the conservati Miss Louise Horner, who, by her im- 1 G county association decided to Dr. Edwards, \ tion of a difficult role, showed |S'00P 'range The in Aon acted o Avery. We won't Bers tobe a talented actress. Her |%ith wheat; they man treated. songs ancing receiv many ©a- R ail es a n 0 defeated a ied 4M ry did not care to say much/cores. Frederick E. Wright, as Judge | SW'; schooner J. ioe. liberals are jubi- | out the remit, Ho didn't think he, Fairchild, Tammany's father, was wel | vention the of the tary SO" | deserved the turndown he got. It was suited to his part, and Joseph Weber, idee A considered In Frontenae if most unusual, be remarked, for a was at his best as "Plug Ugly." The ' : ha grits are pot Party to Take a chong 2 ell didat {EngIng a d 4 ing of the chorks you i ga Sie prov m .A _win- far above ¢ avergge, better than in | rE eoowards, abd already! mer. However, be. did sot. intend tojsome shows that have played, here for {fe Of Sor grumble. {twice t money. . a "he. Piwards did not une |. The probable conservative candidatel The play is laid in New York, for |Sleamer. Stormount, , not secure a un- . Aunimous nomination. In his desire to . BOODLE" mie \ Brier Bush," To-Morrow. "The Boy With the Boodle" was the lattraction at The Grand last evening » F £ i t provincial election was athe first and last acts and in the Ne- .+ | topic of discussion. It was stated that| vada gold fields for the second and oust Mr. Avery he has hopelessly split agher, M.P Id not third. Manv interestin~ and thrilling is party, gained the ill-will of J: . S- Gall PP. would sot and his' «irl ete. A variety of good designs Bandsome color effects mot easily was a long the advisability of nominating a candi; asked that the nomination be post- until next March. He argued, this way: Suppose he was defeated for re-nomination, would he not be in an awkward position ? Though member for Frontenac. he would go back to ® | Ottawa discredited. = Dr. Edwards would not hear of post- ® | ponement. Many other constituencies ® | had chosen their candidates, and why 8) | should Frontenac not do the same? ® |The doctor said that if he was fortu- nate enough to be elected as Fronte- $| nac's next member, be would press for better rural postal facilities. He charg- p| ed Mr. Avery with ignoring the Fron- tenac Conservative Association in vot- ing for increased salaries for mem- bers, when he was instructed to op- pose the increase, The meeting was bad blood was shown in various parts t1 of the chamber. The two factions were warmed up to the limit. It was seen that the Edwards party was some- what in the majority. Finally, nominations were called for, and the following were | Fdwarde, M. Avery. M.P., Dr. Span- kis. W. D. Black and J. 8. Gallagher, M.P.P. The three latter retired. and a )| vote was taken hetween the other two Band resulted 111 to 66 in Dr. Ed- | wards' favor. When the result was ane | nounced Mr. Avery's supporters left | the chamber. They refused to make the nomination ' unanimous. 'In a pre. vious address, Mr. Avery had declared | that Dr. Edwards had not supported him in his election. and many of Mr. Avery's friends, especially those in the north, will give Dr. Edwards no sup- port in consequence. ®| The voting was done by so many ¥ | representatives from each township. y| The Edwards contingent was better mustered than that of Frontenac's present member. "Dr. Edwards is now all in, and put in 8 Stock: 5 = DEE AXMINSTERS, VELVETS, SMYRNA, BRUSSELS, 0000000 ) es) Q has been organising | for this nomination for the past three | years," declared a north man, excited: ©] lv, "and he has done his work well. ) | Mr. Avery hasn't been bothering about organization. When he won two elec- tions for the party, he thought he would again be the candidate. But that is the gratitude he receives. 1 tell you that because Frontenac has gone tory all along, that is no evi- dence it will continue that way. Mr. Avery is a stronger candidate than wards, and I'm pretty sure that the conservatives will lose the county by their choice of to-day." After the balloting had been con- cluded, Dr. Edwards and Mr. Avery were called upon to speak. but as it was late, and near train time for the majority present, their remarks were very . Dr. Edwards said that be did not look upon the nomination as a con- test hetween himsolf and Mr. Avery. He thanked the tion for hav- ing chosen him as the standard-bear- er of the conservative party, and ex- pressed the hope that there would be no ill-fecling in any quarter, at the re sult of the contest. He was well pre- pared to fight for the interests of the { party. He would put all his energy into the fight, which would be a fight to the end. Mr. Avery said that he had always done his duty in the ranks, and he wished to thank all his friends who had stood by him. The fact that le bad not been selected. would make ne change with him. Tt had been left to the convention, and the members had chosen their leader. He had nothing to say about any person, and he hop: od that they would all continue to be "good fellows" together. .~ At the Iroquois Hotel and the K. & P. railway station, Mr. Avery's sup- were wroth over the result, EE THREE THINGS, you place your Fire insur. ance through this office ! joist, that the rate charged is a By a ATE 2, "The north of Frontenac bas: been grossly insulted hy the treatment giv- on conservative candidate ever had. If he's not good Run Down Emma | ain Fire this Sounty you are amply that theron be Over an adjustment of -- itwus no' policy ty. The doctor js | Toceive the nomination again, but|escapades of "Skidoo." "| reconciled. date at this early stage. Mr. Avery) very lively, and| {interested, po and expressed themselves most forci- | from is the strongest services. Huglee's. delicious chocolates are soldi} "gp no iery of Fine Hats Suly at Gibson's Red Cross drug: store. Makers of Fire Paro. Dr. Spankie, of Wolfe Island, are put through in _their ficht for Hat inspector of schools, would pe!honesty against the "powers that be" Av-| the conservative standard-bearer. This in Wall street. The play is staged in an excellent i till fur-/ Proposed change will cause still fur York dock scene, ther trouble. in the conservative manuer. the New ranks. {and min ; The Edwards party was highly While the last scene, in Central Park, pleased over the result of the vote. | Vow York, where one sees the picnic but afterwards began to wonder if |Party eo by in boats, down under Mr. Avery's chief supporters could be the high, stone bridge, was magnifi- Thev veogrised hat Nith- [cent. out the aid of some of the northern] . --_-- : politicians, the tounty could not be| Bargain Matinee And Night. carried. The association is pledged to| In Kirke La Shelle's production of Dr. Edwards, and with him the con-| "The Bonnie Brier Bush." which servative fortunes must stand or fall | comes to the Grand on Saturday, One reason for the desire of the! October 19th, matinee and night, we north men to defeat Dr. Edwards is|are to be entertained with a charming to get him out of the way, so that| play, in which Seotch life is portray- Mr. Avery will have a chance again toed with a simplicity of treatment. get the seat. H Dr. Edwards was to| together with a delightful combina. win Frontenac he would try and re- | tion of dramatic intensity and rich tain his hold. To "kill" him now is| humor such as is rarely found in the the object of his tory opponents. "We! latter day performances. | will vote for the grit candidate," said | | one, "simply for the benefit of Mr. | | Avery. The downfall of Dr. Edwards | | "I'm Married Now." nv Aes | Considerable interest is being mani- means that we will be on top again." | fected in the coming engagement of S------------------ | that funny comedian, George F. Hall, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. in the new musical vaudeville mixture, -- "I'm Married Now." There is a mer- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By ry jingle all the way through and the | Reporters on Their Rounds. | music is bright and catchy. The com. | Try Bibby's new pajamas, $1.50. | pany, which is a large one. is uni- Steinway and Nordheimer pianos,| formly strong and pleasing. To ap- ageacy at Kirkpatrick's Art Store, | pear at the Grand on Monday, Octo- Princess street. | ber 21st, A meeting of the '"Made-In-Canada' | committee is to bo held at the gene- ral hospital this evening to wind up | Corns repay any mercy you show the financial affairs. {them by increasing your suffering. Any In some places in Kingston next | corn can eaSily be removed by Peck's week whiskey will be raised to fifteen | Corn Salve. In big = boxes, 15¢., at cents a drink. There's but little pro- | Wade's drug store. fit in its sale at ten cents, Will advertising ever injure a busi- | ness * Will food ever injure a person? | Yes, to both questions--When the | w kinds are used. 3 "It's the old fashioned kind," in| twisted sticks, horehound candy, fresh at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. No trace was secured of the $30 | which was taken from the home of | Joseph Roadlev. 92 Frontenac street, | on Sunday night last. Try Bibby's new 30¢c. golf caps. { Horehound candy for coughs and| colds, the strong kind is sold at Gib-| son's Red Cross drug store. Phone| 230. | The new postal regulations' between | Canada and Great Britain have rais- Sr i Don't Harbor Corns. hag earned the name for ed the unit of letter weight from one- making and half to one ounce, as it prevails . - throughout Canada. selliog Fine Try Bibby's special 73¢. underwear, Furs. . "Not Classified ads. have a "followine™ how che peculiarly their own. It consists of ° IP, but how good" is one ol our fur proverbs that has stood by many a fur buyer. The city is full of cheap furs and they're as trashy as they are cheap. If you buy (urs from the makers you luy them right, aud of course every article we make and sell 1s guaranteed. e invite you to com- pare our prices with other manufacturers. Qur elegant new fur catalogue is yours for the asking. alert people--people who judee business propositions quickly and usuall- accurately. { Don't confuse the horehound candy | sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store with that shown in other stores. The strong kind is sold at Gibson's. Take no other. A drunken man, on King street, this mornine, was taken in charge by Con- stable Hughes and Arniel. He was not in a fit condition to appear be- fore the magistrate, and will make his bow before the court in the morn- ing. The deer hunting season is the same as last vear: Deer from ist Novem- ber to the 13th, both inclusive: moose, reindeer or caribou. south of C.P.R. main line from Mattawan to the Mani: toba boundary, November Ist to 15th, both days inclusive.. The fee for non- residonts of the provinee is $30. . Ontario Diocese. The congregation of St. Mark's, Deseronto, has made a unanimous re. quest for Rev. F. T. Dibb, as rector to succeed Rev. E. Costigan, who be- comes assistant at St. John's, To- ronto. The former is pleasantly ro- membered for his services as assistant at Descronto a dozen yours since. Rev, C. R. DePencier, of Wellington, has not accepted the Offer of Camden East rectorship. Rev. J. W. Jones has been success ful beyond expectation in his visiting to receive Pan-Anglican Thanksgiving offerings. In consequence of the call to Nr. Dibb, from Deseronto. and his late Pressing duties, he hay to retire the same service in the castern Walf of the diocese. Mr. Jones win] bats. We sell visit that portion also, being given only good hats, six months' leave from his parochial} apd being "hat specialists' an &' e---- The formal opening of our new store takes place on Tuesday next (afternoon and evening). . We cordially in- vite you to be present. E HATS. Our reputation * for selling the best furs extends also to men's To Command The R.C.H.A. direct importers mand of "B" battery. ia Tororio oma] |. we are able to give our cus- been appointed to command the Roy-|| tomers more all round satis- al Canadian Field Artillery, Stotrd: faction and better values ing Lieut.-Col. Fages, Halas. Te wn ak take over | be new than other dealers. We have month. Major Burstenl jomed the ori] the gaclusive agency for tillery as provisional licutenant on drow, Hawes and 'Pic- October 39th, 18%. He received his|| cadilly a he Lat m war. Ist, 1905, be was made a major. r ------------------ - "| three weeks the Nevada gold mine being fine, | EE -- MARINE NEWS. REBUILDING. The steamer Wolfe Islander came out |. of Davis' dry-dock to-day after re ivi few R | t Next It Was Well Played and Well WIE © ow Tepairs bs, the {To Be Heddy Jor Bure a = Staged--The Next Productioni ner Aletha will enter Davis' dry- | eeting--City ¥ i at The Grand--' 'The Bonnie!dock for an overhauling Do Part of the O'Kill Street Swift's : Steamers Cornwall, up, | Sewer Extension Work. | lnst night; Dellevile, up, today; Tam: | 00 (CENCE CE MUNYON'S 3X REEUMATISM CURE Stan, Sn hg oi . Hand McCann were present at the Jetdom dois to elieve_in one to three I Hon. . Clifford Sifton's steamyacht | board of works meeting vesterday af- Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure Hiab ternoon. The engineer pointed out ceiving repairs and additions. It will | concrete work in sumnestion, with the cures pains in the. pak, Sure! Peedily then be hauled out on the Kingston | Erit chamber for the street [and all forms of kiduey disease. 1'rice, : ways for the winter. | sewer extension should be done before Rs, en aris At Richardsons' elevator: The | the frost comes, else it will be im. | q "Sons Headache Cure stops head: cleared for Glenora, | possible to lay the two lengths of ""Munyon's Blood Cure eromico: all ine schooner Lizzie Metzner | Pipe from it. If Contractor Tait | purities of the blood. Price, 25c¢. cleared for Sodus to load coal for | would allow the city | to cure all forms of indigestion and that the [stomach trouble. Price, ro oh Munyon's 3X Kidney Cure Morning Star will spend the next | in Davis' dry-dock re | to do the con-| Mutyon's tod Ture Prev ents (Dueumoria B. Kitchen is | crete portion, it could attend to that|pn, Viters Upacdld in a few {loading feldspar for Charlotte. piece of the work at once. It Was | Munyon's Pile Ointment positively At M. T. Co's elevator: Steamer [decided to seek the advice of the city [cures all forms of piles. Price, 25c. 1 hours from Chicago, with $6,000 | solicitor upon the matter. to myoa 2 Rulizd restores lost powers {bushels of corn and wheat; steamer | - W. Smith wrote, offering to sell | Munyon's Remedies at all i Vail, from Chicaco, with 43,000 bush. | his quarry lots on Patrick street. No mostly at 25 cents a vial. and consort Connolly | price was mentioned. The property with 45,000 bushels: of corn; | consists -of two and a half acres. The! from Fort Wil- | communication was held over for fur- liam, with 90,000 bushels of wheat; | ther consideration. tug Nellie Reid, up, with three light The chairman stated that at the | barges, cleared for Montreal with [next meeting of the board, he hoped {three grain-laden barges. {to have a road improvement scheme | The water of Rideau Lake, so low [to present. At present, much infor: | this autumn that through boats had | mation as to material and plant is | {to be taken off, has risen rvapidly | being collected. i |durine the past two or three weeks It was decided to construct sewers | jand is now at about its usual level lon Main. Raglan, Ellice and Vine f {for this time of year. It gained five ! streets. The engineer stated that wa- | |inches in height last werk. One of the | ter was to be put in on Main street | causes of the exceptionally low water |and one excavation would suffice, thus | |is said to be due to the lockine Jowering the cost for both. {throurh of so many small boats dur- f |ing the summer. At one lock there were 2.900 lockages and of these |about 2,000 were pleasure hoats. To {obviate this a new law is likely to be put in force limiting the locking of vachts and row boats to certain hours jeach day. | IN RUGBY CIRCLES. druggists, FOUNTAIN PENSE Watermans Ideal Tens, in all standard sizes. | | } Fitted with "Clip Caps" { it is next to impossible to NS | lose them from the pocket or belt. Avoid Biliousness. The dull, sluggish condition usually termed - biliousness and which includes constipation, headaché, nausea and | other symptoms, is due to a clogged condition of the system. Both stom ach and liver are involved. Day's| Dyspepsia Cure is an infallible remedy. This preparation has Digestive, Tonic | and Laxative properties. Each bottle | contains sixteen days' treatment. For | sale only at Wade's drug store, { | | The points are assorted to suit all users, and guar- anteed. SMITH BROS., Jewellers & Opticians 350 King Street. Issuers of Marriag Licenses. 'Phone 666 | The Various Local Teams Prepar- ing For To-Morrow, Queen's I and II teams had a good workout, yesterday afternoon, the last hard one before their games to- morrow. Both _ teams have improved considerably since their last battles ; Wolf and should win both games. The first |the street, last night. Gergt.: Walle, team have improved in man ways "ith the assistance of Police Con- {since Saturday last. The combination {stables Driscoll and Craio. took them |of their halves is better. and their | to the barracks, but some time later wing line is protecting better. With |the men manaced to make their es {the proper care and coaching this |CRPe. They will again be taken in { team should go through the league tharoe, and put under court-martial. very near the top. > | ------------ . | Cadets Working Hard. { The Cadets have been working faith fully for the game with een's to-morrow, and they are going to | {try hard to pull down the lead the | . : i {college men gained on them in last | City Losing Inspection Fees. {Saturday's game. Gibson is out of |". By not havine fixed the plumbing the game, with a bad knee. He is in |inspection fees, the city has lost over tbad shape, being threatened with | 3200 so far this vear. The city coun- iwater on the knee. The Cadots II {til should lose no more time in fixing {team is composed of a husky bunch of | the fee schedule. jboys. who should make themselves {fel€ in the junior series. Soldiers In Trouble. Two soldiers, who were under the influence of liquor, were disorderh- on "SOON TIME FOR Persian Lamb Jackets We have now in stock a choice ilot of Skins. Every Skin that enters into our Fur articles is guaranteed to be genuine. The workmanship is per- formed by the most skillful hands, the fit of every garment is perfect. W. F. GOURDIER, EXCLUSIE FURRIER, 6, 778 AxDp 80 Brock Sr. "PHONE 700. GRAND UNION HOTEL Only One '"'Bromo Quinine." | That is Laxative Bromo Quinine Look for the signature' of E. W. Grove. Used the world over to cure a cold in oac day. 25ec. The Tonic You Need There May Be Trouble. H are suffeing with Boils, Pimples, A Montreal despatch says: Uncer-| Sembiln, or i tainty exists in McGill rugby circles | il the stomach is upeet, bowels, liver or kidneys as to the playing rules for their game | out of cuder, digestion with Queen's on Saturday. Last week | a" Queen's refused to play according to! | the rules as * amended by the meeting | {of the executive of the Intercollegiate | | Union, in Kingston, two weeks ago. | MARK AEQISrLALA. " | especially with regard to the rule that| Bleed Tonic. This Tonic builds up the system. the scrimmage should stand quite | And while purifying the blood, it alee Grand Central Station i #1} if { apart, and after considerable wrangl-| the stomach, i , bowels and kidneys to healthy | ing the game went on under the old| ed a, { gets Brey Gsvesience ot moderate expense, | scrimmage rules. Queen's, it is under. better when you take Mira Blood Tonic. St Rooms $1.00 & day and upward | stood, will raise the same objection| botle--6 for $5 t druggise ot_Chemiss Stay and Map. - Tv Yui Sy | this week, that the action of dhe exe.| Co-of Canada, Hamiton-- Toronto. jcutive was not constitutional, while Tor { MeGill will stand by the action of the! executive and insist on playing under the amended rule. What the outcome of the dispute may come to is a mat ter of doubt. Queen's was represented | {at the meeting of the Intercolleginte | Union executive by A. B. Turner. who | was quite in line with his colleagues | {that the rules could be amended con- | { stitutionally and that the change was desirable. The Essence Of Letters. 3 "Citizen" writes the Whig--and in too personal a way to publish all the | | letter--to enquire what License Inspec-| | tor Wright is doing. touching rafling | recently conducted in a city hotel. Ta { he afraid to act ? Then again evidence) | was given in the police court of Sun- | day drinking, and a man sent to jail for three months for troubles there- | { after. What is Inspector Wright doing | about, it * Does Premier Whitney say | the license law is enforced ? 1 "Resident" complains of parties | dumping nuisance, old cans, ete., on! | Lower Rideau street, and asks the! | police to make an example of the of. fenders. | HERI IIIS Lines Specially Reduced For Saturday. Waists. Ladies' Flannelette Waists, 50c. and 75c. each. Ladies' Lustre Waists, White or Black, neatly made. with strap- pdngs, back and front, and with Buttoas. A leader at $1.39. White Cashmere Waists, $2. White Silk Waists, $2.50, COATS. We are doing the Coat trade of See the pretty Coats we show at $4.50 and up. At $10 | Kingston. | Diamond Jubilee Services, | At Chalmers Churcli, Sunday, Octo-| ber 20th. Morning service conducted | by Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Montreal, | moderator of the Presbyterian Gener. al assembly. The children's servies in the afternoon and the evening service will be conducted bv sons of the con- gregation, Rov. Harper Gray, of Dundas, and Rev. Mr. MeAllister. we have a particularly good gar- Children's A big range in all sizes, ment. Misses' and Coats. R $2 and up. See the range before R buying. -- "Still More Truancy. Complaints about truancy still con- tinue to be received at the police sta- tion. The officers got on the track of another lad, to-day, but no action was taken, on the promise being made by the youngster that he would go back to school. A large number of i q ' { A big selecti i the lads who are playine "hookey' g Sth of Mew Shirts these davs, loaf around the different for Fall, Sey garment beautiful- parks and commons, and lay foot- ly tailored, in the latest style. Prices $2.50 to $10} Moreen { ball. A good live truant officer would be required to keep the boys. in their proper place. Ceming To Kingston. | Prof. Dorenwend, Toronto, will be | at the Randolph botel, on Wednesday, | 3 October 23rd, with many new and | pretty designs in wigs, toupees, bangs, switches, etc. Trying on and demon. strating free of charge. His manufac- tures are worn on over $5,000 heads, by all classes. Oysters ! ters ! t $ Ere of ams | Oystar Underskirts, Black, 'Navy, Red, heavy weight, Speciai, $1.25. Try Bibhy's $1 wool underwacr. NEWMAN & SHAW SRREROAROONGR NN TE oo Fos >= = | HELE "THE. BOY WITH THE The Acacia dearsd, to-day, for Oc ANOTHER SCHEMEOFROAD CAR ACCIDENT. tured. i {lled and Several Injur i Bai 4 Train' Crashes Intc Freight--Three Killed, Nine teen Hurt--Casualties or Freight Also. y Tenn., Oct. 18.--In a hatlanoogs, 0 In: Wy collision; between two street heat this morning, ix persons wert Killed and several ~ others more or hilt 'seriously injured. The accident Jeet rd while the train was tunning gee! high speed, in a heavy fog, on a the Herman Heights line. v-- Crashed Into Freight Train. N.C., Oct, 18. --Passen south-bound, on th Southern railway, last night, crashe 3 a freight train, at Rudd, nea Three persons are reported kill and nineteen injured. Besides th (ireenshoro, ] ger train, No. 31, into here od, re: Ea \ A Scene From "The Bonnie Brie Out of the Bible," At The 9 THE CANA OF CO HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Branches throughout Canada, : 'A GENERAL BANKIN COMMERCIAL AND F, SAVINGS BA! Deposits 'of $1 and upw surrent rates and paid quarte delay whatever in the withdr the deposit. KINGSTC CORNER OF KIN p PC. STE It matters not, for ber, from the little tod to the good sturdy one are careful to see that correct in shape and service--is always oul very natty Gun Metal For Men, we have the "Belmont" Shoe In 2a American brand, an style. We consider t city at the price, $1.0 J. H. Sutl 'The Hous