Emm = EE eT vez! Moonréirer ght 1 tre ACT Sy Jercrie OFFreerr As a means of livelihood, the "moon. ine" whi ant is, as a rule, His calling is simplicity itself. An list still can $10, with the hh "Sileiont he in his mvestment IN, Pa stile He biinivs, of she: Dig diet ior, ¢ gallons of v a dily at $1.10 or §1.20 a sale HE t means an income from materials costing alont a week would mean demean himself by he had any money in 2 : if -- - I8 moreover, raw color or blend his pro- | a D pose of it at once. In making arrests. it to his peivhbors-- to a 5 Ho it f i ¢ ; 22 » or to the negro loui- t it too strong. A i if in trouble and law- part of the consumer, ! have heen l z raise cotfon and "'moonshiner" of to his advantage. A "'moonshiner" another man of | i~s. Through her eareer there ran} probably (a thread of trouble and tragedy. | to his own | When her husband was killed hy a | E {feudist. she continued his illicit busi | ness. Fraguently she stood gudrd with | a Winchester rifle while the mon she . ready to die as his 'moony- cial act of congress. elabor- an be shoot. 200 | Until the "'moonshiner" shoots tle "revenuver" may not. By that time it | it is sometimes too late. There is con- | siderable advantage in the first shot, parts if | and that advantage the rubes of the they | Service deny the revenue agent. 'moonshi * wort He must wait for the other fallow er? hy of | to fire first (ns a rule, he does not | have to wait long), but onee fired on, are | he can fire ar often as he tikes and os they can't work for lack nd times when they don't r of the "revenuers.'" accurately 'as he is able. te, whose throat has been a raid in the Smoky Mountain dis ing fluid by | trict, along the border line hetwoen North Carolina and Tennessee, in 1904 | was the last af the government officers | he sends to the towns, [to lose his life in such a fight. i keeper-- | Back to her hame inJackson enun- { tv. Kentacky, recently went Mrs. Ada. | Tine Rose, having been released from | {ail through the clemency of President | years, they Roosevelt. Her sentence of six mouths | thrift- coupled with n fine of $1,000, thd rot | jeonvince her that "moonshining" was iwrong. She announced her intention ~day is not of abandoning the pursuit, however, He is very | hocanse she had zen of the His clothing | venuers.' 3 | more intimate ' For seventeen years the woman ack- water nowledped she had been a noted in the Kentucky moun- , but, {employed worked at the still in a dee 3 » wm, Bow glee Mor? of lie Fre Crude of a hero in his way than the "moon. y industry is fairly pro- shiner." He rides into the wilderness, The and sometimes he doesn't come back, as dangerous as that of the soldier, and he gets none of the | be made as cheap | soldier's glory. furnace built n» fashion of rock and olay, dapted from a gun | contrary, the revenue officer with the whole fede- ral government back of him has "The 'moonshiue | Georgia, Alaban hentucky, Tennes- see, Arkansas, North ; K he is killed, his wife is not pen- | sioned by a grateful country. On the il any provision is made for ether | his widow and his fatherless children, {it is in the form of a grudging allow- | | ance which must be authorized by spe- y ills and forests, the close air next legislature will corside r ) The south-western part | amountad to muse e judge's sympathy. * confinement for a man of perhaps, the greatest number of and have produced more than hali the | He rides armed, of course, with the 'hest and most madern weapons, but he rides continually in expectation of am- bush, knowing that everywhere he is walched by hostile guns: that the mo- iohy, | Ment the . "moonshiner' thinks his which | «till or his person is in danger he will penitentiary is complete, hesitate to impose a poor creature { bottom of the prohibition ¢ is not particularly is taken for granted that as soon But one by one these states in j race is a practic ment where whiske remarkable feature of all legislation is that it * uncontrollable ele. are nr, Of Sloatnshizap™ was raided in Germantown, Philadel phia. - It oecupied a second-story iront room, and faurteen barrels of "mash" were found there fermenting. However, this sort of illicit distil. ling; as it is carried on in cellars and attics of the city, is/ a very diferent affair from "moonshining." It is prosaic as soap' boiling and little no danger attends the raids. But the "moonshiner," the rugged, picturesque hero of the craggy mouu- tain side, with his primitive still hid den in the underbush, first cousin 1, the cowboy, in the estimation of the small boy, and next of kin to the feudsman--who, by the way, has been found both among the "moonshiners" and under the banners of the "reven. uer" for the sole purpose of lawfully slaying 'his enemy--is doomed. His day is past, because the peopie to whose toleration he owed his ex. istence have ceased to tolerate him They no longer regard him as merely a technical lawbreaker, a rather-to-be admired rebel against an unjust law, but as a-serious menace to the entire community in that it is from him di rectly or indirectly that the negro ele- ment gets most of its liquor, under the influence of which it becomes a AS on hideous danger to the entjre commun- ity "Moonshining" is being uprooted in its own stronghold, and by the worl of its own people. SCIATICA CURED. -- Mrs. Chas. F. Haley Restored By Dr. William's Pink Pills. "I was utterly helpless with sciati- ca. 1 could not move in bed without aid. Doctors treated me, but I did not improve. 1 used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and to-day ama well wo- man." This tribute to the merits of Dr. Williams® Pink Pills is made by . Charles F. Haley, of Yarmouth, ) Two years ago she suffered most severely from an attack of sci- atica, and for a number of + months was an invalid confined to her bed. She further states: "It is impossible for me to describe the pain from which I sufiered. 1 endeavored to continue my profession as a music teacher, but was forced to give it up. The doctor said the trouble was saatica, but bis treatment did not help me. I could scarcely take a step without the most acute pain shooting through my back and down the limb. Finally I took to my bed and lay there perfectly help- less, and could not move without aid. The pain was never absent. I consult- ed another doctor, but with no better results, and I began to think I would always be a sufferer. One day a friend who was in to see me asked why I did not take Dr. Williams* Pink Pills, and on 'her advice 1 de- cided to do so. The résult was be- vond my most hopeful expectations. All the pains and aches disappeared and.l have never since been troubled with Sciatica I have no hesitation in récommending Dr. Williams' . Pink Pills for the trouble from which I suf- fered." When the blood is poor the nerves are starved; - then comes the agony of sciatica, neuralgia, or perhaps partial paralysis. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich, red blood, January Ist next. County after county in Kentucky, Ten- nesseo, and Mississi liquor, and they have been mostly the counties that have been the particular not for the protection of the as in the Interests of vaere the law does not at- olute prohibition, the regu- | he the sale of liquor much more stringent served a term in pris- j congratulate him of prepares to resume business at the though to be sure never been much In Alabama it is unlawful even the most hopeful of revenue men does not an- ticipate the entire extinction of ilheit whiskey indus "moonshining"" has It is not the towns tnat | the internal it is the country, entucky, for instance, where the local community pass upon the |i ; county is falling try in the immedi- Since 1874 fifty-four of the govern- ment's revenue agents have been kill- y is, as all whis- | ©, and minety-four wounded in fights t comes from the still, | with "moonshiners." many of em | i and | never seeing the man who fired the | "moonshiner'"" has no | shot. This does not include marshals! and deputy marshals who were killed | and there always will be, of it in the big cities. ork does the biggest business wt; but Chicago and hia have always their secret stills atter state. it is signjsl 0 Operation. In January, 1899, one Nashville, Memphis \n ad of the most elaborate stills found the three largest seven counties in which John Carver, a posse man, killed in which feeds the starved nerves, drives out pain and restores health. It is because these pills actually make new blood that they cure such common ailments as rheumatism, anaemia, backaches and headaches, heart palpi- tation, indigestion and the painful ir- regularities of growing girls and wo- men. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50c. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. -- Housework and marketing is part of the education of a Belgian girl. She is taught these subjects in the public schools, Hundreds of women are employed in the secret service of German are the only poiuts which ---- oe STOMACH TROUBLES WORLD'S BIG WORRY E_TRAIL OF NINETY-NINE OF EVERY Y ILLS AND YOU ca CR TO STOMACH, BLES mA EE Dr. YonStan'sPine-apple Tablets Doesn't it stand to reason that nature her- self has in berself a cure for our ills--and doesn't it stand to reason that nature rebels at many of the nauseous so called that pass 2s cures Dr. Ven Stan's Pine. ture's cure in. very deed in the neighborhoo Ky: Bristol, Tenn : ARE THE GET ON TO TH HUNDRED OF SaNisH SToms than ten legalize here the liguor laws i being framed fc protection of the isolated districts, houses, where the w : A omen and children are being left alone hecome convinced that {she conld no longer evade the "re-| Prople ini those outlying to warn him of dan- gor, and someti eben to help him first ones to give possible assistance. h that j= sounding the for stomach ailments? -- . ~apple Tablets are na- make the revenue agent's The bosom fits better and doen't get in wyles for Business 'or dress | regions where formerly yb ious fruits, that 13 wlicited testimonials j ravine. She is von-committal as fo Ives A v w | in the hundreds of un. {whether ghe ever shat a revenuer," | h id be priate Another factor in | the law against ill south is the fact t federal penitentin 3 { The "'moonshiner'" lile rather than be iol the mountains , the sweet the inforcement of icit distillin: in the hat thers is now at Atlauta, Ga. is ver," but sats that the idea of letting | wet = hw os y tte] T° vd = man aod was always repugnan ol Doct cout day J Fast colors in the newest patterns or plain ZR Makes, Bela, bes But from present indications it wl the soon be. a case of. Othella's occupation | 5 Ebi gone, The state legislatures, win the | "5 a good deal more people back of them, are doing what | Ve here--and which will be uced i 're # bit credulous, red ™ How is your stomach affected ?--De you ve sour stomach--distress after eating-- weighton the stomach--wind on the stomach then fortabi g ments?--the first tablet will give fot 's te and istance will cure--and Het 0 stomach trouble so stubborn as te baffle Dr. Von Stan's Piac-apple Tablets. 35 cents a box at ail Druggist and medicine dealers, USE DR. AGNEW'S OINTMENT S$ LIVER PIL FOR SALE BY H, WADE, ? for SKIN ERUPTIONS 38 LS for CONSTIPATION 100 2 Fashionable Furs for - th 5 little ones. k Scarfs, Muffs, t Coats, Caps, i Robes. q R Everything to keep the a warm. Come in and examin Kk No obligation to buy. 4 3 John McKay Fur House 4 149-155 Brook ST. PIP TIIITIILIIIN Cheese Fresh shipment just arrived Oka Cheese Canada Cream Cheese Primrose Cream Cheese | I Primrose Cream Cheese, It Imperial Cream Cheese (Small, medium and large Jas. Redden & C Importers Of Fine Grocerie Not Likely To Play. Manager Con. Millan received ter, this morning, ffom Frederic Haws, manager of the Alexandrit football team, asking for x there on Saturday. 26th, or the urday following. The Bay boys the American rules to gover our vouths know nothing whate them, ------ Railway men, at Montreal, a tating for the inauguration of a ty-four-hour day on eastern ral "A Bavarian nurse girl killed s bies by driving hair pins into brains. DAILY MEMORANDA City Council, 8 pn Roller Rink every afternoon an in : gaia isslonary Rally, St. Georges p.m TN omleriand Theatre, uafternoo oy # 3 o p Princess Theatre--Moving Pictur strated Songs. ho ae Munir Married Now Grand House, 8.15 p.m. : This day nu story --Bat Elapdslaagte. 139%; Hattie ¢ 1805 a Sock Nive ¢. Whig Hall Five Dane 8 30 pr Crosby and OL Orchestra. TE : : Formal Opening of George a New Hat and «Fur Store, afternoon and eVening--inusk At The Biiou Theatre, tod Tuesday --{ comedy. The oo Boots." also "The - Wood Canada.' WHIG TELEPHONES 13---Business Office. ui Roows. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Wh The Daily Whig is aiwyys on Gibson's Drug Store, Jane Open till late each eveving. STUDENT ---------------- WE HAVE THE STUI LAMP YOU WAN Jo Sea at, JL the eyes, and will make work a pleasure. Ne smoke. No sme Don't ruin your ey ET ------ See them at . | Robertson Br Bee