Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Nov 1907, p. 8

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Tr, yl gh daughter, Mrs. is at her sons, Ww. Ira 8. Messrs, Bauder, J . Curl, and Levi Storms, is home af rs. Arthur Ryder in W. B. Grant" s house, Jefirey is improving slow- recent illness. Miss Jennie nday at home here. Ross At Selby. 's house. D. McKim and U. i. olin tn took place , in the Methodist church, OE attended." Much t to Mr. Sra 3 ¥ dildres. Mrs. J i Quinine for the signature of E. W. Grove. Used 'the Sold over to cure a cold in one day. The : Portsmouth constable received J another hot argument last eveni He was ki ---- Tom thive vill had his club taken away. ag ns the names of the offen- d Say will be brought before ST fs $1 men's sweaters. * Eliott dropped off to-day to Montreal. He will the wey, returning y to got the ball , 8 Miss Mao Doylo leit today for Of after visiting frienus in the city. Ribby's 50c. knitted scarfs. Toronto bakers have been for working on the Lord's Si how tush is businger § R0S40400000s eA ° v1 {Diamonds will do its part in ¥ sesful, and that's more than come to us for good ad- 3: Nas on dena ii price {sa feature, of this store; § readily realized if you will compare + Overcoats of other chores With Pe 10, 12, 18.50, 15, 16,50, 18, 20. Label that protects. for Custom Slotiing promptly exe- this place, now of 5 Mountain Grove, | eral Martin's school at Flor mre gone to the back coun- ting tour. The funeral of Joent of the money back. The former kL f,| day , which {straining the liquor evil. ®| Cobalt, Nov. 1.--It is all bable that Cobalt is to tin, and ter | doctor's athendasen, "The wark of re- homestead entries totalled 20,401, The moving the coal is again proceeding. is not. + United States Papers Solen. Chicago, Nov. secrets rela from the files in Miss Ella the federal building. fice for three gnths, was arrested, in company with 0. B. Gordee, charged ith 'conspiracy to steal governme nt Justice Fi Indicated. New York, Nov. 1.--BEx-Justice Fitzgerald, removed from the by the appellate division of the court, alter had hem made against him by Brook- lyn Bur Association, is indicted for Richm y Yonkers, alleges that several weeks ago she gave Fitagerald $1,000 to in- vest for in bonds and mortgages, and that she had never received a justice has had charge of several es. tates in Richmond county. Invites Sir Wilfrid. Washington, Nov, 1.--General Oliver, acting secretary of war, through the state department, exte: a hearty invitation to visit the Gettysburg Na. tional 'Military Park, at Gettysburg, Pa., te Sir Wilfrid Laurier, prime min- ister of the dominion of Canada; Sir Frederick Borden, minister of militia, and to such other officers of Canada as may be interested in a project ior the establishment of a fier park on the Plains of Abraham, pear Que- bee. i ------ Soldiers Put Out Fire. Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 1.--Sixty sol- diers of ~ the 5th and 23rd United States Infantry put out a fire, yester- threatened to destroy ,| Sackett's Harbor, twelve miles from *| here, where the 28rd is stationed. The blaze, started by a jighued cigar stub, gutted the post office, troyed sev- eral business bui a roto ion Jef frey's block, and caused a total dam- age of $25,000, Discharging Worlamen, Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 1.--It is reported that the Lack Steel a week ago, laid off over 1,000 men and that employees of Sompanyi Edw anticipate se Diane be laid of us ook ap a from Pittsburg state Taets wanna Copan has entered into a combine with other steel manufactur-|cohodule ers to check the sagging : steel billet market, a] Cut Of The Three-Fifths. Toronto, Nov, l.~The temperance tommittee of the Toronto conference of the Methodist hopes that the ~overnment at the next Soasion, will repeal the three-fifths requi which now interferes with the orn tion of Joel by-laws in 8 iitay localities. io Spision: it in favor of road Pe Electric Light For Cobalt. light, a convenience that is very much The held a to discuss the clauses ting in the contract for the town and as Prva Cobalt company. The a has been signed by both hie - Firemen Overcome; 3,000,000 Loss. Chicago, Nov.' 1.--Seven firemen were overcome hy smoke, and a loss of $3,000,000 was caused in a five in burned the Five new wi opened on the Bouin Suffers a Loss. tified of one case of smallpox at te a fire broke out in 'the water-| Aurora, two re at Newmarket and hin moraing: rid the department oon] Ot at Suton. y t t wi At Brandon, Man. h lose several hundred dollars thereby. | killed her hi husbapd na sua --_ west innedosa, be Har tancous combus- | ; Re for mwder: Tay 301h ins. tion. was then called | mp. stern part of the new steel gut, Superintendent Hewitt has been steamer Assiniboia, of the Canadian having the Soa] removed all week. |p, ig. Upper Lakes steamship line, is morning, smoulderihg fire | pag arriv at Fort Colhatue. ly burst forth, starting at the! The French g. given side of the shed facing the water. The jis approval of 'the projected lish : erry streams were poured into the le of ) : plan, between Dover and Calais, In fighting the flames Foreman | an0euvres took place in the J Dundas station, was struck on the Belt hand Ins, larg piste of The huilding I insured, but the coc) 1~The. Inter-Ocean| was one of the says: 'Secret service operatives, yes-| Bruce township, terday, reported that some official cor- respondence between Attorney-General | 54 Karatagh, Bonaparte and Distriet Attorney Ed-| sorted: por r hundredweight for the win W. Sims, containing government persons being killed, only about 200 k. ting to the case of John| oot their lives. 3. Walsh, ore peosident F Se de unct Chicago tional ban is awaiting fal in connection with the factory at Monza, Italy, and the failure of the bank, 'had been stolen by a Sischarged workman. The mur- aca who has been em- | ployed in District Attorney Sims' of service, on the American annual Thanksgiving day Valley. There were about 3,000 troops mined. Col. Gibson's force won. The population of Saskatchewan a d 70,000 during the lot population is estimated at "395, y+ ey deta: Ont., Hepburn Drum- 100 years and two months. died on Wednesday. Mr. Drummond oldest residents of The first Torts of the catastrophe Turkestan, were exag- instead of fifteen thousand Enrice Seampon, director of a large pope's favourite nephew has heen shot arrested, -- Brockville, on Thursday, Brock- le defeated Gananoque in a jupior ORF match by 17 to 0, and won the eatern round by 4 points. = the score in Gananoque, being 18 Io 5. Captain Granville R. Fortescue, Un- ited States army, retired, has accept ed from Governor Magoon a commis- sion that carries with it the duties of special instructor to the Cuban forces. At Columbus, 0.. Royal Fowler, of Dayton. who killed his sweetheart, Mary Haggerty, more than a year ago was executed by electricity in the an- i Now Ready For Your Buying And at Most Reasonable Prices. White Unshrinkable Flannels, 35, 39, 45, 49, 59c. White Saxony Flannels, 25¢ to 50c. White Ceylon Flannels, 25 and 30c. Grey Flannels, light or dark shades, both twill- ed and plain, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40c. Red Flannels, 12}, 15, 20, 25, 30c and up. Navy Flannels, the better kinds at 25, 30, 35, 40c up. Perrin's Famous" French Kid Gloves, new fall shades, two dome fastners, $1.00 and 1.25 pair. Black, Tans, Greys, Browns, &e., &ec. Long Kid Gloves, in Blacks, Tans, 'White, at special prices. nex of the Ohio penitentiary just af- ter midnight. w Carnegie having positively | refused to contest his! election to the rectorship, Lord Avebury, this morn- ing was formally declared to have been elected rector of the University of St. Andrew's. Advices received from various sec- tions of New England, tend to show that Raymond Hitcheock, the fugi- tive comedian. is bound for Canada. Some of his friends think he has met with foul play. British newspapers in China are trying to force the British govern- ment to interfere in the Chinese cys- toms department, the management of which was recently relinquished hy Sir Rohert Hart. Mrs. Henry M. Leonard, Rochester, N.Y., the young mother who, on Thursday afternoon. tried to kill her- self and two children, died Friday morning. Her ten months' old baby also will die. A plot to blow up the whole mili- tary council, including the minister of war was discovered in St. Petersburg on Friday, and several clerks in the military offices were arrested. The C.P.R. steamship Montreal is still aground in Lake St. Peter and has commenced to leak to a moder- ate extent, ars her bottom has sustained some The Ontario rs and Municipal Board has under consideration its jur- isdiction in respect to the enforcement of the order, made last April, in the case agai the 'loron- Children's Kid Gloves Kid Gloves for Boys. Kid Gloves for Girls. All sizes. All sizes. Children's Stockings Winter Cashmere Stockings, Ribbed or Plain, in all sizes. 6 qualities to select from. Gloves A fot re to > Tnilway o Sompony, Weston, who is ill caiking from en a to Chi. cago, repeating the 'trip Neto forty arrived at Boston, Thurs- day day night, forty minutes ahead of schedule time. He walked from New- buryport, forty-two miles, in exactly eleven hours. After one of the keenest contest in its history, Coley, I.C.A.C., Toronto, won the fourteenth annual' Hamilton Herlad road race Thursday morning, finishing 19 miles 168 yards in 1.40. 07, "Di is within 20 seconds_'of the record for the coyrse, made by Sam Mellor in 1904, and beating Tom Longhoat's evlotmante of last year by sixteen ~ sAt The Convention. Elginburg, . Nov. L--Thanksgiving service was held in 'the church on Thursday night. Rev. Mr. Shortt preached and -the choir rendered choice music. Quarterly service will bo held 8 here on Sunday morning. Francis Murphy and family have gone to Kingston to reside. W. Gol ply has rented F. Murphy's farm. Martin is visiting friends in the ity, Samuel Knight has returned to Riv- erside, Cal., after spending six weeks with friends here. Rev. Mr. Nicholson, Minnesota, visited "his sister, Mrs. John », recently. Miss N. Lawson has returned from Sydenham. The small bovs had their usnal good {ime on Hallowe'en. Miss Bartiey is Making A New Record. Every Fall We 'Have A Sale of Men's Shoes. This year we intend to break the record by having such > a sale that will be remembered for seasons to come. All the ) goods are new this, or last season, but the sizes are broken. In some cases the best sizes are sold, but not so in all. - We invite every man to come in and take a look at these Shoes. Every pair is a bargain. Sale starts SATURDAY. Ghe Zoockett Shoe Store. ¥ be the five-storey at State and uiacy streets, se ! 08 company, . * attending a convention in i oie QUALI § Is first with us. %. our Fur Coats fir A grade th § then we fix the pri as first ghality will Others fix a low pr « POSSIBLY LOW, a cheap Coats to fit { If you want first Furs, buy McKay's. | We are showing a § line of Raccoon a Lined Coats, for me price, and of the quality. We guar: > our goods to be ex: represented. : John McKay Fur 139-156 BROCE KINGSTON, © TTI Although fruit was scar this past seasom, ve serves were made, there worry. We have just receiv Crosse & Blac The largest consignmen Celebrated ¢ We ever 'imported Wt one ing several new varieties, are the same as before. 25c. Per Glas Special price by the Jas, Redden Importers Of Fine ( FOR THE B INSURANCE in branches, go to SWIFT'S Bis Insuran meni Thirty Square Hall Hea guaranteed, perfectly sound. Stoves, also a lot of Sheet Stoves. All those must month. Those that wish come and see US, as we a sell them, TURK'S Secom 898 Princesa St. Telephone Ee ------------ The friends of Miss Pe formerly of Westport, wil to hear that she has recei pointment as teacher of tion and physical culture Ladies' College, Toronto. DAILY MEMOR/ Roller Rink every afterno General Hospital Govern Monday. Wonderland Theatre, af Princess Theatre--Moving Illustrated Souvgs, St. Andrew's Society, Chamber, 8 p.m, "The Real Widow Bro Opera House, 8:15 p.m. Hotel Dieu Rumme Sa 8th and 9th, 86 Brock stre Service in Convooation Sunday, by Principe! Gord At The Bijou--"The Fv Stirring Auto Races at Di This day in histor ho Counda, 1838 Rr On Ge WHIG TELEPHO 243--Business Office, 229--Edilorial Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, a is alwayi , | Mar STUDEN WE HAVE THE S LAMP YOU W Neat Solid Nickle, green shade. Very the eyes, and will m work a pleasure. No smoke. No » Don't r in your Sée them at Robertson B

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