Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Nov 1907, p. 10

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Synopsis of Canadian Northwest than foe a s ® 4 a whose hobby was poultry a ET aan on uuu hy a it ton Lands in Manitoba or the Norti-West sn ji a Provinces, excepting . BOL re- Wing iy he ded ered smgagement was a success, but many who sent in splendid lines, un- Sgrveds may om LY ny a Vo | under Shubert's management, has fortunately failed to comply with conditions. Some omit- over 18 years of age, to the extemt of a much 4s fuogie, da. YO | been engaged Klaw & Erlanger to ted name and address, others did not send the tes lid one-quarter seotion, "of 160 acres, "mors ia ing at 8lf a on their circuit. with label attached. So here's another opportunity :=-- 'Application for homestead entry must appeared languid and he HFollowing ~The Master Builders" at De ade i De Aasocy OF Sub-agency. It is for you to for them. As I was the New aris Bijou, Madame Nosh OO Entry by proxy may, however, be wad . ive Theen's ** . Ny Poortain conditions Overcoat' i at the # ore 1 Hon he in the Tatter part of Novem | Se Tather, 3 other, son, daughter, broth Tew 8: nol Ld 1| ber. After that she will appear in a er or sister of an lolending Somali. his for 3 modern drama. IN PRIZES tion rabfie' personally at any sub-agent's ts us to first built a fine little hen yard, where 3 t's : they would be and have o | While . 2" at Cleve Slice may be Wits se te ue you want. | memes meipmaiclitmsrrcis] ro 128 WINNERS |EEissEsiE ttle of t vi and got eight of , eut! a in Sh Fas hl im such on a We cater'tp all pecessar, rs Pasnga FIRST PRIZE, $200 CASH Compre' the transaction are received. by styles. 3 LL) a v . . » d the . . 2nd 50 Ee orient i Jas "The Regent? 3rd " 25 [1] or if entry has Dean granted it will be band the 'Ma gi fv 5, 428 taken | the Palace Theatre, London, Eng., in 3 { An application for cancellation must be : New York, Nov. The coalition of |aemipive Cb 11 ives am aver. | 8 single vaudeville act that wil in- 84 Prizes of $3 ne Bad wets one 4 ; Fit-Reform formers has not given the peace that |age of 5 8-10 each day for se- | clude singing, dancing and talking. = 75 Prizes of $3 Each application for camcelistion will be re # ; a be 2 | Georgé Broadhurst has prepared { ive from un ipomearat { They range fro v cance Where an entry is 1 , institution of cancellation proceedings, to the specially e applicant for cancellation will be en- Led "to prior right of entry. 7 porthwest wear. Applicant for cancellation mi state whet particulars the homesteader is in Fit-Reform label defnult. A homestihder, wnose entry is mot the subject of cancellation proceedings may subject to the approval of Depart- ment, relinquish it in favor of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister o t 5 passeth all understanding to manv of |venty-five days. Next year I'm goin 4 h h t to the sea- | scenario of the play in which Brady he peincivel prt the Jresifent 1 take my Satire poy ry vi and Grismer will star Douglass Fair- rnp banks next season. uly conned, ne. White A FARMER'S TRA... "The Mollusc," by Henry Hubert its reception Davies, now in London, will be seen on the north side of friendly. I don't | Weak and Worn Out Through{in New York this season. Only four i -- tactful and diplomatic Overwork and Long Hours. Se ------------------_---- 2 ormied proclamati The farmer's life is always a hard he was inf that a ion avis, But if he is weak or suffering it of is almost unbearable. The hours are CONDITIONS READ CAREFULLY. --- The conditions of this competition are perfectly sim- ple. All you have to do is to fill in the last line of the Limerick which is shown below and then send it, accom- panied by a TIN LID (with label attached), of a package of LIPTON'S TEA, Gold, Red, Pink, Orange, or Blue La- bel, or LIPTON'S COFFEE, (embossed lid only,) which if eligible, but to' no ome else, on filing declaration of sbandonment. i wind, announcing on Sho witige of the wind, 5 fact that long and the work so hard that Bohs entitles the reader to send in one Limerick. You may send DUTIES A settler is required 'to per- Brother Carnegie's grand temple X of dub the SUongEst or of ard in as many Limericks as vou like so long as a TIN LID form the duties under ome of the follow- pence Was to Tose! NS Na Jina? Satie: work on the system is given by accompanies each Limerick. ny, P an least six months' residlence up- Sion arb Yad really lain down to- [George Huntsberg, a farmer of Sprv on and cultivation of the land in each fans i sould eaail be seen {OB He says: "I have lived nearly y yea) A Domesteader may, if be so de- gether. The lion cou LY 0 all my life in the Bruce peninsula. I sires, perform the required residence | without the aid of any O88IS- | om a farmer and have always had duties by living on Jatuitig land owpel ne I oy could {my share of hard work and like a Sosy ah oh. Tt bis visible to Ge he th an instru. | §00d many other men I thought hate, homestead. Joint ownership in land will » 3 3 . oot meet Ss uirement. a potal mg Lord Bg Hie [003 Fs etasii woes Ts EE Au pr, 1 te scope. The president sent - "jand a half ago I began to go gra- Schrady, his famile ~tesician. 3 S00 | dually down hill. 1 would tire at the sultation to boa ane the TAYS | least oxestion; my appetite failed me; coat of the forest king, and there, 1.had a. severe paib_in ny side You Pa? Me stead entered for by him in the vicinity, ugly ensconced, A King. lamb, evi- around my heart. The doctor told me such homesteader may perform his own 4 J, I was suffering from pernicious anae- TO H.M. THE KING residence duties by living with the fath (4) The term "visinity"" in the two 5 F E i : mia: that I was almost bloodless. 1 down the 2 Uo doctored for six months but instead preceding paragrapbs is defined as mean- on of improving, 1 grew so weak that I ing not more than nine miles in a direct mow beginning to be felt severely. | 14% 0rdly move without assistance ling, exclusive of the width of road al- . lowance crossed in the measurement. (5) A homesteader intending to perform his residence duties in accordante with | I 1 11 Jost flesh till 1 was almost a skele- ton. A iriend from Stokes Bav told the above while living with parents Qr TEA election, and plenty of it, if you hope He to succeed in our of government us of the rest yeneht She had deriv: MARY CECIL, on farming land owned by himsed must with its freqhent ghunge. ah Pills and advised me to try them. My | As Molly Kelly, - The Time, The notity the Agent for the district of such are v who wi - a] a Place and The Girl" at irand, ou . , ieati os gong sister-in-law had also received _ gmat |ryursday. Nov. 10th The Finest the World Can Produce. ghelors making application fof potets Tom. their_use, so J. dee #4 in writing to the Commissioner of Do- winion Lands at Ottawa, of his imten- t ints tion to do so. treatment a complete trial} ! SN 3 cents a week, or Jess than t SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- Sustsendme and WEST MINING REGULATIONS. treatment for your case, enti: of cost, my book--** WOMAN jog why women suffer,and h have it, and learn to think & Packed Only in Airtight Tins. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. : 7 ¢ 1 Feeil TIT NS ---------------- give them a trial. After using the | parsons take t in the play. "The pills about"a month I began to gain | Tygth " by Clyde Fitch, will have its strength and from that on I improved | py oh premiere in about six weeks. 4 mo rapidly. New blood seemed to course | Clyde Fitch is considered a wonder in poney thronch my veins; my appetite im- | poone. Elsie De Wolls returned with proved; the pain left my side and | yoo Marbury. art and I gained in weight. After | "5 unique feature of Ermette Novel using about a dozen boxes of the Ii's forthcoming American tour is that i i 5 : i 5 iH So i E iL COAL--Coul mining rights may be leased for a period of Lwenty-one years at an annual rental of $1 per acre. 'Not g a more than 2,560 acres shail be leased to tion) You cau decide fore A H yemedy, It cures old one individual or company. A royalty at treatment which speedily av the rate of five cents per ton shall be lar Menstruation in ¥ LIMERICK a SAID A CHARMING YOUNG MAID OF DELHI i | is one of the ills I was again enjoying the best of : election bills.) ealth. I TL Lt, mea of { he is bringing over from Italy with "OF ALL OTHER TEAS I FIGHT SHY collected on the merchantable coal mined crever youlive,I can 3 J . or aise for | : . onl Ala + Sab . . QUARTZ--A person eighteen y A 3 thi never think of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as they cured | him au entire equipment of - PAECC FOR SINCE EVERY TEST a A eg Sina. Biola |g a man's pa scenery for forty different plays. is PROVES THAT LIPTON'S IS BEST place, may locate a claim 1,500x1,500 ae the book. Write 2 AT U N'S IS M. SUMMERS me after medical treatment had fail- | "0 : . 3 " lod--1 'really belie they will be a genuine innovation for this er s ve saved my | Lntry, although in Italy all the Good blood is the secret of health. | scenery is constructed of paper. The same amount of canvas scenery, such t. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has | i i i 4 i I agree to abide by the decision of the Editor of Tre Toronto been expemded or paid, the locator may Kcep the blood pure and such diseases well meanes ward tha : : ze az 3 is used i is p d a , Ais A eB es an ------ A call 8% Snacmis: th susan, sciatica, in- a : i aide Sountey Yould ne MAIL AND EMPIRE as final, and enter the competition on that dis- bog ig rer upon , hear ; eczema, 8 ars. jhe stand . for money has been sent out by.both {4nd the secret Eo will mot | If New York is a barometer of things tinot understanding. chase the land at $1 per acre. parties, and I hope there will be a [oxist. The most perfect blood tonic theatrical, there -is significance in the Signature of ont Do Bi She yt ¥ - m both > and nerve restorer in the world is Dr. fact that while this season four y ro- ; at Ee Ee TE Placer mining claims generally are 100 The financial battle of the last weok|Williams® Pink Pills. Sold by all me. | ductions with a trend toward the For BRR Tt insists! Sidi cient sities pppoe. JR JOU aguaty ; Sicy Joo 35, conewnble Yess" (Bierce indeed) has left scars behind | dicine dealers or by 'mail at 50 cents | ous have been compelled to withdraw cresnesens - asians | menses - ~ : : that will not soon be forgotten. Many |a bo ix box of ial of only a week or so, and , An applicant may obtain two leases to tie hayes box or six boges for $250 from | after a trial of only & a ssa----------a for gold of five miles each for & 8 severely in |The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- | some of the remaining ones are play- srm of twenty years, remewable at the tocks that suffered discretion of the Minister of In- the fright have recovered the points|ville, Ont. ing to thin houses. tickets for musizal The competition will be decided by the Editor of The Toronto MAIL terior. comedies and vaudeville are so mu-h The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- AND EMPIRE, whose decision must be accepted as final. Envelopes oM- they lost, but this hard fact is star ing ig in She face, snd Bie. Banguccs Oil Fuel For The Navy. in demand that it is necessary to se must be addressed "Lipton's Limerick," and sent to MAIL AND alien within ue season from we ats - . Ans > a n e lease for each five iles. t '4 Pall Mall Gazette. cure seats days, and in some instances PIRE. Toronto, Ont. $10, For Sanu for roel inte of a leased. Royalty at the rate of 2§ per House tells us that the bank | Jn connection with the developments | weeks, in advance if one wishes to at- reserves are thirty millions of Sotince which have been announced oy in | tend them. shorter than they were last week. You regard Wa, the supply of oil fuel for the mia----re = where all this money has gone ?|pavy and its increased use cn war A Carnegie Story. Presumably, into the hiding places ships, an important scheme has been | New York Tribune. the small depositors, who go ht- prepared for supplying service vessels| Andrew Carnegie admires the seien- ened at the failures of the banks that | with this fuel. Enormous tanks are| tific spirit--his generous gifts to sei- went cut of - sight "in the financial to be constructed, on the Gosport side | ence dre a proof of that. Nevertheless storm. It may take some time tore-|of Portsmouth harbor, sufficient tof to his keen humor this spirit offers store confidence, but sooner or later, | contain at least 20,000 tons of oil. | itself as a good prey, and Mr. Carne every dollar drawn from the savings Clarence creek, the present approach |gie often rails wittily at scientists banks in the panic will find ita way by wa to the Royal Navy Victual-| and their peculiar ways. back, for it will not take long to con- | ling yard, is to be extensively dredged| "The late--the late--but I won't vince people Yhat Shir money is In} and opened out so that warships of all | mention the poor fellow's name," said greater danger : ay sobibery classes will be able to find their way | Mr. Carnegie at a scientists' supper. it is of being lost by bs ks. | 0 a pier which is to be constructed | "The late Blank, as he lay on his Doe aitanie ho oan Share, by Jongeide hich they can lie| death bed, was greeted very joyously on y while taking in their supplies of oil i ; his physician. millions of dollars ih go Id oe 10 {from storage tanks near at hand. The Sue miorting by ie up with hope this country to ap w, in this, OUF|oost of the new work will be consider-| gt sight of the 'physician's beaming on arming and dreadful able. face. There had been a sougitation 3 SE i day before. Perhaps. jews that_1 phate hid Ne Pein p00 The Did thing of all is that hunt- = i= ow he Hey Setar him had p 3 ) ers who mistake other hunters for an ' : Rocucd dof thie week. it = said that deer rarely make mistakes in their been Joutil. | Mr. Rlank, said the phy- ! team came * | aim. >a Pe oN ot from Europe there were three mysterl | Gathering cabbage is one kind of siciau, [1 tolgtatdlase YOu. Ne ir eh hess} rr head work. «<1 shall recover?" he asked in a fore or rather the English railway weak voice tremulous with hope. strikers. Their mission here is to or- «Weller not exactly." sid the ganize the American railways with physicians--Rut we helieve your di those of foreign countries for a general ease to be entirely new. and if the autopsy demonstrates this to be true cent collected on the output after it ex. " Postage must be prepaid at letter rate." ceeds $10,000. All answers must be mailed ry last post Tuebday, November 19 th. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the In erior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication oi this advertiserwent will not be paid for. i tather is } -of & homesteader has . permanent residence on farming land owned solely by him, not less than APPOINTMENT eighty (80) acres in extent, in the vicini- ty of the homestead, or upon a homeo- nN strikingly -- = HERE'S THE 20th GENTIRY TREATINENT, SOMETHING NEW IN Tie soure of all Power, 2x | POST CARDS Tie Fountain of Youl, foxes col Greetings from King 'Ihe result of 50 years of scientific research, Lost ston, manhood brought back efter years of weakness and 2 despair. Natare's Secret restored by combining three n Life Models" and of the rarest chemical reagents in the world, is iy 3 3 no experiment. it jo proved by its use in the 5. Jspital Kingston Views. of Europe. Tens of of weak and i av Ee 0 a. Ti DE Come in and have a look. Jove it yoursélf by a test. A 5 days treatment with 11 particulars sent absolutely free: All packages are T McA 1 carefuily sealed in a ~lain wrapper with no mark. - u ec full 30 days treatment (180 doses) with g cure or refund of money, for $g§ 00 Send for sworn Canadian testimonials received within the last twelve months, om De. K' MR MEDICINE GO. P.O. PrawerL 234i. MONTREAL rT LT ye Watches! i > strike of all the railways of the whole world, which is to Ike place 4? oe we hate decided to name the malay In Solid Gold 1d-Filled near future. The absolute power to « after you." " s . ri Solid Gold, Gol-Fi dave the strike is placed in the hands ---- swinl Ais Authors & Cox 2S Sires. and Bited with any inate of a sicgle man, and be wig Bg Ruinous Logquacity. to the Afflicted 'Toronto. Est 1860 of movt. Our special move- ralyze the trade of entire . Harper's Weekly. . ¥ ; RS A universa guaran- Vo such power as this was ever plac- Tp. cortain village in New Hamp- Our Artificial Limbs are 1f you have any disease of fax Fhiee 3 Sond in oo ed in the hands of any one mortal shire there is a quaint old character Limbs : and made with foot, atikle; sie, ip--are selecting a watch see our dis- n before, and it never should be sub- known as Boss Mellin, keenly alive : five essentials constantly partially vAralyzed -- have play. - mitted to either here or on the othgr to the truth of the old saving, "Sil- in mind--lightness, strength, durability, weak Spine --lost one or Kin . Re of the globe. What we call the ce ie golden." Mellin's gift in this comfort and ease. We give every atten- both legs--are fuptured--or near & d Esterre. arbitrary power, submitted to as "the respect approaches genius. though he tion to those parts which are liable to are otherwise afflicted -- Watchmakers & Jewelers divine right of kings' is as nothing to was fully aware of what he deemed his wear or brea -- and make them of the write us for help. Our 8 100 Princess St., Kingston this. The so-called kingly power of shortcomings therein. maximum strength consistent with light- years experitiifn mthe box the most absolute monarchy is move Mellin used to make mattresses for a} J ness. Our work is not surpassed -- if guarantee of a happy solu limited in itself and is not so far living. One day a native of the place equalled -- by any other makers in the tion of your trouble. Write ' "Boss, world. for free advice. Y . reaching. When this attempt is made Unlike the old-time over-the-head entered his shop and asked, jet us make the battle a fight to the shirts, this easy-to-get-into (and what's the best kind of a mattress? > finish, that the rights of all mankind Out of) shirt will make. dressing a *Husks,"" was the lacomie response may be settled for all time. Too much pleasure and will fit Ce of Boss, ih ugger e freedom is as bad as not enough. beside: i Twenty years later, so runs --BROADBRIM. began REYES fue w teal tradition. the same man entered the y Fa I'shop and again asked what, in the oe ---- jshop. h W i Min, the best kind of Low Death Rate. 2h Nefljgee Jioritinot Rei wu we . Dover, Nov. 9.--The death rate at Coat Shirt "Straw," said Boss. : Dover for the last quarter was one of "Straw? You told me husks was te the lowest on record, being only 8.63 Open all She way down the front-- Petr ou to per 1000. For the corresponding under 3 -- lasts longer -- | Boss Mellin emitted a sigh. "Ian quarter last year it was 11.30 per doesn't pucker at the waistband-- RB! wavs ruined cseli By talking," 1.000, which was considered low. In- |} Yet costsnota bit more if you I -- ¥ g: fantile mortality was exceptionally law, which the medical officer attri- Insist Upon Getting this Brasd. butes to the prevailing atmospheric conditions of the summer. When You Buy COAL From ; LIBRARY FURNITURE Tables $6.50, regular price $8.50. | Easy Chairs, $5.50, regular price $7.50. Couch $5.50, regular price $7.50. Book Cases $1.50, $3 to $25. Sectional Bookcase, * $2.50 to $4.50 pergsection. P. WALSH You get genuine! Scranton, as he re * Couches and Ravauports, Spanish | handles nothing Leather; 'j Early English | ea else. Finish ; also Dining Room Furditure, in Early English SSSI ISIN II and Golden Finish. --------------------------------- Er Robert Reid, | FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER. 1 Roll Bacom, ck Ss A 230 Frincess St. Telephone 577 : tary er Des i i -------- | Hot Water Bottles. Do you know that many hot water | bottles are flimsy affairs, made merely to sell. Leak quickly. No wearing lqualities. Come and let us show you our line of really dependable ones. Strong and well made. Will out live several of the ordinary sort. Price from 50c. to $3, at Wade's drug store. There are many forms of nervous debility in men that yield to the use Sinner try our | Padding" HB. J. MYBKS, 30 Brock Su

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