5 Be sure and try : i Br § i ecials For aturday. § of Lamb at 12}c a Ib. 40 Front Quarters, 1c a Ib. ) Ibs. Lamb Chops, 12} to 15¢ a Ib. 00 Ibs. Boiling Pork, 10c a Ib. 500 Ibs. Round Steak, 10c a Ib. 0 Ibs. Sirloin Steak, 12}c. 800 lbs, Fresh Pork, 10 to 12jc. 400 Ibs. Good Roast Beef, 8c Ib, Birloin and Rib Roast Beef, 10 to 12}c. 500 The. Stewing Beef at 5c a lb. 500 1bs. Fresh Sausages (our own make) 8 lbs. 25¢.§ Pure Pork Sausages, 2 Ibs for 25c. Frankfort Sausages, 2 Ibs. for 25c. 50 sides of Breakfast Bacon at 16¢ a 1b. by the side' Windsor Bacon, Pea Meal Bacon, on sale To-Mor- N it. our Head Cheese and Cooked Meats. lerson Bros., Cor. Princess and Division Sts. -| the end of next week. 8. Tunisian, 8.8. Cervonia and Ionian inward at Father Point, r| member that Queen's students' parade give him full proof of the tale and .| the city on his holidays. p Sinclair Yh viting in the city. dominion. For the preceding year the ratio was 3.31, and the previous low- est ratio was-3.27 in 1587. The aver- of customs officers in Can Lusitania Gets. Another Record. Queenstown, Oct, 25.--The Cunard line steamer Lusitania arrived here at 9:30 J'clock, last evening. broken the best previous eastern re- best previous record from four hours and nineteen min- utes, This the Lusitania made herself on her last run from New York. The Lusitania cleared Sandy Hook lirht- ship at 5:04 p.m., Saturday last Her time of passage has been four days, twenty-two hours and. forty-six min- A Big Team Race. 25.--The Montreal Star announces, that, at the req of he Yak A, 4 Al 'S WORTH If you are not wearing "Progress Brand" Clothing, you are not get- ting as much style--as much ser- vice--and not nearly as much satis- faction--as you should. ; will tell you so. * Look for the Label that Protects. lt goes on every genuine "ProcrEss ~ ° BrAND" Buit or Overcoats. ~~" Suits, $10 to 2:0. ~~ Overcoats, $10 to 20. Rain Coats, $10 to 16.50. $2.20 to.5. day, visiting friends. The survey will{ete. The complete vocal song of stay out about three weeks longer, | "The Blue Moon," also the big song when work will be given up for the| hits from "The Blue Moon" and 'The ide rg phies vi suitable trophi Longboat, and all great Canadian runners who are from running here, except un- auspices, on aceount of the senseless athletic fight now going nd refuse to run in the Montreal Herald race, to take partiin a big team race to be run on November 9th. Te- turned to-day from Baltimore. He will Earth Beside Thee," 10c. a copy leave to-morrow for New York, to go| "My Dear," the big song success, by roller rinks in the world. "Mac" will| Princess street. be missed in sporting circles in the city especially jin ice' and roller hockey, > chai: 1 E. Ryder, J, Burull, D. Ascher, Mon- the board of works, and the cit 3 .| treal; H. A. Harrison, Fred. Hill, Mr. , » city. engi- t the|and Mrs. grt, BE Dx. neer regarding the purchase by ; Bryce, Mr. and Mea, O'Brien, Me, und re... J. C. Smith, J. Wheaton, B. M.| hove. "Su, age: ar man Ge Stevenson, Walter Clemens. Toronto:| gid not attend, so the Conferenss mas J. E. Hampson, W, H. McWilliams, | 5 o0noned, Hamilton; Hicks, Woodstock ; Ont., Oct. 98.--A Somerford, Brantford i Napanee; J. A. Kerr, E. R. McBride,| Dean Connell, of Queen's Medical Belléville; W. A. Thompson, R. E.| College, has received application for no Cushman, R. T. Cornell, New York; | less than six house surgeons for hos- A: B. Pi Detroit; H. Smith, Chi-| pita X. Nicholls a Eng: A. M. [remainder of last spring's graduates, man, C, Pierce, W,. J. Agnew, W. T.|quite a demand for Queen's medical LOAF OF BREAD. - R. Poor Against the Church. fever patients [tions the ability the family men- i: tioned by "Housekeeper" to eat eigh ) in twisted [one and a quarter pound loaves daily. 4 at Best's. |1 am authorized by. "Housekeeper" to 'class opened "at the |TePeat her statement as a fact. The M.C.A., attracted a goodly number [Wonder may be greatly lessened when might, the attendance numbering |it 8 more fully stated, that leaving oe. 'MaeTavish and Princ the infant out of the case, which Pan. were in charge. was only referred to as hard for the boarding , $196 John- {mother to go out workin~ there are will open at once if suf-|three grown-up persons, three growing omy a" made before Sa-| boys and one growing girl, and that is at 3 .W.C.A. "rooms, {bread is the chief, article of food. ydenham, streets] It is very easy when such tales are : benches have re-| 010; fo, put down the newspaper say- Wooden chairs in thelyl€ With a smile or a frown, Not ; 5 wa ; : Bt carge the that well-fed people talk. Whey will moval of the chsirs and their replace. (Seiber sce nor believe the ills of t " o 4 o people by reason of thei ment by seats, in the battery gallery sufficiency, and this scepticism - See Bibby's $1.50 Mocha gloves. part of so many who have, has crea- v lined, 5¢.; digw- ted an intense hatred in the hearts of ata, Boece stockin gs "extra |those who have not against those who strong, 2. New York Dress Reform. (fae: Which is creatine alarm in all The sé of St. George's cathedinl lands. Multitudes increasing daily are " inet ton id Ne doh arraying themselves against Christ's tore a0 SS he Lou A onl church, as the 'guil(y patron of wealth ie synod hall, T hr a aud Pros ion, because those people ou y 0 not see an ' not belie $ possi bility that the hall may be ready | well as those who directly work 'the use of the various societies by ills, are not only her members but £ adie ai often her members of power and pro- of every description. See Cs leat ScattSring gs of gL or even bu iversiti pu. mittens, 15¢. "New York Dress Re- Sveocling well, it ay ber But yo Rn orm. right, other 2 The steam yacht Sport, one of the man le Toded at th y finest private yachts on the river, is|of "No Bread !" and an Tihuainn --- in trouble at Brophy's Point. Her | swer to the ery led to the Freron £3 siecing gear is out of order. When | volution: Has the past no voice * Seamer New giand Wandecer warning ? Is the ability of ravening Bhasiad SLT Way rom Cape Yineeht] hunger 10 be measured-by the ow Jas siding at anchor and did not| of a bampered appetite ? hin uire h " ps 2 Lar rod help, "Best's Short Stop" I "Reader" will come to the manse with a ten dollar bill in his h _-- : d ! in his hand suf- hy all coughs always and costs but| geo to buy a breadmaker and a It would be well for people to re supply of flour, "Housekeeper" will one 0 how him how quitkly the littl is to take place to-morrow evening. of erie a tle loaf Princess. street will not be the best (in the hands of the mages. TP" Blace oA by Guriagos , Tat the stu- I say it is an iniquity favored with Gena ve rolic they want, |scorn to cut slice after slice off the & them be caref ol not to injury | loaf of bread, and say as you hold it property or people either. gut So the purchgser who must have bread whether he has money or not PERSONAL MENTION. "The gaits Jeiee, please." Lot us fave ke ony straightiorwardness in this matter, Of The Fovpit.Yihat Let the standard weight be red i 4 Are Saying And oing. beyond the power of aldermen, com. J ovell, Sydenham, was a visitor | hine or individual, to meddle with it. in the city, to-day. . : |Lot the price of bread be raised only William , Kansas, Mo., is in| when dire necessity demands it, and \ that I hold is determined "Provi- , of Ogdensburg, N. fence alone.--Yours ow Sg 4 MAC. ty Warden and Mee asary, of , are visit Wa. Nia IT 7. Pom in Oto uy. CITY NOT ENTITLED. a apes, are visiting Mrs. | To Representatives at K.S.F. & 0. Mrs. J. P. Pense, Princess street, RR. Co. Meeting. who has been confined to her bed for| There is nothing in the by-law the past week is around again. ment between the city and the Ring- Frederick Reid, Ontario street, re-| *ton-Smith's Falls and Ottawa Rail- fursed to-day, from a week's shooting | Way company, with reference to the trip on the K. & P. railway. city being entitled to representation Bessie Moutray, of Stella, is|at the. company's meetings. H the city visiling in the city, the guest of Mrs. | council wants to address the com- C. W. Wright, Colborne street. pany's directors at their meeting on Fa eaney, of Kingston, has November Ist, regarding the $3,000 béen transferred to the parish of Lan-| Paid over for preliminary surveys and ark, and leit for that place to-day. other expenses, it had better do so by Henry Glassford, of the C.P.R. of-| 8 communication. It would be very fices, Montreal, is visiting his aunt,| nice if the $3,000 could he got back, Mrs, W. H. Sparling, Colborne street. | but will those nice kind drectors con. Rev. Dr. J. L. Burrows, Ashtabula,| Sider the matter ? There is no doubt Ohio, is critically ill with slight hopes | 88 to the money being paid over, but of his recovery. He has many friends | there is doubt as to whether the city in Kingston. will ever get it back again: Alderman Mrs, D. Gillespie, Regina, started, | Elliott, in his endeavors to get the to-day, on her long homeward trip,| money returned, might sing for the after visiting Mrs. J. D. Thompson, | City council that pathetic Scorch song Colborne street. entitled, "Will Ye No Come Back Miss Gussie Wright, of Colborne| Again ?" street, has returned from a pleasant dr trip to Stella, where she was the guest Our Music Department. of Mrs. W. H. Moutray. Buy the latest song hit, the latest Mrs. J. Fitzmartyn, University ave-|popular two-steps and waltzes. Spe- nue, entertained Wednesday evening, | cial price on Saturday, Oct. 26th, at in honor of her guest, = Mrs. J. Me-|15c. a copy, iwo copies for 25c. Auiey, and Miss Helen McAuley, New-| 'The Star Dance Folio, No. 7," has . just been published. It containg 70 B. W. O'Shea of the Kingston and [pages of -the latest songs, arranged as Pembroke survey, was in the city to-|waltzes, two-steps, marches, lancers, winter months. Gingerbread Man" are now reddy. Malcom Ryan, formerly captain of] Two new sacred songs, "A Father's the Crescent roller hockey team, Lullaby" and "Whom Have I On in with his' brother, who is manager| the writers of "Love Me and th of the C . tal rink, one of the largest) World is Mine." McDermott Bros. 260 $ saab To Attend. } - (esterday afternoon a representative Arrivals At B, A. Hotel. of @ Montreal road plant company H. R. Barroud, James Devlin, T. bad an appointment. for a conference ing the local roads. Alderman Gaskin, tawa: George : G. L. Ruttan,| Queen's Medicals In Demand. Is in the state of Michigan and London, Eng. ; W mireal. He has already placed the P. Pannbton, Joseph Wald-| and can't send any more, There is , W. G. Davidson, Montreal. graduates hospitals ali over the et continent, which shows that the medi- Several Dogs Poisoned. cal training in Kingston is second to i none. pon i these different At The Barracks. : Were pomsonec. and Suc-| Col. Jones, Ottawa, director-gonoral E all of them. The of medical services; has: nrrived in the is evidently at work again.| city, and will make an inspection Ta ae Halle . Seven varieties of nuts in our mix- aoe Duan of re . t ¥ understood tha is. going into busi- Progeny coe So trick's Art Store and "= ¥ F : Rev. Dr. Mackie Deals With the cakes, puffs, eclairs and Bread Question--Socepticism of , first time this sea- the Well-to-Do Arrays the t the| St. Andrew's Manse, Kingston, Oct. been_ called {25.--(To the Editor) : '"'Reader'" ques- Worth Noting. $7.50 and Up Through a Long press you with our new Fall Coats are Good Style, Service, Last- Come To-morrow even if not prepared to buy. You may select a Coat and have it placed aside until required. We have some remarkable Coat values, Each is a well made garment, of up-to- date style, and guaranteed to give satis- faction. : List to $22.00. Worth Noting The three important merits that will im- ing Shapeliness. On These To-morrow Morning 213 Pairs Children's Ribbed Your choice To-morrow "Morning from 9 to 12 | Save Money Cashmere Stockings Sizes 6, 61, 7, 71, 8 inch, sellin regular] for 17¢, 18c, 20c, Be. y O'clock only, for 1214¢. Pair. 31, 5 yards, good value at 10c. yard. 600 Yards Good Quality Linen Crash Towelligg. All mill remnants, ranging from 1, yard 21 9 3 Yours To-morrow Morning, 7c. Yard. Hh, or 2 180 Sample Towels All sizes and makes, 15¢c, 20¢, 25c¢. 30¢, 85e, 49c. each. Your Choice at 20% Off. Button § Every One Glad to Have Them Back in Style Have your eyes tested at Best's by ppl } We have several nice lines for fall. ; Ladies' Dorothy Dodd High Cut Patent Leather, $5.00. Ladies' Dorothy College Cut Patent Button, $4.50. Ladies' Vici Kid Dorothy Button, nice and dressy, $4.50. Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Turn- ed Sole Dorothy Button, $4. Ladies' Empress Kid But- ton, comfortable kind, $3.00. Also numerous other styles. We will be pleased i to show them. § The Lockett Shoe Store. - he Lockett Stoe Store. YEAR 74. N( 'NOTICE. Owing to our first facilities, and up-to-da tem, we are able to tu quick and satisfactory work, on short notic wishing to disappoint convenience our cust who favor us with orders for new work. following notice will effect, NOV. 1st, 0 Repairs and Alteration After above date for repairs or alteratio not be excuted before 1st, "08. dohn McKay Fur H 149-1556 Brock 8 POO0000004000004 Fresh Cheese . Arri NEUFCHATEL ROQUEFORT OKA TILSITER Jas, Redden & Importers Of Fine Gre Valuable Properties For RINGWOOD, magnificent aad bulldings. OSELAWN, beautiful apd ho other + residences, at various price . Iormetion. At SW . TAKE NOTICE I have the Hone of Hea had have enormous Furniture, that I want to dis wery low as 1 want th An Opinion Voluntee London, Oct. 26.--The Journal discusses the mi Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, | and hints that it is becau: is bound hands and feet b panese treaty that Mr. Ler accredited on behalf of Ca violation of all diplomatic | The Journal adds that the are hardly likely to give : for nothing. ete eet Will we raise the price of j give nine for the dozen? | will not be raised before De will be open Thanksgiving early. Weese, Princess street "It prevents consumption' your cough. Gibson's Red Cr syrup. Headquarters for Persian | ets. McKay Fur House. EE DAILY MEMORAN Resolved, That Campbell Bros'. Hats ar Have no egal at the price Queen's Students' Parade, 8 Waterworks' Committee, 4] v. Roller Rink every afternoon in g- Wonderland Theatre, after evening. Young Company, Grand Ope 8.15 p.m. Read Vanluven's advt. on P grocery bargains. Princess Theatre--Moving Pic Illustrated Songs. Citizens' Meeting, on Monda at 8 o'clock im Y.M.C.A. This day in history -- Victors at OChateaugay, 1813. Remember St. Andrew's 'Ar cital, Thursday, 8 p.m. Sale of 'Schooner Clara' Youel House, Oswego, N.Y., on Mon Thavksgivi Night, Frank Tllustrated ER curer The Car day" Y.M.C.A. 'Seats, 25¢., 3 WHIG TELEPHONE 243--Business Office. 229--Editorial Rooms. 292--J obbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at | The Daily Whig is always o Gibson's Drug Bore, ; Market Open till late each evening. STUDEN WE HAVE THE STU LAMP YOU WA Neat Solid Nickle, w green shade. Very ea the eyes;-and will mak work a pleasure. No smoke. No sm Don't ruin your ey ; ; See them at 'Robertson Br