Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1907, p. 1

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Noting. >markable Coat values. ade garment, of up-to- aranteed to give satis- Through a Long y $22.00. . Noting ant merits that will im- ew Fall Coats are Service, Last- Apeliness. n if not prepared to buy. it and have it placed aside Money morrow Morning ildren's Ribbed e Stockings 8 inch, selling regular] 18e, 20c, Be y ow "Morning from 9 to 12 k only, for 1214¢. Pair. Good Quality sh Towelligg. ranging from 1 yard, 21, 1e at 10c. yard. 4 vr Morning, 7c. Yard. ple Towels es, 15c, 20c, 25c. 30¢, e at 20% Off. Aor rll -- a A] es for Ladies ave Them Back in Style We have several nice lines for fall. D Ladies' Dorothy Dodd High Cut Patent Leather, sto dies' Dorothy Colle Cut Patent Button, $450 3 Ladies' Vici Kid Dorothy utton, nice and $4.50. I Yr Ladies' Fine Vici Kid Tarn- ed Sole Dorothy Button, $4. Ladies' Empress Kid But- ton, comfortable kind, $3.00. Tt styles. We will be pleased - t Shoe Store. : 74. NO. 251, 'NOTICE. Owing to our first class facilities, and up-to-date sys- tem, we are able to turn out quick and satisfactory new work, on short notice, not wishing to disappoint or in- convenience our customers, b who favor us with their y orders for new works The following notice will take effect, NOV. 1st, '07,, on Repairs and Alterations. After above date orders for repairs or alterations can not be excuted before Jan. 1st, "08. dohn McKay Fur House, 149-155 Brock 87. Fresh - Cheese . Arrivals NEUFCHATEL ROQUEFORT OKA TILSITER Jas, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. Valuable Properties For Sale, RINGWOOD, magnificent grounds nd Sao. beautiful residence and also other of residences, at various Iiformetion. at SW 'S TAKE NOTICE. I have the Mne of Heaters I ever fad, I have an enormous stock Furniture, that I want to dispose of at wery low as 1 want the room for Heaters: TURK'S Second-Hend 898 Princess sleet. An Opinion Volunteered. London, Oct. 26.--The Freeman's Journal discusses the mission of Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux, to Japan, and hints that it is because Britain is bound hands and feet by the Ja- panese treaty that Mr. Lemicux is accredited on behalf of Canada in violation of all diplomatic precedent. The Journal adds that the Japanese are hardly likely to give something for nothing. ------ Will we raise the price of photos or give nine for the dozen? Our prices will not be raised before Dec. lst. Wel will be open Thanksgiving. Come early. Weese, Princess street. : "It prevents consumption" by curing your cough. Gibson's Red Cross uarug syrup. : : Headquarters for Persian lamb jack- ets. MeKay Fur House. DAILY MEMORANDA. Resolved, 'That Campbell Bros'. Hats and Furs Have no egal at the price Queen's Students' Parade, 8 p.m. Waterworks' Committee, 4 p.m., Mon v Roller Rink every afternoon and even- g- ' Wonderland Theatre, afternoon and ® " Young Company, Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m. Réad Vanluven's advt. on Page 8, for grocery bargains. Princess Theatre--Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs. Citizens' Meeting, on Monday evening at 8 o'clock im Y.M.C.A. This day in history :--Canadians Victors at teaugay, 1818. Remember St. Andrew's 'Ammual Re cital, Thursday, 8 p.m. Sale of 'Schooner Clara Youell' at Court House, Oswego, N.Y., on Monduy next. Thavksgivi ight, Frank Yeigh's Tiugtrates cont The Canada of To- day" Y.M.C.A. 'Seats, 25¢., 83c. WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Egditorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. The Daily Whig is always on sale at Gibson's Drug tore, , Market Square-- Open till late each evening. STUDENTS "WE HAVE THE STUDY LAMP YOU WANT. Neat Solid Nickle, with a green shade. Very easy en the eyes;-and will niake your work a pleasure. No smgke. No smell: Don't ruin your eyes. bu --- See them at Robertson Bros. of | od his will, written a letter indicating | Montreal, Oct. 26.--McGill Univer- sity is about to lose one of, her most DR. TORY TO LEAVE McGILL. ---------- 4 Appointed President of New Uni- | : versity of Alberta. that Dr. professor of mathe- | matics, has been appointed president tof the new provincial University of Al berta, and will sever his connection with McGill about the lst of January, { to assume his new duties as principal of the western nuiversity: ) Rev. Dr. Henry Marshall Tory, B. D., M.A., D8c., is a native of Guys: boro, N.8., and received his early wdu- prominent professors in |In a Manner Bordering on 'ory. associate | Levity. | SEEMS 'To BE INDIFFEREN © cation at the academy there, carrying on his. _studids at MeGill Univer- sity. Graduating gold medalist mn mathematics and physics in 1800, Dr A Saxony Young Woman Who |10ty spent some time over research Killed Her Fiance For His work in the Cavendish laboratories at . Cambridge University, England. Money--She Continued An In- J) ] Upon his return, he prepared ior | timacy With Another Lover [the Methodist, church, taking the and Had Two Childeen, Eh doghes from the Wesleyan Theolo- "ox A gical College. aa, Oe 2 segirete Beyer, the|™ Retiring Jrom active ministerial 4 gomaster of work, Dr, Tory became lecturer in Brand, Saxony, who killed her fiance| mathematics in McGill University. in order to secure possession of $2,500 In 1903 he received the dogree of he bad willed to her as a marriage | ).Sc. -in course at MeoGill, and two ft, is as nonchalant a prisoner as |years later, along with President Fal- erman jailers have ever watched coner, received the honorary degree of over. Although charged 'with murder, | LL.D. forgery and embezzlement, in' collusion with her "mother and another lover, a! Dresden merchant named Meiker, her | manner is one of ftter indifference, | bordering on light-heartedness. She is a strikingly good-looking girl of twenty-three, a typical blonde, blue- eyed Saxon, of somewhat buxom figure. She was noted in Brand for her good humor; friendly disposition and 1 tasteful clothes, in which she display-|%*" ed a partiality for light-colored silks. TO HER FATE. WIFE ASKED IT. Mrs. Huston Asked Husband to Marry Governess. Philadelphia, Oct. 26.--Abraham F. Huston, of Coatesville, Pa., immense- wealthy, president of the Indepen- t Iron and Steel Association of the United States; thé Steel Trust's rival, is to marry Miss Alfreda Fran- ces Sly, who has been governess of his She was always accompanied by a sowerful St. Bernird dog. Her father, pawe of Ta | three daughters for several vears. Mr. | Huston, fifty-six ysars old, is a very once a coal miner, became head of the town savings bank, and eventually | 7°" Ta oR . a burgomaster., He left a considerable | religious Juaker; Miss Sly is thirty- . : . |seven years old. That they are to fortune, but, following his death, ir-| ok K . wi M regularities were discovered whien Inarry me knows only wien Mr, : rd ." | Huston took out a marriage license, have caused some suspicions as to his | po dav Tt is anid that when his first business integrity. The mother, who is|_ .. "s' iy : ala 4 : : + |wife died, a few weeks ago, she called seriously involved in her daughter's him and Miss Sly, for whom she had embezzlement and forgery accusations, | joo affection. 10 'her: bedside and comes from a cobbler's family. | urged them to wed and care for' her Although Grete was engaged to the hild A 4 : children. engineer Pressler, whom she shot in| Mav, after blindfolding him on the| SR ea pretense that he was to have a pleas- | ant surprise, she had continued= since | - 1906 a former intimacy of some years' | n standing with Meiker, as the result of | 3 Which Fao dead children er er and | DEEDS THAT COVER THE ew weeks ago Grete, her mother a WRONG PROPERTY. Meiker "were arrested on charges of forgery of a will in connection with Bd the mysterious death of Herr Kraetct,| 5 peacemaker Was Rined For His af. the Jacaly OMSe; | peouble--Charles Macdonald, a wealthy relative of the Bevers. | G ns . ' Grete subsequently confessed that she ananoque's Millionaire Goes had killed Pressler after having fory- | South For the Winter. Gananoque, Oct. 26. --Quite a mix- that he had taken his own life, and [yy in title deeds has come to light left the pistol beside his body in alamong the! property owners on the position «ogestine suicide. Her moth- east side of Osborne street. where a er and Meiker will he prosecutal as/ghort time since one of the ow ise of- accomplices in the forgery and mur-ifered his lot and dwelling Louse for der. sale. A buyer having vean found, it | was ascertained that the property re. TRIED TO KILL OFFICIAL. {presented in the deed was not the |same as that on which the house Officer Shot and Stabbed By a stands. Investigation brought to Subordinate. . light the fact thar there are three Qt Vinee yritish West [others in practically the same situa- Y Ringrion, ot Niownt. es ived here | tion. Efforts are beine made to nejes, 0 fo Tn St. George, Island of |straichten out the tanele. Juterdny. fom "that a desperate at-| Frederick Grav a respectable young Granada, state ie io to eninhite farmer, living a few miles north of the tempt has beep yin] | treasurer |town, whose name was mixed up in a Mr. Lockhart, the wig : |police court case a few weeks ago, and controller of cus me, named Ren- and who paid a nominal fine of two g A solored teverie De ow a pistol | dollars, to avoid the publicity of a amin, on y , dre J . - 1itrial, claims that he did not violate shots 2 » official : a : and fired three Shots u! hg Ts the law in anv wa as he had ' just | while he was ye bullets, pene-| Met the parties who were talking { building. ne O 3 pretty loud and was making an effort | trated Mr. Lockhart's hand Nile 81° to ret one of his neighbors who was | other lodged in his shoulder. The mani omewhat aggressive, awav from the | then drew a knife and stabbed "lscene of disturbance. His fine, he | treasurer in the side. The cashier,i jive was merely for being in bad | George McKie, who rushed to Nr. {company and for no violation of the {Tmckbart's juistanee; 1ecsived Serious 1.w on his part. The Young People's rashes in the hand anc high. Qociely of Grace Methodis: * Wien taken into custody Benjamin | 14 ty a ree Methodh t Chores drank a bottle of poison. He refused 4, ded social in the lecture rogm of to take an emetic, but a doctor punc-iGrace church, last evening. The {tured his arm and succeeded in in: | touching staff and pupils of Ganan- | jecting an antidote, a .., |oque high school received special in- |" It is thought that Mr. Lockhart will | yitations. | recover. | The funeral of the late Lora Edna {Seale took place from the residence Backaches Are Warnings. {of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A dull heavy pain or occasional | Seale, corner Garden and Stone sharp stitch in the back. are the most | streets, yesterday afternoon, to Wil- common symptoms of kidney trouble, | low Bank cemetery, The pupils of and these symptoms must always be Mise Stevens' class in the Stone heeded. You will find Peck's Kidney | street school, in which deceased was a land Liver Pills a most reliable rem- | winil, marched in : bodv pay o i ills cientifi p- | their last respects young yv. These pills are a scientific pre-! D to r a has can be depended upon {schoolmate. Rev. William Timberlake liver and blad- officiated. for the cure of kidney, der troubles. In boxes, 25c. only at Wade's Drug Store. back if not satisfactory -------------- Ominous Action. Oct 26. --Lord ige Wells, would For sale | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Macdonald, of Money | "Blinkbonnie,"" Main street, left ves- | terday morning for New York City, iwhere they will take up their resi- Idence for a few months, after which Milner: thee expect to nroceed to Washino- said the ton, D.C., to finish up the winter sea- not {som gs {| Herbert Moore, Kin~ street left with Charles Macdonald's auto car in charge, for New York fcity, where he will spend the winter in I Mr. Macdonald's employment. Henry -------------------- { Upton, of Montreal, is spending a few Lecture-Recitals. . dave in town this week. Rev. Wil By Rev. Harper Gray, beginning, liam Himberighe, Ho ha bec "oud. ote 29th, at 8 p.m. mn Lonvoea: jug the past weel in Danville, Que., aT Suhiect of Bist dee ee: and olay places in that province, has "Appreciation of Music, 1iustrate " Ireturned home =a Drisy Chown. Tickets for course, | johy who appeared before fifty cents. {Judee Macdonald. of Brockville, on . a charge of stealine a tent, and who {was remanded for a week for investi- Full accounts of all football games | sation, as to his soundness of mind, dazed in Canada to-day will be given [has heen released on suspended sen- PI oi of charge at the Iroquois Hor {tence and returned to his home. tel. so | The Soldiers Are Busy. London, ; speaking at Tunbric Franco-Canadian treaty hurt Great Britain much, but this ac. nh tion by Canada was more onunous| land fuller of warning than the Aus tralian tariff. Gerov gi Foothall Returns To-Night. 5 The only drug store open all day! Rome, Oet. 26.--The latest reports Ey, Glbsuir Red Cross druglfrom the districts, which were the Sunday, Gibsons Ie : gif y Which Sh e. In case of sickness don't for-| scene of the recent disastrous earth- Stay his | quakes, place the number of dead at [et rk guaranteed' in our Or gver 600 and thé iniured at 1.000. | Satisfaction { der clothing department 3 Olive oil from first quality | olives, at Chown's drug store. | McKay Fur House open to-nig Livingston's. | The troops are doing their utmost to of ripe! diminish the suffering of the people. | They work steadily, unmindful of fa- ht, 10 tiene. hurving the dead, rescuing the jiving, distributing food and clothing '| passed away, on Thursday, in the per- | Notices of Withdrawal Are - Required. CAL MONEY MARKET FUNDS SUPPLIED FROM VAR- IOUS SOURCES. The Way to Stay Runs on the Savings Banks--Decided Abate- ment in the Vigor of the Runs on Various of the Trust Lom- , . banies, New York, Oct. 26.--Secretarv of the Treasury Cortelyou continued, --oster- day. the deposit of government money in the national banks. J. P. Morgan & Co. and the banks associated with that firm in the work of restoring normal conditions 'acain supplied funds for the call moncy market. The savings banks of the city, in order to avoid the sacrifice bonds on a de- pressed stock market and to protect in this way the interests of their de- positors, agreed to demand notice of' withdrawals in the event of anvthing resembling a 'run 'on! the institution. The newly-formed clearine house com- mittee for trust companies performed its part of the work by assisting both the Trust Company of America and the Lincoln . Trust company' with the result that there was a decided abate- ment in the rigor of the run on both institutions. AN ALLEGED SPY. He Was Found With Setret Mili Codes. Paris, Oct. 26.--The arrest at Toulon, on Thursday, of Ensign Charles B. Ullmo, of the French fo an alleced spy, who later cbnipssed to havin abstracted a secret naval signal book and the naval cipher code, was follow- ed, yesterday, by the arrest, at Ven- dom, of an army reserve officer, nam- ed Berton, who is charged with nego- tiating with an agent of a foreign power for the sale of military secrets. The arrests are creating a great stir, and, as Ullmo is a Hebrew, the papers term his case a second Dreyfus affair, Complete plans for the mobilization of the French navy," the location of harbor m v ,event of war and photographs of "the shanism of France's famous seventy-five milli- metre field gun was found at Ullmo's lodgings, . bi Alberta Has Likely Won the Re- cord. - Lethbridge, Alta., Oct. 26.~Reports from the grain fields still continue to show bumper yields. Within six, miles of Lethbri there is estima 10 be three million' bushels of grain to market, Two years ago in June there was not a furrow tupned in the coal belt district, but this fall there will be marketed from that community not less than a quarter of a million bush- els. L. P. Jelliff, of Spring Coulee, threshed 486 acres of wheat with an average yield of 55 bushels to the nerve. - A particularly good: pateh. of ten measured acres was throshed by itself and yielded 626 bushels, or near- ly 63 bushels per acre. From Stir ug, Raymond, Magrath, Spring Cou- lee, McLeod, Taber Warner and the country across the Belly river, fr ers state the general average will be about 35 bushels of wheat and 50 bushels of oats to the meve. At Rocky Coulee, in the reputed semi- arid district, Mr. Lantend's whole farm of wheat averages 54 bushels by actual measurement, At Standoff a farm averaged 43, and William In- Tam's crop, Leth- ridge, went nearly 45 bushels to the acre. W. 8B. Sherd's, sight miles Gut, avers) slightly over . ad ube but what the Leth. There is no bridge district has the contingnt beat- en Tr. is year. 18 HE CONSUMPTIVE ? The Specialists Will Look Him Over Soon. Madrid, Oct. 206.--~The alarming re ports, circulated earlier in the month, regarding the health of King Alfonso, appear to be confifmed. Tt is under- stood 'that * his majesty, during Ws coming visit to London, will submit to the 'examination of a «| in tuberculosis, from which his father died. The king's open-air lile has, thus far, kept the hereditary dis- position in abeyance, and an - tion was performed on him recently in. the hope of checking the growing symptoms of consumption. 1S FADING AWAY THE CHANGES WROUGHT IN OLD QU'APPELLE. What Was Once a Rancher's Ideal Land Invaded By Homestead- ers--Ranching is Over, Regina, Sask., Oct. 20.=The god of the ranching industry so far as Qu'Ap- pelle valley is concerned is in sight, according to H. C. Lawson, because the farmers are pushing into that GIVEN SEVEN YEARS. Man Who Pleaded Guilty Gets) Stif Punishment. | Owen Sound, Oct, 26. ~Thomas A. Richardson, bigamist and thief, was sentenced to seven years in penitenti- | ary. Married September a, found | to be a bigamist the end of the Sno} month arrested October 19th, sums up the story of his latest crimes. lle | was committed for trial on Tuesday, | elected to be tried by county judge, | and was arraigned before Judge Wid: | difield, on the bigamy charge, and a charge' of theft of a furlined overcoat from J. 8. Findlay, a former employ er. ; Richardson pleaded guilty and was sentenced to seven years in peni tentiary for the bigamy charge, and | three years for the theft. Sentences will run concurrently. NEWS OF DISTRICT. Local Notes A municipal association has been formed at Smith's Falls, Almonte is at present suffering from a slight outbreak of typhoid fever. There are ten cases. | Death claimed . Merrickville"s oldest resident on Sunday when Henry Jaques was summoned to his reward. He was born in 1813. At Belleville John Gordanier was ar- rested on the charge of attempting in- decent assault, the complainant being Mrs. Julienne Shadrick, an actress. | He was sent up for trial, | On and after Nov. lst no meals will| be served in any of 'the Brockville ho- tels for less than forty cents, whether | it be breakiast, dinner or supper, and | the rates per day will not be less| than £1.30. One of the oldest residents of the] township of Sidney, Calvin Merritt; passed away Thursday at Sidney. | | years, i The marriage of Lee McCourt, the well-known hockey player, Cornwall, | to Mise E. Mildred Lane, daughter of | George Fane, Prescott, took place at| the home of the bride's parents, on | Wednesday. | Mrs. David J. Hay, wile of the popu- | lar Grand Trunk conductor, David Hay, passed away Thursday evening] at Belleville, after a brief illness from | pneumonia. - She was in her sixty-| seventh year. | On 15th inst. Mrs. James Giffin, a former resident of Brockville, died - at} Dutton, at the home of her brother, | with whom she had resided during | the Tast four years after leaving Brock- | ville. Mrs. Griffin was eighty-two | years old. An old resident sof of Robert Wallace, who died et the residence of his daughter, Mrs, Robert Wilson, Fallowfield, with whom | he had lived for the past fourteen years, | Campbell Bros'. To-Night. { For nobby hats and fine gloves. | | o'clock, : See Bibby's 25c. cashmere hose. * jand providing shelter. > Isobella fox muffs, best quality, $10 up. McKay Fur | district and there is no run left for {they were herded for a couple. of weeks J. real "grass fed Death was due to a #udden attack of in the next year this number will heart failure. He was aged eighty-two likely disappear altogether. : | Watson, aged ninety, the last veteran | of Carleton Place {of the Mackenzié' uprising in this dis- | from cure any case of i ing the cattle. Mr. Lawson returned, yes- terday, from a trip through the ranches in the valley during which he visited his own place, and he says the men who 'have been in the business there are practically all poin- out of it. On the north side of the valley, where formerly thousands of cattle could graze unmolested by the farmer and his crops, there are now quarter sections taken up everywhere, and the rancher has to herd his stock, mak- ing the business of fattening beef too expensive. With the disappearance of the ranch- ing industry in the Qu'Appelle valley there goes the one relic of the olden times which was left near Regina. The valle: itself won't be given over to Kine Wheat, because the land there is not suitable, but no longer will the immense herds .. of cattle be found roaming the plains above the ravine. A few vears ago the ranchers hata run for forty" miles for their cattle, From the north side of the valley to the Touchwood, a distance of some forty miles, there was nothing of hu man habitation, and over this ground the cattle were grazed. In the spring until they had settled down into their own herds, and then no more atten- tion 'was paid until the end of the vear. That was the day when the steer" was in oxis- tence, but with the encroachment of the homesteader upon the rancher's ground they must disappear. Now the whole country over which the cattle formerly grazod is given to wheat growing. A great settlement of for eigners came in there and every home- stead in the place is taken up. The result is that the stock grazing on the plain, to-day, has to be watched closely by the herd bovs to nrevent the destroying of grain, and this pro- cess is too expensive for profitable ranching. Where there were 2,500 or 3.000 cattle grazing a féw vears ago there are less than 500 now, and with- "Big Fake" Says Colonel. Toronto, Oct. 21--"T¢ ix the higgest fake | evér heard of ; only ignorant people believe in it." With this ex- pression of his opinion Col. Denison, police magistrate, committed for trial Rev. Clarence and Mrs. Howland, spiritualists, arrested during a seance on a charge of fraud. One of the wit nesses swore he used to get spirit messages from his deceased mother, and believed in them, hut he had since changed his opinion. The Howlands of- fered no defence. Last Veteran Of Rising. { Peterboro, Ont., Oct. 26.--James | trict, died yesterday. * He 'came here | Ireland, settling in. Dummer township seventy-six years ago. He lion and marched with the local con- tingent from Péterboro to Toronto. | ---------- Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to ify WL Despatches From Near And Distant Places. : THE WORLD'S TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST FOS Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over-Littls and Remembered. Mes. Waltors, an aged Whitby lady, was fatally burned on Thursday. The first copper was rolled in the Royal mint at Ottawa on Friaay. Adelman, a New York mer cident at Jamaica. Bourassa will run in Bellechasse. He has forwarded his resignation to the House of Commons. William F, Cleary, a former C.P.B. conductor, is accused at Toronto Junction of being drunk on duty. In & quarrel in a Toronto board- ing house Mrs. Ida Swift was shot Mogador, on the west coast of Mor. occo, has been occupied by 300 French marines, operating with the forces of the sultan. In the case of Gillies Bros. against the Temiskaming railway commission, for $91,000 damages, judgment was re served. T. A. Oram, of Prince Albert, was robbed and murdered near Stanford, |d Mont., where he had gone on a busi upss trip, Bushes heavily laden with ripe raspberries of good size and excellent flavor have been found in the woods "ut Chemong Park. The Montgomery shops of the Atlan. tic coast line, in Alabama, employing 300 men and with a monthly pay roll of $16,000, have been closed, A Troy despateh says if President ination for a third term, W. J. Bryan will declive to run on the democratic ticket. At Columbus, Ohio, after the elee- trooution of Albert Davie, Father Kelly, spiritual adviser, declared that an' innocent 'mon had been electrotu- ted. Sir Charles Rivers-Wilson, in Lone don, headed a deputation to the Mrit- ish board of trade urging that steps be taken to Have a railway ferry across! the English channel. Walter Northrope, St. Catharines, was found guilty of forging the name of Crown Attorney Menay, of Orange- ville, to a cheque for $40, and sent to prison for six months. ! William Durgan, Ogdensbur~ N.Y. aged twenty-seven years, of Lake Pla- cid, N.Y., wax shot and instantly kill- ol by George Martin, of Averyville, who mistook him for a deer. The mail train, from Peterboro to Belleville, was saved from going through a burning bridge by a boy, na Keegan, who od the train within a few yards of the bridge. A twelve-year-old boy riding on a hayload in Osweken, Ont., felt from the load and was run over and killed, without his father, who was walking beside the load, knowing anything about it. Rev. W. W, Rev, R. McKee, ca Creemore, has oll to the pastorate of the Trinity Methodist church, at a salary of $1. 500. A Canadian missionary just returned | on furlough from Japan, says the | Japanese in Canada have revived far Henry chant, was hed in an automobile ac |$ and Jacob Coben had a log fractured, | Roosevelt accepts the republican now I appointed by Bishop William McDow-| gpnvgurrir ay S . I'Sale L i y only, regular price was $1.85. On Sale, at BOs. BORN. . TAM. --At Conway, Oct. 18th, to MK and Mrs. Geo, T. Haun, a daughter. TOPPINGS --At Peserotito, on Octs 18th, to Mr. snd Mrs, Niche! Top= «BOD, McKee, B.A, son fi HBARVEY.~On Tyendinegn ol Oct. 2nd, to Reserve, on Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvey, a son. Deseronto, on to Mr, apd Mra, Fred Oct. y Sex- smith, a daughler. less courteous' treatment than have | Canadians in Japan, and that Cana- dians have given the Japanese among them every reason to doubt the su- periority of our civilization. Clarence Howell, G.T.R. brakeman, Loyal Sheets, operator at St. Do- minique, and Laris on the charge of manslaughter. are alleged to be responsible for the train wreck at Vaudreuil recently in which Brakeman Robinson, Kingston, lost his life. At Philadelphia, two men walked in- to - the sub-treasury, grabbed $9000 |. that was 'being paid out to a Nation- al bank teller, anil started to run from the building. Clerks and others gave chase, and the two men were so hotly pursued that they threw the money under a street car. Both men were captured. "Gingerbread" Men In Trouble. |t Gingerbread Man," which was at the eryman chargod them before the magis-| of the case, i ---- Here's Good News, Indeed. It is learned that R., H. Toye's a special family loaf of bread of one and a half pounds' weight for' five For the newest in men's hats. sons drug store. + truding piles in- cn ny oe monty eddy bi ied $0, ne CA Yuttitue | TERR hI Phone 877, Princess St Staeta, operator | fixed at Vaudreuil, were committed for trial {as follows : They | A St. Catharines, Oct. 26.--~Two of the! and members of the male chorus of "The cents, Grand last night, got a sorse at a lo- | ginnin eal livery to take a drive, but drove cent the animal almost to death. The liv- rate is a flat rate. i was seriously injured in an' ex hakery vill begin next week to supnly |a h high some expefiment was still confined to the house, In case of sickness on Sunday _the| Co. was a sergeant in the Mackenzie rebei- jonly d store open ail day is Gib: id So © WATER RATES SCHEDULE. The Amounts Are Fixed According to Assessment. The water rates for residences are accofting to assessment and are ment up to § 8 425 ; a he O00 s 700 «6.50 " 1,000 - 00 " 1,800 ae " 1800 . 3 we 3.300 11.00 Liens bie . 5 ' i 1875 " 6.000 * * 7,000..... 14.25 7,000 * 17.50 8,000 * 18,50 " 9,000 * # 19.78 The charge for baths year, F, hose the charge ix $1 for or lawn hose lof wenty-five feet frontage and or, for: each additional foot twa When pol d twmiy dayh after th bes quarter twenty per mt is allowed. The hoses There is a special of rates jor trate with ill-treating a horse, but measured by metre and for water withdrew the complaint when the pair ply to the various kinds of business pleaded with him. They paid the costs | places, Recovering From Injuries. =~ Arthur Emberly, of Yarker, t the Newburg! cents. Puller annodncemént will be |broving nicely, and it is Roped made on Monday. he will soon be able to be tf again. He is a of Clarence, Campbell Bros'. To-Night. Emberly, Prock street. . w

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