Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1907, p. 1

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Coats. postpone buying. Our re positive you will find tment of neatly. stylish d prices between. hoose your d aside all Coats ad Children. arations for their out- ts has been greater 2.75 by easy stages 69c. .60¢, '75¢, 90c. 9c, 75¢. 9c, 75¢ up. loth, $1.00, 1.25. loth, $1.25, 1.49. $1.00, 1.25. C norrow Night Special for esday ning. MEN'S SHOES SATURDAY. 1, but we sold a lot of cases, a pair of Rub- gains are not all gone. best left. an wearing Boots to we have, That part If you ean save one ot ? ~ Shoe Store. YEAR 74. NO. 258, FUR-LINED COATS AT $45. | Broadcloth Shell, man tail- ¥ ored, lined all through with Grey and White Squir- ' rell;or handsome Hanopster storm collar and lapels of natural Alaska Sable, or Isabella Fox; a garment of excellent value at $60, in Black, Green, Brown and Navy. Our special sale at $45. No Cause for Alarm Although fruit was scarce and dear this past season, and very little pre serves were nade, there is no need to worry. We have just received from Crosse & Blackwell The largest consignment of their Celebrated Jams Wo ever THPOFtad at ono time, Imélud- ing several mew varieties, and the prices are the same as before. 25c. Per Glass Pot. Special price by the dopen. Jas, Redden & Co. Importers Of Fine Groceries. FOR THE BEST INSURANCE in all its branches, go to | SWIFT'S fiverinct'Ricney . HEATERS. Thirty Square Hall Heaters, everyome guaranteed, perfectly sound. Fifteen Cook Stoves, also a lot of Sheet Iron and Pug Stoves. All those must be sold this month. Those that wish for bargains, come and see us, as We are going to sell them. TURK Secomd-Hand Store, 898 Princess St lephone, 705. There seems to be no law to prevent an aristocrat from being a fool. A good many times theory is with- out hands or legs. A good many times the majority is in error! Even a clever girl, if wise, will learn to cook. a ET ---- DAILY MEMORANDA. Roller Rink every afternoon and even- Wonderland 'Theatre, afternoon and evening. Princess Theatre--Moving Pictures and Illustrated Songs. Reception to Archbishop, at Dame Convent, 7:80 p.m. Bijou Theatre--Thrilling Western Drama "A Race For Millions." © Queen's Alummi Conference and to-morrow. See advt. This day in history :--Battle of Inker- man, 1854; Gua powder plot, 1605. Auction sale at Foresters' Island. Deseronto, of late Dr. Orovhyatekha's estate, Wednesday and Thursday, WHIG TELEPHONES. 243--Business Office. 22v--Editorial Rooms. 292--J obbing Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. The Daily Whig is always on sale at Gibson's Drug tore, Market Square-- Open till late each evening. WHITE and GOLD Is very popular at the present time iu all lines of China. We have a Very pretty assortment of Chocolate Pots Cracker Jars, Sugars: and Creams, Cups and Saucers, A. D. Capper's & Bullion, Hair Recdivers, Rakins, Marmalade Jars, Olive Spoon Treys, Ete. Robertson Bros. Notre to-night =| hesitation 'GREAT BARGAINS IN Philadelphia, Nov. 5.--In the of evangelizing the world in the pre- sent generation the laymen's mission- ary movement, an interdenominational organization of wealthy church mem- bers, is planning to raise $25,000,000 a year for the next five years among laymen in this country. J. Camp White, of Pittsburg, se- cretary of movement, declares that 40,000 n naries are needed, which will req an expenditure of from It is estimated that $25,000,000 will be re- ceived in small amounts from children the World. | Ji The Requirements are $25,000,000 a Year for the Next Five Years---It is Said That Some 40,000 Missionaries are Needed. hope and others in the churches. SIMPLY ROYAL RUFFIAN. ------ Capital. the crown prince of Servia are becom more dangerous. The prince and the rd which led to some dinner the crown prince met Dunyo vitch at the the gate of the Konak to reco barkere, thou dog !' The = » maining $100,000,000 will be obtained [YOu say & I am eommandant here. by the sale of 'shares' among church Thereupon" the crown VL : use of gome denominations and reproduced, and drove away. -------- members of all others as follows : iG Two million shares at $5 year, for five years, $50,000,000. Two hundred and fi V thousand shares at ¥100 a year t. years, $25,000,000. a Twenty-five thousand' J fhares at $1. 000 a year, for five yedrs, $25,000,( - The laymen's missionary moveme, ity in populace and the 'military vagaries, Aa ~ PERSIAN MASSACRE. Teheran, Nov. 5.--Accord- MARKED ABILITY Has Been Shown By J, Armour. Jonathan Ogden Armour, the mil lionaire capitalist and packer, was born in Milwaukee on November 11th, 1863, and was the son of Philip Dan- forth and Malvina Belle Armour \ He was educated at private institutions Ogden and finally was entered at Yale Uni- versity but on the urgent request of his father he returned to Chicago to assist his father in his rapidly grow-, ing commercial enterprises. Young Armour at once, showed marked busi- ness capacity ard built up an enorm- | ous fortune, He Sheldon of New York dity. quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough | Cure. And it is so thoroughly harm-| less and safe that Dr. Shoop tells] mothers everywhere to give it without | even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and te der stems of a lung healing mountain- | ous shrub, furnish the curative pro-| perties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. | It calms the cough and heals the sore and sensitive bronchial membranes. No | opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh | used to injure or suppress. Smuply a resinous plant extract, that helps = to] heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call | this shrub which the doctor uses,| "The Sacred Herb." Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. Sold by all druggists. i Hon. 8S. W. McInnes, minister of education and provincial secretary in the Manitoba government, died in Brandon,on Monday morning. Mr. Me-| Innes was stricken with appendicitis a week ago. Don't be discouraged if other reme- | dies have done you no good. Try | Hollister"s Rocky Mountain Tea, the| createst blessing to suffering human- | ity. The surest protector against dis-| ease. 36c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's! Drug Store. | | | married Miss Lolita | | yield to the » | Bourassa, in Bellechasse ing to advices received here Turcomans Have wrought havoe in the city of Astra- bad, the capital of the Per- sian province of that name, where they massacred the inhabitants and then loot- ed their property. The dis- orders at wvarious other Is Reported in The Rusgfan®Rail- way System. St. Petersburg, Nov. 5.--It is an- nounced her¥ that the tour of inspec- tion, just yp the minister of | EEMEX FREE EER ways cations, through | ga places have increased, and Songhef the Caucasus, Turk-| punitive expeditions have estan &) al Asia, has revealed | oo been sent out eam plyfe, os in the railway system. | » 2 The 'statement is made that the rail wayg' are practically in the hands of . the 'revolutionaries and plans for arm- When the stomach, heart or kidney ed' uprisings are being spread every- |. ces get weak, then these organs al- where. The minister, himself, narrow- ways fail Don't ly escaped having a bomb hurled at|,or stimulate the heart or kidneys. him at Ashkabad. prescription known to druggists every- where as Dr. Suoop's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared expressly for Owing to the Failure of the these weak inside merves. Strengthen Bankers' Trust Co. {these nerves, build them up with Dr. Topeka, Kans., Nov. 5.--Bank Com-|Shoop's Restorative--tablets or liquid --and see how quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. CLOSED THEIR DOORS missioner J. W. Royce announced yes-| terday, that three Kansas banks had been forced to close their doors ow- ing to the failure A Trust company of Kansas City, Mo., by all druggists. UBSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1907. Prince Is Detested In Father's Berlin, Nov. 5.~The occentricitios of Vossiche t 2 ng Zeitung publishes the following story: A Farmer § At dinner the other day the crown commander of the , Dunyoviteh, bad a difference, hot words. After the prince and he not salute. The prince, who was his dfrriage, sprang out and began Dunyovitch, who tried to 1" sail the prince, "don't Dunyovitch replied: 'Take care what prince made : » which cannot be | Gladstone, Man., hurrying through to It appears tha the prince, who at| Chard, Somersetshire, Eng., related a one 0 enjoyed considerable popular: | remarkable experience that he had a grade, is now detested both | few days ago, which caused him such is wholly unable to con-| most on the point of giving up his trip | FEEXEXEREEEEXERER FAAHACIIAHNSHANNNNNNE | 1,00 hundred persons Jim Davis, a ne- drug the stomach That is simply & makeshift. Get 8 climbed on the railing and fired five Your health of the Bankers' |i® surely worth this simple test. Sold only at Ax Tt as rath ok Dunyovitch Hid Money For Trip Stove and it Was Accidentally Burnt. I------ ---------- Ji Montreal, Nov. 5.--A husky farmer named George Wilson, young from living visit a dying mother, near «| acute disappointment that he was al to the old country. Mr. Wilson has been in the Cana- dian west for the last half dozen years, and in that time he managed to save $1,500, which he had on deposit in the local bank; this he had sue ceeded in doing in addition to pay- ing for his farm buildings and stock. In conversation with a number of the Windsor station staff, today, he told how, last week, in anticipation of his contemplated journey, he drew from the local bank, As he did not 3 " » " IN Si to England in Heating care to have the money lying where his housekeeper or farm hands would be likely to use it, he concealed it in a cavity in the stove, which is used for heating purposes in the winter. On Sunday ovening he decided to visit a neighboring farm for the purpose of bidding some friends good-bye. As there was a sharp fall in the tempera: ture that evening the domestic decid- ed to light a five in the heating stove, When the farmer saw the fire burning on his return he frantically rushed to examine the place of concealment in which he placed his money. His con- sternation may be imagined when he found on looking into the cavity that only the ashes of his $500 remained. His intention at first on making the discovery was to abandon the trip, but in the end filial duty to his aged parents prevailed; so another journey was made to the bank on Tuesday. NEGRO DESPERADO Jumps From Bridge to Death to Escape Pursuers. Knoxville, Tenn., Nov. 5.--~In view of gro, who had shot two negro women, leaped from the railing of the Tennessee river bridge, yesterday, to the water, a hundred feet below, and was drowned, Pursuea by two deputy sheriffs Davis {times in the air, scattering the crowd, {which was trying to prevent suicide, Then, counting 'one, two, three," * he {jumped head foremost. Before leaping iDavis yelled that he had killed twenty- {eight persons. Fresh molasses kisses, "McConkey's" Gibson's Red Cross drug | store. Phone 230. Coyville State Bank, Coywille; the Garland State Bank, Garland, and the Citizens Bank of Mulberry, all small institutions, Receivers will be appoint. ed at once. on October 28th. The banks are the Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ing or protruding piles in six to fourteen days or money refunded. 50c. In Very Good Health. Rome, Nov. 5.--The official organ of a the vatican declares that the rumors a A tickling cough, from any cause, ol the ill-health of the pope are abso- New York Man Receives $3, 000 From lutely without foundation. His holi- ness is in very good health. Man Whom Dyspepsia in its worst forms will i use of Carter's lattle Nerve Pills, aided by Carter's Little Liver Pills. They not only relieve Jew York. Nov. B.~Nine ves gc present distress but strengthen the sto- X ork. Jue Years ago mach and digestive apparatus, Loh LY The United States government fore caster has estimated that within twen- | the ty years the country's timber supply [brought its reward. There came a let- will have been exhausted. ter from "that same beggar, and en- Hon. A. Turgeon defeated Henri|closed was a $1,000 bill. : in the elec-| On Christmas eve, tion for the Quebec legislature, on {walked homeward in a blinding snow- Monday, by about 800. |storm, and as he passed under a light Never sold in bulk, always in sealed |}o saw a man packages. ' McUonkey's and Hy ler's Jamp-post. The man's dothing was high-class candy, at Gibson's Red|thin and ragged. His attitude as he Cross drug store. clung to the support was hopeless, and Toronto bankers and grain dealers |he was shivering with the cold He deny that the banks are not furnish- befriended a homeless beggar in the street, and, yesterday, long-forgotten aet of kindness "REMEMB Repaid a Kindness After Nine Years. friended. 1898, McNulty leaning against tho! pmm-- FY i? i He Had Be- held out a timid hand to MeNulty | and asked for alms. MeNulty took the {beggar to a place where there were { warmth and food. When the man had caten, MeNulty paid the bill, gave him his last twenty-five-cent piece, shook him heartily by the hand, and wished | him a merry Christmas. The man insisted on getting McNul- !ty's name and address, and nothing {more was heard of him until the ar- rival of the letter and money yestor- (day. The letter recalled McNulty's | kindness, and was signed simply "'P. |F." It was posted in the Wall street j district. ing sufficient funds to move the west.|~---------- ------------------ ern crops. Hon. Edward Blake is still far from SHIPPING JAPANESE, well, and has been confined to his room since his return to Toronto. Abraham Cohen and his mother, missing since October 14th, were found dead in a New York tenement. To Leave Hawaii For Vancouver And Brasil. Honolulu, Nov. 5.--Arrangements are actively on foot for sending another lot of Orientals from these islands Milan, Nov. 5.--Fifty-six thousand members of the Amalgamated Society of Italian Railway Employees are pre- paring a monster agitation to force the state to concede an eight-hour working day and one whole day s rest weekly in all départments of the ser- vice. These, together with minor de mands, are being formulated with care- ful precision by a commission ap- pointed for the purpose in a lengthy memorial to be presented to the gov- ernment on January lst, 1908. The railwaymen will give parliament till April Ist to open negotiations with the men's representatives, for which another term of three months is as signed as a limit. Upon the result of these negotia- tions a general referendum will be in- stituted among the members of the union. Should extreme measures bo unhappily called for, Signor Italo Giannini announces that a general strike will be proclaimed and main- tained until concessions ave forthcom- ing. Giannini, in an interview published | in La Stampa, of Turin, the leading. TO AID RAILWAY MEN ni Fifty-Six Thousand Such Employes in Italy| vrei. rie ior si Agitate Their Grievance. shortly after the first of the year. Al- ready vessels have heen chartered for the purpose and the contracts signed. The S.S. Indravelli will carry 600 Ja- panese to Vancouver, in January, and two 'months later the Dean of Ruth- ven will transport, 1,200 Japanese to i further ship- ment in the future are being made, but details have not been perfected. ~ =] Brockville, Ont., Nov. 5.---A. A. 5 | Davis, a prominent cheese buyer and daily, says that the present under-| jirect exporter, of this town,' died sud staffed state of the railway service im- denly Wednesday morning, of heart poses such excess of work upon the | jisense. Members of his family dis- employees that the sick list averages |. vered him in a dying condition and twenty days for each employee antual- |} ofore a doctor arrived he had ex- ly. 'Whereas, in the agitation of 1903 pired. He was fifty-five years of age the railwaymen had against them the |,,4 had been in the cheese business greater part of the riwag clerks and [sr a quarter of a century. His wife station staffs, nearly all the men be-|..q a family of three daughters and longing to the latter sections have | ne son survive. since joined the Amalgamated Syndi- cate, and are as equally determined as the other departments. Although the working day among the railway clerks is seven hours, the other employees content themselves at fixing an eight-hour maximum, so as to facilitate the equal division of the twenty-four hours. Their actual work- | ing day is twelve hours, which fre-| quently means thirteen and fourteen | hours of service, while among the ma- | marine has ore chinists and travelling staff eighteen [at Nikolaieffi dockyard, of ten large hours at a stretch are nothing unusu- | torpedo boat destroyers. These are al. The administration reckons the to cost $11,000,000, and they are to trains as running perfect time, so all | be completed within three vears. delays--which are frequent enough on J the Italian lines--are a loss to the i Curiosity always Ww ployees, ill be a trouble maker, "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, {Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King, To Build Destroyers. 5.~The. ministry of Odessa, Nov. d the construction, Trial Catarrh mailed out frek, on request, | Shoop, Racine, Wis." 'lnese tests are {proving to the people--~without a penny's cost--the great value of this | scientific preseription known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. onoop"s Ca- tarrh Remedy. Sold by all druggists, In Nicolet, Que., €. R. Devlin, and in Montmorency, L. A, Taschoteau, new members of the Quebec govera- ment, were olected, on Monday, by large majorities, "For Coughs and Colds' Gibson's Red Cross Cough Syrup is the one remedy you can depend on. A 25. bottle for 20e, treatments are being by Dr, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World, Bye-election for Commons jp Col chester, N.S., fixed for November 28th. The dominion government has pur. chased a si®¥ for a new public building at Whitby, In Great Britain there are over one hundred thousand men who are paid less than $5 a week, { Reuben Rear, postmaster at Cordo- va, Man., was killed by the roof of a stable falling on him. John Bengough denies point blank the story that the mayor of Boston was discourteous to him. The will of John Bunyan has been discovered among some old papers in an attic in Bellefontaine, Ohio. Intercolonial railway machinists all over the system will ask an eight-hour day from the, rail . TRusxian secret service, and of them get salaries of more than $10, 000 a year, . Sinclair Wright, jifed thirteen, will probably lose the sight of one eyu by the explosion of a toy pistol at his home at St. Catharines. One hundred Batavian natives killed a Dutch patrol of nineteen men on the Island of Flores, and then massacred eight women and children, The Duke of Abruzzi denies the re- port that he is engaged to be married to Miss Katherine F. Elkins, daughter of Senator Stephen B. Elkins. The Doukhobors who have arrived at Fort William from Yorkton, pro- pose resting there until the spring, be- fore they begin their tramp to Mon- treal. By lying down on the bed and pull- ing the trigger with his toes, a Peigan Indian, near Macleod, committed sui- cide by, blowing the top of his head off. At Baltimore, Md. McKelvie, twisted an American flag into a rope, and with it committed suicide by hanging herself to a closet door. On behalf of the people of the Trans- vanl, the great Cullinan diamond, valued at $500,000, will be presented to King Edward on his birthday, next Saturday. Frederick Sandall, city chamberlain at St. John, N.B., has been suspended pending the investigation of an alleg- ed shortage of $10,000 or $12,000 in his accounts. Dennis Horgan, a well-known ath- lete, New York, was seriously injured during an altercation with Clemente Lugi, a fruit peddler. Horgan was hit over the head with an iron shovel, and his skull fractured. For saying that Fmpress Maria Theresa, who died 127 years ago, was responsible for the inequality of taxes, a. Bohemian workingman was sentenc- ed to three months' imprisonment in Vienna. A crack has appeared in the moun- tain above Coal Creek, Alta:, and the Mrs. Cornelia rate of several feet per day. However, experts claim that the town ig in no danger even should a slide actually oceur, Operations of Oscar Montreal, Nov, '| of Oscar Frederick Spate, who was! {earned savings. chased by the police from Montreal to Watertown, N.Y., were unearthed Sunday morning, when timized Ly him, their tale of woe, Spate operated in Montreal the name of Frederick Sterling. fitted up handsome offices in the Ot- itawa Bank building, St. James street, apd started what he called the Dom- | inion Building Society. He had also a} was aod always dozen or more side lines. It is thought | to that be must have carried away about feel sure of securipg him, SWINDLED YOUNG MEN Montreal. 5.~The operations |$50,000 belonging to men who could i ON | tenwively for young men to act as col moi hundreds of | lectors for the Dominion Building So- voung Englishmen, who had heen vic-| ciety. Upon application the young men / ; swarmed into Chief | would have to put up a cash guaran- Detective Carpenter's office and told tee of from $300 to $500 each, and if | they proved satisfactory under (be paid from $15 to $20 a week, With colléctors put up ne |in jail for stab He [the money his Rossin house, skipped, on a charge of fraud, and 'last Frederick Spate at ill-afford to hand over their Spate's plan was to they would Spate was arrested a few days ago night jumped his bail. He has been traced IOKE - $500 Destroyed at] Gladstone, Man. alarmist ,oftim it is widening at the|T always wanting to sell E 5 hard thing just as geod is not workiog for advertise ex- [fit he hopes to make, : The most effective remedy. when others fail." You be the judge® = = try it. 3pe., Tea or Tablets. Mahoodis 8 Drug Store. ; debility in men that of Carter's Iran Pills, atertown, N.Y., and the police troubled with HIGH-CLASS ~ § DRESS GOODS 3 COP IN. B ELEPHANT § We invite inspection, Steacy's VIISIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIINN MARRIED, ' BUSTARD--On Wolfe Island, on Maou- dys Oe tn hr, 1907, Adam us ly of he Funeral will take oon Wodnonday ut p.m., service belog held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Wolls Island, RUNTER-GODEREY in St. Pau church, on y evening, ber 30th, 1907, by the Rev Wo Fa Paul's DIED. CHOWN.--At her late residence, 45 Clergy street, Nov. 4th, 1907, Elizas beth Gardiner, relict of the late Arthur Chown, aged eighty-five years, six months. Funeral private, 8.15 p.m. Wednesday. = BLAKLEY In Kinguton, on Nov, 4th, 1907, Traver Blakley, aged sixty eight years. z % Funeral private, on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late residence, 366 street, to Cataraquf, Phone §77, 227 Princess st | re ---------------------- Hot Water Bottles. pi Do you know that many hot water bottles ard flimsy affairs, made merely to sell. Leak quickly. No wearing qualities, Come and let us sh you our line of really dependable ones, Strong and well made. Will outs live several of the ordinary sort. Prica from B0e. to $3, at Wade's drug stores A substitute is never as good as the original--therefore insist on gett what you ask for.' A dealer who it you somes your interests, but for the éXfra pros When you are sick, out of sorts, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 'Relieves: Thomas Haggart received fifty hing Willidm Day. in Toronto. : There are man

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