7.30 to 10 ) O'clock. | things have arriv- these we have plac- it To-Night. is well worth or. and good values, at 8c. Yard. aitings 1 as suits and a capi- The values are 40c, \sts for 25¢c. Yard. se Your Fall ight. inter Coats in King- -to-date styles and sr mind, make your 50, 13.75 and up; rts ials. All new skirt HUSBAND ARRESTED. is Wife Said to Have Been Poisoned. Ottawa, Oct. 26.--On the strength a wire, from Toronto, Thomas rng, of Osgoode, was, this morning. rested on a charge of murder. The omach of the deceased wife had been nt for analysis. The inquest ened, yesterday, and adjourned idence was given of some roug! age and neighbors' suspicions. but tle material evidence was adduced unty Chief of Police Haniilton had ready brought them in from the anty to give evidence at the in- est. At daylight, this morning, he ove out and took him into cus dy. The deceased woman was a itish immierant and had not been re very long. The husband alleged e died of cramps after he had ad nistered some whiske~ The hus: nd is of a tacitarn nature. was Girl Buried Alive. Calcutta, Oct. 26.--After a little girl 1d been buried at Biskra, her father wught he heard muffled cries coming om the ground. He tore off the thin yer of earth raves and found his child alive. now quite well again. which covers Moslem She See Bibby's 50c. knitted scarf. "The children's favorite," ( ed Cross Cough Syrup, 20c, je. Try Bibby's for knitted scarfs, s forLadies e Them Back in Style | Ve have several nice lines fall. adies' Dorothy, Dodd, th Cut Patent Leather, 00. .adies' Dorothy College t Patent Button, $4.50. .adies' Vici Kid Dorothy § tton, nice and dressy, 50. lies' Fine Vici Kid Turn- Sole Dorothy Button, $4. Ladies' Empress Kid But- , comfortable kind, $3.00. tyles. We will be pleased Shoe Store. received. YEAR 74. Fee LL | | SECOND SECTION, ~~ ------ --- EE -- A likes it to be kept up. NA TERRORISTS' HUMOR. peters Cossacks' Work Tickled Them Im- mensely. 1 ! 96. -- The 2 S18 Irror- 1 . . I Berlin, Oct. 26.--The Russian oo { problem is an excelent one. Continue | Mr ists are developing a sense of humor. ft, arrest, seize the whole village, raid |er of hunters, ago a pyroxelene bomb the cantonal police Some weeks was thrown into At the close of the German manoeuvers front of the general's tent, helmets and straw epaulettes, hung their spoons and pannikins. THE ONE MOMENT WHEN and opposite them, carry wooden swords, All the mounts are carthorses. - ---- ---------- | A few days later Gov. Novitsky re- {ceived the famewing Jatter * "Your Excellency--~Allow P. house, us to ex- | restoring order to Dorisoglebsk. To us | sec ured {who throw bombs your solution of the | best the whoie neighborhood. You will he ; KINGST aH. press our gratitude for your way of [the prize for all THE BURLESQUE PARADE OF the men of the Reserves who are to be disbande: at a. distance of about fifty yards, is the band: T and imitate the mannerisms of the real officers. he salute is taken by one man on Hutchinson, of Catterick, bas not Yorkshire, the premier een ON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, ER -- OCTOBER 26, 1907. { oy indufe it to mar its columns with an RETIRING RESERVISTS. uration Every week now, two- . Sn thitds of its space is filled with dis- rye . p wl ah oli gusting and inafie pictures which aia 1 would at that time have disgraced GERMANY DOES NOT TAKE THE ARMY SERIOUS. d hold a burlesque :parade before the officers. he Reservists re SE England's Champion Farmer, the Manor won only put 1 award for the | cultivated farm in all England. | Hutchinson is a champion breed- | shorthorns and sheep. pleased because you have hostages, the | A very old lady was grandma Jones, -- Tt) The officers stand in who wear straw on which are and are commanded by bogus officers, Instead of standards the men carry a straw Cross, horsehack. The kaiser is very fond of the old ceremony, ' ¢ | concessions to. ordinary civilization, and be strikes back, blow for blow, s in the last resort for satisfaction which the savage man, the cave-dwell or, holds in reserve and only surrend Wis life... There are |libels, a fow written words of which consign a man to state's prison for a Letter From Greater NeW long term of years; they may be pen i in a of anger and sin- York. corely of only a sew hours BROADS would moment repented ago boasted that $10,000 would not "The Picpocket's and? Burglar's Ga= zette," and added new infamy to a society report of the slums. One of the vilest assaults of ihe lot has been on our mayor, George B, McClellan, who has - been elected and re-elected mayor of Greater New York the second city of the world in -point of population and first in point of wealth. The political elevation accord- ed to him could only be attained hy a previous good character, known and endorsed by thousands of his fellow- citizens: he was selected for the highest office in the people's gift, and his first term was regarded as a probation. Fram. start to finish it was honest; 'he was weighed in the "Balance and never found 'wanting: his re-election was a trinmph,--and now, after his extended and honesty,--he is assailed by a pro- minent journal as a thief and com: panion of thieves, the whole of whase term of office hs been devoted to public plunder. The language of the accusation is of the most shocking and vulgar description, and could only have been conceived by a victim of total depravity. What must the people of Europe think of us if we go down to the lowest slums among the dwell- ings of th? thugs and river pirates, %o sook for candidates to fill our great public offices --yet, this is, virtually, the charge of this unhung libeler. If Mayor MeClellan is guilty of one- quarter of the crimes of which he is accused, he ought to bo in state's prison, instead of sitting in the chair of sour chief magistrate. If he is not ity, his libeler should .pay for his crime at the whipping post of honest public opinion The failure of the Heinzes, early in the week, has less sensation than might have been expected from the large amount of the'sum involved. There appears to be a wide difference in the estimated loss; the first report was twenty millions, and the last is fifty millions. How any banking-house could have been allowed to gamble away £0 many millions of other peo- ple's money is beyond my conception. At last the world has some war matters to talk about. Japan has no notion of ever returning Port Arthur to China, Russia or any other.power. --sghe is going to make it her principal base of supplies; here she will place her great factories for the manufae- ture of eight, ten and fwelve-inch caused has raised all the Russian warships, the siege. She is putting the defences of the city in perfect order, so as to make them as nearly imprégnable a= possible. She has placed an order at Krupp's for thirty twelve-inch guns and sent to Fngland for tools to make armor-plates and all kinds of guns and ammunition --and lastly, the has changed the name and christened 1 all this does not it in ' Japanese, look like "In time of peace" to be "preparing for war'--then TI don't know what does. --~BROADRRIV. office at Dorisoglebsk. Two police muzhiks will be pleased because they | She had passed her four score 'and : \ men were wounded. As the culprits) jl] get free food, and we will be | three, i fter they have been sent out on their were not secured the governor des- pleased because you cannot arrest thet And hil vo' uches or pains in her] -- fetal m sion of vengeance, but when cended on the village with Cossacks police office, into which we sh i NOROE. ' Hey 1a ve heen mounted on the ving s and threatened to arrest the firsbiihrow another bomb next week. | Fof she drank Hollister's Rocky THE LIB L ABROAD a OT es villagers he saw if the peasants did The B. 0. (Fighting Organization). ] Mountain Tea. fof the earth, in the race after such an not band the bombists over. To prove that the letter was not a Men who write books on how to get! 1 Pon 3 ji velit o, faite) Pep Next day five wholly innocent muz- hoax the sc cond bomb was duly rich « are usually = as poor as. church | : oF : RO trod ble BE oh hiks 'were: dragged off to" jail. throw. "| mice. : VILIFYING OF HONEST MEN | Hr Toi cor i JLo catch the : | oetin 1 wwever villainous and i ------------------------ EE SRAM, GOES ON. {damn : i _, 1 Am ! t easily Ove ¥ i] oe | The Whipping Post Should Pe the | nor ¢ of our erin inal A Punishment--The Respectable | murders ide divorces, robberies d crimes are served as the The recent born after the flight of f rriage of the f ormer efforts of the King of Saxony to obtain the youthful Princess and her abduction would appear R A WOULD-BE ROYAL KIDNAPPEE of Saxony Crown Princess jis younvest child, possession of kb incess with the tutor Giron. ; Re to be but a questi to a mus the Princess The King has many emissaries ician has Monica on of time. redoubled the Pea, tracing Journals Give Space to the Manv a man after putting his foot | in it isn't satisfied until he gets there | with both feet. | For medicinal or table use our im- | ported olive oil is unexcelled. A. P. | Chown, One's neighhors can see an eclipse of the honeymoon without the aid of a telescope, druggist. Didn't vou ever notice what mean disnositions most reformers have ? When vou bury an old animosity " mind about the gravestone $1000 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure mop known to the medical fraternity atarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is take® saternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda- tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con- stitution and assisting nature in doin its work, 'The proprietors have so muc faith in its curative powers that they offer One Humdred Dollars for any. cease that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 73e. Take Hall's Family Pills for Geneti- pation. SO TOSI, Slanders--Depraved Tastes. ! um of an eager and expect nt hli I kup giv paper, one| Special Cor udence: Letter-No. 1 of the pretent « sort and evidently | New York, Uct. 25.--Have wea the or of large advertising pat of libel in this land, or is the cha ' ibel that disgraced and acter of every citizen, high or ! foul vond eanception, the first rich or poor, to be lett to the n | two b figures of well-| of any and every political thiet i acknowled zed | thug, who, defeated in his schems atedly been re- | loot. the public treasury, murder richest and most desir-| faithful sentinels who protect it, the gift of the people. | then proceeds vo' Ken tuelr memo were selected as the sub-| ories with an usation of crime oq f t week's brutal attack; the to that of the most infamous crin hele re not altogether in words | nal on record ? In auswer to my u hat 1 onl¢ be understood in | a} quiry = at the beginning of this lett nele language nd of a single na- I reply that we have a law of libel) t wit with a refinement of villainy | in this land, and sufficient } { rallel, the libelers, a | ample protection, if properly ac | { the profuse vocabulary ~of| tered, to the character of every i \ & in the fpuio Sason,--rich as zen as far as any law can. But there} if ii lirctives and superlatives of are libels outside the pale of the «| inf fal k on the universal | mon law, for which no protect ie] Valapuks of the eve, which is as well afforded, whose final adjudicat 151 | miderstoad by a Chortaw Indian or an be the of the Red Hand, when | African neoro as hy any professor of 1 an outra great. for human en: | lan es front Harvard or Yale. This | durance : a man from his] th Wt paper that twenty years | _. I . -- rr A SCENE FROM "WAY DOWN EAST." To Be at The Grand, on Friday, Nov. 1st, term of service, repeated with honor |} guns, and their fixed ammunition, She which she sank in the harbor during oogeerd, It 48 a perfect food, a wholesome as it | CHOICE RECIPE BOOK SENT FREE ON REQUEST | Walter Baker & Co, Ltd. PORCH --. 18, 5 BRANCH HOUSE : 86 St. Peter Street, Montreal 4 guise. 4 MAGIC BAKING POWDER PL ALL Sie EW.GILLETT fiveaf TORONTO, ONT. to any Dye ©: At Home! --- Maypo lek Jas eake of Joap that an one ration. an old faxhicned dirty. bY ~ dye, It gives brilliant, anything dyes to any color or shade. Good-bye to that trip to the dye house e with Maypole. Maypole Soap Joc, for Colors--ise. for Biack, Frank L. Benedict & Co. Montreal. 64 dye at SHOP 0004400090¢ COAL! The sudden changes in weather ought to suggest the wisdom of putting in some good Coal Wa oll good Coal. It's the kind that sends out the most heat, and makes the home comfortable ; it's the best money can buy, and thers is nome better mined. We deliver # to you clean and withort slate, at the very bottom prices. BOOTH & CO., | Phone 138, Foot of West St SSB GPO wourder fal MARVEL Wririing Spray. The ow Vaelnal Fyvispe. lia natantly. PRLY C0. Windsar. Ont. Aeats for Canis. More profitable re. xy are IES £m Cg oo bere oC per, Aon uuioh Bin Huxab. Abo, "How to Rid Birds of . el yi stamps or col. Getdapo R ol Bike Shred soyeiers y : COTTAM BIRD SEED v ; Ont. 3 82 Bathurst St., London New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. " Open from 10.30 am. to 8 am, the best place to get an all round Lunch in the city. Meals of all kinds on shorg@st notice. . English and Chinese dishes & & specialty. Phone, 635, ) 3 Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, etc., for sale. Sele of Horses gvery