tried grief of hundreds|judge? The counsel regards this of depositors and the alarm of many [the only way to secure a non-political | oy well as stockholders. The manager , Phillips, | judgment. es mente in o Mr.Foster, in Toronto, is in favour of having them transferred fo the|©f the admission to Canada of people| STUDY OF ETERNAL LIFE erown. "IT th ought," said Mr. Curry, of all creeds and colors. He "that I had saved something for the | therefore, not shareholders. Jt looks, However, as jf | dear Borden 1 have "that money for my | clamour. | lowal "The amazing state- Mr. Borden has gone to a sanitar- . afternoon Leo liquidation of |; for a rest. The Whig | ; ¥ z » L Feist i ; ot a that Hi 2. =F ef Fg : 2 si i ! ; Bi £ bf ; L ii i! if ! 2 £ E i i i i i pr Hl (tei! : fh FEigl } i iquetted, 2 i : [described and the story is an interest {in the same time last year numbered is now gathered and put on the price which is almost as of the unbroken anthra- request. riers making Mr. Ross objected to the letter car work with that of the labourers who getting $2 a day for eight hours' "A large percentage of them," any comparison of their said Mr. Ross, for. run of mine be used. |glip of the tongue here. i cases may be improved by the experience, and return to Canada with all the spirit and, energy he will need for the next session of parliament. nadian government should prohibit the export of pulp-wood or make the export ciate what belongs to it and what should be used for its upbuilding. The immigration for nine months of this year shows an increase in the tide of population. The new arrivals 49.433. This year the number is 70,- 998. Most of these represented the When di ng railway eo i in hopes be McMaster University. Toronto, deliv- not in harmony with "My Should Be the Ultimate Aim of ase. Universities. There was a large attendance at the weekly Sunday service in Convocation ball, Queen's University. yesterday when Prof. Keirstegd, of ered a profound and able address on the of education in promoting human fellowship with God. The speaker inted out that the studv of life should be the i uversities within whose walls the cause, of education reigned supreme. % process earnest thought was a mediating ay between man and God. ie was for us power and duty so high that Canada will appre- wealth, as we were endeavoring to by a simple resort to force. Too of- solve life's problems. The coutribu- tion of science to this Solution was worthy of emphasis as that wit which the scientist professedi+ deals is not mere matter as such, but matter as an expression of the master mind, which was responsible for its exis- tence. 2 Literature was a very important channel of man's- communication with the Deity. In illustration of this fact, the speaker quoted freelv from the great Engli poets of Toronto a reference was made to the loss of human life, and counsel for the railway replied, "Oh, never mind the lives." What are all the devices in the interest of safety for if life is of no consequence ? Surely there was a The power commission has at last offered certain western cities electric energy at a certain fixed rate. Should the cost run above this figure the gov- ernment will meet it. In other words, the new offer is said to remove all un- certainty or risk. The government is now making a practical start in this business. Mr. Fielding illuminates the financial situation with a few words. He has exploded the idea that all a govern- ment has to do is say so and the money market at once becomes easier. The Canadian government has a mint, and will make coin as it is wanted, but for other money which will be tendered as its equivalent. The electrical expert employed ly order op public issues, but it is not usual for -all the papers to be on one side. New RULED BY GRAFTERS. York Commercial. ES Rl 2 La which § out. "Why, Mr. ol the city detective bureau is reperted to have 'said, "these fellows are bigger I am in the department, and my job away. would mean my or ordered the PROGRESSIVE 'GOVERNMENT. Stettler Independent. The policy of the government in es- tablishing a telephone system through- out the province, taking over the creameries from authorities, establish- ing Shickah feeding stations, and_pro- monopolistic concerns. A large section of the public, the stock growers es- finding of the beef commission: and it is hoped that the Hon. Mr. Cross and his colleagues will do something to foster the which i province, PUBLIC VS. PRIVATE CONTROL. Toronto News. i ' answer to the ie it.| series without a defeat and Mayor Busse of Chicago is said to} Star, w chief of | him with a cheque for two thousand | LONGBOAT." stock growing industry Duff is 50 largely followed in this | ye divine, Philosophy was also a media- tor between the human and the divine, but the 3 would not essay to set forth its merits im the of the several distinguished who were with him on God. as a lack of such. knowledee would surely expose mankind to the manifold dangers of pantheism. First Baptist Church. Prof. Keirstead, of McMaster Univer- sity, Toronto, 1 in the First Baptist church, last evening. There was a good audience, and everyone who heard him was delighted, and none could fail to profit by his practical and . The professor has a fine flow of elo- qhent language. He has a wonderful ift in framing original illustrations by which to make his fine thought hoth clear and interesting. Many were the expressions of appreciation of his inspirine discourse. Master .Charles Jarson sang as a solo, "The Beauti- ful Land," in excellent voice. SPORTING NOTES. Queen's Has A Championship. | By defeating Varsity in Toronto, on. Saturday, Queen's Association Foot ball team are champions of the inter collegiate. They went through the i deserve great credit for their victory. The score in Toronto, Saturday, was 2 to 0. Two Thousand For Longboat. After the race on Saturday. Hugh Graham, proprietor of the Montreal wrote Longboat, the great i Indian runner, saying that at the end of five years if he kept temperate, and ranged himself on the t, he would present dollars. Longhoat wrote the following reply: "Dear Mr. Graham --You are very kind. I know how you feel; yon want Canada's name kept good. 1 feel the same. I will do my best. Five years from to-day I will send you a little bill for two thousand dollars, and will buy a nice little wiewam for mv girl. --Yours gratefully, THOMAS The Mill Boys Won. The Knitting Mill and the Overalls played an exciting game of football on Queen's campus Saturday after noon before a large number of spee- Some fine runs and tackling ; | er Z i : told [tient's was i view of Beira, with its | cal History of the 1s dreamed could | latives . nt wir ae Vicon Falls fic deductions, in a study of heredity, tes $5 n day, looms up in fine consanguinity, etc, of a masg of such snd provides the luxuries| information is at once apparent,"says the pomforts of life at athe report, "and the various medical spot that not a dofen white men had |stafis are undertaking a great labor of [in charge showu be of good physique . |contributed -led when they do hear. «{ Grippe, Sore Throa wings. | ten drops of Nerv is- | vent present condition, but 0 might be called the physiologi- person whose case consideration, and as far as be ascertained, that of the re- "The value, for scienti- along. this and other lines of re- Suggestions are offered on the early care of incipient cases of mental dis- A point emphasized very strongly is that a patient must be in charge of some competent person. Jjand that not a relative. On this matter the report has this word to say : "The management of the excited cases, in private practice, is a pro- blem offering much difficulty owing to the seeming impossibility of avoiding physical restraint, a procedure which invariably does harm, and has been long abandoned in the hospitals of Ontario. While it is well that those it is often remarkable how much more can be accomplished by an in- telligent display of tact, rather than ten it happens that patiepts are brought to the 'hospital, who have been bound with ropes, etc., and very roughly handled during their home treatment. This should not be, as it only tends to increase the excitement and prejudice the patients against the friends. Much can be done, however, to control even the most violent case by the use of the hot wet pack, with cold applications to the head." The report outlines the methods of treatment pursued at Rockwood hos- tal from the time they enter the institution. A completely equipped surgical department provides ample facility for caring for those cases where surgical interference is indicated. This i= in a separate building, erect- ed and equipped for this purppse. An efficient training school for nurses has been in operation at this institution for fourteen years, so that now, not only is the nursing staff trained, but numbers of the graduates have gone out into the wider field of nursing. "Preventive medicine is very pro- perly becoming the aim of the mo- dern physician. The best minds in ac tive professional duties, as well as amongst those who are spending their lives in scientific research, are devot- ing their energies not so much to cure as toprevent. * * * Upte the present time this province has little of a scien- tific character to the study of in sanity. Ontario will do well to con tribute of her energy, of her great and varied resources in intellect and material wealth, to search for that which has nit been revealed. Ontario needs no justification'in seeking, even at some sacrifice, the cause andithus the prevention of a disease the most dreaded of human afflictions, and On- tario will do her duty." ~ Special mention is made to the use of the continuous bath, an impor- jant addition %o the equipment at the hospital, and several pages ave taken up with reports on cases of in- terest. Will Be Welcomed. The local appearance, on November 19th, at the Grand Opera House, of Mis¢ Clara Clemens, contralto, who is to be heard here under the auspices of the Vocal Studeuts' Club, has awak- ened unusual interest, and the indica- tions are. that Mark Twain's brilliant daughter will be warmly welcomed. A Tar And Its Load. Gananoque Reporter. 'Bhe other day a Grand Trunk car with a capacity of 60,000 pounds, ar- rived at the junction with a lonely little package weighing fifteen pounds as its sole contents. The package con- tained gunpowder, consigned to a local hardware man, and it is con- trary to regulations to include anv other goods with it. The car was billed from Montreal and its earnings for the 155 miles was not more than thirty-five or forty cents. To sade the price of a car from: the junction into and carried ii on a flat car. It is easy to find fault with railroads and other corporations, and kick about poor service, i uate equipment, and so forth, but when the other side is up against it in instances like the above, the public hear little, and probably are not very much interest- ------------ He denies himself the best w " not deny himself. Whe ex Valuable Advice To Mothers. H your child comes in from play coughing or showing evidences of e t, or sickness of any kind, get out your bottle of Ner- viline. Rub the chest and neck with Nervi'ine, and give internal doses of iline in sweetened water every two hours. This will pre any serious trouble. No lini- ment or pain reliever equals Polson's Nerviline, which has heen the great Too often this is never im: oris i eld until seins ha § s resulted | oy growy rough T IZgNOTANCE | | wrote of ry erTony and wonderful I pe lawe and penalties. Girls' over-sensitiveness and modesty oe El A a a ors 0, look Tardis sicians, as they so ol withhol am now Tne coatilonce from their mothers and | healthy and well, and all the distressing v ed your advice, and took Lydia E. Pink 3 hich I had at that time have oms which ought to be [GTIPICIR WIG Talo, (on me hare wid to their physician at this eritical Miss Matilda Borman writes Mrs When a girl's the ts become sing. | Pinkha 85 DOWS: ith oadache. izziness or a die- Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- to ine in k or eyes 7 desire for solitude; 8 a mystery to herself and i F ¥ i : sid, and remember that Lydia E Pink- i bham's Vegetable Compound will at this regularand Iam well. time prepare the system the coming | 1 am telling all my girl friends what Lydia change, and start this trying period in| ®. Pinkbam"s . Compound bas a young girl's life without pain or irreg Sct Tot tue, --Matilda Borman, alarities. Hundreds of letters from young girls|. If you know of any ho and from mothers, expres issick and needs motherly advice, ask (First letter.) Lydia E. Pinkham's V "I am but fifteen years of age, am de- pound holds the record for the greatest pressed, have dizzy spells, chills, headache | Dumber of cures of female ills of any and backache. and as I have heard that you | medicine that the world has ever known. can give helpful advice in my condition, I | Why don't you try it? lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women Well, REESE EYER EEE EYRE ERRRE RRR RRR 8 Overcoat | Duty! | You owe yourself an Overcoat that's that's right owes you proper protection and wear. right--The Overcoat But you will not find that 'right kind" of Overcoat ewvery- 2 where. You'll certainly not find it, if you shop at random. If you patronize most any kind of a Clothing Store most anywhere. Ii you jump at the first reduced price advertised. If you rush into a store and rush out, buying the first Coat shown § yous To procure that '"richt kind" of Overcoat you must go to the right store--The kind of a store that confines its advertis- ing to facts and invites investigation and comparison. If you will consider these points, we believe that you will leave your Overcoat money here. Our Overcoat Price Range is from $7.50 to $20. Boys' Overcoats, $3.50 to $10. | THE H. 0. BIBBY GO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS. RRpERE LIBRARY FURNITURE Tables $6.50, regular price $8.50. Easy Chairs, $5.50, regular price $7.50. Couch $5.50, regular price $7.50. Book ses $1.50, $3 to $25. Sectional Bookcase, $2.50 to $4.50 per section. Couches and Davanports. Spanish Leather, Early English i ; also Dining Room Furniture, in Barly English family remedy in Canada for the past fifty years. a 5c. bottle of Ner Robert Reid, 4 : 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 FROM GIRLHOOD TO WOMANHOOD Mothers Should Walch the Development of Their Daughiers-- Weatherp Cartridge: Dominion Am- munition stands the severest ex- tremes of weather without change. "Sovereign" Shells (smokeless) or "Crows Shells{snap Blac Powder) are not on walorpreoof, but ar loaded with damp pro powder. No matter ho damp the weather ye can always rely on the f nd instas power. Made in Canada an evaranted by the Dominion Cartridge Co Nt -- EDUCATIO Pesos ssddbddd IMPROVE YOUR and INCREASE YOU! POWE Day and Evening C Frontenac [ Colleg. Barrie and Cle T. N. ST & Prone, 68 Rg o, 680. « BEEP PEERY Reesescane nas It you wish to be & tend The » Kingston B Colleg Limited, head of | CANADA'S HIGHE business school, shorthand, Ly pew) graphy, all suhjeots thoroughly competent experienc Day amd night class any time. Rates ve "Phone, 449. H. F. METCALFE, J. E. CUNNINGHA Mr a i MM MONEY IN C More profitable than pockry. Exp BR free, On fis all about it fem 2 00n packe ice, "and "Bird Mag Refunded " you be any time. & Write us bet betore buying. COTTAM BI 32 Bathurst Se. Li FARMERS WERE PERRLAT ONSEN EDELS They Sacrificed Cat Old Price Folger Station, Nov. of the greatest calamit ited our section for o we are vet blessing an rainy, hut the stoek well. Snow keepi money i th The ple ha a very they seemed to think take any price offered, not ses i ther mj stock Ias spring, n North-West ranches bu ties near hy. A peddl travel a' few miles to hides, hecause of the sl 1 i will 'not = fully sup) To Cure A Cold.? ive Bromn to cure. E. on each Lox. 25ec. Give a man a good ( will remain in a good least an hour. BEER'BUILD! Ontario beers are L pure, above all | the else-- far more ha pure than most | one of the milk sold Be in cities, because a made under con- | jo ditions of abso- het lute hygiene. th . Jui FOOD-|™ cle: to¢ VALUE Be Boiled potatoes | rus contain not near- the an ly the nutriment | ed) that is in pure ah beer ; milk will | an not feed most | a4 folks so well, nor | do : ha digest so thor- | 4; yo A