on't Drop it. e tantalized your omise of t. was anything so e out of a biscuit ty, crisp squares S. gi LAL Ll 2 ~ Wir) He [¥ 3 pT a PR d3:1134 4 Faia RS Ye ar \ \ Some men put correctness above verything else. They want" lish garments--first, last and all time. Other men make their nly consideration. They vear, without much regard" for t steadily increasing number of style and service in Fit-Reform here is the Fit-Reform label, in every Fit-Reform Suit and ..$15. up. 211 Jeedorm | JENKINS gston, Ontario. OT H GAS AND CoAL One range for both mmer and winter-- 5 in the summer and l in the winter--how's that ? The PERFECT IDEA ange is fitted at the back vith gas burning rings. On hot summer day, you can ave a fire going with a single h; and in the winter the gas attachment not interfere with the of your range for coal ood he PERFECT IDEA--the only e on which the gas attachment is > found--takes the place of Awo = GUELPH STOVE CO. Limiied branches at Moatreal, Winnipeg and Cal, HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. Any SYEh Dumbered secuon i tants in Mamios oc the North-West Pro £ S, not reserved, 24 i by any person the sole of a family, or male over 18 years of age, to the icant at the of the local Agent or Sub-Agent. Entry by proxy may, however, be 'made certain con- tions by the father, mother, daughter, or sister of an intending homesteader. a for_entry or i tion made Sub-Agent's may be wired to the loci Agent by the Sub- , at of we applicant, and if the land the for is am such applicaion is to have priority an oe lard will be held until the ey ® WW Luupicic Lae transaction are received tien" the entry will be and the spplicant will __An application. for inspection must be made in pone. The applicant must be eligible for 1} lead entry, ana only one application for inspection will be rece: f; eidull will that icati he A bomesteader whose entry is in good stand ing snd not liable to cancellation, may. sub ject to approval of it, relinquish 'it m favor of father, mother, som, daughter, brother or sister, if elfgibie, but to no one elec, on dung declaration of.abandonment. here an entry is summarily canceled or voluntarily , subsequent to mstitw | tion of cancellation ie Shn the applicant vor inspection will be estitled to prior right of eatry. for inspection must state in what Jerticalars the homesteader is in default, and if subsequently the statement is found to be Jaeariee tn material particulars, the apphi- cant any per right ef reentr should the land become vacant, or if ey bas granted it may be summarily can Daties--A settler is required to perform the under one of the following plans:-- ' 1) At least six months' residence uj cultivation of the land in each year dur the term of thoee years. 2) If the father (or mother, if.the fathes fa deceased) of a homesteader resides w 3 farm in the vicinity of the land entered for KB bofnesteader the requirement as to || Ld residence may be satisfied by such person re siding with father or mother. «(3) If the settler has his permanent rem dence ppon ging land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirement may be satisfied by residence upon such land fore making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice in_ writ ing to the Commissioner of Dominien Laads st Ottawa, of his intention to do so. OYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST MINING REGULATIONS, Coal.--Cosl mining rights may be leased for a period of twenty-one years af an amnual rental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2560 acres shall be leased to one individeal or com pany. A royalty at the rate of five cents per ten shall collected om the merchantable coal mined. Quartz. T eighteen years of age, or over, having discovered mineral in place, may locate a claim, 1,500x1,500 feet. ' The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended om the tlaim each year or paid to the mming recorder in Heu thereof. When $500 has been expena 8 or paid the locator may, upon having § SSSVSSVISISIIIISIIEER | Cook's Cotton Root Compound. | survey made, and upon complying with of requirements, purchase the land at $1 per acre. * The patent provides for the payment of a roRihy of 2 1-2 per cent. on the sales ining claims generally are 100 feet square, entry fee $5, renewable yearly. An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge for gold of five miles each for a term of years, renewable at the discretion Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dr in operation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum Synopsis of Canadian Northwest i iF K KR LOU W.NE3 A Luncheon In Itself ! If unabié to obtain luncheon Remember "GALA-- PETER" is both Sustaining and Nourishing. -- Lamont Corliss & Co., Sole. Importers, 27 Common St., Montreal. UNDERWOOD Visible Typewriter. You touch the button it does the rest. SEE IT. You will find it a "Love at first sight." J. R. C. Dobbs & Co., case of 171 Wellington St | COSOELLLLL00L004000000 . » i When You Buy 2 ¥ » ¥ ! C O A L 3 i From » : » : P. WALSH } + ¢ You get genuine 3 .¢ Scranton, as he 3 { handles nothing # 3 & Eelse. » 'The great Uterine Tonic, gounly safe effectual Mon! Regulatoron which women can 3 of strength 10 degrees for 4 No. 1, No. 2, i pac on receipt of price. pe pamphlet. Ad dress : depend. old in three degrees | THE DAILY_BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1907." "USTIITENT rN WH Sreraswwmsy w= = QUEBEC UNDER FRENGH | STATE OF PROVINCE WHEN CAP- TURED BY GEN. WOLFE | Fortifications Were Good--Grain Im- {| pressed For King's Service--Civil | Authorities Cheated Both King and People -- Fisheries Neglected-- _ Monopolles Had Disastrous Effect | --Four Classes. {| 'A valuable historieal manuscript, the report of Gen. Sir J Murray, at one time Governor-Geperal, to the | British Government, deal with the the state of government in Quebec in 1762 has been purchased in England by the Toronto Public Library. The report is dated June 5, and is in re- Pp to a request for the informa. ton from the Secrétary of State, made on the 12th of December, 1761. One hundred pages of foolseap, neat- ly written in Gen. Mufray's own handwriting, tell of the state of Que- bec immediately after its capture by Wolfe. " To Inform Commissioners. It is probable that the report was required in order to furnish with in- formation the commissioners who were to attend the treaty of peace of 763 to settle the difficulties that had arisen between France and England. Ap had been made to hand Canada over to the French and re- tain the Guadaloupe Islands instead, as it was thought that the latier ter ritory would be more profitable, and it was probably in order that the com- missioners might form correct views en this question that the report was made. Contents of Report. The report constitites ten sections under the following heads: 1. Return of His Majesty's forces in his Government and dependencies thereof. 2. The state of the fortifications. 3. State of the Government under French administration Gen. - or "N 4. Revenue and expendityre under the French administration. 5. Church government. 6. Indian nations residing within the Government. 7. Nature of the soil and its pro- duce 8. The population. 9. The trade. 10. Character of the people, Gen. Murray takes some space to tell of the fortifications, saying that they were advantageous owing to the irregularities of the slopes. The en- ceinte of Quebec, he says, was very large, and that it would take a large aul force to defend it. Government of Province. Speaking of the French Govern- tronger, No. 3 | ment, he says that the Governor-Gen- special cases, per box. Sold by all dr sts, or sent {eral was chief in all military and in- tendant in all civil affairs. Justice, police and the finances of the Govern- for es ile of river ted ay at the pox Memos Oo. Toson ro. Oni. Uormerly We | ment were under his supervision. The rate of ol cent. ¢ Mec on e output o1 v i after it cteae, Sr0.000, province was under laws consisting hf W. W. CORY. of the Minister of the Interior NB -- thorized publication fot this ad wertisement will mot be paid for. HERE'S SOMETHING NEW IN $Dr. Brock's £uPiiwne Female Periodiral Pllls are the of the edicts of the King, orders of the Council of State, and the Inten- dant's ordinances. The age of ma- jority was 25, but upon marriage at teat mole Sodicine for ladies 12 letters of emancipation were issu- REST nly STORE. 124 Prin. € ed entitling the holders to enter im- cess street. Mndiled on receipt of @ | mediately into the enjoyment of the price--§1, & moveables and incomes 'of their PIPPI IIIT III ISI IIIISPe slates, ee et SE ------ Lead to Abuses. Under the French adnrinistration POST CARDS Wm. Murray. Auctioneer " Greetings from King- ston, 'Life Models" Kingston Views. Come in and have 'a look. and SOPOT O0P08Q COAL! p.- The sudden changes weather ought to suggest the Wisdom of putting tn some good Coal. We sy ®ell good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and mekes the home comfortable ; it's the best money can buy, and there 's mome better mined. We deliver it to you clean and withort slate, at the very bottom prices BOOTH & CO., Phone 133. Foot of West St POPP ROLPLIIIIP0e Clocks Clock dark all i Alarm You nead am Alarm to-get you up these mornings. Our clocks are guaranteed and range from §1 up. Kinnear & d'Esterre. ewelers 100 Princess St. Phone 336. GASOLINE Pit in Your Tank -at Our Dock. A 'large stock of Dry Bat- teries, Spark Plug and Coils always on hand. SELBY & YOULDEN, LIMITED. THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright Monty loaned om City and Farm Pro Perties. Municipal ' and Counly Debea- Sures. Mortgages purchased. Deposi Tectiveld and interest allowed. 8B, C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 87 Clarence street, Kingston. Bo not hang a dismal your wall, and do not deal with =a picture on bles and gloom. in your conversation alive. 27 BROCK ST. New Carrjages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. .¢ EDUCATIONAL. KINGSTON, - ONTARIO Under the regulations of the Ontario Education Department ¢ Courses for :-- I. First Class Public School Cer- tificates. II. High School Certificates. III. Specialists Certificates. open October ® Geo. Y. First Session Eor Calendar, address Chown, Kingston, Ont. | eesesssssssssssesesese © It you wish té be successful at- tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queen street. '& CANADA'S HIGHEST GRADE | business school, Bookkeeping, i shorthand, typewriting, tele- graphy. and all commercial subjects thoroughly taught hy competent experienced teachers. | Déy apd might 'classes. Enter at any time. Rates very moderate. 'Phone, 440. H. F. METCALFE, President. J. E. CUNNINGHAY, Secretary. | FFVIII III III FALEALLLLLALLLALALEASS $ IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Dey and Evening Classes at Frontenac Business College, Barrie and Clergy Sta. the "T.'N. STOCKDALE, "Phone, 680, Principal. SFIFIIIGIFSIVIFIIIISN PLE2ALLLLLOPEL0S John Mitchell To Retire. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 12.- Mitchell, president of the 1 nited Mine Workers, will announce in the current jssué of the Mine Worl Journal, that he will not be a election as president. ------ John date for re Although the man who marries a widow seldom says anything a his wife's first husband, there times when he wishes he was « are still T. McAuley. Queen's University I the Intendant could fix the prices of provisions, and Gen. Murray observes that this was liable to lead to abuses. The inhabitants who produced grain were often wrongfully called upon to furnish grain for the King's service, this was often shipped to the French island and sold. In case of famine the grain was sold back to the people who supplied it at a much higher price. The system of bookkeeping was so bad, the general sayy that the reve- nues and expenses re so mixed ap that it was almost impossible to sepa- rate them The civil authorities neglected their duty because of the small salaries which were paid to them. They en- riched themselves by cheating both the King and the people. Church Government, The Chapter of Quebec, or the church government at that time. con- sisted of a dean and 12 canons, who drew their income from the abbeys itt France, and bad a supplementary bonus given them by Louis XIV. The religious communities were the Jes- uits, the Recollete, the Seminary of Quebec, under the direction of the secular clergy, the Convent of the # | Hotel Dieu, ol Quebec, where the sick and the poor were looked after by a number of nuns, the Convent of the Ursulines, a cloistered institution de voted to the education of ladies, the Convent of the Congregation, a simi- lar institntion, although not cloister- ed, and the General Hospital, near Quebee, under the direction of 33 nuns. ® ! Neglected Agriculture. The soil was rich, and grain and | produee were raised without any dif- ficulty. The inhabitants, however, pre- ferred the gun and the rod to tilling | the soil, and they neglected to raise | any more grain than was necessary for their own consumption. The monopolies also had a disastrous ef- fect at the time, being the means of having inhabitants sent on duty to different points, so that they could profit by their absence The codntry was ri<i. in mines and valuable mineral g ngs, wlio. pro- mised to: be of great value to the counury. Indian Nations. The Indian nations residing within the Government were known as the savages of the north shore and those of the south shore. The north shore Indians were the Esquimaux, the Montagnais and the Hurons, the lat ter heing more civilized than the others. The ones on the south shore sere the Micmaes, the Kamibas, the Malecites and the Obenakis The people were divided into four different sets: the gentry, or what was called nobility; the clergy: the merchants, or the trading part of the population, the peasaniry or what was styled the "habitants." ETE ---------------- Only One "BROMO QUININE," that is sit Caress Coin Brome Qin. 6 Bln i! THIS IS WORTH SAVING. Put it in Safe Place For it May: Come Handy. Here is a simple home-made mitinre as given by an eminent authority on Kidney diseases, who makes the state ment that it will relieve almost any case of kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Brigh r. He lah ht's states that such sympt hack, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at nicht: pain- ful and discolored urination, are read- ily overcome. Here is the recipe; try Fluid extract dandelion, one-half ounce: compound Kargon, one ounce; compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Take a téaspooniul after each meal and at bedtime A well-known local druggist is au- thority that these ingredients are all harmless and easily mixed at home hy shaking well in a bottle. This mix- ture has a peculiar healing and sooth- ine effect upon the entire kidney and urinarv structure and often overcome the worst f of rheumatism in just a httle while. This ' mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the rheumatism by forcin~ the kidnevs to filter and strain from the blood and svstem all uric acid and foul, de- composed waste matter, which cause these afflictions. Try it if vou aren't well. Save the prescription THE TESSEROGRAPH. to Check of Tickets. A 'machine called the tesserograph for doing away with the necessity for printing in advance the thousands of various kinds of railway - tickets, i the jhvention of "Roberta T. Piscicelli. of Florence: it also antomatically re- gisters the amounts cashed. Each tic- ket is printed separately hysa machine from a slip of thick paper, all the ne cessary - particulars--such as station names, date' price, class, ete. --heing in- serted: and on a second paper strip within the machine is printed, as a cheque, a duplicate of the ticket sold. The money values of the tickets jssa- are totalized according to classes and series. A machine constructed for the Naples-Rome line can print and register 400 different kinds of tickets. The various mechanisms are interlock- ed together, and no tickets can be is- sued until the inspector in charge; up- | Invention Sales is ed on opening the office in the early morning. has freed the machine and hwought all the totals hack to zevo. The Jrogress Of Canada. New York Sum. From time to time we have com- mented on Canada's economic pro- the growth of her foreign com- e and the development of hér pro. ductive industries. In many ways her pace during the last ten has been more rapid than that of the Un- ited States. Unless thete shall occur some misadventure 'of which there is to-day neither sign nor hint, her pro gress during the next ten vears will far outstrip that of the last ten. gress, me years Mrs. Charles Sinith, of. Jimes, Ohio, writes : | have used every remedy for sick headache 1 conld hear of for the past fif but Carter's Little Fiver Pills did me more gow than all the rest, A man may know he knows than a doctor, but heis apt to listen when a lawyer tells him be needs a change of climate, The pain in Ma's head has gone, She's as happy as can be, Her health is right, her temper bright Since taking Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea at might. 'ntil they come most any man will tell you how he would get the upper hand of burgiars. wn years, more n succeeds in getting + hushand airaid _of her she never can hope to get him in love with her Jas. Schrum of Dartmouth Makes Valuable Discovery Says the M Obstinate Case of Stomach or Liver Trouble is Quickly Curable. Dartmouth, N.S, Oct. 12.--There i= a 'strong moral in the statement of James Schr Pleasant street Like thousan oi peopie, he was failing in health becanse his stomach and digestive organs were out of re- pair. His vitality was slipping awav, he was losing ground every day. "I could not have held on much longer. 1 wa¥ wasting away simply because no remedy 1 used gave the tone and strength to m+ stomach that it craved fof. The vital forces of my system seemed dead. I was ad- vised to trv Dr. Hamilton's Pills What hidden weakness they searched out | don't know, but in 'a miracu- lous way they have made a new man of me. Mv stomach troubles are cur- ed, rich blood now runs throuech mv veins--clear in and unmistakable | evidences of health and vigor 1 feel every day. Dr. Hamilton's Piils have certainly mastered the secret of curing the sickly enervated man and strongly urge everyone in failing or lost health to use this grand remedy Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut are. purely vegetable -- all the ingredients comin~ from the ereat storehouse of nature, they eau't help but heal, strengthen, eure. of sk THE POWER OF STEAM. Many May See But It Takes Genius to Realize. When James Watt saw the steam causing the kettle lid to jump up and down he said : "There must be power in that steam that it can lift such a weight," { There was. Millions prior to him had seen tie same 'phenomenon and regarded it as an unexplained mystery. Recent scientific research has put its finger on the "cause" of Dandrufl, Fall- ing Hair and subsequent Baldness, and has unearthed a tiny germ which eats the life from the roots of human hair. Newhwo's Herpicide destroys this germ and consequently restores the hair to its natural state. Sold by leading druggists. Send 0c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Retroit, Mich. Two. siges, 50c. and $1, GW, Mahood, special agent, PRODUCE AND PRICES. What is Offered For Grown in Can- ada Articles. Kingston, Oct. 12-The following prices Pre -ailed in the city to-day : Flour and feed---klour, bakers', strong, $2 to $2.10; farmers, $210 to $2.30; Hungarian patent, $2.30 to to $4.50; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.63; bran, $1Y to $20 a ton; shorts, $22 t, $23 a ton: straw, $6 to $8: hay, loose, $9 to $10; pressed, $12 to $14. Eggs--New laid, 25c. per dozen. Grain--Oats, 40c.; wheat, 9%0c. (dif- ferent grades); buckwheat, S0c.; bar ley, 48¢. to 50c.; rye, Ble. peas, Roe; corn, Ge. to 63. . Butter--Choice, creamery, 3c. a lbh.: farmers' butter, in prints, 2c. a Ib; uacked, 25¢.; rolls, 28e. Meat--Beef, carcase, 86 to' 87 4 ewt,; choice cuts, 12e. to 15c. per Ibh.; pork, Ye. a owt; veal, by quarter, Jo. to Ye. per Ih; cuts, Ge. to 0c; by carcase;, Sc. to Se, per Ib; cutlets, 12}c.; hogs, live weight, $8 cuts, 12}e. to 15c. a Ib; lamb, by pound, 10c.; chops, 16c. a Ib, mut. ton, Sc. to Ye. per Ib. ~ Fish--Salmon trout, 12jc. 5 Ib; whitefish, 12jc. a Ib; pike, l0c. 4 Ib; Chidook salmom, 30c. a Ib; smelts, 20c. a th; Kkippered herring, Yarmouth bloaters, 40c: a doz; At. lantic salmon, 30c. a' lb.; salt codfish, Te. to 15¢. a lb; halibut, 20c. a 1b; fresh haddock, 10. a [b.; bullheads, 10c. a Ib; red herring, 13¢. a box; mackerel, 13c. a Ih; trout; 12}e. , perch, J0c. a dozen; 40c. a_lb.; ciscoes, 15c. a Ih. oysters, 40c., 0c. and 60c. per quart; blue fish, 15c. a lb; butterfish, 5c. 4 Ih: lake herring, 10c. a Ib.; finnan haddie, 123c. a lb. Poultry--Chickeos, 35. to Mc pair; turkeys, ¥1 to $2 each. Fruit--Lemons, 25¢. to 30c. 4 doz. oranges, 30e. to 60c. per doz; banan- as, 2c. to MWe. a doz; Malaga grapes, 15¢. ta 20¢. per Ib. Vegetables--Potatoes, new, $1 per bag; mew cabbage, 5c. to $I per doz.; lettuce, 40c. a doz.; radishes, 40c. 5 doven; celery, 5c. a head, or 30c. 4 doz.; parsnips, 7c. bush.; turnips,20¢ be. peck: peck 01.25 beets, 25¢ bushel. carrots, 50c. bush, Bect hides--No. 1, 6}c. per Ih.: No. onions, and bulls, 5c. per Iv.: sheep pelts, 'reshly taken off, 40c. to 50c;> ealf skin, 10c. a Ih.; dairy skins, SOc, each rendered tallow, Ble. Ih: bees wax Neo. 1, 25¢ washed, 13e. Ib.; wool, washed, 22¢.; un- INVENTION FOR SAFETY. Fine Scheme to Prevent Cage Accidents. Many have been the inventions pa- tented to prevent cage accidents in mine shafts. There is now one on view in Sunderland. The invention gonsists of four clutches, a lever, spring, two wedges and sockets. The inner side of the wedges are rounded or concaved to suit the diameter of the guide ropes. When the cage is being drawn upwards, should the main rope break, the chain (which is fastened to the lever) becomes slack. The spring im mediately presses up the wedges and instantly grips the guide ropes, which run through the socket. The descent of the cage is at once arrested. The ae- tion is automatic, and only operates when the main rope breaks or is unin- tentionally digeonnected from the cage The grips do ROU in any way injure the guide ropes, and this is a strong point in favor of the invention. GEESE GOT DRUNK And the Farmer Was Humiliated. Martin Beck; a farmer on the Come wago Hills, is humiliated to admit that three of his geese went on a dis graceful spree after having eaten some pulp from a cider mill Some time after eating of the pulp Greatly the peculiar action of the fowls at tracted the attention of the farmer They swayed from side to side aml cackled hoarsely. Finally one by one they fell limp and apparently dead Nrs. Peck carried the fowls into the house, with the intention of plucking them, when they revived. Since then the geese have kept away from the cider mill, and have tried to prevent other geese from going near it, America's Manufacturers. American Industries. In the magnitude and the variety of its manufactures the United States is far ahead of any other country in the world, and its lead is rapidly lengthening. Here are the principal ites in aggregate of the United States manufactures for 1907 ; Capital, ¥15,000.000.000, Employees, 6,000,000 persons. Wages received by them, $3.600.000 - 000, Cost of materials used, £10,000 000, - 0 Value of products, $17,000,000,000 Value of exports, $700,000 000 The value of the products of manu factures has doubled since 1898, The value of the exports of manu- factures bas doubled since 1898, The exports of manufactures were 41 per cent. of the aggregate exports of all sorts of domestic merchandise in 1906, as compared with 21 per cont of the aggregate in 1594, The capital invested in manufactures is almost as great as that represented in railroads In the value of the property repre- sented and in the number of persons employed, manufactures rank second among the great interests of the Unit- ed States, agriculture being first. But in each item manufactures is far ahead of agriculture. And this lead is con- stantly increasing. The capital invested in manufactures represents an eighth of the value of the property of all sorts in the United States real and personal. Schooner Cornelia Damaged. Oswego, N.Y., Times. The schooner Cornelia, Capt. Dens. more, arrived in port, on Tuesday af- ternoon, from Picton, and made the harbor with difficulty. The schooner made fast to the barge Middlesex to allow 'the tug Tonawanda to turn so that the tug could handle the vessel and. during the gale, which was blow- ing. the Cornelia's wmainmast head was torn out and the mainmast was broken in two pieces. Some men go to the dogs heeanse they are muzzled $2.50; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.40° frogs' legs, | exacting demand of his taste. Made of better fabrics, in a bet. ter way, so it wears better, and fits as no ordinary shirt will It costs mo more--but itpays best--when you demand this brand. Because a FIR, Regatta Coat - Shirt is tailored to size and shape -- not merely laundered into shape, like most shirts. It conforms to every part of a man's figure, as well 3% to each ------------ Makers of Good Shirts at BERLIN, CANADA LIPTON'S LIMERICKS In view of the tremendons interest which has been created through our last Limerick; we have decided to offer larger Prizes, and so that our friends at a distance may have an opportunity of competing this competition will céver a period of three weeks, closing Uctober 17th, $500.00 IN PRIZES First Prize, $150 Cash 2nd", 50 " 3rd 25 25 Prizes of $5 Each. 75 Prizes ot $2 Each. The conditions of this competition are perfectly simple. An you have to do is fill in the last line of the Limerick in shown below and then send it, accompanied by a TIN LID (with label attached) of a package of LIPTON'S TEA, Gold, ° Redd, Pink, Orange, or Blue Label, or LIPTON'S COFFEE, Blue Label, which entitles the reader to send in one Limerick. You may send in as many Limericks as you like so long asa TIN LID accompanies each Limerick. LIPTON'S By Special Sidi. Appointment ~~) T0 H.M. THE KING TEA The Finest the World Can Produce. Packed Only in Airtight Tins. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERIES. vx LIMERICK A lady of Sault Ste. Marie, Asked a friend from Toronto to tea, She wired back, on the spot, "Is it Lipton's? Eh! what" I agree to abide by the decision of Editor of The Toronto MAIL AND EMPIRE as final, and enter the competition on' that distinct understanding. : Signature ..... «one Address The competition will be decided hy Editor of The Toronto MAIL AND EMPIRE, whose decision must be accepted as final. Envel must be addressed ""Lipton's 1imerick," and sent to MAIL AND EMPIRE. Toronto, Ont, not later than the last mail on Thursday, October 17th. Specials For the Week! China Cabinets, 5 shelves, mirror in back. Regular price $18.00 for $12.00. China Cabinet, full serpentine glass front. lar price $25.00 for $20.00. 1 Buffet. Regular price $30.00 for $25.00. 1 Buffet, Regular price $18.00 for $13.00. A few specials in Sideboards, Extension Tables to match : also one $25.00 Iron Bed for $18.00. ROBERT J. REID, Telephone, §77. 230 Princess Street. Regu- ¥ snp oon A a--- Carfada Life Assurance Company Assurance in Fo Over a... - Net gain in Assurance in force last Assets Over . pe tn os years Profits od licy-holders in 1905 and 1906 over ... "Tre Dest DIVIDEND PAYING COMPANY. The best company for AGENTS. AGENTS holders. The best aces, BELLEVILLE, SMITHS FALLS, CARLETON PLACE, ARNFRIOR, also apother agent wanted in Kingston, Applications treated Com fidentially Apply to 4. O. HUTTON, Mgr. tricts, 18 Market street, Kingston . Central Ontario and Ottawa Valley, J. R. URQUHART, Special Agent. --b BE Dis- w 4 5 = Ingot Aluminu 99% PURE. GUARANTEED Immediate Delivery. WILLIAM SY. Canada Metal Co., Ltd. * Toronto,