Ww to 1 « TRF Te e pe CRRA d r t - D oO Q g QD > { Novman & Shaw Seal' Emulsion Folks are like motor-cars. At times they get run down. Scorrs Emuision is full of power. It not only produces flesh but givesnew power toweakbodies. A "DIAMOND" either lL or ny soll, in our stock is fully guaranteed. expensive larger es tare Just 0 Pines and portent in analy" We t Preset SING us "STON ES, Setti at $25 find ny difficult to 'Syual. set in Claw SMITH BROS., Jewellers, Opticians. "Phone, 666. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 King St. WE GIVE Ai AND SATURDAY : Ladies' Black Hamster, Lined, Sable and Reveres, $40. Green Cloth, Trimmed ' wi Mink, $60. The above are Sample Coats. W. F. Gourdier, Brock St THE SMALLER ONES, while line of that you will Cloth Coats, Lined, Canadian Rat, $40. Collar 2 A big'snap in plain Pink Flannelette 'will be yours on Friday Morning 6 > 300 yards of high grade quality, wide width, 3 g full 32° inches, perfect color, the best 12%c. & 14c. : Line In the City. a -- FRIDAY MORNING, while the lot lasts, 10c. A YARD. § MADE IN KINGSTON i: WHEY BUTTER ntl Crown Brand Men's: Half Hose Whey Contains Bulk of Sugar of Mill--Simple Apparatus TRADE Needed. Seeley's Bay, Nov. 20.--(To the i L Editor) : The paragraph in the Whig of November 14th, on the concensus of All Wool SHEFSEHA opinion with regard to the profitable making of whey butter, also its qual- ity as a food produce for hogs, we read with some surprise, and is sug- gestive of that natural prejudice en- Made from fine ' Cashmere Yarn. Guaranteed terialund ue everyone when t intro- rr. u to this product. um Unshrinkahble tion of this Pq looked n as allied to the oleoric compounds or butter substitutes. This judice soon dis- appears on a better acquaintance with its manufacture, or on its copsump- tan. factured profitably is beyond all pos- sible doubt, if done correctly. As manufacturers of the product we do not aspire to make silk purses out of snd sows' ears, but we claim that a most al profitable product can be made out of Ask' your dealer for them! FARMS WANTED Experience, 'Absolute ReliabiMty ood ji in values have us an enviable reputation in Estate Business end put us in touch with | what is practically a wasted sub-q a long list of prospective buyers. If you | stance. wish to plate aay Estate on the We fail i intelli market, you will find it to your advant- e fail to sce, as one very intelli- gent énd successful cheesemaker con- tended, that it could' be suecessfully manufactured if only' 10 of fat remained in the whey, or for the mat- ter of that, on the successful feeding of hogs with that same whey, but our to communicate with us. We wast Bi Present a. chifos farm of 75 to 100 acres, Kingston, also a lage dairy "with good buildings good T experience in this matter has never ° J. Lockhart, aspired to this test, orgeRerdireamed of it. We are content if "Biir. test comes Real Estate Lient, 159 Welling-| 4 "at .20 and upwards; according on +» Kingston, Ont. to the abnormal. cofMition of the Wilk, when old and stale. This is where that which would be lost is pro- fitably saved. One very great omission is the loss HERR] of fat in the tanks. This fat not only CURES ALL ool rises quickly, but cannot be raised TT with the liquid on account of its solid A LWAYS, Pe nature. This naturally decomposes IER CRI IRE IS Ball | quickly, thereby polluting the sweot : whey if allowed to remain, and pa- Remember The lidhe of your eye and the grasp of your band are absent in the written word. Avail yourself of every means to win a favor- able reception for your letter--your silent represen= tative. BRITISH WHICG PRINTING It 'costs will give it dignity, character, force. no more; bat it accomplishes much more. Christmas Is Coming. Is quite evident by the| number of presents bought al- ready. from our well selected stock. It makes a friend for ever. | Fancy Odd Parlor Chairs, Fancy Parlor Cabinets, Fancy Music Cabinets, Screens and Easels. JAMES Reid. Phone 147. STYLE The double-breasted Prussian Ulster shown here is one of the most serviceable Overcoats a man can possess, Great for driving or motoring, and smart for street wear, makes a' splendid Coat for College. The Brand, Oth Gentur Guarantees fit and quality. $15, $18, $20, $22, $25. See this style before buying. EP. JENKINS CLOTHINGO PROCESS DIsCssen D FULLY is aii " Says it Can. Be Made Profitably--|for hogs. That 'the "product ¢an be manu-|* What nicer than a present 114 PRINCESS STREET. ; ru trons are quick to see that this waste is more acceptable to be sold at from twenty-five to thirty cents a pound get the their .10 by a long way. "it 1s also falsely eclai that the sSpataied Whey ia Vaclesp 084 food sugar of milk and traces of solids are entirely overlook- ed. By the Munster Dairy school of milk is nearly all retained in" hn wb ae Prati food for hogs, and with the addition of a small. quantity of meal wo ualize it to its original state, ay hundred parts of milk yield hundred parts of cream 398,50 shim and 1.50 loss. The 398.50 skim milk contains : Water........ . . Fat.. 357.25 whey, and i i loss, The 39.65 of cheese contains : will this table it that separated whey would still con- From tain' the bulk of the sugar of milk, andthe sugar is valued at about three-fourths of cane sugar. Manu- facturing' thie 'product can be easily done in cpnfiinétion with cheese mak- ing, and the cost-gfémachinery is not prohibitive. A suitable separator, driven by steam, yet entailing only a few feet of steam pipes, with the us- ual farm-house dairy outfit, and a supply tank puts it in the reach of any factory with a competent opera- tor to add to its usefulness and pro- fit that which would be almost wast- ed.--JOHN HUMPHREYS, Gilt Edge | factory, Squirrels Not, Deer. Ardoch, Nov. 19.--Communion was cclebratéd by Rev. W. Cox in St. John's church, Sunday, November 17th. Rev. Mr. Lyons has returned after spending a week with relatives in Portland. A party of miners pass. jed througn on their way to the Borth mines. W. Fraser made a flying trip {to Flinton last week. W. Kellar, Pic- ton, is renewing acquaintances. Mr Topping disposed of his last sheep on Monday. "Paddy" O'Brien, the cheese. maker, is greatly missed by man friends. W. Topping, J. Derue and M. Schwagar, while ont deer hunting, on Tuesday, succeeded in getting a num- ber of red squirrels and chipmunks {H. Baldwin has left for Flower Sta- tion, where he intends spending the winter, E. Vanalstine is the proud possessor of a new driving horse. Weddine bells will be heard on Mon- | dav. Visitors: Mr. and Mes. A { Munroe at J. McDonald's: Nr. and | Nrs, J. D, Godkin, at W. Fraser's: | Gilmour and Miss (I. Craig nt . Watkins'; P. McLellan at T. Toppings; Miss T. Derus at M. Web. er's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Watkins at H. Baldwin's; Miss N. Watkins and W. Miller spent Sunday at P. Watkins': Mr. and Mrs. R. Munro at J. Derue's: Mrs. J. Grav, Harlowe, at C. Smith's; 0. Mclellan and Miss B. Watkins at IH. Baldwin's: Father Bo- vin at M. Weber's; R. Godkin at E. Babeock's: J. Derne and M. Schwager at J. Shultz's: J. Hermer and Miss C. Christian at W. Schonaur's; Miss M. McLean at E. Gilmour's. A Sad Accident. Westport, Nov. 18.--Nearly all the | factories are shut down for this sea- son. There is a great scarcity of feed in the country, and' farmers are dis- posing of their stock at very low prices. Many from here attended "the | funeral of Miss Rose M, Troy, Perth. It was a shock to the people of West- port when the sad news reached here of the sudden death of Daniel Mooney, who was instantly killed at St. C lets, forty miles west of Montreal. He was fireman on a freight train, which ran into another freight train that was standing, taking in water. Mr, Mooney had not time to see the danger until he was thrown under the engine, where he remained for several hours. He was a steady young man and liked by all. He leaves a wife and three children. He was taken to his home in Smith's Falls, where his body was laid to rest. "Dan" will be greatly missed around here, as he had lived at home until five years ago, when he married Miss Loretta Cahill, Smith's Falls, and moved to that place. Wil liam Duncan has sold his farm, about four miles from here, to Mr. MeVeity, for 87,000. George Castle, who has been dangerously' ill with typhoid fe ver, it gaining slowly. Whitmarsh Bros. have shipped six carloads of cat- tle this week. Cattle Still Range. Bell Rock, Nov. 20.--Cattle are still ranging thé fields, and the greater part of the She. Plow hing is finished up mn There will be re-open- ing So in the Methodist church here, morning and evening, on Sun- day, December Ist. The work of inting the church was done by Enoch Murphy. Great credit is due' Mr. Murphy for the artistic John Sagrifi's two-storey cott is nearing completion. J. 'Campbell has charge of the carpenter work; B. Rev- ell, of the plastering, and E. Murphy, of the painting; it will be a fine com- modious residence when finished. Mr. Wheeler and daughter, Minnie, have returned from a pleasant trip to the HOW'S THIS ? We offer Ope Pundred Dollars Reward for By ete of Cater Abas canna be cured DY, He ¥. HENEY & & con "Toledo, Os have kmown F. J believ ie vmain potlety the y eyed vonr Balaodl tae i wil be"lourly seta The ue ald [i's pow be seén | 28c. | Leonard Douglas, was destroyed by so far, $150,000, work. | LL.B., hushand 'of ander Roberts, Toronto, ousted hy the east, especially in Japan. {ha JAZ of thi Tranagraster" rr water ach Sh dogs wo. SozRR: scenic cate stage and A light effects, -50 Ngthine now on Male. FRIDAY, Nov. 22nd Under © The Aushloss of The 8.0.8, ine RATE STRACHAS MISS NANNIE STRACHAN, A Soprano, GAVIN SPENCE, Tenor, Bubbli t Mirth and Humor. bling with MISS ENID NEWCOMBE, A, R. C, M., Cellist, 'Medalist of Roya} Academy of Music, rh Prices--25¢., 85¢., 50c,, . 81, Seats gow on sale. SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd. Bargain 2.80-- Evening 8.15. DOWNIE'S Big Spectacular UNCLE TOM'S CABIN 50 People, White mand Colored. 2 B, of Music. 18 Ponies, Doge and Donkeys. 2 Private Cars. Grand Street de. at noon, Prices Matinee, Children, 15c. ; Adujts, Evening--135c., 28ei; 85¢., 50c. Seats now on. sale. Nov. 26th--"Mre, Temple's Telogram." EE -------- AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV, 23rd. Dr. Dull has fmstructed me to sells his Bay Mare, Ji 1-hands gb, gel beaken, d. Sp and single harness. Skie' at no 'clock. if W. MURRAY. Pacific coast. They visited friends 'in Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Cal, and Alameda, and returned via Pue- blo, Col. Miss = Maitland visited friends at Parham last week. Visi tors : Richard Carroll, at J. Yorke's: Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Yorke, Verona, at J. Pomeroy's; Miss Goldie Sanborn, at home; Miss 8. Vanvolkenburg and Mr. and Mrs. George Leeman, at FE James'; Mr. Drow, Long lake at G. M. Sanborn' 8; Rev. G. Churchill, at Mrs. Martin's, Taking Post-Graduate. Glenvale, Nov. 19.--Rev, Mr. Milli gan preached his farewell sermon in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. He intends leaving for Chi- cago, where he will take 5 post-gra- duate course in a university, Prof. and Mrs. William MeQuinn, represent- ing the Karn Medicine company, of Toronto, gave an exhibition in the hall last week, During the week priz es were given for Ge most popular young lady and the most popular baby. Miss May Cramer and little Douglas Ellérbeck were each the lucky winners of 5 valuable ring. Mr. and Mrs. William Atkinson, Sith Lake, vigited friends here recently. Uriden returned from Cobalt, and will spend the winter at home. A horse owned by Sidney: Alzort drop ped dead last week. J. Crdmer has made arrangements for building a new cheese factory at Sunnyside." Migs Jda Clark, who has been visiting her sis. ter, Mrs. Lee, Harrowsmith, returned home on Saturday. Mes. M. Malone has 1éft for Buffalo, N.Y., to visit her son. } Various Visitors. Trevelyan, Nov. 18.--Miss Agnes Leeder has been the guest of Brock- ville friends for the past few weeks. Mrs. Joseph Flood is spending a few days at her home in Melcombe. A number of our local sports spent a few jolly days in Jarious parts hunt- ing. Mr. and Mrs. D. McNamee, Sand Bay, spent Sunday the guests of the latter's mother, Mew =. Leod- er. Miss Olive leeder, Athens, spent Sunday at her home here. The many friends of Mrs. M. Heffefnan will be pleased to learn she is fast improving after her recent illness. James O'Grady and Michael Fodey, Brock ville, were the guests of Misses Hauna and Hattie Leeder on Sunday. R. Dixie has opened a grocery busi- ness, which is being well patronized Visitors: W. J. and J, La n, Mel combe, M. Heffernan family, Athens, Nr. and Mrs, T. Rowan, Mo- Intosh Mills. Water High In Streams. Camden East, Noy. season is now Over v'L. H Stover, S. L. Williuns, LN. Ste wart have teturhed thé north with the finest showing of deer that ever came into Ca Fast. "They report very bad went the first. week but the second week was some: thing doing. Water is very high in the lakes and streams. 'Some hunting parties report deer guile scarce. The Rat Portage Lumber Sompany + . three-storey factory in the mane turing district . of Winni "Polat 8 Imperial pipe enaméd ill not born off or smell. For sale at Lemmon & Sons, The death occurred on Tuesday at Pasadena, Cal, of Charles" Roberts, Mrs, Jessie Alex- Clouds, white or ca nal one. 3 stockings cashmere, . all , Spe- cial value, 2c. and 35¢. York Dress Reform. Europeans and Americans, are being Japanese from the far Don't forget Best's "Short Stop' is a regular 25¢. bottle of cough cure that alwavs cured, and cewts hot 15¢ Overstookings, strong, 250; woolen gloves in all colors, 20¢. and 25c. New York Dress Reform. Imperial pipe enamel will not burn ken internally, acting Sirectly upon the blood and milcous | surfaces of system. Testimonials sent | tree. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold ty s Family Pills tor Comst.| "rake Tails PERL GIO pias so LSiash a Fes a sib off or smell. tts, Toledo O.![iverpool for St. For sale at Lemmon & transactions and Susnciaiiy sie 16 care Sons out amy ob ons made by wm. | . Sik a , Kiosan & Marvin, | The Allan steamer Tunisia from John, X.B., reported 160 miles east of Cane Race, on 20th. Cold eream and skin Hone. larg- ext or. at. "Be for $2.50 Regular £3 apt § Lemmon & KY oes dn Bras First inscrtion lc. & Word, Bach econ secutive, insertion " half cent e word: Minimum "for one in HELP WANTED--MALE. Y, TO RN THE BRIGHT Boy, RAR T BOY, AN IVE, AD 0Y. Apply - T ow 0 Pox: cens glreet, ONE OR TWO GOOD AGENTS 'ro sell a article. A to Capt. C. E. Cununings, Ste Islander. SPECIAL SALESMEN FOR EASTERN Ontario. Must be and orkers. line. good bard "w Liberal pay ngokly. Reliable 'or full particulars write Luke Brothers, Company, Mon. FALL SUITS AND onset rope! x male, also of to id: an a et ell, | prices. Uafloney. T The Tailor, Yat Brock St., bext ey s Livery. iil ARTICLES WANTED. ANY PERSON HAVING GOOD FUR- miture or Stoves to dispose of, before teard .to John 'rincess street, next Church. ay EDUCATIONAL.' MONEY AND BUSINESS. oUR POLICIES COVER MORE OF ruilding and contents than any © DEE ine, offers. Examine Godwin's Insurance Emporium, Marks et Square. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insuraneo , Available assets $01, Tas bin to hi the policyholders have for arity the stockholders. Farm perty insured at lowest possi rates. Before Stoning 3 new business rates from range & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 6" CLOTHES AND THE MAN. The Fashionable Tailors Make Costumes Go. Try as they might, the fashionable tailors of London and New York have not been able to educate their pat rong up to, the bizarre ews that they sought to do early geasan, The well dressed man ¥ nthe winter of 1907 will be more quietly, more Yastefully and more com ortably gnrb- ed than in many years past. Sombre tones will take the = place of glaring stripes and loud chooks and plaids Cannot that one was so often wont to meet with last year. Especially does this apply to the business suit, which is cut in 5 variety of shapes, straight or double-breasted sacks, or the long skirted cutaway as fancy calls for. But in nearly every instance it is manifested that warm, rich tones are affected, with worsteds and Scotch cloths in the ascendancy, Overconts too are returning to the saner cuts, with the paddock, and others of equally extreme patterns, re- legated to the rear. These latter styles are still to be seen at the race course and once in a while about town, but the well dressed man is tabooing them with a persistency which seems likely to sound their death knéll, The sur- tout is popular and will continue wo until the spring cuts gre shown. It is gratifying to note that with the flight of the swallow those mon- trosities in footwear are fast disap appearing. A month or so ago at every turn was to be seen men whose shoes were as effieminate in cut, and flashiness of tops, as those of their sisters who sought to have a a pair of shoes with cloth tops to match every gown in their wardrobe. The fashion- able hootmaker is 'How displaying men's shoes of the plainest possible shapes and the half rotmded toe, built on the fiattest of lasts is the correct boot for the really well-groomed man. Man however, is left with one field in which he can allow his faney full scone. Haberdushers are displayi ing shirts of vari-hued patterns gnd in these he cannot go wrong, but hear in mind that to .be really well groomed never fail to have your cuffs attached to the shirt and all such garments must be a coat shirt. Those who can- not afford such luxuries are having ship collars and cuffs made in one garment, and especinlly does this ap- ply to those of the dréss varie French flannels are popular i which, of course, a" well laundered lin- en collar in worn, but the cuffé gre in- variably of the same material as the shirt. Little or no change is noticed in neckwear, both the four-in-hand and De Joinville claiming their respective devotees, Hats are smaller in crown, brim and width. The derby for business wear has apparently driven the soft head- piece from the market. To be considered well dressed these days is to be conservative, Avgid ex- tremes and one cammot go wrong. pro- viding of eourse the garments are well ent and eling to the firure. other than the enveloping shawl back effects so recently noted. Canadians Hard To Beat. London, Nov. 21. Sporting Life, in reviewing the recent long distance running performances in Canada, an- ticipates thnt the Canadian cqmpeti- tors at the Olympic games jpn 1908, will require a lot of beating. Boys' sweaters, nator navy. Bie; extra strong, cardi- riockings that TO BUY A GENERAL STORE on (A business, in the country. McoUCaom, 51 A JOB CLBANING Asuna ouT OF carted. % to it oe. FET FURNISHED ROUSE, SIX BR | eight rooms, Princess with fall culars, to Bos BP Hoe omen, Poe A Hough AND LOT, IN SUBURBS city, to or near - ame - price PT he CARRIAGuN, WAGUUNS, FURNI- ture, Pianos, or any article for stor age, by the month, year, or shy way ; to Fi 's Carr We . and 398 Princess St. SITUATIONS WANTED. JORBING CARPENTERING. APPLY to F. Smith, 199 Wellington St. City BY CAPABLE WOMAN, POSITION as Rousekecper, or Gare of an delle, Oity preferred. Apply Box IN, Whig office. SITUATION BY STRONG ABLE- bodied man, No preference to work. Migheat rsonal character, } x Bears {Engle . lhest reforen Apply W. J. er. Portsmouth, Ont. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. a ------------------------ A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. AP- ply to Mrs. A. 8S. Oliver, Cor. King and Gore streets. BOARD. a ---------------------------- FRONT ROOM, TWO BEDS, IN well heated, $3 per central location, ¥ Other rooms also, week, with bow 112 Clarence street in .t, use, rat and moth proof, McCann, 51 st OFFICE OVER FADES DRUG. Cor. King and B Sts. ~ ate: heating. Apply Mey hut 51 Brock street Ang, FROM 1st JANUARY, 141 KING BP. on Jong or Share lease, furnished, i 8 rinhed. r hy to BR Meany, Terma, upply i BUSINESS CHANCE, $10 FOR AN UA an gi, $10 for thirty omy. oy York Tespaudence age ous Pox Buffalo, N.Y, VENTLIMAN WANTED ABLE TO 000-85,000 a $7,000 Agen annum, Bibi Craveinne, ARCHITECTS. ---------------------------------------- ARTHUR ELLIS, ARCHITECT, or fice, Cor. Quean and Bagot | HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ete. Anchor Puilding, Mastat Squiiss Phone, 345 POWER & SONS; ARCHITECTS, MER, chant's Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213, MARRIAGE LICENSES, Gr 8. KIRKPATRIUK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. mM. 2S PRLARDS, ARCHITEOT, fico, second floof over Mahood Surecta: *"Hntrance on" Bayo 'Phone, 808. Unitarian. REV, 0. W, CASSON, OTTAWA The Atheism Of Religion. Heber Nowlon says: "ihe atheism of anarchy is due atheism ol religion. Anarchy: 'acorpted the church's pisture of God, and then frankly and flatly this God out of the niverse. The church can best' end anarchism hy once more teaching man to see a loving God of infinite goodness." I is pre cisely this task that the Unitarian church has undertaken. It declares that God is good, and that man is His child, It presents a picture of God and religion' that approves itself to the human mind, and deals in al firmations that dispel both anarchy nd atheism, Address, Mr. Casson for free liters ture. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S QUEUE. It Hid 'a Luxuriant Suit of Straight and Very Dark Hair. The father of his country concealed a luxuriant surface of hair beneath his queue wig. Mary now wish the old fashion were in voghe, to conceal thinned hair or baldness. Yet no one need have the thin hair nor be bald, if he cure the dandruff that causes both, Dandruff can not be cured by scouring the scalp because it is a germ disease, and the germ has to be kill. ed. Newbro's Herpicide kills the dan druff germ--no other bair preparation will. "Destroy , the cause, you re move the ecffect." There's no cure for dandruff but to kill the germ. Sold by leading druggists, Send 10c. jn stamps for sample to The Herpi- cide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. sie EE ------ I ------------------ A MAN MISSING. Absence of a Highly Respected Resident. Mullorytown, Omt., Nov. 20.-John Kennedy, a prosperous farmer re siding in the township of Escott, has been misting for a couple of days and grave apprehension is felt as to his whereabouts. He was single and about forty years of age, and most highly respected. © Tuesday afternoon Rev. H. H. Bed- ford-Jones united in marriage, David Orr, 4 wellknown farmer residing near South Augusta, and Mrs. Elizabeth Burgess, of Smith's Falls. Regular $3 carpet sweepers for $2.50 at Lemmon & Sons. i A Thousands Acquiring The Dope Habit. dope habit is being asoquired by aid of Canadians through using so-called cures for Uatarrh con- taining mn excessive amount of al cohol and other dangerous drugs, Doctors claim there is only one safe tarthozone kills the germ, heats sore spots, stops dfopping in the throat, keeps the nose clear and Jovmantntly gradicatds ' gvery trae of Untay Catarrhozone can't directly to the has | turned | and certain cure for Catarrh--frag- | pealers' Scheens end Wire Work of rant bealing Catarrhozone, which |sinds manufact 215 KING cures by medicated vapor that is Partrid Son breathed direct to the seat of the ge T 8, STREET disease. The balsamic vapor of Ca- pm mre THE FRONTENAC i LOAN AND {AD INVESTMENT 5 ESTABLISHED 1863. PraidentoSile Richard Surtus gh, Sl a ai 'eooived and 8. C. McGill, Ea Director, Wm. Murray. Auctioneer. 27 BROCK ST. rL.3 New Carriages, Cutters, Harness ote., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday.' WEATHER STRIP Keeps out the Cold, Costs Li "tie and Saves Much, Good Variety at STRACHAN'S New England Chinese Restaurant, 331 King Street. 5 Open from 10.30 a.m. to 3 am. the. best place to get an all round Lunch fa the city. Meals of all kinds on shortest. notice. and Chiness dishes ® pecialty. 'Mhone, 665. PROMPT DIURETIC ACTION. In the case of those suffering from ail kidney; Hyer bladder and urindry dis oases no greater rele hum thet found id & ---- bojoe recipe in whi o sivull quantity of vimosa compound used. The vimowa bas & prompt dHuretis action, getting to the seat of pain and relieving it instantly. The recipe is one ounce of compound Vimoss, one own sweet spirits of mitre, four ounces syrup of rhuberd. A few dons will relieve t most. severe backsehe. Auy wi supply the ingredients ou can Wi then at home, Dose, one spert spoons? ful in water after moals and nt beitisey New YorkChinese Resta Restaurant Open from rid a0 am best place to git ea All tound Meals ae ow of sil : on shortest . Dishes a specialty. , : ret Crescent Wire & Iron Wor G5 BEE C. H. Powell, Carpenter and Jobber... will weir, ribhed or plaip, 25c. New |from 'the system. York Press Reform. fail: tis Eipind:. Two months Oysters. Edwards & Jenkin. treatment, tial size, 25¢. ;