Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1907, p. 3

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~ . v AE-- FOR INDIGESTION distress after cating, dizziness, that heavy feeling, wind and pains in the stomach and furred tongue, take Beechaim's Pills before you retire to rest. They start the gastric juices, assist the 'stomach to dispose of the food, en- "courage good appetite, sound di- gestion and make you feel life is worth living. ' Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. BRACELETS | We are now showing a com- | plete line of English and Canadi*n designs, in Gold Bracelets. the | samples are perfectly plain, tend to Orna- mentation, with Pearls, Rubies, Amethysts and other Jewelled Effects. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. 'Phone, 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Some of while others "Quite Wrapped Up In It." s+ Every lady customer who has purchased a Fur Garment from us is, 'im two senses, "quite wrapped up sin it.' his the antago of comfort, fit, and economy in combination. Mull or Jackel --every article we offer © hus a nich appearance, is handsomely and cor- etly mare' and lined, thoroughly stitch= «d throughout, and finished as a *'perfeet mrment." 9:2 3 W. FB. GOURDIER. 4 "Wools PE od fer nervous' em makes new in Veins, Cures Nerp ous Devitity, Mentat and Brain Worry, Des & Kmissions, Sper matorrima, and Effects pr go Dior Excess3n, Price $1 per box, Sixfords, One will pl wits will cure. Sold bY all ruggiaty or mal in plain . on of price. New pamphlet mailed free. The Medicine Co. Yormeriy Windsor Thronto, Ont GRAND UNION HOTEL WE PLACE ON SALE 25 dozen Linen Huck Towels, @ good size, 18x36, Hemmed ends, with fast color border, good value, at 30c. a pair. g Our price, TO-NIGHT, 10c. 3 t each. Only 25c. The best Underwear for Ladies, the best Cashmere Hose, the best Wool Gloves, and the best pair of Socks, in the city, at 25c., will be sold at this store TO-NIGH . Ask to See Our Range of Dress Goods at 50c. a Yard. Easily the largest and best assortment, at the orice to be seen anywhere. We have lots of goods, at a lower price and lots at a higher price also. Our Coats Are a pretty swell lot. Have you seen the display ? If not you are missing a treat. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1907. daughters of the house, Miss L a.) and Miss Gwendolym, and Miss Ethel Kent, looked after the ices and made very and attractive little waitresses, * i Gla .- oe 31818 Mrs. {raphy | Nacoaughton, West Gold in street, gave a 'ery pleasant little Guwilight : 9 bp bitige party, oa Thursday, in honor of Mrs. 'Namsgn Fraser, of Aylmer. be L The Flayors oo Mrs, E. T. Taylor, tty. house on the corner of | Mrs. T. D. Hemming, Mrs. Iva Wallin vi ad William streets, where | Martin, Mrs. = John Bell Carruthers, ing Mrs. R. H, Abbott lived till Mrs. Herbert Saunders, Mrs. Kennedy Jk left for the west, fis in oecu- j Mellwraith, Mrs: Francis Hill Macnee, they Mr and Mrs. 8. M. Newton Miss Lois Saunders, Miss E. Macdon- Mrs, Newton was at { ell and Miss Lillian Mowat. There home, for theifirst time singe coming | Were ho prizes, plgy being all for love. to town, on \ Wednesday" and Thurs- re > day, and she ad two very busy af- ternoons welconiing visitors. Lovely white chrysanthemums were' in the drawing-room, and on the tea tablea vase held 'a sheaf of perfect The Misses Brown, University ave- nue, asked a few girls to play. bridge on Wednesday, and meet Miss Boyd, who is Mrs. AL O'Brien's guest, glass Q OF In a letter to some friends Mrs, 0 roses. Mrs. Newton wore a a ? es sreeih wn of. soft] grey silk eolienne, Henry Boak ' speaks of Vancouver's Prey Re of Irigh 'crochet. The | blooming roses, and of her settlement with ya little daughter, Miss Isabel, fin her new home. Mr. Arthur Boak bogies: most charming way possible, 'has been appoitited assistant pro- Hi the: ten woom' honors for her | fessor of Greek in the British Colum- did Khe apensing chocolate fo oy-| bia university and will hold office for motaer, Mes. Newton will. be warmly} Wo years before going to Oxford: eryone. i =] Mr. 'Erie Boak i§ going to college, welcomed to the town where her hus- pand hes already made many friends.} She willl be at home, in the futme, on) 3 : he first and third Thursdays of thelln the future. Mrs. Boak speaks of 3 y her great pléasure over "Made-in- Canada's" success. - - and there is a possibility that he will be back jn Kingston some time month. rei te dell's tea at her Wil- Ji Jou Weddell Wednesday, was The date of the charity ball very » pleasant and successful. The been! fixed, and the al : wives of the (mining school professot s off on Wednesday. November 13th. were the raison d'etre of the affaiz,|The chaperones will be the re~ents her af others were asked tq lof the five oity chapters of the Daugh- uo ae The tea table, which was jters of the Empire, and ' the object, . of Mrs. R. W. Brock and |the tuberculosis shack at the hospital, Miss ower. was very gay and ar] (istic- with barberries. The two little EE ---- TE S-------- has affair will come Cards were received on Thursday for ithe Hallowe'en dance at the An Asthmatic\s Story Told. |12oyal Military College. Yooples _ nights, Jouting > Mrg. T. D. R. Hemming will be "At 0 . ! as tions, : Be | Home, on Tuesdays, ae "Martello can scarcely | deseribe all 1 mufered | Place," King street, begiunin~ the from asthma, ' writes 5 ios of | first Tuesday in November, which will anaugh, of Colborne. eu be the fifth of the month * coughing would come on that made we. weak. Nothing did ms avy good A marriage which will interest many until 1 used the fragrant,; hea} mg Y | Kings fonians - is that of Hiss Olive tarrhdzone.. Fam delight do Toto of | Bradshaw, daughter of Colonel Brad- mand this, Temeds Rehich a {shaw, London. Fag. and Mr. A. chronic asthing_Afier sorts op i Douglas Fracrelious, of Chieavo, TI, physician had - given me up. \ Catarr-{,, 3 "Algo, Mich. The wedding took hotone is better for asthma, gives | el oe hon & : Ik "place ate the quicker relief than amy remedy J know |goyration, on July 3rd, 1907. Miss ;: wR Te of. My cure is a perfect. one. Try | Bradshaw stayed here some years ago Catarrhozone, it never fails tod owrel 4 ic ulso wellknown in Picton, asthma. Complete outfit $1: trial where her brother was on the staff of size, 2504 t { ¥!the Bank of Montreal. The St. Lawrence Suga Refining Co; Ltd, MONTREAL Manufacturers of the ¢:hoicest REFINED SUGARS. Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from cane Mrs.. Francis Birley has taken up residence at 179 Queen strect, and will receive on the second and fourth Fri. days of each month. . - - - There. was a delightful party: ats Country Club, .on Wednrity hry Mrs. John Bell Carruthers and Mrs. Iva Martin taking a party of girls ove there and chaperoning them through a jolly evening of games and so on. The girls were Miss Nora Gor- don, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Elsié Pense, Miss Frances Hora, Migs Doro- thy Brownfield, Miss Marie Carruth- ers, Miss Madelon Carter, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Leta Carson, and Miss Bessie Dowsley. There were a number of cadets for. their partners and some fown men--Mr. Boak, Mr. Eaton, Mr. Hansard Hora. Mr. H. Walkem, and Mr. Karl Tandy. +: Miss Madelon Carter asked a few people to play bridge, last night, at her 'mother's home, on King street. The players were Captain and Mrs. Alan Palmer, Miss Bessia Gordon, Miss Frances Hora, Mr. Hansard Hora,, Mr. "Halloway Waddell, and Mr. P. G. C Campbell, . Mrs. Danield Gordon gave a little Hmusemenis, H. WILMOT YOUNG and HS BiG CO Su th the pular Act MARGIE ADAMS vob NG Presenting Yhsothe minute repertoire and Vaude v . le. Count Monte 'Cristo ' Ch of Play and Vaudeville nightly. 'The Latest Moving Yictures and Illustrate ed Songs. Seats now on Sale. Prices--~10¢., 1dec., 28e. ------ & NIGHTS ONLY { MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, i MARI Oct, 38th, 29th, Joh, Sls. CO. And company sont he MONDAY bi ti by y a4 8 big Nohr, oe " Sin and Its Sorrow" An New Plays 8 Speciation, " .. Popular Prices. : - phi 10-15-25 Hiner NON Seats now on sale supper at the principal's residence, Queen's College, last night, in honor of Dr. Max Bell. Some of his old friends were the guests, -. . . - The golf tournament is on for afternoon, and 'the tussle is between Miss Frances Hora and Miss Alice Hague. Mrs. J. Bell Carruthers' prize is the guerdon. =e +4 Mrs. E. V. Orford and all hey fami- ly, left, yesterday, for De Lamar, lda- ho, Miss Gladys and Miss Gwendoline Orford are home from their trip to England, and accompanied their moth- er west. The Bishop of Nova Scotia is now with his daughter, Mrs. Charles :irk- patrick, Frontenac street, and may re- main a week. Mrs. William T. C. Bethel, of Pem- broke, and her daughter Helen, and little son, Gornalle, are the guests of Miss C. Hooper, Alfred street. The Bishop . of Ontario and Mrs. Lennox Mills, returned to '"Bishops- court," to-day, from the west. Mist Annie Cotter, Alfred street, will be leaving about the end of next week for Montreal, for the wedding of her brother. Mr. Stuart Cotter. His bride will return to Labrador with him. * ee Mrs. Broadwell and Miss Nixon left for New York, vesterday. The Rev. Professor Ferguson and the Misses Ferguson, who are now in Toronto, expect to return to King- ston in five or six weeks. Miss Carrig Barnum is again at "The Avonmore." Mrs. Charles Abbott has returned to Stratford after her short visit to her old_home. . Mrs. Williamr Skinner, Gore will be home on Monday, 1t is probable that Miss sey will spend the winter witn brothers in Fort Wiliam, so much is Julia Hor- Sugar, . Be suze you ask for. {'St. Lawrence." SEGELERIIORIERLARRIERONURL LORI RIRIIINYS TORTOISE For Hard or Soft ------------ -------------- Coal or Wood. This is the slow combustion stove that is fast gaining favor. It is a powerful and durable 'Heater, and very easy on Will give double the service of fuel. twice the price. MoKELVEY. & BIRGH, 69-71 Brack St et OVERGOATS EE ------------------ If you are thinking of buying an Overcoat -this- season, now 1s the time, when the stock is complete. We have a full line of Blacks and Tweeds, in very newest styles and materials. ou get the benefit. > 0 ro with the reputation which comes from selling reliable goods. «All Wool" as applied to cloth- facturers' standpoint. It means egonamy to the wearer; long service; a well-dressed air and appearance. at t it has a good eal more = any' commercial significance. All Wool is the tribute a well- dressed man pays to his own self- respect. You will have no trouble get- ting All Wool Overcoats here. Prices $10, 12, 13.50, 15.00, 18.00, 20.00 and 22.00. | E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co., |. 114 Princess St. | Wg | = 1 nt will be In | | | and, there, ] } ani alle bile | Prof. McLeod, of McGill, will be the | guest of Professor and Mrs, | Shortt, for Thanksgiving. been the guest of Mrs, John Hender son, Clergy street, for some days. to, is the guest dlrs. Herbert Saunders Mr. Norman Fra Alice street. be here fill early in the week. Miss Grace Hemming has come back "home" again, and glad indeed are old friends to welcome her, Mrs. Robert Ford and Miss May Ford, Arch street, came back to town on Thursday evening. * ee Mrs. Charles Bate came up. to-day, from Ottawa, and will spend a few days with her aunt, Miss Stoughton, Hales cottages, King street Captain and Mrs. John Brodin are now en pension with Mes, James Beall, William street Mrs. John Carson, Princess street, returned from her cou residence, "Sunny Knowle," on Thursday. Dr. Ip Bell is remaining over Sun- with Principal Gordon Abbott, of the day Mrs Stratford, week after Charles town till | next ! . ve. Miss Marion Calvin will be Mrs. DD. H. Maclean's guest, in Ottawa, during the 'Streets of Paris" bazaar, next month lency's drawing-room. Miss Duff will be the guest of Judge and Mrs. Mac- lennan during her stay in the capital . ee. announced of : . daughter of ick. Tate, to son of the late The engagement is Miss Edith Maude Ta Mr. and Mrs. R. Fre We buy All Wool Coats, and if Mr. €. Douglas Gates, t a dollar. or two more, [A. R. Gates, of Haniilton. they. costa We are con- Miss Annie E. Flett, of Toronto, to Mr. M. F. Roblin, of Buffalo, formerly of Napanee, and son of the late M. B, Roblin, county registrar (Continued on page J.) ee ne-- ing is something more than a Hy technical definition of Fabrics, Cok al andes Fritnds, from the 'weavers or the manu- Low Aud OE ny elon ing to Mr. Hix, of Holbeach, Lincoln- colnshire, thas made a great friend of a cow. The gander follows the cow down to the field every morning, and I-also follows it when it comes up to milked, and the cow and the gander | can be seen going through the town of Holbeach twice a day..The men in charge of the cow have tried to drive the gander back, but it refuses to go, if shut away from it, manages to obtain ite liberty and seek out its companion. mm ------ A Bed For A Penny. London, Oct. 26.--An Exeter im ter is supplementing the efforts of corporation of that city to pre jeaths of children from overlay- selling to poor people, at. a each, disused orange boxes, por the vent ing by penny whic -- Spe Bibby's 50c. golf caps. Try as hard as one may, it's mighty difficult to injure a character that has | hocome pronounced for fairness and honesty Try Bibby's $1 wool underwear, | arith this | street, | 252, { her she enjoying her visit with them |Suite, Brussels and We * "ae er Covered Adam Poard, Mrs. John Robertson, of Ottawa, has | Mrs. Kennedy Mcllwraith, of Toron- of her sister-in-law, | or came up from| Aylmer, Que., on Thursday, and will] of Kingston, | Major and: Mrs. H. A: Panet and family have removed from Rideau street to 243 Augusta street, Ottawa Miss Jean Duff, Kingston, will be | one of the debutantes at his excel i i s ts } Aon +h can be used ax infanis' cots. {- 'Londot ! re hw {ing windmill at Yarmouth wak® sold, 1+ 8 da beipisoen | Friday, Nov. 1st.--'Way Down Bast." 'Queen's Football | Excursion | TO MONTREAL | G.T.R. Special Train | 12.30 noom, FRIDAY, Nov, 1st. | Fare $3.65 Return Tickets Boiahe Nov: Jon. Monday Intersollegiate Track Meet | |MeOILL | vs. QUEEN'S bo va. TORONTO 1.30 pm, to 5 p.m, "THANKSGIVING DAY, THURSDAY, Oct. 31st Prices--25¢c., 385¢. and 50c. Reserved seat plan opens at Uglow's, jon MONDAY AFTERNOON. Auction Sale Furniture At Sergt. Saodden's, 220 Allred St, I THURSDAY, Oct. 81st, 10 a.m., Biack | Walnut Hadrcloth Parlor Suite, Jirussels Carpets, Centre Tables and Stands, Lace land other Curtalas, Hanging Lamps, | Davis Sewing Machipe, Marble Clocks, Bedsteads, Springs, Mattresses, Feather Beds and Bedding, Bureau, Crockery, Glass and Tinww®, Garden Tools. Lawn | Mower, Grindstone and other articles. ALLEN, The Auclioncer, Telephone, 2438 Sydenham street, | Auction Household Furniture | 338 Fart street, WERNESDAY, Oct. | 30th, 10 aun., BI Waluut. Parlor 1 Carpets, Leath- Couch, Oak amd Walwab Heutlsome, Walnut. Book Case, Roll Buck Writing Desk, Oak Hat 2 Rack and Chairs, Ladies Desk, Oak Side Extension wed Kiteben Tables, Dining -Cheairs, + hago amd Ohenille | Curtains, Walnut and Oak Bedroom Suites, Springs, Mattresses, Iron Bed steads, Odd Dresses, Emp Jewel Range, Singer Sewing "rocker y {Glass and Timware. GH. ™ ALLEN, The Auct W. A. SOCIETY: | CA M TING OF | Aid Society, Kingstén {will be held om; | Monday Afternoon, | . i 28th inst. | At three o'clock, in the Masonic Hall |GOLPEN LION BLOCK: The ladies jwho assisted in the "Muafle-in-Canada whethen members of the Society or not lare eargestly requested to. attend this | meeting, as a Fina Report . of the Ex hibition will be ated. | St. Andrew' | THE | ANNUAL MARTIRY FILL | take place in the City Chanber MONDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock A large attehdance of | members is requested. | J. M. FARRELL, Président. NOTICE TO THE. PUBLIC | The public are hereby notified that in | the Students' Parwde TONIGHT, (Sat- urday, Oct. 26th) there Will be a traction under its own steam fe: College "tor Ustion, to to Printess, to King, Stuart, "adsl back to Fancy Tables, a. oe. 252. THE, WOMAN'S Cen f » Hospital, | engine funving | Route of parade | Barrie, to Clergy to Barnic, to | Collage. | "SUNNYSIDE CHEESE MEETING A MEETING OF THOBR FAVORING | the erectigm of & Cheese Factory will ve {held in 'the Sunayesde School House, |Sydenhgin Rowd, Township of Kingston, lon FRIDAY: EVENING, November 1st, {wt 7.30, 4 | ' J. CHAMER. | Gilenvale, Oot. 34th, 1907, fo - TO - NIGH {Te RACES AT 9 0" K i 'ROLLE ! » | No Holiday For Sixty Years. "London, Oct, 26.44 remarkable , re- cord as a public servant is claimed Ly | AMred Jeli; Aged eighty-one," of Shei- ford, Beds." Hk' has been a relieving { officer Yor sixty years without asking {for a day's leave of gbsenee "has not {had wu poliday sined be was twenty- {one anfl has never been laid up with illness, ak | Ragor As Heirlobm. | "Liverpool. 'Oct. 26 Joseph Carter, | of Durham, has, by the death of his | father, come into the possession of a | razor which formerly belonged to his hgreat-great-great great-grantiiather. 1" The razor, which is 200 years old, hag been handed dows' from father to son, and is still in good condition. ------------------------ * | Yarmouth's Last Windmill Seld. ! i Dict. 28. ~The last remain- | yesterday, for demolition, At one time Yarmouth resensbled a Dutch tow: from its number of findmills, | Tey Ribhy's $1.00 cAsbgha jackets. 33¢., 10c., 'S0c,y Tp amd Plo "| I ne BRIGHT BOY, printing trade. A GOOD STEADY MAN, night-watchman, Apply ta Crothers Co. -------------------------------------------------------- BOY, FOR MAILING DEPARTMENT, to work om and Thursday RPh Dusieess ofice. Whig: Apply office, hy et pte DETECTIVES ; SHREWD, RELIABLE for table Ton ta" R A wea A JOB CLEANING yards or cellars, © aang: oe General Olrier, 35 pA St. ---------------------------------------- POSITIONS, | IRS oy CAPABLE FEOPLE, by this column. If you , of Such hap, sire i. and the Whig will do the rest. CARRIAGES, WAGGONS FURNI- aoe Bt ye day Sa ) or required. For Ror rede tion, Stuart St., Kingston. ee ------------------------------ SPEUIAL SALBSMEN FOR EASTERN On Must good talkers. wen service, to act under orders; no experience to Laturney's Uarri Ww. : necessary. Write H. C, ON as 392 Princess St. 'Phone, L Ind. 153. SALESMAN, OPEN FOR POST, IN grocery ig ry Can run general TO-LET. store, Oity or Country, single, good Ea references, Nieexper ence: Apply | LARGE FRONT BED ROOMS, ALL and | FURNISHED ROOMS, workers. Liberal weekly condortable modern conv entences. Potable live. For full" particulars Apply 62 Earl street. write Lake Broth CG + Mops modern conveniences, Apply at 100 King street. WARM AND treal. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETC. in first-class storehouse, rat and moth FOR LACK OF SPACE. ONB ood ome FIK-Head, wry fine b Apply Bax a. W. rofioey 1 "g BRICK HOUS 7 abe. St., south of J vs ; A. B, ee ne aa * TWO FIRST-CLASS DEER HOUNDS, music, ohe who can play all popula pieces. Apply . S. H. Knox of Co. 106 Princess street. A COOK: AND HOUSEMAILD. APPLY to 93 Clarence St., or to Mr, Walkem, "Beverly St, in the evening. References: required. GENERAL SERVANT, CA'ABLE WO- man, from country preferred, wages, £16 per month, no washing Address by letter P. 0. Hox 40, Kingston. tee rp eeee A MAD FOR GENERAL work. References required. Apply be fore 4 and after 6 pan. any evening but Wednesday. ~ Mrs. F, G. Lockett] 104 Stuart street. HOUSE FOR EXCHANGE % GOOD HAYLOADER, NEARLY NEW, Want cows of serviceable farm horse J. W. Suddard, Oataraqu, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ---------------------------------- SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKET. Our book gives details free. for #. J. A. Boardman & Co., Stock Brokers, 58 Browdway, New York, Write | | Marriage Licenses, 43 FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS TO proof, MeCuanas, 81 Brock St. fireproof safe 2 feet 6 inchesxd make, also old omes to repair d inchesx3 feet 4 inch., one Sean, and repair work STONE, HOUSE, Boy CORNER OF ide Satis J. M, Theobald, > h Galloway, | +. Ordohute and denham Sts, Appl ston, t. . . The RY ER sel ae dol lone rie Fhe cy pply Bibby's Livery. ER a ------- ee -L"'s st tf POUR-LING__ADVT, AN « re ROOMS FOR STORAGE PURPOSES, Column for J : AGENTS--$100 PER MONTH GUAR- clean and dry. Frost, City Storage, for 8 days. It will . anteed to right party gelling our} 999 Queen street. 'Phone, 536, for that article you wi to dispose '¥ 1 Goud Window Latiors, he _ bb of. Try it 4 3 } Signs and Sign 'making outfits. PeaFpppNISHED FOR THE WINTER, A b ticulars « free. H. Ur Hettinger comdor pevenroomed, brick | A BARGAIN<PROPERTY ON COR Chicago. house, Apply at 175 Clergy street. ot Snr ater] Drdiicn Bus iu . tore -. A COUPLE OF OFFICEN OVER THE and particulars see Geo, HELP WANTED--FEMALE, Sa 8 mn THB RL Shee Agate Ju t, to J. TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS. 'APPLY . 3 VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE-- at once; ta the Iroquois Hotel. OFFICE OVER WADE'S -DRuai Double house, un ushuscn Street, the store, Cor. King and Brock Sts., hot perty late a Sue GOOD STRONG GIRL. APPLY AT water Apply st McCann's aR APBIY Ri Anda once to 1567 Sydenhan street. 51 Brock street. Prien A GIRL; FOR GENERAL HOUSE [THREE MURNISHED ROOMS, MOD 3 : in work, Suowmil family 3 no washing, ern improvements, hot water heated, REGIITRRED HOLSTEIN BULL Apply Mrs. Roughton, 143 King St. semmry located. Apply to Bo Bandsomely: -- . velobad Ta | A MAID, FOR GENERAL HOUSE Eh at eR showing good milk and butter re 2 ork. No washing, Apply: to Mrs. [LARGE - STONE DWELLING, 63] Sm -' h - Ontarauguly George Mille, 124 University Avenue. Rideau St., formerly occupied by x spe - i ---- Capt. D. Noonan. Hath, closet and . : BRIGHT, ACTIVE, GIRL, TO, SELL furnace. Apply Bajus Brewery. MONEY AND BUSINESS. FURNISHED HOUSE, FROM 1st 'NOV, twelve-roomed house, 282 Brock St, all modern, plano. telephone and water included in rental. Apply ime to Archdeacon Carey or mediately, J. 8. R. McUQann. LOST. BLACK GOAT (IN COAT, ON OCT 19h, on Market or King St, Reward for its retw to 8S. Davy, American Hotel, Broek street, A GOLD CRESUENT BROOCH, SET with twelrty pearls, on Sunday, be tween St. Geo 's 'Usthedral and Main streot, Fiader please returm to ig office. {A FOX COLLIE DOG, ON OUT, 15th, a year old, black, with tan paws, one small tan spot, over each eye, and Very evenly marked on face and only, ny information left at the Whig office, will be gratefully recefved. wd MAN n of $2,000 yearly, desires to MARRIAGE LICENSES. » ronpectable Young ar middle i | ned ly. object matrimony. 0. 8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF | drew N. Leaman, Dept 80, Tndustesh Clarence St! Hidg., Chicago. 5 or ena Marke A assole $01,187,215. In addition two which the policyholders have 3 the unlimited | 'ot all Pets $ poasinte ey fosured at ed FL TL four oi "Phone, x ugar' PERSONAL. we FREE-YOUR FORTUNK BY Hiseh America's Kminen! y Or Bia ty or Send birthdate 0 - Thywell. . -l LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. | The Bread By-Law. Kingston, Oct, 26.--(To the Edit- or) Several times my attention has been ealled 'to a paragraph in the Whig to the effect that my by-law in the council re bread was to provide for ¢he standard loaf being made one and one-quarter pounds, and two and one-half pounds. This is not correct, and no person had any authority to sO represent my Views, My 'object was to make a standard {loaf, and to repeal section 6 of the present by-law, which permits the sell- ing of bread by the bakers other than of standard weights, provided a label thereto, showing its eor- the time of intro- ducing the by-law I was not aware that in 1901 the legislature had. given provided for in section by-law to the bakers. My to secure a loaf of stan- i= attached rect weight At the privilege 6 of object was dard sire for vent the price by the subtle method of lessenin~ weight. As a writer put it a night or two ago in the paper, I desire "straightforward: our increase im ness Under these circymstances 1 feel vou will do me the justice to put my posi tion correctly before your roaders, and remove the misapprehension that an erroneous statement seems to have created. --Yours truly, W. F. NICKLE, ERNIE MARKS' At The Grand Four Nights, commencing Monday, Oct. 28th. ------------ Carnegie Library Not Wanted. London, Oct. 26.--The St. Pancras borough council decided, last night, to ask the local government board to al low it to dispose of the site which was acquired by the late progressive council for a central library. Mr Carnegie offered to subscribe $200 000 towdrd the cost of the library, See Biliby's $1.50 Mocha gloves, May Fight, But Not Vote. London, Oct. 26.--Adolph Felsentall, who fought in thé British army during the Crimean 'war, was refused a vote at the Walthamstow revision econrt, yesterday, on the ground that he was an alien. the people, and to pre | THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT The Larger Life. you know that your life is the life of humanity, and that humanity's life is your life? De you know that human. ity is but yourself in the large? Do you know that you are not a single separate being, living ouk your. own life in your own way, but that you are part of the great social organism of mankind, bound to all the rest of mankind by the closest and most in timate ties ? Do you know that every word and action of yours has its effect upon the life of all men ? Do you know that humanity is either better or worse for every day of your life, and every deed of the day? I you do not you are not living . the larger life. Address, Mr. Casson for [ree liters ture. Are you living the larger life? lo AT VAN LUVEN'S McLaren's Jelly Powder. McLaren's Pure , ream Tartar Bak'g. Powder, a} # Minute Tapicea, pkgs., 10ec. S. W. Biscuits and Triscuit, @ pkgs., 2c. a {Egg-0-See,"" 2 pkgs., 25¢. 7 Biscuits--Our popular lines, at 10e. and 15¢. Special, 3 Ibs., Bbc. Pears, cans, 18¢c. Pineapples, cans, 15¢. Pure Honey, in glass, 20c. New Selected Raisins, 3 lbs, Bee. Starch--A Glossy Rich Starch, requires no cooking, reg- ular price, 10c. Our special price, 8c. Salt--Extra fine Sifted Pure Table Salt, card-board boxes, 10v, Apples--For the table or for stewing, per peck, 15c., 20c, {26c. and 30c. - Grapes -- Malagas, Concords, \ Niagaras and Red Rogers. We have the agency for Asselss tine's Yarn. Supplies on hand. : a F. W. Van Luven, Phone 417 - 246 Princess St* v BE THRC E PE NE Be CRE BEE = A Special General Meeting Of the Shargholders of the. Kingston, P Falls & Uttawa Railway Come pany will be held at the a Hotel, Kingston, oa FRIDAY, AD. 1907, Matter Of Proof, Windsor Magazine. A Scotchman went to London for a holiday, Walking along 'one of the streets he noticed a bald-headed chem. ist at his shop door, and enquired if be had soy hair restover. sir," said the chemist "Step inside, please, There's an article 1 can highly recommend. 'Testimonials from great men who have used it. It makes the hair grow in twenty-four hours." "Awecl," said the Scot, "ye can gio the top o' your heid a bit rub wit, and T'll look back the morn and see if ye're tellin' the truth." ------------ See Bibby's b0c, knitted gloves, Old China From The Sea. Cape Town, Oct. 26.--A quantity of valuable old china has been recovered | by the salvage ship Alired Nobel from the wreck of the Dutch East India- man Middleburg, which sank in Sal danha bay, South Africa; 200 yéaks ago. Ha "Church Notice. St. George's Cathedral-Holy com- munion, 8 a.m.; mating, 11-am.. Sah: day &cheol 3 pm: eversong, 7 p.m. Dean Farthing will preaches | cedB snl to # dyoqud See Bibby's $1 scarl pins fa TT i de ab tion of Directors of the Company, and the tr tion of such other business as may be brought before the Meetings i ¥ FRANK Lg re A alms H Kingston, Ont. Sept. 8 FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. er Roll Bacon, 12je. per Ib. Fora quick Ginger try our Steak or Blood Pudding: H. J. MYERS, 60 Broek Ne. | 1 Colliers As Clergymen. Cardiff, Oct. 26.---At the Llandaff diocesan conference, Rev, Gomer Lewis agate church did not sufficiently colliers and 'others working to a. the ministry. In reply, the Rev, = e church, "Zenoleum,'" the = great See Bibby's $1.30 cardigan jackets, t Chown'l | store. "Sew Dibby's new 81 oll

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