mice wide ------ Soueh the button it does Im: ase of &Co., st || ns they quality for + | his iden of reformation %. The t defeat, should it oceur, any test of merits. Civil service relorm - 'means linens or great corporations--that they proper. and pi 0 and seek felxancammnt only The present system is not perfect, been advocated. No man, leader of a party or otherwise, has outlived what corporations, or the great industri 'companies, have their grades of sor. vice, and engagement and promotion are governed hy well-understood rules. Are they to be imitated in any way in the ding and regulating of the civil service ? There is not so much force in ful- minating against the appointment of men (6 office Decaust 'they have been politicians and to the advaatage of those who have secured them in a imilar way. Reform may come some day, but before it gathers strength in public opinion the people must be educated as to what it really means. MADE IN CANADA. What a happy combination of hu- man energy is to be found at the ex. hibition which oyr citizens are carry- ing on in the interest of the general hospital. The object of it is two-fold: (1) ta give some evidence of our na- tional development, and 2) to pro- J one of charities so There have been some Very success. ful "'Made-In-Canada™ displays in our province during the present year, hut we question if anyone has surpassed that which is now in progress, The first characteristic of it is the diver sity of booths, and the skill and taste that have been employed in the erect ion of them. There has been architec the > of a plan by which persons will become employees of the public as | they become employees of private cit- | of will accept any position for * which they are fitted, the pay that is pdequate for the labour Chap, Susburn, and Roughness. Ev- 'generally move folly "than wisdom in Tf tion. The Albany hut--thére are no tator knows. Let it speak--now. that some day the lords will: repent of their ever, they show no should they ? Don't ever ? they ---- any mischiel to the C.P.R. people. Five thousand much trade, but less life | , of a Mow-hard.' plish one-halfiof most of it quits stolen. Much of men." Thus speaks Saturday and yet mea think that elections is nearly known public man known constituency js is to be a candidate, and a sure win ner, because the party has him $6,000 with, Night to ---------- Home, Sweet Home. L.S. wa in New York Sum. After usiy hours of Topming 1 was seat- In that place of deadust iowmost souls Cop 10; the yt hardly air for rea thing. but Cigar was wre! Rings o Pleasure--the v3. the trouble first sincerest--when began, Ta the middie of my dreaming | was wakened by thy the common stock, Me. to near 3c. or a woman above me in apartment ad To. while the canners sold at She Sumb i rom lc. to lje. per Ib. The calves oe shuts te: sharper than were hiely nage; Which sold at 8 to "Love Me and|from 2c. to 3jc. per Ih; good veals the Universo is Mine. selling a te. to over Be. per Ib. Sheep Nakt there : i sold a at 33c. to 4fc, Ib.; lambs at hoRoaphie ao atlew from | Ly te Sie. per Ib. Good tots of fat Who in staceato ' announces ald tortures of the year, Thun the Drazen horn got started, end agony Tied u fiddle. obligato by some nuisance their ivory molars, opie, howled in concert . an hour After I had closed each casement in an And oat : ta he numerous ts wit in my frenzied Ta ee. But the ove who kuceked senseless -l Just me there defenseless Was the urchin who got busy with the that racket just as hard erack it +. that old H . "Home, Sweet Home." Is Your Skin Scaly, Hard ? Whnoint with Hamilton's Ointment, rub it in two or three times daily, No skin food is more pérfect, more sooth. ing, more healing. Just the thing for | 1 ery home should have Dr. Hamilton's Ointment. S0c., at all dealers 2 EE -------- Where ignorance is bliss there is is apolitical chib, politics in the Tor- actions. Part of the government which ia bind. ing upon it in thisgnatier.? The Spec. | Seam 3 Premier Campbell-Bannerinan expects' of England sackcloth and ashes. At present, how- signs of it. Why reign for- There is something ironical in the Suggestion that the oppression by the CPR. telegraph hranch of the west- 8 will - favour the Borden national alization' of the. lines. Mr. Borden isnot knowingly working wempons--revolyers, daggers. knives, ete.--taken from pris- Oners, were sent out in a vessel from New York and Adropped into the 'sea. Supposing that the law made the sale : "weapons illegal." Not so destruction of -- "In elections money is a good deal It does not accom. | what it pretends {o do. Most of it is dishonest money, It but a well-defined substitute has not |" "D¥cFibed seretly; ly. Most of it enters polities from improper sources; politics by being ; it enters doubtful constituencies in the breast pockets of a few men, and leaves the . constitu- encies in the hip pockets of the same money in everything. A well in a still better- telling that he promised load up the machine the | b > Mo Change of Pian. : France 'in Cochin-China and and she. is very much in evidence at * r ta has sentenc. 100d ; : armouries these days magittra Northern Africa have done. Japan the ---- ed Ro mb a whipping. In (has joi the household uf great 0s 5 these days, moral SURSION powers; she has become civilized. what 1 To, dy on gg A | Wo Lngand ed be . 't, a n play, same con- | home i contained about 16,000, Tending Rdward Lear's "Book of Non [5equences on the same old spot as ipeople; when Russia played her clever sense," and in getting the fever which | "I We were boys. {game, through Muraviev, and ran sugg ests. 'Thi & i {away with e Jreaty of Aigun and it . fever ia' very con-| eo Their Men. with Siberia, she was supporting tagious, Breutford § about 68,000,000 people on her five . Queen's ly is. to confer the Lmillion square miles; when Kaiser Sone sone hus telegraphed abroad degn Ad.D. on Hon. G. [Wilhelm heard from the gods of his hatte Kingston water system is|P- Gr n b tly - Youd of ancestors tut, he was to be the miki very prosperous, Queen's do. read the Mail a . Emmanuel to the benighted Afri. plus is $7,000 hae She anuiq] si: pire's Sotaiam of the new minister of Fo and _ forthwith went 'down Ratan Tae NO 80 as 4 'canals; or, what is more there to establish an empire in the What's the use of exaggerating re-|than having read them, take (name of all the Christian virtues sults ? no stock in them. Germany had less The Grand Secret. to how high 'it wants to raise or as Haman's gallows' ns. For the sake of Eh say that the Cit ny hat the 3 Ai, ' The day of J IN | affairs is Ontario. It salary, as nearly all male teachers out of th cient retugn for, the fort and induce even and there 'efiough independent elee end the adherents of selves with patn easy to cent of i candidate 'who acts as it which ah ok Shan Tn Tagton, 'delivery sf quired' on' letters marked for delivery, to th pondence the old system a special Samp whet be speured; dnd as' not one ler in ten desl of seurrying around had lone. 'Now all that is necessary is to put on the letter ten ¢ents worth of ordinary stamps to cover the special 5 Solivcy charges and let: the letter go. The post office peaple seem to be do- ing their best to. make the service con. venient. Incidentally, they are mak- ing it pay pretty well. ------ . .Live Stock Market, Montreal, Oct. 7.--The arrivals 'of live stock at Point. St. Charles stock vards, this morning, consisted of 1. 816 head of butchers' cattle, 591 calves, 1,781 sheep and lambe, and 1.575 fat. hogs. There wero also some 700 head of cattle offered at the Fast End Abattoir. The wet weather help- ed to make a very dull market more dull, the butchers" being in no hurry for to buy until they got concessions from the former low Prime beeves sold at dic. to Be. per Ib ogs sold at Gc, to 6c. per Ib. ----e. The Way It Didn't Happen. "Mother," suid little Wiltie Jones, "Mt there's no work to do, U'd like to join the other Loys Ad go nm A log, 100." i 's not a bit work i Suid Willie's mother Kind : Rada "It's useful to know how to swim, So go--! do not mind," = "Father." said Willie to his When he had older grown "I'd like to smoke, and wish that 1 A briar pipe own, "' "And so you shall," sid Willie's pa, alo, of his wanly som ; to 'Store Went to hi Areal Xpenaive me " "Dear folks," and Willie to them wi} When he. was twenty-t hove Manic, and we're a mar soon will be.' "We love her so 1" | "She's just tive girl 1" "The one for vou we'd choose 1" Which goes to prove lines are false Amd writ but to 3 ----iestr Where Wade's Ointment Differs. This is a combination of healing remedies that cures everything that ordinary ointments can and many skin troubles that few remedies ean reach, such as the parasitic skin diseases like Salt Rheum, Dandeeff, etc. Wade's Ointment heals e ing and cures ¥ , Salt Rbeum, Socald Head. Cold Sores. Erysipelas. Piles, ete. Ir big boxes, 25c,, at Wade's Drug Store When the white of a fresh egg is 1 not a person in ill-health who wan't participated in it, and a | evidence. beaten toa froth, and added to the | receive immediate help from Ferro i to: the Kings. cream, it will whip igh. more quick- | zona, . Ph ty and easily. : 2 Asn tonic and restorative as n False pride and extravagance make | health-bringer and body builder, Por. Laxative Bromo 1 which, carry ruin. Cures a Cold To ad Sons a cheertul giver, in Qe onevey fk tt he no out dodges our question is 4 What the phrase, "as high our con- want the tariff raised Jhigher, and that we do not know referred to means, as and never saw ' : our supply. of teachers Moc oo is gone. Oshawa: school board cannot get applications for positions on their public school staff, and this state of pratiy 'general throughout #8 not now a question of are not to be had at any price. Low salaries for the past ten or fifteen years have driven profession, and have not been a suffi- outlay in time, of- fe- The whale (oil service) system is mischievous, gdehasing and corrupting, tors in the country to bring it 10 an if Shep dpiolve to do so. At + Mot mare than five per cent. of any party busy them- i It ought to he = de ai least ten per ; electors of any consti- taency to cast their votes against any the agent of a patronage - chmmittes or "any party maintaine the, wretched system. new arvadgement winder which will not be re- special will 'be'a 'great convenience © brain workers whose corres- must go in a hurry. Under delivery to be «| easily tires arene is werivalled, tain the elements that build wn ond THE ASSERTIVE JAP. "Case. Reviews : it--we shall things with Germany in Africa, and Kian Chau than 40,000,000 people on 205,530 square miles. Now Japan goes over to Korea. She is supporting about 50,000,000 people or about 160,000 square miles, of which the possible arable land is less than twenty per cent., and the actual cul- tivation is 13.8 per cent., that is to A- |say, about 15,000,000 acres. She has i- [heard the logic of necessity." " Kidney Ills Are Stealthy. Serious kidney troubles often come almost unawares. No other serious ailments have so few symptoms. When the back is Weak and aches frequent- When the action of the bladder is irritable or there are signs of kidney, liver or bladder tron- ble, take Peck's Kidney and Liver Pills at once. They give prompt and sure relief. In boxes, 25¢c. For sale only at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. Notes From Sydenham. e | Sydenham, Oct. 7--After a long ill- of nearly three years, death claimed one of Sydenham's fairest ladies, Miss Ella Creighton, who had borne her illness with patience and was always cheerful. The funeral ser- vices were conducted by Rev. G. 8. Milligan, assisted by Rev. Mg, Pinel, at the late home of deceased, on Sa. turday, at noon, after which the fune- ral col left for the family plot at Cataraqui. The sisters and hroither have the sympathy of a very large circle of friends in their sad Herenve- ment. Orvis Purdy is here from Cop- Chiff, visiting his daughter. David Paice is home from Cobalt, and is building a new barn. Mr. and Mrs, John McRory and Mrs. Clark have re. turned from Michigan. Mrs. John Connor, Kingston, is with her parents for a few days. J. E. Chown has moved his family to Kingston. They will be greatly missed. Mrs. Hodson, spending the sammer 'here, 'has gone to Napanee, where she will spend the He Makes Cléar and Confident Adachi Kinnosuke, a Jap, writing Ay Review of | Wouldn't You Like | A Look? We'll enjoy snowing you your Fall Suit, your New Hat, | your Toggery: They ought to be yours, at any rate. Best Suits ever, $10, $12, $14, $15, $16.50, $18 and $20. None such Overcoats, $10, $12, $14.50, $15, $16, $18 and $20. x Trousers that, well, just see them, $3, $3.50,-$4, $4.50, 85. The things in Stiff and Soft Hats, $2. New Fall Shirts, Soft and Stiff Bosom, 50c., 75¢. and $1. 4 - Handsome Neckwear Rainbow Silks, in Derbys and Flowing Ends, 50c. Fancy Cashmere Hosiery, 40c. 2 pairs for 75¢. See Our Silk Faced Cheviot Overcoats, at $13.50, $15 and § ® $20. THE WELL KNOWN. winter months. Owing to the very geable weather, several are suffer- ing with colds. Quite a number from here attended Odessa fair last Friday. ---- A weak Stomach, causing dyspepsia, a weak Heart with palpitation or in- termittent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen thesé inside or controlling nerves 'with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and sce how quickly these ailments' disappear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple drial. Sold by all dealers. Respect usually keeps clear of the place where confidence is at low tide. Bad as the cigarette is. it ought to be ashamed because some people use it, "Forgive us our debts" dop't 'mean a repudiation of honest obligations. Rosy Cheeks The Ambition of Every Woman. Hollow cheeks with dark lines, sal- low complexion--how a woman lates them. But rosy cheeks, clear skin, bright eyes--give them fo a woman al she is happy. In the blood is found the fist syn of trouble. It grows thin and watery, fis color fades, and increasing pallor and sal- lowness give the outward evidence cf the change within. Soon the Serves weaken, the heart ind palpitates, strength lines, The delicate mechanism of the wo- manly functions is interfered with, and pleasures, activities and even du- ties are loaded down with the burden of declining health. Why is it that womén neglect the first warnings ? J Usually she waits till she ie ready to drop--often then it's too late. These conditions are easily checked, easily cured at the beginning --but even when long established Ferrazone will remove the cause and cure the trouble, Perrozone's action aids The three vrincipal functions of the-hody --diges- tion, assimilation, elimination By strengthening digestion it forms an abundance of rich, red blood --this gives good color, By perfecting assimilation, Ferre tone supplies wotrition--this gives strength, vim, stability Elimination is nsetired beens Ver rozone auickens the artions of the liv er, kidneys and bowels--this nares. INVICTUS SHOE The Invictus Shoes wear better than most all other shoes. They look better. They are the most comfortable ; fitting shoes. Nothing' but the best grades of leather used. Highest class workmanship in every pair of them. We have them in Vici Kids, Box and: Velour Calf, Gun Metal.and Patent Colt. $4, 4.50, 5 and 5.50 for Men $3.50 and 4 for Boys. $3.50, 3.75, 4 and 4.50 for Women. All the Newest Fall Styles are now ready. » Abernethy's Brass and Iron Beds See our up-to-date Fur- _ nished rooms : Parlor, Library, Din- ing Room and Bedroom on ground floor. CARPETS --See our lineof imported squares, unions, tapestry, Brus- sels. All the latest de- signs. Prices moderate. Reid's. t James 'PHONE, 147, teen the maintenance of vignrous health. Ferrorone puts voi on the right rond--the one that leads to bentth Not a man, woman or child pond ! ne Wand. vigor, endurance nnd 5 tor won who is weak wervons ar Af ' Tt cures Secatse 't fends. and nourishes, herptise 31 com. for "the individual who has or g90d neighbors, strencthen. Tre #4 voursed where in 50¢ f--s0ld sviry- Chocolates Buy Ganong's G.B. Chocolates. They are the Best. A. J. REES, 166 Princess Street boxes. _ Is not only a savil but 2 'saving of la you buy cleaned «¢ don't buy dust a You con't carry di home or office in buckets." This cos pride of our city. your home comfort ~ AND COAL A. CHADWICK, ] Successors of The Company. Phone The sudden changes ought to suggest the putting in some good sell good Coal. It's t sends. qut the most makes - the: home comfo the hest money can thers is mone better m We deliver it to you withoi t slate, at the ° prices . BOOTH & Phone 133. Foot o RORY) Cures ALLC J YR" NY AND COSTS B i x Blood in ol e ous Deoiiy, Mental and rs en of Mi A will cure. Sold by all wei mailed free. The C. H. Poy Carpenter and 103" Ragla rede AS GOLD PRODI The Transvaal Has Fe Ahead. Mines and Minerals. The Transvaal was a he try in 1877, but it is ne gold at the rate of $1 ammum. The white popul; Transvaal is about 300, 114,000 of this populatio ed in the vicinity of the ave 100000 natives and 5 employed in the mines watersand, and there are natives employed in othe in_and nedr the mining 114,000 white people of occupations on the minin Witwatersrand are supp or indirectly entirely b industry, and their numb creased proportionately a industry has progresses mines were first discov high grade ore was mine ek. At the present time value of the ore mined a only $8.50- per ton. It re mical mine management $10,000,000 per month fr $2.50 per ton in a count ing expenses are twice as are in the United States, interested bn capital inves ed labor is performed by and; the unskilled labor | tives or Chinese under" t of white men. A Linguistic Gram Chicago News, Near Amsterdam a tow not know a word of D saw in a shop window; 1 ment, 'English spoken." the shop. "English Si vouth behind the count picked up a cylinder, ple gramaphone, and the ins sang ouf--but in Germs madam}, the proprietor, German, will be telephow will return to the est; than "five minutes. seated 7 Being familar with Gern ist seated himsel. © In ¢ prietor, who, it tirned of cellent English. The st why the gramaphone di English. The explanatic my, stupid assistant! 1 der an which is reerded English: he used the wror "Phere is no excuse fo tinued the annoyed prop English, evlinder is tinte ends, and the German on for me. Sir. that von un man, else Ts might have teemed | customer. Jess pe Wound sy Cow's He Brockville, Ont., Oct. named James Githooly, tween Newboro and hooked in the leg a we heifer which he was leadi poisoning set in. from | Sunday. Gilhoolv was e age and, one of the best ers in the district.