Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Oct 1907, p. 6

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#e Een THE i hen » pi" Sl A, was closely following an- i in front came to result that the | poiiie Brier into the front arranging for the visit of that pro- cary were derailed | quction next Saturday. i and piled up indiscriminately on and | A. Jordan has taken Mrs. T. M. so started and | Fonwick's house, 182 University ave- other st till with the! train. A umber ---- beside the track. Fi burned up some of the wre! A seriously injured. The rast of his family here in a few days. in such a manner The weather has been so very bad, on trains Np. 3|g¢hie week, that ng arrangements were westward, had to . a make-up train. The Play fox Mrs, John Bell Carruthers of debris until! prise will come off next weck. track was not cleared late in the day, ---------- A -- STORY OF POLICE COURT. Young Woman Fined For Abusive An abusive language Magistrate Farrell's days perso tion of {strikers to retutn their work, *A large number have morning. Louise Pre woman, a 'recent arrival leary, with using a that the accused used towards him, and also shook her umbrella, in his face. ) Ruage. in ties, gloves, collars, ete., , you go to the 11. D. Bibby bad The $8. Siberian, arrived, at Halifax, N.8., on Satur day morning. Five saloon, eré no witnesses for the verdict of "guilty," - {fine of $2 and cokts. The astute said that Mr. ge towards her, but ving used any wards Mr, Cleary. arge made by the issed, steerage passengers were ahoard. Our Bn underwear stock is ment. 'The H. D. bioby Co. Hear Frank Yeigh Thanksgiving evening. ture Ei Corinda of To-day." Re- serve, 88¢.; admission, 25c. In ease of sickness on Sunday, re- member Gitwon 8 2 ry Bias. fox Baian's ad. Woke wool underwear, The H. D, bad language to- registered as a drunk, A. B. Shewell, was chi a, on the market tu morning. the evidence of th. of a oi David Young, awwho sold a cotiviction wa fine of $10 and "I suppose that case," said Shewel anything you like," trick's Art Store and O08. A Canadian Club is to be organized Tow éWentors are Ewell; # registered, and costs, was imposed, Shewell, as he left the magistrate remarked an infraction of this A local hotelman was charged with f $10 wages to a n employed in the house. ur s argument the the complainant, SEEK A CONFERENCE, -- So Far This Has . »n : | ething Decidedly Different Amprica, who has bee £0 . v days, gave out the f i e Whig, Saturday at at Others Are Showing. ot Saturday' of Ee, 3 cdi k to Kingston, my : been directed to se- with the merchant 0 say this has been n in the city the statement to th Si best efforts hav cure a conference steadiastly oppor merchants. Were 1 am satisfied that Black Coats * Lengths, Semi and ILoose- handsomely trimmed with an ds, $8.50, 10.00, 12.50, 13.75 16.75; 18.00, 19.00, 20.00, 22.50. Tweed Coats variety of designs and styles, made ree , slashed pockets, rolled : velvet and braid trimmed. - 9.00, 10,00, 12.00, 12.50, 13.75, 15.00, ih Broadcloth Coats ndsome New York Moc own, &c., &c., ingide of {wenty- + eVeryoné would be back at position yesterday that all oir mem- to work, pending a satis- adjustment on all points now g stated that our mem: ng picket duty, and in- ielchaiita b} take the places of our - members, We a manish effects. the latter, and > substantiate the members know how in this matter, and law. Judge Winches- dpcision recently added further, that those doing picket heir rights in using all moral sua- sion, in Aix piaining to those imported chatges made. Our ter, of Toronto, in a given decided that avy, Green, 15,00; 18.00, 20.00, 22.50, + FursLined Coa tinct varieties, . workmanshi : 00 to 135.00 each. Broadcloth Shells the Broadcloth Coat, m 0 recive the fur lini OFFERINGS IN DENT'S p 'up to $1,00 » , the true nature of existing litions, and further ndded. can peacefully enter up- Premises; and inform those en: gaged in work that a strike is PSE fan. 81,000 has bien sit to the striking tailors hore by erica. . Robinkoh is still Kopeful of the secinig that an early meet- Betw employer and employee, Shistactory y adjustment desired tb acknowledge irtoty thst hae been shown him I whom he has sought an inter. with in regard to the strike. -------------- Likely. --The power of My- in Black and Colors, and finest material. de up, ready ip ready Morocco hy the decldération of the leas, or holy mén dt Fez that he nid the throne thau has sultan of record. This the approach of Mila} ei teeta: Fouild Disa In Woods , Ont, Od. 12. Thomas na armer, 1s and, with bullet hols DAILY BR I'L SECOND SECTION, o from Montreal. a x N : William IFTOWS, ex-gns inspector, i to Bhmas for the holidays. ee. 1 D and Mrs. David Anothér Ran | Wallace, Harrow , are in the city : Mie) Lissie Bowman, Princess street, is visiting with Mrs, Buck, Collins Bay. | tl , teller in the Stan- dard bank; Rongeton, is spending his s at Wooler, Y Prmakilin Clow and daughter, s, J, 8. M will visit for a month at' her oore, Hartington. representing 'The !* gompany, is here brother" 3 W. G. Colvin, No. nue, and expects Mrs. Jordan and the be {made for the golf tea this afternoon, THE DEATH RECORD. Marie Rochefort Died of Spinal Meningitis. On Friday morning, Maric Roche- fort, aged tén years, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Anthony Rochefort, Bagot street, died at the Hotel Dieu, from spinal meningitis, after an illness of only . three days, -Detensed, ap' to Tuesday hoon, was in her usual good health. She attended school in the morning and came home at noon hour in good spirits. Shortly after her ar- rival home she hécame suddenly if. Medical aid 'was summoned, but in spite of all that loving hands conld do, the little sufferer sank rapidly and at fooh on Friday passed to rest. Deceased was a child of rare and sterling qualities and by her Kind and-lovable disposition became not only& general favorite with her class- mates but with all, both young and old, who chanced to know Her. Her death came ad a great shock to her friends, particularly to her father, who, though summoned from Mon- treal, did not dfrivé home ill about an hour after her death. Besides her parents, deceased is survived by one brother, William, and a vounger sis- ter, Cecelia. To the sorrowine friends Péople--What Madie Shields has returned to war n, "Rockwood TO-NIGHT, 230.5 y O'clock. The items mentioned below have just been received and are partienlarly good valde. These will be offered to-night, and what you will save on each article ought fo be suffi- cient reason to come early. 249 Pairs hildren's Ribbed Union Cashmere Stockings Different sizes. ranging from the small sizes up to medium sizes for boys and girls. Regular values 18¢, 20¢, 23¢, 25¢. Yours To-night, 12%4c. 1,200 Ladies'-and Children's White Hemstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs Good quality, with dainty, hand-worked INITIAL Regularly worth 121e. each. Yours To-night, 7c. each ; 3 for 20c. 180 Ladies' Fine White Woven Corset Covers High neck, long sleeves, on the. corner, nearly every letter. ; : Extra good make. Yours To-night 18¢. Each. heartfelt. sympathy is oxténded. The funeral will take place on Sunday af- ternoon frome her late home to St. Mary's cathedral, where a solemn lic bera will be sang for the repose of her soul. The remains will then be placed in the vault at St. Mary's cathedral. + Married Next Month. My. and Mrs. David Purdy, Clergy street west, announce the forthcoming marriage, at Calgary, Alberta, carly in November, of their second daugh- ter, Mary Cornelin, to James Fred- erick Brander, M.D., Kénoka, son of George Brander, of the same Choose To-Night * Select your FALL COAT TO-NIGHT. styles for Fall are now ready. until require All the new You can CHOOSE and have it placed aside to buy just now. 'Stylish Fall Coats 9, 7.50, 8.75, 10.00, 11.50, and on up through a long list. d if you are not ready place, and brother of A. U. Brander, who is so well-known in | Kinoston. The : prospective bride and groom are graduates of Queen's, the bride-to-be in arts, the groom-to-be in medicine. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. ville, recently, and forthwith Some ing adulterated milk to a cheese fac- tory. There is not a semblance of grounggior the report. The visit of friendly. He has written, denying that occasion for reflection existed, | -- : Death At Glenvale. The death occurred, om Frida, night, of James Gordon, Jr., of Glen vile, from Bright's disease and pueu- monia. Deceased, aged thirty-eight yea¥s, was a son of James Gordon, an old resident of the Vale, was good farmer, a Presbyterian and conservative. He was a kindly-heart- ed, energetic resident. A widow, a daughter of Joshua Right, and one child of two years of age, survives, -- Hardcufled On Strest Car. Complaints are made concerning the action of the chief of police of St. Thomas, in taking Stephen Walsh from and back to the penitentiary on "street car, handcuffed. Walsh was used asa witness in St. Thomas, The law provides that the expenses. of convey ing prisoners shall he paid, and there i* no occasion to use a street car. 0Of- ficers of the law should remember this. ---- Case Was Dismissed. In the police court, Saturday morn- court for- the first time several woeks ago, and was adjourned many times. af nine to five, The teams wero 3. house, J. W. Robinson, H. Daly, Clar- ence M. Warner. a . Kingston--Q. B. Hague, Dr. Watson, P. G, C. Campbell, W, Gi: Richardson, last surviving member of the family, ---------- Students And Citizens. Jenkin, The best twoliity hat fold Js the INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up One Dollar Fountain Pens, See Bibby's riew $1 shirts. All eompetitions, ete. will close to-night { o'clock. Be there to see the finish, : i Our overcoats and suits are ready i g ply pei Hamilton Electric Railway Wants | Hl Y the inspector was pure ly personal and ton ug y Wants |, try on and finished to your order in SENTENCES IMPOSED By By. Judge Wi How. Reports Start. Dairy Instructor Cheetham visited the farm of James Hitchcock, Joyce- nchester Upon Seven phe started the report that he was ' a being prosecuted and fined for send- TO BE MADE TO THE COM. morhing Io fine hes , soners ING PARLIAMENT. Clarence Chandler, theft ers, three years in peni- John Wesley Moore, indecent year and 364 days in to' Get Into Toronto--A Tor- + | ' onto Man Seeks a Divorce on | Co. Bauquete, wounding with Grounds of Cruelty and Adul- | three months: Henry Chantler, stealing, four months; John B. Joll, highway robbery, ge R. Cummings, At the division court o h n Tuesday a intent, | case will be heard betwee n a local liv- | horse 12.-The Canada Ga- | zette gives notice that the Hamilton | Radial Railway company will make further attempt next session to a | sanction to extend its line a | ronto charges that a horse sold latter proved to have the "he. | sending immoral } -------------------- mails, one year and 364 Was In Bad Shape: At 1.30 o'clock, Saturday morning, breaking and réteiving | Some men passing along It also seeks tol * obtain a dominion charter, { ban Suda The €.P. R. sek authority to build | betwoun Syde 5 and ( a branch line from Killaloe to Strath- | 2" 8 man asleep on cona, The Saskatoon, the Peace River nnd Daw notice that they will seek a charte the next session of parliament, ------------ Chocolates "Made-In-Canada." And of good quality, ex- | Red Star." F wards & Jenkin, an, I was taken to the office ---------- give! Dr. Ross, « See Bibby's*new rainbow neckweéar. se at Quebec is post- day. The accused did in court amd in spite of made Friday, he was not is supposed to have days ago, but ng- and afterwards removed general hospital. a that William Alexander El to, will apply for a divorce from his wife on the adultery. Application will be mac ment for incorporation of Canada Railway company | . hive from the International boundary | And city soli collar through Craw's Nest railway to Cal- } will sue the city for dama served on Monday. {from that institution Satur {left Montreal: thi {body Seems to kno $15 black overcoats. Will Sue The City, Evans, charged, on the in- the health board officers solicitor, with maintaining | millionaire he ['clandestinely. marriod in that city looking ir 5 overcoats are beauties. ,odnward, at Belle Island. ed - Liverpool; SS. gary. er w ill by + \ . wrs p Rudolphe Lemieux, Canada's '! 1 oe ing, the cise against Dr. JJ. G. Bans, [envoy to Japan, will be ac companied charged by the board of health with [by Joseph neglecting to remove ashes from his state, and Hector Verre collar, after having been notified to{tary to the do so, wus dismissed, by Magistrate party Farrell, The case was before the [October 95th o of China. ---------- ens : ur gre 50 walkin ves, Pobe, Wnterscerotan. our great 81.50 walking gloves Pretorian reached postmastoer-general. n-the steamer Empress 3 King will go te i Vancouver to Kingston Won Out. damages' Kingston defeated Napanee, in the [suffered in goli match here on Friday, by a score |Will at once pay: the dama, > later ask the eity-of Vane Napabec--W. C. Smith, W. &. Bel: |fray the costs, -------- Freight Train Derailed. Owen Sound, October R. was derailed Japanese citizens the recent riots. ( jes' Fine Shoes at Not Necessary to Pay More to Get Either 'Style, Fit or Wear, gin a Ladies' Bootat $3.00, Calf; Patent Coltand Heavy gh Shoes just received are beauties, And then styles in the Emptess. & near Chatsworth, E. McNaughton. freight on ets ¢ The Late Miss McManus. this morning, The engine The death ocounrred in the Hote] | teen cars are in the dite Dieu on Friday of Miss Aun MeMahus, | 2 total loss. 'No one was injursd, The of Union street, at the age of seventy. | train was loaded with general merch three vears. It is not long since her | andise for the west. The® cause of the brother, James, passed away. She is | accident js not definitely known survived by one brother, John, for- | Present. All traffic is being delayed ur mérly of Rockwood stall, who is the | til the wreck is cleared. We have ev » Some Fine Giin $ Dongola Kid Blucher C &% from an American firm that 2 we have a dozen different $ They are good. Don't forget it' you need a ------------ Thanksgivin, Offering, n Indianapolis, Indy Try "The Red Star," when wanting Thanksgiving day, fo purchage Lowmey's hox chocolates, | Bryan will or chocollites, of quality. Fdwarde &! what i: fis abit sidential nominat to-day thére wi This | Ys: It. derstanding as ?. Oct. 12. Before William Jennings the democrats just de toward the pre- on. He said early ill the be no wifEan- fo his position. ------------ Edwards And J $3.00 Shoe to see Store. | Zooctett Shoe LY "YEAR 75. ness SW | i ! | : | | | | 4 nr tS I All the European p¢ The German army manoeu: Swiss army has been doing the rifle is placed on the t manipulate his alpenstock. ARLES. A, HAS GREAT RE US PACER. WHC FAMECORD AT 2.06 1. Olean Sweep of Grand C: Followed the Circuit Al spn and Sustained Bu Defeat--A Coniplete Su of Big Pacer's Wo Work. Watertown, N.Y., Times Many people who saw Angus at the fair grounds last Jul he placed the local track rec 2.061, have watéhed with inte wonderful work of the big ba which this ' "season has pn swept the grand circuit fre events and whieh has sustain one "defeat since he started t¢ the big circuit. He has made derful record and the followin, from an ®xchange will be of to many horsemen in this par state : 4 Once in a while there is which, practically, is a world pion, although, technically, he perhaps, third "or fourth amo great ones of the earth, Such a nag is the pacer, Pointer, that at Syracuse t day paced a couple of heats i 2.013 the performance not ! ing the best of the year bv a horse; but also ahout the > s geldigg pacing dn.a race. hd je copsidersd that this wonder was Bria at the « fu of f cessive gehnans cof mig ay y paigning. in edch fue ui 4 horsq has performed hell jan ! y more, that the two ree di Ten off without spe paration, and in the ordinar, of wining a race," tht i - Angug Pointer begins to be s @ ated. al Anns is a good-sized, plas ana well-madg bay gelding t bred imp in Canada by a man i he was going to get wonder. The colt's bi¢sea} tin right 'gnongh, his give, Siclne ' "having a' pacing record while? bis cele, Sas was the first' pacer to bet utes, bis magk being 1.59%. J the eolt wus-old enough to h to harness and show he than wverage speed. lie certai raced in a way that would : most nags on the she If Jor as for their Becoming high « horses in spite} of the u thera. was not one chance in Tow. i hat was done : In oe oon. Ahgus Poin consiflered «by his then owne enou to take part Yn some ice gices that are a leaturg winter sporting season across der, '§nd, accordingly, he was for them. Now, ice racing, ot ix confined ta horses that cords second-handed on the t the phvipus rensob thai it is

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