ECTIVE, PALATABLE. { v JRAL PURGATIVE WATER. tWINTER GLOVES Perhaps you would like to put on the Gloves with us and warm up a bit. We've a full line of Winter Gloves, Some for comfort and some for service. Fancy Knitted Gloves, p 25, 35, 50, 75¢., $1.00. Mocha Gloves, with fine ool linings, Browns end Greys, 75c., $1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00. See our special $1.00 line. ; Fur-Lined Mocha Gloves, $2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50. See our special at $2.00. ats no Any fid- th hs, Dent's, Perrins, Alex- PSE andrias, Fownes' Kid and nal Pogskin Glove, $1.00,1.25, av] 1-50, 2.00. . le. ite] Working Gloves and Mitts § - Our line of Workiog Gloves comprises all sorts leather. le- 50, Cut in all sorts of styles for all ; sorts of use. 25, 35, 45, 50, 750, J $1.00 and 1.25. See our display of Win- 2 ade ter Caps. ver . BIBBY C0. | BLE CLOTHIERS. REE REE RNR RR EER PRET FURNITURE Tables $6.50, regular price $8.50. Easy Chairs, $5.50, regular price $7.50. Couch $5.50, regular price $7.50. Book Cases $1.50, $3 to $25. Sectional Bookcase, $2.50 to $4.50 per section. Couches and Davanports, Spanish Leather, Early English 2 Finish ; also Dining Room ; Furniture, in Early English 4 and Golden Finish. : Robert Reid, 230 Princess St.JTelephone)s77 1000 00000000000000000000008 TSHOES| ° ® ® . ssorted stock of Walking alf, Velour Calf, Vici Kid, Tan Leathers. ctus, Beresford and hoes for Men. victus and Hagar for Women. i od assortment of of Sole Shoes n $3.00 to 5.50. : i | : : | : --Tounity 16 tise 10 nationhood where: A Boon to the Bilious Are you compelled to - self many wholesome a Jour You think they make you bilious? Do you know that your condition 1s more to blame than the foods? Your liver and stomach need at- tention uote than the diet. When ou find yourself suffer i in attack, take 8 With a BEECHAM'S PILLS and all annoying symptoms will soon disappear. They settle the stomach, regulate the liver and ex- ercise the bowels. Their good ef- fects are felt immediately. Beecham's Pills mingle with the contents of the stomach and make easy work of digestion. The nour- ishing. properties of the food are then readily assimilated and the residue carried off without irrita- ting the intestines or clogging the bowels. Beecham's Pills should be taken whenever there is sick headache, furred tongue, constipation, sallow skin or symptoms that indi~ cate an inactive liver. Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. Auy even numbered section of Pomin- fon Lands in Manitoba or the North-West Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not re- served, may be howesteaded by any per- son the sole head of a family, or male over 15 years of age, to the extemt of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Application for homestead entry must be made in person by the applicant ata Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-agency. Entry by proxy may, however, be mad at an Agency on certain conditions by the father, viother, son, daughter, broth- sister of an intending homesteader. cati for entry or cancella. personally at any sub-agent' Le wired to the Agent by the at the expense of the appli- oflice 3 Sub-agent, cant, wd if the land applied for is vacant |255¢ts of the bank and -dn accounting on -rekgipt of the telegram such applica- tion is to have priority and the land will | be heid until the necessary papers to complete the Lranbaction are received by mail. In case of "personation" applicant will forfeit ail priority of claim | or if entry bas been granted it will be| summarily cancelled. | An supplication for cancellation must be! made in person. The applicant must eligible Tor homestead entry, and only one application for cancellation will be re- ceived from an individual until that ap- plication has been disposed of. Where an entry is cancelled subsequent to institution of cancellation progecdings, the applicant for Sancellation will bo en- titled to pride right of entry. Applicant for cancellation must state in what particulars the howes is jo default. x A homesteader whose entry 1s not the| subject of cancellation proceedings may subject to the approval of Depart- ment, relinquish it in favor of father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister Mt eligible, but to no one else, on filing Hecliaration of abandonment. DUTTISS--A settler is required to per form the duties under one of the follow- ing plans :-- : H) At least six months' residence up- pn and cultivation of the land in year during the term of three years. (2) A homesteader may, if he so de- sires, perform the . required residence duties by living on farming land ow colely by him, not less than cighty (80) acres in extent, im the vicinity of hi homestead. Joint ownership in land will pot meet this requirement. (3) It the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of a homesteader has permanent residence on farming land owned solely by him, not less than wighty (80) acres in extent, in the Vicini- ty of the homestead, or upon a home stead centered for by him in the vicinity, puch homesteader may pgrform his own residonce duties by living with the fath- er (or mother.) (4) The term '"vieinity" in the {wo preceding paragraphs is defined as mean- ing not more than nine miles in a direct line, exclusive of the width of road al- lowance crossed in the measurement. (5) A homesteader intending to perform his residence duties in accorgance with the above while living with parents or on farming land 'owned by himself must motily the Agent for the district of such intention. Before making application for patent the settler must give six months' notice fn writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion lands at Ottawa, of his inten- tion to do so. SYNOPSIS OF ,CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL~UCoul wining rights may be Jeused for ua period of twenty-one years at an annual rental of $1 per acre. Not more than 2,560 gcres shall be leased to one individual or mpany. A royalty at the rate of: five ts per ton shall be collected on the merchantable coal mined QUARTZ~A person eighteen years of age or oves, having discovered mi in place, 'may lpcate a claim 1, 1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended'on the claim each year or paid to the minin, recorder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may Epon having a survey made, and upon eowplying with other requirements, pur chase the land at $1 per acre. The patent provides for the payment pl a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. Placer mining claims generally are 100 feot square ; entry fee $5, renewable year An applicant may obtain two leases to dredge fur gold of five wiles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minster of the In- terior. The lessee shall have a dredge in © ation within one seasom from the te of the lease for each five miles. Rental 10 per annum for each mils of river ased. Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collected on the output after it ex- ceeds §10,000. Ww. W. CORY, Deputy of the * Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unhuuthorized publication of this not be paid for. pdvertisement will Attention, Furnaces! 1I your furnace heeds repairing, if you want any work done in the way of Hot Water lieating, or Plumbing, give me a call, you will get prompt attention and { Sy it good satisfaction. E gelters will not be cons ified 1h n- aceepts responsibility for DAVID HALL, 55, fre sae [orm meme fom spi, 54 ago 3 &s9 "Phone 335 | with their actual signutures. i The subscriptions of 50,000 women were temporatily lost te missionaries of Japan, Chika, Korea, and the far east hy the suspension of the Knick- erbocker Trust company. Canada, says Pr. George Parkin, is the first great offshoot of the mother in the. great - paralyzing problems of the empire are being solved. . Gen. Dooth was delighted with his reception in Canada, and remarked ---- ENCE IN CAMERA. A Park Action--Death Kelsey, of of Graham Cause. ed, here, to-day, of the death, in St. Joh, N.B., of Graham Kelsey, for- merly of Toronto, and for the past year the represefitative of the Gold- smith Sty company, of Toronto. Heart failure is believed to have been |ing, heard, an application on behalf of | Park Commissioner John Ch . {to restrain Judge Winchester from {hearing evidence in the park investi- gation in camera. Judge Winchester has invited confidential correspondence and also heard people who had infor- mation tq give privately. Counsel for RESTRAINT FOR JUDGE DISLIKE HIS HEARING EVID- Commissioner Brings Goldsmith Stock Company--Heart Failure the Toronto, Nov. 21.--Word was receiv- the cause of death. The body will] Harold J. Bates left at noon, to- be brought to Toronto. day, for Brighton, where he has been Chief Justice Meredith, this morn- | transferred to accountant at the PERSONAL MENTION. . -- . Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. J, 0. Moore, Toronto, is visiting his business friends in 'the city. Frederick Ryan, proprietor of the roller rink arrived from Toronto, to- Stanley ( 'adenhead, motorman on the street railway, is confined to his home through illness. has left to spend two weeks with friends at Battersea. James B. Allen, of the A. McKim & Company newspaper advertising agen- cy, Toronto, is in the city. Col. Gordon, 0.C., was in Peterboro on Wednesday iyspecting the Colle- giate Institute Cadet Corps. t Standard Bank.' Frank Conway, Jr. left at noon, to-day, for Montreal, where he has secured a position in the passenger department of the C.P.R. Miss Carrie Donnelly, graduate of the Ottawa General Hospital, is visit- ing in the city, the guest of Mrs. T. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1907. : : : ered Miss Neta Lemmon, Earl street, b | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Pirigrapha Picked Up By The best oysters. Carnovaky's. "Oriental dainty at- tenetive Fr Rat HS GAT_KLLED iN THREW WILLIAM BRITTO THROUGH WINDOW. Tripped Him By Running Be- tween His Legs--Broken Glass Cut the Man's Throat and He _ Bled to Death. « South Norwalk, Conn., Nov. 2}.-- Slain by the act of Lis pet cat was the fate of William Henry Britto, thirty-one years old, at his home in Winnipapk. It may not have been wilful murder, but the cat, which was fond of its master, ran between his legs' and tripped him, so that he Im] enamel will not burn off or sme! sale at Lemmon & Sons. Cheer up. You may soon be waited upon by aw influential deputation and asked to be an aldermanic candidate. A meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the YM.C.A,, has been called for Friday afternoon, at three o'clock. The normal clase will meet to-night. So fiercely did the gale cross the commons, from the lake, and bedt against the doors of Victoria. school, to-day, that the combined efforts of plunged forward, his head penetrating | three people could not open thim, and the glass in the kitchen door, where | entrance had to be made by the other he hung hy the throat and bled to |@ death before tl eyes of his old mother, Mrs. Charles I. Britto, who was too weak to aid him. When Dr, F. IL Burnell arrived Brit- to was breathing his last. His throat had been cut almost from ear to ear, oor. Coffee talk ! The exceptionally fine flavor combined with strength, na- turally makes "our best" coffee a favorite with all lovers of this old. time beverage. The price, 400. per Ib. may seem high, but you get the gual or fraud the {charge of the French liberal voters in H. Ferguson, Johnson street. Chambers asked for an order that Mr. Harold F. Hughes Chambers be represented whenever such {parties are being examined by the ferred 'to the Bank of Commerce " Edward Wandle. {iudge. Chief Justice Meredith com- |Pranch at Paris, Ont. He left at | Toronto, Nov. 20.--How hé came to mented upon the course pursued by |B0on, to-day, to take over his new [Shoot and kill Edward F. Wandle, the Judge Winchester, starting that it was | duties. : fork street restaurant keeper, on July against the tenets of British justice A A. Ducheim, advance agent for llth last, was told on the witness {that anything should be done behind "Mrs, Temple's Telegram," isin the |stand in the criminal assizos, ta-day, |a man's back, and that the action of jeity, to-day, arranging for the pro- by Bohn Doyd, the colored | Tudge Winchester did not seem quite |uetion of his fair to Chambers. He also could not | |see why an official, occupying a high | : {judicial position, should take the po- cal roller, rink, leit for Toronto, to- {sition of a detgotive in the getting of Ys where he will manage the Park- levidence. He did mot, however. give {dale rink for the remainder of the |any judgment but advised the lawyers Sé8son. . . ! for the two parties, to get together The remains of the late Mrs. C. |and see if they could' not arrange Macdonald, arrived from Watertown, 'matters amicably. jon Wednesday, and were removed to | R." I. Borden. leader of the .conser- | Wolle Island, where they were lhid in {vative party, was, to-day, sworn in | the vault, Services were conducted "in las a member of the Ontario bar. {the Presbyterian church by the pas- | A writ was issued, to-day, by Sena- tor. tor J. K. Kerr, D. A. Wordon and T. | Marshall Ostrom, provisional direc- | |fors of the Monarch Bank, and Jane |_ a | Ramage, for herseli and other share- | Final Selling Price on Thursday holders of the bank, against the Was 11fec. Monarch Bank, the Toronto General | The final meeting of the Frontenac | Prust Uorporation and A. L. Ramage, {cheese board was held on Thursday ja provisional director, for a declara- |afterooon. There boarded 265 {tion of their rights in respect to the as follows : Rose Hill, 40; Battersea, 40; Glen- burnie, 30; Sand Hill, 30; Cold prings, 70; McGrath's, 50; total, 265. The bidding opened at lle. and was {raised to lljc., by Mr. Murphy, and at this price two factories sold, Glen- {burnie and Rose Hill | Mr. Kerr, one of the new buyers at on the the board, having joined last spring, moved a vote of thanks to the pre- sident, Mr. Langwith, and Secretary Pillar, for the courtesy extended to trial of 'the London bribery case, this | them. He was glad that such a friend- morning, to connect John O'Gorman {ly feeling existed among all the mem- with the distribution of money at the | bers of the board, and expressed the Brockville election, nearly ten years {hope that this feeling should continue ago, when White and*Gomstock were |all through the history of the board. the candidates, recoiled upon the pro- | Mr. Craig made a short address, in secution. Raphael McNabb, who had | Which he referred to the good feeling {existing between the members. He did not know whether he would be on the board next year, but stated that if he believed to be O'Gorman about $60 to |Should again be elected to represent go and do good work. {the Glenburnie factory, he would hope "Did- you pay it to voters," asked {to meet all the members in the same George Lynch.Stanton. {good health and prosperity. > President Langwith and Secretary Pillar, in a few well-chosen words, | thanked: Mr. Kerr for his warm words play here on Tuesday Donald E. Ryan, manager of the lo- CLOSE OF CHEESE BOARD. was boxes of colored cheese, from the defendants other than Trusts Corporation. The latter, as trustee, |asved for an accounting of all mone received as payments on stock BRIBERY IN BROCKVILLE. The Attempt Recoiled Prosecution. Toronto, Nov. 21,--An attempt on the part of the crown counsel, at the the constituency, was asked and testi- fied that he received from a man he es, McNabb admitied to E. F. B. John- ston that he formed his impression . . tnat O'Gorman was the man who paid [of appreciation of their work. him the money, simply from reading | On motion of Mr. Pillar, the board his name in the newspapers. Replying |adiourned, to meet again in the Whig further to Mr. Johnston, McNabb ex. {hall on the third Thursday in April, plained that much bribery was going { 1908. on and one who got money told the witness he got money from the con- servatives. y "Do you know All Reached Port. The steamer Dundurn made the har- bor, this morning, on her down trip, George Tavlor, the conservative whip ¥"' asked Mr. John- [but did not try to make Swift's ston. . | wharf, on account of the high S08, "I heard he was in the riding spend- | She dropped anchor at Four Mile ing movey "and sending out letters | Point, but could not hold on. The | anchor could not hold her for. any length of time, so she made for Gar containing money." was the declara- tion of the witness, | The steamer Turret Chief came to ithe M.T. Co's elevator, at noon, to- iday. Quite a large number of intoer- ested citizens watched the progress of {the huge propellor as she slowly, but surely, forged her way through the benvy seas, with her large cargo of grain. | The tug Frontenac made two trips {to the island, to-day, with loads of | withs. Chinaman Is Held. Frank, Alberta, Nov. 21.--Mounted police from Frank were called to Blair- more on the discovery of one of the foulest murders in the history of Al berta. Mollie Lewis, an unfortunate woman, was found dead in her home near Blairmore and there are ample signs of murder, The police have ar- rested a Chinaman, named Sam Sing, and 'charged him with murder. There is, as yet little evidence against the man, who is held on suspicion, await- | Opera House In Gananodue. ing instructions from headquarters at | The new Grand Opera House in Rexina. | Gananoque was opened, - Wednesday - \ might, by "The Shadow Behind The . . | Throne" company. The opening was . Will Not Appoint One. ja « big success, every seat in the Rome, Nov. 21.--The pope has de- | theatre being occupied. W. N. Rogers, finitely decided not to appoint a new |the builder American cardinal at the next sistory on December 9th. and proprietor, received con: |many congratulations from the people {of Gananoque for giving them such a -- . large and modern place of amusement. Warm underwear of every descrip- [A +] Small, the theatrical magnate y : r . tion, for women and children. New'!oill Supply the attractions, which wiil York Dress Reform. t plaice Gananogue in a position to get "GB." cliocolates. "The Red Star." |the same shows as larger places. Firm Made Mistake. In justice to the lad, found in pos- EE EEE -- HEB. {sesbion of Isaac Cohen's wheel, it is {fair to him to say that, on investiga- SEALEN TENDERS ADDRESSED 408, we found that a manufacturing to the umien , a orsed © * "Ten- fore: seeing the wheel lying about t TAbL's Quarters, BR. M. U., their building--and it bad been thers Kingstofs, UR." will be received at th inks i office until Friday, December 6, 1907, in| [Of Some _hours--and thinking it iw clusively for thn work above described. | longed to: an employee, told the lad to take it, and do a hurry message. Plans and specification can be seen and He did so and the wheel was found by forma of Jeytter obtained at is ope rt- ment, icat t "P. h & i s m {te SPilication ji Ath, | the police with with the lad. The firm tha boy's Esq., Architect, n. Persons tendering are notified that ten- Each tender must be accompanied by an Married At St. Thomas. accepted chegue on a chartered bank, 5 3 : 1 made payable to the order of the Hon A pretty wedding took place, at purable the Mipister of Public Works, St. Thomas, on Wednesday, when Miss equal to ten per cent (10 pc.) of the Sti amwoutt of the tender, which will be for- Matgaret § till, daughter of the late foited # the person tendering dechine to |4- Fl. Stull, was " enter into a contract when called upom'.J. B. Ramsden, son of George Rams- to do so, or if he fail to complete the! den, Port Hope. ' bride was at- wll ere nL tended by her sister) Miss Alice Still, accepted the chegue will be returned. | , The Department dovs pot bind ftsel to | and the groom by won Crawford, accept te Towatt wr way tender; - [ Kis geion, Rev. FE. Ii. Pidgeon, Knox £ Sr 'GELINAS, | church, conducted the coremony. a Friday and Se has been trans- "Both sides were alike," enquired den Island, where she tied up. the defence counsel. | The steamer New Island Wanderer "Yop," | regeived quite a toss on her trip from | --- iar ares 4 {Cape Vincent, to-day, but made the MURDER IN ALBERTA. {dock in fine style. Capt. Allan is to ---------- be complimented orf" the landing he Unfortunate Woman Slain and |made. married to George |institute. He Was Convicted of Murder of , man, charged with the murder. Boyd {said he went to see Mrs. Naomi Carr {at Wandle's restaurant. A quagrel en- sued, Boyd said, when he called, and {he was struck over the head {times with a cane by Wandle. For his own protection, Boyd claimed, he {bought a revolver, and while on his {way down York street, he said, he {bought the cartridges, and while page- ing the restaurant again, Boyd said he was attacked hy Wandle and drag- ged into 'the doorway, where the shooting took place. The evidence of Boyd was contra: dicted in important particulars by the storekeepers who sold the revolv- er and cartridges. Police Constable Latremouille testi- fied that he hegrd Boyd say to Wan- dle the morning of the shooting : "I'll x you for this," meaning the calling of the officer. Police Sergeant L. R. Geddes said | Boyd, when asked if he shot Wandle, {replied : "I guess so." He Was Convicted. Toronto, Nov. 21.-This morning {Boyd was found guilty of murder, and {Justice McMahon sentenced him to oe {banged on January Sth. The murder {was a most cold-blooded and premedi- tated ome. CHINA DEMANDS INDEMNITY. For Subject Killed in Russian Mutiny. a Vladivostok, Nov. 21.--The Chinese commgrcial agent, in behalf of his government has demanded an indem- nity of §12500 for the death of a Chinaman who was killed during the recent mutiny of Russian sailors, A Desperate Fight. Vladivostok, Nov. 21.--Seversl per- sons were killed and scores injured in @ desperate fight between troops and a band of drunken rioters, who at- tempted to massacre the men gnd wo- men employees of the municipal ab- batoir, to-day. A detachment of sol diers charged the rioters; who were either cut down or forced to flee. A HAMBURG FAILURE Involves German Banks and Eng- lish Firms. Hamburg, Nov. 21.--The firm of J. F. Moller, operating a big bleachéry, {at Altoona, suspended to-day. The liabilities are reported to be from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000, The most im- portant Hamburg and other German banks, as well as a'number of English firms, ave involved in the failure. BANK OF ENGLAND. Kept Discount' Rate Unchanged To-Day. London, Nov. 21.--~The discount rate of the Rank of England remained un- changed to-day, at seven per cont. This is regarded as indication that the directors are still hopeful that the American government's efforts to relieve the corrency famine in the United States will prove successful, COLONY OF BOATHOUSES 'And Fisheries Were Burned This Morning. Bufialo, N.Y., Nov. 21.-The entire colony of boathouses and fisheries located on the River Road, helow the grand stand ferry landing, were burn- ed early this morning. Loss about $20,000, partly insured. . Religious Ceremony. Thursday, Nov. 2ist, at nine o'clock, the ceremony of religious re- ception took place in the chapel of the House of Irovidence. The young ladies who received the holy habit were : Miss Agnes Coyne, Chester- ville, Ont.; Miss Catherine Duffy soun- ty Mayo, lreiand; Miss Anna Brennan, county Sligo, Ireland; Miss Nora Kyle, Swinford, county Mayo, lreland; Miss Catharipe Daughen, Pérth, Ont; Miss Bella Daughen, Perth, Ont.; Miss Bridget. Nelligan, Ottawa, Ont.; Miss Elizabeth Coughlin, Toronto, Ont, The ceremony was performed by the arch- bishop of Kingston. In the sanc tuary were Revs. Fathers. A. J. Han- ley, rector of the cathedral: J. P. Chesterville, Ont; P. J. Keaney, Lanark, Ont: C. J. Dufius, J. J. O'Riellyy J. H. McDonald King- ston; 1. Cullgnane, chaplain of the The sacred function was concluded by a partial indulgence of the most blessed sacrament in the Music appropriate to the occasion was rendered choir. "The Indoor Athlet en ity and your money's worth with BOYD WILL HANG. every pound you buy at Henderson's -- grocery. granted to all present and benediction den. The cardinal handed the bishop by the convent | hishop did not drink it. Tlie wine was TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. Seven Men Killed and Others In- jured. Kenora, Ont., Nov. 21.--Word reach. ed Liste, late last night, of a terrific explosion in the G.T.P. construction camp, No. 6, about five o'clock, in which seven meo were killed and four injured. The explosion occu at Phillipsville camp, about twenty miles from Dryden, but from the news to hand it is not known whether it was a blasting mishap or a magazine ex. plosion. Dre. W. J. and J. R. Munne, enora, and Dr. Chapman, the coro ner, left last evening, immediately af- ter word of the disaster reached here, and the details will not be known until they return. No News Of It. Ottawa, Nov. 21.--The head office of the Eastern Construction company, wherepn the fatal explosion occurred, yosterday, at Dryden, Ont., is at Ot tawa. The company had a contract of fifty-two miles of the G.T.P. north of Kenora: As the commtry is very rocky a good deal of dynamite is used. About 1,600 men are em ploy ed, nearly all foreigners. The officers of the company are: Samuel Me Dougall, Jresdent; C. Jackson Booth, vice-president, and Alexander Meo Dougall, managing = director. They have as yet no news of the fatal accident, perhaps because it - gcturred in some sub-contractor's gang. i ---- KILLED HER TWO SONS And Then Herself, By Asphyxia- . tion. Newton, Mass, Nov. T.' Hedges sons, William, aged eleven, and ler T., aged six, by asphyxiation at her home in Newtonville, some {ime during the night, Mr. Hedges was away on a business trip. An Exaggeration. Capt. Watt, of the record-breaking Lusitania, at a dinner in New York, said in an argument on speed : "Forty knots an hour ? Nonsense, An exaggeration, 1 assure you. As much an exaggeration as the man's tale about his undervest. "There was, you know, a man who, late in the autumn, purchased a thick undervest of red flannel, and, the first cold morning, put it on. "Afterward he returned to the deal er. He wanted his money back. The undervest was most unsatisfactory "It is unsatisfactory, sir 7' said the dealer, in a sad voice. 'In what way is it unsatisfactory ? Has it faded or shrunk 7" "The man whacked his fist down on the counter. " 'Faded or shrunk ?' he shouted Why, young lellow, when I came down to breakfast' in that undervest, my wile said, "What are you wearing my pink coral necklace round your throat for 7" Respect The Farmer. Country life has its drawbacks, but it has its great advantages which overcome them. 'I'rue, those who live in the country are "Rubes'" and "farmers" and "hayseeds" to the cigarette smokers in town, but the boast of the business men in the world, to-day, is that they were born on a farm. Take away the surround: ing evils that beset the young men or women on the threshold of life's jour- ney in the city and substitute the helpful influence of nature, and you fortify them for the sterner walks of life, The few things which they do not know about table étiquette and when it is proper to leave two visit. ing cards and when but one, they will catch on to much faster than city boys and girls will learn to properly stoke the furnace and make good bread. No boy or girl need he asham- ed of living on the farm, for if they have taken advantage of what it has offered they are well fortified for after life Top Of Head Blown Of. Brockville, Ont., Nov. 21.--Relatives have received word of the tragic death, at Red Deer, Alberta, of George Beatty, a member of one of the oldest families of Leeds county. He was proprietor of the Alberta ho- tal, and while shooting rate in the cellar thegun was discharged, blow- ing off the top of his head. He had lived in the west wince 1882. We leaves four sisters and three brothers. Ope of the latter is Walter Beatty, ex-M.P., of Delta. Grasshoppers As Mascots. Grasshoppers are tegarded as mas- cots in Italy, where there is a regular business of making little wire cages for the insects. The superstition arose from this incident : -A cardinal invited a bishop to dine with him in his gas a glass of wine. A grasshopper fell from a tree into the wine, and the uftaturde found to bave been poison. Se pn ge that a Canadian town had offered him Ld BOI Prison. the YMCA. met, . Ege a bread mixers, bread ting and J iil; 4 or Head Office - $1.00 OPENS AN ACCOUNT In our Sa of $1 and upwards are receives. our Saviigs Dopartuient Deposits of §: a4 up are No Delays in making Withdrawals Late arrivals afford an unusually wide range of trimmed and untrimmed Hats, Flops, Flowers, Wings, Ostrich Feathers, ete. Ladies' Coats Booming Winter Milline « «Toronto ¥ of interest is allowed. - wu o The cool days and the right goods are what do it, with late additions. This department will be found one of the best assorted in the city, in Children's, Ladies and Misses sizes. Buy now when all sizes are in stock. Spence's, write direct to us for booklet L disturbing the pots, efc., If your local dealer doesn't sell the ' Leadon, Tereats, Mosiresl, Wissiped, Vascosver, St, John, Hamilien LEMMON & SONS. The Leading Mantle and Millinery Store, 119 Princess St. 'Made For You. Do you know what it means to put your foot into a shoe that feels as though it were made for you, and you alone. One that seems to become part of you for the time being, so perfectly does it fit. If yon would experi- ence this pleasure, just try a pair of our new Queen Quality Dress or. Walking Boots, of which we have a fine assortment. Prices range $3.75, 4, 4.50, 5. J. H. Sutherland Men's $4.00 Shoes. Shoes that are honest through and through. The new lasts have quite the style of the $5.00 and 6.00 shoe, but we don't pretend they are made of as fine (stuff. They'll wear as long though. We want men to see our Four Dollar Shoes, and note thenewness of the styles--to try. them on an realize the comfort of th perfect fitting -- to weap them and learn their sple did service they give. They're the best s1.08 Shoes in town. Patent Col Vici Kid and Calf. &