{ \ stirri . sale to-night as s we offer are particu- ll not be disappointed un- came too late. French Ribbons reat variety of dainty .30 for 19¢. Yard. soles and heels, sizes 9} orted to sell at 40c. pair. the ght at y O'clock. ght ide until' prices ere. 3 Fe ments vou would have said that he} to a vacant lot These are This also failed." He says also that : > ic 3 ' Wife of Her Victim Also Becomes was a dreamer. when Edison had | together with bolts, and you There will be no | have patented the house. I's neces- | they went to Rréhus Bay, where a etn She a he. ate gi Den Insans. led you through the balconies of his] House of iron. with hollow wall sary. I shall give any one the rights monument had heen erected to the me: "call money" at 140 will not soon be| YOURE la-| Budapest, Nov. 2--The law -ourts study, packed with charts, diagrams, |the meantime we are mixing our en-| Rome wasn't built in a day . they say, for nothing provided: he uses the right | mory of Sir John Franklin, but which forgotten. spared he | to-day were the scene of unusual ex and modéls of his suec créte--one part cement, three parts kind of concrete, shires : Piupey pa suffered hy the ravages of time. On the front page of a leading jour- | tn number ot-| citement during the trial of Agnes you begin to believe him. ' Parts larter-iy with twisted jron_ Yous ae ay Kom pa The Sh Tou resis Sing omer jal appears the Photograph of one of | dur of New On- 6s] Gombal for the murder of Ferdinand he had reached the top floor of the| cr The machinery to raise artistic product. The laboring man is | rial, They lnid a foundation, whereon | tho mot magnificent buildings in the | left for the lumber camps v- | Maurer, her former lover, who mar building, thrown open the door of oncrete to the top of going to get a square deal on this im- | they placed the marble slab and Ini Loity. Jt: ost, with. tex Shoes comm tarlo last week. Sevoral more, ase re- | ried another woman last spring. The spacious room, fitted with a quar n framework, a big i I went through| provement. od h STON of ma which had contain- plete stories, 81500000; we have | E0108 to follow them in Barta 14 y, | murderess to-day, suddenly went mad size model of the house, anc spot. Ry. s : tER'S FRIVOLITY [preeived Jor Bi Dtedbonsds Which many fine hotels in this city, where| While another Pg at] in the dock, crying: "Hang me, or give out the window to a huge « | s your h use, inside your 1-1 but amass of brick boxes YARKER'S . Ane wen placed to mark tl graves of |} nan ingenuity and genius have been en| me a revolver to shoot myseli. for I building in the distance, where he was | work. Evervthing excent the doors and| idea of this house . i Cel : ny hi who died thate, were ropaint- | (vod to the highest point to add te e- | deserve to die !" She then fainted, making machinery to build not only | Windows, is in place. In six davs the | in Hallowe'en Right Royally Cele- | od by John Ad impson, and the their beauty and splendor, and in ev- it-|{ and was carried to an asylum one But thousands of houses like it iron Brats is elie ] and removed. | Ye Seehva the mt So rows of healthful, ated if, i names rendered readable. erything that contributes to man's nd, SX whi di cted widow. of you knew that he meant business. n another eight cays the concrete is; healtiln' concrete houses, Yarker, Nov. l.-- allow's' eve comfort or comvenience none are sure = : ' o ui shwhile the dinractal a the The model was a three-storey, Queen completely hardened and the house' family. The expense of was right royally celebrated in Yor A Lively Dead Creek. fosuad the Holland, St. Regis or home ana in ny Whend's mouth at] court to appear as -withess, alco ---- ker, in fact the best we have yet] Dead Creek, Oct. 30.--Hunting sea- | Waldori- toria; nothing has been ne ath hi pan Genevieve Lane, oF Tos ot | went suddenly mad, screaming : "Give : seen here, and ey hegrudged the ha : Sgnin ot hand and uate 8 su glected; sleetricity has boen chained to Shana a ae & adore Jan hi 5 _ rolv i 2 in- i 3 - good time all had from of 0 ol i its master's bidding, while ¢ iness, » b A : roger tha hay | he ROY AL DEV OTEE OF THE LATEST POPULAR GAME. the full-grown married man. The first | next two woeks. The corn husk at | peace antl happiness reign supreme in | count of She ssf atutivien, df her . "og part of the night the children were] Robert Hawley's last Thursday night, | every department. In this Mills ho- | brother, who is very i yph ol of GOES MAD IN COURT. band |" She also was taken to an asylum, and the proceedings were sus- pended. "Only one place" you can buv good strong horehound candy, that's Gib son's Red Cross drug store. It pays to go there. See Bibby's fancy vests, $3.50. a A New cord. , IHave A Sale of s Shoes. Teak the record by having such red for seasons to|céome. All the season, but the sizes are broken. are sold, but not so in all. We Psince's Portab'e Box. Prince Ranjitsinhji, known in this country as a famous cricketer, has had an extraordinary portable shooting hox made for sport in the jungle. It | is to be set down in the jungle and left until the animals grow accnstom- | ed to it, then the Jam will take up his abode in his caravan, and will le : Te ready for his quarry at any time of the day or night. At a convenient beisht, | all round - the saloon, ave porth. for THF Fille. "The shooting hox~is on wheels; it can be taken to pieces and sent on by rail to any given point, and _ then put together again and drawn on its own wheels by oxen or elephants to a suitable position. The caravan consigts of one main room and bathroom leading out of it. The! main room is decorated in the Queen Anne style, with somewhat severe oak panelmg on the walls, relieved with ormolu appliques for candles The which convert into beds, upholstered in rich green morocco, standing loose in the room ax ing bureaus, hridee tables, cl KINGSTON, ER 2, 1907. ) Wears No Clothes. ih New York, Oct. 31.-Bfforts wl are 'being made by a fow of his steadfast friends to have the sentence of Oliver Curtiss Perry commuted have revealed the fact that for four years the daring criminal who, in 1892, startled the entire country with the boldness of his exploits has not eaten a particle of food or worn a stitch of outer clothing. They have al$o disclosed the fact that Perry is regarded as'the most remarkable pa- tient ever confined in the State hos- pital for the Criminal Insane. One was on the verge of starvation, but he absoldtely refused to take a bit or drink anvthing, and the phvsicians, satisfied that he would die rather than yield, fed him through a tue. Since November 19th, 1903, he has received nourishment throwrh a tube, not' because it is Hecossary, but simply. because he was determined to die rather than eat the segulas prison Tage. declares he will never (take a bite of food so long as he is in Dannemora hospital, and Pre. North, Townsend and McDonald, his physicians, believe him. Perhaps the most notable feature of the case, which has nothing even ap- proaching a parallel in the prison re vords of the state, is that Perrv now weighs more than he ever did av? is in perfect physical condition. Rerry's behaviour since his incarcer ation in Dannemora--in fact, ever since his arrest following (his sensa- tiongl train robbery--has been as re- markable as his criminal exploits were daring. He has defied the au thorities; he has dared them to kill him: he has regarded his life as a mere plaything, As he explained, seated oh the hed in his room, with a white bamlage over his blinded eves, he has never had any hope of being free, and it hak béen a matter of commlete indifference to him what- ever hecame of him. Perry 'blinded himself while 'in pris. on, He dru~~ed himself with opium and used a nesdle and steel dust to blind himself. He regrets it now. His "fmethods of train robbing were excep- j ete. and at ent 8d is a rifle and gun | luxurious detail that 38 to be Tound in stand. The eeiling is painted green to avoid any glare, and dition to blinds the richest damask, Maharajah's racing dolors. The floor is with Persian rugs. The bath- room and lavatory are fitted with the firm of Leach & Weborny, Bombay. a large yacht. The outside of the cara- van is painted a dull green, to. blend curtains of | with the jungle, and the top forms a lounge, which van be protected with an awning. The order has been car- ried out in England for the well-known EYE OPENER ON HOUSES. Remarkable Revolution in Cost of Building. New York, Oct. 31. Thomas A. Edi son says "'the poof man need no long- er live in a box for a house. He can own a palace. Before next summer 1 will build a three-storey, indestrue- tible concrete house that a laboring man earning £1.50 a day can buy and run. It will be built in half a day. Come and see it." Had any one else made these state Anne house with a high-peaked, tiled roof, and a bay front. The eleven rooms were high-s led and well lighted. The walls within and without were frescoed simple. "We can put this up in half a day, and for less then 81.000. Over in that factory we are moulding cast iron forms side facings of these fe plated and fashioned exac outside of the model. When these done, we are ready to build any num- ber of houses. At six in tl ning we take the moveable is the strips around the edges of the to tack down a car- pet, and those around the wall for the All this is put in place in the ironwork beforé the con- { erete has been poured around the fire-places and in the chim- gas and water pipes, are also stuck in the same way in" the \ ing pipes, the bathtubs. water closets, s' are all cast with the walls ¥ KING ALFONSO PLAYING DIABOLO. will be less than that of the dirtiest in. Fifteen days from tenement on Rivington street. These houses won't be all alike. I am leav- ing the patent open to every one. Competing companies will spring up, each making a different style of house. The architecture will not be monoton- ous, In fact, the architects never had their chance till now. Before, they've had to rush out something cheap, never anything beautiful, Now they won't have to worry about expense. The most artistic house is as cheap as the crudest. Why ! It's going to mean a revival in architecture. Of course, 1 astir, dressed in all Kinds of fancy and grotesque dresses, and, by the way, we must not forget the young ladies, who also shared in the fun. George Dear supplied the wants of the children and others with false faces, and no one could be detessea for the Occaxion without one of them, The strects of the village were paraded by {a grand procession, headdd by a big drummer, then P. Crouther, our genial liveryman, kindly gave the children | the use of his band and team | of horses, and the children all piled in {and had a good time driving the | greets. Truly it was a jolly crowd. | House to house visitation was then ! made hy the youthinl ones. tionally daring, the lowerine himself by a rope from the car roof of ex: nress trains, kicking in windows and holding up the train crews. ; He was sentenced, in 1892, to foriy- ive wears. He is in~ Be Js yearnin~ for his SIR.JOHN FRANKLIN'S GRAVE ---- Monument Restored By Members of Bernier Expeditiom. Ottawa, Oct. 31.--In an interview with G. R. 'Lancefield, who accom panied Captain Bernier on the Arctic on his trip to the frozen north, the of- ficial photographer says : "After the boat had been put into winter quarters two 'expeditions were fitted out, the one to plant a flag on Prince of Wales Island, in charge of the acting second mate, and the oth- er to the Straits of Fury amd Hecla, in charge of the first mate, but neith- er succeeded in reaching ite i iow all: A third expedition in charge of Mr. Dun , toms officer, and J, A, Si - . i assistant, which started down Pond"s Inlet, came also to an untimely. end." "The next xpedition," said Mr. Lancefield, "that started. was in charge of Mr. Green, second mate, and myself, 'along with two natives and the quartermaster, to hunt for us. was well attended. Grantley Amey the misfortane 'to cut his foot, last Saturday. 'Nathaniel Killor and San- ford Boombhour and their families, left, yesterday for Ormsby, where they ex- pect to stay all winter. Edlow Camp- sall, of Bediord, has moved hack on his farm at Dead Creek. J. AT New- ton's saw mill is again in running or der. Mr. Dainty, Kingston, i the boiler last. week? A number of wild geese were flying over afew days ago, when Frederick Loyst, brought one down, which measured four feet across the wings. is to be a shooting match at Percy Gaylond's Thursday afternoon for fu h | School is doing nicely under the man. | About twenty-five of the young men agement of Miss M. Totherland, Elgin- land a sprinkling of married men ! Burg. Sunday school has closed for a mhrehad to Colebrook and gave Matie time. Maple Grove cheese factory 'has {a call and the genial Matie dished ap | closed for this season. Mrs. Alexan- | the candies and hills for the boys,' der Clancy is on the sick Jist. | who then returned to Varker. Quiet. | ness then reigned until all had retived, but what a change in the morning Lour streets presented to the early risers | The main streets were litter. {od with waggons; buggies, horse | rakes, organ boxes, hog racks, chairs This Unusual Liniment. Smith's White Liniment dots 'thor- [ oughly what ordinary linlmests do in part. - It cures anv inflammation, heals in- juries, relieves pains and aches of ! hung on telegraph poles, even to Van-|svir« kind. It does so much and acts J des clock, which ornamented a pole, ;s0 promptly and thorourh':- that no | and instead of a clock ad. he had a | wheel ad. Boats were also in evi | dence on the corner. Well, one thing | about it, we took it all good na- turedly and were glad to see the household should be without it. Get a bottle to-day. 25c. at Wade's 1 store, Red Fire In The South. Houston Post. gm i 4 Bj -------- i Blinds Himself, Eats No Food, | + that it is a regular business transae- | rendered them unable to work; they | te York. ES . i » Letter From . Greater New 0S TE BEN = IS A WORTHY MAN IN TRUEST | Refuses to Allow the Right Use of His Many Millions to Be Called Charity--A Great Hotel. Keeper. Special Correspouddence; Letter No. 1.587. New York, Nov. 1.-The unwelcome appearance of the money "Root of all evil," stood fearhilly in evidence the whole "of last wedk. The financial stormi-clond that has been threatening this city for many months t, sud- denly burst with snexample futw, sweeping every opposition te path as chaff is swopt in the breath of the hurricane, ond leaving the broadest swath of ruin and desolation in its track that New York has sees for many a day, Un the Sunday pre vious to this monetary typhoon,-- while men and women were on their knees in church repestine the cdnfes- sion of faith 'and Apostles' creed, they whikpered in their neighbor's va- cant ea? that The Dollar Bank, which was the chief: depotitory of poor peo- ple; bad closed ite doors, and would never open them again. It was not true, but it added to the excitement; small depositors, women with babies in their arms and hungry looking children: hanging to their skirts, fought and screamed to get a near the ing teller's window. At the closing hour, when the doors and windows were shut, a little woman with a babe in her arms, gave a wild scream and fell on the sidewalk like a shot and then the two had to be cared for by the * police. were several important bank failures dur ing the day and a number of trust companies closed their doors. but "The Dollar Bank" and "The Twat Company of America" wore not among the number; they paying up to the last business hour, and business, as: usual, on Friday, when all who wanted their money could have it without the bank taking advantage of the thirty- day limit to which it was justly and legally entitled.' This latnentable cone dition in our financial and 'wocial life has been brought ahowt by overspe- culation wend the burning desire to "get rich quick." The slow, fashionetl. methods of fifty years ago are not fast enough for the demand of the hour; human life is a daily and hourly sacrifice, --several killed and many wounded seems ample pav for a few minutes gained. First came the sewing machine and the typewriter; after that the bicycle and the auto- mobile, and now the last triumph,--~ the navigation of the clouds is con- Quoted, and a journey of nearly. a ousand miles is completed. What next ? I give it up, for it is too fast for me, On Wall street financial matters are looking more hopeful, and it is safe tel, while giving the best of food, in abundance, at the lowest compensa: tion, and lodgment at a price that challenges competition, it enables the hosest workman of small means to en- joy the comforts of a first-class hotel, which he never could do if left to his own resoutces. This is the third hotel erected hy DB. 0. Mills, the well- knows banker, and father-in-law of our present ambassador to Great Britain, It is a unique creation--there is noth- ing like it in the way of hotel-keeping on the whole face of the earth, In conception and execution it surpasses the noblest and most exalted visions of charity, and yet the man whose generoug_soul conceived the structure, and whose money made it a living and tangible realigation would feel grievously angered if you should call his hotel, a charity. He maintains tion, conducted on business principles, where the margin of profit for the cup- ital investod--though small--shall rely for dts income on the immen amounts of its purchases, where highest discounts are obtained and go at first cost from the producer to the consumer, completely eliminating the midaleman aad tae con- soquent trusty with which the public are saddied. Men ate to be found by good, industrious men, who their employment. Sickness may have i FL FE5 Hil th; mT FY §i vg? ih ~3 iF 2 i + $1 Fh i? aie i:i2 a couple of months of city life ab Rochester, N.Y., has returned home much improved the change. He was accompani by his brother-in. law, H. D. Bryan, 'who desires a short change from the worries of city life, and intends to enjoy a little spart in the woods. : ; August Kittner, of Arprior, a fors mer citizen of the municipality, his brother, Julius Kittner, have et arrived and will spend a couple of weeks or more shooting in our salus the thousands in every Jonge ity him i WV Diabolo. which bas become a craze in' Fngland, where it was r ecently introduced from France, | good time, has already crossed the border lige into Spain, and is likely to be come a popular fad there. King tn Pre | ¢ : aaifh da Alfonso has surrendered to the de fascination of the devil on two sticks, and so gpod a | Winter. summer, fall or spring, ination in the world is cansgl bv lane users hati they suite the dimit sportSman niay be expected to become expert at the game with the least possible delay. His majesty | 1° iling vou may be, the Texas noonday sun shining upon BY 8 A band i i ' : vant : . he locks of a di and | of agony photographed practicing the preliminary spin, which looks so easy and is"so provokingly difficult You'll surely find a quick relief the auarorean locks o unpled % for BE or Pain In Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, {red headed Texas widow, - - © Oh, that craving, guaw ¢ ¥ . : . ( and take a look at these Shoes. als starts SATURDAY. it Shoe Store. Probably the most beautiful illum- | would sooner slave than beg---God