Fr McKay Fur House, "OF PERFECTION (over) your life why not have the LEE is ------ Shnanshrasuaiaseve § eens ans shes $118,000,000.00. 000.00. Seen. senna satisfactory ry 00 J. HUTTON « Manager, Kingston District. | ALU JAY) MALT EXTR ~ Forsaleby H WADE, Kidg and Brock Sts, Kingston Druggist, cor. LI TV EN ACT Owing to the mild weather so far this fall we find ourselves somewhat éverstocked with Boys' Overcoats, and will, Friday and : Saturday only, give discount of - 38,000,000.00. represent Company as.Agent call in the arrangements + vp ras aw i. PLEASE NOTE: All Boys' and Children's ' Overcoats, Reefers, Etc. sale is for Two Days Only. Don't 'miss it. All goods marked in plain figures. vingsto n's. {about 6:20 p.m., on Monda 3 about two gitle <jasked them the men money show that one of the men had given obey, and a railway ticket. His wor- ship said that this should pot be sab. mitted just now, and Mr. Cunning ham consented to bring up the mat- ter later on. Questioned by Mr. Rigney, witness said that his home was in England, and that he had been working for Crawiord &' Walsh four weeks, "Have you omitted any part of your story ¥' asked Mr. Rigney. "I have told all," said the witness, "except ghout them sending my bro- ther away." "Did you ask for any inducement to lesive ¥* "No, I did not." Witness further stated that one of the men offered him $8 gand o rail way ticket to leave the city. ithess said that he had been living at 279 Bagot street, Witness said that he was in the company of his brother and brother inlaw, when the strikers stopped him. He was with them about half an hour, and one of the strikers threat- ened to strike him. "Were you afrnid ?"' asked Mr. Rig- ney. i "No; I could look after myself." Witness said that one of the strik- ors accused him of assaulting two girls, and further, stated that he had a warrant for his arrest. Witness and his brother met the acoused on Tues. day morning, at the Windsor hotel, He went there to see if they would stop interfering with him brother, in their work. i few easy dollars and transportation to Montreal *" real." Witness said that his brother was given $2, and consented to leave town, Witness and his brother-in-law went to the junction to see his brother off, and when there, the strikers affered witness and his brother-in-law $5 cach, if they would leave too. Samuel Litwin, brother-in-law of the previous witness, gave evidence. He said that Robinson took hold of his shoulder and told him if he did not leave town, he would kill him. The strikers also called him a "'scab." To Mr. Rigney, witness said that he had an appointment with the strik- ors, but did not keep it; g because of this, they threatened him and asked him to leave town, offering to pay his railway fare. He said that he could not leave, as he was married. "Were you frightened ¥"' asked Mr. v. en, 1 was," replied the 'witness; "but 1 would not have been frighten- ed if 1 had wot been married.' This statement caused the court to smile. "The responsibilities of married life made you mervous," said Mr. Rigmey, with a smile. i At this stage of the procecdings, Mr. Cunningham asked that the charge against the strikers be * amended, charging them with following the plaintill on Bagot street, in a disor derly manuer. The magistrate consented to the amendment, but Mr. Rigney announced that he would not plead to the charge as amended, unless he was given the section wnder which the amendment was made. This was ty," Nowth, Division street, one tailors, said that y, Novem- ber 25th, he had a conversation om Bagot street with Martin and Litwin, being insulted. We if they were the ghilty parties, and thev said that they were not. The conversation then went on about the strike, and Litwin asked to Preston Not of the striking be given S14, to leave for Montreal. Martin said that he was going to stay in the city, but that he was not go- ing to t the tailoring. Witness was not with Leader and Robinson when met Martin and Litwin. Witness * said ' that an appointment was made for Litwin to receive monet to leave town. Litwin appeared to be bell satisfied and | Shete was no ill ine batween anv t ries. William J. Robins hen Robinson, charged John Martin, y" Henxy Wilkinson, Bagot street, King- anplayed by vio] & Walsh, with a ston, and the m, Archibald P. in tion, was called. The charge : Christmas, of Montreal, son of Mr. ugninst the two men was that they 8s cross-examined by Mr. [and Mrs. T. H. Christmas, of that did, on November 25th, make threats and stated that there | city, of violence against Martin with the in- 'had no _arcangements made be The bride, who is one of the love tention of doing him bodily harm, |" other strikers to |liest girls in face and character, who and keeping him from his work. Both {meet Martin, Their meet- [has ever left her girlhood's home in entered a plea of "not guilty." T, J. jing accidental. Witness lour city, was given away by her ney appeared for the strikers, and | 30mitted Martin's brother 82 | orandiather, Mr. McKelvey. She wore A. B. Cunningham acted for the pro- ng ticket to leave town. beautiful wedding gown of white {but him the money, broidered net, over white satin. John Martin was called, and to Mr. | ¢ Litwin had asked him for it. | with empire back, en traine. A veil of am, ted that on Novem- (Martin was taken to the station in a {net was caught to the pretty dark ber 25th, he was ill and did not work : | hair with a crown eof orange blos- At six o'clock in the evening ns fy oomee Leader was next sworn. He soms, the shower bouquet was of withess was «cn Bagot street he said [oid of Jabingwn and himself meeting | white roses, and a lovely necklace of that Leader and ame to Two na Litwin on gol street. | psarls and olivines, the groom's gift, him. One of thin said to him. "You pointed 3 i pony Bo union, had Sas. clasped about the bride's slender fed insulted them. He asked them # | The home of the bride's mother was ei had insulted the girls. and they |peautifully decked, a bell of white he that they did not. Witness told | chrysanthemums being in the drawing- £ on that he and Robinson were [room and leadine to it an aisle, tai 2d tin, aid that Litwin {formed of white ribbons. Along this i IX to leave town lor |gyests made their way, amid palms (814. John Martin said he wanted and the fragrance of pink and Pa se x , but Mr Rig- | noy objected. Mr. Cunni said that he to show that gn at- | tempt had been made to give one of igi aud his { Kingston, "Did you not go there to make o [other men if they could go to work | "No; 1 did not want to go to Mont- | found the accused guilty, whereupon, called. [Ter's high-class candy bri pou as | I ngs ¥ asked A very quiet wedding cetémony was asked | solemnized, on Thursday morning, by » Rev. G. R. Ber:ish, of St. Thomas' were made," was the oj, ch "Bellevilie, a close friend of the bride's family for many years. e bride was Miss Gertrude Annie Wilkin- son, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. { York, but would stay in |carnations, to congratulate the happy a while. | pair. J : ugham, witness after- | The 'matron of honor, Mrs. Charles that Martin had not |NcDunough, of Ottawa, the bride's out to him, but that the |cister, wore white chiffon ninon. over him that Martin was | white satin, the skirt softly draped, {and the bodice much enriched with Mr. » in summing up, said | of ni p _-- ictus oid puck g , {of pink roses, and a bar brooch that there had been no evidence sub- | gol. with amethysts pendant, Hons mitted to show that threats had been | made A it. completed the charming costume. yan Mastin had feaye hoon open | Miss May Smythe, the bride's cou- conference wit he strikers, and {gin and her maid, wore the pale blue that he was the one who | which is always so becomin " the | $ ys g to her attied on all the Begotiabions, . {The material was the softest of. chif- . Sutnitghau held hp oh VI | fon ninon, over blue taffeta, her hat Sense wet tabla The he lo ge was pale hlue, her bouquet pink roses, 3 r Ti 18) h a e ev ig 4 {and her gift from the groom. a gold | Maxtin. and twin had been given land amethvsy bar. The groomsman, a pa rward manner. 4 {| Alexander Christmas, veceived from his . agistrate Farrell said that in tak-ip other a pearl scarf pin. Miss Rea- ing evidence i the case, a great deal | {rice Birch, who played nuptial music Sorendel Spon eredit placed POR | during the service, and the Mendels- - evidence i # witnesses. The EVI sohi®march at its close, received from dence given hy Martin and Litwin had | (je groom a gold brooch, set with impressed him ae that given by trath- | olivines ' {ful men, as ¥ had given it in a! Mrs Wilkinson, the bride's mother |straightiorward manner, and had! ore a handsome dress of champagne f stood by their story, when under skil- | voile, over taffeta of the same shade {fal cross-examnation. As to the VI: with lace trimmings. and Mrs. Christ. {dence of the witnesses for the defence, | ae mother of the groom, wore ihe would say that it was conflicting. | black sequined net on silk , {1 there was a strike, the men who |plack hat with plumes : . were out had the right to band them- | Among the ptr nests 'were | selves together and stand out for cer- {Mr and Mrs. A. F. Bishop. of Ot- | tain principles. « They also had the | (ayn, the latter wearing a tan and {right to talk and argue with those Mexican blue cloth gown, with black {who would not go out on strike, but hat. Mrs, F. McKelvey Bell on | they had no right to hold a pistol | white lace over pale blue, with nal =, ad of ie iaiyy | blue and ermine hat. The only other Toe ae IUEIR ht ry ts were close relations and friends in town. At the breakfast the guests {demand the pther men to do as they | oe ted g y f tid. And this was what the strikers a at quartetie tables, Mr, i i : Beamish bei e 2's had been doing in this case. They! yng oing al the bride S table, h J and proposing the only toast, had practically told the two men that' «+ id : x cof the bride, to which the young they must not earn their bread in bridegroom most felicitously res y They had taken the posi- 8 lenciously: respone. {tion of authority, aud would tell the Mg, and Mrs. Christmas left for Washington and other cities across the border, by the noon train, Mrs, Christmas wearing a smart tailored suit of navy blue cloth, with pleated skirt and tight-fitting single-breasted ed to go on suspended sbntence. aso | coat. Her hat was of navy blue felt, violence had been committed. He 0 0 0 with wings of Merican blue. thought that by taking such action. | "zie Deatri . 3 se | ice Birch caught the bride's the ends of justice would be as well {bouquet and with it the same jor not. The magistrate then said that he Mr. Rigney asked that they be allow- pros- oll . {pect of future happiness that their "For such an offence as this the |; 40 predict for the young bride law provides 4 severe punishment, and justly, too." remarked the court. "I have not the least doubt in my mind as to what has taken place, and the bride's presents, which are can see no reason why I should al- {1 vale indeed. low the men to go on suspended sen- | tence. 1 sen no reason why the maxi- | mum fine should not be imposed." i § His worship then asked Robinson and Leader to stend up, and he then Wedding gifts of silver are always appropriate, and full imposed a fine of 8100 on each, with the option of one month in jail. or partial sets can be had as desired. The fines were not paid directly af- | ter the court adjourned, but security WE CARRY CHOICE DESIGNS. was given and it was expected that Our quality is right. Our the $200 would be handed over dur- ing the afternoon, prices will appeal to you at onoe. |and groom of to-day. Mrs. Wilkinson has asked a fow old {friends to tea, this afternoon, to see very The Items Gathered About the Harbour. The schooner Tradewind passed down yesterday on her way from Deseronto ito Gananoque, wiwa a cargo of slabs. | The stcambarge Navajo is expected 'at Richardson's to-morrow from Mon- trea), with freight. This will pro- {bably be ber last trip of the season. | Swift's: Steamer Bickerdike, due | to-day from the-east; steamer Aletha, ! from bay points; schooner Lizzie Metz- | ner, cleared for Brockville to unload | the balance of her per of canned | ls, from South Fe She M. T,. Co. has now only one steamer, the Advance, to .arrive with grain from Fort William. The vessel is due here early next week, and this will be the wind up. Last year the ' last trip of the season was made by Issuer of Marriage the steamers Westmount Fair Li mount, which . arrived on Sth. loenses. This year the closing may possibly be | a little earlier, but not much earlier, | SHPPSPOOLIIINLOOLOP OBS HEE Retish Your Fuaiae ' Spangenberg ~EWELLER war: but hit! the Home of Her Grandfather them tickets. Ex-Mayor McKelvey, Bagot vin would want Street. HOSIERY FOR ALL Fridayand Saturday. Has the wecther caught you unprepared with warm Stockings? We can help. you as 'we have an unusually complete list of really comfortable Hosiery of the better sort, at prices you will find same as for the past two years. We bought our present stock nearly 18 months ago and you reap the benefit of this. Ladies' Winter Cashmere Stockings, soft and warm, special at 25¢, sizes 81, 9, 94, 10 inch. Ladies' Imported Cashmere Stockings, 2 par- ticularly good makes, at 35¢c and 40c, all sizes, plain or in fine ribbed. Ladies' "Lama" Cashmere Stockings. This well known brand needs no introdnction to those who have once worn them, as they are considered very comfortable and warm, 40c and 50c, Ladies' Tan Cashmere Stockings, also in the following shades of Cashmere, white, cardinal, navy. Children's Cashmere Stockings, in plain or rib- bed, 6 qualities to choose from, every size in each make. Fancy Wools In a great variety of shades. all purposes. Wools for Berlin Wools, single or double. Shetland Wools, in all wanted shades. Germantown Wools, most popular shades. Ice Wools. Angora Wools, in white or grey. Knitting Yarns Beehive Yarns, in black, white, navy, brown, cardinal, pink, blue and 10 shailes of grey and fawn. UNBREAKABLE YARNS. The genuine article, with each hank ticketed by the maker. Watch for this. Black, white, red and all shades of grey. Ai ft. £ ALL KINDS FOR ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE x The SS. Nidland King, one of the and Woodwork largest steel boats afloat in the Cana- YOU CAN EASILY MAKE IT LOOK | dian fleet, has arrived at Port Stan- i with 135,000 bushels of wheat. Thirty-five thousand bushels were con- signed to the John Campbell Milling Co., St. Thomas, and the balance for LIKE NEW. Stylish and in harmony | feet long, was built on' the Clyde, ith Your other furnishings. i nsgow, Scotland, and is owned by| First remove all the old varnish with Sollingw Nivigati eo | te Cligeacd Noigsion covers: | Trabk® Off Kingston. The Midland King is 400 The bottom layer of a box of Huy- | Stain | | ure as the top ove. Sold! With any desired 1 i lin Ki only at Gibson's Red | Mission, Forest Groen, or Mahogany i | Cross drug 'store. janis ith i OM ot ohusons 5 The many friends of George S. Old! Aok for Bik Se & otf ; n wit y to i on proper treatment - he is ill at his West - > Th ele SET LW, A, Mitchell, Hardware Lots of Winter Goods Children's Wool Lined Rubbers and Long Rubber Boots. Children's Waterproof 3-Buckle Ovarshoes and Storm Rubbers. Children's Rubber Overshoes with Stock- ings attached. Children's Corduroy, Felt and Jersey Cloth Leggings. Babies' White, Blue, Red and Black Leg- gings. All kinds of Winter Goods at Gbe Toockett Shoe Store. YEAR 74--NO. CORTEL} That the ( Announcement TI One Year Tr Not - Washington, Nov. 20.8 Cortelyou's announcement th ther subscriptions to the « treasury certificates would not ceived is regarded here, as in that the secretary considers t in the money market is pr over. Official figures have n as yet, made public of the av the certificates allotted, nor been said whether further a will be made for subscriptions received. The amount of th ments made, however, is said about $35,000,000, and this ably the limit. PRICES But {4mount of Montreal, Nov. 29.--The « son of Canada for 1907 has extraordinary one. in more respect; "While the was not equal to that of years, fairly high prices throughout the entire seas have resulted in a very fair the farmers. The high price early part of the year resul large percentage of the especially in Fastern Canads to cheese instead of butter. production of cheese, hows make Campbell Bros'. For the newest and nobb in gmen's hats, = See Waldron's coat sale ment, one-hali price, Chance for boys. advt. Try Bibby's 5c. flannel sk See Li DAILY MEMORAN You get Best quality, best style, best In fine Furs, at Campbell B Civic Finance Committee, 8 Wonderland Theatre, after evening. : Read WaNron's Coat Sale Price. Studia of Mrs, Compton, Be open on Saturday. Matinee, Grand Opera H p.m. Saturday, "The Dutohune moon." To-morrow, St. Andrew's D services and intercession mm Churches. Bijou Theatre--Drama of the jan Period "A Little Hero; 'A Twin Brother's Joke. Anniversary Tea and Conc Street Methodist Church, Mo 9nd. Admission, 25¢c. Tea fre 8 p.m. This day in history 1e-Cardi Bied, 1530 Canadian Contin ed Cape Town, 1899; Ho Brown, born 1818. At The Princess-- 'Mrs. Boarding School," a Comedy healthy laugh in every Scenes special request, "My Dear -- WHIG TELEFHON 248--Business Office. 239--Editorial Roo 292--J) obbing t Legal Forme, all kinds, at The Daily is always Gibson's Drug ore, Mark Open till late each evening. ---------------- Turkey and G Setts Just opened some Ver DOULTON SETS, and ¥ cheap from $3.50 to $1. Quaint od odd shapes 8 designs. A very appropr ent at this time of the See Them At Robertson B AT BARGA oRE HEATER! Hall Heat "hirty 'Square J sound. toves, also & lot of Sheet Stoves. All .thoss must that wish month. Those ig come avd eee them. TURK'S Second ne Princess St. Teleph ms FOR SAI Ohoice Brick Residence, all improvements. grand lo Double ' Stone Dwelling bath, gas, otc. Frame Dwelling, Albert shed, large lot and many ¢ SWIFT'S Real Estate ¢ Agency,