mr new FALL COAT y to the correct standard fall's sytle you waste oney. at old coat is preferable ywdy new one. If you be sure of the proper this fall and winter, it is seek it here, Allthe new 1 Coats low Ready. 8.50, 10.50, 12.50 ant] ° on up to 22.00. me en's oats Children's Coats, all and at prices most t ready to buy yet come and pick out e it placed aside un- | Children's ts Now Ready through a long list Kirt » 1 eived. rials, and properly and to give you an 20, 5.75, 6.50, 6.99 s', Girls' and ren's Felt and y Cloth Over- rs & Leggings. -------- Fall goods all here. Browns, Greys and All shades, in all ockett Shoe Store, We have ; 17 Te eed Su YEAR 74. NO. 242, | = | "al ha A One of the special features of our Manu- : facturing Department 3 is the making of X Gentlemens Far | Lined Coats . A look through our | 1 stock will be of interest ¥| AES ve Coat at $85.00, Shell, Muskrat 4 Lining, Otter tor Persian Lamb Collars, and Revers, is an | ag 149-153 Brock ST. FIT ITIT IIIT ITITIIIINGY | John Mokay Fur House, i th ONEY , te Is scarce this year, but we have plenty, both 13 Cottib and Extracted Pure White Clover Honey | Jas, Redden & Co. | IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. | 1 NEWS OF DISTRICT. | ---- { Local Notes and Things in| General. | U. Buell, Lyn, has sold his house] to John Square and moved to King-| iar ston. | Alfred Hall, charged with stealing | a buggy at Delta fair was discharged by the county judge of Leeds. | Rev. Robert Pogue, associate pas-| tor of Bethany church, Philadelphia, | Pa, will be invited to accept the pas- | torate of St. Paul's church, Peter | boro. $ . . A quiet wedding was solemnized in Toronto on Thursday last, when Miss i ; fil or © red terprises in Wis- | ©¢ Lily Hogan, daughter of William | other commercial en pr e 8" . k Hos » gon, danghter was united consin from 1873 until 1850 and Yarde Buller, son rth ogaa, 2' moved to North Dakota in 1581 and | Churston, to Denise Orme, an actress, | McGuigan. an action in marriage to George R. Record, of Peterboro. ' Frank Vafforman, Belleville, in the right eye by a spark from a picce of red-hot iron being put through one of the rolls in. the roll- ing mills, on July 29th, has had to) have the eye taken out. | | struck DAILY MENORANDA. | Board of Works, 4 p.m. Thursday. { Cheese Board, 10.30 a.m, Thursday. | J Athusement advis., on Page Three. Court . Frontenac weets to-morrow | night. Wonderland 'Theatre, afternoon © i n---------------------------- WE HAVE THE STUDY | LAMP YOU WANT. | Neat Solid Nickle, with a }! green shade. Very easy en | the eyes, and will make your | work a pleasure. { No smoke. No smell: Don't ruin your eyes. | 1) Bros. sixty and eighty persons were killed | from this city, was destroyed by the | dren, tated near thé edge of the town. | seven structures were | five or eighty employees none escaped | against each other, | death or s | tims' bodies were burned. in the wreck- | ter Nearly 1,000 tically { - 1] | GOVERNOR OF NORTH DAKOTA | | Hon. Elmore X. Sarles, governor of oy ) Bh RBC _ : | Miss Marie Louise Gribhin, | Juneau counts University. engaged i located in Hillsboro, maintains a residence. of Hillshoro for high up in the ranks of the | Capt. J. L. Wells Met sul at Madagascar Roller Rink every afternoon and ever |. i the Yonkers | his home in this city and | tional prominence . | ar service by a Princess Theatre--Moving Pictures and French authorities a them at i "iA TOWN WIPED OUT { Over Sixty Persons Killed and 500 Injured. Many Victims' Bodies Were |Barned in the Wreckage---Magazine Was the Last to Go Off---Rush to the Mills stan, blown to pieces. None of the residen were killed in their homes. When the first explosion came ti 'erre Haute, Ind.; Octa 16.--Between : : | + | to intendin'g | and more than 500 others, including | people rushed from. their homes to-| i A ! urchasers. {> | many women and children, were injur-{ wards the mills, apparently believing | Sistaut manager of Molson"s Bank in Bu Special ' ed, many of them fatally, and the en- | the danger to be over. Among the Toronto. - A : P « tire town of Fontanet, twelve miles | number were many women and chil- | Rev. T. Spence Crisp, Methodist relatives of the mill employee n | explosion of the Dupont powder mills. | and they were. near the made of Eng i Fontanet is a mining town, of 1,500] the second explosion came. lish Be aver | people, and the - Dupont mills, com- of them were hurled to the ground t prised of = seven buildings, were sity- the force of the second explosion av These | piled- in a struggling mass. blown to atoms] were terribly bruised by being d it is believed that of the seventy-| against trees, fences and houses * ar and hardly one the vic-| the crowd that started escaped injury. immediately af-| Before the | their feet, the | and this was quickly followed by t injury Some of e, -which caught fire people had the first explosion. killed His home, containing people were left prac- wife and two sisters, was blown homeless. One farmhouse, ree-quarters of a mile away, Was atoms. PORKER OR MILLIONAIRE. Ee ™ in Other | New York Actress Chose t | Former. New York, Oct. Busy Banker and Enterprizes. rth Dakota, was born at Wonewoc, | "a bet Wisconsin, on Janu- | and was given a pub year's company than a millionaire, pa arly il the millionaire happens v 15th, 1559, ! oy ; come from Pittsburg. lie school education aud one : \ linstruction at the Galesville, (Wis.) To prove it Miss Gribhin, actress, their candidate in the coming bye-elec- i amayed Central Park crowds vester- | tion. day afternoon by appearing in an au | A vacht with two English naval of- | tomabile, accompanied by a lat perk. {ficials on board has been captured at | the young woman, occupying the | 'sition formerly graced hy the | lionaire, and he appeared greatly | enjoy the outing. { Miss Gribbin is prima donna | Hippodrome, where the { fell in love with her. He obtained introduction and | paying the actress violent court. | marks "of favor he showered | voung woman with presents, beginn | with a diamond ring | an electric runabout. | ters ran smoothly, but a week % | the couple had a quarrel, with the | sult that Miss Gribbin took the | of her erstwhile sweetheart. Anna married Miss York at Hillsboro, N.D., in 1886. He in the banking business and | He Breach of Promise. where he still [it is announced that He, wals mayor $ . He is Masonic | ler by { The latter | breach of promise of marriage LWO Years. been brought against y Mrs. Atherton. rder of his state. ------ WAS ONCE PROMINENT. Atherton, | to Col. | last year, Difficulties Helondent in i | of promise case. in Madagascar. } ei heauti Yonkers, N. Y., Oct. 16.--Captain| well known in London society. John L. Wells, formerly American oc n-i A brilliant array of legal talent and associnte edi- | been med by each side. an Standard, died at! case promises to be the sensation yesterday. | the approaching Michaelmas term : 3 | Captain Wells gained some interna-; ------ while in the consul-| i w at. conflict with the 4 Light Was Oe Treuton, Oct. 16.- The i 3 OW a 8 tal cards from Milan, and dre collision by Suddenly the bell recalling the g permanent switc i the young wWo- . " gerous point. work was heard, and men rushed indoors, taking the Boe: -------- | y d ket hook with them. It contained $1,- } Volunteer Circles. |preseription, ix demanded by the | nember al peope t v 900. 'The police were notitied, . and Feodtie 16.--Lieut.-Col. John health department, New York, and as The beaters were Mayes doin Suther, world. She lives very quietly. rarely found that the girls were not known i D id ol commanding the 16th{a result of these efforts a druggist F. E. Butler, Alired Welford, Dr. Od-| visiting her London house, and dis in any of the dressmaking establish. | 3+ 1% og de. founder and honor-{convicled of making a ale of the {lum, J C. Karn, Ald A. ent. | penses charity in a splendid manner. i gid ep of 45th Highl ders. | poison was sentenced, to-dav. to six | Interment took place the Episcopal! She nkerited Wir fartiine from her of the 45v ighianders, : | cemetery, in the lot where Mrs, Chad-| father, who died a short time ago. ments in the neighborhood. i ---- ary colonel | has resigned from i : {Jt is an open secret that this a Power For The Province. | Hetiows ay IA in consequence Chatham, Ont., Oct. 16.--Hon Adam | cont order from Ottawa Bick, kn an address to the board - of [yout Col. Sir Henry M. Pellatt trade, said there was being developed | Lionel over the at Niagara more power than was. 7: gapiors, {| quired for the feeds cof the whole pro- | vince and intimated that the govern-| {ment would take immediate steps to} have this power disteilmted to al the : ri for it, «Reautiful for Salads." the oli sold at Gibson's Red Cross Store, : works when [ing from sma Dozens {how he caught it. Some LWest hurled Bucceoded by S. We to the scene | vincial recoverad | third explosion tame, = [000,000 of insurance 16.--"A pig' says|the presence of the Oriental. tied! | or. The pig sat on the seat alongside | Borkum, mil- {and immediately began | that | out for' an airing yesterday' in place | Mrs. Atherton Charges Him With | | n : eastern lines of the Chicaro; Burling- London, Oct. 16.--Following the re-iton and Quincy railway, has resioned nt secret wedding of the Hon. John |to become vice-president of the Great and heir of Lord Northern railway, Mr. Yarde-Bul-| Nevada, died at ; ivada, on October 12th. He was born is a sister of Sir Aubrey within a few miles of Cornwall, Ont., | Dean Paul -and was married, in 1892, land will be buried there. who divorced her | The police believe that Charles Alli- the co-respondent being the |won, found dead in a lonely suburban the forthcoming breach [shack in Mrs. Atherton is a|murdered. His head had been batter ful woman and used to beled, and all' the evidence around the verdict ren- t Madagascar as t erdic ' en . 1 dered by the jury in a recent railway | not using proper procau- 3 : 2. we i x i ! | {his pocketbook and placed a card on {to Thing U DEN S [it for them to write their addresses. 0d R ondition. their switch lights in { Bible Sobdicty, and and should have aman at sich a dan- | the 'active militia. of a creating beads of many of his, The Very d. A cable states French fam- ilies will i Alberta in the Chief of Police | Wilson, of Strath. roy, captured A tL Mcheon; wanted at Fhithy, for jail aking. "homuas" tie was nominat- Major ed, Tuesday for the commons, { by the conservativ | of Loudon, Unt. The British gavermment i= about to install a system of wireless tolegraphy in the Fiji Isl in the Southern Pacific. & 'The provincial government offers two pulp wood CONCESSIONS, under the terms of which paper mills will have to be erected. l 3 | Canadian minietérs will next sum- mer negotiate a preferential trade ar- ts | rangement with Germany and with [Italy y {1taly. | Godirey B. PatteSon, son of the late a] T. C. Patteson, peen made as <, | minister at Notas, NY, is suffer- i I-pox. No one knows w | The Toronto Globe says that Speak- yd fer Crawford will not again contest Toronto, but that he will be Burns. wi! Over tén thousatil dollars are offer in led in cash prizes &t the Untario pro. winter fair to be hold at December Sth to 13th, 1907 Amundsen 'is having four big bears trained to graw sleds, wid he will make ar?'at- | Guelph, Capt. | polar he | With their N ' Xa There were four separate explosions, 5 3 Gentlemen's Fur-Lined the first at 9.15 -- two more soon | fourth. 'which completed the destruc. | tempt to reach the Nheth Pole in 1910. Coats from $50 to $450. afterward, and the fourth at 10.45 | tion of the town. Touses were razed | At Winnipeg, " le escaping arrest, k am. The first explosion was in the|to the ground and the streets were | Oscar Gans, a German Jew, suspect 2 ® | glazing mill. The other mills, near | littered with debris from end to end jed of stealing valuable furs from Me We make everything we sell, ® |v. were blows up next. The maga- It is impossible to get an accurate | Neil, tailor, was shot in the head and and guarantee everything we ¥ zine, in which it is estimated that] list of the dead, but the total is be- | instantly killed. : make. © | many thousands of kegs of powder lieved to be between seventy and | Miss Margaret Rafferty died at her vo & | were stored, was the last to go. eighty persons; as many wore are home in Watertown, Y., Saturday SEE WINDOW b As soon as the first explosion oe- fatally injured. Two men died on the night, of hemorrhage as a result of » ®: | curred, the wreckage caught fire, and relief train as it was coming to this | to0 strenuous exercise at a dance 8 DISPLAY. ® the flames communicated to § train | city. Many bodies were cremated in | Which she attended. k: i on a side track near by. At 10.15! the fire that followed the explosion. fe bie og has been Sind ; Salat » iS {am the heat of the fire caused the Superintendent Movaban, who was | ang a ny nee Jokes : the > {magazine to explode. This building | sitting in his office 'at the time the | vional of and the Newlound land was in a hollow some distance away. | first explosion occurred, .was instantly | government on the fisheries question his | during the past year. . It is claimed by Toronto insurance {men that the Untatio government has violated its own laws by placing 82. with American to land English conipanies. Rev. Dr. Fraser, in an address on he {Oriental exclusion, at Vancouver, {blamed the tendency of the w hites to [strike and drink, in a measure, for tor| John D, Jacobs, iran rhoulder at the McClary i to | London, Ont. inated by the Canadian labor party as was, last night, nomi- Germany. The officers having taken soundings po- | suspected of forbidden made photographs in to! waters, | 'Bruises were found on the body Beemer, superintendent, after an investigation, he As! satisfied there had been mo ill-treat the | ment, ing! At Kansas City an | Dr. | WOMAN SUES YARDE-BULLER. | owing to her continued ill J. M. Gruber, general manager in place of F. H for| Hon. Archibald J. Virginia City, Elmwood. Winnipeg, {body indicated a violent death. has| The bubonic plague tn San Francis the {co totals to date as posted in the of- of {fice of the board of health are :Veri- {fied cases, 68: deaths, 40; death rate, {38.8 per cent. recoveries, 11; vemain- |ing unfler treatment, 17; suspects un- {der observation, 16 was one of a [greatest and ries on that continent. | Severe punishment for jwho sell cocaine without a physician | | Street church, Toronto, and associat-' Vs are of oi the | James Robinson, who was taken from Pittstinreer | Mimico asylum, on Sunday, though ste 'od was | Mo., George Smiley and ending with |shot .and killed his mother, Mrs. Liz For a time mat-|zie Scholfer. Smiley says he shot his MacDonald, ex- has senator, and speaker for the state of Ne- Was M. Capazza is =aid to have invented la combination aeroplane and dirigible the most devoted mission- druggists re {lege Was Educational Secretary of Meth- odist Church. The Famous Divine, Passed Away at His Resi- dence at Toronto---Had a Brilliant Career in the Church. Toronto, Oct. 16.--Rev. John Potts, charge of the Metropolitan church. At D.D.. educational secretary of the the close of his ministration there he Methodist church, died, this morning,' was agained removed to ' the Elm . street church, f . --- » p Rev. John Potts was born in Ire bry roy a St land in 135%. Coming to America when! cause when only 8 oen He was also) seventeen years of age, he lived for al connected with 'the ¥ M.C.A. and the | time in the southern states, but even-| Bible Society. He was one of the Do] tuely took up his residence in On-| pinion representatives on the inter ! tario, where he entered mercantile | po tional committee, which selects the | pursuits. Originally an Episcopalian | jessons for Sunday schools all over in religion, he became a Methodist, | the world. A member of the board and | under the guidance of the late Dr.| senate of 'Victoria University, he was Douglas, and later studied for the! jikewise. a member of the 'Wesleyan | ministry at Victoria University, Co- Theological College of Montreal and | bourg, whore he had already" entered | 41; o menther of the committee which the arts department. His period of had charge of the publiching interests probation was passed - on circuit of | of the Methodist church Markham and other places, and while! "¢ youg po \ od he f ! at Thorold in 1861, he was received in | te b iq ie was elected the firat pre. full connection and ordained. Sh nt o Sn 2 assodiation which woh His first appointment as a then formed in Toronto, embracing was to North Street church, ministers of all denominations. In at seven o'clock, minister .ondon, July of that year the Wesleyan Uni-lg as the assistant of Rev Richard | Jones. From there at the expiration! oF Lis. term he was sont to. Blows degree of D.D. On the death of Dr. Topp he was appointed in 1879 to sue ceed him as chairman of the Home for Incurables. At the general conference he was lod with Rev. Dr. Stewart, then at Els Street church. Such was the esti- At o big cost We have puritan a 4 Duan The only machine that does the work thoroughly and well, lewving a rich cloth versity of Ohio admitted him to the pps gpoNGED. : . | 7 Spong! ng Machine always. ALL FABRICS SHOULD "IT'S ECONOMY" mation in which the young clergyman elected general secretary of education for the Methodist church which office be held up to hix death. At the convocation of Vietoria Uni- versity, 1804, the degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by the unanimous vote of the senate. ! Upon many occasions he has been asked to reprosent Canadian Metho- | dism in the United States. A Metho- | dist of the Methodists he was a man | of the most liberal views; believing | that religion is hedged in by no see-| tarian prejudices, he willingly assisted to the utmost of his power, all fel- low workers, irrespective of creed, the service of the Great Master, cordially held sut the right hand brotherly lote to all, who, like hiv self, go about doing good and are on} deavoring to ameliorate the spiritual | and temporal wants of their fellow | men. | was held, that in 1366, hq, was chos- en to be the first pastor of a new church in Hamilton, to commemorate the centenary of American Metho- dism. and had thus become within the short space of ten years the minister of church in which he had formerly been a member and a Sunday school teacher. While at Hamilton Nr. Potts was in- vited to take charge of the Adelaide Street church, Toronto. but fearing the time that he would have to devote to the superintendence of the building of the Metropolitan church at Toron- to, which was then in the course of construction would interfere with what he considered to be strictly minister al work, he declined the call and me- | cepted St. James Montreal. Fqual success attended Mr. Potts in his new field. and after a space of three years to Rave all fabrics Sponged, Shrunk and Pressed before leaving the store. Leaves the goods sightly. ---------- he returned to Toronto and took 'The price always 8 cts. a yard. em AMENDMENT OF LAWS. THE DAY. | Jameson Outlines sis Progressive | ¥ Policy. Cape Town, Oct. 16 has issued a manifesto, asks for a mandate to amend the con- stitution to prevent a recurrence of the blocking of supplies by the legis lative council. He says that One Dollar Fountain Pens. "Dr. Jameson] Steibway and Nordhéimer pianos in which he| agency at Kirkpatrick's Art Store, Princess street. | Made from fresh, ripe olives. Pure! olive oil in half-pint and pint bottles, | at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. | Many of the fire alarm boxes were | the progressives, byl A given a new coat of paint, yesterday, | moderation and con- t mothe safonding her : their consistent 3 a ago no hor in defending her raminst a | Giiotion, have obliterated racial dif- by Lineman Johih Hall. The boxes | ve. (burglar. Ho is being held. jouding in: | forepces, and that: a moderate Var will all be painted an aluminum color ry | VOX Fr ¥ - : p p pig) vestigation, oaty-ni has emerged, which will be named the| this year, : Mrs. Hallimund, twenty-nine years| o - : . The city property committee has bern | of age, of Pittsbu Pe i South African Unionist party, t 1 | ES of oy %. N enn., com-| oo rox ives disappearing | called to meet this afternoon, but) mitted suicide by inhaling gas and : ih : ore i i wes it | {killed her infant child ne ws re Dr. Jameson invites moderate and ther . noting a b hy 30 a a] independent men to support the new akes up io id nl dings ay - health. party on a platiorm consisting of four to sd eme, market tolls an ve planks, hamely: Development of South stalling. a a 3 of Physicians recommend olive oil. Tt's African products and industries, equal r } 18% as sweet as a nut. The Kind sold at} vights for all civilized men, the union| °° + i of the Furopean races and the union | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. of the Sonth African colonies | There was a large crowd at The manifesto adds that at the next roller rink last evening, when another | customs and railway conferences with! ot : the other South African colonies, the wt prize for gentlemen skating mn 4 | couples was won by Frank Strachan | first sto st be taken toward feder-| 8 . imo hele {and Walter Campion. the two ------ SKIDOO RATS ! { quired more water power. The > {walk and people skould be careful at} Clerks Spend Tos Th Time | ight to take notice of the drain} Pittsburg, Pa., Oct. 16.--Managers lights. i of Pittsburg big =tores have declared A Seli-Taught Poet. -- safe. Strictly high grade work. { ewsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Gouds delivered sams day os order I | received. ' Price, Only 5¢. per yard. STEACYS. -------------------------- the WALSH. --In Kingston, at Tiotel | contest was the main attraction. The! pupal private, ation, or. failing that, unification,| 1 OE ov o'clock. en a proupeet 'of waion its Yiu nar) a ores id) on the in (Bullate. aut Uhicage papers please uture » | 1) an he b 1 oe i It declares that a jzeneral native fants foods sald at Gibson's Red Crom [r---------- poliey, redistribution of seats and oth-| brs Store. Always fresh there | ! B! i REID er questions should remain in abey-| WHlrwor Separiment ee ay | The - ance until union is accomplished, | ig! 8 n on « son r i Phone 577 Princess [to St. George s cathedral, which re-| EE TTT] _--" {cavation is close to the westerly side- | Valuable Properties RIN3ZWOOD, magnificent grounds Leave your order for sponging bere its 8 | LY | TTY Ce CAV MERI RTES na MONTHLY STYLE BOOK FREE & DIED. Dien Hospital, on Oct, 14h, 1907, Hugh Walsh, aged foriy-e . Mary's Cathedral, on morning, (Octe 17th, 1907), at 9.80 war on big pompadours and of gitls who insisted on wearin hair this way have been discharged, one of the leading stores letting twen- their London Express: | Among the authors works selections have new anthology from teen made for! of contemporary | Illustrated Songs. Leip al {a result of which he was imprisoned aster was ¢ po 0 Smoker at 'Granite Lodge rooms - this w : X : « {halloon c ble of earryi py &- ta oy a: 1 event: All Ofiufeilowty ites. | Se ne prominent in the republican . ee RUE smpuueliel ts Wit sennive in' addition to 0, Be 3 Lo 5 pu ante without sets hy is Allred 0. Williams of South i 1 the! test; Hue _of rg Marie Antoinette | rs into © cause oO @ . yd ul . Wak, | ppenda tions he claire is i or » ke ar he a Battle oiptie. 1813, | party in Kansas for many years, and iam Reinhart, find that he came -. 10 and staying aloft fifteen hours. This | 150 much time is taken by the girls in Marston, near Swindon, England. Wr Fda that 1 want to 2 at | was one of the electprs of President dl death by being in a ecpllision at machine has several screws, and is of | yaking care of this high mass of hair| Williams is employed at the forge in{ ey re Sr og Ea Bore WHIG TELEPHONES | Harrison." [the eastern switch of the Grand Trunk [an imperfect lenticular shape. and some time ago several of the] the waggon department stamping shop, go5" Princess street. B & : | railway at Trenton, on October 10th, Ronin Nixon, the great Shiplsatldine stores served notice that ha hizh at the Gréat Neuter Railway ao . i "5 . chile in the discharge | Ixper i Kays he iS convin ta] omp" - Fit or ti | pany 8 Works, & windon. @ = entirely Didn't Count. ate ditartal Rooms. A Green American. jabaut a » Whe 20 {vessel like the Lucania, with oil: en to a Ti) Abas, ore ine] a self-taught man, and worked on the; ogon Express. } 4 ~ Legal Forms. all kinds at Whig. | Paris, Oct. 16--A wapithy Atmel .n "The said collision was caused by [mines, could be made to cross the | id and last evening in their pay| fArm in--hig, vouth. He is well read in| Thee lives on a Yorkshire moor in Tue Daily is always on sale wt | during the lunch hour, Juste av the the engineer, DI. J, Kerr, and Brake- [Atlantic in three dave, twenty-two | J jones the blue slip of Jisnargs| Greek, Latin and French literature. | England an old lady, who re- Gibson's Drug ore, Market Square-- | the dressmaking establishments a man T. Wilson, mistaking the casiern hours, and at 3 Saving over the Lusi- | Coot und -- and his contributions to the anthol-| members Charlotte Bronte in youth. Open till late each evening. | Rue De La Paix, got into Snversati witch. for the western one, the light | sania of $150,000 per year. : ogy consist of the translation of an| She was a servant in a family to --_-- ee with two pretty young Wo i Mn the western switch being out. { Rev. Andrew Murray Milne, died in Buried At Woodstock ode from Anacreon and an original] which Charlotte was governess. 'Miss i -------- he thought were dressmakers. He pro- To "co find that the said Grand [August last at Buenos Ayres. The aris . code. Bronte was nobbut the governess," mised to tend them some picture og. Trunk railway is to blame for the [late Mr. Milne was the superintendent Woodstock, Unt > Set, _leThe ir -------- she says. "But what was Miss Bronte for South America of 'the American oral of Mrs. Cassie Chadwick Was je The Richest Woman like ¥* she asked. "for she wrote The services were held Sinan. some famous stories." "Eh. tevlies this afternoon residence of Mrs. Chadwick's Mrs. DP. L. Burstall, of this Mr. Thompson, of Col- Methodist church. Quite a 'were in attendance. | ja Miss Emily Charlotte Talbot, an un- married lady who is but little known outside her nativesii¥ales, where she lives on her two magmificent estates, probably the richest woman in the at the sister, city, by Rev Avenue ction | ary. {itieth anniversary of Mr. Constable is a {with a notable {in active work for sixty years, and a ful probably. the oldest printer in Can ve oil iada, to-dav, who hax heen con Drug {tinuously at the business for Ja LEER aid onths' imprisonmgst in the peniten- At Woodstock, R. H. Constable and his wife, have just celebrated the ff their wedding. | newspaper man career. He has been that {ne The property was real estate in Lon- don. Wales and many cities of Eng- and. and also tin and copper mines in Cornwall, and coal mines in Wales. Quite recently all this property was advanced enormously 'in value, it et Thete are forty publieations in the world devoted to wick"s parents are buried. { -- Horse As Executioner. Oct. 16.--A farmer named whose engagement was brok- day, hanged himself from | Paris, { Courtois, | is reins of one of whose!' the old lasy, "I mever heerd tell. as she'd done owt to mak' folk talk; she wor nobbut the governess." | ---------------- Diamoird Jubilee Services. At Chalmers Church, Stmday, Ostor her 20th. Morning Service ~ donducted by Rev. Dr. Campbell, - of 'Montréal, moderator of the Presbyterian Gonere al assembly. The children's i service in the afternoon and the 'evening service will be conducted by sons of the con: gregation, Rew: Harper Gray, of | Dundas, and Rev. Mr. revels in stone Ih