it Be 4 : vy rE J » very la two spiritual" on for. extra street i voge hall, on onday ae it was a , J. 8. Muck- 5% agreement to the - L Tatter bad given vin hand knowleuge of the sver-in- 'chief of volice, Srnting oTolylet population of the delegate, could or | North What is the turned Aa te i i eu How of the arc system, Aid. | will she the problem? If the "out that not ono dol- [men were as zealous as the women Es to Tan. pti, Teo [ht] abe: oad be vary: ad this + > em. Mr. Ue: to his two i and Mr. Ross had advised agaiogt telling Poin: First the arvillingness it, in view of the likely revolution in |of our to give time and brains are .. As yet the cost of the|to Sunday work,, where they new was very large. The present | could influence BO woman. ean; are machines would continue to be un-| and second, the of fathers to satisfactory because they were old. At and influence their sons to take present Mr. Campbell was working on orders. If men, from the Atlan- the of improved street light- | tic to the Pacific, would give up them- a: prepared, and [selves to Sunday school work, if fa- the council would he asked shortly to|thers would say to their sons, "The vote on the question of expending |church needs men, she needs you and . Ald. Toye said the street | must have you," just think what Nighting would continue to be unsatis-| gigantic power would be given into the factory under the present conditions, | hands of the and clergy to- and until an improved system was in- {Wards the building of Christ's king stalled, and this would require the | dom. k 3 the absence of Ald. | expenditure. prod preg diy The dean said he hoped the laymen on some 'nights | Ald. withdrew the clause|Present would repeat Mr. Muckles- expected, the | that had brought forth such a profita-| ton's telling words fo the many lay- Sometimes they ble discussion, and everybody seemed | Men who had stayed at home the next. | satisfied over Ald. Toye's explana-| The Bishop of .Keewatin, or "The at nights | tions. The aldermen did not wish it to| Land of the North Wud," which to. Ibe understood that the city was bad-|™os from Algoma along the C.P.R. Ald, ly lighted. This was the case at [nearly to Winnipeg and back to the on [times only, when the lights were not | Rorth pole (and is also part of the lit during dark periods of moonlight [Province of Ontario) was the next nights, and when lights out were al-|*Peaker. His work is among the In- ol N lowed to remain unattended to hy dians, whose life he has lived for reason complain i twenty-three years as vriest a jis noticed that tered. 9 so R. being. regis hop, and wonderful 'was his story. At evening in h forty below zero they get up to have t two .in the morning, trampi to the chief city GRAND OPERA HOUSE. roa Eig miles to be at early iy Et he : Fe ge F ; a 's Production dt ad te te | fot "orig Ti" pl a i ay TE i ei rough ---- fo or! ? Nour ote ay por "of the council Hal, a "William Howdy," a gay old 2% iF £1 i g FF : 3 i bration at eight o'clock: women have walked 350 miles, sleep- ing out with the mercury below church; no etki. is ever baptized, cept in extremis, but in the church; and ninety-five per cent. of his people 15 | gre communigants. Many of his mis- men and y the be married in God's house: are solemnized but in ex- , to are carried on if he » : Tia part gives, is away for three months: The bi Ald. Nickle said that the street |than any other he has visited this co. left? he mts a lighting was defective in three ways : {city in. Mr. Hall's songs were the hit bop _ ack ile, wits do 1. The new enclosed are li were | of the evening. Dainty Tittle. Bthel | ihe nearest docto thas. pe all right, but the Were sim- | Nason, Ruby Liproage, a soubrette, |g 'jo "OTL SO0ISE, and has the nly scrap and were unsatis- [is a very clover actress, her dancing |p go hou a " -- etcslient. As tho Indians under his cave, and yet he says factory up Singing being wanted: 1 hos that had he his life to live again he widoy was all that | hould choose to live it in thenorth. yp anchie _ ing of "Some| 1b¢ Bishop of Algoma said he wish- Prd Wnecaired. her singing of "Some {oj ali "man count have "Dora os of to hits - of the. po _ | brother of Keewatin. From him was to Mise Po int, the oe J] a be learnt the fact that primitive janes. Yas a fl nol faith, trust and practice were not to tr a esusod a h ot be despised. While in the east he was nds trying to drive home the need of every hy A ¥ new musical numbers ne ian be a missionary. Reveal ced 4) ae the _- a: ed religion is the representation of na- whe trod excellent. The was good tural religion. Love and duty are in- tine ser. pf be costurs very handsomje, structive, and the Christian religion is The play is Yaid a. o summer | Published when these unite. When ight 6, the threo' acts ing place in |O0¢ reaches the point w! re he says nigh the In; hotel. The proprietor "I ought, and I love to help others" je he had learnt the secret of a happy life. He had done his best to reverse the per light ---- meaning of the words "missionary dio- Yer ron Young's Repertoire Company. ying to ake it 3 gous. He ae in the The H. Wilmot Young Co., which |was truly missionary in the way of commences a three nights' engagement | piving, not receiving. His work was a at The G , Th y; October | chiefly among whites, and sad are ised re. | 24th, in "A Broken Heart, Carries 8 [the stories the good bishop tells of : a {fine lot of specialties. Commenting on | the Godlessness of the life in his dio- to [them, the Belleville ' Ontario says : | cose in which Lie Cobalt, Copper Cliff, soon, "The specialties are a show in " | Larder Lake, and so on, places where Ald. tis. (selves. Verona, the electrical dancer many lives are ruined. Rl fed wi et hi agree. {§I¥0* 8 beautiful act. She has a | The bishop has & delightful play of nent i last spring. Too | 20% guns atl dances with ease | humor, and was most amusing when much Bs being put on the grace, w electrical offects he touched on the Indians in his dio- chief of police in regard to ordering play an important part. William Con- cose. These are mostly fairly civilized on lights. There. were some lamps out |» *in%s and dances well. The mov- y ly civilized, for a whole week at a time, and no nk pictures ary yoo and the §/complaint had been registered. Ald. Maton Rone handcuff . Ross said that to vote for Ald. El- | a.0er 'and perform liott's amendment was to say that [i i." Joe. the the strest Nzhting was all sight, and makes a oop Svory alderman knew this was not der to a net Ald. Elliott disagreed with the {<7°™d in fron tr apes the. Due not {*Yening. : getting street Ii t -- paid for. Tle instanced ath Be Master Of Pain reductions made i in, little ig, exhausts Elliott that the diet of police | tatiey. Th eee Beth Supine vi ATTEND OUR jwas The lions Sa ont uf permanent injury. Cure aches and FORMAL OPENING sure he Tight on ox ay Ball "VR india TC-NIGHT. finds deepest ache and cures dreds + in de Com fi, Bost remedy fox Neuralgia ox ||. 48 Je oo Rheumatism, or for any inflammation | J TOW our odd short ba: | Sichont He ae rp, oe | store this af: * to give t. MWe., at Wade's Drug Seruvan 40d. : port santo t's trong Arrivals At B. A. Hotel. been the com- {dirt at the in Tegand to ta streets W. N. Westner, Now York; H. D. ir- iments we |lighting. Under the circumstances, the Nin and ik, Boskeley, Col. J.D. rectived {best service was ~iven. | Hutchins, W. , W. J. 11. is Mr. Ald. Gaskin spid, was G. C. Egan, Moatreal, 3, P Belia' 'regarding our doing the best he could to ~et the |E. W. Dawson, R. T. Siegiried, WB' utiful store + jeity's plant in good and he | Kendercline, E. NM. , BE. J. Shan {should be given o accom: (non, F. R. Wanes, J. . Foote, WA || and elegant [lish what was Tate, J. Reed, Toronto: G. A. Maihe displa, y of F p Son, Rod. Young, Hamilton; W. A. oo § and iy S Cornwall; D. 8. Wrghi. furs. si irate ot Reoskeilie, G. T. Rutten. Napanee: 3. | The "Teddy Bears" had a high . yn an busy time renewing acquaint- . ui sie On The Street. ances, and are looking for- te a te ha : rer ti a ye been | 3 ward to an' even busier time money on the street. A great many ; t. wt' 'lads make a practice of standing The store will be open : on different corners, and when uatil 'ten o clock this : a passes by, they ask for ten or + of in Svening fifteen cents, stating that they want for exhibition oaly re Faee? the show. The . younguters slvr ie? recy are very persistent, some of them, sm when met with a refusal, use very. bad You are invited. language. : . I ------ 2 It's (better to have an ounce of con Sect Mille SG deve J Yourself han > pound of . H, hr. : Makers of Fine Furs. 1® A if iy A i 5 Tose them pagans '™ It was to im pags hat they hag idly producers; fot vers, Ty are il yet, and contact wi the white man means, often, moral ruin. need help wnat they may gotiall, as _chudren loll, but ma to resist tie ovil as 'the good white people do. who at-|® FIER §oREgs i 3 : £ : g § i f H their fine | ti EH JHE pH ; Vv. r. Burke, was the ing, and intro- Mr. Clark touched upon the various | sides of London ie and told many humorous stories. H i i £ in this way since. He has accomplished much good in his campaign for moral reform. ------ Harbour. The steamer Niagara cleared Picton, Monday afternoon. The sloop Mapwie L., loaded grain at Richardsons' for Glenora. The steamer Acacia arrived from Oswego, with coal for R. Crawford. he new steambarge McDonald was successfully launched at Portsmouth, for st down trip, taking on' considerable freight. 's: Steamer Hamilton, up, to-day; tug Harrison and barge Parry Sound, from Prescott to Georgian Bay, held here on account of the heavy wind. Doucette's Statement. Peterbora Examiner. Doucette, arrested in Peterboro, for deserting from Tete du Pont Bar- racks, Kingston, is not in love with conditions at Kingston. He said that an o bad a grudge against him, and every morning, almost, he laid some com- plaint with the colonel. The latter did not. pay much attention to the charges, and this made the under offi- cer all the worse, and he tried to "square" matters with Doucette by treating him as harshly as he pos- sibly could. The latter determined officer," as Doucette called him, and turning with the likelihood that con- ditions will be worse for him on ac- count of his desertion. A visitor to the city lately, having travelled for several tears. from the Atlantic to the Pacific. has been in all the Anglican cathedrals |in and churches of prominence in the |in who, United States, has spoken to the |A Whig of the impression made upon him by the dignity, order and beauty of the service in St. Georme's cathe- | A dral. The reverent demeanor of the choir, the solemnity of the service, its unique military environment, the hearty singing of God Save the King and thewspirit of the congregation, |in They Rely On Wade's Ointment. Wade's Ointment is depended upon in hundreds of homes for the cure of all injuries to the skin as well as the various skin diseases. re is not a family that would not find this _oint- ment invaluable. Cures Eczema, Salt Rheum. Sealy or Itching Eruptions of the Skin. Pim- ples, Blotches, Dandruff, ete. In big boxes, 25¢c., at Wade's Drug Store. -- Bakers Not To Blame. Rev. Dr. Mackie has hit at the right people when he says the big milling companies are responsible for the in- creased price of bread. big law of brotherly love plification of the law of - Nothing More Heard. No further developments have. been fa reported regarding the body found in the orl street and an exem- greed. slip on Sunday even- ing. remains are still at Cor bett's morgue, awaiting the orders of the coroner, as to their disy It THE PRGE OF BREAD church or) : . ri was especially good. weight of. the loaf and keeping * | price per loaf ; | keeping the weight the same and rais- ing the price of the loaf when neces- sary. The bakers know very well that by char: price of the loai. seventy-five per cent. of people do not realize what a great ---- Canadian flour is sold chea land thaw in Canada, hE in Scotland the price of the staff of lilé is carefully looked after. The next step we shall hear of will probably be the destruc- tion of sufficient wheat to keep up the price. as has already heen dope, most 2 s unrighteouslv, with fish and cotton.-- r who gave him his orders | D, H. MARSHALL, "Elmhurst." Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By heimer, in Kirkpatrick's Art Gallery, Princess street. not to suffer the abuse of a "grumpv | The football Ottawa on deserted the corps, and now he is re- the C.P.R., and reach here at 11 a.m. from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are made expressly for sleepless, Deeply Impressive. vous, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 2c. the roller rink for students who show their registration dominion, as well as in the Northern [sion and skates. give the service deep impressiveness. | lars in ---- ers, 25¢c.; strong, 25¢. New York Dress Reform. |§ the prosecute "an educational ca enlighten the people on the question of a free or partially free Collegiate Institute. All the council will db will be to submit the question to the rate- pavers, your Tablets everywhere are now or ste : ii Prompt. ventics for they are not ventics will chitis, Pn raiture; ote, WITH PLAN Adopted By the Bakers in Reduc- ing the Weight of the Loaves-- The City Council Not Wise in Its Action. Kingston, Oct. 21.--(To the Editor): The bread question is annoying. Every year about this time there is agitation for higher to be given for it. Now it has been found expedient to raise the cost of the lai but. it weight to two and one-half pounds, prices and some reason has loaf of three pounds todle s been decided to reduce the nd keep the price at 10c.Workingmen, what do you think of the deal ? Have ladies, | YOU caught Je real [mening _of ® 2 3 y 2) ar Pret pols pend gf Be than lc. for three pounds ? The bak- ,{ers are always posing as your friends. he! Do they deserve the title in this in- stance ENQUIRER. : and one-half pou The Price Of Bread. Kingston, Oct. 21.--(To the Edit- Like many other citizens 1 no- ced in your Saturday's paper that the weight of the five-cent loaf was to be reduced - | half pounds, and was delighted, yesterdav to hear strenuously denounce such a proceed- ing. not really responsible "for the rise in the price of bread, and that we mist {look to those who control the price of flour, but, responsible ! |gether straightforward), in which the to-day from one and one- pounds to-one and one-cuarter Dr. Mackie, in his pulpit, It may be that the bakers are surely, the bakers are for the way (not alto- the the the same, instead of se is effected, viz., in reducing the weight instead of the MARINE NEWS. [increase takes place in the price of al bread. The standard loaves are the The Items Gathered About the! four pound: and two pound loaves, and at the rate of five cents for one and one-quarter pounds, we now pay eight cents for a two pound loaf, in- ead of five cents, which was the price a few years ago. The city fathers are, in the opinion of many wise citizens, making a great mistake in allowing the bakers to re-| duce the weight of the legal loaf. In well-governed communities the weight yesterday. : . ol and price of the standard loaf are The Mi Alesindria. wai at Fat carefully safe-guarded, In many places persons delivering bread are required | to carry scales and weights; and anv customer can demand that the bread he buys be weighed before him. . Careful housekeepers groceries delivered at their houses. I] might here remark that bread made of weigh the bread and r in Scot- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Reporters on Their Rounds. When buying a piano see the Nord- excursion train from Saturday will come over Those unhappy persons who suffer leepl ner- Special rates are now in force at tickets. The even- g prices have been cut in two, mak- g the price fifteen cents for admis- very old lady was grandma Jones, She had passed her four score . and three, Bs, nd had no aches or pains in her Rocky | 3 bones, For she drank Mountain Tea. Talking about carrying bad habits Hollister's to God's house, we know good pil- | keep a little | piece of-tabacco in their mouths while they sing and pray, and they do not feel they are defiling any temple. ined, 25c.; draw-|& extra | g churches who Undervests, fleece-li hmere stockings, The city council wants to know if board of education intends to mpaign to To check a cold quickly get from ist some little Candy Cold led Preventics, i nothing harsh nor sickening, at the "sneeze stage' Good "for feverish child. | ren. 48 Preventics 25¢. Trial boxes | 3 Be. Sold by all dealers. ee ---- For first-class storage when you just have to i is not at all probable that any trace of wha the man was will ever he found,as he was so long in the water without any report of a missing man being circulated. The body will likely be buried at the city's expense. Pre- | § prevent Pnevitionia, Bron- | ¥ La Grippe, ete. Hence the name. i on carriages, | furniture, -¢ 20 to James Latur-|$ hey's Carriage Works, 390 Princess St One of the hardest things to do js! g raise money have it. 2 popular prices, '§ 25¢c. a Yard and Up. ce-- Watermans Ideal Pens, in oll standard sizes. "Clip Caps" it is mext to imposiible to lose them from' the pocket or belt. 5 The points are assorted to suit all users, and guar- anteed. SMITH BROS., Jewellars & Opticians 350 King Street. Issuers of Marriag Jsicenses. 'Phone 868 Just Arrived a Choice Lot of SEAL SKINS Call and see them. W. F GOURDIER, Exclusive Furrier 76, 78 and 80 Brock St. "Phone, 700. RAND UNION HOTEL ® We have the kind E that will keep you warm on a cold night, and do not cost an exorbitant $8 price either. $ _ White Wool Blankets, § $2.95 and up. § Grey Wool Blankets, ® $2.00 and up. Flannelette Blankets, all sizes. Underwear For men, women and children, all kinds and sizes, Fleece-lined, Union, Scotch Lamb's Wool, Natural Wool, § etc. Let us show you f what we can do in the way -of big bargains E in Underwear. Dréss Goods . All the wanted shades in heavy, medium or p light weights at very > > ERS ADDRESS) , amd endorsed *"T) . and additions wl ice B i onto, Ont." wi Ser shu office until Tuesds November, 5, 1907, inclusively, Jor erations additions to the Buiting; Toronto, Ong. ean be stan fo ot at this Depa obtained s- and at a ot Mr. Thee. o 8, hy rs 0, Ont. ate notified that t ders will mot be uniess my pn the mn supplied, and sig with har RE run: 3 tender must be accompanied by han toma chartered ba : order, of the H irable She Mimistez of Public Wor ount of the 1 --_. if the person tendering decline enter into & wonrace an Sl if be fai ©o tomple nn coutrae Ji the tender t os cted for. - ed the chégque will be retury ! The Department does not bind itsel accept the lowest or any tender, By order, "FRED. GELINAS, Secretar, po ment of Public Works, L Tepart Ottawa, October, 18, 390 Newspapers will not be paid for advertisement if they imesert it with authority from the Department. ete? PURE AND WHOLESOME OME POURD CAN 260 E.W.GILLETT 3 TORONTO.ONT. oe You touch the button it d the rest. SEE IT. You will find it a case "Love at first sight." J. R. C. Dobbs & Cc 171 Wellington St Knitt We would like yc Jook at Qur Nev are certainly ver patterns. All sizes. 4.50 EP. JENKII 114 PRI