| | MUNYON'S 3X RHEUMATISM CURE | seldom fails to relieve in one t | hours, and cures in a lew days; Ry Munyon's Dyspepsia Uure is guarante. | to cure all forms of indigestion --~ { segmues trouble. Price, 2: and i unyon's 3X Kidne, Cure | cures pains in the bk, loins any and all iQrins of kidney disease. y Hy Munyon's Headuche Cure sto) ache in three nemutes. Price, 23¢. haa Munyon' s Blood Cure eradicates all in purities of the 'hlood. Price, 25c. unvou's Cold Cure prevents pneumoni 4 : os R , find breaks up a cold in a few hours Munyon's Pile Ointment , aly cures all forms of piles. Price. an y to weak men. Price, ¥1. Munvon's Remedies at all druggists mostly at 25 cents a wal. REI FOUNTAIN PENS Watermans Tdeal Tens, in all standard sizes. "Pitted with "tup Cans" it is next to imposiibl- lose them from the pocket or belt. , The points are assorted to suit all users, and guar- anteed. SMITH BROS, Jewellers & Opticians 350 King Street. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 'Phone 666 BE] co a a ------ SOON TIME FOR Persian Lamb | Jackets We have now in stock a choie lot of Skins. Yr Every Skin that enters into our | Fur articles is guaranteed to be 2 | genuine. The workmanship is per- «| formed by the most skillful hands, the fit of every garment is perfect. . W, F. GOURDIER, ExcrLust E FURRIRR, 6,-78 AND"80 Brock ST. 'ProxeE 700. | { Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. | New Carriages, Cutters, Harness tc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Seturaay. 2: | S|: WI LL INCLUDE White Lustre Waists ery neatly made, at $1.39 each. Flannelette Waists At 50c. and up, Cashmere Waists k or White, at $2 each. S. well- ever zston up. del. SKIRTS. 72 only Ladies' Walking o, samples, every gar- nb beautifully tailored and ked at special prices, 50 and up. leavy Moreen Underskirts, °k, navy and Burgundy, at 25 each. EWAN & SHAW. Munyon's Vitalizer restores lost powers la / pitiful and distressing one. Xo oth- | {er coyntry save Ireland shows so poor- | Phe in respect' of stagnant population, Tevet ; resolutions of the di [fae assemblies of Canada res a WHAT WHI IG CORRESPON W.R. GIVENS S SAYS WE ARE |i ing the prevalence of graft in fs T G D- e life are Yueted as a reason why th ENTS TELL STAGNATING. : old men ure so desirous of retaining | vs / for what they can get out of it. Our Public Life Corru ut Wot p=-B . {is of the opinion, however, that He Vicinity--Other Brief Items of i -- 'rave confounded a phase | Interest Easily Read And As Bad As the Church Assem- blies Seen to Think--Hope For | with an all-prevailing condition, and | Remembered. Us If We Cut Loose From have mistaken a symptom for a dis- --t---- ease, and that the whole condemna-| ° Britain. | that has been passed on the hon-| Notes From Mabekly. "Graft and the Church in Canada' {or of the mer ia the tide py an article in last week's Geof the en in public life is not| 1 Maberly, = 20.~The Tocent ruins ndependent, by ivens, the ex-| The statement of :( oli | have le youds. in a lad voRC: patriated Canadian whose article in| K.C., Ri of GM. Maolourell |, There have been very heavy the same journal, last May, aroused | terian general assembly, to the effect | feuste, : here Joe hie thu ofthe year. visiting her many friends in Maberly. | Yodutly conceived jo be the defects | quoted, as are also the resolutions isses Ella and Rog "Thompson | a shortcomings of this young na-| passed by the Anglican Synod of called on friends fore leaving tion, viz.: the lack of opportunity for | ronto at the instance of Hon. 8. | Ne York site. Tay atin 3 {ia be ond x | brace much adverse comment. At that time| that "graft, not intemperance, was Mr. Givens stated what he says he] the national curse of Canada," is young men, the persistence in office of | Blake, which says a great pu > ) rification | ¥ ! is extended to Mr. and Mrs. old men, a mistaken fiscal policy which | of ities. fi i i politics, financial, social, seeks after .markets three thousand pess methods in a 20 | don; of Zealand; in the death of or baby. Elijah Buchanan and wile, miles away rathér than one at very| tively demanded, the present state of Montreal; © are here visiting hand, a narrow and blindly partizan| affairs or 4 press, a military and government sct|an I eis deplorable. There is site Miss Annie Allen, Sharbot Lake, that lords it over the hoi polloi, a de- | charge of Bishop Worrell to the An | staying with Miss Carrie Briggs. ference to England, and things that| Jican synod of Nova Scotia, in whieh | James Cure, Tichborne, spent a few | days with friends here at fair time. | Ross Anderson spent a few days w ith] | his sister, Mrs. Thomas Briggs. are English even to the sacrifice of | he ealls for. the eradication of the Canadian rights and Canadian pro- | graft parasite from public life. Quo- gress, a foolish though unvoiced an- | tations are also made from dyed-in- tagonism to the United States, and a|the-wool conservative organs, which | lack of what may be called a real Ca-| would lead an outsider to the convie- nadian spirit. tion that the political life of the coun-! Flinton, Oct. 9.--On Octo Mr. Givéns, in his article sécks -- to] try is Unspeakably corrupt. {thé death occurred, of Leonard Clarke, | four. Mr. Clarke was born| Hill above Trenton, | his Tres, | hack up the statements made in the The reSignation of Hon. A. G. Blair | aged eighty former one by quoting from the eensus | from the Laurier cabinet becatse' the! on the Murray reports to show that Eastern Canada | negotiations for the construction ofl Ont, and moved with has been practically at a standstill | the Grand Trunk Pacific were "con-|when a child to Prince Edward coun- during the past three decades. He ad- 4 ducted over his head by an inner | ty. There he was married to Susanna | mits that the latest information he| ing' in the cabinet," the forced re-| Vanalstine' sixty years. ago. can get is that of the census of 1901, signation' "of Lord Dundonald because | came to Kaladar and raised a large but is content .to state that with the|"he had the hardihood to declare that | family. Mr. Clarke was the father of exception of the west, which shows | the Canadian militia was being pros-| slaven children of whom, some signs of growth, the situation is | tituted by the party and spoils 8¥8 | Kving. . Five brothers -of { te m, and that appointments went by | Clarke family now remain. OLD FOLKS. | favor vwthior than merit," and the re-| oo always of a jolly disposition. | fusal of the government to call foran! ... who never had any enemies. investigation of - the "wine, women, | jody was laid by the side of his ile V a &. W. Fowler, | 41, nredeceased him only a Ww to all elderly people in Kingston that | M.P. _ are commented upon as proving |p... Mr. Clarke was held in the great. | that there is indeed a deplorable state! 4 ¢ respect, He was always a hard eparation, | of affairs in Canadian public life. Toi working man. Diphtheria is quite pre- | these he adds' election frauds, bogus | jot The pastures are starting up| Can Renew Their Strength. While it is impossible for tue aged to renew their youth we want to say | and graft" charges of they can renew their strength by tak- ing our delicious cod liver pr Vinol. Vinol, being rich in the elements of life, is an ideal strengthener and body builder for old folks. A. J. Barker, of Evansville, ind., says «+ '"These is no other medicine in|?! the world equal to Vinol for elaerly people. I would not take a thousand dollars for the good it has done me. Vinol is not a patent medicine, a real cod liver preparation made by a A 3 ! scientific, extractive and conce trating | lent condition. There is plenty of process from fresh cods' livers com- room, however, for. reform and admir- bining with peptonate-of-iron all the| able public service. medicinal, healing, body-building ele-! The article concludes with the fol lowing paragraph : ballot:boxes, school book scandals, | nepotism, charges of gross personal z -- suran rafts > bel s insurance graits, ete. He believe that | Flinton, Oct. 10.--On Oct. that there is as much corruption and | immorality as the churchman seem to ing in North-Wé ments of cod liver oil, but no oil. : "It will be well when an awakened | late Vinol tones up the digestive organs , nol I gestive organs,| q. .qian public conscience shall as- with diphtheria, Oct. 1st, {daughter of deceased. makes th on le ms souud, sert itsefi--not fitfully, but permanent- ai Sisoues, checks 1) natura) Iv and effectually. Perhaps when that | pairs Yorn ASE hecks the natural} , ow, kening shall come-- and a pain] of decline of the aged, builds up the run publicity will certainly not retarc down, tired and de philitated; and re- it--there may come a further awaken- places weakness with strength. Wel jing 46 the lurgte and clearer view of! ask every aged or weak person in hing- | the an ifest destin of 4 anada--a | PPC ted. ston to try Vinol on our offer to ré-| canada for Canadians who shall work | market, turn money if +t fails' to. give satis. | for their own land' 'and not for Mre. William Airhart died | ix months olu. Mary L. James Maurisett. Rev. D. faction. Aotge W. iMabood, druggist, | Across: -the-Sea Empire that will wever Kingston, Ont. come." son, of Hastings, gave : address in the Methodist church ( 3rd, on the Upper Canada Bible! CAVE (4 3 S BUY 3 ee etter Imperial Crown hrand underwear. FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. | [of $ Ladi fd - \ Frederick Hill, by .Rev. J. Lyons: Roll Bacon, 134c. per Ib. Fore quick | pait © lies: gloves, worth tinner try gur | Ham Steak ood £1.95 and $1 pair, for 49%., at ceremony took place under an arch of | Pudding: H. J. MYERS, 60 Brock sod |C vamley's on Saturday. | evergreens and maple leaves. | pair were attended by Miss ---- | and Allen Card. The bride The health of the Nation will be improved by 'the | { ton, and was attired in a use of gown trimmed witn white Ail bridal veil with lilies of the | She carried a bouquet of the 9 |The bride and groom left for 5% | X.Y., on their we...ng tour. i Rev, W. Cox, Parham, preached the | annual Thanksgiving service mn Helv) Trinity church on Sept. PERFECTION | church was decorated with gree n vege | tables and flowers. Robert | bought the property next Vanness from Mrs. W. Gorr. | McUrimmon left for New | to work in a lumber camp. Card has gone to Brebley (Maple Leaf Label) | --f couple of months. Mrs. Godkin, Pure, nutritious and easily digested. > {arrived home from kunton, and Mrs. Beckwith ling Mr. THE COWAN €0., Limited, TORONTO eS morning of the Sth, inst. « ; ' " il The buttons don't come off. ing on an apple. A. B. Saylor "The lining don't rip. n wife left on Friday to A Friends' convention in Indiana. They hold their shape." Wilson_and_wife_are here alter a sum- "They fit like: custom clothes." a about our clothes. OVERCOATS, $5 TO $18. Sam S. ood Les Siabort offer De Wolf Hopper |co MARGUERITY CLARK thers, De K Frednie Ars Flot Opera, ""Happyland" Rb, $1, §1.50. NDENSED ¢ ADVERTISING) office. They are evidently in politica rrences In ro The City And | SITUATION AS COOK IN RESTAUR- ant, house or pri HELP WANTED-MALE, nox AY, o ., 14 MED 0 TRLY, Iwo STRONG Jounc Nn AY A. Q. Scammon's Co. [F ipges. in : In the deliciously" droll comedy-drama Side Tracked Full of Mirth and Merriment, Sensational Efloo cts, a Company of o LE Aly to BeKaRey & Mirch, Brock POIAL SALESMEN FOR EASTERN | CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, FURNI- Ontario. Must be g FALL Burts AND OVERCOATS Xen make, also old ume to repalr « and TUESDAY, OCT. 15th. NIXON & ZIMMERMAN, Have Hine pleasure of agwin oft Flinton Resident Dead. | 2nd, | A GENERAL SERV ANT . The Merrigst Musical APPLY MRS, SR Pense, 2 BR sire E GINGERBREAD MAN BA LDWIN SLOANE EN Apply A -------------------------- A JOB Bem ING ASHES 0 OF PORLTIONS, BY CAPAR LE. who can be found So LE FEOP en ion re all CE s , Wi the Whig Will do the tury, Dlanos, or any article for stor age, by the month, year, or any way required. For further information, apply to Laturoey"s Larviege Works, od and 392 Princess St. 'Phom, FOUR-LING, _ ADVT. column for one for 8 days. It will article you ARCHITECTS. ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, OF fice, Cor. Queen and Bagot streets. HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ote. Anchor Aint Market Square. 'Phone, 345. POWER & BONS, pr rs MER Shanty Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets. "Phone, x -------------------- WM. NEWLANDS, ARCHITEOT, OF flow, second foot, hy over Mahood ® Drug yore. corner Princess and Baga! slreets. Lntrasce on Bagot street. Phone, B08. GENERAL SERVANT, AT ONCE. AP- TO-LET. SN] ply, 157 Sydenham Stree 70 A Perfect ATE Hr YOK. APPLY TO Cann, 51 Mrock street. ody and Magmificence A goop, PLAIN CC Temdy, 86 J A OENERAL SBE The oud Features ang a ution, 'Al RVANT, Se NURSE. . Da 50, Seats on shle Saturday. A GENERAL SERV ANT, ing or Sovuing. Apply at 61 epee eee eee BIJOU! TH EATRE FRIDAY AND SATU Two langh-prov oking "C oibedion | "'LL DANCE A CAREWALK "The Purdhft of An Umbrella, on | bright and funy APP RENTICES, FOR LADIES' TAI Dress-making, ot immorality against cabinet ministers, Another -Flinton Death. the charges are altogether too sweep- i J ing. and says he is lined to doubt liam McLucky died at the home his daughter, Mrs. H. Frost tinolite. The funeral took | but | think, Mere incidents have been mis- Thursday to Union ce EE {taken for an ever-present, ever-preva- side the body of his wile, who three vears ago. Deceased was a pio. neer of Kaladar. Mrl/ /McLueay four children, Thomas and Harry V Mrs. Frost tinolite and Archie in Flinton Mrs. Charles Freeburn, who | « LEARNERS AND Ly Elder's Dress: [PROVE reet. WONDERLAND Wednesday and Friday. Saturday Childrens lc. adiissica from | A GENERAL SERVANT Moving Pictures to paid to the nant person ug VANT he T. y New 5 THustrated Songs T diphtheria, She leaves a sorrowing i | husbhanw and one little girl and | j oxte ended trip oe the wes! Pictures aro. bright, Norman Sparrow, very low. Her death is hourly Mrs. Richard Clark, of New- and Benjamin. Clark, of Youdkt. i ynothers wnt hug Lt M dr rd one ah | | Channel, are visiting at the home of | gy it us wel 3 Jon) Rw Gepéral Manager. PRINGESS THEATRE | porary Femoved an excelle 8! some papers recently, it and it is regarded as » removing to Alvon- 'where he is going | into ndnitichn yer, Mrs. M. J. Lee, First street, has to A. Red- |{etune home. Thomas Tulloch, of | regarded as tory of the religious ex evolution of a cel tains folklore as well as fact, tive poetry q quite as entic historical state- It reveals what an ancient peo of God and felt of God, t the medium through. which the living God reveals {o the people of to-day. cides, Mr. Casson for free liters A Unique Table Delicacy Real Fruit is ripe fruit, whether Olive or Orange, Real Olives are e~ Olives. Those who kiow Olives only as a green not know Olives at all. wyvolo Ripe Oli their best--pickled sterilized packages, Row Frais gives to ble Siping tn the ple | We have dat an's "Modern" foun- ciety work. New officers were ! J a $1 up. Also the self- {and an interesting evening was spel nt. gel eneral merchant. from | Bracksil Ge eneval Hopital, ere she | ing a short time with relatives in She is feel-| gown, left yesterday for Montreal. ------------ is | BATHING | v ANDER "DIFFICULTIES | roubles nrise when a ving aid his clothes ar tain pens CURES ER COUGHS filling fountuin: penis (Waterman's Mo- 1 | dern), from $2.30 to ¥, at Wade's | A Wedding At Plevna. | 4 LWAYS | drug store. | Plevna, Oct. 9.--A happy we ding} | | took place on Wedne: velay aft When Jung the . "'MadeIp.Con- | the hon f the bride's. mother, 1 ' fai 1 th » Ki e ome Ol ne le RC uo | ada", fair, be sure to_sce TAS (MDE | yes May Kring, youngest hte man goes iu ba ston Serv 'company's exhibit of 3 3 HN pany' of Mrs. L. Kring, was married 4 Justrated Songs, Hy am a WILLIAM GIESON | Removed from 232 Mung 11g W WELLINGTON ST [oF | away by her brother-in- law, Heavy Frost In Arden. The agricultural fair p , was QUEERS: FOOTBALL EXCURSION TO aTTAWA ' fe Spotl G.T.R: Frain aan eturnig will leave nda, A re or reac Ta the of the de. ath of William Rox. who 4g Rots 'good to Ear "ro to : | QUEEN' SIL vs. pac | SATURDAY, Queen's Athietic G rou | Grand Scand: BoC. | | This place was visited by snow on the Mrs. D. Johnson and children, G. Wilson, Elphin, at sippi, Mrs. G. W. Kring's. y | Tidings From Bloomfield. | Bloomfield, Oct. 9.--Anniveérsary 1S INTERESTED IN OUR | vices were heid in the Mtoe | a church on Sunday. Rev. W. ' ley, of Napanee, conducted 3 me. Mes. , lo W. D. Hawkins is dangerously vis itephen White lost three valuable cows | from indigestion after eating corn cobs. | John Shepperd lost a cow from cl | wid h her toshant hie h has Tew n promptly Wormworth is home frm ene ral Hospital, and is bet- | has | been visiting in oes, D. C. Clan-| ved into: the premises late- | and Albert | wed into the cottaye | . Last Sun supply you--writeus-- » Dominion Cartridge Co, Ltd., Moatreal. sermon on DR. C.C. NASH, Detist, coy' han mo 183 Princess St. Over Dr. Chown'a Drug Store. College of Dental tafio > and honor graduate 5 hompson has may hok- | | Surgeons of On of Toronto Unive eTSity. Roller Rink. Skating at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. BAND EVERY EVENING. | Select Patronage. © ched a edi Ju is the hinge, and the pow nd ore. | PROMINENT PEOPLE. was prettily de-| this | thick | "Scientific Dandruff Treatinent. which | A. E. Lanier, Denver, says: *"Her- NT il ow; Wi | arnait cut off: ountry this morning, friends here last week. €. 5 These are some of the pleasant things wo hear said |[ouie Jere ast ¥ey of funds' in his automobile, were stranded near E P. Stanton's on Tuesday last, through No better in the city than what we show. The {ise breaking of a gear wheel. only difference between ours and other fellows, is the |Thompson, 'liveryman, conveyed 7 arty . home and also towed the ead that is most decidedly in "favor of ours. J a ton number, from here attended SUITS, $5 TO $16. 50. {fair. Messrs, Vanleaf Ramittor | Purtell were playing a baseball mate | with a Frankfort team. Ane xhibition | *GaNANOGUE r TIDINGS. Miss Machar, of Kingston An Address on Poetry. Gananoque, Oct. 11. -W, C. Morton, fallin ont.' - " , hus dispos- te israd; Norton, Wash. a to George} the of moving pletures 'why two evenings this Targe] Mrs; Hawkins; passed away on y eving. ale € wook's iitauesy ol of his business hy a Leeds township young man. | y g ng 10 Me. Sorte n jee poses leaving town n, a Bank. Vilnestver, Withs King- | "Hurpicide is noted for keoping the. 0 | diphtheria are qi unrantines Married At Lansdowne. ston' 8 Nate A ater dn prose an Saturday and Monday will "be a big day in our Trouser Department. Y oung Men's Trousers. 1000 Pairs to Select From. Come In. tr : your experience, send for him what you have done. 197 Princess St. The Store That Sets the Pace. | gave a very intel resting and en- | s on "The Poetrv of | in the Church of Eng- for sample to 'The Jerpicide Co, spices | | roils, Mich. Two yizes, 50c, and $1. werlding Took pines, thls morning, at Special priees on all Men's and I 00 Risky tertnining addres parish house, under: the au of the Young People's Society, Tues- | Parker, who! gi few Woehs with | returned | imds township, has gone to :C hicazo nin her daughter; Mrs. Thomas Thurs | proceed to Stark visit Mrs. Thompson's sister, ins, who is dangerously ill. | street, who bas i i i ohabton, of Sausdowre. T.! day evening. Pre: hy térian fimister, 0. in the "A hard chill, Be asanoutd be I | presence of the difficult breathing." If this should be ii Hit HH tHE hE have been ee a your#octor. I may be pneuntonia! To doctor your- de was mar ied ino esting if your doctor | | self would be too risky. . | $cannot come at once, give Aver's | ' i Co. 1 Mans. Cherry Pectorsl. When hecomes, tell | foal. The a. Pain left. on Montreal and points | bg 0 Acton, King DWE ILLINGS, FURNISHED ARD UN | furnished, Stores, Offices, eto Mes |sTORAGE SPACE FOR Yu CRNITURE ; clean and dry. Frost, City Storage, 299 Queen "Phone, 536. 1 [1 90 Gum a. immicimde IL COUPLE OF OFFIC OVER THE QO. NW, mpanys offs Sica, | Glarence Bt. Ap | oFFIOR ovER WADE'S PRVG store, Cor. vg. Ah Brock Sts, hot pply ot MeUann's a ene eemedhieeen TWQ DWELLINGS, NOS. 4 " AND a2 Princess St., the i other small, rH ote, : lagquire at Apply 24% Brock NINE-MOOMED HOUSE, 388 BARL| St., opposite Colleginte Institute, AT containing all modern improvements. Parlors, | Auply at 331 Earl street, nE{ MARRIAGE LICENSES. i ---------------------- 0. 8. KIRKPATRIUCK IBUER or a. Marriage Licenses, & Wo last week, for an | Been spending» a few wah in 8 ie t and to | naw, ich., t we Yoller in! ter, Mrs. Spence, has returned howe. bank, here, 'has been tem-] Mrs. John B. Brennan, of Chicago, for | amy. 0. WwW. fn Hine An article has anpe rared in about a Toronto wolf in this | spending a short time with friends cine, abrolute Nothing is known here about | in town. Mrs, Isane Moore, of Cleve- Ar-| land. who has been #pending the past men th any pretensions to and common sense are co view. Rather it ad the humanly written hig, he guest of his dau { thany years a Fokident of this town, is spending a few weeks with relatives hero. Mrs. E. Allen, of Kingston, is] month in town the guest of her sis itch, Scotland, who has been spend- (Dr.y 8 ce Bibl T hirt | Sh AW has left for a visit in Rochester, eo Bibhy's great 31 shirts, Carleton John's church, | gyre. annual thanks-| " 1¢ io uid a Canadian M.P., was re- Athletic supports for football players are sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug cently buncoed out of £80 in Paris. | Did he buy a pretty shining gold brick, or did he advance the £80 to a man who knew his family whea they lived at Musquashville to pay charges Wasi on a consignment of silks and cham- The | pagne ? ., made Beautiful soft shaving brushes at in the i Gihmant s Red Cross Drug Store town hal was « equal to , provious years. | Bibby's new rainbow neckwear. distributed : yester- | my we of his | Waterproof! boundary of Kennebec and Olden. No matier how damp or he wet the weather you Killed near Graven- ns ao an was brought here, | te day, was placed in the Arden | § Sovereign Clark, widow of the late William Clark, who died weeks | " , has received $1,000 fron the Ca- | Shells of Chosen Friends, 1 was a member, and | » above amount, Fran the | of | . Not only is the shell ftsell waterproofed, but it is loaded with "Nobel's damp proof Empive Smokeless ponder. ; Sovereign Shells will not swell in damp weather 1 your dealer won't 1 i FURNISHED ROOMS, also - parlor. raat! er -------------------------- THE © THRIFTY DAD SENDS the Whig & ot these, ant, 5 dor, Seams ore hen MONEY AND BUSINESS. pou cov bo MORE OF OUR LICIES RE ol RA ER Fam Sait. SE gre wl REO lcs Fa Crvpeveon, TonEoR ew oioke 2 ty Before rE se i GamaoN. 0 What Is Is The Bible. is = the divinely infallible, letter-per- God mankind. All mith as in auth ves are Olives at For Sale only at D. Couper's, 841-343 Princess St. eerie NEW ENGLAND RESTAURANT, Open from 10.50 ML Testify to the Efficacy of the New Hpicide fins made my haie grow rapidly." I" Mrs. A. Guerip. Great Falls, Mont., | says: "1 find Herpicide an excellent dundrufi cure. Gave MH. Greenland, Portland, Ore, says: "Newhro's Herpic ide stopped my hair's Rerpie ide has complete oly cured my dandruff." Charles Brow, president First Na: 4 | stalp, clean," * ia Insist upon the gounine. Sold 3 Jending druggists. Send 10c. in stamps . Mahood, ood Sata sgent. ~ STRACHAN'S Carpenter and: Jobber, Dex