ha COVERE . Vegetable Compound, the nedy for Woman's llis. <q world has received such widespread and scord of cures of female troubles or such ; Vegetable Compound. ns of Female Complaints, Inflammation and , and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is he and Local Weaknesses, than any other s almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves development. jods, Weakness of the Stomach, Tdigestion. he, General Debility quickly yield to it it and backache, instantly relieved and all circumstances it invigorates the female wn feeling, extreme lassitude, *"don't-care " itability, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, lancholy or the "blues" and headache. akness, or some derangement of the organs hronic Kidney Complaints and Backache, ures. pt anything else are rewarded a hundred they 'want--a cure. Sold by Druggists RRR RRRRRRERRRREIR BE poting orn Some doing it. We want to « and boy in town. al Overcoat, in black and grey vicuna, and Blue Suits, at $18 and $20? Suits, single and double breasted You haven't ! Gloves, Noecksearfs and Christmas BIBBY CO. LE CLOTHIERS. SERRA RRR RRR ERR ~The Kind That's Selling For Christmas Buy early. Last year we were G le over sold in our special lines of Fancy Morris Chairs, Parlor Chairs. Children's 3-piece Toy Setts, 2 Chairs, 1 Table. So kindly place your orders early, as we will store your pur- Fancy and Jas. Reid. -- Real Food Value Though mistaken zeal sometimes classes beer*with the intoxicants, common sense and medical know- ledge will teach you its real ; worth as an item of daily diet. For beer is four times as rich in food elements as potatoes, nearly as rich as fresh wheat b , and its proteids (body - builders) reach the stomach in the form easiest digested. The very small proportion of alcohol in Ontario beers helps the other food to di- gest quickly and easily. Quit thinking of beer as an in- toxicant--learn how valuable it is for people with weak stomachs or slack digestions. BERL 1a term which covers _------_ EE BULLETIN IV ol OUT OF WISCONSIN. ' Insurance Companies Not Willing Malt Beverages Have HANDSOME DIAMOND RINGS like to possess » have provided this Christmas, as fine an assort- sas ever shown. advertise a beauti- al the very* moderate price of $25.00. Our v of quality is in If you have « pe r s { We gi you amy pati or setting you desire Kinnear & d'Esterre, 100 Princess St. OPEN EVENINGS. ALL THEWHEAT That's Good To Eat. Deaver Flour contains ALL the nutri. the gluten, protein, tion the wheat kernel. Beaver Flour is a blend of Masiobe Speiny Wheat op makes Cake, Pastry and Bread that delight the eye and please the taste--ako true foods in every way. No bleaching process required with the grade of wheat we we. Al your groer's. / Delors, write for prices on afl kinds of Feeds, Coarse Grams and Cereal. T. H. Tayler Go, Limued, Chatham. FY -- ------------ rn e You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than EPPS' A delicions drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa aintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCOA Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers in 1-Ib. and }-Ib Tins. ee -------- DOES THIS INTEREST YOu? A prominent sician, famous for his er in iment of kid- ney and bladder diseases, attributes a t deal of his success to the follow- ing simple vegetable prescription =-- One ounce Fluid Extract Dande- lion ; One ounce Compound Salatones Four ounces Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla ; Mix, shake weil, spoonful doses after cach ms again at bedtime. : cur druggist can supply the ingre- dicots, and the mixture can he pre- pared at home at very little expense. Th's, the doctor says, acts directly sisting them to fil a the-blood and at the same healthy, and take in tea- eal and on the kidneys, as ter the poisons in expel s 'me in the urine, time restoring the kidneys to normal action. We feel that a great manv readers ¢ will be pleased to learn of this simple proscription, and knowing the ability of hic physician whose formals it is, wo do not hesitate 10 recommend it to any sufferer. : » GIVES STATISTICS OF VE STOCK AND CROPS For Ontario For Current Year-- of Industries--Schedules Were Sent Through Post Office. Ottawa, Dec. 3. census and stati ics office, gives the! the compilation was made by the | bureau of industries. Compared with the census tables of 1901. for farm areas of five acres and over, the area of cleared or improved | land, in 1907, is 14,123 742 against | 13,203313 in 1901, an increase of | 900429 acres. The area of land in| all crops is 9,769.72, against 197.716; an increase of 367,008 acres And the area in orchard and vine-| yard is 326,200, against 261930; an | increase of 64,360 acres in six years. | The most notideable feature in the] comparison. of the harvests of 1900 | and 1907 is the large decrease in areas and production of fall wheat and spring wheat, which is no doubt a consequence of the larger and] cheaper production of these grains in| our North-West provinces. Oats, bar) ley, mixed grains, field roots. hay and clover, and corn for forage, ! which are fodder crops, show import-| ant iucreases of arcas, but owing sto | severe drought in some parts of the province, this year, there was a com-'| parative shortage of yield. There are dec s of both area and yield for | fall wheat, spring wheat, rve and] peas, and a decrease of vield for oats | and corn in ear. Comparing average | vield per acre there is an increase of 3.3 bushels for fall wheat; of 0.9 fo barley: of 2.2 for rye; of O.8 for bud and of 2.1 ri wheat; of 2.3 for peas, tons for forage corn, in 1907, over 1900: and a decrease of 4.1 bushels | for oats: of 9.1 for corn in ear, and of 1.6 for beans in the same years The 1901 census was taken at the | end of March, after the stock of 1900 | reduced by sale and slaugh- | 1907 had heer ter, whereas the census of gives figures for additions by natural increase. comparison by difference, there- does not exactly indicate the fore, growth of live stock on farms in period, and it is probable that number of sheep has largely decreased, the In the cases of horses and milch cows the comparison, by difference, is affected only in a small degree by « sales in the spring of the year, but in the case of other cattle, hogs and poultry numbers must be affected to a considerable extent by sales on one side and natural increase on the other. A Provincial Report. { Toronto, Dec. 2 --The [November crop bulletin has been issued by the! government and shows a falling off in yield in ny grains. Fall wheat yielded 15.545.491 bushels as compar- ed with 18,341,174 in 1906; spring wheat, 2 B57 against © ovals, N barley, . a rye, 1,08 bh against tatoes, 20 907 8303 aguninet The acreage of new fall wheat will somewhat increased in the Lake Erie and Georgian Day districts, will be about the usual extent in oth- er parts of the province. Seeding was done a little later than usual. Dealing with the labor situation the | report says that there is a complaint of scarcity of men of the right quali- ty. A number of correspondents gest a fall in the price of farm labor in sympathy with the dullness now begimning to effect some of the farm localities. be sug "NOT GUILTY." Verdict in the Brown Murder Case at Washington. Washington, D.C., Dec. 3 ~ After be- ing out since 4.15 p.m yesterday, in the cuse of Mrs. Annie M. Bradley, on trial for the murder of Senator Brown, of Utah, the jury returned a lict of "mot guilty," at10.07 clock this morning. Accused Of Blackmail. Ottawa, Dec. 3.--John R. Labatt, | Ottawa, manager of the Labatt Brew- ing company, was arrested, late last night, on a charge of blackmail. La- | batt appeared in court, this morning, charged with having sent an anony- | mous threatening letter to Hon. H. R. | Fmmerson, last July, demanding $1,-| 500 on threat of exposing hini in con- nection with some scandalous affairs. Several other leading people, it is alleged, received similar Jetters for months private and government de fectives have been on the hunt for the writer. The arrest of Labatt caused a great sensation as he was considered a young man of highest character.. The Honors Determined. Chicago, Dec. 3.~The Iowa Agricul- turai College, it is announced, carried off most of the honors in the student Saturday: bronze trophy for horse judging. and Ontario that for judging cattle. sheep and swine. Both of these schools, by virtue of previous victories, are now permanent possessors of the handsome statuettes Killed And Burned. Salem, Oregon, Dec. 3.--The bodies of Mrs. Castel, her daughter, aged twenty-four, her son, aged fifteen, und a man named Montgomery, aged fifty foreman of the ranch, were found in the burned ruins of their home near Macleay, yesterday They probably had been kitled hy robbers: A Canadian Selected. Detroit, Mich., Dec. 3.--Rev. Jobn A Roberts, a graduate of MeMaster Col Tege, Toronto, who entered the minis- the age of twenty-four, and ] try at pasioraies at Lindsay who has bad jand Port Arthiir, Ont, has been pointed Baptist state minister, appointment takes effect on June Ist seems --~Bulletin IV of the | ford. k- | Aoki, {ed on the president and Secretary of State Root, yesterday, and presented this letters of recall. { The win H but | was in the centre of the stage at the parks' enquiry, | Judge Winchester misstoner John Chambers was forgot- | {stated he indging contest, held on Ontario comes second and Missouri | third. The Jlowa school retained the THE DAILY mss to Pay lax. Milwaukee, Wis, Dec. 3.--The retire- ment from Wisconsin of practically all life insurance companies The announcement, yesterday, that the Germania would Compilation Made By Bureau Sithidyaw from the state was follow: Aodaz, bys similar announce- ment by J. S. Morris, general agent of the Phoenix Mutual Life of Hart- admit Several other agents that results of a census 'of live stock and | their home offices have advised them field crops for the province of On- lof intention to leave, but say that tario for the current vear. The sche- they have not received the final or dules for statistics were distributed | ders to pack up. and received through the post office, | by the census and statistics office, and | PRESENTED LETTER | Said Viscount Has Been Recalled to Japan. It was re i| Washington, D.C., Dec. 3 { ported, this morning, that Viscount | the Japanese ambassador, call- MAYORS FOR TOWNS. 6 Municipal Nominations in Saska- tachewan and Alberta. Winnipeg, Dec. 3.--The following the summer season, and in- nominations for mayor were made to- | day m Saskatchewan and Alberta owns and cities : Indian Head--D. Railton, rural reeve, the | acclamation. Indian Head--T. F. Donnelly. Atameda--H. A. Cook, Carlyle--G. Riddell. Carndufi---l. H. Elliott, R. H. Gor lon. Saskatoon--James E. Wilson. Moose Jaw--R. Bogue. Regina--J. W. South, W. D. Cowan. Medicine Hat--W. Cousins. Prince Albert--Mayor Cook. Oxbow--J. H Hanley--D. C. Mclean, L. bell, Thomas Laurence. Calgary--Mayor Cameron Clarke. Estevan--J. G. A. Smith, Camp and Ald, Hastings and Joseph PAID EXTRA MONEY. Cash Was Turned Over to Carter. 3 ~Superintendent Ed- of the Riverdale park, Toronto, Dee Carter, this morning, before The name of Com- told ten for the meantime. Anderson of extra mouey being put in Nis pay envelope, which extra money he turned had to Carter, who always had told him previously to the men being paid that the extra amounts would he there. On one occasion the reason advanced on the pay sheet for the extra money was for work with a and waggon, but had never performed any work like that. 'Anderson, employed at the park for of time, told also of building mater | being taken from the park anc ial placed in the house of a man name over horse Barrett, who was the keeper of the animals Good Municipal Returns. Berlin, Ont., "Dec. 3.--~The Berlin} street railway commission reported a net profit of £4,140 on the first seven months during which the line has been owned and operated by the municipal itv. The waterworks, also owned by the municipality, shows a profit for the year of $14,000. Berlin also owns its light and power plant, which re-| turns this year a profit to the citizens of 8.760. Berlin and satisfactory services, with a profit to the people of $21,800, allowance should for net be made and | months' prospective returns from the street railway, in addition. Attempted Wife Murder. Daysland, Alta., Dec. 3.--A home- stéader named Charles Sanderlin, from near . here, is under arrest at Fort | Saskatchewan, charged with attempt- ing to murder his wife. He ejected her from his house in the bitter cold, scantily clad, and, when his brother |afiorded her shelter in his shack San- { derlin went there through the door. City's Share Of Liquor Money. The city's share of the local liquor license fees has now been all paid into the city treasurer's department amount for this year is 38, Last year the city received $9. buty three licenses have been cut off sinte then. . Took Poison In Mistake. Chatham, Omt., Dee bottle of carholic Mrs late = Peter Fox. death yesterday met to a stroke of apoplexy. Killed On The Railroad. Toronto, Dec. 3.--Hiram Perrin, ol this city, a Pere Marquette brakeman {was caught between an engine and a an- freight car at Blenheim, this moming, The (and instantly killed. The unfortunate {man's family live near Tilsonburg. | lawyer, of Williamstown, died on Mon- Noble, R. H. Granby. | Anderson | considerable length | has enjoyed che: has. onjoye gp night. The opposing aldermen endeav- | and | to | five and | fired at her | The 04.72, 3. --~Mistaking a | id for cascara, | Julia Verlvn Fox, relict of the an untoward She was seventy-two vears of age and for a year and a half had been a helpless invalid, due BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NEWS OF THE The Allan liner Numidian from Glas gow arrived at Halifax, this morning with twenty-eight second and 100 st passengers. At Claditostok the court martial trying the men who participated in the recent mutinies, sentenced twendy- one men to death. Four hundred and Gity Bulgarians are living in a group of houses om Eastern avenue, Toronto, dependent upon public charity. Jake Schaefer retains his title as champion at 18-ingh balk billiards, one shot' in, by defeating George Sutton, at Chicago , 300 to 456. ! Thomas Longboat, the Indian rum- ner, has askal Toronto council to ex- {pend the 8500 voted for his education 'in building & home for his mother. | James*U Brown, a well-known | day, after three days' illuess. Deceas- of was about thirty-five years of age. | A $10,000 fire occurred, Tuesday, in a taunery and leather store, St. | Valiere street, Quebec. The firemen {had to work hard to couline it to one building. | At "Rarierabe the death :semtence { passed upon Karl Hau for the murder lof his mother-in-law, Frau Molitor, has been commuted to life imprison ment. | Failures of conductors to properly ring up cash fares collected from pas- |sengers, costs the Brooklyn Rapid Transit company at least $1,000 a day. A committee of the Toronto Minis | terial Association will ask the domin- ion government to revise the laws re garding gambling, so as to prevent | betting on race tracks Hon. Dr. Reaume, minister of public {works, has sufficiently recovered from {his recent operation as to be able to {resume his duties. He was at the | parliament building this morning. |. W. J. Ferguson, a prominent farm er, living about two miled from Shel burne, Ont., was accidentally drown: ed, on Tuesday morning, in a well Just how the accident occurred is a mystery as no one saw it | A despatch from Cour Dalene city {says it is weported that the swall steamer Defender was wrecked in Cour Dalene lake, on Monday night, and | that fifteen persops were drowned. | One man was killed, another was |seriously injured, and three firemen | were overcome by back drafts in a fire which caused a loss of $15,008 at { 10 Bieeker street, New York, early on | Tuesday morning. Ervin Fosigr, a, vetived merchant, was overcome onthe street at Lon- {don, Ont, and when taken to the hos- | pital was found te: be sufiering from strychnine poisoning. He is in a ori tical condition Hon. Patrick Grifin, Utica, N.Y. { formerly overseer of the poor, member city treasurer, and at of assembly, the time of his death deputy collector}, {of internal revenue, died Monday night, / {Only Two of Survey Party Escare |after a week's illness, aged seventy. { one years, The provincial treasurer has receiv. ed a cheque for $394,742.40, from the | Dominion government as the first pay | ment of the provincial subsidy uncer the new act. The total subsidy which the province will receive is $2,128. TT2.08, as compared = with #1339. | WTR, | Proceedings have been taken in Mon-| treal seeking the removal of Mayor | | Ekers from office for the purchase of | la smoke stack for the water works {when it was urgently needed at a} {time when the city was threatened | | with a water famine. Hamilton brewers, who agreed to |increase the price of beer to the hotel {men from $6 to $8 a barrel, have] the price back to ¥6 a bar reason for the decrease is {dropped rel. The hat the hotel men are getting to | gother and starting a brewery of their own | | The Aldermen Defeated. | : Windsor, Ont, Dec. B--The last i stand of the four aldermen, who have been fighting the by-law passed by the city council by pany is assured of no attempt at the expropriation being made by the city sideration of the reduction of rates | one thousand cubic feet is reached three years hence, ended in defeat last | oved to have the measure referred | the city solicitor, to pass upon its | legality, but failed. | | Petty Pilfering. For some time past, petty pilfering has been going on in the local domes tic science school. There are 300 pu- | con- | "These articles are | pile. and each has a little bag taining utensils. | constantly disappearing from the | bags. The superintendent bas not vet {solved the mystery. It may yet be {solved in the police court. | { Aylesworth Improving. i Ottawa, Dec. 3.--Hon. A, B. Ayles- {worth states that he expects to be iback in the capital next week, ready ltor the work of the session. His general health is first-class and he | has been greatly encouraged by the {improvement in his hearing, which has | lalready taken place under the present treatment. { Refused A Judgeship. | Moosomin, Sask., Dec. 3.--E. A C {MeLorg, a well-known barrister, has announced that he will not be able to accept the position as district court indge at Saskatoon, to which he was recently appointed. His reasons for resigning are purely personal and pri- | vate, his present state of health not { being of the best. il | For the first time cipal election in Brockville, m opposi- tion candidates. | the which the gas com-| by the company until a rate of $1 per | an independent ticket will be rfl in the coming mupi- | to the conservative apd liberal | DECEMBER 3, 1907. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Some of the Salient Points Found in it. i Dec. 3-<The following are some of the salient points in the' president's message, which was deliv. ered to congress vi ocean mail service should cor. respond more closely with our recent commercial and political development; we should also provide for four bat- Apollina "The Queen of Table Waters" tleships. The need for lecting large cam- . paign funds would vanish if cong rem provided an appropriation for the/| ---- proper and legitimate expenses of each of three great national parties. Both an income 'tax and an inberit- ance tax should be part of our sys- tem of our federal taxation. Col should consider the exten: sion the eight hour law. We need a greater elasticity in our currency, provided that we ire the ever great need of a safe and se- cure currency. The anti-trust law should not be repealed, but it should be made more efficient. There should be no tariff on any forest product grown in this country, and especially there should be no ta: rif on wood pulp. There should be additional legisla- tion looking to the proper control of the great business conderns engaged in interstate business, swindling in stocks, corrupting legislators, making fortunes by the inflation of securities, | by wrecking railways, by decoying competition, through rebates, are far more infamous than any form of embezzlement or forgery. Our great river systems should be developed and a bational waterway | created. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. se -- Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters un Their Rounds. Picture frames cheap at Weese's. Rev. Dr. Mackie was in Harrow ~day. . A. Madill, left to-day, for Toronto, where she will in future re side. Daniel Egan, tobacconist, is confin- ed to his home for a few days through illness, George R. McPhail, Montreal, was here, today, on his way to Water town, where he will visit friends Miss Reazin, of Dr. Barnardo's Home, Peterboro, was in the city, to- day, in the interests of that institu tion "Man on the Box," at the Grad, tein evening, arrived from the east at nour | to-day. { The Kingston and Pembroke rail way brought seventy-five passengers | to the city, today, from Sharbot Lake, and way points, Michael Lawless, wine clerk at the Windsor Hotel, has purchased a fine runner. The new addition is a thor oughbred animal and one that has ull kinds of speed, The traffic to the old country has become so heavy, that the U. P. R. has decided to place another steamer on the route this month, to sail from West St. John, for London, Eng., on December llth. SIX MEN DROWNED. Death. Vancouver, BC., Dee. boiling waters of one of the rapids of the upper Fraser river, dashed over falls against the knifedike edges protruding rocks, until nerves and failing niade him resign himself to death clinging all the while to a fellow-wood- man, whose arms were locked about him in life's last clasp, were a few the experiences of H. summer in the wilds of interior ish Columbia. story he six and considers a miracle. men were drowned his partner, it was, Laughlin Indian are not known to Mr. Mcl aughlin They were all employed by the Grand | Trunk Pacific railway company in sur vev work, and were on their way west | I at the time of the catastrophe. CHARGED WITH THEFT Is Accused of coat. Acting Detective James Bateson anc during the next fifteen years, in con | Constable Timmerman, this afternoon, the name of | arrested a man giving theft. He is accused of steaiing an " Nn overcoat, the property of F. G. Arm- fs A strong, photogravher. About ten TRADE MARK A o'clock this mormng, Mr. Armstrong | missed his coat, from his parlors, and | \ . y | he at once notified the police The | ; nN | prisoner had on the coat alleged to | IMPERIAL | belong to Mr. Armstrong, and was ® , | walking along Princess street, near Made from fine All Wool { Clergy, when the offers took him in Cashmere Yarn. | charge. The case will be heard to- Women's Over-Gaiters, at 35e., Morrow morning. Guaranteed 50c., 75¢c. and $1. Shannonhouse is A stranger to the Women's Leggins, $1 and $1.25. | been living here police court, on Monday, charged with drunkenness. Considerable interest centred Brockville over the failure of A. W Grant, the Montréal cheese exporter. known only two large So far as is combinations in the Brockville sec | --_-- | | tion were stung, one ropresented (;_| Herpicide is Death to Dandruff | J. B. Wilson for $2,200, and the oth-| Germ. fer by John A. Webster for $1600.| The germ burrows into the scalp; These amounts are distributed be | throwing the cuticle in thim scales, tween the patrons of eighteen and | culled rE or 'sour, and digging twen® factories, and represent the! 44 the root of the hajr where it saps sales of one week. Another step towards Renfrew's new | hinir, then lusterless and dead-like hair post office was taken last week. A. A Wright, M.P., received from Ottawa, a sketch glan of the now building. The | dandruff. Without dandruff, hair will buildfng will be three storeys high, | grow luxuriantly, as nature intended. with basement of forty-two feet front age. and aMogether likely Renfrew stone. River pirates, it is said, dre operat-| man. Sold by leading druggists. Send Lawrence near summer coftage wae plundered of $1,000 worth of goods. | 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special If your tubs and pails fall to pieces | agent. when not in use, try an inside coating | ling along' the St. Brockville. of glveerine. -- | from Kemptville to South Indien. ordinary The company that will present the | 3. ~Upset in of his tortured strength almost of McLaughlin, a timber cruiser, just returned after a} Brit. That he is alive to tell As | John | Evans, wefe the only survivors out of | a party of seven white men and. one The names of all those lost Stealing An Over- William Shannonhouse, on a charge of police, although he says that he has He appeared in the! at built of | Jeaving the hair to grow unbampered. It is proposed to huild a railway Have You Got Your Winter Coat? If not you cannot secure it too soon. At present our stock is well assorted and have all sizes. See the Pretty Black Beaver and Kerdey Coats we are showing, at $6, $7.50, $9 up to $16.50. gd See the Fine Brown y ra and Navy Beaver Coats, at $10. Ao See the Fancy Tweed Coats, at $6, $7.50, $0 up to $15. TE A great variety of Children's and fieses Coats, from $1.50 ur to $7.50. SPENCE'S, The Leading Millinery and Mantle Store, 119 Princess St. 3 St ae itt ran | i o judge keenly and quickly, to discriminate at a glance between good things and bad-- that is what most men who receive 8 your letters have been trained to do. | BRITISH WHIG PRINTING used for your letterhead or eatalogue--or anything elso--will at once impress these men 'favorably, while ordinary printing might have scarce gained attention. It is not exaggeration to say that the success of your letters often depends upon the" printing of your stationery. That's one ' reason ° | Whig printing is popular among those "who know." : \ : i: : ya ® : Xian «CI is 'best for any purpose. We have abso- lutely no competition as to quality. Our | trade has trebled in the last few years. If you are not quite satisfied with the Oil vou are using, try a sample of our BEST from the car justin. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock St Women's Overgaiters MADE IN KINGSTON '|§ Imperial Crown Brand Men's Half Hose nshrinkable u Women's Leggins, 75c., 85¢., $1. Girls' Cloth and Corduroy Lee- 5 Ask yoru dealer for them. }( gins, 85¢ PIPPI IIINIIIINIING | ile' Leather Leggins, $1.50. H. JENNINGS, KING ST "= TEwTNG] vipminncad the hair's vitality. First comes brittle « | then falli tenths of hair troubles are caused hy . We have an stenographer and typist an we are prepared to do strictly first class copying ofall 3 Headquarters for "Tyvewsi crs, Repairs and Supplies 5. J. R. C. Dobbs &C 171 Wellington - | "'Herpicide" kills the dandruff germ { as it does with the American red i 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, If a man wants to convince his wife that he is a genius he must do it dur ing courtship.