Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Oct 1907, p. 8

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Hamilton Match. : Fall-back bes 'Neil Hart; quarter, Dean A Ha ty Courters; s, Harrington, Smi Troupe, Higgerty, Filiatreuult Joron, , is now in eye fen J the » the Yankee lad may be depended upon to finish strong. The 0.A.A.C. of Ottawa has to raise funds or go out of existence. The is now in possession, having been put in by the municipal authori- ties for a long-standing account of %300. The man is in possession, and the club have to supply the funds. 1t°is hardly likely that Cobourg will enter an intermediate hockey 'team in «can't ravel. It is knitted 'by machines the 0.H.A. this year, as several of the that lock ev players of last year's team have de- itch cided to quit the game. There is stitch. ) material in town for a fast junior team, and. a meeting will be held shortly to reorganize. A Montreal despatch says : We stand ready NeGill's : chance to retain the Intercollegiate to give you a new rugby title looks none too bright at ' the present {ime. There is. much new garment for any Stanfield's material, but whether the team will up to last year's strength is very Underwear that ravels, doubtful. * Hamilton is a skillfull off justas we will replace any | coach, and he may be able to round ! 'Navigation Co. out a championship fourteen. The ' are Jood teturning from des Stanfield's Underwear great weakness of the available mater- on or; yoomber 7th, 1907. . ial in the lack of strong kicks in the fll particulars, apply to that shrinks. back field. The result of to-day's HANLEY, Agent, corner Johne college game here will have an impor- : stroets, tant bearing on the series. A win for Toronto would probably mean the death of McGill's hopes. The Hamilton Herald says: That burlesque organization, the O.R.F.U., had an rub at Hamilton, yester- day, when the intermediate schedule was being arranged. The three Toron- to teams will play off and the winners will meet Hamilton, giving the locals Only one game. Of course, the Tigers will not stand for any such spite work, and it means that O.R.F.U. football will be dead in this part of the coun- try, with the exception of the few games that the clubs play. The O.R.F. J. could not have made a better move if it wished to force the Tigers I1 into the proposed new league with Dundas and other teams. Longboat has been entered in the around-the:mountain race at Montreal on Thanksgiving 'Day, and will not start in the Hamilton Herald race. The Indian has won the Hamilton Sizes from 22 to 70 inch cirest--in light, medium and heavy winter weights. Your dealer will kely have your size and weight. If not, he can get them for you. event, and much prefers to annex the Montreal race. Longhoat has 'been out at his home on the reserve for some days with Hilton Green, getting yaad for his fall engagements. He has not n in condition for some months and has been carrying around a good deal of superfluous fat, If he returne back to Toronto in imperfect condition he will not he sent to Montreal, but will finish his preparations for his match with Black Hawk, the Carlisle ladian, at "Philadelphia. This race is 8 four-mile affair in. the Armouries of Toronto. Irish-Canadians are very de- sirous of getting the tall Indian into the Montreal engagement with the best of the eastern runners, some of whom have the idea that they can beat him. Shrubb has been telling the Montreal people that the Indian is no great shakes, but there are plenty of experts who have watched both men carefully, and are ready to wager that | SHOES FOR THE LADIES That are particularly stylish in shape, ahd made in a very skillful manner are the kind we are show- The Lady who puts her feet in 4 J & pair of our $2.50 and $3 line 5 of Box Calf, Dongola Kid Bluch- er or Laced Boots. Will not need to bejafraid of the wet weather H. JENNINGS, KING ST September 1st Nova Scotia i 4 Longboat can beat the Englishman over a long course. Patronize Home Industry. "THE VERY LATEST. Centre in Middle, Border Edge. TRADE ~ IMPERIAL MEN'S HOSIERY Ask for Imperial Crown ¥ Brand, 74 ne Cashmere Sox, X made in several styles and y colors. g bp The great beauty of this sock is that it has reinforced fF heel and toe making it al- most impossible to wear out. See that the above stamp i is.-on every pair. Refuse substitutes. Made only by The Xing k ston Hosiery Co. Ltd., King- ston, Ont. . & For sale by all the leading @ Men's Stores. MARK Round the New York Times. She had come into the store to buy tablecloths, and she stated in the be- ginning that she wanted something new," The salesman was patient and show- ed her everything in stock, but noth. 'ing suited. Le "Oh, dear !" she exclaimed, fussily, hin 1. you anything" different ?"' vo clerk brought out one of the dis- carded tablecloths that he had put back on the shelf, and said with an air of interest : "Here is one of the very newest de- signe,' madam. You sce, the centre is in the middle and the border runs right around the edge." "Why. ves ! Let me have that one," she said eagerly. A EE ------------ Where It Came In. The scene was a doctor's surgery, and a parsimonious patient had just been prescribed for. The medico made Up ine medicine and_hondud it to his patient, demanding a crown. "Hali a crown! Why, there isn't six-pennyworth of stuff in that bot- tle!" oried the man. » 'No, 1 don't suppose there js: put | tell you what Ull do. The next time you vome to see mié just pay the six- pence and help yourself from all these bottles you see around you." : "Ah! but 1 wouldn't know what fo "of course not. And that's where the other two shillings come in." Barbaric Superstitiown. Although the Maoris of New Zea- land have made considerable strides in civilization in recent years, some of their ic. superstitions sur- ive. One 'of the most persistent is be- lief in the "toangs," or tribal medi. cine man. 'His pationts sometimes suc- cumib to bis energetic methods of treatment. The latest case of that Ong | sort comes from Waikato. A sick giri after - having wen immersed in cold water for some hours was beaten with Mad at the O.R.F.U.-- Gleason to Referee This After- noon's Queen's-Ottawa Rugby "Kddie" Gleason, the famous old Ot- centre --.., was agreed s for the Queen's match Bawlf; halves, Whe- and hpsband or a © and Danny Maher, the United States joo second place on the list ing jockeys i d, and of late has improved his position greatly, Though he will hardly catch Higgs, before the season closes, often Mrs. Wilson had been in | habit of Sleeping peacefully at | these times without fear, but a a } burglaries in the neighborhood | of her Ee to had disturbed her calm. On the night of his return Mr. Wil- was carefully up the front stairs, as was his wont ou such occasions, so that his wife would not | be wakened, when he heard her voice | high and strained. 31 "I don't know whether vou are my ,"! came the ex- ited tones, "but | am going to be on the safe side and shoot, so if you are Harry you'd better get out. of the way !" CLEVER BANK CLERK. Paid ; , A. Flowing Oil Well, Reproduced from a Photograph. a His Own Forger in Notes. Grand M A certain well known bank in Buen-| 08 Ayres has reason to be very grate- | ful to a clerk in its employ. i At two o'clock one day a well-dress- | ed, "prosperous looking man came in | and, presenting a letter of introduc- | tion, opened ai account 'with $9,000. Just before the bank closed the same man rushed in again.in a tremendous hurcy. He bad: been cabled for to go to New York. He must catch a boat the first thing in the morning and must therefore draw out all his money. » clerk paid him--in his own notes, all of which were clever forger- ies, Locomotives, Old And New. Electric News Service. The first proposals for locomotives in the United States were issued hy the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad com- pany, on Januaky 4th, 1831. The price Joaraliteed for a satisfactory lo- comotive was $4000. The specifica- tions required "that jt should burn a coal or coke and consume its own = smoke. It was not to exceed three Eo and one-half tons in weight, and it was required to he powerful enough to draw on a level road fifteen tons, in- - clusive of the weight of the waggons, at a speed of fifteen miles an hour. This was only about seventy-six vears ago, and a comparison hetween the locomotive of 1831 with the elec- FORTUNES ARE MADE JOIN OUR NEW «== ; Eg Natural Wool under- EIN OIL m0 CAS 0il and Cas Syndicate Now Forming TQ OPERATE -- 20,000 ACRES OIL AND GAS LEASES IN CANADA We are now offering for sale a limited number of memberships in a new syndicate at $100 each, en- titling the owner to receive a $2,000 stock interest (2,000 shares) in -a stock company to be formed. Send for prospectus. The Underwear Problem Is Easily Solved in Pen Angle. It is made in many different fabrics and vanous weights. A snug' Form-Fitting Size for every man, woman or child. Every garment that 1s found defective in any way will be replaced by your dealer at our expense. Pen Angle trade- mark is in red, remember. NN (| \J X is the leading \ 2 medium weight \ a wear. A high- grade gar- tric locomotive No. 6,000, produced by reason- S the General Electric company for the New York Central railroad, the most able Cy powerful electric locomotive in the ' ; & world, illustrates the advance in trans- TR price. weights the fa- K portation appliances, . . I On English railroads locomotives | votes are our Scotch had been in_use before 1831, but the! Baltimore and Ohio was the experi- mental station of the American rail- road. It was then believed that the locomotive could not overcome grades and curves, =o the road was made as straight as possible. The new electric locomotive, which engineers. anake so hold as to claim will ultimately take the place of the steam locomotives, develops greater em speed, greater hauling powers, and £7 greater ease in handling and control- ling than any other type of locomo- tive, The Lure Of Limericks. Canadian Courier. The world hgs gone wild on the sub- ject of limericks and everyone is writ- ing paste jewels five lines long which, it is hoped, will not sparkle forever. In England, the United States aud Canada, jourpals. are receiving NR NAN Sell-Opening, Square Bottom, Knit, Elastic Ribbed, Wool Fleece and Balmoral in Shirts and Drawers, Combinations, Sleepers, Bloomers, and other styles. Underwear FARMS WANTED. limericks by (he barrel, in answer to Mad { XPERIENCE, ABSOLUTE RELTA« KS by . BRS a e from the Toughest Papers { ity and 1 ent in walues competitions. Rhyming dictionaries . have guined f, viab . are working overtime and Mark tation th the Real yp vag Twain's obsession of 'punch, brothers, punch with care" is entirely Sutdone by the lure of the limerick, We spend our quiet evenings in composing lim- ericks, go to hed and suffer from nightmare in which 'lame limericks with halting feet go flopping all over the counterpane. We awake to fird Limericks in the breakfast food, pois oning the just-as-good-as-coffee drink and waiting for us with fiendish leer on the seventh page of the morning paper. Then, a= we go down town in the car, we involuntarily compose such a horror as this: ' . There once was & limerick (ad, Which mede ull the people ywite mad, i ; said © "We cam' onse But court this queer Mise, Always Everywhere in Cana Though our "hrein power's quite to the - will always keep paar home warm and comfortable, and keep the air fresh and pure and free from gas, smoke or Hela Fused Joints guarantee this purity of atmosphere, Hecla together at a white heat in such a way as to make a join this joint" is made with bolts and cement, and" strains the bolts and loosens the cement, Sectional Fire Pots. 1 make Heclsa Fire Pots in sections to ent cracki in the orl hi most fire pots give'way. I provide for ion and contraction in such a way that there is no strain on Hecla Fire Pots. The flanges, cast on Hecla Fire "Pots, add 50% to the heating surface. Triangular Grate Bars keep the fire clean with less trouble than any other grate bars made; one turn of the crank clesrs out the sashes, removes clinkers and leaves a bright, clean fire. *) THE E. B. EDDYCOMPANY, HULL, CANADA. da. Ask for Eddy's Matches. . Te A "Hecla" provide in addition a dust. t that is absolutely tight for all time. the difference in the ratio of expansion between leaving openings for" the escape of gas and dust. Fused Yoints are everlasting, and put us in touch with «long list of prospective buyers. If you wish to place any Reel Estate on the | market, you will find it to your ad- } Yanlage to. communicate with us. { We want at present a choice farm of 76 or 100 acres, mear Kingston, aiso a large dairy farm with good butia- ings in good locality. | T. J. Lockhart, | Real Estate Agent, 159 Wellington 1 8t,, Kingston Ont -------------------------- . | Attention, Furnaces ! | I your furnace needs repairing, if you | ¥ant any work done in the way of Hot | Water Heating, or Plumbing, give me a 1 call, you will get prompt attemtion and good satisfaction. VID HALL, PAPER BAGS ALL WEIGHTS AND SIZES. LIMITED, 66 Brock St 'Phone 335 Furnace system of ventilation that will always because they are made by fusing the iron and steel of the In all other furnaces, iron and steel soon If you are building a House or installing a heating system, You should know why the {ecla is the most sanitary, the most efficient and most economical furnace made. See our nearest agent or write the Clare Furnace Builder for the latest catalogue and a free estimate, CLARE BROS. & C0. Limited PRESTON, Oat. 'ELLIOTT BROS., . Kingston, Agents. BABY TORTURED BY TEHNG Face and Feet Covered--R Broken and Would Cry Until T Out -- "Cradle Cap" - Addec Baby's Torture -- Tries Cutic Soap and Cuticura Ointment, IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND SPEEDY CU ---------- 2. bab was about nine mot old She had rash on her face feot. Her feet seemed to irritate , especis m nights. Fhioy mw cause her to broken of her many cures by Cuticura Reme 3 that I though would give ther trial. impre ment was notices and have never troubled also used it to remove Ww known as "cradle * from head, aiid it worked like a charm & Ne Tod fhe sonlp at he time. ow eep Cuticura Ointm on in ease of any little rash insect bites, as it takes out the infl mation at once. Perhap# this CUTICURA REMEDIE Consisting of Cuticura Soa) & "Ointment and Pills. "a & set is often sufficient to ¢ Single torturing, disfiguring, itch burning, and ly humors, eczer and a ations, with Joss bair, from age, other remedies even the best pb cians fail. G absolutely p Ointmen Resotvent (or in in vials ree, Cuticuta Booklet on & ] "have you brought Baby's Own Seap "Mama wants it so badly. Albert Soaps Ltd. Mfrs. $07 Montreal Beware of imitations and swbstitul SUTURE MAGIC BAKING POWDEF E.W.GILLETT Sour : TORONTO.ONT. | SAYS THIS IS BEST A leading health journal in answer ing the Quition, 4 What is the bea ] ription to clesn and purify th Pisod prints in a recent issue th following : : Fluid Extract Dandelion one ounce Salatone, one ounce ; Conipound Syrup Sarsaparills, fou ounces. Bhake ake well and use in teaspoonfu domes a and at edie walkie jcian states tha he ° Re Segptabio ingre dients, which can be A, from any good prescription pharmacy. This mixture rs clean the bloot TOTTI IIVITI009000909000000090909099090900900000000900990099¢ 4 4 i In just a few day: 4 rk! pu ry of sores, boll $ and pimples. . It puts vigor auc energy into rundown de ilitates men and women, For many year Sarsaparilla alone has heen rer » good blood. medicine. But whi $ it built up sud mids new blood, th im, {its Tema ithis, snd the good accomplished was on tempor ary. Si ills, however, whe used if co tion with Compound besos Extract Dandelion works". This combination puts the Kidneys ta' work to filte if ba th matter, uri and ou oul De es that + ad other rel

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