ye TT ) iy i br» h Hy Ay $5f ih iif H 42 is it i } TASK SET FOR CROWLEY. Newspaper Man, Striving to Win Wager of $2,000. Pulaski, N.Y., Nov. 33. --8ta#l Crow- ley, a Toledo, O., newspaper man who if is walking around the borders of the | United States on a wager of $2,000, | reached here, last night, and remain- ed at the home of Orrin J. Russell at Port Ontario. Mr. Crowley started on his long trip on October 25th last and if he aco complishes the fpat of walking around the borders of the United States in two years and cight months, covering a distance of over 17.000 miles, will receive the £2,000, which, it is said, has been posted by a Toledo news- paper. Mr. Crowley stated that he started from the Buckeye state without a ! penny and is to make the journey | without expending a dollar. He left i for Sackets Harbor. Not The Motor's Fault. A motor ear was proceeding along a country lave. In it were seated two motorists, wearing the most correct thing in the way of fur coats, gog- the savings | gles, ote. do better for them-| On swinging round a curve they | solves or for the tountry than pur: | came full upon a groom who was ex- chase stocks with it. One of the fea- | ereising a couple of horses. As the | animals appeared to be very restive the car was brought to a standstill, but the horses' terror only grew worse, put away | One of the motorists called to the | t home or in safety vaults |groom : Ny "Can't you get them past? We've stopped the car." 3 To their surprise the man respond- "Oh. it ain't the motor, sir? If vou gentlemen will only get out and hide behind the hedge for a minute ith be all right." Your Children's Coughs. There is a special reason why chil- | 4 should be . cured them trouble y the coughs, colds, sore throat or hoarseness of little folks | on duty and there is no more pleasant, harmless | routine work or sure cure than The Diamond Cough | = g holiday selling. Remedy. 2c. at Wade's drug stores i | than that of -- ee. ¢ : : almost inf | Knew His Own Ability. FL LS WA Christmas Chicago News.: x LT h A 3 should be Law; Are you acquainted with BS + . mas any of the men on the jury ? J aa § eA § chant, moreover, ithess--Yes, sir--more than half of te _ at with a better them. dividual patron Lawyer--Are you willing to swear { * | possible when that you know more than half of a nice choice. them * N | chase is just as Witness--Say, if it comes to that, i 2 | will be five weeks I'm willing to swear that I know more | final point of con than all of them put together. . ---- Even a hungry man draws the line H ap Sl gg . at eating his words. } yi , pt righ , . ) ; Drugging Won't Cure Catarrh \ - . r tingli . inci All the medicine in the world taken = d § could . i is | into the stomach won't cure Catarrh and it's useless to squander money on tablets, bitters amd liquid remedies. | Catarrh is a disease of the nasal | passage, throat and brouchial tubes. | Stomach medicines can't reach these | parts. It's only Fragrant i Catarrhozone which i \ ae od 0 BD : y - p--r=g E 7 JAA. ly pd x Pe a 5 : pd . E Ne - ed o vad 0 Sr : : --~ SANTA CLAUS Write for Christmas Catalogue. WRITE FOR IT TO-DAY. "THE T. EATON CO. LIMITED. TORONTO, - - CANADA. 7 Ceo Kl |; 14 Se eos == =" A NTN 0 ~ What Does Your Mirror Say? Does it cheerfully report an abundance of beau- tiful, well kept hair or does it regretfully tell the story of hair neglect ? Your mirror may be anxious to please, but if you permit your friends to see dull, brittle and lustreless hair, with possibly dandruff and falling hair, your mirror will have to reflect the same condition, : ' All of these unfortunate EFFECTS can be over- come by destroying their cAuse with NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE T heOriginal Remedy that "Kills - the Dandruff Germ." LR {Fs 4 Dandruff, with its consequent hair injury and hair loss, is now known - oi to be a highly contagious germ diséase. It 'is caused by an invisible IG 4 growth of vegetable character that fin ds lodgement in the sebaceous glands y of the scalp. This growth disturbs the functions of the sebaceous glands, 5 % ' causing excessive oiliness or extreme dryness of the hair. It also sets u an x 3 inflammatiry process that extends down the follicle to the papilla, wi the adhesiond are loosened and the ha ir slips out. The value of Newbro's Herpicide in such cases is quite extraordinary. Its intelligent use will cor rect every condition short of chronie baldness and thus permit the hair to resume its natural lustre and abundance. MISS EDNA IRVINE. A noted Theatrical Star whose photograph is here reproduced S FOLLOWS : "I can most heartily endorse Newbro's ». It is delightful for the hair and I could not do with- Hotel Westminster, Irving Place, New York. A Wilkes-Barre, P.A., Lady Believes in Newbro's Hervpicide. "Herpicide seems to be an excellent preparation for cleansing the hair from dandruff, and 1 doubt not after more frequent usago-- it will be equally beneficial in promotiag a new growth of hair." Wilkesbarre, Pa. (Signed) MRS. G.. REYNOLDS, Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs Act June 30, 1908. Serial No. 915. Two Sizes, 50c. and $1.00 at drug stores. Insist upon Herpicide. Send 10¢. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co, Dept. L., Windsor, Ont. See Window Display at G, W. Mahood's. Special Agent, APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER SHOPS (Signed) EDNA IRVINE. provides a 8 temperatur: ensures a bak Bw If bread, some, they m baking. In n ' B as in the SOL N The ae Bb away aheac Vy