r store in which we take 3 that in which we show prettiest Ribbons. 1ss trade connections we v Ribbons in Europe at Ss prices. se are favorites : nch Ribbons, gta Ribbons, Ribbons, ades and widths; -also k of Ribbons and Silk. Vools able, in all the wanted d Floss id a range of colors. 'Wools Reds, Browns, Navy, 2 shades of Fawns and YEAR 74--NO. 274, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1007. Hig Eagar A NOTED GENERAL. Directing Head of the Board of ' Strategy. Field Marshal, the Marquis Oyama, the noted Japanese general, was |the directing head of the board of stra- Found Oplum Secreted jn | tegy of the general staff of the Japan- ese war department during the Rus- the Bushes. BUSY CUSTONS NEN ma was descended from one of the GOI ON TO AN ATTEMPT TO SMUGGLE. It is Said Arrests Will Follow Very Soon--The Officers Got a Tip That They Worked Up and Soon Located the Smuggled Goods. Niagara Falls, Nov. 23.--For the first time in many years an attempt to smuggle opium across the Niagara frontier has been detected by the cus- toms authorities and Special Treas- ury Agent Lewis is now working on # clue which is expected to lead to ar rests. A month ago the customs of- ficials received information that smug- glers were busy along the Niagara frontier and that an attempt would is; therefore, a "'Samural' of the be made to bring in goods. At that | Satsuma." He was born in 1839 and time it was not suspected that opium | when the great war between the em- would be the stuff, as the "dope" is peror and the aristocracy broke out seldom smuggled through border ports he joined imperial forces, and when owing to its heavy value and the con- this was ended, in 1877, he became a ¥ Marquis Iwao DN \ 7 7 ginal noble families of Japan, and CAME FROM A FARM. | He Spent His Farly Years in ! x Ohio. | Hon. William Boyd Allison, United {States senator from lowa, was born { Lin Perry, O., on March 2nd. 1529, He Broke Promise to Woman spent his boyhood on a farm, and i {was educated at Allegheny - College, { He Loved. {Pa. He began the practice of law in! Ohio and remained in that place until WAS OF WRONG FAITH ri HE FOUND OUT SHE WAS A PROTESTANT. | Sad Story of Miss Barnum's| Broken Heart, Which Only $5,-! 000 Will Mend--Mere Man Ad- mits Soft Impeachment. Buffalo, N.Y., Nov. 23.--Loretta| Barnum, a handsome young woman of | eighteen years, living at 688 South' Division street, has started an action in supreme court to recover $5,000 for} alleged breach of promise of marriage. | She is suing James C. Lambert. The case was on the calendar in Part il.} vesterday, but was adjourned until Monday morning, when it will go to trial. Being a minor, Miss Barnum has se-| cured the appointment, of "William M. |1857, | Gibson as guardian to conduct the ac- (lows, where he soon became noted {tion for her. {as an attorney and went into politics | According to her complaint, Lam- with marked success, lle was a mem {bert, after a courtship extending | ber of Songress from 1863 until 187) through some months, proposed mar- | Ilis home is still in Dubuque. {riage on July 16tK of last year. Miss | | when he removed to Dubuque, Moose Mountain. Out. {us out of his gong. {the Canadian | League, | purchased ou site for a new pogt-oflice lin Welland, | actively Beloit, Wis., Nov, 23.<When John Shiihecs and Madolena Fillip, East itago, were ready to be married Despatches From Near And «od rady to go-to New Josh, they saw J A 3 > Distant Places. ae te ut the Peacu islam; way "Haven't time," he called back, as Chikero waves his marriage license -- and expostulated. So Chi bbed } his fiance and they ran i and boarded the same car. -- pl { MARRIED ON STREET CAR, s | Conductor Uses the Gong for Wedding Bell. "Now," said Chikero, when he had recovered his breath. The car was run. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- ping: fast, but Justice Rioland and his SIBLE FORM. bride stood up. Just before they spun around 4 curve the justice asked: "Do you take Matters That Interest Everybody this woman--" They hed the Notes From All Over--Litts cure and suddenly Chikero took his bride, took the justice in the pit of oT uyting Easily Read | (he stomach and took the eter embered, jon the shin as he plunged down the Lignite coal has been Siscavered at | car. i "Yes," he sail, amerging from a There 1s a prospect of a Heinz pic- | passenger's lap and kissed her while kle factory being started at Lonaon, | the motorman jangled a wedding chor Galt has applied for admission t ® { Hockey | SULTAN SUES PARIS EDITOR. Professional The public works department has emands Satisfaction For State ment on Slaughter. Paris, Nov. 23.--There is much gos » in journalistic circles, about the {lawsuit brought hy Munir Bey, repre {senting the sultan of Turkey against Jean Finot, the editor of La Revue, | originally founded as a French edition lof the Review of Reviews. La Revue publishes a series of articles against the sultan, alleging he cqused the mas Three men were asphyxiated by gas | while attempting to | i®air a well ati) | Aylesbury, Sask. \ Honduras and Nicardpua have pro- posed the federation of all the Cen tral American states. I'he British women suffiragists are pursaine their threatened | SELLING. sequent heavy duty. However, the of- figials watched closely, and they got a "tip" that smugglers would proba- bly operate in the vicinity of La Salle. It was at that point that they directed their energies, and several favorite spots for smuggling wege kept under surveillance. Agent Lewis kept his eve on a point above Angevine's night recently he found four large boxes secreted in the bush. These box- es were seized. They contained opium. The stufi was taken to the customs house and will be sold at public auc tion on December 10th, with other goods seized by the department in this city. CAUSING SON'S DEATH. Anthony Smithers of Black Lake Arrested on Warrant. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Nov. 23.--Deputy Sherifi Wait served a warrant on An- thony gmithers, of Black Lake, Smith- clerk for same, which is ers being charged with causing the death of his son by means not justi- fied by law. The boy died November 2nd, and great favorite of the emperor. He was minister of war in 1894 and command- ed the 2nd Japanese army corps dur- ing the Chinese-Japanese war, in 1895. IFYOU WED NEXT YEAR landing and one | \FARRIAGE LICENSE LAW | PROVISIONS OF STATE" | Statute Requiring Licenses Will Go Into Effect in the State |= on January 1st. | Oswego, N.Y., Nov. 23.--The opera- {tion of the new marriage license law | which goes into effect throughout the |state on January lst, is very simple, land not as complicated as is thought |by many, especially the clergyman. For a couple to obtain a license they must apply to the town or city good not lonly in the place where the license is {Bfirnum accepted the proposal, amd { they agreed upon the following Christ-| That's the marriage ceremony. The courtship Furs Of Quality. kind you get when you | Bay City, Mich., $100,000 for the pur-{™® %i&n a retraction. {mas day for the celebration of +! id at Campbell Bros Lambert stating that he wished to {break {lie engagement Lambert has filed answer to Miss pe complaint, and in it he ad-| ENGLISH IMMIGRANT PA- Aid. 4: b. Waller, PAS ARE INDOLENT. mits having promised to marry Miss] | Barnum. He says that he promised | to marry the young woman, belie ing | . that she was of the Catholic faith. | Picton Ha The answer states that he learned! Probleax {some time later that Miss Barnum | was a Protestant, PANIC AT FUNERAL. Picton, No | Report That Building Was Falling | ho iit | Caused Stampede. immigrants, York, Pa., Nov. 23.--Eli Gross, [town during Zion's View, was probably fatally in- [ity of cases jured and eight other persons were [dent upon hurt in a panic in Quickel's church. six {every | e license is good tif used and no {funeral of the Hoovers, the victims of [sources to | reissue of the same is Recessary. The was in progress a report spread that [no work | present outlook, is to have a instance, is chase of forty-seven acres of land for! TTT - ! . em -- {a park, | | continued until November Ath, when | ' { J. C. Noel, advocate, of Edmonton. | Miss Barnum received a note from r| -- 8 a Big Poor Relie A on Its v. 22. Picton, fram the her poorer class of citi largely includes English who have arrived in the year. In the major large families are depen a father who, in nearly tile over Hands-- Political Factions Ready For stead of thirty, as now paid. the Voters' List. serious | pended indefinitely until private land of the indolent | the Japanese foreign minister, has arraigned in the issued, but in any place in the state. |miles north of this city. While the |stamp, That rans there are no re- {been unable to confer with Hom. charge of Burnha Th J the winter } Rudolphe Danitux oh emigration mat. beat in EL latony.. of the n, Who hits last Saturday night's 'double murder, months. There promises to be little or | ters CR Picton has always been de plan of upsetting all liberal meetings. | 4 . n Fremont B Chesbrough has offered | "Te of 300,000 Armenians, NM, Finot has been appointed junior Judge of the | high court for the district of etaski- | win, Alberta. | M'WARD BURNHAM HAD FIFTY SUITS Edmonton, is charged with embezeling the funds of the Queen's Fire Insurance company. He has disappeared. g| St John, NB, The Longshogemen's Association has ordered a strikg for a { wage rate of forty cents an hoor in- | Thousand Neckties, Hundred Fancy Vests and Thirteen Stickpins Found Among His Effects--Arrested For Stealing Pictures and Jewels, New York, Nov. 23.-& thousand necktios, a hundred fanoy vasa a6. can be completed. .,y |#uits of clothing, thirteen stickpins, \ A charge of forgery, probably, will one containing a pearl worth $1,000 1 {be lid against George Raymond, fire are a few of the things the police - | chief of Blind River, now in Sault claim to have found in the rooms of Ste. Marie jail, ou a charge of arson. McWard Burnham erstwhile butler Owing to illness, Viscount Hayashi, |i. wealthy New Yorkers, who waa police court on a The Marcomi company state that the » commercial wireless service is sus- | wires, ete, has former president of the the autopsy disclosed aconite poison- [minister or party performing the cere- ing, which was administered, it is said, [mony must, within ten days, report the build was falling. The church J¢ ddedly a summer town, and in th : ¥ | Hon. Mr. Whitney has decided to ac- Knicharbather {cept the invitation to be present at Trust company; How- ard Gould, Samuel Untermeyer and MEE \d Spats AND GENTLEMEN. Gents' English Spats, Dark. | Brown, $1.25. ~h Gents! English Spats, Black, $1. Ladies' Low Spats, in English Plaid, Black and White, Cheque, Navy Blue, Tan and Dark Brown, $1.25. Ladies' Spats, in Dark Brown, Light Brown, Fawn, Grey, Black, ete, at $1. Ladies' Spats, in Light Brown, Fawn and Grey, at 75c. Splendid values in Ladies' Cali [i Walking Boots, at $2.50. tt Shoe Store. by the father, who, having used it ef fectively in treating cows and horses, is believed to have considered it a val uable remedy for the {feverish condi- dition of 'his son.. The warrant was issued by Coroner Brown after an in quiry conducted by Assistant District- Attorney Crapser, of Massena. New York, Nov. 23. --Justice Wyatt, in the court off'special sessions, held W. R. Hearst for the grand jury ona charge of criminal libel preferred by William Astor Chanler. 8S. Car valho gave bail for Mr. Hearst. e------------ LT DAILY MEMORANDA. Every Good style In Fine Furs, at Campbell Bros': Wonderland Theatre, afternoon and evening. Waterworks' Committee y. 4 pm, Mon- Service in Convocation Hall, 3. p.m., Sunday. At The Bijou Sunday, at 4.30 p.m. "The Prodigal Sou." Zion Bazaar, Dinner and Concert next Thursday ated Friday. Boys' Meeting, Y.M.C.A., at 10 o'clock. Men's Meeting, to-morrow aflernoom, at #4.15 o'clock. : Concert, Sydenham Church Lecture Hall, Dec. 2nd. Tickets, 20c. At The Princess-- Terrible Ted," a 12 year-old lad emulati the dime movel hero. Song, 'Flora Dora.' Bijou Theatre--Splendid Scriptural Drama, "The Prodigal Son" ; Beawtiful Colored Picture 'The Enchanted Eggs,' The Ariom Trio Sing "A Little Child Shall Lead Them." WHIG TELEYHONES. 243--Business Office. 229--Edilorial_ Rooms. 292--Jobbing Department. Legal Forms, all kinds, at Whig. The Daily Wig is always on sale at Gibson's Drug tore, Market Square-- Open till late each evening. Street Methodist Monday evening, Turkey and Game Setts Just opened some very pretty. DOULTON SETS, fand very cheap cheap from 50 to, $15.00 Qu old odd shapes and pretty deshens A fv appropriate pres ent at this time of the year. See Them Robertson Bros. EE GREAT BARGAINS IN ~~ HEATERS. Square Hall Heaters. everyone PEA a ly sound. Fifteen Cook Stoves, also a lot of Sheet Iron and yug Stoves. All those must be sold this month. Those that wish for bargains, we are going te Come and act MRK'S Second-Hand Store, elephane. 705. See Bibby's special $1 underwear. by returning the license properly fill- ed out to the town or city clerk is {suing same, who .in turn must take a {copy of license and send the original to the state board of health, where {the license is recorded and placed on { file. | Both parties must, if requested by {the clerk issuing the license, make | personal" application. The age of con- | sent to marriage on the part of the | bride is raised by the new law from | sixteen to eighteen vears. If the bride | is under the age of eighteen years, the | j consent of the | must be obtained, Any evasion of this | section of the law on the part of the | contracting parties is punishable by (o fine of $1,000 or imprisonment. and {any person performing a ceremony and { knows a violation of the law has been committed is hable to a fine of from 850 tn 8560 or a vear's imprisonment. A: divorced person will have to ans- wer a number of embarrassing ques- | tions, which are in form of affidavit. parents or guardians | TO VISIT LONDON. | Many European Rulers Seen Next Year. i London, Nov 23.--1f present plans hold good a large number of foreign {heads of states are likely to be seen in London next year. One of the first of these will be the King of ltaly, {who, if he can conveniently spare 'the time, hopes to pass a week or ten | {days in the metropolis toward the | {middle of the spring. He, in all prob- | {ability, will be accompanied by Queen | | Helena and the visit will be in full | state, | Some little time ago, too, the Czar of Russia expressed a desire to visit | { London next year should internal con- ! { ditions in his 'country enable him, and {it is understood that his majesty still {adheres to this desire. This would also fo "a-state" visit, and the czar {woukl be accompanied by the czarina jad some of their elder children. It is confidently expected that M. Fallieres, president of the French re- public, will pass a few days over here, and it is hoped he may be present at | the opening of the Anglo-French exhi- | {bition at Shepherd's Bush. | { The Ring of Norway will, of course, | pay his usual private visit to Fng- Hand next autumn, while similar visits {are looked for at present from the | Kings of (ireece and Denmark 2 It is"YWow quite understood that | King Edward and Queen Alexandra | {Hope to be able to play a state visit Ito Paris some time "next vear, and {some formal intimation of this inten. | tion may shortly be expected. ! to Bo | | Photo Used As Jag Cure. ginal trouble there, which is heredi- [ing the local | Denver, Col., Nov. 23.--The Denver tary. The operation is not a serious | visit. Mr police have adopted the photograph one jas the latest jag cure, and say it is lieve the throat doing wonders. Whenever an ture is . taken Next morning he is shown how he looked the night before and then and the knowledge that the police Store. have his picture and will punish him! severely next time are said to do! were 34; same week, 1% much toward keeping him from imbib- ing again i Bibby's for Semi-Ready, ' | coming, wh iin {throat. It touches the drug store drus ste Bi | was crowded to its doors and the [past the working class has depended [the reception to be given in honor of others, until recently was butler for stove was pushed over. The congrega- {on the surplus of summer work to |R. L. Borden, on November 27th, at | Edward J Berwind; president of the tion immediately became frenzied and [tide them over the slack season. The [Ottawa { Berwind-White Coal company. Burn men, women and children fought (o [arrivals from England know nothing A dense fog is delaying the new Cu- { ham ™ specifically aco of atonbing get out of the windows and doors. {of economics Those who suffered trampled upon or . erushed or common sense thrift injuries were [they live wholly in the present to the in the {neglect of the future. They are only struggle. The injuries consist prinei- [needed where they steadfastly refuse pally of broken limbs and cuts and [to goon bruises. The stampede occurred after [won't be ordered or shown how to do postpone 125 persons had ® passed before the [things is best caskets containing the bodies of the [shown by an urt case before Judge | unable to obitain credit. murdered youths, In the rush the [division co caskets were thrown to the floor. The | Morrison. H funeral services were postponed and [honor that t the bodies were buried as soon as the |he was told injured were removed and cared for. of the Britis -- questioned Kiss Breaks Bone. be ordered by an --d But' here they are and the town must support Winstead, Conn., Nov, 23.--From Killingsworth comes the story of how James Brockett, while kissing his sweetheart, Miss Hattie Leonard good night, Friday, fractured his collar- bone. He blames his prospective fath- er-in-law -fbr his cannot freeze civilize the matter Norman, wh sioner, said misfortune, because he says Samuel Leonard shouted from his hedroom: '"There's another night don't you let Hattie go to bed. She's got to make butter to: morrow." Rrockett started to leave, and on the landing embraced the girl th ot a au He slipped on the frost-covered porch the ' and both went tumbling to the bot where it dis tom. The father then had to get out | jy, will of bed, hitch up a team and take the winter, mm dis fever, to put a regular m aud a specia be opened a voung man to a doctor, men who « Sm------ | throngh bei Lecture Recital. | this the Rev." Harper Gray, illustrated by [it wo be Miss Singleton, Convocation hall, No- {stone for str vember 25th, 8 p.ni, year Ey | Word wa Bibby 's for Semi-Ready overcoats. of the very s Beef, Iron and Wine. It pays to buy | Thursday, of this at Gibson's Red Cross Drug {ronto. Mr. | Store, 50¢. there. {in town. He Bibby's for Semi-Read sentat ve of tailoring. Foundry " ----------------" . | a cousin ol Je HE REAL CAUSE to attend the funeral. { The vital statisties for shows, six de FOR THE KAISER REMAIN. marriage A appeals agai ING IN ENGLAND. are ready for He is Making Ready to Ugdergo ptnling to ha : fteen struck An" Operation For a Throat hy Affection--The Work Will Be (yk Performed Through Ear. | Arthur Bes London, Nov. 23.--The real cause of [the guest of the kaiser remaining in the termination of his state visit to {Toronto tl the British court is to prepare for (home tl an operation, which will take place returned to he within a few days. The operation will [ter a visit wi be through the ear, affecting the | Mrs Allen | kaiser's ori- | spector of t It is presumabl.- intended to re- [manaeer, ar mpi bas Ree Ribby's "Beecham's Yilly" the genuine are Absolutely § allowed to go. His shame Sold at Gibsoh's Red Cross Drug drue store "Tooth brus so well, sre = Drug Store ire, the best Chown he colds, at Chown's for ¥ The failures in Canada is week Chown's cherr cough « or coughs and Semi-Ready tailoring at Bibby's. I Bibby's for town would get { December 16th through the opesa- [and Mrs. Bog, inebri- {tion on the passage connecting the town. late is brought to the station his pic ear and throat the farms. That the described in the attitude immigrant in a recent is employer had told his he man refused to do as Up swelled the breast wr as he emphatically "Do you think I d coloni them. They certainly or starve to death in a community, In speaking * of » the Whig, Town Clerk 0 18 also poor commis he anticipated a © busy | pensing charity. Mr. Nor man has a splendid proposition, how before the town council (if it evef meets again; it hasn't had coeting for four months, | called this week failed rum together), whereby returns from senses charity this win advise that the quarry ul work given only to wre in need of charity g unable to get work. In town would not suffer as laying up its stock of reel wumprovement next received in town, to-day widen death in Galt, on H. ©. Philpott, of To- 'hilpott was well-known was a travelling repre the Dominion Car and npany. Miss Nellie Tait, sed, left this morning October athe, six births, and six very large number of st the Picton voters' list the court, to be held The liberals are ap. ve 323 named added and off, while the conserva 201 added and fort, on, St. louis, Mo., is his father, William Bes gland after json. Mise Elizabeth Lewis left - for week, and will make her Mrs. H. 8. Langdon has r home in Brighton af th her parents, Mr. and Brown: E. A. Bor, in Standard Bank. is pas inch his semi-annual as a former local son of Lieut Col 1. is well-known about reat X1 caps wre olive oil at Chown's hee," the Find that wear | Id at Gibson's Red Cross try cough cure, the best and colds, at Chown's Semi-Ready suits, {nard liner Mauretania, thus farther |ovoral pictures from a Broadway {marring what was confidently expect | studio and a comb studded with dia- od to be a most successful maiden {monds and emeralds from his former ge. {employer, Mr. Derwind. When arrest: Petersburg has beeh obliged to!ud the ex-butler had $550 in his poo- opening its electric street | kota. railway, the Russian Westinghouse | | company in charge of the work being | WED HSS WIFE'S SISTER. The instruments of the seismological | Duke of Atholl to Be First British station at Hamburg fecorded an earthquake on Friday morning. Tl Peer. disturbance lasted two hours and was | - London, Nov. 23 Since the passage at an estimated distance of 5,600 | of the law legalizing marriage with a miles | deceased wife's sister, only humbl | A. Nanton, Winnipeg, has been no- | persons have taken advantage of the {minated as the representative of the | Iaw, but there is an engagement that { Canadian Pacilic railway on the board | Will cause a sensation in England on tof conciliation and investigation in | the topie. | onnection "with the company's gifiir- | The Duke of Atholl, one of the | | enve with the chr men greatest of the highland chieftains, The strike of the employees of the | has become engaged to Lady Forbes, { East Indian railway at Asantol, Ben- | of Castic Newe, Aberdeen. Her lady. eal, at the junction of the East In. |*hip is a sister of the late duchess of lian and Bengal-Nagpur railway, has { Atholl, and her sisters are members {collapsed with the summary dismissal | of the Moncrieff family, which is fam. [of some of the European leaders of the | ous for the beauty of its women. movement | i EE me Following the damages of twenty- | Stage Before Husband. five thousand dollars imposed on it] Detroit, Mich., Nov. 23.--Tho lure of for the explosion at Essex last sum-|the footlights and the spell of the | mer, the Michigan Central has asked | mimie world in pink tights and paste- : | and secured permission to refuse to | board armor tore Pearl Smith Ham- ' carry any more dynamite to or from |lin away from her modest home and ; Canada husband, according to the explana. Robert L. Oliver, a bogus check ex- | tion offered by the latter, William K, [pert, was sentenced by the mavistrate | Hamlin, at Judge Brooke's divorce | {in Bridgeport, to.one year in the Cen- { session. Pearl finally left home, Join | tral prison, and his pal, Harry A. | ed a real opera company, changed her | Goots, similarly charged, but seouit- | name and found success awaiting her, ted, was fined 2350 and costs or three | She is still pon the stage, according months in the same institution, for {to her hushand, and is making a repu- {being a vagrant { tation. She has purchased a summer | {home near Geneva, Ohio, and thers { are other evidences that fortune is dealing kindly with her. The hushand | ---- {will doubtless be given his decree af' | ter the usual delay. |THIS IS THE QUESTION OF | : QUESTIONS. | Loses His Eyesight. | ALL [* London, Ont., Nov. 23.--As a. result, i {of having become greatly excited Sun | According to the Views of the day noon, when little Archie Black- Amsrican Federation of Labor|™® Was drowned, William Spet- : {tigue, of Hill street, and employee of --Not Time Yet For Universal | London soap works, has lost the | Union Label. | i | sight of one eve, perhaps permanent- | i Norfolk, Va. N 2 ~The Ameri. |1v- When Mr. Spettigue heard of the | ean Federation « Labor, yesterday |8ccident, he ran as fast as he could to | | declaring a universal eight-hour day the river, and in doing so strained the | CAIRNS. ~In 1907, pe Phone 577, Jas, Redden & Co. ' Chwrioe street, all improvements, g tion. 3 Double Stone Dwelling, Earl street, § bath, ges, otc. Frame busiling, Alpert street, burn, shed, Jurys lod SWIFT'S Real Fiimind and Insuranes SPECIALS | FOR | SATURDAY § Bargain Table Cloths Of Irish Linen--pure white bleach---very pretty designs with deep floral border all around--gize, 62x82 inches. Special Saturday Price. $1.00 Bargain Shirt Waist: Made of good quality Jap. Bilk--~has yoke of embroidery and lace with fine tucks back tucked -- three-quarter length sleeves with oulls of Val. 1000 anon oo dib=0pon in black back~hoth white an to choose from, Speciak Saturday Price. $2.75 For women who wear large sizon, good hénve one-and-one ribbed Stockings, of good fast black worsted well fashioned---sizes 3% and 10. They were made to sell at 40c, Special Saturday Price... 250. A Every item a bargain. Call and wee them. Monthly and Quarterly Style Books for December, now ready. . Steacy's ¢§ Kingston, to Mp, and . . 24 Princess St., a duughter. ROBERT J. REID The Leading Unaercak a -------- 3 ® New Ruising: i New Currants, no New Peels. New Prunes. New Figs. New Canned Tomatoes. New Canned Corn. New Canned Peas. % New Canned Beans. i New Sweet Cider, The Home of Good Groceries. FOR SALE. Brick Residence, Darrvie rand locas many others. wency. | paramount to all questions, even to an | Muscles back of the eyeball so greatly | increase in wages, "except in such | that a blood vessel broke, destroying | | trades and éallings where the earnings | the sight of one eye. | are so meagre as to make it™Mifficult! Mr. Spettigue has been under medi- {to * fitnintain » fair standard of liv. | cal treatment since the occurrence, but | filinted organizations that will aid in | already bien called in. {bringing sbout the desired end. The i i | ---- -- -- - jeonvention considered the present time | unrige for a universal union label and | {described the "present system of craft | { labels as best caleuluted to serve the The store for nobby hats, | The Trusts and Guarantee com- | purposes for which 'the union label is | pany, limited, Toronto, have been ap- | desienad = | pointed administrators, with will an- | boyeott resolutions | nexed, of the eitate of the late Mrs. {were adopted, as were resolutions |B. Woods, Toronto. : among others calling on all interna-1 Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites A number of ions affiliate with central bodies; and son's Red Cross Drug Store. declaring for a minimum wage of $0 joer week for all female retail clerks, [reived ot MeAuley's. 'Phone 778, ¥ gs - " Painful Reminder Of War, .& Cape Town, Nov. 23.--While walking ing," called for a campaign of edu-|it is expected that he will lose the {On the veldt near Jacobsdal, On i i " iali A iver Colony cation and organization among all af- | ¥ight of one ave. Three specialists have River h » ] ¢ . r grin noticed a bunch of thin wires pro- trading from the ground. He attempts to pull them out, when an x= plosion - of what proved to be dynas niite occurred, and he was seriously Campbell Bros'. ed injured. It is supposed that the exs. losive was placed there during late war. A How To Treat Painful Corns. Night and morning apply tional unions to have their local un: [for run-down systems. Fresh at Gib Jainjeus Corn ~ Extractor, ike m Williash Swaine, piano tuner. Orders | corn, sod surely, Use only a settler named 2 Putnam' It Kills the pain, cures ti oes it without pain, qui & ¢