Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Oct 1907, p. 12

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s | "The trackless trolley has come, says { Tho Technion I Warki Magazine for No. | Haber, Germany conceived it - in | ao): experimented with it Pars later and now Germany, France. and Italy are maturing this | u prodigy of the transporta- | AR rea | ven years ago a Ger- | "electrical Mouse established a | _ trackless A trolley system nea | wht of Biclataie, less than fide | in length and serving as a | for oducts from the factory | . Necessity demanded | ation of this nature .on. ac. the rction by the munici- | the laying of tracks on the-| vo waggons employed | vily built, with an eciric l e to each rear wheel, | ri being taken from an over- "i ey wire, by a trolley pole on the top of the waggon cov- | A Natural "laxative Tnward cleansing is as 'necessary as dutward bathin bowels free and regular js of.even greater a. So keep the the skin-pores from becpming clogged. The neglect of eithe -r vites disease. Everyone' needs '2 natural laxative occasionally - free the bowels. of accumulated. impurities For this purpose take BEECHAM'S PILLS the greatest boon ever offered to tl e n ever those who suffer fro i faa follow constipghing. b of over fifty 'years Beecham's ls s as a Stomach. earrective, a Liver regul ] el PE ms Smag : A egulator and Bowel laxative. T gripe gor cause pain. Pow are dangerous. Avoid them:=Wse ro Pills The rgatives i AL iL | iri © | i; fi i i | : i i £ Ie : No ulant | The 000 pectormance of "Nop i ot ot yom Daughter" and "Pioveer Days" at the h do its work better, and will feed thebody | oon meek, wine " : , . 4 as a stimulant, a " triumph at the New aro the representatives ¢ ion ! i i rz hy though, --it ) Fork J3emm is as sensational at the Portant man Bib Visas H tha pice ering mechanism completed lief without doing violenge®fdiany organ. Their action is i for that. Use it as a food-drink at itself. It is ero the You e no ohjec should Tike this meer trackless trolley. With | a ig Pie ay 3 Pier lem regularly and the neces y hav riection his. crud. ara t= this i i fo heir use becomes gs e shy 'Virginia "ber oo Jo Jook at. el sample of our | vised car, a child Beinent this fmpro. i and a positive ne r Cootiption. Biliow -- a nara]. laxative helps | Virginia Hamed, closes ber run in | E00ds You will See What the Tock of j¢ [aid the' fash and 'clang of the fac |B prepared saty ay sos soem Rouse, Judigestion, Sick arenina' closes with such perfection and the | tory for elang 'of "the fai- | CA A fi + $e; was accomplished the | oaly by the § Thomas Beech St. Helens, 1 hire, Eng: "Atina jesti s Theatre, New i leather is so i : mer a boxes York, to- t supple and so cleverly he i . : 1 Sold everywhere in Canaida.and U. S.A: ica. bo: 2§ cents. : : | N x andar wi Jo hi : nobody 'can touch, Better N erves Bie, po hn ae out of She live. eaing of the overhead trolley wire the metal roadway.--the separa- | : take out, oven bank i ; i BoE Broadway. It is dra Bile i . Jot, notes o- ---- twin brothers of electric | d . is wing cro Ameri ild pi louty sppetiing and revting, [Be EET S| sf A, HB ST 1 of pure : ; : ' , a ; } t \ 'e lines. of trackless es at to repair nerve wastes is kept in Hj ele Carter vil add "Cami | Pocket-book. Coad ut Shut the hook | tation Sg od he In par. what makes beer so partic ly "Da Barry," ich "Zaza" and | and handed it. back to the American rails was forhidden iin of 1 ular Y, . " o\. g y "or where the in: Tok rei: Ak poo or coat fund | |, RL Fak ghe il | ot Te Qh bos tes oft, Sol Td . household. : n of her new play. z The victi i avy an investment for the possibili- | 1 z "Tom Jones," the ; victim tried to! get the pocket- tes, of traffic. Now seven Ii el i era, iy. scheduled ah Tey, hook open again, sind the two Eng-| 'Ving length are erate Snes. o | me a I Lu infield, | lishmen suddenly remembered : that | P2SN2€r or to freigh . = will] clober 31st, after which it | they wanted to i py | Ombinati or it ' and stout; - will le seen i " call up a friend by |: os ination of both. Fys s its (tonoow) 4 Cations ros Dee] barley &. Son, bélore Sede ashington axl Bos- telephone, Ten minutes later, as they | "tal life in operat a » lige ie) tions from Owtaric Sutarie 40m, No oe ; utes later, as they : operation ndar Lyons | wi | John Drow has surpassed EE eos] Port hoe i ahmaricgn tuvke the | ain the dintict of" Milan. "the | Univdbtedly the best brown . : ------ ------ jot he Se York Yah. He is. doiug contained nothing by a Sheet of white | cbrating sn ig Neo Slroudy i fhe contivest, Bry em o be so 3 ¥ | eareer at this house, with ae is ni aver sleight. of hand | some are tne co oh Miles in lencth, | by auslyds of fou chen jis, and FREETO YOU AND EVERY SISTER SUFFER- rand lillian comedy. "My "Wife." hank notes while Rtituted this for the | and but Sut three miles from end to | >, by wards of the d's great FROM WOMEN'S AILMENTS. enry W. Savage has made : ' . as. closing the Tess' demonstoa th pion has neverthe- | i 4 : : ibitions, especi Chicago a. pro- | pocket-hook. ess demonstrated the Drache 1893, where it receivéd 'ninety-ix points out of a Becially hundred, of i . ; harge. treat. | bring the company playing "The | luck ran into the two thieves. who methods, - -- + -- i Gypsy Baron" to America for a thirty | were laughing at the ease with which ch my FREER JAMES McPARLAND, Sales Agent. am & woman, Lo sufferings, position to the director of the Roy: " i f th | C a's . Dean Bower Lone a yal The American rushed off to the near of the trackless trolley and its cost | much higher than any other P. : ; cure. ipsic, Germany, to | est police station, and by 4 stroke of of operation in comparison ith othe : orter in the United Staies or ada. they got the money; in Four THE 2013 GENTIRY The source of all Power, , &:=e e La The Fountain of Youtf, moss i "The result of 50 years ientifi years of scientific research; Lost unhood brought back after years of esi and despalr, Nature's Secret restored by combining {(hree of the rarest chemical reagents in the world is ig Jo experiment. tis proved by its e' i 'of Europe. Tens of ad a lished. ved | De. K' HR MEDICINE CO... PoC. PrawerL 2341 MONTREAL -- - "fa . las Taught Us How" to make Pen-Angle, the best underwear you can buy. Like trained athletes we know how to do some things better than those who have not had so much experience. For forty years we have bee ty 1 manufacturin | "Pen-Angle Underwear, and a . Piles Relieved At Once, Wade's Ointment relieves the «dis tressing symptoms of piles at oiice f i ' weeks" tour, '. . | Commencing next Mi v, "Madam In the st Neckwear, i == Butierty" wil he "te a: n the sUff standing collars that are it we ren Anow iy i ire, New York, i. Sree. tein 30d : those formed of baby Irish lace, which : HEE oe ia Rectan ln oe. Right to Vote Won permits the colored tie to show ty badian cities not visited Inst se ; " Countries. through, are being worn by smartly | I. or ason. | Women all over the world are begin. | tol. ned. women. The little pleated to by Hackett) has risen to fame from three year fi " 2 Jet Bok Tah can be igshloned of wid | b ttle lines, That was all 'the part | 3 or their sex. Their first notable | fastened ' lave, snd are | to she had jn "Hero and Leander." in|; p ahead this year was the grant-| pins. to tha collar with jeweled | you you | which she made her first: appearance ing of parliamentary suffrage to the Ping, 'are practical as well as smart. ros mens '| Ea She name of Florence Friend, in women of Norway. The Swedish wo-| Of the c500 librarians in Ameri rhe | gan man 5 wrarians m Amencal oy vor young writers of promise, fice; next came. the granting : ath phe 3 | Adie yous | de Caliavet, Ei de rome: XN. ome, tp of Denmark the ight og oe TY heirs though it mii 11 fnew. play at. the JES d or a serve as members . ES 1S v fi the position of ead youl {Paria at Lh edie Feancaiee. public: charities oa ol hoards of chief "librarian, branch libraries are] h y 'is along | parliament Eas ana e ritish managed by women, and in smaller | toes v, but asa oF bright ramen st passed the bill es a 'woman is usually at the ! title is "'Amout Veille." . connty councillors and ald: of the N fork ic 1.4 | ry $reatment | "Tho, interest in The Man of the | (of 1953 when the count tou OT a Lorrie Litas ar re ] ca and snaked Wome | Hour" at the New York Savoy, has Nets. instituted jn England, it es spread of The Shaye of women, and the | oe cardi Sele hppa rh be mi, A treatment is | been much stimulated by the return of thought that women were eligible, and mand for 'assistants. , Joly ide, £531 30 Gays tepment (180 does wh santos - cure or refund of m ? original voles. The EW re | ane Cobden and Mi 3 te mont, indication of running wil the: ping, | coted by. the voters of London, Barer houses close in the sumuner. ford Hope, who had béen defeated by Nat Goodwin's repertoire this season Lady Sandhurst, contested the elec- will consist of "'Ambition," "An Am. | Hon on the ground that women were | ty-one," "The Gilded Fool," "The | loneed and i ne," ; 5 o meanwhile th Canis, 'The Rivals," "In Missouri" allowed to serve. (me ol a a new play by George Broadhurst. assigned to Lady Sandhurst was the | His season will begin at Baltimore, on | SUPervision of twenty-three infant asy- ovember 4th. lums. When Mr. Hope finally EE eal, od {ed her plans for the season, but when | don dailies sarcastically replied : A oes out in January, it will be "Tt is to ha hoped that the gentle- A wi a repertoire including her best | man will find himself equal to' moth- successes of the past. 'A report that | ering all those babies." | she would play 'Lady Godiya" has James T. Powers, who is starring i | "» gn "The Blue Moon." was not always on a bed of roses, His first stage adven-| and, faithfully used, will cure - ate was with a minstrel troupe, | manently. It has remarkable outhing jw ich gave one performance at Mount | and healing properties. Best for all | Pandora Ventilated Oven is a Real Success That the Pandora oven No indiscriminate mi 1 tiara in reality ing 'and re-mixing a: te re iis n prove for your cooking oders in the Pan- * 'great j a, 2 tie own satisfaction beyond a dora oven, consequently : Jajoruy of vag shadow of a doubt. Just there is positively no sus. moisten your finger and chance for one article to place it in close proximity be tainted with the flavor to the three small vents - of another. Rather, the between oven and fire-pot delicious natural flavor of doors. You can then feel every article is retained Quite distinctly the current to the fullest extent. info: i ue Sir lag dren owarge The Pandora ventilated Ba emt Se hrou \ nts. oven is a real success. FREE B oct for Try this little experiment When you open the door Re on your neighbor's Pan- : dora. So scientifically N-- perfect is the Pandora system of ventilation that the air in the oven is constantly being renewed Butterfly" will be hos Jes ED LETTER wor wi tt ee at the GardenThe 1007 A RED LETTER YEAR. so popular with the plain linen shirts -- ® : Mary Maonering (Mrs. Ja K 3 . James K. | ning t ing to look upon 1907 as a red letter | bits of embroidery and treatment can cure a Surels men we igi ici v Z re made eligible for municipal | four-fifths are women, so the profession usual lives, but it is full of bright maki freatmen ead of the librarv. The forty branches re at ys nea] Fa y * | three--Lady i ini ; vernl of the old davorites to their Lady Margaret Sandhurst, Miss| 8 Hbrary training school has been estab- | Send for sworn Canadian gestimonials received within the } | oni2ls received within the last twelve months, m erican Citizen," "When We Were Twen- | Mt eligible. The litigation was pro- Julia Marlowe has not yet anmounc-| in ousting her one of the leading Lon- been denied by the Shuberts. Vernon. After the performance the en- | Purposes for which a healing ointment | tire company had t6 walk home. can be used. | A star, whom Harrison Grey Fiske ! Cures Eczema, Salt Rheu | inay add to those under his manage- | oF Itiching ti the skin ed | ens, is Gustavo Selvin, the son of bles, Blotches, Dandruff, ete. In hig amous tragedian," Tomasso Sal xes, 25c. 's Drug 8 vini. The actor has signified his will 30a. 81 Made's Treg Stor, ingness to come to the United States, W! and the elder Salvini is desirous that | Washingt be an) do so. : Ne The bathing suit that Miss Maxime is as cléver as man. Cleverer i Elliott wears in "Under i things. In affairs of the Beart. much wood Tree," has created no end of cleverer. comment. 'The London newspapers] I used to know a pretty girl whom seem to think that it is the onlybath. | 8 young banker was courting timidly. | ing suit on the heach, and Miss El- | Une afternoon in the garden the bank- Jiott's 'bo-stockened ankles are discuss. | scraped up courage .e to ask od as an important factor in dramatic ins tremulous voice for a kiss. ; 4 pretty girl looked at. him f you'll find knitted into our Underwear of Food cooked in the 'Pandora is more health- ful; as well as more appe- tizing and satisfying. If your local dealer cannot give you complete hy Women Should Vote. Star, d art. \ he S The Sith ack of Xaduh Nazimovs, in . in m's aster Builder" at the t Perfect Form Fitting shapeliness of = | Bijou, begins on Monday every garment; whether for man, woman | Much of the success that has attended or 'child-- . this latést production of Ibsen's; is due in great measure to the careful In the Permanent Elasticity of the fabrics, atkention given the slightest detail by which means retention of shape and rad ie Tals ho Sersonatly kiss," she said. 'V. for a kiss. Now, applied ae a kiss signifies respect. On the fore. head it denotes friendship. Upon the fips it indicates--all things=oF moth: ing. "She paused ively, then she' went on > Junsivaly, she "" 'Yes, Herbert, rm-- ' : you may. since you ; greatly added strength-- play. we he | Vish-it; ki express th fres} tt : fs > . 1%, Kiss jo. n the Soft Feel of the garments-- New York Lach tie on Monies ourself in ope kiss. Proceed.' : ir and the cook. timid Herbert, red and con- ing fumes carried out "In he Washing, for * Pen-Angle doesn't October 2st, in Harrison Grey Fiske's |, 03" oie rink-- og hg . "Sappho and on." The season 1 mustn't lose her,' * he muttered In the firmly secured buttons; sewed to [#romites few events of groater artistic Jo himself Where, then; shall I kiss stay on. anh Htatary Wokuriaste than the pres- fy 0 0 . Joshond: tha hand ? : ; } . . rpc: ad ki / Furthermore, Pon-Angle Underwear @s Guaraniced. Your 3 ns is new postic drama may eventually be gained, hut i Jave ) = po! > * » money promptly refunded by your dealer at our expense for any Jiatame Kalich's engagement at the | 4 ho start too bold'-- : i it limited to three weeks. ur Ee " Tg is 1 ._ | "Suddenly hi itati i in material SASS ili, that Is found defactivg A which the veteran Sardou is | yreyny > his meditations wero -in- H 0 Baking You're safeguarded in every way writing to order for the great Cogue- lody. ed by a thai A io, when yo boy Peng) --- g were aaa : Se lin, will: in this country, be a medium Penman's No. 95 stands supreme in for Wilton Lackaye, if William A. Bra- Habis. The young men looked up. 4 medium-weight natural wool garment. 4 : girl was whistlin- red: dy exercise an option on the composi uth ; a) : amit gi apelin mo! puckered into the shape of Pine. quality of wool, absolutely fast i a aridot le w he rosebud. Her hat was lla a ork of Pen-Angle Elastic Ribbed, h Knit scenario. This play hiding her forehead and Balmoral through another set of vents in back end of oven and from there to smoke pipe. The arrows in illustration ' 4 , and her hands were thrust nh X. Rostond has =o Tong boon | a 3h wrist. in the poskets: of her engaged, but without, apparently, be- {ing nearer completion than two years How The Ameer Amuses Himseli. | ago The Ameer of Afghanistan finds his chief amusement in cooking, and is 3 hd Colds Lannot Exist. ° said to be a better chef than thoss in |. \ EEE bis palace kitchens: He is fond of = 5 's Cold Cure Tablets (Laxative lds of every variety in re 5 2 i Fer 'LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, HAMILTON LEMMON & SONS, Kingston. synopsis of Canadian Northwes HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. Any even numbered section of Pomiv , Lands in Manitoba or the North-Wes BE vin , excepting 8 and 26, not re served, ¥ be howmesteaded by any per son the 'sole head of a lamily, or mal over 18 years of age, Ww the extemt « one-quarter section, of 160 acres, mor or less. Apphication for homestead entry mus Le made in pesson by the applicant at pominion Lands Agency or Sub-ageiic) putry by proxy may, however, be mas ot an Ageacy om certain conditivus b the father, mothor, son, daughter, brot! er or sister of ap intending homestead Aa apiiication fur eniry or cancell tion sae persunsily at any sub-agent olice may be wired to the Ageut by th Sub-ageat, at the expensg of the appl cant, and if The land applied for is vacar on receipt of the telegram such applic tion is to have priority and the laud wi pe held until the pecessary papers complete the transaction are received Ub mail. in case of "persopation'" or fraud tb applicant will forfeit all priority of clai; or il entry bas been ygrauted it will b surunarily cancel . An application for canceliation must b made in person. The applicant must b eligible for homestead entry, and only or application for cancellation will be n ceived from an individual until that a plication bas been disposed of. Where an entry is cancelled subsequel to institution of cancellation proceeding! the applicant for cancellation will be & titled to prior right of entry Applicant for cancellation must state what particulars the homesteader is deigult. A homesteader whose entry is not t subject of cancellation proceedings ma subject to the approval of Depar ment, relinquish it in favor of fathe wether, som, daughter, brother or sist it eligible, but to no one else, on filia declaration "of abandonment DUTIES--A settler is required 10 pe form the duties under one of the follo ing plans -- (1; At least six months' residence v amd cultivation of the land in ed vr during the term of three years 2) A homesteander may, il he so ( siles, perform - the reyuired residen duiies by living on fariniug land own solely by him, not less than vighty (8 acres im extent, im the wicinity of howestewd. Jot ownership in land Ww pot meet this requirement (3) M the lather (or mother, if 1 father is deceased) of a homesteader ! permanent residence on larming 1s owned solely hy him, not less tb eighty (80) acres in exteut, in the vidi ty of the homestead, or upon a hor stead entered for by hum in the viciai such homesteader may perform his © residence duties hy living with he fa er (or mother.) (4) The term "yisinity" in the preceding paragraphs is defined us me ing not more than nine miles in a dil line, exclusive of the width of road lowance crossed in the measurement. 0) A homesteader intending to peric his residence duties in accordance W the above while living with parents ou farming laud owned by hmsel mw notity the Agent for the district of 8 tention. Before making application for pat the. settler must guve Six months' no' ip writing to the Uonumissioner ol minion Lands at Ottawa, of his int tion to do so. - SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NOR' WEST MINING. REGULATIONS COAL--Coal mining rights may Jeusea for a period of twenty-one ye at am ampual rental of 31 per acre. wore than 2,500 acres shail be lease one individual or company. A royal the rate' of Hive cents per tom shall collected on the werchantable coal mi QUARTZ--A persona eighteen years age or over, having discovered miners place, may locate a claim 1,500x1 or oot | sue fee for recording a claim is $5. * claim each year or paid to the mi recorder in been expended or paid, the locator upon having a survey made, and Vv complying With other Pequirements, chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payn pia royalty of 2§ per cent on the si Placer mining claims generally are feet square | eptry fee $5, renewable ) vy "An applicant may obtain two lease dredge for gold of five wiles each fu ter of twenty years, repewable at discretion, of the Minister of the terior The lessee shall have a dredge in « ation within one season from the of the lease for each five miles. Re $10 per annum for each mile of jeased. Royalty at the rate of 24 cent 'cwllected on the output after" it ceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Deputy 9 the Minister of the In ¢ N.B.--Unduthorized publication o pdvertisement will not be paid for, Every Wom: is interes and should k ouder ful about the wi Tal MARVEL WhirlingS The tew Vagies! Byr Bast--2 once = 1linstrated --sealed. It gives lt routes and directions in- % win 3 TPPLY CO., Windsor, Ont. . & Generul Azents for Canada. Stops E255 Colic He Re Nurses' sad Mothers' Treasw =25¢.~6 bolle $1.25. Drug & Chemical Co., Lind - < Monreal. PLAIN TALK FROM THE DOCT A prominent yuicisn, famous ai a ant of | ney snd bladder troubles, stated t $0 the following prescription is du great deal of his success : One ounce fluid extract dav sonsch roy. lion ; One ounce compound salatoue Four ounces compound sy sarsaparills. Mix and take a teaspoonful ai meals apd. at bedtime, drink plenty of water. . da mitre. will he says, P » eure an ses arising I weak, procs or nactive kidne and will assist these organs cleanse the blood of the poison waste matter and acids, which allowed to remain, cause lambs lame back, rhenmatiom and soist and at the same time will restore kidneys to healthy normal act The in jents, which are pu able and entirely harmless, be procured from any good drug + and mized at home at very littlec This advice will undoubtedly much appreciated by many reade

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