Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1907, p. 3

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Herbert Hare, on, Kingston; ton x old "A. Alcorn, son of George | 0. / , M.P., has been transfered "to terboro branch of the Bank « of. YON'S 3X RHEUMATISN. CURE fails to relieve in one three and cures in a few days; oe $1. on's Dyspepsia Cure is ye all fosins P of digestion troubl rice, 3 : you's 3X Kidn Cure speedily ey rice, and e back, loins or alt ry of kidney disease. Byons = Headache Cure stops head< minutes. Price, 2 ayon 's plod Cure. eradicates all im- ies of the blood. Price, 25¢. nyon's Uold Cure prevents pneumonia upacold in a few hours. , 2 nyon"s Pile Ointment pouitively all forms of piles. Price, 2 : nyon's Vitalisbr Jestores lost powe L] veak men myon's Remedies at all druggists, ly at 25 cents a vial. Sy ---- ee ------------------------------ ------ BRACELETS We are now showing a com- plete line of English and Canadian designs, in Gold Bracelets. Some of the samples are perfectly plain, while others tend to Orna- mentation, with Rubies, Amethysts and other Jewelled Effects. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. Phone, 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. Pearls, -- Quite Wrapped Up In It. Every lady customer who has purchased Fur Garment from us is, in two 158s, wite wrapped up in it.' She s the advantage of comfort, fit, style d economy in combination. Muff or wket--every article we offer has a h appearance, is handsomely and cor- ctly made and lined, thoroughly stitch- throughout, and finished as = "perfect rment. NV. F. GOURDIER. IIIB HORAK usiness ats ! » are many ladies in this 1d surrounding district ry our swagger Coats and re justly proud of their 3e. Joats we sell have a dash t-up-ness not to be had rarments shown by other . We are not confined one manufacturer, in- re have the choice from f the most noted houses ada as well as the old g at garments at $4.50 and § tter garments at $10.00, 5.00. mething and 25.00, ll ages, at $2.00 and up. ! Coat Now e is complete. \ ankets, Flannelette Un- # Wool Gloves, Sweaters, swell at at hge of DRESS GOODS Cc. a yard. ; hoose from. Shaw Pearsall's Millinery We are showing the style of to- - vicinity. active work of the Methodist a Tush pat avery Dpiiondute Harold Corbett has resumed his try. study our customers needs, and duties as mail clerk on the Bay of y Quinte railway after a couple of weeks the results are, indeed, very satis- fa our specialties. i : riends, He returned home this X Consult your own interest and Sia Hiends: . One of the most enjoyable organ re- see them before buying. F. W. Dickenson, Union street, re- citals ever held here was that in St. turned from New Work to-day, after Andrew's church last evening. There v audience Pearsall"s Millinery, Cook's Cotton Root Compound re tarovvr Da, Toon. WHAT 15 GOING ON AMONG CITIZENS. Visitors in the City For the Holiday---A Veteran vlergy- man Celebrated His Sixty Ninth Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. D, A. Shaw, went to Montreal, to-day. 5 Birch and y amily left, on Friday, for Kenora. Dr. Knapp, Montreal street, went: down to Montreal to-day. Miss Katie Brennan, Smith' s Falls, spent Thanksgiving day at her home in Kingsto John W. " iheobald left on Thursday to join a deer hunting party near Calabogie. G. E. Thompson, of the Merchants bank, Prescott, spent Thanksgiving day in the city, Ross Playfair, teller in the Crown bank, left to-day, for Spraigge, Ont., for his holidays. G. Y. Chown is home from the east with two deer. His party secured twen- ty-two in Quebec. Miss Ella Twamley, Lindsay, is vis- iting her cousin, Mrs. C. H. Cook, No. 1 Jenkin Avenue. A. J. Linton and Miss H. M. Col- man of Kingston, were married re cently, in Port Hope Miss Myrtle Deore: New. York, Te turned home to-day, after visiting "Miss Zeta Dickinson, Union street. Mre. Vanhorne, Brock street, confin- ed to her room for;some time, with pneumonia, is slowly recovering. William West left, to-day, for his home, Detroit, after spending the summer with friends in the city and at noon, CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now Yolk Smal FL Small Duss Small Bric Exclusive Models vacation. Dr. Joseph Kennedy, of Perth, spent the past two days in the city visiting ctory to us. Our Ostrich Feathers are one of 228 Princess street. business, J. M. Denyes, BAA., of Newburgh, made. an able address on 'The Call to Youths" at the Epworth League convention in Tweed. Lieut.-Col. J, Galloway, D.AAG., Toronto, has been grated one month's leave of absence owing to ill- health from October 16th. John Scanlan received a from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., 'The great Uterine Toni only "safe effoctu onthly V~ "a { 10 degrees dispatch ont., wilting. As Good Clothing For The Price Never has been and is not now shown outside this store. A strong statement you will say. Yes, it is, but we stand by it, and you will fihd us always ready to Pp tom made. only difference is the price. rove it. Our Fine Overcoats and suits are the same as cus- They don't look like ready-made. The We have Overcoats as low as $4.75, 5.75, 6.75 and 8.00. Better ones at $9.50, 11.50, 13.50 to 18.00. Men's and Young Men's Suits at the same prices. We Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction Os<Money Back Without A Kick. SOME GOOD SPECIALS regular 50c. and 65c. FOR SATURDAY: 25 dozen Men's Caps, New Fall and Winter Goods, Saturday 39c. each. 25 dozen Men's Soft Front Colored Shirts, just in to-day, Handsome patterns, extra pair of Cuffs, Regular $1.25 and 1.50, Special Saturday 99. Cents Each. 25 Dozen Men's pure Wool Cashmere' Socks, Reg- ular 25¢, Special Saturday 19c a pair. regular $2.75. 50 pairs Men's Trousers, Tweeds and Worsteds, Saturday $1.89 a Pair. 50 Men's Suits, new patterns, latest styles, high grade goods, all sizes, regular $13.50. Very special aturday at $9.75. 50 Men's Overcoats on Sale at same prices. Prices That Will Open Your Eyes. Just compare our goods with others offered at the That's all we ask. RONEY & CO. 127 Princess St. The Store That Sefs the Pace & AE ERR AAT Fe rr Teen PERSONAL MENTION: spending a week there on government him of the death of his brother, ." No details were given. MN. re leit to-day for Montreal Neill spend Sunday with friends at TR Reid, id, principal of Sydenham advance agent of "The Mayor of Laughland" sompaLy, is in the city arrangements for their appearance here on Wednesday, Nov. 6th. City Engineer Beckwith and Ald. Gaskin, chairman of the board of works, left, at noon, for Montreal, where they will view some road-build- ing apparatus. Miss G. Cullan. 11 Bay street, and Miss Via Holland, of Ordnance street, left on Wednesday, for a week's visit with the latter's aunt, Miss Black- burn, Hutchinson street, Montreal. A Hallowe'en party was held at the home of Miss Lillie Caldback, Albert street, where thirty young people were entertained. At midnight refreshments were served and the happy party broke up at an early hour in the morning Prof. ® orden, of Queen's University, was the guest of henor, at the eighth bic meeting and banquet 'of the Western Ontario Alumni of Queen's, held at London, Wednesday night, and was elected honorary president of the alumni. A pleasant time was spent. last evening, at the hogs of Mr. and Mrs, James Scruton. © Stephen street, where about thirty" young people en- joyed a Hallowe'on party. All games mabe for this occasion were. indulg- in. a Carl Aflum, Mabérly, father of Mrs. C. A. Sykes, William street, is visiting at the parsonage. On Thanks- giving Day he celebrated his sixty- ninth birthday. He is still in the minis- RECITAL AT ST. ANDREW'S A Most Enjoyable Musical Event Last Evening. was a very large present. The numbers were all contributed by outside, singers, Mrs. Walker, Toron- to, and Arthur Blight, Toronto. The former possesses a rich, full, soprano voice, of rare qualities, over which she has perfect control. Mr. Blight is one of the finest baritone singers that Kingstonians ever had the pid listening to. There is a rare richness to his voice. The duet, "In Heavenly Love . Abiding,' by Mrs. Walker and Mr. Blight, was one of the best num- bers. W. H. Hewlitt, Mus. Bac.,, Hamil ton, presided at the organ. Mr. Hew- litt is spoken of as one of the best organists in Canada, and his playing last evening was certainly most beau- tiful. The Fantastic Pastorale and Tempest in the Alps was grand; the quiet peaceful blowing of the horn to call the cattle to higher pastures, sud- denly interrupted by violent atmos- pheric disturbances, aftér which the evening hymn proclaims the tranquil: ity of the scene. All the former were clearly discernible throughout the number. Three other organ solos by Mr. Hewlitt were also greatly en- joyed. Quite a neat the benefit "of choir expenses. LATE MRS. JAMES HICKEY. sum was realized for the choir, and current An Aged Lady Passed to Rest on Thursday. The death occurred on Thursday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs, Dix, 128 Bagot street, of Mrs. Hic- key, relict of the late "James Hickey, engin The deceased had been in fnitmgfhealth for the past three years, and was a great sufferer. The epd came peacefully. Mrs. Hickey's maiden name was Isabella Young. She was horn in Quebec in 1825, and there married. For twenty years she resided on Garden Island, and for the past 'twenty years in Kingston. Her husband died eigh- teen years ago. Surviving are four children: Mrs. Dix, Bagot street, city; Mrs. (Capt.) Trowell, Toronto; O. J. Hickey, Kingston, and E. J. Hickey, "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, ge ek Fniuacaeric. TONIGHT. WM. A. BRADY'S 'Special Production, "WAY DOWN EAST wy LOTTIE BLAIR PARK. Te oy JOS. R. SRNICER BR, Fudoteed Ly rT §FURLIC, PU PULPIT, fm now on Sale. Saturday Evening 0 Only, Nov. 2nd. A. Q. SCAMMON'S Sparkling Three-Act Musical Comedy THE REAL WIDOW BROWN Wholesome Fun, Splendid Singing, Rich Costumes, Nimble Dancers. > Prices--1bc., Bbc., 85¢., 50c. Seats now on Sale. BIJOU Ladies" Hour 11 40 1, Souge at every Performance. To-Day and Saturday. THOSE FURIOUS NERVE-QUAKING AUTO RAGES IN FRANCE The Fratell Chauffeurs are the wildest, craziest, pst, biomtairring 'SPEED- FIENDS' og in the 'whole world The Races at Dieppe, in France, ure the most celebrated to be seen anywhere. Rich men spend THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS and travel from the ends of the earth to see these extraordinary per formances of speed, und watch the gigan- tic machines rocketing around sharp corpers und curves, in the most danger ous course in the world--A course runs through city streets, up and down hills, around dizzy ments and through every possible YOU can ses §t for FIVE Ceults, at the Bijou, and you t afford to. miss it ILLUSTRATED SONGS BY MISS SARA HOLDEN Mezao-Sopramo, EDGAR A. RUSH, Baritone WONDE Be ONDERLAND) THE HOUSE OF HITS Present for Friday and Saturday. The Blacksmith"s Daughter, one of the Flaten, pictures ever shown here, 1,000 fee Hiustrated Song, ~Fennella,"' sung * by Miss Binily Selwyn, beats Prima-Domna Star Opera Co., Pianist, Jack Hurris, of Keith and Proctor Circuit. Come and hear Miss Selwyn and Mr. Haris, as their equal has never been Remember per they are at WONDERLAND, The First and Beést House in Kingston. PRINCESS THEATRE J. J. ALLEN, Mgr. A trastion for today a wi OTow, the Princess be the GREAT RURAL INVASION OF NEW YORK. Rube "Brown comes to town, Leaving the Home Folks--New York--Cab Buried --He Loses the Ha jug a Gold Brick--Entertained 'the Bowery- Central Park--Toitg <8 dn--Back to the Farm. GEO. HAMMOND Sings, "WON'T YOU BH MY HONEY ? Queen's Ill. VS. R. M.C. II. B30 pam SA TURDAY, Nov. 2nd Queen's Upper Campas. Adorission, 1c. Toronto Excursion Nov. 8th Card of Thanks. I DESIRE T0 EXTEND MY SINCRE Augusta, Ga. The latter is expected to arrive in time for the funeral. The | deceased was a member of St. An- drew's church, and until five years ago was active in church work. Her life was well-spent, and she leaves a kind- ly memory. HALLOWE'EN NIGHT. Young Folk. Had a Very Jolly Night. 'Phursday night was Hallowe'en and although there were many pranks played the police report that there | day was no malicious damage done, Quite a large number of young folk "dress- ed up" for the occasion, and had a jolly time. Signs were distributed around in various parts of the city, and some took the trouble to place two waggons on the cricket field. The police had several special constables sworn in for the night, but no arrests were made. The years ago on Hallowe'en is fast being done away with. oe---------------- S A Thrilling Sight. What millionaires pay many thous- ands of dollars to see, you can wit- ness for five cents at the Bijou, to- day and Saturday. The wild, furious auto races in France, is a thrilling sight and one you can't afford to miss, New Crop Persian Dates. Ex-SS. Tabaristan, via New York, expected Saturday morning. They are reported as exceptionally fine quality. Carnovsky's. Customs Import Increase. The local customs import duties for October amounted to $19.362.88, an increase of $4,251.84 over the amount for the same month last year. See Bibby's swell #2 derb- Golf jackets, cardinal, white, black and white, 81.75. New York Dress | Reform, Horehound eandy, "the strong kind," is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Tweed gives three pounds of bread fox 106, " mM In rowdyism of a few . thanks to the Officers and Members of {the Carpenters and Joiners' Union, | leocal M9, for the prompt payment of | $300, the claim of my late husband, «i so for the donation and kind words of sympathy expressed dum my hour of SOrrows MARY KANE, Oct. 28th, 1907. -- ee -------------------------------- Senior Championship O.R.F.U. Limestones vs. Westmount Queen's Athletic Grounds, SATUR- DA Y, Nov. 2ud, 2.30 p. i Bleachers, 25¢. Grand Stand, Reserved Sead, 50c. , at Uglow"s Book Store, Fri- Roller Rink. Skating at 3 and 7.80 p.m. BAND EVERY EVENING. Select Patronage. 5 Tickets, $1, NOTICE. 1 HEREBY FORBID ANY ONE TO give credit to my 'Wife Killeen and my family, as they my home PA Ai without cause. BOY ACCIDENTALLY SHOT. Accident to Charles Bowman, Barriefield. Charles Bowman, youngest son at of Charles Bowman, Barriefield, was ac- cidentally shot through the left arm, on Thursday morning. John Don- oghue and a companion were squirrel shooting on Barricfiehd common, and the yound lads were following them. Donoghue was standing with the gun cocked looking up into a tree, when young Bowman and a companion bumped into him, discharging the gun. The bullet, thirty-two-ealilire, entered the left arm, just above the elbow, passing through it and resting just inside the skin on the inside of the arm. Had the bullet had force en- ough to go two inches 'farther young Bowman would have been killed, as it {would have pierced his heart. He was {brought to; the city #d his wounds were dressed, Ie is doing as well as pan be expected. See Bibby's §2 cardigan jackeis, a amu su CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. w word. Bach com- secutd Ster ball cent ve insertion « wordy Minimum charge for ome in- sertion, 25¢. HELP WANTED---MALE, RESPECTABLE YOUNG MEN TO Apply No. 13 Sixth ®t. BRIGHT BOY, TO LEARN THE printing trade. Apply Whig office. SPECIA BALESMEN FOR EASTERN A talkers and nr pay weekly, Netable line. particulars write Luke Brothers, Company, Mon- treal. FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS TO make, also ol ones to repair and clean, pressing and repair work done well, reasonable prices. Galloway, The Tailor, 181 Brock St., next to Bibby's Livery. TO-LET, FURNISHED ROOMS, comfortable w Apply 62 Earl trocts WARM AND con STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, BTC. in first-class storehouse, rat end moth proof. McCann, 51 Brock St, gt ROOMS FOR STORAGE PURPOSES, clean and dry. Frost, City Storage, 299 Queen street. 'Phone, 536. ia -------------------- FURNISHED FOR THE WINTER, A| comfortable seven-roomed, brick | house, Apply at 175 Clergy street, | TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS AT ONCE. Apply to Randolph Hotel, GOOD PLAIN COOK, FAMILY OF TWO. Randolph Avely Mra, Alan Palmer, MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN, TO ASSIST Bn the care of chilren, Apply 157 AT ONCE, A FIRST-CLASS NURSE take 'charge of baby, oue-yoar-old. bv Box "'M.,"" Whig office. A GIRL, FOR GENERAL HOUSH-| po work, po washing. A t Mitchel, 189 oY at. es: A COOK AND HOUSEMAID. APPLY to U3 Clarence St., o to Mrs, Walkem, Paery St, wm y FROM CORNER ER Yio AND CFI Sts., d mare colt, to ita whereabouts will ceived by Froakiin Clow, 88 1 A on. Gor, CE - BENRY P. gan. WM. ten on wwsond Bor, Ser rer Manood's LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF FAIR education to travel for an old estolr lished fitm. One thousand, dollars per year, and expenses Just weekly. . F. McGarvay, Toron A C OUPLE OF OFFICES OVER THE G.N. W sh elograph Company's office, Walkem. Sa St pply to J, B, OFFICE OVER WADE'S DRUG stove, Cor. King and Brock Sts., bot water heating. Apply at McCann's, 51 Brock street. -------------------------------------- FURNISHED HOUSE, 260 UNIVER- sity Ave., modem improvements Rent $16. Apply PF. Osler, Corner Jotmson St., and University Ave. FURNISHED HOUSE, FROM 1st NOV. twelve-roomed house, 232 Brock St. all modern, ano, telephone and water included in rental, Apply im- mediately, to Archdencon Carey or J. 8. R. McLann. ET TCT SI BUSINESS CHANCE. $10 FOR AN EDUCATION. COURSE in Bookkeeping, or Shorthand. $10 for thirty days only, New York Cor- respondence School, P. O. Box 24, Buffalo, N.Y. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Cy 8S. KIRKPATRICK, Marriage Licenwes, 42 ISSUER OF Clarence St. POSITIONS, BY CAPABLE P x who oan be found by advert rr Time, sain tm Bort A GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF A Joung shilg, and pnsiae, with hota or ly t rs, . w, Corner P nion and a 4 Sts, : FOR SALE, A MAID FOR GENERAL HQUSE|SOLID BRICK SOINE, 77 obven Su work. References required. Apply be- ham fore 4 and after 6 pan. any evening but Wednesday, Mrs. F, Lockett, to A. B, Cunniigham, 79 104 Stuart street. BAY MARE, 18 BAN ox ; WANTED--GENERAL. years cars-old, tan "be. rive "iroken = driven % oh Ho 8 A JOB CLEANING Asus OUT OF Kise bogey ard harms yards or cellars, « other baggage atree! carted. Prices ihe. Apply bp Lytle, General Carter, 85 Main St. | VALUAB PROPERTY FOR SALE Da J gtmson reat. MOVING PICTURE THEATRE, ONLY amusement fn | wa. tionad ru i fit, Good Teation ni, gig he oe ye the month, year, or any Ww og red. For further tatoriaation, apply to Laturney's Carriage Works, 3 and 8392 Princess St. 'Phone, 154 LOST. . A PAIR OF GOLD RIMMED GLASSES, on Friday, on Division or Johnson Sts. Finder please return to Whig office and receive reward, LADY 'S GOLD WATCH, INITIALLED "8. K.," also gold chwin and $5-gold piece, on Clergy, IPrincess or joa Sts, Oct. 31st, 1907. Hewnrd return to Whig office. BLOCKS Fawr will Mrs. A GOLD BROOUH, ON bounded by Johnson, Ulergy, and Sydenham Sts. Finder rewarded by returning to Hobart Dyde, 189 Johnson St, REV, C. W. CASSON, OTTAWA, Entering The Eternal, We hear it said, where some man dies, that he enters into life eternal, Is there not a truer conception than that ? Is it not more true that every man is living in the eternal now ? Death does not mean eternity any more than life. Eternity is but the extension and continuance of this present life. Waken to the fact before you die. Live now the eternal life the life that is worthy of being eter- nal. All of eternity is enfolded in the present. 'You can never have a greater sense of life eternal than you may have right now. All of ete srnity is in the present moment. Address, Mr. Casson for [ree liters ture. A Preventive of Old Age. It would seem that nature created the Olive in a holiday mood and endowed it with de- lights and virtues above all other fruits. It is so remarkable a solvent that it dissolves the Calcareous Matter, which settling im the arteries and joints causes the stiffness of old age and produces rheumatism. Thus the use of Lyvola Ripe Oliver is the best means to retard the advance of old age. Lyvola Ripe Olives are for sale only at D. Couper"s, 841-343 Princess St. 'Phone, 76. HERE'S SOMETHING NEW IN 'POST CARDS Gree tings Irom King ston, ¢ Life Models" Kingston Views. Come in and have a look. T. McAule y Wm. Murray, Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ete., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday: and FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER, Pai Bason, Hie per » ner mburg Padding a. FH Bg 60 Brock Me Ten thousand people are murdered in the United States évery year, but the trouble is that they aren't the THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT| AWAITING i VERDICT WE WANT you to judge ' our famous "SCRANTON COAL' on its own evidence, Take a ton and see what it will do for you. See how § perfectly it burns, See how § economical it is. We'll tell § you what coal will best suit § your case if you tell us about the use to which you expect & to put it. TheFrontenac Lumber § and Coal Company. A.CHADWICK, Manager Successors of The Rathbun Company. Phone No. 67. EDUCATIONAL. Beetetestttttotttrttte If you wish to be successful Rt~ tend The Kingston Business College Limited, head of Queest street. CANADA'S Hees GRADE business shorthand, graphy, this column. II you are such J write, call or tel roply unless you mean business. and the win "do the rest. ons. 36, Whig office. CARRIAGES WAGQGONS, FURNI- ture, Planos, or 0 NN ticle for ator MONEY AND BUSINESS, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE building contents than Fixamine LIVERPOOL, LONDON AxD, a Fire In A SUrance assets $61,187,215. EDUCATIONAL. -------------------------------------------- $10 FOR A PROFESSION, oor Sham 'N. fitting cs lig Phd. Ladies or Gentle New Geis Bhool, P.0. Box 24, Buffalo, N.Y. C. H. Powell, Carpenter and Jobber, 103 Raglan St. al When You Buy COAL From P. WALSH] You get genuine Scranton, as he handles nothing else. FIFI IISPIIIIIIIEIS THE FRONTENAC LOAF AND INVESTMENT ESTABLISHED 1863. President--Sir Richard Carvurgit Money. loatied Munioipal ou Oy "Boy os 4 3 i o ion. received and interest allowed. 8. £. McGill, Mana Director, oe, 87 Clarence Dagny De Ne very H. Te 'METOALFE, President, J. B, CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. FIP IFIIIIIIG eteeeseceesretateee, fet hee f iid, nll SudZees IMPROVE YOUR EDUCATION INCREASE YOUR EARNING POWER Day and Evening Classes at the Frontenac Business Coll, 'Barrie anf Clergy 8 T. N, STOCKDALE, Phone, 680, Principal. stssstetestttsease RY RRL Cures ALL CouGHS right ten thousand. What is home without a good cook 1 x io oo ul ALWAYS 5 |5¢ AND COSTS BUT - Lwoneh Mn the "olty: ule of ell om shortest notice. English Chinese Dishes u specialty. sipralivinaticd TREE REE DR. C.C. NASH, Dentist, NewYorkChinese Restat Resta 83 Princess Street. } Opan from 10.30 am. 4s 3.00 os 183 Princess St. Over Dr. Chown's Drug Store. Graduate, of 1 Royal College of Dental Su Ontafio and honor graduate of RE University. Every Wetnesday at Odessa. SUMMER WANTS Screen Dnors and Windows, Ice ER Had Charcoal STRACHAN'S New England Chinese Restaurant 331 King Street. Open from 10.30 am, to 8 am, the best place to get an wil round Lunch iu the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest

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