this named for the hero" ston | deer, made from cedar roots, by 0 {tended that only a man conld cack a| You must Took to the canse of the 2 continent. will be added to the collec-| Heights. * In dress fgsple' grey, | habitant of Ste. Agathe, is an inter- "dish fit for a king to eat, and Du | {rouble--it's a germ at the roots of tion. and we have to thank thelwith a handke: srchief an + falded esting curiosity. Barry upheld the skill of her sex. The | your hair which causes it to fall ont, S ¢ p 3 I Black daughter of an editor, well-known in back, she carries a pail fast as In the archway, on the way out, lpssult was a dinner given hy Du Newbro's Herpicide destroys the Dee our sength the far western stalls, for bringing it pails were in her day, a ue + ser. | one is stopped by the fine display of Barey every dish of which had been | germ, and healthy hair is the sure re- Cheviot, Silk - Faced Fall hire. geants, in the nigh o the Kingston Hosiery nity, and prepared by a woman. At the conclu- | sult. . 1812, follow hex. bm opposite the Frontenac Lumber com-} gion of the meal the king acknowledg- | Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. Coats. Perfect fitters. iwinkle in the eve wm | pany has a booth, ornamented with lo ha was wrong: he sent for the cook | in stamps for sample to The Herpi- or Pictured History. that gave away to one rpecthiar T {and place around her neck his own | cide Cos ~Petroit, Mich id in two ; At hali-past eight o'clock on ' Mon-fjact that they wern't the real thing, $100 REWARD, $100. iribbon of the Cross of the St. Esprit, | goon, 50c. and $1.- G. W. Mahood, 1 2 1 3.50 day evening a herald sounded bis [but fellow- toilére in" KUNI" MadeéTh- The venders: of this paper - will' be "known ak the cordon blew. Since then | special agent. 3 9 trumpet, the band in the gallery ) of (Canada establishment down town. It Sieused to learn that there is at least one a skilful Roman cook in France has | - the Armouries struck up "Rule Bri- was a feeling of elation the spectator Bf, eg Hinage ot duce ay heen known as a "cordon bleu." enables the dog to pursue ils game so tannia," and from the gun room, "pre. had at being on smiling' termd&' * with | Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the EE | long and persistently. Animals of the ° e ceded by two batteryman, walked Bri-{ oven a temporary condemiporary 'bf af Rly positive cure now known to the How A Dog Keeps Copl. | eat family. on the other hand, do not tangia herself, helmeted, fair, beauti- gergeant of 1512. scion Mig tires ts Prof. E. L. Tronessart, of the Pa possess this peculiarity, and for that . ful and stately, in her right band the| Loyalists and soldifte of thé vari-| tutional treatment. Iell's Catarrh Cure! museum of natural history, in a recent | reason tigers, panthers and Lions Ke J . trident of Neptune, on her left. arm the ous branches of the service somomted » taken internally, acting Jirecuy, pon Jocture on animal heat, remarked that {in wait for their prey, but do net red-barved shield, and following her the provinces of to-day from the Can- ta ther ahy roa ney Rd the dog, whose respirations in repos Pursue it over long distances. # yo were handsome men and youths, love 'ada that was. Of the provinces Que- tion bf the disease, snd giving the number only twentysfive to thirty per | bird. possesses pulmonary transpi : . Iy women . and sweet girls, all symbolic bec Jed the way - with her" palsatity, | patient strength by building up the eon- jminute, mag in riiming acanire a rate | tion in a very high degree. of the empire or its portions. {her lumbermen, and her quaint made | fHtution avo. doing | of respiration as high as 350 perinin- eto. | # * Canada, a shade more youthful than |live deVercheres. Ontario with. flow- | faith in its curative powers that they wte. The effect "of this acceleration taken patiently and persistently +8 Britannia. but tall and fair and regal ers and grain and fruits, her dairy | offer One Hundred. Dollars (or any cise; favors the dissipation of animal heat will relieve the most obstinate cases |. . . U followed clpse behind, the Union Jack {industries and all, showed her right hati Sadly to cure. Send. for of} by eviporntion "ght «the pubmonre| of # digestion, constipation, bad blood . i, flowing from her . shoulders,-and -the|to the claim of Em Pegined Now. | Address ¥. J. CHENEY & CO., Totedo vesicles. The doy erepires "very lit. bad liver no matter how long stand 114 PRINCESS STREET, shield of this gfeat dominion on her |New Ontario, the bal -- Ohio flo, or not at all, by the wkin, 3 ing. That's what Hollister's Rocky ¥ oor Wa : [renst.. Robie her came Indians, the |explbitad by fittle es Rok by i Pree Fie. tor Geant. | monary taking the place ok pf gn | Mountain Tea will do. 35¢. Tea of \primeval lords, then ladies: and gentle. jformer with picks aud shovels, ia patio alia, Fomi'y fraunspiration, It is ii act wh ch | Tablets. Mahood's Drug Store, house would make Bene Kina nen house. Also stables to Finge Maker, '390 James Laturney, Car Princess street. THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W. CASSON. OTTAWA. Triisting The Living God. The. Unitarian is one who is able and willing to trust in the ing God, He does not greatly concern himself with the God of the ancients, or with the revelation reputed to have been made to them. While not denying that God was, he affirms that God is, and that is the only fact worthy attention. He =.

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