Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1907, p. 7

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a. © CC pws d | Stanley Haydn Quartet st! ec Bite Bells Grew Taylor 5168) y by Collins & Harlan Grocery (No. 1728) Len Spencer J rot) with orchestra ane ty by Miss er (No. 5252) . Stewart pers (No. 5248) ry Tally Von Tilzer Von Titzer Zur Israel (No. 5243) Der Kidysh (No. 5244) chas Kohanim (No. 5245) No. 52420 d Tannenbaum" Fe yun) (No. Jovor Opera House - 7) Moses-Tobani y stra 11 be Exalted Handel 1672) stra $1677) : Sheridan : ! Re 0, Tenor (Cont'd) 8 Ob, Paradise) Meyerdeer 4085) iS a aD Italian wi No. 64077) Verds y One) n, a--$1.75 cach--In ®nglish am Mendelson oo 0. 74083) Mendelssohn Baritone f ra--$1.75--In lish a (Ne wy Hanae PN rcords for you. = o 4 SAENTENS -- La EE Write . for free catalogue of over S000 Records. any Jeweller, 158 Princess St. reat. noisseurs! © 3 SOFFEE ts. a Ib.--2 lbs, for 75 cts, YWHERR. holesale Teas, Coffees, Spices, EIEIO waka "Phone, ---- er THE DAILY EE It matters not, for we have SHES for every mem ber, from the little toddler who must have Spring Heels to the good sturdy ones for the head of the house. We are careful to to see that they are of proper material and correct in shape and fit; while the important point-- service--is always our care. This fall we are showing very natty Gun Metal Blucher at $3.00, American made For Men, we have the sole sale in Kingston of the Men's "Belmont" Shoe in all leathers at $4.00. This is an American brand, and, of course, up-to-the-minute in style. We consider this shoe the strongest line in the city at the price, $4.00. : J. H. Sutherland & Bro. The House of Good Shoemaking. TORTOISE For Hard or Soft Coal or Wood. This is the slow combustion stove that is fast gaining favor. It is a powerful and durable Heater, and very easy on fuel. Will give double the service of 4 SIZES of stove at any other make. twice the price. & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St on SRN t M | \ Our Millinery Departmentis a very busy place these days. The business done here this season far exceeds any done in former years, which only goes to prove that the ladies of Kingston and vicinity fully appreciate all the efforts in their behalf. Come to us for your Winter Hats and you will be assured of up-to-date styles, mode- rate prices and courteous attention. Fur-Lined Coats Just a word about these Coats, for it is impossible to describe all their good points here. You will find those at our store to be first-class in every particular--mate- rials, linings, trimmings and cut. All sizes and styles Kvery one new this fall, at prices from $40.00 to 75.00. Have you entered the prize Contest ? ang Crumley Bros. gm APA A re Ad Men's Boots ; $ Built of Quality Smart, crisp shapes that impart rich tone to one's 2 apparel. As different from ordinary footwear as night } from day. The economy in buying Invictus Shoes soon makes itself apparent to the most sceptical. The cost is but a trifie more than that of the lower grades. Men's, $4.00, 4.50 and 5.00. { Ladies, $3.50, 3.75 and 4.00. The Sawyer Shoe Store. PAARL IPP PPP M The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co;, Ltd MONTREAL Manufacturers of the choicest REFINED SUGARS Granulated and Yellows. Made entirely from cane Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence." ine TT ------------------------ SE | cleared for Montreal, with three grain- Inever veturped, i NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTD IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From all Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, Longboat started on his run from Hamilton to Toronto at 12:40 p.m, to-day, to cover the course in five and one-half hours. F. Anderson is in Hamilton court, accused of arson. He was acquitted. In a severe storm at Galveston, several lives were lost. According to J. J. Preston, N.P.P,, East Durham, the automobile is be coming a menace in the rural dis- tricts of Durham county. A. Graham Thompson, a first-class clerk in the Toronto post-office, has been appointed assistant inspector to succeed C. J. H. Winstanley. Dr. Margolez, Winnipeg, accused of performing a criminal operation on a young girl, as a result of which she died, will be tried for manslaughter Banking conditions approached the normal in New York on Tuesday. The Gananoque, Oct. 31.--Julia E. Fer. guson passed away at the residence of ner parents, Mr. Mrs. Simon Fer- guson, Leeds township, near Willow- bank on Tuesday, in the twenty-sev- enth year of her age. Henry Thomas, Stone street, met with a painful accident in Mitchell & Wilson's planing mill. In running one of the machines, he had his leit hand caught and three fingers pretty badly lacerated, The Ontario Wheel company have been compelled, on account of scarcity of orders to lay off part of théir force until business conditions gain a more satisfactory outlook. Henry Chidley, & young English- man, in the employment of the Cow- ah & Britton Manufacturing com- any, met with a rather severe acci- ent, while operating a machine in| their works. He was caught by a belt and thrown up against the pulley on the shaft above him or against the ceiling, receiving severe cuts and con- tusions in his head. The D. F. Jones company, manufac- turers of shovels, closed their works Wednesday, for the balance of the week, They have been running on stock work for some time past. The situation is now so well in hand that no further conferences of bankers are looked for. The Employers' Association asks Hon. Mr. Monteith not to appoint union men as factory inspectors. The association did not approve labor men being selected. B: and instantly killed W. E. Campbell, a prominent oil man and capitalist, formerly of Winfield, Kansas, and then murdered his own son, aged thirteen, and committed suicide. In- sane jealousy is given as the. cause. A despatch from Vladivostok says the crews of the Russian torpedo boats there mutinied and attacked the city from the sea. The fortress re sponded with a brisk fire, resulting in one torpedo boat being disabled. The casualties and amount of -damage are not known. Vote in London: Jacobs, 2,173: majority for Beattie, 1.036. The vote in Fast Northumber land resulted in the election of C. l.. Owens, conservative, by a majority of 256 over Maj. Mulholland,' liberal The vote in North Wellington resulted in the election of A. M, Martin, the liberal candidate, who, with three polls to hear from, secured a majority of 387 over Alexander Hamilton, the conservative candidate. MARINE NEWS. The Items Gathered About the Harbour. The schooner Acacia arrived from Oswego, with coal for Crawford's. The scow Mary Louise was here to- day with freight, from Rideau river points. The steamer Miesissquoi is in_ port to-day, on her Jast trip of the season from Gananoque. .The steambarge Robert McDonald arrived from the foot of Wolfe lsland, to-day, with a cargo of hay. The schooner Ford River reached here from Oswego, with coal for the Kingston & Pembroke railway wharf. Quick time was made at Richard- son's elevator, in the unloading of the steamer Pueblo. The vessel had 50,- 000 bushels of corn, and it was taken off in eight hours. The schooner Clara Youell was sold at Oswego, N.Y., by United States Marshal A. W. Wilkie, on judgments. Mrs. (Capt.) James Oliver, bought the schooner for #500. At M. T. company's elevator: The steamer Jessie Spalding, from Duluth, with 64,000 bushels of wheat; tug Thompson up with three light barges, laden barges; steamer Spalding clear- ed for the upper lakes. Swift's: Steamer Cornwall, up, on Thursday ; steamer Belleville, down, Thursday; steamer Hamilton, down, to-night; steamer Aletha from bay points, to-day;, schooner Clara, clear- ed for Oswego; schooner W. J. Sufiel cleared for Sodus Point for coal. At Richardson's elevator: Tug with barge Siren, cleared for Montreal with grain ; steamer City of New York, cleared with grain, for Montreal; the steamers Cuba, Glengarry and Mid- land Queen, expected to-day, with grain; steamer Pueblo cleared for Chi- cago. MISSING FROM HOME. Whereabouts of Richard Mannion, Aged 17, Unknown. The Kingston police have heen no- tified of the disappearance of Richard Edward Mannion, aged seventeen, son of a well-known farmer living near Brewer's Mills. The yowig man ap- peared to be in the 'best of health, and was engaged in ploughing all day Wednesday. After he had his supper, Wednesday night, he left the house about seven o'clock, and that was the made. The father is almost heart- broken. The description given of the missing boy is as follows: Age, seventeen, light brown hair, dressed in working clothes, blue blouse, blue duck over- alls, brown peak cap, weight, about 150 pounds. The young man had no money. Post Office Examinations. F. F. Hawkins, of the post office de partment, Ottawa, was in the city, Wednesday, giving the loeal railway mail clerks and transfer men. the" an- nual examination. The post office de- partment conducts these special exam- inations to see that the men keep posted on their work and duties. He Never Came Back. Tuesday, a Verona woman . sold a pair of chickens to a man. The latter gave her a $5 bill, but, unfortunately she could not change it. The man vol- unteered to change the bill, and pick-| ing up the chickens he made off and| Hon. A. G. MacKay says Ontario li- berals are in good fighting trim, H. Stockwell, Talsa, 1.T., shot | Beattie, 3,209; | last seen of him. He was always in the best of spirits, and his Strange disappearance cannot he accounted for. The father reported to the King- | ston police, and a search is now being | A meeting of the Gananoque branch of the British and Foreign Bible So- | ciety was held Wednesday evening. The | election of officers vesulted : President, | J. €. Linklater; seeretary-treasurer, A. H. Mabee, L.D.S.; book steward, J. L.. Rodgers. o a -------------- Rev. Father Tyrrell Punished. Rome, Oct. 3].--The vatican organ | announces that the Rev. Father Tyr- | rell, the noted English Jesuit, whose | books on religious subjects were con- |demned by the holy office, and who | severely criticized the pope's encycli- | cal on modernism, has been deprived lof the right to administer the sacra- | ments, pending the final action of the pontifi in the matter. -------- Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats. | All the little points that go to make a perfect coat are embodied in ours, and we make them anv shade lof cloth or any kind of lining. Get {prices at once. Campbell Bros, the busy fur store. Friend, Not Boatman. Athens, Ont., Oct. 30. Norman Dowsley, recently left a legacy of $10.000 by a friend, W. 8S. Banta, a rich American, who came to Canada frequently for recreation, is indignant dt the statement that the legacy came {o him because he was Mr. Banta's boatman. 'The legacy was the final token of a close friendship extending over a period of twenty-three years, See Bibby's $2 fur-ined gloves. The steamer City of Grand Rapids was burned near Tobermory. *You Will Suffer all Your Life." Our Last Limerick was a success, but many who sent in splgndid lines, un- foitunately failed to comply with conditions. Some omit- ted name and address, cihers did not send the tea lid with label attached. So# here's another opportunity :-- $750.00 IN PRIZES TO 128 WINNERS FIRST PRIZE, $200 CASH 2nd ." 50 " 3rd © a 25 "" 50 Prizes of $5 Each 75 Prizes of $3 Each CONDITIONS READ CAREFULLY. The conditions of this competition are perfectly sim- ple. All you have to do is to fill in the last line of the Limerick which is shown below ahd then send it, accom- panied by a TIN LID (with label attached), of a package of LIPTON'S TEA, Gold, Red, Pink, Orange, or Blue La- bel, or LIPTON'S COFFEE, (embossed lid only,) which entitles the reader to send in one Limerick, You may send in as many Limericks as vou like so long as a TIN LID accompanies each Limerick. | PR LIPTON'S BY SPECIAL S85 APPOINTMENT TO H.M. THE KING TEA The Finest the World Can Produce. Packed Only in Airtight Tins. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. ¥ LIMERICK a SAID A CHARMING YOUNG MAID OF DELHI "OF ALL OTHER TEAS I FIGHT SHY FOR SINCE EVERY TEST PROVES THAT DIPTON'S IS REST SAID ALL THE DOCTORS Half a dozen of the best physicians Mr. Baker that he had Chronic tism, and would have it as | as be lived. One day Mr, Baker { in a pa of a man who had | Rheumatism just like him--who had {been told' by doctors that his case was nd who had been completely cured by GIN PILLS. The two cases were so much alike that Mr. Baker decided he would invest soc in a box of GIN PILLS and give them a trial It was the best investment he ever he felt better all over, so he snother. He took that and bought a third, getting better all the time. Hinesville, May 8, 1906. I have bee: ly benef treo At neighborhood speak very highly of them, One of my neighbors. Mr, who suff for years with Rhecmatism and who has hundreds of dollars with specialists oi Tui The pe iorly curd virtues from the * L,Y Yours truly, L. Baxsms. We don't even ask you to buy Gia Pills--but to try them at our expense, Write ws, mentioning this paper, and we will gladly send you a free sample of these wonderful Kidney Pills that cure Rheumatism. The le Drug Co. Winnipeg, Man. Sold by all dealers--50c. a box, or 6 boxes for §a.50--or seat on setipt of Look for the Label Stanfield's comes in three weights Underwear for winter wear. And you can get just the weight you want by looking for the label on every genuine Stanfield garment. Red label light weight Bie label --medium weight Black label--heavy weight Your dealer will kkely nave all weights. If not, he can get them for you. STANFIELDS NFTIIEED uo, : TRURS, ail AS] en N See Bibby's $2 fur-lined gloves, made. Before the first box was taken, | I agree to abide by the decision of the Editor of The Toronto MAIL AND EMPIRE as final, and enter the competition on that dis tinct understanding. SIENALUIE cil wevireninsnmnness somiisiiee ssasssasse semasssies sassssasene Canadian Pacific Railway SINGLE FARE PORee 1 OCTOBER 31st. Going Oct. 30th 'and 31 until Monday, Nov; 4th, 1907; Kingston to Ottawa Leave Ki wt 12.10 p.m., arrive in Otiwawa 4.45 pan. Direct at Renfrew with™ UP.R. No. 1, Renfrew at 4.15 p.m. for Furt_ Arghur, Winnipeg and Pacific Con, Poll particulars at K. & P., and C, P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. F. CONWAY, ---- Deseronto, had W DICKSON, Age Quinte Railway fort Tweed, at 4 4 THANKSGIVING DA THURSDAY, Oct. 31st, 1907. | AdAress ...... cvinriiinnes tenes masse sis. The competition will be decided by the Editor of The Toronto MAIL AND EMPIRE, whose decision must be accepted as final. Envelopes must be addressed "Lipton's Limerick," and sent to MAIL AND EM- PIRE. Toronto, Ont, "Postage must be prepaid at letter rate." { | Take No Chance. Buy the "ROYAL SHOE FOR MEN. PRICE $5.00 The highest class of Men's Footwear made in the United States. They are Union Made material. The best Patent Colt Skin, Vici Kid, Gun Metal Calf and Velour Calf that can be bought. High class finish, superior fitting, com ortable and shape-retaining are the characteristics >f the Royal Shoes. Widths from B to EE. Reid & Charles, Sole Agents Successors to D. J. McDermott. 111 Princess Se, - -- For the Week. China Cabinets, 5 shelves, mirror in back. Regular price $18.00-for $12.00. China Cabinet, full serpentine glass front. Regu- lar price $25.00 for $20.00. 1 Buffet. Regular price $30.00 for $25.00. 1 Buffet, Regular price $18.00 for $13.00. A few specials in Sideboards, Extension Tables to match ; also one $25.00 Iron Bed for $18.00. ROBERT J. REID, ___Telephone, §77. 230 Princess Street. Canada Life Assurance Company. Want an AGENT for Belleville, also an AGENT for Kingston. Applications treated confidentially. a Specials J. O. UTTON, jas 5 BIG GAME SEASON OPENS. N 3 Sept. 15th. Quebec j vEme September 1st BEAR. Nova Scotia } a October 1st. Write for Publications Con Latest Information About ote 098 i Game of the Southwest Mir Districts Guides, Routes wT Ome INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Montreal Office, 141 St. James St. Toronto Office; 51 King St. East. Central Passenger Depart- 7.80--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. Wednesday, 7.80--9.16 sam. 1.00--8.00 pan Thursdays, Breakey's 6.30--9.30 a.m. 1.002.830. p.m, 7.30--9.10 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m. Saturday, 8.00--9.15 a.m. 1.00--38.00 p.m. ---- 9.30 am, 12.80--8.00 p.my Leave Kingston MON. 8.80--11.80 am. 2.004.830 p.m, TUES, 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.004.530 p.m. WED. 8.30--11.30 a 30 p.m. 8.30--11.30 a.m. 2.00--4.80 p.m. 3011.80 a.m. 2.00--4.30 p.m: + wee 10.00 a.m. 1.153.830 p.m. clock trip from Ki to 2 0 Island, Spoor"s and mcoe Time Table subject to change t ALLAN, LIVERPOOL Tuttisian Sails caw come Fe, Nov. Victorian sails, Thurs, ows Corsican sails Fri., ....Nov. 15. 9am Virginian sails, Tours, Nov.2110 a.m Thanksgiving Day ¥ "eri LINE TO Be QR. GE ; hy o Reon

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