'and drift along from ell thit they ought to ut 3. nataral modesty posing themselves to the linations of even their sssary. Without money oman whose knowledge invitation orni of female weak- communicate with 8. "All letters sare wered by women lk of her private en established re. Pinkham h has never volume of aw from, rhe has will help in return udvice has V woman, he does | my testimonial, that others may know their ue offer [ val value and what you have done for me. n Medi-1 «yg you know, I wrote you that my doctor said I must have an operation or [ could not live, I then wrote you, telling you my ailments. I followed your advice and am entirely well. I can 'walk miles without an ache or a pain, and I owe my life to you and to Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. I wish ev: ery sufféring letters id this mething | Woman would read this testimonial anc are ex- | realise the v of writing to you and 1 them, | Your remedy,' --Mrs. Mary Dimmick, 59th and E. Capitol Streets, Washington, D.C. When a medicine has been suecessful ie in restoring to health eo many women vou can | Whose testimony is so unquestionable, k, 50th] YOu cannot well say, without 'trying it, 3, "I do not believe it "will help me." Ii vou are ill, don't hesitate to get a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- of at once, and write Mrs. Pinkham, ynn, Mass., for special advice--it is f; and always belpfal, isi Jemale n oper ot want HC ---- ve all Fall Suit worry short order. ouquets daily. lises our clothes, ship and the style. also, for.selling such choice able prices. d to show. you what's new in 1 Winter seasons. 0 long--for early picking is ing. ported and Domestic Tweed 18.00. and Black Worsteds, $15.00 praises the ack. and Grey 1.00 and 25.00. . BIBBY C0. BLE CLOTHIERS. Top Coats, Brass and Iron Beds b " See our ups~to-daie . ur- nished rooms : Parlor, Library, Din- ing Room and Bedroom on ground floor. CARPETS --See our lineof imported squares, unions, tapestry, Brus- sels. All thé latest de- signs. Prices moderate. res Reid's. *I have Seed Botany what sen Sheth perfec Jasds them or some time Jor Indieostio 4 ou : yr and am now compiately mond them to ornryoDe FH od. ie a will never ve without Tom in in "the fom re N.Y. oe { | | Miss May Butler, i Best for The Bowels |Seetsoneeceecteresnaes Gold i in Guwilight of Barriefield, the heroine of the hour at the olf links, || The cup "will the day | week, havin the | John Bell Carruthers' prize is played| Ja on his way home from the old country. | Mrs. Henri Panet, of Ottawa, bas | gone to New York. | Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Adams have taken quarters in Ottawa, at the Alexandra, formerly the Gilmour, for the winter. Mrs. James Sutherland and Bittle b Miss Ethel have gone down to New | York. Mr. Sutherland will return with | her. | Miss Mamie Shields, will be up. to-dav, of Gananoque, to visit Mrs. g won the Grey trophy. Charles Mc Kav, Johnson Street, be presented to her next match for Mrs. | The encagement is announced of : Miss Julia C. Mattice, daughter of | off, and the presentation will be made! | Lieutenant-Colonel Grewor Mattice, } quite a function. { Montreal, to Dr. James C. Fyshe, son Th ha lt oman Fyshe, McTavish Pronaan 1, Taste Good. Do Do Good ere -- no "prizes in the croquet st lontreal waer eke rns $e. STE Toure ut this year, play being sole-| Te Annie Lysle Countenay, eldest hteod fo cure or your maw gs ibe for the sport' and the honor of [daughter of Mrs. James Glasgow, of ew | x winning. Th % ears and Nr. demu H. Las MitLIoN nga, assistant ty postmaster- ALE, Miss Mabel Bowie, University {genera Ottawa. The wedding will EDUCATIONAL. | avenue, arte] half a"dozen girls {take a on the 30th of October. -------- 100, voste for & glimpse of Xie Passestersstestectess | Florence Fouwick before her marviage. | The marriage tooks place at St. IF Vou wish € 1o mo i (Gile's Preshyterian urch, Montreal, Hy ° successful On Saturday, Nrs. S. Huntington jon Saturday last. of Miss Louise | Simpson, * Frontenac street, gave a | Ma n, third dauchter of Mr. Kingston Business College s Limited, head of Queem street. CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE business school, Bookkeeping, shorthand, typewriting, tele- graphy, and all commercial subjects thoroughly aught by competent experi eachers. Day and night classes. Dari at any time. Rates very moderate. "Phone, 440: H. F. METCALFE, President. J. E. CUNNINGHAY, Secretary. FURRIERS ERR RReY Seaspscee 3 IMPROVE TOUR EDUCATJON INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business College, Barrie and Clergy Sta. T. N. STOCEDALE, 'Phone, 680. Principal. SLOP 000 060 StopsHeadache Your tablets are a safe and effective remedy for headache. E. F. TOMKINS, Mayor of Coaticook. cossesscsssssesss Every woman who suffers ought to know their worth. MRS. A. ELFORD, North Sidney, C.B. I have tried your tablets and wish to give them the highest possible recom- mendation. D. W. NOYES, Of Noyes Bros., Boston, Mass. - Zutoo: COAL.! The sudden changes in Weather ¢ ought to suggest the Xisdom of putting in some sell good Coal. sends owt the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the best money can buy, and thers is mone better mined. We deliver it to you clean and withoi t slate, at the very bottom prices BOOTH & CO. i Phone 133. Foot of West St HFPPVIOIIIIIIIPIIOI0® Pearsall's Millinery : We are showing this week, some Very Pretty Dress Hats, in all the leading shades. The new and very Attractive Feather Ornaments are on display together with Really Fine French Fur Felt Shapes, which you should sec. Pearsall s Millinery, 228 Princess St. Alarm Clocks an Alarm Clock { get you up these dark mornings. Our clocks all guaranteed and range from ®1 up Kinnear & d'Esterre. You need to are i i of strength--No. 1, i an Sr = DR.C.C. NASH, Dentist, 183 Princess St. Over Dr. Chown's Peg Store. » of Royal Col NEW ENGLAND CHINESE - RESTAURANT, 331 KING ST to 3 am, round Lunch in Open from 10.30 a.of., best place to get an all the city. notice. E nglish and Chinese dishes a specialty Phone, 63535. Some people make room at the top hy pushing others off the! Hittie -tea, for her sister, the bride. of |and Mrs. D. M. (to-day. = Macpherson, of Glen- gary, to Mr. Harold fi. Barnet, young- lest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexandes | There is an engagement known only {| Barnet, of Coleraine Hall, Renfrew. to a fed inends, which isn't to be | |anneuncell publicly for some time yet. | But those v vho do know of jt. and | [know the sweet and amiable {gix), and the extremely nice man con- cerned 'most - nearly in it, feel it a {esuse of much congratulation on both {sides 2.8" \a .» i The announcetvent of the engage- {ment of Mr. K. M. O'Hara, who has! {been for some time in New York, but father, bas lately. become accountant of Bank of Commerce, s Gertrude {a mat ter of ston people, a Kinestonian, and his mother's people. awe. Miss Mabel Mills, her five young | M8y injure trade in the West Indies. Riley, of New' York, is |puchand being John F. Sparks. M.D. The governor-general and Lady Gres much inte rest to King- leldest son of Dr. and Mrs. 'R E and family, who pdssid a month at as Mr. O'Hara is, in part, [gq qpks University avenue. ? the Quebec citadel, have left for Ot because of his mother | "Phe Jittle bride wore a lovely im-{ tava. ported robe of lace, over chiffon and |, A+ FE. Donovan, M.L.P.; Brockville, | the on their way down to Nova Scotia. James Richmond, Mrs. {and her daughters; irom their summer cottage down river. Mrs. | Street, week, from Boston, {from Halifax. Herbert came Robi have come Union street, the ison, home at the end of last Mrs. apamplete convert to the having enjorved most deli While visiting Mrs. Gray at 9 the Mrs stay ing hoot boihivin toi dE Universe." John on, Ottawa. A. co q | coming ut ud ""Magdle-InCa Shortt, Lady gent of Brockville people for a nada" glin row, for New York Miss pleasant visit to University avenue, Jessi e Polson, Mrs leit, Saranac Lake Ha to with strent, is going down ta Ottawa. ay, to visit Judge and Mrs. nan. Mrs street, of Seattle, with her sister-in-law, at Brockville. Sie. Richard and } and the Misses Cartwright, "The Maples" to spend the winter aiter a N.C where she vow Robinson is otor car, 1 drives "The Hub is now Mrs. Cartwright, have left in is \pse at our on Frida+ Madame Pacaud will leave, to-mor- very Polson, to-dav for Hora Stewart will be iu from Mrs. James Cra spend a da or so i Princess and see the siehits of the week. Miss Blanche Deacon, William street. James tnn to Tovento. Mr and Mrs, Max Aik MéParland, came home last might, on Satur- Maclen- from a en 'have come in Brantford, and 'ter, Bagot UNIVERSITY AVE. WEDDING. young | { Briss Mills Was Married to Dr. J. F. Sparks. The brightest of October day s,. with just enough crispness in the air to give it a snap,-befel Wednesday's bride for whom so many have been wishing a fair day. At eleven o'clock, at the big University avenue home of her Thomas Mills, there was given away by him his eldest daugh- 5 ? chiffon tafieta, knot i Mrs. Joseph Franklin is here from |}. ing on the y anots of white te ! Winnipeg to Visit her daught M x x innipeg to Visit her daughter, Mrs. Lhite satin baby ribbon on the Ja- Manly Baker, Wellington street. panese sleeves. Surplice folds of white Mrs. W."H. Boyle, Napanee, arrived satin were on the corsage outlining in town an Saturday, and is the guest |the yoke of net, and a girdle of the of Mrs. John Jenkin, Princess street. {same bridal material caught in the Mrs. G. A. Mackenzie came up from fulness of the bodice. A slender gold Ottawa, to-day, and is the guest of |chain held the groom's wift, a cross i Mrs. Charles Low, Union street, . |of diamonds, set in platinum that Mr and Mes. Isaac Allen and their none of the fire of the gems might children. of Mississippi, are visiting be dimmed by the flash of gold, and Mes. W. © J, Renton, University 'her veil was caught by orange blos- avenue soms. : Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson, Syden- The bridesmaid, Miss Katie Murray, ham street, is home from Montreal. was in a filmy dress of palest green and wore a most becoming picture hat, Nr. and Mrs. H. Dupuv. who have | trimmed with American Beauty roses. been visiting -in the western states, | The little ring-bearer, Master Van spent a day or so last week with Miss | Mills, who performed a similar respon- Charlotte .I» Wellington street, sible office for the bride's sister, short time ago, was also called upon, | to-day, and js wearing & very pretty | home | heart-shaped pearl pin, as the groom's reward for his labors. Miss Daisy . Chown, who played the wedding marches most beautifully, was given a pearl and gold pin by the | groom for making music for the hap- a | piest day of his life. latter was | supported through "the ceremony, | which took place at eleven o'clock, apd was performed by Rev. Charles Sykes, by his brother, Ir. Ernest Sparks. 3 The bride went away in a smart cos- {tume of brown ladies' cloth, with [brown hat, with touches of golden brown. An amusing incident happened as the cabs left the house on the way ito the train. Determined not to have their approach heralded | cabby to stop. | fire (out and tore Emily up from Halifax to Montreal, and will; remain there Mr visit t William street, York. only a tion Ronald Fortt is here Nir. o boy, accepted it. tion Qo Jncan fwhen {wast Mr IT. Best, Mrs. | Hause, {and her friends hope to see her out | oie he has strength to fight. | again shortly. { 4.1 Mes. nue, to, Miss Lily Shay, to-day for {friends ia Toronto and Hamilton, i left is his street, they and Mrs. Peterboro to visit Lower Union street. RB. and Mrs. lias been Much hearty for success are home had Rest their E Kent, on his way This very clever boy, offered a posi- on McCiure's Magazine and are for the winter to pay a L. Fortt, to New for he is has | tha Salvation Army, coneratula- | finding him | ont so varlv in his literary life. Miss Smith and Miss Flora Smith, from Quebec, | a. very enjoyable here son, Nr. L. ""Somersby | the groom ordered his and receiving no as- sistance from the stony-hearted small boy, to whom he appealed, and in a of deterrent language from his groomsman and brother, he jumped away - from the cab a several old shoes satin ribbon. Not to trifles is Kingston's own far and wide, string of bells, much white daunted by Dr. "Jack" Sparks, just one of the | | fine t Praduates, from every point of view, that Queen's"ever had or will on her rolls of honor. The guests at the ceremony were all relations, Dr. Isaac Wood, and little Miss Olivia being favoured outsiders. The bride's grandmother, Mrs. strong McCormack was the honored | guest. > The very best wishes go with the bride, one of Kingston's nicest girls, and her hushand, and a long life and a happy one is hoped for them. They have gone east on their hontymoon Will He Retire ? Chicago, O¢t. 9.--Gen. William Booth the octogenarian founder and lgader of has decided to retire from active work. At a meeting be addressed in Chicago on Sunday | night he announced that®it was -his last address. In view of hiz advanced age his' followers declared it probably | was the last occasion their leader ever | would. appear. in. public. from eame.down stairs, yesterday, | Unive short rsity avenue, visit with 4 af- | ter which she will leave via Buffalo, to spend about a tives ine Philadelphia, Pa pe Susie Keenan. bool, Barrie street, 3 for the Thousands Islands, on! of | her way home. Mrs in the ter, George erty, Mr=, White. of jJast week, t File Fowler, White, University ave- | is ye a her visit in Toron- | with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony | lone. Miss Vida Malone came as far as } Bowmanville with her sister. Ma- | i month with rela- | Ottawa, who | heen stayity with Mrs. Cornelius left. yes- Ottawa. was o pay her sis- Brock street, and the many members of her own fa- | mily vist, Mrs street. in town Cary who and- vicinity. a short whius Bermingham, Barrie has had another touch Meals of all kinds on shortest! oo. 1. old foe bronchitis, all right again. Nes W. T. Mines, her ' New oung York, 1 son, have to meet Mr gone down 'to Minnes, is happily | "Hillcroft." and | tation. who New York, London, Oct. 9.-- Members of the Sal- vation Army here place little credence in the report that Gen. Booth, in his remarks at Chicago, intended to inti- mate that he was about to retire as head of the army. A prominent officer said: "The genera! will never retire When | be does retire _it will be to heaven.' On Hunting Trip. Capt. W. 8. Hughes and H. B. Mills| | leave to-morrow for the Bourbonnais | hunting and fishing club reserve, where | they will spend three weeks. At Otta- wa, they will be joined by Robert | Creighton, a former Kingstonian, and in a week or several others will } join the party. some from New York state, and Philadelphia. H. 8. Folger and G. Y. Chown will also leave on | the trip in a week. e-------- The steamer America was two hours and a half late invarriving from Cape Vincent, today, on account of the ¢ The train dee there at ten o'clock, did not arrive till noon, thus holding the boat two hours Rev. R. Calvert. B.A. of Pittsburg, { and Rev. J. Roadhouse. Inverary. will | exchange puipits next Sunday, Octob- ber 13th. C. Birmingham from New York, ness in that cite When a man pets religion he has go to work ard build up a new repu- s0 returned, to-dav SK. Folger returned from to-day. Howard al and | be | Arm-| v|man on the C.P.R., after a week's busi- | to] "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1907. TCONRUGT WITH WoL A TORONTO TR TRAVELLER'S DESPERATE ENCOUNTER. ------ Fought For His Life on Railway Track East of Lansdowne Killed Animal With Butt of Rifle. Lansdowne, Ont, Oct. 9 William Blackwell, a well-known Toronto tra. veller, while out hunting. three miles east. of here, had an exciting experi. ence with a wolf. Mr. Blackwell was returning to his hotel along the railway track. Hear ing something behind him, he looked around end saw a big wolf about thirty yards off. He fired his only remaining shot at the anifaal, but un- fortuna he missed his mark. This seemed to, make the woll more de- sperate, ' and it came toward Nr, Blackwell at a rapid pace. He had to stand still, and when the approaching beast came near enough he used: the butt end of his gun on the animal. After a hard struegle, in which Mr. Blackwell received some very severe wounds from the wolf's claws, he finally succeeded in, killing the animal. It is the first woli. seen in this sec tion of the country for several years. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. It is said that on an average 240 murders are committed in New York city every year. Fear is expressed in Great Britain that the new Franco-Canadian treats. has been asked to second the address in the provincial legislature at the coming. session. Military orders state that a board i detailed" to report on the Ross rifle at the musketry school. The president i. Col. Samuel Hughes The Park Hotel livery bara at Og densburg, N.Y., was destroyed by fire early Wednesday. Two men and nine horses perished in the flames In a. twelve-innings game for the world's baseball championship, at Chi cago, Detroit and Chicago three. each' The game deplared a draw The codeilintion nl dealing with the differences between the Canadian Pacific railway telegraph operators and | the comipany,bave = reached 1:0 conclu- | sion yet, The government commissioners in- | vestigating the C.P,R. operators' dis- Pate will make another effort, to- day, scored {to bring about a settlement of the | trouble. Rev. Dr. W. Harris was appoint- ed by the Methadin general board of | missions local superintendent of mis sions for New Brunswick and New: foundland. ML marriage of Miss elle Evelyn Nordheimer, daughter of Mrs. S. Nond- heimer, to Charles Cambie, took place Relieved In a Remarkable Manner 5 bi Pe-ru-na Is a Systemic Catarrh Remedy. : Especially Adapted to Cases of Nervous Prostration Caused By Overwork, Mental Strain or Extreme Summer Heat, N latitudes where warm weather is of long continuance, the inhabitants betome more or less accustomed to it. In Temperate Zones, however, where the change from winter to summer is great, the dystem is sometimes poorly prepared to meet the exigencies of hot weather. This is the cause of much sickness. Stomach catarrh, indigestion and dys- pepsia are not among the least of sum- mer ailments. When the digestion is disturbed, the Pings INDIGESTION milatias 1s affected, and as & pShuses result the body does " not receive the mervous prostration are the | the usual summer ailments, this afternoon, at St. James' cathe: dral, Toroute, At Father Point, 8S. Manchester Trader, inward. The SS. Canada. in ward, at Belle dsle. The RMS Em press of Britain, inward, 130 miles | cast of Belle Isle. { At St. John, N.B., oh Tuesday, | there was experienced the he aviest | storm. in years. A south-west gale prevailed and at one time reached | sixty-four miles an hour. The Hamilton Football Club has} decided to ignore the CAA, and | to play out the schedule of the Inter Provincial Rugby Union.e The Tiger will be placed under the ban Nearly one million dollars' los« wa | | inflicted, carly Wednesday, by a fir which partly destroyed the New York | City Railway company's barns at Fourteenth street and Avenue B | It ix reported that the conservatives of London will tender the eandidature | at the forthcoming bye-election in Lon don, to fill the vaeaney occasioned In the retirement of Hon. C. 8. Hyman, to George Tate Blackstock, K.C., To ronto, Another break in the Erie canal, at the scene of the recent trouble, inl Syracuse, N.Y., which tied up traflic for two months, was discovered, Tues! day afternoon, and thé work of draw ing offi the water was begun immedi ately At Tweed, Ont, an accident occur | red, on Tuesday night, on the Ontario Power Works' railway siding, in which | Alexander Ferguson, Perth, brakes- lost his life. Two vars left the track, throwing Fergison under them The following officers have pasa thy test for "tactical fitness for com-| mand" : Lieut.-Col. Wiliam Hum-| phrey, Lieut-Col. © H. Weatherbe! | Major and Drevet Lieat:Col. F. M Gaudet; Major H. A. Panet, DSO; Major H. E. Nurstall, Major A. 0. | Faces, Major H. C. Thacker. { An affidavit says: Frank Capelle] was dancing with Mrs. M. McCormack at Parry Sound. She Kissed him and | her husband, lying drunk on tne bel} {got up, attacses Capelle, and Capells, | Hin defending iimself, killed McCormack | At a trial Capelle was condemned to | deatli; an attempt is mew made to save him. ® The deferred annual meeting of the | shareholders of the Dominion Steel | company was held in Montreal, to-| day, when Sir H. Montague Allan was | elected to the board of directors, vice! Sir Heary Pellatt; resigned. Dr. F. S| Pearson, Boston, who had resigned, withtirew his resignation and remains | on the hoard. | The C.P.R. office at Woodstock, was! entered by two masked burglars Wed- | nesday moming. The night operator, | Harley Walcott, was held up at the | pont of a revolver, and his hands | {and feet were tied securely, after | which his pockets were rifled of a sil ver watch and chain, and $10.25 in | money. Some 252.20 was taken from| the till 3 | Accident At Belleville. fn the Belleville yards, Wednesday | morning, a switchman named Ren-| nick, was run over by a' train and had j one leg and an arm taken of. It is) Believed that he will reonver, nourishment it should. Lassitude, weakness, brain fag, loss, of flesh ana results. What is needed is » remedy that\will restore 'the digestive orggns to normal condition. Such a remedy has been found in Peruna. It has proven itself of great 7alue in thousands of cases of this nd. Its action has been. remarkable at times in restoring some patients who had given up all hope of recovery. But there is nothing strange about Peruna's action. It simply tones up "The fatigues entailed by my duties «1 gradusily grew Wager ands a fow I then broke down "After 8 fow weoks' treatment by » cided to experiment on mysel the mem I oee-nu-nas || branes of the organs BENEFICIAL involved, restoring EFFECT. them to their normal conditions and leaving Nature to perform her duties unhindered. That person who has sound, healthy sccountant at the office. «Peruna certainly work: down from overwor MR. P. BRIEN, 23 Third Street, Limoilou, Quebec. system about a year ago. I felt that I would not Jong be able to withytand the severe strain upon my nerves, as; § thing unknown to me before, I would long for office hours $0 be over in order to rest. : suffering from palpitation of Aer heart. critical condition and as vie distor Held aut a greptiufunpsts for me, | de ed wonders and for persons run- ,» 1 believe it is the gr fi ore reed as accountant began to weaken my ister 'was impaired. anne bed. 1 was alwo local physician, T was in the same | "I took several remedies advertised as tonics, but did not derive any benefit. § "Peruna was then given a trial, and before I had taken it » week x1 felt my condition improving, After a fow weeks more had elapsed, during high time I followed the directions carefully, my shattered nervous systems be- came firmer, my sight stronger and 1 hoped #0 be ont soon again. "My expectations were realized, for in three weeks I assumed my duties as mucous membranes lining the entire digestive tract is well-guarded against | Assistant War Gorrespondent Recom- mends Pe-ru-na. Mr. H. B. Manley, Assistant War Cor- respondent during the War in China, care "Black and White," 688 Craig: 84, Montreal, Canada, writes: | "When a man travels in extremely hot or cold climates, he realizes how wraluable a friend he has if he carries a bottle of Peruna. "1 know of no article in my traveling outfit which I have learned to praise higher. Peruna is the means whereby to at- tain this most desirable condition. If you suffer from any of the above mentioned sympioms, try a bottle of Peruna. One bottle of this remedy is often sufficiont to convince any one of its merit as a safe and reliable remedy Ry all catarrhal conditions. 'We have many letters of gratitude re- ceived from persons who have expe- rienced its benefits, These testimonials are proof to us that Peruna has not failed in the mis- sion for which it was intended, that of relieving suffering and restoring health. FORTUNES ARE MADE IN JOIN OUR NEW i treme heat, Peruna restores you, or if you are afflicted with a cold, la grippe or bronchitis, Peruna restores you in a short time, ; "Or it you suffer with sleeplessness or if your Nepstite is poor, again Peruna Send for prospectus. Oil Well, Reproduced from a Photograph A Flowing "If yon are suffering with the ex-|notde Run Down--Pe-ru-na to Mealth. Mrs. J. Colson, 51 Notre Dame street, M Motitroal, Cun., writes: Oil and Gas Syndicate Now Forming 20.00 ACRES OIL AND GAS LEASES IN CANADA We are now offéring for sale a limited number of memberships in a new syndicate at $100 each, en- titling the owner to receive a $2,000 stock interest (2,000 shares) in a stock company to be formed. RUSSELL & COMPANY, BROKERS Room 526, Traders Bank Building, Toronto, Canada. #0 I had to fake to bed dad gould « ay rnd vised me hottle of Rurubiay atid 1 procured '1 felt better the start. I have taken three and am & new woman. My Shared Wo I OIL avo GAS The pan top is one of the features of the GREAT IDEA steel range. For broiling or toasting, it is an ideal attachment. The flues throughout are lined with asbestos, around which there are two thicknesses of steel. Even the flues under the oven against dampness, the enemy of all steel ranges. THE GUELPH STOVE CO., Nugent & Seaham, Sole Agents For Kingston. MADAME HUOT'S COFFEE g! Pure, Strong, Rich in flavor, ; 40 cts. a Ib.--~2 Ibs. for L cts, THE E. a. MARCEAU CO., LIMITED. Wholesale Tats, Coffent; Spices inegars, 281-285 ST. PAUL ST., MONTREAL, are thus lined, practically insuring the GREAT IDEA steel range Branches at Montreal, Winnipeg and Calgary Sy OEE RAN 0 Preferred by Connoisseurs! FOR SALE EVERYWHERE! PRR Ene RE Is not only a saving of cash, but a saving of labor. When you buy cleaned coal, you don't buy dust and slack. You don't carry dirt into the home or office in your coal buckets. is pride of our Tt helps your home comfor: in many ways. FRONTENAC LUMBER AND COAL CO. A. CHADWICK, Manager Successors of The Rathbun Company. Phone No. 87. | sEesesesss resis tietee | 1. Co Hs Powell, 'Carpenter and Jobber, 103 Raglan St. aon 1m THE HOUSEEEEYER,