who fell in the Hor the vres © like people were - ut the {nr hits Aruonrics Inst sights and the formal a esibition opening of * Made-In-C *' fair, ' was a pronounced success, in every re- spect. Of the large mumber who 'were Close' upon 300 in attendaper, it is estimated that the -zround close upon two thousand were paid admission. The committesmen of - - with the result, and they have every jreaon two be. : Armouties presented a very | rola i Pretty sche. When the Tights were | orn rom turned on it wes a regular "bower of comment beauty. The building was crowded at ' The trumpetdrs every point, but notwithstauding this, : event proved uw great success. [50 Citizens. turned out en masse and the | : undertaking was one that will not be soon forgottén. % ' Lieut. Gov. Mortimer Clark, opened k coursed patriotic i . 7 £12; Uni the procendings with fan eloquent pa- {1760-1 12; United triotic speech, and Theve were three | 4c . other very interesting items on the: | African Yetarans, pgramma the presentation of a1 Po iu, andsome bronze medal to John Gal: | a drill by Canton Kingston, No. 6; | The Armouries large assenibly, With him were Mayor patronized. i ! As the pity walked 'in, the band [are on exhibition struck up "The Maple Leal," and [ever attempted in {Yours, "(amidst loud cheering, the lieutenant- of them have vot PHONE 90. ress. He was introduced by Mayor George Young and owat. Lieutenant-Governor Speaks. the most popular was much pleased to have the honor [wish in the candy ¥ had come over the country within the past few years. He remembered the [for the coat has ime, and he expected that the major- (and the contestant To match in every size § 'made. Our new 'stock now all in, and put in lund dairy, produce. There was at this Y « Ssitime, no mabufacture. Now, a. great |. stock : * change had come over affairs. . Mapu- | . « fo) factures had 'cominenced to spring ap | WILTONS, AXMINSTERS, {the fairs held there, was very little ex- [behalf. The. result and other 'produce, 'perhaps 't. VELVETS, . oth "SMYRNA, Qo Brerythsag? ion of. the « ALMORALS, no, bigh | ty peo- | from 'across - the workshop of the dominion, What was | _ Tbe 'next fur « WOOLS, years "Made-in-Cavada" were 'used in de. | *x. who thought be a guarantes that the goods were of | Pown at the end Turning again = to . the exhibition, (Toom, with hard his honor said that the citizens oi | the ladies for what they had done in|Toom is also. an their work would be me with being erected, and everyone would give as liberally] music could be as possible. The ladies had already | building. cess, and what had been done, hud (ly recognize in present \at a great many' *Made-in- | The booth decked 1 trust marked success, and that the ladies | visitors. COAL From P. WALSH ¥ You get genuine © Scranton, as he 3 nothing of love, | congratuiate all who have | the gallery, and every success in this grand old city." | Presentation Of Medal. ! The lieutenant-governor was called | | upon to perform a most pleasant duty A Mrs. J. C at the close of his address, that of | presides isenting a handsome bronze medal to John lagher, aged fourteen, of 25 | over to the fur Last evening, a . Connell edal being the gift of the Humane | Society of Canada. The lad appeared | duced to Mr. McK | before the audience, and after a few | y the medal on the lapel of his coat. "I have been requested to discharge another duty, aud | have very great Jrlensure in doing it," remarked his it. The MeKay honor. "*Yoeuhave in your city a boy, | was not merely a fourteen years of age. who has twice | hut to Canada saved human life by his bravery and . seli-denial." : The winner of the medal was loudly What Can it, and he was w St, near Union, 88x182.8 550. St., pear Uniom, 66x182.. 650. St., facing Park, 44x182.. 425. St., near Union, 40x200.. 500. Si. near Alice, 40x1534... 430. 4 be would turn 6iit to be a brave man and save the lives of others. And toed some Toronto ioe Bt, 40X80. erin miiinnina 300, | the audience he said, "1 hope you pure food and the BE, 44X180. anion cnn 800.4 Will all hofior him." tion to come down The story of young Gallagher's work [He also stated "tha 1.600, St. 50x182........ .. 00. ly St, 43x120......... ie 210. ily St., 4 lots, 26dx182.. .. 800. Bly, 86X18... wii On April 20th last, a lad named Gour Blaying on the Cataraqui bridge, fell {not excel it, at lea nto t made a gallant rescue. His other [prise can do. In a St., near Brock, 40x66 Frontenac St. 55X15... o life of a little girl named Wallace, [mart of Ontario. " } tai : long-continued local BEX... mirrors Sto, 29x18... wpe BBABA iirc stituency, {judgment given hy teonbridge of ae don and will take Vor to have the {Hable for damages f iment, / one One of the evening. was the Kingston, No. 6, LO.O.F., and the march, aml it was Saint 2 fine event. The procession nana 1 marched twice ground the Armonries, ¥Meut are more than sed while the [4th Reviment band dis : d ii governor took a prominent place in vince, 4 F. Harrison Co., the balcony, in readiness for his ad- or mal booth, in charere of Mrs |sistants. occupies a prominent part of the building and has become ope of In opening, his hono® stated that he lone can secure anvthine that vou djof being present, to open the great [and of the finest amality, and have the | ® fair. He wished to thank the ladies [honor of being waited on bh - some of §1in charge of tlis big aflair, for hav- |Kineston's fairest daughters. | ing asked him to preside. He liked | The polling hooth, where votes are | the words, "Made-In-Canda,"" and [received for the fur coat, is presided went on to say that a great change [over by Miss Fvelvn Newlands, and Miss Irene Williams. The competition y of those present did also. when at ete at work soliciting wates 'on their the interest taken in 'the contest. The : Merchants' Exhibits. to pass! that when * the words | ©f nttention, specially "irom the fairer scribing goods, that it would always | "cute" for anything. assisted in the work, and wish you | music duping the afternoon. | John McKay & Co., Complimented deutenant-Governor Clark requested president and secretary of the Made- in-Canada exhibition, to take him William street, jor life-saving, the | McKay & Co. as he he bead of that firm. On being intro. he wished to congratulate him on the appropriate remarks, his hoor pinned | magnificent exhibition his house had made. He had never seen the like of house on the continent could surpass cheered by the audience, and as his| 'The success of the hospital fair is honor pinved the medal on the lad's [to signal, the grand march and the, coat, hie said that he hoped that hé general effect so good, that a travel ling railvay representative has invit- has already been told in the Whig. [the fair exhibits of furs in Canada - {and Kineston's show on this occasion dier, living on Queen street, while [exceeds all of them. Renfrew could water. Notwithstanding the {done so well. The success of the icy waters, Gallagher jumped in, and [Kingston furriérs shows what enter- rescue consisted in the saving of the [they have made this the leading fur | | also shows what good things King- | ston can accomplistr when it is united | and not giving itsell away to the | sires to scrap-in a close political con®] : Refused Pardon i Walter Lowry, released from. Belle- | {ville jail, where be was serving a two { months' sentence for theft, by a! | conviction was wrong, refuses the par- | court of append, where he will endea- {©THE DAILY BRITISH 'WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1907. TPT water at Brophy's 'eatures. features of the drill by Canton but nevertheless, they went * through' their different clock work, and amidst loud applause from the audi- was a fine one all | and reflected vat aredit upon evervove ecounected with people took part in airs from .the bal scopy. The different costumes present- spectacle. aml the | forth much worthy were "in the lead, with Constable Samuel Arniel as mar- | | Represented was Britannia, Jack' Tare, Canada, Indian veriod, Freach iperiod, 1612-1706: English period, Empire Loyalists; soldiers of the kine, provinces, South nurses, trades, and lagher, aged fourteen, for life-saving, | In The Afternoon. was thronged also up egeinst the well, and for(LO.O.F. and the grand: march. esterday afterngon with people from Just. drop. the bed mod har sat the &ty apd Vicinity all Anxious to} good line ot 0.30 Complore: wiih Promptly at 7:45 o'clock, the lieu- [attend the exhibition. The booths | tenant-governor appeared in the bal- {where articles ware for sale and where econy, and from there addressed the |articles were on exhibition were well tMowat and Frederick: Welch, the | The many * hegutiful booths. where | honorary secretary of the fair. nearly. every article one could think of are easily the best this citv and some heen equalled in the | a host of able as at the fair. Here | line. all home-made"! become nite keen, | « have man. help- % , are . announced exhibit is that of | they were too! of the building one | i. : 2 the best quality. |i* confronted hy a coyy little drawing- wood floor, costly | rugs, a neat gas grate and everything! Kingston were greatly indebted to|!® make things look homelike, in this} excellent Wormwith | this great undertaking, Hy, oped pipno, the whole cause of 'the room oftén during the sympathy on every hand, and|®fternoon the sweet strains of the heard . around thei done a large share towards the suc At the Indian booth one would hard. the beautiful, but | formed a great boon. tquiet, grave Indian maidens, the faces | Col.-Sergt. Pratchett (spoon) "I baye had the pleasure. of 'bejug | of some prominent Kingston girls. | " \ in red aud white! Canada' fairs," 'continued the lieu. | with the large red cross above, where! Corpl. Woodrowe tenant-governor, "in different parts of | purses in their pretty uniforms dis-| the province. but | have failed to sce | pense everything needed in the sick one that can compete with this one. |room, is receiving a large share of | 0 that the "fair will prove a|the admiration and patronage of the stone rughy club, stated this mory-| Irish and Dutch comedians, a tramp |street, Toronto, Ont. | | | ing that he had written Westmount | that is a wonder, and a lot of pretty | will be richly rewarded for their labor | The battery band was stationed into ask if they would play in King- | @irls that can both dance ail ong, 1H. Cunningham, piano tuner, from dispensed excellent t the Armouries, and Mr. Welch, the booth of John desired to meet ay, his honor said ure that no furrier exhibition, he said, credit to Ningston, Be Done. mon interested in industrial exhibi- and take pointers, t he had seen all st, has not so far | very few years The hospital fair jealonsies and de- { | Chief Justice Fal: | ground that the the case to the magistrate made or false imprison. | 36th Ottawa plays Queen's 1. 'Oh No- { vember 2nd, Queen's plays in Mont- Montreal Herald : The new rugby is| Lem for a further report. Jewellers & Optician { to. November Ind and 9th are thus of | yesterday, when an. hour's work was | want to compete with teams placed {itklulived: in, sprigeipally wwignallin~ and | under the ban by the C.AAU. if they exhibited, outside of fat cattle, 'grain (every 'evenin~ which adds greatly. to | tackling. 5 Although : the, team is not | are to be professionalized. The execu- | | : {quite as'strong as 'in"previous vears, | tive, on the other hand, believes "in the back ediVision is good. It will throwing down the gauntlet to the , y [likely include Crawford, Macdonnell, | CA 'A.U. and playing out' the series, realth board withheld action' until the A | Marshall - and * Williams. Dobson is | claiming that the understanding was |'OYmer reports. |all over 'the 'toubtry, and where there |@ Of the exhibits of the merchants, the |plavibg a' very good game behind the | (hat any player who would take the The health officer recommended that been' previously no factories, fac. | ©" of" the John McKay & Co., fur- | scrimmdge 'and Kennedy and Elliott | affidavit approved of would be rein-|2 drain be cofistructed on the upper {tories were now to he seen. : riers, driws'a good: share' of 'atten- make :good . outside' wings. The boys At the preset diy farmers were re-| 1100. Mr. McKay has on exhibition a (indulge in a good run every morning ceiving 'a good price for "their grain | fine line of 'furs, all secured in Canadajand' then:go to work in the gvm. : by his own 'trappers. A gentleman |They expect to be able to put it over line stated to the Ottawa College 'on Saturday, and if | "A 'state of | Whig, vesterday, that the exhibition hard work counts for anything, they . * | could tnot be, - nor bad " never been, Ontario was, the | *9ualled in Canada. > ispoon, suitably engraved, was given! It is the work of Reginald that many places were. inspected swith- ~ 8 are eee GILT : rr leur po . A | citivens will, as in the past, "THE BOARD OF HEALTH thew generously. ©. : THE SPORT REVIEW Regiopolis Player Injured. 'STRONGLY ADVISED BY THE QUEEN'S A SECRET. "Pan" K i tuds f R { After THLETIC - . i . 3. Fag | polis College, met w ith 'a painful ac- ARY EXPLAINS. cident while practising with the team HEALTH OFFICER | : AR on Saturday. While Seed in : -- oy " ! Lim Cann rimmage he had his diy cut. ! i Pit osets in I Why _cimestonsg ot ve Te will A a serious drawback to the To Zequie Scution Closed--Dis- Grounds Till Nov. veo. i ) | i Limestones Will Play Gan- . \ cussion Over An Insanitary Here rt. ! Stone Drain. + om Saturday General Notes On Spo : : 5 g | rol Longboat will start in the Hamilton! sue Board of 'Health met yesterday | NO ODE wants an old-fash he Li had airy: good Herald race. Club of 1 afternoon. Present wer N.S. Son | joned cod liver oil prepara- The Limestones fa lmrly x The National Sporting Club of Lon-{ (0 hairman), Dr. Etherington, Dr. | oo nm [turnout at she evicket field, yesterday |, Eng., has made an offer for a i Francis King, Medical Health | tion or emulsion, because jaieradn, he ahather Joad Scuctie | match between Burns and Moir. . | fficer Bell and City Commissioner | Vinol is a much better body- was joduiged inc Russell Reic, [0 | "irhe Outario Rughy Union: is wot 'in| 3, builder and strength creator merly of Limestones and Queen's L | affiliation with the C.AA.U., but tJ" nl on took place on a com- | a wan out in uniform, and is playing iv | decided at its last annual meeting to --. oF G, W. Maxwell, Rideau | for old people; weak children, al Bat mins nto Totn | afifinte. h o 1 with throw street, urging the board to compel | and for CO! hs, colds, bron- e hoy « sumsehs are charged wi w- on los the st tgs 3 and wil have a bunch out this year | bg Satarday's game to New Westmin- Jumes Daly to close up o, Sone chitis, etc. it does no good i mebod « : : drain on lis property. He and an- ? that Will. wake so ¥ sit up aud | ster, thus defrauding hundreds of Yai proj your : take notice. The locals have ar- other tenant had put in new drains Tas ropged a game with Gananoque for | lit Oshawa pedestrian, [at the request of er, Rui GEORGE W. MAHOOD, Saturday uftergpon, in this city. This Jars siccepted- the - challenges of Land- | Maxwell said that . r aly's drain | . DRUGGIST. should be a good game and also ex ford and Hoagland, and will walk |%¥as dangerous to health. hed itt) 3 cellent practise for the hone team, { them from Port Hope to Toronto, City Solicitor Mclntyre asked if «the Board intended to condemn all stone i | idrains,even if they were in working | | z preferring Monday, October 21st, as Secretary MacInnes Explains. J the das of the race. f } : \ re were h Kingston, Oct. 9.--(To the Editor) 1] There will be $71,400 in purses and {order. He said that ther were un- | The articles in yesterday's Whig about | ji kes raced for during the ten days' ! ireds and thoasands of stone drains the use of Queen's athletic grounds by | meeting of the Kentucky Horse-Breed- | throughout the city. Medical Health explained the situation, which is | Ovide Lafleur, the celebrated ~ wing [drain a few days ago and didn't | follows : On October 12th, i slayer, who has been prominent in |think it unsanitary." plays Queen's I. This game has av: | gh 'football for ten years or move, | Mp. King pointed out that the city | EI eraged, for the. last four year, over will not be out this season. Lafleur |.ngineer and the health officer did anteed 7 00. This game could not be Post-: las been tried alternately on the wing [not agree on the stone drain in ques- | goasi 8 week, for - an October 19th| ,.4 back line, but invariably played |tion, and until they did the Board | Gill 1 plays Queen's 1. On October | his best game in the first named posi {could not very well act. He thought | SMITH BROS. | tion. He was a bundle of speed. {the matter should be referred back to or belt The. points are assorted the Limestones are so misleading that | ope Association, 'which begins, to-day. | Officer Bell said there was no inten- | S I would ask space to correct them. Injg¢ Lexington, Ky. Thirty-one races |tion to condemn all stone drains. | : NTAIN the first place, 1 wish to state that} ij) be decided, an average of over| The minutes of the Board showed | the Limestonés, made no-offer for the $2,300 to each race. , {that 'the city engineer had condemned | SN am---------------- grounds, nor-on'ithe wither hand. did H Ottawa is scheduled. to play. Argo- Mir. Daly's drain, and 'that the Board | 1 N i demand any amount ax rental from | 001s, on Toronto Varsity field; § at- {had ordered hin to put in a tile | ' | them for use of grounds on October | \rday, and Ottawa is going prepaved | irain. ; . | { 12th, Mr. Dalby, on Saturday, and {to live up to its schedule. 'Argonauts | The medical health officer said that | Watermans Ideal Pers, in Mr. Nickle, on Tuesday. asked mej yj) play under Argonaut colors in |police court action had not been tak- | all standard siz about the chaiices of the Limegtones| pic came, and under Argonaut name, len because the city solicitor had not : . getting Queen's athletic woomil for| Lot Torontos, as' in Montreal. {been sure of the city having a good Fitted with iUNp Cans § their games, To these gentlerigp | A despatch from Ottawa says that icase. He himself had examined the | ThE BeN! Jo pos Poker 1 | | real, and on November, 9th in Torow:| ore to stay. That was the concensus| The health officer said that the city 350 King Street. opinion after Saturday's match. |, oiveer held all stone drains to be | Issuers of Marriage The game embodies the best of fea- | neanithry, and it was Just a ques. | Licsnass tures of the old-time Ontario, Quebec | jon as 10 whether the board should | - . and Intercollegiate foothall, and it isl, (ake action to have all stone Phone 868 difficult to see just where it could be|g,. ic loced up. The drain of Mr improved. - The spectators Saturdav ipo oie carried sink waste. were highly pleased with the style of | * 4 game and so were the players and oi-| the first open dates. In view of this situation no offer was made by either side in regard to October 12th. We are quite anxious to help the Lime- stones in any reasonable way, but we must also be mst to our own clubs, who have a right to consideration also. --Yours sincerely, W. H. MACINNES, was decided to refer the matter | o the city engineer, the city solicitor i i ficials. {and the medical health officer for a | Secpetary Athletic Committee, : X . . 'tand the medical hea office ! ecretary ommittee There is a difference. of spinion complete report. 'BE SURE ISI among the Hamilton Tigers ahout| 'yp "i qyin notified the Board that | A Queen's Not Overly Strong what action to take in reference to the Queen's I and II were out again, | football muddle. The plavers do not | MADE-IN-CANADA he would take action against the city | mless it built a new drain on Vine | or Ellice street. The water was back- | ing 'into the cellars of the tenantsin| 1s houses at that corner. 'Lhe matter 5 bhefore the Board of Works and the | art "of . Bay . street on ~~ sanitary | stated. ad 3 { x » grounds. Mr. King thought 'the ' mat- | THE GRAND. ter should be referred to the city en- { - AT gineer to find out - about the - cost | oY vs |ete. This the board decided to do. De Wolf Hopper in "Happyland, | The medical health officer advised should. 2 on Friday. . | he closing up of all pit closets in pin . Happyland, the Inte SO ithe business section of the city. They +A" Shooting Competition. | opera written expressly to exploit the {were decidedly unsanitary, he said. italonts of that prince of lyrical come- Adah x a made was made hovestly and to the | George Mills. and he (also has & large! The first of a series of spoon compe-| o " Th: fle was instructed to make a report : RS F TAPESTRYS. mo oS satisfaction of all. | | assortment on view. The George Mills | titions, jin' conjunction with, the ork dine, | De capper pn - specifying 'the district. : a iit SUURDIERS it UR '! gv Ye 0 'The * speaker' trusted that in. the | White Teddy 'Bears drew: a great deal! ly practices of the 14th Regiment, was [| ane bill at The Duan on Friday. | Pr. Evans asked ii the sanitary in- ng so busy, spector acted without complaints being | possible to make an Exhibit in the 'held 'at' "the penitentiary ranges, on! ® {October 11th. registered. 'The health. officer replied | Armouries. 3 ; . "Happyland" is an- Saturday afternoon. A silver tea: pp {nounced as a straight comic opera in . two acts, to the highest scorer in each of the |e "Ko second and "third class shots. The Scores were : wy $ . {out complaints. It was the duty of |W. F. Gourdier, Brock St wen, who composed the mu Board's: official 9 17% \ ' . and Frederick Ranken, who wrote the | the Board's officials, he said, to be ir ud . {the song. The Messrs. Shubert are - Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 2nd. Class. {responsible for the production, and Settlers' Low Rates West. ~Sergt. Holland .... 53 | productions should afford sufficient as- | way will sell low one-way second-class New Carriages, Cutters, Harness . W. Peters 48 | surance that the new production will | etc., for sale oy . istory of the piece and the words of VT On the watch. Skinner (spoon) .... 61 [the excellence of their numerous ether The Cnicago and North-Western rail- 27 BROCK ST. | settlers" tickets, Aailv from September by . 6G. Birch ha 46 | iberally caved for. Ist to October 3lst, to many points in e. Jd. Bird ' JO ve ihe ' Western States and British Columbia,| Sale of Horses every Saturday. . Side Tracked. Rate, Toronto to San Francisco and -- 3rd. Class. "Side Tracked" is a merry comedy, Los Angeles, $13.70; to Vancouver and --- Sho 39 (constructed 'expressly to provoke | Victoria, B.C., Portland, Ore, and ANC SEINE Pte. Williams . 3M {laughter and to drive away dull care: | Seattle, Wash., $41.95. Tourist sleep- Corpl. Stewart... cee co 32[it will be the attraction at the Grand ing cars daily from Chicago. Cor res. | wince anise wee 18100 Monday,. October 14th. As the |pondingly low rates irom all points] "iname suggests, "Side 'I'racked" is. a | Canada. For full particulars . and! What Limestones Will Do. {realistic comedy-drama, with railroad | folders write or call on B. H. Ben-| W. H. Dalby, secretary of the Lime- trains, deep, though polished villain, | Bett, generkl agent, 2 Hast King| ® ston on the 19th on the cricket field, [20d a splendid moral tone roaming | Chickering's. Orders at McAuley's The game will be free to the public, | through the whole session of {oar a-1<. | book stere. "Phone 778. and a good exhibition will result. It | : will draw Waterially: from Queen's-Mc- | "The Gingerbread Man." | Gill match. "Limestones offer West. Children, big and little, old ened | mount to play in Montreal on either | Young, thoughtivl and thoughtless, | Thanksgiving or Nov. 2nd. The | Will find much to interest. them in | Limestones will collect enough money | Ihe Gingerbread Man," which will be | to defray their expenses, snd {he |ZiVen a production' in this city at {The Grand on Tuesday, October 15th | The author is the late Frederick Ran- { ken, and the musical composer is A, | { Baldwin Sloane. The new piece is | | said to have a fascinating story, | rn | { Kingston In Art. { | The Whig, in its septuagenariin re- | | trospect, recalls the gift a press" a | {beauty in its day, and of several | {lesser kindly tokens from friends. hut fs the daintiest, most artistic offering of | {all has just arrived. Tt is a very {excellent painting. after the stvle f | -, i SEALSKIN JACKETS J. 6G. Brown's celebrated News Boy +] Three Months Sf the New Seien- . {showing three of the bustling wild of | a Trane) Restored "His < : learriers, with the Whiy' ilding in | > Alaska Sesohi [| i050 rt, 0, Sine | abies i at by dant whic (8 ackets are | Compton, of Barrie street, a new. Ie Swused by a germ, Ril the germ and | Children's Coats to fit all . jcomer to Kingston, one to be cordjg). |! 18 almost certain that hair will | ages, $1.98 and ups without doubt {ly welcomed by its lovers of ot i grow gain, if the follicle hasnot been | the best, most |{worthy additions 10° their ranks j{otally destroyed. Nels Peterson, of | : hic ie ea Ame Spur, Mont., says: '1 haw ser | count. The Whig staff is very proud [ime Spur, +. 5a ve . viceable and {of its acquisition and has given it a {been bald six years, and had tried all | richest of gar- Jiplace of honor in one of the hand. | Kinds of 'cures.' hut without any bene- | § {somest of business offices » gene. | A Whatever, . until 1 tried Herpiei i Menta, hel A flices. The gene: | Herpicide, | Isk: irous donor has heen advaneed to an {November 16th, 1599, 1 began using | Sealskins we sell | exalted place in the list of the Whig's |Herpicide, and in three months a fine | are the best to || hgorary patrons. {growth of hair covered my head com- be i i -------------- pletely." Ask your druggist for Her- | - ound anywhere, and our Death Of W. T. Creo. | picide. Everybody can have luxuriant, 14 Wer are most reasonable. { The death occurred at the general | glossy hair n Herpicide is used thor- | e make to, order any style of {hospital, on Tuesday evening, of Wil- joughly. Take no substitute. Sold by | 3B ; Him Thongs Gr : leading druggists, Send 10. in stamps | © Jacket you like of best se | deceased, eS - TDi Rand, ane {for sample to The Herpicide Co., fo | fur, 24 inches long, for $275. {years old, was 'a butcher, one of the rok, ich. Two. sizes, '5c. ~and 1. mpare, mpare Co | firm of Green Bros., Brock street, and | = ° Mahood, agent. pa + ompare. }iwell-known. He had only been ill i our fur exhibit at the {few davs and was removed to the ) "Made in Canada Exhibition" general hospital on Monday evening, | . } Canada Almost every Coat in our swell range was made in Canada, the beauty, elegance and 1ichness of these gar- ments speak volumes for the high standard of efficiency that our own Canadian de- signers and workmen have reached. WAS BALD SIX YEARS. Misses Coats, all ; sizes, $3.50 and up. Ladies' Coats, in a wonder- ful runge of styles at $4.50 3 and up. If you want the newest, nooviest and most up-te- A date garments in the city then look at our display. The garments sell them- selves. : Our Dress Goods Depart- ment has the very latest for ¢. Fall and Winter wear. All the wanted shades are here, § in big variety ; a | i h {where be underwent an operation. H and get acquainted with "The | vas greatly improved on Tuesday, Teddy Bears." {but on Wednesday had a bad' turn, | irom which he never rallied. The de- | : : } | ceased, unmarried, leaves two thrathers, Samuel and John, hoth of | Ferd. and one sister, Mrs. W. Me | i -------------- | Makers of Fine Furs. | Wiliam Swaine;piano tuner. Orders | " |Teecived at MeAuley's. 'Phone 778, | Youthful . Old Age is the result of a healthfu middle life. "If there is tendency towards' Consti pation, Indigestion Biliousness, Nervousnes --CURE IT NOW wit Lat bo * SUCTION SALE OF HO ~» HOLD FURNITURE On FRIDAY, Oct. 11th, at my Market Square, Household | Fur Bedding, Springs, Mattresses, © Curtains and Poles, Crockery, Glas Bell Organ, Grand Duchess Kitchen Utensils, New _ Home |! Machine, Matting, also olls .< of Tailor-Made Ladies Suits, Button Machinery, Sewing Machine. A other articles Cowie and see E thing must he sold. 1 want the the vendors want thé anoney Sale at 10 o'clock. Terms cash WM. MURRAY Auctic = Band Conc aE Thursday Ev'g., Oct. 101 Two Bands. 'ROLLER RII Look for the signat on the 'red laBek, an ASK ANY HONEST ! He I8 SURE TO GI J. M. DOUGLAS & CO., ( Branches throughout Canad A GENERAL BANE 'COMMERCIAL AN SAVINGS B Deposits of $1 and u current rates and paid qus delay whatever in the wit] the deposit. KINGST CORNER OF BK The Best For sale by dan