ty, Edward, VII, and She Royal d ousehoid. st GEOCER FOE TEE EEPY SATCE CANANIAY AGENTS, MONTEEAL i meee ee pew K HERE. ---------- COATS FOR WOMEN. Coat section was never bridler our salespeople have beep kegs eryone's Having satashed satisfy you also Just et ms try, jels left to choose from, both m arments. ATS, all sizes and wanted colors - 0, 75.00. for women an hilldres 1200 and 15.00 ar beautiful MEXICAN DRAWK- for $2350 ? Tea Cloths, Scarfs Carving gic. An irspection will repay d our COUPON 00) nd 15.00, Third 10.9 -------- LEY BROS strength ® meters. ootiene of Smut CORSETS xx df tw © tp he steers att, sant ant bony of Ya hy - = Lace logn oar maat U cones ter FASHION HEALTH COMFORT PEL r Wine LEG, WNC ator he hw a a a toremet mamta fe oso curren mole Ww gown 3 I TONED TESTTRETTS Pepe. S109 2 S500 OVERGAITERS- " WOMEN. > a large assortment of Colors. raet, pen, dark; EEE ESE. $1PAIR ss, 90 and 5c. pair. ts, $1.00 pair. rclusive agents for nd Toc. pair. DAINTY RS. & Charles, J. WDC RMOTT, 11! PRINCESS ST. Alds to Navigation to Be | s-Malitalngd. UNSKILLED LABOR IS SLACK- ENING IN DEMAND, This is Usual at This Dime of the Year--Back From Looking | Over the Intercolonial Rail- way and Studying Its Needs ~ Hon. Mr. Lemieux Has Reach-} ed Japan. Ottawa, Nov. 14.--lInstructions have been issued by the marine department to have all the aids to navigation on the upper lakes kept in operation so that navigation between Port Arthur and Fort William and the Georgian ports may be kept going until. De- cember 10th. The United States au- thorities will co-operate in this work, which means that vessel owners will be able to use Lake Superior ° and Leake Huron for another month for the transportation of grain from the west. Hon. G. P. Graham, minister of railways and canals, has returned 'to Ottawa from his inspection of the government railway system, in which he had an opportunity of fully ac- quainting himself with the needs of . the government line. " "Hon. William Templeman, minister of inland revenue, is back in Ottawa from the Pacific Coast, where he has spent the past two months. Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux is due in Tokio to-day. Mr. Lemieux, upon the completion of his mission to Ja- pan, will return to Canada by the Suez canal. The department of labor's survey of the labor situation throughout the country shows the same slackening in the demand for unskilled labor that usually occurs at this season of the year. October - is always a busy month in rushing through all manner of outdoor work before the advent of winter, but November means the lay- ing off of many workmen, and this year is no exception to the rule. In fact, therc are indications of reduc- tion in various lines of industry such SMUGGLING PASSENGERS. Stewards on C.P.R. Boat Held on Charge. Montreal, Nov. 14.--A steward and an under-steward of the Empress of Britain, named Carph and Davis, were arrested on a charge of smuggling pas- sengers over on board the ship. 'Lhis practice is becoming common among the employees of steamship companies running to Montreal, and it is under- stood that the case will be urged by the company. They will be tried at Liverpool. Must Pay Or Go To Jail. New York, Nov. 14.--According to a London despatch, the American mem- bers of the compauy playing 'Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cabbage Patch," dis covered, last night, that the British government does not permit Ameri- cans to take money out of the eoun- try without paying an income tax. All the members of the company re- ceived a notice from the tax collector, that they were liable for their income tax for the six months they have been playing in London. . United States Consul-General Wynne told them they would have to pay or go to jail. Sue 120 Milling "ompanies. Austin, Tex., Nov. 14.--An 'anti- trust suit was filed by the attorney- general in the twenty-sixth district court against' 120 Texas milling com- panies. The state charges that the defendant companies have violated the 1899 and 1903 acts and asks for pen- alties against each defendant in the sum of $75,000 for the alleged viola- tion of the act of 1809 and $56,260 for violations of the act of 1903, and for forfeiture of charter rights and fran- chise of each corporation. Plans Not: Matured. < Toronto, Nov. 14.--Whatever plans the government may have in mind for the improvement of the system of technical education in the province, the scheme will not be formulated in time for presentation to the legisla- ture at its next session. This was the opinion expressed hy Hon. Dr. Pyne, when spoken to in regard to his state- facilities for such training. It expels all poisons, stimulates the internal organs, cleanses the svstem and purifies the bigod. Such is Hol- lister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the most effective preventative of disease. Tea or Tablets. Mahood'sDrug Store. Surveyor Green, Cornwall, the only Indian surveyor in Canada, is still at work for the Ontario government on the Metagami river, 190 miles north as occurred in 1904 after the unprece- dented industrial activity that pre-| vailed throughout the country in| 1903. i The miners of the Strathcona Coal company, in Alberta, forty in number, have applied to the department of labor for the appointment of a com- mission of enquiry under the Lemieux act to investigate a claim they have made for an eight-hour day and a change of wages, Mayor Scott is a candidate for a second term as chief magistrate. See Bibby's swell $1 caps. Babies' Booties, underwear, bon- nets, wi jackets and mitts of every kind at bargain prices. New York Dress Reform. : Get photos taken, best, at Weese's. See Bibby's fine $1 gloves. DAILY MEMORANDA. Popular Prices : On fine Furs, at Campbell Bros'. Fire and Light Committee, 4 pm, ' Friday. Wonderland Theatre, afternoon and evening. Roller Ritk, Skatiog witerpcoon and evening. Limestone Lodge, No. 91, A.0.U.W,, meets Thursday evening. This day in history Discovery of River Nile Sources, 1770. Sherifl's Sale, Stanley Smelting Machinery, 11 a.m., Friday. 2 "The Time, The Place, The Girl, Grand Opera House, 8.15 p.m. The Princess--' An Awful Roller Skate Story and the sud Methodist Church Rum- S et! Br at 86 Brock street, has been postponed until the 29th and 30th. - The Bijou--Geston de Chauxs Drema, "A Faithless sMishaps of An Autor Co's. Skate," a "Express WHIG TELEPHONES. Business Office. Editorial Rooms. Department. 292--J obbing Forms, all kinds, at ne. 3 Tha Daily Wiig ia always on a * , Market uare-- Ghani WAS such svening. a 1s very popular at the present time in all lines of Ohbina. We have & very pretty assortment of Chocolate Pots Cracker Jars, Sugers and Creams, Cups and Saucers, A. D. Cofier's & Bullion, Hair Recdlvers,' Ramkins, : Marmalnde Jars, ofive Spoon Trays, Bie ------------ | Robertson Bros. REAT BARGAINS IN a TERS. mnjrty Square Hall Heaters. any a lot of Sane Tron ad Pug ' parfectly 90 guarattend. Jrowam Lug il those mus ee Thos Ee wien for barguine; Cy i i Ls CO han ey -- x. of the C.P.R. ment that there was need for greater t { | 35¢., | | | That is the kind you get when "or of congress; WILL APPEAL A Sensation in Brilis Naval Circles. - REARADMIRAL SCOTT WILL LAY HIS CASE BEFORE BRITISH LORDS And Ask That a Court of Enquiry Be Convened--This May Mini- mize the Alleged Indiscretion of Sir Percy Scott. London, Nov. l4.~Despite all efforts hush up discussion in the quarrel between Lord Charles Beresford, com- mander-in-chief of the channel fleet, and Sir Percy Scott, rear admiral of the first cruiser squadron, growing out of Lord Beresford's sharp reprimand {to his subordinate for displaying =a {signal taken as unfriendly to Eng- {land's royal German guests, the dis- {pute will be carried to a further stage. The next development is likely to he {the form of an application by Rear Admiral Scott to the admiralty for a court (of enquiry for the purpose of {hearing the circumstances under which the much-discussed signal was made [to H.ML.S. Roxburghe to discontinue gun practice so as to make herself "look pretty" to accompany the chan- nel fleet and the first cruiser squad- ron for the refeption to the German | kaiser. It is now stated that Lord Beresford"s general signal to both fleets reprimanding Admiral Scott was | {made without a previous investigation and that Sir Percy was not allowed an /ordinary opportunity of exjlann- tion. | Notwithstanding Lord Beresford's great popularity; it is believed an cn- quiry will place a new construction on the signal, and will minimize the seri. ion. The basis of Sir Perey ousness of the rear admiral's indiscre- | studied law and® began Scott's | of his , ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1 13.-- "With the help of God 1 er hereafter, either diveotly: lv, receive one cent for the of the gospel." With s the Rev. Dr. H. Allen Tupper; pastor of the Fifteenth Street Baptist church, Brooklyn, sur prised his congregation at the close of his Sunday's sermon. The church had a prosperous his tory sinee De. Tupper 'took charge a few years ago, and owing to the in- crease in the membership a new build: ing; 'which i$ how under construetion; i . Tapper"s salary will to the building fund. 9 pastor although not a rich man, is undorsibod to have a com: fortable private income. A U. 8. SENATOR. ------ Lawyer--Early in Politics. J. Hopkins, United States senator from lllinois, was born in De Kalb comsty, Ill, on August | 15th, 1846. 1b raduated from Hills: {dale College, lich. in 1870, and later pect He is a Hon, Albert the practice profession at Aurora, Ill. He defence will he that he made the sig- {early took an interest in political af- Inal in answer to an enquiry from a subordinate who wished gunnery practice. {of 1884. | Furs Of Quality. {buy al Campbell Bros.' ! | "Gillette safety razors' He Would At a public meeting in St. Mary's, Hon. Mr. McKay, liberal leader in Ontario, advocated law reform. He could see no reason. why a judge should be paid by salary one day and by fees the next. Some of the members of his profession thought that he was a radical, but if the truth were to be obtained as a result, he did not care if old moorings were shaken up. Let the position in which a judge was placed under the present system be considered. For work as local master he was paid one and a half dollars an hour, and laid open to the imputation that he prolonged proceedings for his own benefit. He had himself known a case which might have heen disposed of by a High court judge in four hours which accupied five days before a lo- cal master. The judgment was for 8270, and the costs amounted to $650. Again there was nothing more morti- fying to a man than putting down all Extend Work Court. CALLS FOR LAW REFORM of the County! the twiddle-{waddle which went to the making of a bill of ¢osts. He could not see why a man should not make a bargain with a lawyer for, his case to be handled for a certain fee. At pre- sent if a client consulted him he could not say how much the fees would amount to, because he did not know how much confounded side-stepping the other fellow was going to do. Neither could he see any reason why in 90 per cent. of the Ontario appeal cases the decision of the Ontario judg- es from court to court. If also a coun- man whs lying or not in a $1,000 note case he was capable of handling an lessen the pressure on the higher courts by extending the jurisdiction of the county courts. . CHORUS Over Kaiser's Visit London, Nov. M.--A semi-official pronouncement, by the foreign oihice, declares thé conviction that the kai- sor's visit will materially improve the relations between the two nations. The editorials in the newspapers, which have been often the kaiser's most captious critics, admit the vruth of his majesty's claim that he has pursued a policy of peace. The -em- ror's entertainment by the city of Rendon passed off without the ex- ted socialistic demonstration, much s/ any disorder or rioting. The re- ception given Emperor William by the people of London was a very cordial MARVELLOUS RESCUE. Miner Entombed For 87 Hours Taken Out Alive. Potisville, Pa., Nov. 14. --lmprisoned for eighty-seven hours several hundred feet beneath the surface of the earth, almost directly under his own home, where his. wife and children mourned for him as dead, Michael McCabe of Gilberton, was, yesterday, t his tomb in the Draper mane, barely top of the OF taken from | alive, after one of the most marvelous rescoes in the history of authracite Since Saturday afternoon, when the chamber in which he was ! working, caved in, and caused a rush PLEASURE to England and its Results. Fr-- fone, and there is a chorus of gratifi- {cation among officials and the news- {papers at the reception, and his ma- {jesty's happy speech. | Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell- { Bannerman, in a speech at Bristol, re- joiced at the popular expressions of {friendship and sympathy with the {kaiser and kaiserin, hailing them as an indication of the cementing of peace. Emperor William's health has markedly improved since be left ihe vold, raw air of Berlin. He is ehjoy- ing the mild English November, and {spends hours in the woods at Windsor { {shooting pheasants. | of culm and water from the surface, relays of workmen toiled unceasingly to reach him. Shortly. after midnight the rescuers detected a scratching noise, which told them that McCabe was still living, and with renewed vigor were put tg work and at am. he { was reached "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, aries Swallows" Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. Get frames, cheapest, at Weese's. . . are sold at| FATHER | Sikaqu's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone | es, who knew Ontario law and condi- [in & former London case, when tions, should not be final. Great cor-|F. Ball, a local lawyer, took out an porations should not be allowed to | injunction, beat out poor people by dragging cas- | wife's mother ty court judge could say whether a} fresh reliefs | {fairs and was seht as a presidential to continue |elector to the republican convention He was a member of con- 1585 until 1903 in which was fected to the upper His home is in Au- gress from |year he rora, Ill, SHALL DIRECT CHILD Heodidos Question of Interest to "Mixed Married.' London, Ont, Nov, 13.--That hus- {band shall direct the school--public or {separate--to which the child shall go, lis the decision of Chief Justice Mu { lock, given in the assize court in the remarkable case of Trudell vs. Tru- deli. The 'Trudells, man and wife, ' al- {though litigants in several courts to decide the question as above, have [never allowed their difference of opin- lion to influence their home iriendship land relations. It has been alto- {gether a friendly suit, and it is said that Mrs. Trudgll, who is a Catholic, {would have 'consented to the children {going to the public schools, bad not LATEST NEW THE WORLDS TONGS Ta Matters That Interest Everybody Notes From All Over--ELittle of Everything Easily Read and Remembered, A Peterboro hunter ip lying at the point of death after the terrible ex- perience of being lost in a swamp. The Pittsburg police have in their Stradivarius. Faciebat, Anno 1786, and would be very glad to know who is the rightiul owner. A boy named Robert Lorimer was taken 'into custody at Belleville, charged with stealing 715 from Thom- as McGurn, farmer residing in Tyendi: naga, near Shannonville, Dr. John W. Corisedine, a widely known and skilful medical man of Port Dalhousie, died Tuesday, at his home. Decoased was born in Ireland, eighty-eight years ago. At Spokane, at the result of drying out dynamite which they stol, to se cure the nitro-glycerine for safe-blow- ing, Albert Grant is dead, Alfred Ad dison is fatally injured, and Charles Moore is in the city jail with minor injuries, Anna Held (Mrs. Flora Zeigfeldt) is critically il) of pneumonia at the Ho- tel. Majestfe, Philadelphia, and the en- gagements of the "Parisian Model" company, of which she was the star, have been cancelled. Havelock Sherwood, of Avondale, N.B., was arrested, charged with im- proper relations with Ada Francis, a twelve-year-old English immigrant girl, whom he adopted two years ago. Sherwood, who is a married man, confessed his guilt, and was commit: ted for trial, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, to day, inspected the Royal Edward dock at Avonmouth, Among the distin guished guests invited 2 the Bristol dock board was Hon. Clifford Sifton, who, after the Juspation, expen hed to the toast of "Ships, Co an ( meg y Skt Lord Win terstoke. To check a cold quickly get from your druggist some litie Candy Cold Tablets called Proventics, Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre. venties, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Pre- ventics contain no quinine, no laxa- tive, notuing harsh nor sickening. Taken at the "sneeze stage' Proven ties will prevent Pneumonia, -Bronchit- is, La Gnippe, ete. Hence the name, Preventics, Wood for feverish child. ren. 48 Proventios 20e. Trial voxes, | 50. Sold by all druggists: Bibby's $1 underwear is greats Despatches From Near And od | feiting business in recent possession a violin inscribed Antonius | COINS OF PURE SILVER. Made By Counterfeiter in Ramapo Py) Mountains. New York, Nov, 14.~The rge of terfei light what they Sag Sought was held for the federal grand jury. commissioner, Hense has been r uced was said to be in a secluded spot in the Ramapo Mountains, in Rockland. coun: ty. The prosent price of silver, it was said, enabled him to purchase bar sil- ver or old silver for remelting, and fineness at a profit of about fifty per cent. About 200 of the coins had been circulated in New York before the of- ficers secured the clue which led to Hense's arrest. A Southerner For Presidency. Nashville, Tenn., Nov. l4.~A move: ment to nominate a southern man for president was given impetus when 150 representative citizens of the state gathered at the capitol and perfected an organization by electing ex-Govers nor James D. Porter permanent chair. man. A commitipe on correspondence will be appointed. and. an address is- sued to the voters of the south, NOULD GONE OVER IF POLL TAX REMOVED MANY WOULD POUR IN. Yip Sang's Sharp Reply--"1 Not Tell Too Fast What I Think, Says Wealthy Chinaman Who Bring Japs P Vancouver, B, C., Now: Wi=¥ip Sang, Vancouver's wealthiees China- man, told Immigration Commissioner King, that he believed half of China would come over here |if it were not for the practically prohibitive head tax. Yip continued : "If that head tax were removed, 1 would import Chinese laborers just as did Onderdonk twen- rive years ago, when the fare was only thirty-five dollars. But the com- panies here cannot afford impogtations at five hundred each." Comm issiomer: "There's no lax on bringing Japs. Are the companies them over ?" 5 "I not tell too fast what I think,' roplied the witness, sharply, end the examination ended, Earlier in the enquiry Yip said "Wages are too high here, That's what brings them. Chinese laborers now wants $2.50 per day when we got them fow years for half that. All over China they know of good wages here, and would come if could afford it." The result of the examination today went to show that if the Chinese tax were removed there would be a tre mendous influx of Chinese that would put in the shade the Jups Hin- doos combined, 4 the matter been taken up by the 1 ch urch . A question as to which church the | children should attend is not treated lin Justice Mulock's decision. | The judge declares that the {should have the custody, and so the | divection of the children, and cites as John restraining his deceased from sending his chil dren to the public schools. | Joe Cannon vs. Bryan. Danville, 111;, Nov. 14.--~Senator Till action for slander. Therefore, let them | man, of South Carolina, dectares that President Roosevelt will not accept a thisd term, and that Speaker Cannon, of the House of Representatives, will be the republican nominee. "Pryan," Mr Tillman said, "will be the tlemocratic' nominee without a doubt. He is the greatest living de- mocrat, and the proper man to en- trust. with the affairs of our govern- ment." An every night all year round medi cine, pleasant to take, positive re- sults. It's Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the greatest family dy, 35c., Tea or Tablets. Mahood's Drag Store New York state, according to the as- sertiof of Dr Adolphe Meyer, patholo- gist for the New York State Hospital for the Insaue, still. houses nearly 2000 of its insane patients in the jails. Backache is almost immediately re- lieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Try one and he free from pain. Price 25¢. Don't delay, get photos taken at Weese's. | 7Fokio, Nov. M.--Rudolphe Lemicux, |postmaster-general and minister of {labor of Canada, arrived on stanmer Eanpress' of China, last even- |ing. He was received, at Yokohama, {by Count Toramima, representing the {iapahese department of foreign al fairs. Mr. Lemieux will be received in audience by the emperor on the lat: THE JAPANESE PLANS the | a" London, Nov. 14.~Lord Elgin has issued copies of a despatch sent tg the | wolf-governing colonies, respecting the | re-organization of the colonial office. The despatch enlarges on the scheme which Lord Elgin outlined in the House of Lords, dividing the office in- to three departments, a dominions de partomnt, a crown colonies depart- ment, and a general department. The LORD ELGIN'S SCHEME Colonial Office is to be Divided in Public a precedent Justice "Anglin's decision | Interests. | gocretariat of the imperial conference will be linked with the dominions de- partment without being entirely meg: ed therein. i Lord Elgin says the re-organization i# made in a strong desire to promote the interests of all parts of the em: pire; and to. produce efliciant apd sym- pathetic treatment of the manifold questions which arise, and asks for the cordial co-operation of all concerned, PROMISES A SENSATION, Evidence' Will Change Com- plexion of Case. Pittsburg, Nov. 14.--~Miss Ida Ve- ronica Simonton, of this eity, whose name was frequently mentioned during the first trial of Harry K. Thaw, has returned home after spending a year and a hali in the jungles of Africa. She said : . "f will go to New York and tes tify in the Thaw case. I have not been subpoenaed, but will answer a summons from either dide. My testi mony will change the whole complexion of the case. .he story told by Mrs. Charles J. Holman of her being de- serted in London is true. 1 will not say which side my testimony. will fa lvor."' : Her ub i ' OF Controlling Emigration Will Be Satisfactory to Canada. ters return from the army manoeuvres, The Japanese government considered {that its prescut plans, now in pro- gress, looking toward the control of emigration, will be satisfactory to {Canada, and it is not likely that the fen of the minister will result in avy aterial change. a GOD WE TRUST." re bp------. Roosevelt Says It Comes Close to Sacrilege to Put It on Coins of the United States, - | gwer to one of the numerous protests | which have been received at the White House against the new gold coins, which have been coined without the words, "In God we trust," President Roosevelt has written a letter, which is made public. The letter says in "When the question of the new coin age came up we looked into the law and found there was no warrant therein for putting "In God we trust ? on the coms. As the custom, al- thobgh without legal warrant had grown up, howevor, 1 might have felt at liberty to keep the inwcription had 1 approved of its heing on the coin- age. But as 1 did not approve of it, I did not direct that it should be put on again. Of course; the matter of sthe law is absolutely in the hands of congress, and any direction of con- gress in the matter will be imme diately obeyed. At present, as I have said, there is no warrant in law for the inscription. "My own feeling in the matter in due to my very firm _ponviction that to put a motto on coins or to use it in any kindred manner not only does no good, but does positive harm, and is in irroveresice, which comes close to sacrilege." Henso According to statements made to the | | turn out coins of standard weight and 0 WARRANT FOR I DOES NOT APPROVE OF "IN ao SRE SRA ; "ONLY, $7.50. Call TO-MORROW and nn Kupitting Book Free. eave, When yo think of our Special Blend T There are two things that con at once to your.mind. ° wr $ and the quality we claim to ordinary 50c. package teas. Importers OF Fine Groceries. Real Estate and 4 Insurance { Eighth Victim Dead. St. Thomas, Nov. 14. ~Mrs, J Ronson, one of the victims of Caledon wreck 'on September died at her home in Goshen, ¥ day, as the resuit of injuries ve at that time. She is survived by hughand and two sons and one d Trial Catarrh treatments are b mailed out free, on request, by Shoop, Racine, Wis. = 'Luese tests proving - to the people--withou penny's cost--the great value of scientific prescription known to d gists everywhere as Dr. duoop's: tarrh Remedy. Sold by all d furniture, ete., = bo get photos