Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Oct 1907, p. 4

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Wire| 2hle valde, being clearly ascertained 'lod by the rentals. "The révenud, or | rentable 'value, of a' house, is 'the 2 > Peterboro lins been disturbed over the assessment which two men wade this year, onch taking hall of the city and proceeding to write down values as he decided them. The office of assesdor calls for a rave knowledge and discrimination, One| \™ 10° trouble. He should resign of- | has to be fairly expert as an apprais- er, and he must know of circumstance ®s as they accumulate in the history of the city, in order to avoid all ap- pearance of unfairness. The men in Peterboro, working separately and Without consultation, could not pos- property sibly agree as to values, and the re- sult is a comparison of work, by dignation. Peterboro may have out- grown 'the service of one visi Assessor, but Kingston has not, and the experience here is quite satisfac- tory. After all the English method of assessment is the better, It is govern: basis of taxation; 'and i cannbt Tend to any errors. This rental; or. rent- it is easy to apply: the rate, equitable and just and preciated. which is generally ap- k it. Toronto , through gthe £ investigation; which has n- Jured the conservative party in sever al ways, and how Ottawa is the scene of a party dispute, originating in a party caucus, the nastiness of which will receive an airing in court. One of the licinss commissioners at the capital has stood a great deal of nag- ging; he hay been submitted to some bulldozing and preserved his temper; but when the politicians, in _caucus, referred to him in he put the matter administration, The necessity of it, or some other thing that will rescue the license business completely from the grafters and heelers that have brought reproach upon the government and its officers, will be madé the more appar- ent by this latest and most vexatious incident. 3 GET AFTER THE BIG WIGS. The grand jury at the St. Thomas i made a stunning report on passing events. A petty jury had just heard the evidence in a "criminal pro- secution of an engineer, who, in de- fiance of orders, ran past a sema- and collided with another train. ict was "guilty," and that in Ti 1 ge °F F 0 A i; i iI i iH it i wards, which excites disfavour and in- "the western newspaper men to inter , [to defy the government, to refuse pense. The appeal is tracts were let, And if the duty had ¥inot been raised the Soo industry planned that will please everyone. NESBITT FORCES THE FIGHT. Dr. Beattie Nesbitt's not value the office for. the money about subject to - dismissal. baps this will now be ordered, on Dr. Nesbitt's recommendation, ---- Hurrah for the Lemisux set | Again it has, through a conciliation board, settle a serious dilliculty. The tele graphers' strike is over and everyone is satisfied. Has the government leen asked, under the Lemioux act, to look into the tailors' strike here * If pat why? A law that works worders 'ols shore should work wonders hece. The Laurier government is asked by vene and save them from the extor- tions of the C.P.R. telegraph com- pany. Let us hope that relief will be given il possible. 3 r---- The, liberals of Nova Scotia are preparitig a big reception to. Mr. Fielding. He is not a showy man, he is not given to the advertising of himself, but he is a safe man, and one of Canada's best administrators. The chief inspector of the license de- partment in Toronto was egged on to resign from office as commissioner Starr advised. But Mr. Hanua point- el to the door, and Mr. Purvis hum- the bly retreated. ---------- The 6fth class. which the school management commitiee has been ask- ed to consider is something new, but it has the endorsement of some of the ablest educationists. And it ought to be established with very little cost to the hoard of education. \ -- The federal government has been asked by the Manufacturers' Associa tion to put an export duty on pulp wood. Why not on pulp also ? If the paper industry is to be developed in Canada the pulp, as well as the wood, must be kept in Canada. The Montreal Star now sadvocates that the = people subscribe the funds that will enable parties to legitimate, ly conduct an election campaign and pay the expenses of meén who vould not go into politics at their own ox- patriotic, Will it be acted upon ? 2 Lm Sir 'Rivers-Wilson is vexed b the duty on steel rails was raised after the Grand Trunk Pacific cone would, according to story, have seri- ously languisked. No policy can be Mr. Cotkshutt, M.P., has been 'tell- affords. "So he has timated in an interview ' with the press, and be is prepared to sacrifice it rather than the liberty of apisech be holds 50 dear. He justifies his visit to Gravenhurst, as a politician, on the ground that he is interested generally in an institu. |" 8 tion there and. was tempted by cir] § cumstances 0 way a few plain things the power question. These pointes. of the Whitney government, would be regarded by it as a partizan It would be necessary for one of the of: ficial executioners to he ealjed in so that an excuse for action might be The day of reward by. fee, in a pub- lic office; is past. The experience: of years has demonstrated its value to the incumbent.' He should he given a salary commensurate with the duties he performs, and the rest of the receipts should go to the public treasury, Per- h or mental vigor, lessmess is a dangerous condition. No- thing sa Surely restores sleep as Fer. rozone; it's ing, it's simply a case of ordi little of it it nimous ' a been' beaten Very opponen "fit isn't nice medicine to take. Man Behind Whitney. Toronto Glove. are in-a public with a desire to promote Mr. ane} - iit of power," ua and evéryhodv else on the strength of in drawn from his own ac- t A If Mr. Hanna proposes tn walk in his way leads to outer darkness, and that way will be a good deal sharter than the road by which Mr. Giheon renched the end of his political jour ney. The destinv of Hon, W. J. Hanna is in his dwn keeping. The future of Mr. Hanna will he. made or marred. not hv the words of anv eritie, hut hy his own deeds. Tt ig to he honed . that Fon. W. J. Hanna does not imaecive that he ic strane enough to Seite with the jdenls of progress and oohlic rights emhodied in the policy of Hon. J. P. Whitner. The results of such a collisiqn would he much more iniuri- ows to Mr. Hanna's poBitical future than to the good canse which is hound to trivmph over "foes without pnd traitors within," Golden Wedding. Monday, September 30th. marked fiftieth auniversary 'of the wed- ding day of Mr. and Mrs. Lochhead, Centreville, and same - was fittingly celebrated hy the gathering of the family and other near velatives and ificds to da thems hana. The bride and groom a) but as:you and ros oo aa did on 8 ~ her 30th, 1857, the former. especially, at _seventy-four years of age, reading without and not heing able to boast of the first grey hair as yet. Earnest were the congratulations ten- dered, and in addition to the gifts from other guests, Mr. Loch presented with a stick, and Mas, Macliead Mii Sing _ and purse of gold by tl 8 a family of nine, seven survive, five re- sident in different parts of {mtario, and the remaining two in Pritish Columbia. The Whig A Rib Cracker. Toronto h A Kingston man labghed until he broke a rib. Always knew the Whig would be the death of somebody if Rectitude is only the confirmed habit of doing what is right. Don't You Sleep Well? Better Correct Matters Before Nerves and Health Are Shat- tered. . Without sleep (here can be no bodily consequently sleeps strengthening tonic, . Sonioh 's the verbosity, Canon We de- opi { play is that some of of it may need over- minutes from Md the Son md in its attitude toward temntation to crow over the victory, hut let us he magna- abot it. We had a good cause and a good candidate, and we scored victory: but we have often enough to make us towards our defeated ta, We know how it feels, and so | Judging from Dr. Neshitt's frank "§ publie exposare at Gravenhurst. in the *| Presence of Mr. Cochrane and Mr. Ne- Naught; matters within the cabinet worse condition' than the ive heen aware of. ' Mr. Whitney 'is: oredited by Dr. Nesbitt, Beck's CHANGED ATTITUDE. garding Jews. St." Petersburg, Oct. bas the effect two years, According April, 1905, converts - to fear of i 'persons would be allowed to ny privilege they ining he state church. s tianized Jews who return two E 5% any part of the empire they choose tianized Jews must return to the con- dition of subjection in which they liv ed prior to their conversion. meany that they must any part of the empire outside the Jewish palé. » Under this: decision, some 5,000 Jews are liable to instant explusion from their present place of residence, As the senate is only nominally a high court, and in reality takes from M. Stolypin, this decision indicates that the government has | the Jews, persec and that a new poliey of on is to be inaugurated. . Bodice Of House Dress. Russia {s on' Another 'Tack Re- 12.--The Rus- sian senate has issued a decision which of annulling the Tost important of the concessions made to- ward religious liberty during the past to the czar's manifesto of the Greek x church are at liberty to re turn to their former religion without vears mean that re- had gained In par- 'their old faith were allowed ta live The senate now declares that Chris- This quit at once its power 'policy. but the public are given to understand that the premier idery, The bodice shown in the sketch is prettily but simply dainty design in braid, loops and tiny buttons. The model was in white cash- mere trimmed with gilt buttons, white woolen soutache, and very fine gilt cord. The yoke and undersleeves which were were of tucked mull and hatiste em- tiny white trimmed with a detachable, and Ontario will jndge Won. W. J. Han- the footsteps of Hon. J. M. Gibson. The Better Cough Cure. No medicine for coughs, colds, sore throat or' hoarseness could be more harmless or effective than the Diamond Cough Remedy. Then it js pleasgnt to take, the dose is small add the i is reasopable. 25c., at Wade's Drug Store. The Officers Chosen. At the late mecting in Napanee of the Teachers' Institute of Lennox and Addington, these officers were elected ; President--J. M. Denyes, Newburgh, Vice-president Miss Beaman, New- Secretary - Gosport. y Committre of management --The prifi- cipals of Napanee and Newburgh high and public schools, and Bath and Odessa public schools. Auditors--Messrs. Flach wards. < treasurer-- Miss Haggerty and Ed: ---- We have Waterman's "Modern" foun. tain pens from $1 up. Also the seli- filling fountain pens (Waterman's Mo. dern), from $2.50 to $$, at Wade's drug store, Unbleached tooth = brushes won't wear out, Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Nothing pleased a little man more than an opportunity to crack a nig whip. EEE ---- * Full of Pleurisy. Doctors say the country is full of it. First it's a chill, then a cold; the in- flammation grows until pluerisy is the result. Give twenty drops of Polson's Nerviline in hot water at once. Con- gestion is prevented, warmth and cir- culation restored--you are cured. Any sickness can be prevented by Nervi. Nine It saves big doctor bills and costs 25c. for a Try osts : large hottle, Nerviline yourself. TREY as limited. When a man wants p coal, he don't want" a pro- viso with every ton. We have plenty, and wé sell all ) you want all the time. TheFrontenacLumber and Coal Company. 8 v Name, York very low. Don't buy of dealers who Wind ay limit you because they are { be asleep, build a tive, ing. BIBBY'S 0 Come and learn the why ! Guess somebody must have been telling how good our Overcoats are, for we never sold so many Overcoats as we are now sell- Fine Tailor-Made Overcoats Ready to try on, finished to your order in two hours time. Prices $12; 15, 18 and 20. viv PEER EERE ERE ag, VERGOATS! THE H. D. BIBBY CO. | FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS. No. 1 F A well-known His Tesently the man tried another kick, At this t o Taugh, 1 ui ne, Poke > [twenty minm did - the Then, of co A. CHADWICK, Hanater Suncessors of The when he There are dear Wives; ind 3 Ts we pnd is dear to 3 If a man is sick in A valuable preparation, hay effect upon all kinds-of dir printers' ink, stains, etc t with either cold, warm, fresh, salt, hard or- soft water with good results. _ As it consists of skin, and contains nothing harmful. } well adapted for hand washing by all whose work | soil the hands, and is far SUPERIOR SOAP FOR THIS PURPOSE. ' MCKELVEY & BIRCH | "or LADIES' FUR DONATED BY THE JOHN To "Made in Canada Exhibition" This ballot entities the holder to... ..._ Write on this line name of lady PASSED KICK ON -- And Then Both Lighted the ire, a clulman in likes nothing hetter companion was t f I asleep, Pl It isn't nice to : Farm | points en y 0 t. blanket to rol _-- -- - pr os, New Yorker ck and then pretended There was no refponse 'and tes ago," he how you came - urse, both turned out to is to be_trust, 69 and 71 BROOK STREET. ing a most magieal t, machine grease, paint, ., ete, and may be used material beneficial to the Tt is especially TO ANY 10c. Per 'Box. VOTING CONTEST. SAMPLE OF BALLOT: FOR THE MOST POPULAR LADY VOTING CONTEST a ! for the be Kingston General Hospital | Canadian Freeman. { Ome of the prettiest | artistic New | Kingston than hunt big game in British Columbi hi t 2 8 imbia. | the Wh; During his last expedition ys re 2 te nto. thatiaeredit to th 3 gg jo was i Sei with a friend | to Kingston - Above nnesota, Toward morning, | made attractjy " 8 : i » ve, says the New Yorker, he awdke shiv- | printed and clea Se ering with the cold, | nly The fire fast | other office on the seen fine printing comi fire, | ness, the above y his | deserves first place. to gave from New." York! C aling fragrant healing same thing to You x, remedy compares explained to jeatarrh. It Pocket ¥ Haok. | efficiency i a1 adr it is treatment which Son Woman. cause tf oiires 80 qu ER ry Printing ever published 1 is the programme to} Made-in-Canadg exhibition, printed at office, and which is not onl continent. *{2one for cold in the head and ®oothes and heals the in- {flamed . mucous. membranes, Sle Jowtht, SI; trial size, S30, LINED COAT McKAY FUR HOUSE nefit of the tes sescsi Votes Srreeessstrsrneniane for whom you wish to vote VOTES--5 CENTS EACH. ---- _-- Piece Of Artistic Work. samples of real m of the institution but Every page 1s cuts are well ob ; the press work. was on the whole cannot be excelled in any We have ng from other artistie style and neat- mme certainh Sniffeling. And. Sneesing Colds. an be stopped in a few minutes sud into a |foimanently cured in ote hour by in Catarrhozone. with Catarrho- nasal preveuts {sneezing and co! ing, - clears away : {the "stuffed wp" eeling 'in the fore aig thead, If you haven't used Catarrho- 3 AT |20ne get it to-day and try it ob your oe Tans ext cold. You'll be. sutprised at the this delightful jubaler everyone be | Complete ALL EVIDENT The Comumissioners Goin, York and Phoenixv - ing For'a Training | St. Marie, Beauce. Qaebec, Oct. 12.--The com appointed to investigate th the Quebec bridge disaster, their work here last eveni sat three times a day, T} in New York. on Monday wm examine Mr. Cooper, the engi.cor of the bridge, and will go to Phoenixville. . probably return here again [ the bridge before submitti rt. Premier Gouin and Ho Roy, proviucial secretary, 'v upon at the parliament buil terday, by a deputation fr who requested the establisk training school at St. Mar The remarkable developmer ing in the Beauce region we the deputation asthe reas request. The ministers promised t uest into .consideration. News came from St. A parade of a' serious inund: river having overflowed an considerable part of th * Among the properties whicl submerged are those of Me Hivon, Charles Gendron, quin, Hericule Marchand: A vais, Elie Pleau, Mme. C} poleon Germain. THE ROBBERS GOT § Discovered at Work in Alabama Town. Atlanta. Ga., Oct. 12. been received from Seddon, four masked robbers looted National Bank, of that pla 525 and shot dead Sheriff liams as he' attempted to and escaped on a hand Southern railway. The robbery was discover by a citizen who was p bank. Through the darkene he saw four men at work. 1} ately gave the alarm wm Sheriff Williams. As the sherifi reached the robbers, who had evidebtly the alarm, attempted to le were met by the sheriff, wh them to halt. Refore he disc whereabouts of the robh dark, they opened fire on h was instantly killed. The few citizens who had the scene were terrorized by bers, who ran through the ryving their booty ®ith them as they ran. They went npr the yards of the Southern where they secured nd- it with their plund¢r and away: ' Had Three Professio The late Rev. Dr. Muir, © ville, issued in 1856 the firs per for that village, the Ch sustained it for a long studied law in Ohio, graduat Then he passed a medical co Geneva, N.Y., and practised werp. Then he read for ho and was ordained by Bishop don, of Central New Yor charge of Grace church, Car! its mission stations. Late for fourteen years rector ¢ pont Manor. Seven years sir tired and returned to Onta ing well-earned rest. His wif ly. Miss Aurelia Merrick, su ter fifty-four vears of weddeg Deceased had been a mem R.C.P.S., and later of the Medical Council. The funera 10th, was under Masonic with a large attendance. A church service was impressive H. BH. Coleman was assisted on Roberts, Rev. W. A. I Rev. W. E. Kidd. Many Elders Sail For E Boston, Mass., Oct. 12.1 en Mormon elders have sailed 'ous parts of Europe to di ary work in the interest faith. A large proportion of bound for Germany. though special edict in Germany | the Morman church to pros that country. It is expected one hundred Mosman wor leave this port within the months on a jrissionary x in England and on the contir ni own from Utah, Id: Nebraska. and expect to abroad at least three years. To Be Buried At Wood: Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 12. of Mrs. Cassie Chadwick, whe the woman's ward of the C tentiary. on Thursday night evening for Woodstock, Out., of Mrs. Chadwick's birth, f The body was accompanied | Hoover, son of Mrs. Chadw Mrs. J. W. Weston, a sister, rived from Woodstock during No services were held and pl! the burial at Woodstock were nounced. Stole Church Treasu Loudon, Oct. 12.--A Frencl ing the name of Posse, way bere on suspicion of being i with the Thomases of France theft of church treasures, In oner's pockets the police fou valuable 'books, apparently t: the national library at Pari held on the charge of being | lawful possession of stolen ar ---------- The Property Salte Helena, Mont., Oet. 12.--1] publishes a story to the e numerous Montana -and W investors have been mulcted extent through the discovery tain placer mines near Lak Wyo. had been salted and property in question is wor Turn out this evening and last dey of Made-in-Canada breaker, : Try our special $1 drivin Bibby, - ---- £4

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