Hn fell l ¥ af I ' gil Hi I i is ii Po a git g i i z F it : : ; i | §¢ o B i & i i fo 4 sf s§i g gf i F T way in which the there are vast regions round Toronto Orillia of public ownership of public es, plus natural advantages. Some sixteen miles from the town |Brampton, here on Thursday evening. there is a waterfall, which. has been | Miss Gerttude Elliott spent Sunday ty-one, 10 as- | harnessed by the municipality for the | with Wiss N. Guess. A wee tot has ar- purpose of supplying both light and {rived at the home of Mr. and "Mrs. power. In the latter service, {secure, in the sons archs, or the next of kin and possibi- | which is also under municipal ies. trol, about paid its way; a very good si EDITORIAL NOTES. agricultural college at St. Anne {de Beaupre is crowded with students, £ z fies, LE Take A Hint. Times. i "lion's; Miss M. Young, at T. Sweet ital with a broken leg, is recover OF THE PRESS He Wedding ells will oy at Christ- y mas. of debentures during the pre- an Aditi 1 iF Cin 4H Butsilys 3 Spain ters, a i , 95.--~The tea meeting rg, town hall, Fermoy, on Friday night, in aid of the English church, was a grand success. We join in thanks to the kind friends, from Westport, who helped so willingly with the * 5 ""fThe hall was well filled and 'everyone was heartily satis- fied with their evening's pleasure. The sum of $43 was realized. Miss B. Souster has left for an extended visit with friends in Ardoch. Mrs. W. True- Jove is still very low. Visitors : Miss G. McKeever, of Tichborne, at T. Swoetnam's; W, Jones, at J. Shelling- nam's; <A. Barr, at W. Bygrove's; V. at, Be W. McKeever's, Tich- borne; Miss B. Barr, at her brother's, ¥. Barr; A, Coty, who has been in the News From Fhilipeville. . Philipsville, Nov, 25.~There 1s i pet in the lo- not much . stir ¥ W. B. Philps £7 Time To Halt. git i t in the Some 'Good 'Advice. _ Seton, the naturalist, who has Aretic circle this Orillia As An Example. exceedingly moderate cal opt pag 1 the Jaxbayers for thirty put fifty. rods of wire fence city should borrow no more hos hi x w is absolutely neces- out of date. Not [is spendi a' few weeks with her . Chou led eine nl and olint,. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Toronto education au- |E, A, Whitmore went to Newboro the [visit friends. Mr. Whitmore was taken declined to support ing the violin in the pub- [sick there and has not been able to experts we hear that (these days. above factory paid is to bring the? money 'its patrons $24.23 per ton for Octo- of 'the stocking and invest it in ber milk. Anson Brown and wife, of Secley's Boxe were the guests of Mr. |pj nd " ¥. last Friday. They ore Vining ir hy 1 life within ; the in the church that night and found summer, brings back | warmth, and feasting. Rev. Mr. Bos- news of the Intest "illustration of the hart, of Standstead lege, preached } Hidden North is (here on Sunday. H. E. Flynn, Barker- yielding up its secrets. He says thot ville, B.C., is here. J. Clark, 35, has ived h ter t trip. Lake in Athabasca which are suitable pr nny aay thee oR the for mixed farming, and will certainly ago, for Vancouver, then sailed provide liomes for settlers as the cen- |,round South America and up to New .| tral portions of Canada becomg more York, then home. Mr. Marrison is (by any American magazine except the settled, and the seekers after virgin land: ave poshed further afield. even with hway. He has improved the looks he place 'by having brush and trees cut along the road. Mrs. William Mubroe, of Neleigh, Ne- braska, is visiting friends in this seotion, Miss Alberta Philps, of Dera, Philps. Two weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. return home yet. Mrs. M. Alguire is for' some months, The Phillipsville cheese factory is still making in Forfar, Had A Great Trip. Cataraqui, Nov. 23.--The Methodist tea-meeti held, last week, was - a u success, over $73 was real- ny A "weary walker" sought ° shelter A provineial university will be erect- ed or Birathuong, Alta. ; sk, wil expend $4,500 in fire ion facilities. on council will expend $10,000. on completion of the town hall. The Smith's Falls council is negoti- ating with a view to purchasing Fos- fs mill and water power at that The Fort William Car company has been incorporated with a capital stock of $1,500,000 to manufacture and deal in railway rolling stock of all kinds. Anson W. Hard, Jr., has been elect ed a member of the New York Stock Exchange. Seats on the exchange are now, quoted at $51,500, A party of C.P.R. surveyors have at work two miles south of Ladstock, Sask., surveying the route for a branch line from Thédore rail- way sthtion to the Quill Lake. The Dominion Securities company of Toronto, has taken up, on behalf uf English clients, one million three hun- dred thousand dollars of bonds of Vancouver, forty years, at $5, with accrued interest. The town of Perth proposes to bon- us the Wampole company, to the ex- tent of $25,550, but is unable to dis- pose of its debentures at 4} per cent. It has applied to the Ontaria railway and Municipal Board for permission to increase the rate of interest to § per cent. The contract for the additions fo the car sheds of the B.,C, Electric railway, Victoria. has been let to Alderman W. A. Gleason. The new buildings will be one storey in height and constructed of ved brick, A num- ber of new features will be embodied in the sheds. WOLFE ISLAND NEWS. Mrs. James Horne Died on Mon- day Morning. Wolfe Island, Dec. 25---The death of Mrs. James Horne occurred this morn- ing atten o'clock, at the ripe old age of eighty; years. The deceased had been ailing for some months past. She had always lived on the island, and had a large circle of friends. In reli- gion Mrs. Horne was a Presbyterian, She leaves an aged husband and a 19 | large family to urn her loss, Messrs. Hiram Davis and W. Hen- derson are spending a couple of weeks with friends in Watertown, N.Y. E, very low. She has been in poor health | Woodman has sold his residence'in the village to William Watts and will move to the Point, and Mr_ Watts will come to the village. Edward Payne. will soon be able to be around Signin. He has returned from the hos- ital. X 8. Joy, of New Liskeard, is on the island purchasing a carload of hogs and Will bring a couple of teams of horses back with him. Frederick Con- stance's many friends will be sorry to hear of his illness with bloodpois- oning in his hand, at the: Hotel Dieu. The Old Reliable. The Atlantic' Monthly has celebrated its fiftieth anniversary. But that other venerable Boston magazine, The Lav- ing Age (Littell's) is older still. In its sixty-fourth year its December num, bers complete its 225th quarterly vol- building .& fine new hen house, Miss A. MpcFarlane is visiting her sister, been quite ill. All were sorry when reports of the 8. S. convention at John Caverly. Surprise Parties Rife. Pleasant Valley, Nov. 21.--After two ly $9,000. The waterworks service, |weeks of beautiful weather we. were ©on- | treated (6 a heavy downpour of rain and wind. Farmers have been getting considering She comparative lup wood for winter. T. H. Watson, La Grippe Mastered. grippe can and should be cured as it starts. The remedy to Cold Cure Tablets (laxa- provides just the aid TT. A. Kerr, F. Ellerbeck, and 8S. Kerr have gone to Birch Lake fishing. an aggressive and |Our teacher, Miss Lemmon, is train. |$ ing her pupils for a Christmas enter- tainment. Visitors: KE. Jayner at F, Ellerbeck's; Mrs. W. MeRory, Sy- denbam, visited her mother and other relatives here, recently. Surprise par- te are jn order. 3s and Mrs. S. igswortl were pleasantly surprised on Wednesday by a row of young People. J. S. Bradiord is movi to Verona, having secured a on pee t ust ring colds and for curing headache | Mrs. Bradford, Sr., is seriously ill. J. aonatipntion. In boxes, 250. Sold |Hughes, Sr., is quite poorly also. E. at Wade's drug store. Money |and Hughes t Tuesday at if not satisfactory. «Camden t. E. beck, Hailey- . bury, attending college at Kingston, Caruso, great tenor will visited at - F. Ellerbeek's recently. L006 for singing this winter. He Farmers expect - to be able to plough be able to pay his fine and have |again, as the weather is spring-like, ugh left to buy a monkey house of (and the frost coming out of the own, ground. Parham Budget. Parham, Nov. 25.--~The hunters have all urned, and all spent a very en- va! time and pleaty of sport. > lish church is 2 port Be in the I.0.0.F. hall for Friday cert of | ight. The Methodist Sunday school ep prastising foe J anneal Christmas , which wil on Christm eve. Rev. G. 0. Train ich, ¥ hed in the Presbyterian church, at Tich- borne, on * Sunday afternoon. We re- gret to sa Mrs. Wager is still on the sick list; also Mrs. Meeks. The young people of the neighborhood had a surprise party, last week, at the home of Mr. Balls. Peter Nedow had a qui bee, Inst week, also Mrs. Angus McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. J. A Goodfellow Sapa Sunday with Mr, Snyder, Oak Flats. Mrs. Braest Bort- Star, Percy Ward was stricken with 'apven- | is an excellent example of |dieitis. He is still in the hospital, what may be accomplished means hut recovering. Mr. and Mrs. Harri- nchis* son and Miss Craig, Kingston, gave ume. This is a record unsurpassed North American Review, and that has boen by turns a quarterly, a monthly Mrs. J. Brebner. Miss Annfe Clark has jand a semi-monthly, while Living Age has kept up its regular weekly issue without a break. It has maintained also its original high standard. Re- printing, unabridged, from week to week, the most important and inter- esting articles from thirty or 'forty 'nglish reviews and magazines, it presents a more brilliant array of con- tributors than any single . magazine, American or English. My friend, look here! you know how weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Carter' Iron Pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about jt and buy her 5 box ? Municipg] ownership of automobiles doesn't seem to please New York tax- payers. <The seventy-four cars that the city provides for officials cost 180,000, annual cost of maintenance, $140.000, or nearly $1,900 each. A la order of Colgate's perfumes and toilet preparations arrived on Sa- turday direct fron New York, for Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Still, if all England were tied up 'by 'a railroad strike, the people would not have very far to walk. Color photography is never going to . {appeal very strongly to the man with the red nose, "The one day OGrippe Cure," Laxa- tivd-Bromo Quinine, is sold at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Take no other, A Chicago physician says early ris- ing is a mistake, Well, it is a mis- take very few of us make, For first-class storage on carriages, furhiture, ete., go to James Latur noy's Carriage Works, 390 Princess St. "Coleco Soap," one of Colgate's best soaps, fresh on Saturday, at, Gib- oy s Red Cross drug store. Phone Hotel clerks are green with envy since King , Edward got his $750,000 diamond. : A man seldom speaks lightly if he staps to weigh his words. : Sick Hair ec eas so ment for gour hair. Trust If sick hair only ached as sick teeth do, there would be few bald people in the world, be kind to your inaris "The Queen of Table Walters v3The more particular you are, the more you'll appreciate the excel lence of handsome ow Overcoats Come, see what $15, 18 or 20 will do here. Fall Suits are in action here these days. Never have more handsome styles been offered the trade. See Our $15 and $18 Lines. See Our Special $20 Blue or Black Suits Ready to try on, fin- ished to your order in two hours, : THE H. D. BIBBY GO. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS. SU % y A '¢onvenience much appreciated by every owner of a Pandora is the towel rod attached to the rarge. As one-third of the rod is made of emery, it makes a splendid knife sharpener, It'salways there handy for you. You need waste no time hunting around.for the easily misplaced|"steel." Bright idea, eh? . An accurate therimom- eter is a reliable guide to successful baking, while an inaccurate one is a *'Sheat" Gnd Every Pandora ther mometer is carefully ad- justed and undergoes a practical test by hcat--is proven correct before being sent out. The figures, which show the required degree of heat necessary for the successful baking of bread, cakes, pies, etc., are plainly inscribed in black on a white enamel surface, so that they are easily readable, even when the day is dull. If your local dealer does not sell the Pandera, write direct for free booklet. TORONTO, MONTREAL, 1] WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JOHN, N. B, HAMILTON LEMMON & SONS. HL LLLLLL L006 44000000008 ORANGES Sweet Mexican Oranges, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 cents per doxen | * Florida Oranges, 30, 40, 60 and 60 cents per dosen. GRAPE FRUIT. REES, 166 Prifcess Street I 120 BD OF 0 0 eo Fo RB le 0) to ee Re re TT 2 eR Re Fe ed ee Ty ey vl (2) 2a L 1 LEE FLY ANAN The perpetual ch of freshness and crisp: --of daintiness and clousness -- is in box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas --held captive bv air-tight, moisturo-p ackages. There P= in everything. Biscuits, it's Moon "No Streich --No Shrink The way Stanfi Underwear is, wher buy it--is the way it until you are ready tc wearing it. Stanfield's Unshrinkab Underwear can't shrink becau shrink is taken out < wool, | garment woven. natu "spring the woo vents st ing on shape, Stanfiel the U Beaver Flo "Makes More Bre 'Because it is made of the [Il . 'Wheat, Manitoba Pard and © 'Beaver Flour has "str S4akes up water readily--e dough * stands up * iu the 0 Beaver Flourbas "¥ Hvery good Bread, Pie and maker knows just what that Beaver Tliour R Bread, and yields Bread, Cake and Pastry to the Your first baking proves thi Dealers, write for prices on al of rse T. H. Taylor Co., You cannot ibly a better th 'A delicious drink and as food. Fragrant, nu bot This excell maintains the system i health, and. enables it winter's extreme ¢ COC 1d by Grecers and Sto Sold BX S710, and 3-1b FARMS WAI Jxperience, Absolute Reli: wood' 3 ment in values hal us an enviable reputation in Estate Business and put us ir = long list of prospective bu wish to place any Real Est market, you, will find it to J age to communicate with u at present a choice farm © acres, mear Kingston, also a farm with good buildings locality. '