Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Oct 1907, p. 4

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i 7 Es 3 occurred in court have brought him some distinction. Left to his own re. sources he has not made many discov- } The insinuation that because the po- lice commissioners have been liberals they may be conspiring to defeat the i i s EF g £ i " th g i 5 i} if i i: i i g F ! LAYING IT ON ROOSEVELT. pest. The Mail ought to know all conviction of some financiers js | about this thing. Between the plumb- that, the crisis in. the stock market |°rs' combine and the license combine session, Itare result of Mr. Roosevelt's poli- [grafting in Toronto has become a ve in any ve-|tonl misd The presid ience, and the Mail's particular every constituency has a Bas for a long time, since carly in the friends havé enjoyed a large monopoly | 2 F i £ evy- dence on which this opinion is based the men who explain are not very explicit, They simply declare that the national government, throuch its voice, has created a feeling of unrest, that money is not available for the great enterprises of the day because they fear some action, legislative, ad- ministrative or otherwise, which will make the investment unremunerative. There may be something in this con- tention, but the effect of it is over |estimated. The finaricial pani¢ has been confin- "fed to the United States and to these where speculative in t reflect a variable worth. The fluctua- tion depends. upon . the a which the bonds are offered for sale or for a security. These have suffered terribly in the. . great demand for money. At any rate, and in the emer- gency of the hour, they descend in the on the ground that it was expedient that those who represented it should be' in sympathy with it and anxious to see its desires cafried out. Tt is presumed, therefore, that the law is wigilant. He however, the police depart A MOST. DESPICABLE ACT scale of value. The industrial depres- The attack which has been made| sion in certain quarters has been has: upon the police commissioners--and |tened by the peculiar: conditions of 'because' public complaint has been | the money market and by the inabi- made against the manner ih which the |lity of the companies to finance their license law has been enforced hero--is | difficulties ger. The Westinghouse in- wholly 'unjustifieble. The license law, |stitutions in Pittsburg, for instance, like every other good. law, makes it|represent a business which may be af- obligatory upon all who have to do [fected by complications, but only for 'with the administration of justice, to|8 time. The collapse of trust com- assist "ii" Yaving if rospocted. The | Panies must, of course, be harmful, police render the license department [but eventually the banking system every reasonable aid, 'but the men |will be improved without the sacrifice | who are responsible for the of any industrial prestige. | enforcemen i eke lenin The fun on the bunks is the natural commissioners inspector. cogsequence of a public scare, The _ The government chapged the' whole {depositors do not wait to investigate license department when it took office |0nditions. They simply know that. certain damaging reports are in oi culation and they want their monev. Their demands are gratified--at the ex- pense of the business community--ior the more money that is withdrawn being regarded here according to its from circulation the greater the strin- gency, and the united effort of the inspector says he is busy. He bankers, aided by the government, - oh [sary in order to restore the public people expect him confidence. deal is going on in should be interested. Though PY with its immense deposits, are neces- EDITORIAL NOTES. The whole dominion is my parish, says Mr. Borden, "And," he could have added, "I'm talking perish poli- tics wherever 1 go." Whitney going out of the prison labour business, eh ? He would never have been in it had he been true to his anti-election promises. x How many complainis has Inspector Wright laid before the police ment on his own initiative? Is be inspiring the attacks which have been made by a certain newspaper upon the police ? a Unitarian. The doctor says bo, is a Methodist. sectgries « are. somehow bard to si was passing over Chicago he asked, "What place is this?" The answer of it, 1 of prison with free labour. Mr. Downey is a mem- ber of the prison Jabour commission. Is the govérnment ashamed of its di plicity on. this subject, and so pre- paring. to. tumble ? : S S--------- months, The conservatives had a total deficit during its last reign 8i 212,510,889.22. In their last year of office they went behind, even with STOCK BUYERS" ONLY HOPE. Syracuse, N.¥., Post-Standard. The features of the situation, as ap- plied to the man who merely owns and Jets others gamble on mar- ging, deerve to be mentioned." One is that while the business situation im i improving, Wall street prices ave cbl- lapsed vv which was unknown "The jtional system must be apparent to {The public school has been looked up- the good | against the late liberal government og regard to | that some offices were kept unfilled > have. fancy we can; t00 long, and in some cases this was trial and 1 wry "true. But Mr. Whitney promised to The, danger vol: saying, "Oh. | change all this. We now see how he. or ma East po is a lovely | hoe fulfilled his promise in Waterloo money being handed out en et TE . ty. His action, or more properly, tion may not be the same as in New he want. of action, there, is much on a York, but there is a tendency to in-| Though increased expenditure has with his promise to take the tut In Yecurition hid "pruesiny - high | bden + of the fomen aut of politics. terest, and some of these have suffer- | conservatives ellington bye [* DENS GREAT od recently a ful depreciation. The | election that the government does MB RURDEN'S: T FOLLY: experience in thé neighboring state and nk petef tes about UI pacstanes of - his parieh, polite its effect on inslirance conditions have | giving the | il delivery Conservative leader is te 'been the best answer to some of the|at a cost. of dot, Se eople i Alar and Scheie stronger comments have been [lars a al should subsidy, and they would either . have to sell them in order to raise a. re- attract settlers by advertising free reverse side of the shield Mr. Borden has not cared to discuss, so far as we have seen. He has hot told them frankly they cannot have their cake #nd eat it--they cannot have the lands and the additional revenue, too. |S ------.e...oig WHERE TO REFORM. Journal. need of reform in our educa- bs any who give the matter a thought. on as a mere training school for the high school and the hiirh "school for the university. The tendency has been to unbalance the svstem and drive pupils to follow pursuits, unnatural to their adaptabilit+ and opportun- ity, The Farmer's Advocate summed the matter up well recently, It said: "Thinking Canadians are at least awakening to the fact that cur much lauded public school systems possess a lamentable defect in that they have tended strongly to wean our youne people from the land, to fill Américan towns and cities at the expense ¢f the rural districts, and especially to 'over- crowd. professional and clerical em- plovmeats. da short, they have not Cu aia securities," 'a few years ago. That proves, if it proves nothing else, that | a panic in the stock market does not necessarily mean ruin to the founda-' tions of ity. The value of stocks and bonds - to] those who own them for investment' upon: what the property back of the stocks or bonds is - worth and watched like To the owner of such securities the \ hurricanes of the past few days may at the worst cause the wish that be EVIL OF PATRONAGE SYSTEM. Stratford Beacon. Nearly twelve months ago three of- fices in the gift of the provincial gov- ernment ame vacant in Waterloo county--those of high"eourt registrar, county clerk and surrogate court a of the evil of patronage. The Histury of She incidtny 28 told by the lin Telegraph is ! "The conservatives throughout the the county are not pleased with the manner in which these offices have been open, and many unfavorable com- ments have been made and there is not the best of harmony existing be- tween the faithful. The Whitney gov- ernment is aware of this and the mem- depart- | bers of the north and south ridings have been ordered to come to an ag- 'Men Require Nerve and Blood Tonic How Are Your Nerves ? The daily grind of life burns up a man's vitality faster than he renews it, He gets shaky, starts at trifles, tosses in his sleep, is ready to fly off The nervous man is nervous because his blood is so thin bis nerves are starved to death, 2 juice, ensures perfect 'digestion, pares' the food so it can be at od assimilated. \ ; 7 gE , | chemistry bearine on agricultural and ylas options. In short we need to ~ jof Mount Pleasant. ~|cheose factory, and will take pos- in. | scratches, at Chown's. Far been conceived with a view io fitting our people or inclining their tastes towards. the principal occupation the country , wiz, farming. f f RARER = JER on C iripire RR RERRERRREE pio RR We extend a.glad bahid to' every man or Boy looking for good things to wear. . We are always pleased to show our good Clothes or any- 3 thing you wish te see in our choice Headwear or Toggery. RRR, Stocks are full at this writing and it's a splendid time to be looking around. Don't forget to take a peep at our, $12, $15 and $18 Suits, And Our $10, $18, $14.50, $18 and $20 Overcoats--Match them if 'you can. i, EF - A List of Specials : Our $1 Wool Underwear. | Our great $1 Glove Mocka. Our 25¢c. Cashméte Hose. | yy Boys* Caps, 15¢. Our - great $1 , Shirts. & Our Nobby $1 Men's Sweat- Our Nobby $8 Skee ' & ery. - See Our Dainty' q Nek! Our $1.50 Cardigan Jacket. fancy See See See See Our $2 Club Sweaters. Our*New Collars, 2 for 25c. " BIBBY- CO. 78-80-82 PRINCESS STREET. EE a ee Te NR BRD, & ARERR RRR RR MRR RRR MRR RRRRRR Da high schools need /reform even worse than the common schools. It is time to cut out this folly of spending five or six hours a week, acquiring a use- less smattering of French and Ger- man, time to cut off a great deal of the algebra and euclid, though a low ol. the elements. oi these are all right. We need more botany, more physics, more chemistry, espe- cially the principles and findings of humus existence; we need political economy introduced, also manual training and domestic science, with distinct agricultural classes. provided balance up our school education, hy training the hand as well as the head along lines that are most like ly to be useful, and hence to be fol- lowed un in after life. The aim is not to make farmers of everybody, but to do all we reasonably can to cultivate a taste for, an interest in, and a re- spect for agriculture and all other useful arts. The aim of the past has been to turn out an endless stream cof scholars, but too few intelligent agri- culturists, capable workers and prac- tical mn of affairs. It is time to ro- verse that order. We must do what we can to moor the voung people to the land, instead of drawing them from it." Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats. We make them in any shade of cloth, any kind of lining or collar. Ours are the kind that fit properly and give eutire satisfaction. Get prices at Campbell Bros., the store of quality. Frederick Schryver died at Toronto on Sunday last, aged about fifty years. He was well known in Napa- nee, having lived there all his - life, until but a year ago. He was a bricklayer by trade, and a skilled me- chanic. but had to abandon it on ac- count of rheumatism. Specialists are going back to na- ture"s remedies as being the best. Hollister"s Rocky Mountain Tea has been nature's best remedy for thirty years. Recommended and used by specialists. 35¢c., Tea or Tablets. Ma- hood's Drug Store. home of Isaac Warner, Belleville Road, i , on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, at the marriage of his daughter, Pansy Pearl, to Morgan S. Abrams, | Bi 's B00. knitted glove, - i "I'll bet a two-pound boxof Mc Conkey's candy Queen's will win' ol of muffe, neck. pieces, etc., is the largest and best ever shown in King. | ston. Your inspection is invited. Me-| Kay Fur House. Try Bibby's $1 wool underwear. | William J. Walsh, North Fredericks. burg, has leased' the farm of the late Mrs. Frederick Fitzmartin, near the | session Ist April next. Special value boys' sweaters, 50c. toques, ved, navy, white and black, 'ork . Dress Reform. hook arare 'Phane 778. Messrs. Wilson Bros. have purchased Frederiok Carty's stock of boots and ". Liquid court plaster, for cuts and coats 'of all. kinds made to order. * MeKay Fur House. Fa Guedes your. ' juice at Chown's A pleasant "time was spent at the] . THE SHARES HIGHLAND MARY GOLD MINES, LIMITED, OF LARDER LAKE WiLL ADVANCE FROM 10 CENTS ONE DOLLAR OCTOBER 29th. : Owing to the continued extraordinary results obtained at Larder Lake, especially on the properties of the Highland Mary together with the fact that a strong English syndicate has secured option on all treasury shares remaining unsold after Oct, 20th at One Dollar per share, we will not be able to fill orders after that date at less than One Rollar per share. All applications for Highland Mary at 10 cents per share bearing date not later than Oct. 29th will be accepted - and allotted, provided the total allofmient offered has not been fully sub- scribed, in which event the amount remitted will be returned. Law & Company, Lid Traders Bank Building, TORONTO. Telegraph or Telephone Orders at our expense. Telephone Main 2708. Specials For the Week: China Cabinets, 5 shelves, mirror in back. Regular price $18.00 for $12.00. China Cabinet, full serpentine glass front. Regu- lar price $25.00 for $20.00. ., 1 Buffet. Regular price $33.00 for. $25.00, 1 Buffet, Regular price $18.00 for $13.00. A few specials in Sideboards, Extension Tables to match ; also one $25.00 Iron Bed for $18.00. « ROBERT J. REID, . Telephone, 577. 250 Princess Street. ram | ee ---------------- TRY K.D.C. "wiarim It ranks first in curative power, Indigestion Floes before It. IT IS A PURE HOUSEHOLD REWEDY whose marits have long wll suit or 'overcoat at established, and can be used with perfect safety from tha Boy 3 TO THE INFANT. Price 35¢. and $1.00. Company, Ltd, New Glesgow. N. GH Found. it Under Seat and W Throwing it Away When /E plosion Occurred. Milan, Oct. 26.--While the. tra from Lausanne to Milan, was sto ping here, a traveller got out of train carrying a bomb, which, he sai he had found under the seat in 4 coach immediately behind the ba Phe bomb exploded, blo i Hl gage van. il ing off his hand and slightl- injury a vuard in the serv ice of the feder . railways. The police authorities, who were ir mediately advised, opened an inqui {into the matter, and . the rain Ww "inspected by the police. The -injur man Was taken ta the Sion Infirmar According to later details, the bon exploded 'at the moment when ty expresses were standing in the st tion. The traveller in the Lausan express noticed an infernal machi shaped like a bottle, and with a ligh od fuse in it, under the seat. He h seized it in order to throw it out the window, when it exploded wi great violence, The victim's name is M. Gindray proprietor of an hotel at Zerma His hand ;was torn off and he receiv severe injuries in different parts of | bodv. The guard was struck on | temple by a fragment of the bon The outrage is supposed to he | work of anarchists. A FARMER IS NEEDED. Ground Dowm By Monopoly 3 = Despatisi. "A Farmer" writes the Whig to that it was not the yeoman of F tenac who selected Dr. Edwards as conservative candidate for the mons: an teresting duo worked oracle." He continues: "We, the sophisticated, express no opinion u | © such matters, although we consid undesirable to further increase w+ ranks of doctors and lawyers in parliaments and legislative assemb We boast of our illimitable resou and the more 'we boast the higher taxes will be and the greater the of living, not that Providence is peneficient, but that our rulers more gluttonish and inexorabl | their demands for services rendere themselves. "Forty years ago many farm this county could be rented at rate per annum than the present) rate of taxation, and yet the rev is not 'greater to-day. Wherefore anomaly if honesty and efficiency hand in hand ? "If our farmerg§ and other v workers continue to support | hacks and political hucksters in insane belief that allegiance to | solid supersede principle, the not far distant when the poor ¢ try 'will be ground under the he monopoly and despotism i "The county requires a go er; produce him, and let all vot him, no matter what his polities so long as he be an honest man, thereby disillusionize those who | that farmers are incompetent to ern their own interests -- Married In Toronto. A pretty wedding was solemniz St. Enoch's Presbyterian church, roate, on Oct. 220d, when Miss Norine Pew, youngest daughte Mrs. R. Delane Pew, Niagara ] Ont.; became the wile 'of Sidney FE. Rose, B.3c., youngest son © late 1). E. Rose, of Tamworth, a graduate of the School of Mi Kingston. The bride was attired brown panne velvet suit, with he mateh. They were attended by H. K. Wilson, Youngstown, Ohio Clinton H. Rose, Tamworth, and brother of the groom. A s was afterwards served at McConl to 'the bridal party" and a few mate friends. The groom's gift the bride was a - handsome dia and pearl pin. After spending a 3 time with the groom's mother brother at Tamworth Mr. and Rose will make their home in 1 Mass, -------- Job To Personal Friend. Berlin, Oct. 26.--Herr Von Ts | schky, the secretary of foreign aff has been | appointed ambassador Vienna, and will be succeeded by Von. Schoen, the German ambass at St. Petersburg. : The retirement of Herr Tschirs has come as a surprise to no on has Jong been an open secret that minister was anxious to be reli of his responsibility. . Herr Von Schoen is a pers friend of the emperor, whom he accompanied several times on n ern cruises. He comes of a boun stock and received a patent of sian nobility in 1885. The vacation of the St. Peter post brings about further chang the Germgn diplomatic service. rumors which have been curren diplomatic circles for some time garding the London embassy may be fulfilled, Baron Marschall Biehetstein being mentioned as a sible successor to Count Wolff teruieh. 7 { { ---------- Clean Hands Before Cookin The first thing taurht and de strated at the school cooking ol is cleanliness. Before the girls work, they wash their hands ouchlv. Clean hands and nail insisted 'upon. Last week, Miss tig's class led the other classes hand cleanliness. These facts Wi of interest to many who have wc ed if cleanliness was a part of cooking class curriculum. It is. in" charge of house, hotel and cooking might make note of th i ---- When buyiog a piano see the heimer, in Kirkpatrick's Art G Priveess street. Sale of baby ribbon, all color cent per yard. New York: Dr form, Alaska Sable, Jap wink ] neck pieces, 30 1 1 's dng 8!

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